1 The Centre Democvad, CHAS. R. KURTZ ED. & PROP TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION « Regular 'vice If paid in ADVANCE $1.50 per year $1.00 CLUB RATES: Tue CENTRE DEMOCRAT one year | fap $1 7F and Sim week World one year for 1.00 Tam Orv {for $1.45 DEMOCRAT one your and Phila, Weekly T° 1 8 One your EDITORIAL. WHEN thiey county jail, tl NOMINAT the next o politician WHEN next gress meets the demo crals can sit dle. AT pr candidates in t 1 wd laugh county. Tug show position, the fore ity, on been think empire was thrown, ow of Christian fmability these out: POLITICAL! county until Jud After that the po pre On clerk in Zelle Saturday by some one knocking This was when he arose he | some one in the spoke but when no reply let a shot ge » yer art ool repeated tering of down next mornis fractur glass window and the hole in the showed The chap on where the bullet had struck. cated man an and was trying to and wait on him Important Matter The cold wave the That means warm and heavier Where will you get that Philad is stocked up in proud of the fis you, are sur thermometer will clothing them. Remember Branch, as usual, They line they can lowins are show 1 and they can uot on juote you a sstable price Remember Lewins cloth ing house when you are in thing io that need of any line Katherine Loughery On Saturday, Katherine Bellefont cemetery, home of eounty, ou the 14th, due to ¢ onsumption Loughery and in red in olored the alr Her death ocet her parents at Olivia, Bl Her age was 21 years. She was a daugh. | ter of ldward Loughery, formerly of Blanchard, Winter Excursion On November 1, the Pennsylvania rail road company placed ou sale at its prin eipal ticket offices excursion tickets to all | peominent winter resorts in New Jersey, Wirginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Cuba. The tickets are sold at the usual low rates. and as we + the st | three great pow rote | about §7 ARVELOUS STRIDES Ex-Minister Smith on ‘‘National Development,” po — . SECRETARY CARLISLE ON FINANCE Notable Addresses at the Annual Banquet of the New York Chamber of Commerce, How We of the Old World, Are Outstripping the Nations NEw York, Nov. 20.—The 127th annual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of the state of New York was held at Del monico's last evening. The yearly dinner of this organization are fmportant events of the metropolis and that of last night was no exception, Ut terances that have moved the policy of the among the most government have been made on these oc the chamber’s of the with casions, and it was at one of dinners Windom was stricken a fow years ago It was President Orr rapped for order in whic! he Treasury h that Secretary sudden dest yelock when and SOM dress Mr y a clrounlating notes re savings 3 endin inkes ox n makes produ msump tion, and « tion CONAUMETS 80 rid as the | nnbined we are the reatest 1 ducers inthe w Today we ear: is as much i them. From : is mt it n increased her earnings #1 the same, bu by 85.000 (xn Engla the past been the industrial bechive of the world. In 1860 the product of our manufactures was but little more than half of hers. In 1800 it more than doubled her output. Her in crease was $1,200 000 000 urs LAR LARS France panded her's and while was Our expansion in in dustries was more than twice that of Eng land, France and Germany put together Through amazing development we manufacture over one-third of all that is this a | portion manufactured in the world, and we use | and consume the bulk of this colossal pro among our own people, who are the paid, best housed, best fod, best dressed, best schooled people on the face of the globe best “In the great race of nations the powers of the Old World are heavily handi apped while the lithe, supple, sinewy young giant of the New World strides forward free and Their debts are | piling up; ours are melting away. Their taxes are rising; ours are falling. Their | expenditures frightfully swelling { ours are relatively declining. Their pro | ductive fi are stripped for arms and Armaments; ours are at the plow, the exchange--the unhampered are recs | forge, the loom and the tools of wealth and not of waste | England's taxos are 10 per cent. of her earnings, France's 13 per and | many’'s 1034 per cent, while ours are only | bper cont. England spends one-sixth of | her looal taxes and one-twelfth of all her and only one | seventeenth for schools I'he United States spends one-sixth of all her national | and loeal income for schools, and the de | mand for poor relief is only a beggarly | Item. The contrast is the key of the future cont (yor | revenues for poor relief | Ome strange {the w l | sheep breeders to meet # TARIFF CONTORTIONISTS. | The Free Wool Question Gives Them Many an Twist American Wool In London. The statistical jugglers are driven to contortions of logic in keeping up their wail about wool. They have been viewing with alarm the im portations of foreign wool, which they regurded as destructive to the domestio producers. And now they are compelled to view with alarm the exportation of domestic wool and to prove that also disastrous, To make their task still more difficult, ft has been necessary for them to main- tain that while all these importations of wool were going on our woolen manu factures were ‘‘prostrated’’ by the Wil, gon tarif What the prostrated mann facturers were doing with the wool they imported has not been explained. If thoy could not afford to work it fabrics, they were very foolish to burden themselves wi into if do ns well CH cially perve them ch cheaper. moestic and could be now ti And We | 11d doubt = Enquirer The Iniguitouns Wilson Tariff. Another proof he i Wilson tariff An Engh lately purchased the great w Falls, and now we ns for a similar purchas with the sh syndicate lent mills at Oswego neg Broadbrook, purpose of enlarging the plant for the manufacture of fine w Evidently the new tariff has so ““ruined’’ woolen manufacturers in this conutry that there Jeft to be lone but sell out to British capitalists, who presuraably expect to carry on the business at a loss for some hidden pur pose of their own. It is otherwise unae countable that a tariff that is said to have so greatly benefited Bradford at American expense neverthe loss bring Bradford people over here. Phil adelphia Times tint nn. , reteds and wool ens is nothing should Woolen Manufacturers Not Wanted, Shepherd Lawrence of Ohi growers, wool has called dealers and in Washington Dec. 4 to urge congress to incorporate | wool tariff provisions in any revenue | bill that may be passed | eluded in | Ing purposes the virtuous It is vignificant that the wool manufacturers are not in the York invitation Now Post Reform In Philadelphia, In order to carry on their campaign against the use of money in polities and the assessment of officinale for campaign managers of | the Republican machine are making a 1 | per cent draft on the salaries of persons { in the service of the city This is reform | with a vengeance. — Philadelphia Ree ‘And we are only at the threshold of our | development Most of the growth | have briefly portrayed has come within twenty years, Who shall grasp the advancement of the next twenty oi thirty years, or ple ture the dazzling destiny of the next con tury?’ Lottors of regret wore then read from Prosidant Cleveland and Governor Mor n. rd, Conflne Themselves to Thinking. The Republicans are trying hard to make the people think that they think | Just as the Democrats do in regard to the rights and duties of corporations But if this is so, their views are striotly confined to thinking. They did not ex- press them in their platform. —Boston Globe. | Joss offensive, | Berge. re REAL PIRATES, They Exist In the Malay and Esstern Wa- ters Especially, As a matter of fact, there are plenty of pirates extant, although they are sel dom so bold in any sea as to attack a ves sel flying a European flag. The Malay and eastern waters swarm with ingly commercial junks and which wear all the air of respectability, but are none the less on a constant watch for becalmed traders and cargo ships un- dermanned. In the Formosa channel the outward and ard bound passen gers will see apparently innocent vessels leisurely drifting in pairs before the wind. They drag between them a huge cable, to which is fastened a sweepnet, and if nothing better turn up, to be with what turtle they may thus catch off the Paracels, home of the seem proas, homew content catores or ters, the rises the lone ly Piedra Blanca ever, a Tonkinese or opium boat dr ing European is near, th in, the swarthy fis gpears board and ravi cutting ti sinking thor Chine ifts 1 by and n and mn ( and re ragers on board ey European af Chines on cup increased the intensity n of the sand by increasing f polished tact, and this was proved by putting the same sand in various vessels with rough interiors, polish «Jd vessels with silk, came mute type, pe necessary for the in great perfection, ceptacies of almost any kind or form The smallest quantity of musical sand from which Mr. Wilson got a true note was a thimbleful of Eigg sand Loss perfect musical sand, such as that of Studland bay, was found to be usually mute, except in situ or in vessels of hard, glazed and of certain definite form. BS ‘sulky’ sands not only needed vessels of hard, glazed in teriors and of definite form, but als box or small pedestal of wood—a * er’ won the vessel had placed before the notes became audible A ""sulky’’ sand could be rendered far more musical by sifted, washed and boiled, giving out ne after this treatment, without the aid of the or, "'=-Tomple Bar surfaces in oon lining the glazed and when it be again of the Eige ssessing the physical conditions production of musical in re music are interiors me which being ten, Toonx Not Lucky With Thelr Names, There are in France two brothers with the surname of Assassin, who recently obtained the necessary permission from | the high functionary called keeper of the seals to change their name to one After mature reflection they decided to change their name to Now that it is too late to alter it they have discovered, to their intense annoyance, that their new name hap pons, by a singular coincidence, to be that of the chief assistant to M. Deibler, the public executioner, who will in all probability smoceed to M. Deibler's grewsome business, a TS Se Se Look at this wher YOu 0 Your Winter Goods ¢ and Nant Deaclde Ln Ta Sh Wh Sh Th SE Ta Ta Th Ta Ta Sh Sh Se Wh SW / We have now the largest / stock ever { é the that points Quality and $s J Coun ¢ we Use Th Th Sh SS WW Dress »o wiv and hE at Va BLL YY 11 ality rr - A a Ye “ a - LJIZUTres an we sv , Si ods and Dry Goods. VHUONI NV ('T0H TIA 10VYL 3S r « nine dong sty OF, race Wel 0000 coco oocoo ooco A Price List is the best of Argument Bellefonte Mero AL g « M every pau Wari kav sewed, in COTHINON sONM every pair warranted, ngola ki i. all the latest anted, at $ | finer shape 8, Goodyear at £2.40, every pair war R1.45 up Men's dress warranted Men's working warranted still latest 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000