— BREACH IN THE WALL FREE WOOL OPENS THE WAY 10 COMMERCIAL FREEDOM. Protectionists Their Barriers Farmer Fighting Wool * Eyes Jective Ioint Are Opened Manufacturers’ Turn Comes Next There is good with which the Re the wool sched act, lt is ex \ ne tr wo hoy We are hensi milli bles, numl more can ter has dimins 80,000, pictures are of the misern vimpendine Vimpen er'’ the 55,000, 001 pauper she some 200 imports fell moval of 1893 were 148,000, 04 ters, not j theref eXCt llen nent the Then w aavan Prices today two or tha The omi assanit made : kept up. This, wool breaks the center of the It stril is fiercely We repeat, tective since 1887 had re than this, the en opens a brea which the ho will press breach that efforts, fore zeal tact. A « off when quinine was placed on the free t and another when hides went there, they were not serious breaches. The | Profecticonists Das Dee » bamboozle the farm into believing that s chow tl in their ability tc ers also were the tariff has 1 If wool rem not fall t tion, if, from th was m1 wool meets, ties, a pri petit from his w tion. He will j demanding wools Hero is wher danger to him present arrangemen from 40 to from competition, but the farmers the } over with him. When w free as wool, the manufacturers, will join the growing | cial freedom to get their nec life and manufacture untaxed. And thus the movement will spread from class to class. It is this that our oppone and it is to prevent this that they are now centering 3 in ana : on free wool. If they fail, they know that their whole fabric will bling down about their ears Globe n, w 50 per | Lai) turn against partnership is dis nts pee, their efforts in an atta me ta —St. Paul Crumbs From Our Table. Ex-Secretary Weeks of the Iron Man ufacturers’ association, recently back from Europe, reports that the European mills are beginning to catch the overflow of our iron trade, our manufacturers having all the orders they can fill. In this halcyon time even McKinloyism would scarcely grudge the crumbs that drop from our table to the ‘‘pauper labor’ of Europe. —Philadelphia Rec ord. No Need to Be Despondent, A sapient Republican contemporary ventures the observation that Senator Gorman must be afraid because ho talks 80 bravely about the Democrats carry ing Maryland. How should the senator talk? We have no doubt Republican Journals would be glad to see him in a despondent attitude and predicting Re publican victory. «Cincinnati Enquirer Comfort For Tom Reed, T. B. Reed will be pleased to learn | that there is an intimation that the Ohio delegation in the national convention will not stick to McKinley through thick and thin. --8t. Louis Post-Dis patch. Mr. Ingalls Will Feel It, If Mr. Foraker comes to the senate, the absence of John J. Ingalls will not be so seriously felt, Washington Pest. | shipped from this co been assiduously culti- | WANT GENUINE CALAMITY. The Country Is Too Prosperous to Sulit the Republicans, Republicans can be enndid on ocea sion. They are prepm to make the tarif¥ question the ''oy wing is gne'' of the next but with presi ul eampaign, thor sat nld doubtless they are not altoge tho another fod y ontlook and we select issue’ if there were an * if their political exig | thi their other in sight n of Withh Free trol M We Could Con- and Prices. nnd Coal arkets Ore During the first half of the present year 831,0 00 worth of iron has been to Enlgand. Yet there has ’ | protection of one form or another LEER COMM fair manufacta 1 mal for a ti na few the ON 1£ mex on n ndense more fals wl words, but bela ho of ng calamity howls of last year. But some of the organs are | keeping up the howls from mere force ! of habit, me dogs when it is not visil Philadelphia Rex 5 siderably nism —fill 6% the dy ne Tariff “Tinkered™ to Good Purpose, According to the Cotton and Wool Reporter there were in « peration on June 1 last in the woolen mills of the United States 8,458 sets of cards for | woolens and worsteds, 77,100 looms worsteds and In May, sets of cards, working in woolens and 64,200 knitting machines 1802, there were 71,000 woolen and looms and 43,001 knitting machines These fig ures aro referred to Mr McKinley as evidence of the demoralizing effect of tinkering his tariff.