PRINTED THE NEWS SURPRISES ITO NEW YORK TRIBUNE READ Business Hoaded It Chronlcled Faets of Increasing Instead of Widespread Ruin “Good News" —1f Wages Are Rising, Vro tection Is Wrong. Gireat heart pravaile d among tho rural readers of the New York Tribune when their eyes foll upon a paragraph entitled ‘Good News fre New Hl mind Senator w's declarat the deneds searchings of m N in Brunswick, N Having Lox ion that cause of protection is lost unless evi of wid d and lican journals should immed their h the facturing communi to bri 11168 spread ruin ave at once produce his demand that Repub ately send Ie Poke rs out throug mann in order back accounts of the ravag ent tariff, ander the heading "Ge of the pres natur ally d News'' 8 will ex] consolatory gilent forg and ot despair Instead them with a list of ind v la guishing under the sufive nee o of the tar iff, an and the sooner it sets atx mt the work saxo be. There are some hopety] sigs of a strike among thee and they should prompt ly be jo the mos {, or the #t may rk Eveni Pq it finish lated per cent are ( n news stories every day.—FPhiladelphia Times mm McKinley's Discomforts, “The increase of wages,'’ says the 8t. Louis Post-Dispatch, ‘‘has Mr. McKinley f great discomfort, a cirens was attached in Ohio the other | that the business , and that the re- year may not day he begins to hope revival is only a sp rp turn to depression of last be far off.’ y fai of that circus is not tail ire on which the governor can base a hope that the hard times t yet over. There is, for instance, Governor McKinley's own great and lasting failure to find out where he stands on the silver question. Louisville Courier-Journal. lure the oily Are n Republicans of the Same Opinion. Despite a Republi majority of 80,000 two yOars ago there are Democrats who hope to carry Ohio this year. Now York Bun The Republican tWO years ago was © was | If Th trouble to look up the of the good Ao n Ri hard Smith, it will find there are, in addition to the hopeful Democrats, Repub lic ans who are somewhat expect in the same direc tion. —Washingyon Post at plurality in Ohio ),000. Last year it 000 will take the i: Sun opinions ROTI ant Boutelle's Opinion, “Congressman Boutelle says that the tariff will undoubtedly be the Repub- lican issue next year, but we risk noth ing in saying that he is mistaken,” re- marks the Boston Herald Anything to Get Control, The Richmond Dipatoh says that a coalition has been formed between the Republicans and Populists of Virginia to attempt to gain control of the state legislature. Longs For the Good | O14 Times, Senator Quay longs for the good old times in Pennsylvania politics when the politicians would stay bought. —Wash- ington Post. { month |] { O00 i the rece ler and expenditures $5,000,000 less among | Tre sufferers given | but as | ENCOURAGING REPORT. ipts and the 5.8 0 0 The tréasury statement of rece expenditures show a surplus for of September of nearly $3, In round figures the and expenditures $24,500 RO. (NK 7, 500,000 As compared with last September O00. pts were nearly §5,000,000'g1 eat ustoms were slightly September; from from « Ree 1} is less than those internal re r were nearly double venuce The gre greatest saving in expenditure was with llaneous ac counts, w During the great flood at Johnstown in soutributed $1.000 to y.hie had his assessed 1589 Buffalo Bn wild west show thes re and they (ra Chestnut (roy town robably t an O hae abundant Snake A child of bar! WAS P AYINg in Fr wound Story er ady ‘oburn, ard of arge copperhead snake itself around its leg. The child screamed and the mother ran to the res the y its home last iday when a 1; | cue, killing the snake before it had bit. ten the little one aving Pipe Mr State College this week where he George B m will go to will superintend the miles of water § company. The pipe is 12, 5 and 6 inches and will be laid from Shingletown Gap, in the laying of four ipe for a local 10, Seven mountains, giv to State College in order to e the town a sufficieit water supply One Week Yet Next Friday, October 4, is the last day on which voters « taxes Only week yet remains to one who this that for those attend Democrats your taxes are paid have not yet done 80, to important matter see Sale of Real Estate In another column will be found an advertisement for the sale of 82 acres of Henry McAuley tract, at Jacksonville, Pa., October 25, 1895. John M. Keichline, adm’r,, of the John Wagner estate, will again offer the flouring mill, a farm and prop erty for sale Saturday, November, and - AnRANAM Miner has no clerical ability or business capacity, an undis. putable fact. Do the people want such an official in the Prothonctaty’ s office? woodland, Miulesburg, BuT one month remaing until the an- nual Fall election takes place. receipts were | | lie October 18 Arbor Day, Dr. fer, instruction, All That's Claimed “ 1 had a poor appetite, that tired feeling and was run down, but lood's Sarsaparilia has done me a great deal of good, Schaef superintendent of pub- Friday, pre Con has de ignated as Arbor day, and has pared a proclamation urging those I have & better not an rec. schools of the the nected with the Connon - aj pro- appetite and do feel tired, 1 e ommend Hood's 8arsa- parilla as an excellent spring or tal medicine to keep in oraer pe elf and thre have taken over six bottles, it has done much good. We have to call wealth to observe day with priate exercises. Oilice ILLER, the republican candi. prothonotary, for years was ] ers nstautl ofhice seeker, tion of gauger at the Pl us N ry 101 “oO many yeial not n uj Albert Kinsey Auburn, Pa. all that is claimed for it red ommend It, and shall a N in my ALBERT KINSEY 1 a ood’ S Sarsa~ VV parilla Be sure to get ures HOOD'S VY Pills ar or e, and I can say tl W's Bar In is most heartily house.” Hood's sot purg me “Aan ddd ot Shar wil00 LOSING JUT N ALE Qéampa Voie St Are Store "mom Shee et © (Bellefonte )3:3 DOLLS Owing ailin dispose of my entire BOOTS {O1 ssary to ) N A | SS OF CONT4 + REGARDLES Doit’s SHOE STORE SR — > — i" cn, PA i rit "y THE GLOBE! w—-DRY GOODS and MILLINERY Our Assorment ls the Best Our Customers rem nour frien's Our Prices Bring the people Qur Values Are the Great "WE LAIRD | GROWING ALL THE TIME - FIBRE CHAMOIS - TTA T™TTAT™ dd dei hdd de YD "IT L 8 IN lt shed td th -t ERS KATZ & CO. Limited. Ls i A, A RONG SCHOOL CLOTHI At LEWINY Philadelph Branch. SUITS FOR THE BOYS... : kv ry Lady who SOC om ] a Boy should come and TING OR BRAGGING Povs' NO BOAS Pat the a large at assortment ol and We have the £ loth ] sual trutl gin town. Every stiteh and firm. The fabric strong and of a colo ily. These suits are put together forthe roughest kine You might pay a dollar or two more « lsewhers as good, Our Styles and Prices Please Everybody, A FULL LINE OF GENTS SHOES. Ss LEWINS, Allegheny street, Belletonte. i | | Ee | | NG C LOS SING-OUT SALE. Commencing Monday, Sept. 2nd, 95 “HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS TOOLS, PAINTS, ATE AND TINWARE, HORSE BLANKETS, SHOVELS, FORKS, RAKES, POCKET AND TABLE ¢ AND HEATING UTLERY, VES GASOLENE, OIL, COOKING STH H ons Furni ! Wis, wand thous 8 comple te in everything | The } {| the bargains offered. but if want to ard wan { mention a i ihe vou buy anyth ng come and see-—snch an opportunity may aerain If you 1H lose no t this sali NOVEer come 3! © Yon w ime in taking adds antage of H. A. Mc