—— GOD'S WAY OF WORK. IT IS NOT MAN'S WAY. BUT THE BEST WAY. iT | Rev. Dr, Christian Strategem Battle as a Lesson Telmage's Eloguent Plea or He Uses Pointed Gideon's Questions For Men and Women, New YORK, Sept. 20. —In his sermon for today Rev. Dr. Talmage discusses a subject which is of special interest Sunday school teachers and sch the present time, being Gideon's batt with the Midianites near Mount (Gill The text chosen was Judges vii, 20, 21 “And the three comj blew the trumpets, and brake the held the lamps in their the trumpets in theirrig withal. And they stood his place round about the host ran and cried and fled.” That rang | fought | down anies every man in the camp, and all is the st attle « (rod reclamation 18 made 1e troops who are cov to scampered aw men. But G large yet, and so he orders remaining to march stream and commands Gide in what manner these m wr as they pass through it. If and drink, then y go, and 22,000 of the ay, leavi 1 says ti go home g only army 18 100 theso 10,000 through a | n to notice the | they down n drink of get down on all fours they are to be pronounced lazy and in competent for the campaign, but in passing through the stream, they scoop up the water in the palm of their hand and drink and pass on they are to be the men selected for the battle. Well, the 10,000 men marched down in the stream, and the of them come down on all fours and plange their mouths like a horse or an ox into the water and drink, but there are 300 men who, instead of stooping, just dip palm of their hands in the water and bring it to their lips, ‘‘lapping it as a dog lappeth.’’ Those 300 brisk, rapid, enthusiastic men are chosen for the campaign. They are each to take a trumpet in the right hand, and a pi in the left hand, and a lamp inside pitcher, and then at a given signal they are to blow the trumpets, and throw down the pitchers, and hold up the lamps. So it was done. It is night. I see a great host of Mid- ianites sound asleep in the valley of Jezreel. (Gideon comes up with his 800 picked men, and when everything is ready the signal is given, and they blow the trumpets, and they throw down the | pitchers, und hold up the lamps, and the great host of Midianites, waking out of a sound sleep, take the crash of | the crockery and the glare of the lamps | for the coming on of an overwhelming | foe, and they run and cut themselves to pieces and horribly perish. The lessons of this subject are very spirited and impressive. This . amp of re gold in it. The smallest dewdrop | on the meadow at night has a star sleeping in its bosom, and the most in- significant passage of Sor ha it a shining truth. God's mint coin small change 11] Ject the gem greatest victon ington or Nag the fact t if ii, most he N fae” way they were falling back times breaking times crossin rafts, all forces be done 3 in mil is higl f Kn itary affairs Now I think it time we had this art sanctified and spir itnalized. In the about to mak send word to the we expect tt we hay me, how many troops w many rounds of shot, and whether we will © with artil lery, infantry or cavalry, and of course we are defeated. There th of men who might be surprised into the kingdom of God. We need more tact and ingenuity in Christian work. It is in spiritual affairs as in military, that success depends in attacking that part of the castle which is not armed and intrenched. me nsands are Draw the Bolt, instance, here is a man all armed on of election. All his troops of argument and prejudice are at that particular gate. You may batter away at that side of the castle for 50 years, and you will not take it, but just wheel your troops to the side gate of the heart's affections, and in five min- utes you capture him. I never knew a man to be saved throngh a brilliant ar- gument. You cannot he men into tl kingdom of God by the h of adi lemma. There is no grace in syllogisms Here is a p perseveranocy of the saints. He does not believe in it. Attack him at that and he will persevere to the very last in | not believing it. Here is 0) t of bapt mm IN sprinkiing or discussion of will not I remember when I was a bor that with other Ix vs I went into the river on a summer day to bathe and we used to dash water on each oth er, but never got any resu pt that our eyes blinded, this splashing of water Japtists and Pedobaptists never results in any thing but the blurring of y eyesight. In other words, eapture a man's soul at the point at which he is especially intrenched. Bat there is in every man's heart a bolt that can bo easily shoved. A little child 4 yoars old may touch that bolt, and is will spring back, and the door will swing open, and Christ will come in. I think that the finest of all the fine arts is the art of doing good, and yet | this art is the least cultured. We have For tha d ioctrine 10 ms 4 wan armed on the subject of nt, a man armed He believes mim ocelesiansti sl hy change him It oxox wero and all between the spiritual yon can never pall . quartz has © | school, of God tho whole killful menenvi in the kingdom troops Christ if we only had ing. I would rather bave the 4 and pitchers of Christi; than 100,000 drawn sword to conquer tn strat and ecolesi cal combat Hopo In nn Few, I learn fron small have to do all eon's an y this sul t the tho part « { 82,000 mu there were was bira only 30( the Christ to do the } bership of that member 50 ] the urch You know that the drones th it is. Iw men of Gide host. How many ( standi ] ] think it ‘ to ride over them, does it the quicker Do have to work. he has called y ratneri n than the ! ng In tHe way is the duty not w do more t You had better th: u to be one men rather than to belong to the h of stragglers. Would not you rat! one of the 300 that fight than the 22, 000 that ran? I suppose those cowardly Gideonites who went off han your congratulated themselves How battle cost all’ they got none of the vi After the 0 men went down and took the wealth of the Midianites, and out of the cups and platters of their enemies they feasted. And the time will my dear brethren, when darkness will be routed, say to his troops: ‘Well men, Go up and more than conquerors forever And in that day all deserters will be shot Again, I learn from this different fr fighting, did not we? That Come, the h take subject that m man's, but is always the If we ha f that battle, we wi we (God's way | 1 the uld have 2,000 men that or army, and planning « taken belonged have drilled up and down month, and we equipped witl ing to the w and then we w down in solid e¢ But that is not the army, and takes weapons, and gives thom a lamp, and a to the them and ry the the way. God away all their today enough ot » 1 earth for | They said: **We got rid of | | winter! 1 shall have no more trouble | Summer weather will come, and L' But A0W, the garden will be very beautiful the gardener comes w uts the vii hie ree ah Hoel WY knif 1 tw BOR day tl lis, v and t} stay on wi ofl Wl when UG them? generat men n thy nissaries, build forge thy chains, but fall thy temples and know greater than be when th int thor have that the ant thy earth the song ““Halleluiah tent reigneth! doms of tl ng arms to defend tl let no slumbering foeman dream of PreEtr= din Srna An tet Them ee to go down and drive out the Midian | ites. 1 suppose some wiseacres were “That is not militar f there who said man has his his Ezekiel, un. the war logician his which now I can lift in my hand—instead of the Bible the child can carry to Sanday instead of the sai put mn his jacket when he goes to sea~if it had been left to men to write it would have been a thousand volumes, judging from the amount of ntr little 1 ¥v OT Can ecclesiastical of which arisen. God's way is different man's, but it is best, No Cross, No Crown, So it is in regard to the life. Christian's VEIRY infinitely best life, we uld have said: *“Let bim have 80 years of sunshine, a | Lot his surround Let him have chill shiver pain his his soul’ 1 of others so much 1 man ind fine house to live in ings all be agreeable sound health Let no through his limbs, ro brow or trouble enjoy the prosperity would let money as children’s and gladness glancing in their in eyes Hat it 3 acne shadow much for his fountains of large round nt Cron 8 ay It man must cut and hit and pounded just in proportion as he is use ful. His child } window and has its life dashed out most confident investment every have he cheeks ns I OSes peoms as if urd story His tumbles him into bankruptey. His friends, on whom he depended, aid the natural force of gravitation in taking him down. His life isn Bull Run defeat. Instead of 82,000 advantages he has only 10,000 Aye, only 300-aye, none at all. How many good people there are at their wits’ end about their livelihood, about their reputation? Bat they will find ont it is the best way after awhile, God will show them that ho depletes their advantages just for the game reason he depleted the army of Gideon~that they may be induced to throw themselves on his mercy. A grapevine says in the early spring: "How glad I am to get through the falls from a tl Bible the has from Christian's | If we bad had the planning of a | spearmen Crash go the pitchers! tha +» ven Hopeless Fighters, pallor of m he had oppressed But the WAYS ( mirth dashed higher on reefs of coral and pearl. The days and the nights went merrily. No sick child dared pull that silver doorbell. No beg gar dared sit on that marble No voice of prayer floated amid that ta- pestry. No shadow of a judgment day darkened that fresco. No tear of human gympathy dropped upon that npholstery Pomp strutted the hall, and dissipation filled her cup, and all seemed safe as the Midianites in the valley of Jezreel Jut God Calamity smote the money market. The partridge left egrs unhatched., Crash went all porcelain pitchers! Rain, rout, and woe in the valley of Jezreel! Alas for those who fight against God! Only two sides. Man immortal, which Woman im which side are yon on? D to the 8¢ going or to the great host of Mi ni a p in the valley, only to be up in tion and ruin? Sud the 1 of life will be broken and blown that our day of the Lord night and as the Xk up day when trampoet never been blown shall ll call of the dead, and the earth, dashing against a lost have its mountains scattered to the stars and oceans emptied in the air? Oh, then, what will become of you? What will become of me? : If those Midianites had only ¢ their swords the day before the t all would have been well, and if yon will now surrender the ging with which yon have been fighting agnivst God yon will be safe. Oh, make peace with him now, through Jesus Christ the Lord! With the clutch of a drowning man sige the cross, Oh, surrender! Sarren dor! Christ, with his hand on his pierced side, nek you to, step, came, its the side are you on? 0 that are . " Will startie armed Ha! ( the foul glee tf for which hath ¥peak the 1 coura the moteor, ven up 3 fay disarls HANDLING BOA CONSTRICTORS, | ; The Trick by Which the Serpents Are Managed Without Danger. Snake dealers in South America have a fine contempt for their squirming and venomous wares, though it is sometimes difficult induce ship captains to carry them as freight, The snake to handle the boa con ptrictor wi This ser. pent bite: not veno- mous, so that the chief danger to the handler IR IFINON Ae ly powerful have learned that the ih. tO really nn. worous dealers the shape of he may coil his fulecram, Ki dr p a soft hat may neither se h him so dropped a the creatures lows, and dropped it thing lool waiting was tu He negle yell yanked a great with its fangs fixed in daring to let he began whirling tl bead, meanwhile da: the deck. The snakeman the reptile somebody rash deck OWINeT Answered “What, hi think of my of that mug! 14 vel managed ALMO As Bocouraging Test on the Day Follow ing the Drowning of a Bey. The Cl Heffron's was mad Louis Fi drown: ternoon Dr. Whitney, Wilson avenue, claims that h was drowned at one period of his life, abd after being dead more than an hour animation was, by stored. Dr. Whitr desired to put th test, but opportunity ry is that provi and r some time another ver availed himself of the | His theo- od, ne a corpse can be : Are 10 inter: the entire body. except the mouth, 4 heated to a constant temperature of 110 | degrees Falhirenheit, and leaving it there ter. nal injuri A Nese for News, pipe at 1 ask him f{ cheerily call “Howdy, stranger hs “Well, it looks like war in Eu answered, as | sat down “I don't keer nuthin’ "bout what else?’ he replied “They think think reach us this year “Dod rot nuthin’ mire “Perhaps you h heard great coal mine disaster in asked, “No, and I don't wanter ‘But you asked for news “Sartin 1 did wanter know if the price has riz. I wanter know Ww shine whisky is wuth down in Knox- ville. I wanter know if you'n has met up with anybody ‘who has killed one o' them dodrotted rovenew fellers lately, 1 wanter know why owner of this land don’t come down yere | pe, him. Y urup-— 1 8 ad LE the cholera may the chalera! in't there ive about the England? 1 and 1 want news, | terbacker hat moon in sin the ornery | h of and drive m : na r ap my pest ferous ambit get A move on me! If you've sort o' news, stranger, spit make me happy. If you hair vy, jog along to Bill White's nd leave me suck this old pipe and keep on with my thinkin'!"— Detroit Free Ir ae ‘Br pl TE Ha KuMoient Cause Bildad What Sharp so? Henpeck--He marry my wile, Topica. makes rou hate Van raged to Bill, of Arlingto raft down t handrel mall steering it throu s Prios tilla rapids, waters in i raft managed by esporien has gone to pieces. Sh woman to take the perilons Mrs, C ly rode a big river for a njuries, | | LONE, PITTRRQNG [Fa A DMINISTRATORS NOTIC A ILA 1 TIO) Estate of Catharines Ju townshin Letters of administ A. M. Hoover, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. ji STSOa O99 ST Be SS SE ALESMEN WANTED 10 SELL ; MIDGET CIGARS. { NIA NICOTIN | | £0, C. ACHENBACH, Abbbdbhbd hdd Shdbbidhbbidd BAKER and CATERER. Sibbdbbbbiddds bhbbhhdddbd Choicest confect Tropical fruits, Finest ice creams alwavs ionery, &&Our bakery and ice « ream pasio next door to Crider’s Exchange dbbibbiddbiihbide didi Bd kh GL Ahh ALLA bbb hb WORLD WIDE ENDEAVOR yg People's Society CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR ng Agents wanted ay ora at Send for « book of 1lars exceptionally liberal t agents lesplie, Metzgar & Kelley, : Ad & i iphia, I'a greatest . : rms to Gil INFORMATION ns covering life and re Or) ISHED MY FRE? Publishing Company, | nue, New York The peBTRT ND seer Wavy reg” opfainvihe la adeine ! 7 " wit: dikye i ite of Vey fo i E— SUMMER FUEL . HARD - WOOD: Maple, Oak, ALSO Pine and Hemlock in A DAIN 114% nN 17 8. « 1 COAL, GRAIN, HAY. STR SAND The Roval Stock Food, r (f WARD K. RHOADS, “NIVAR i b AALIVIN ELLEFONTE. N A EST @ - YOUR - MONEY FAULKENDER, Hollidaysburg, Pa DuBois Produce Co Whol FRUITS - and - PRODUCE Prepared Foi Montgomery & Co. Agents for the sale of Dunlap and Knox hats SILVER warranted to quickly hare Kezema, otter, arber's It len, Seald Head, Sealds, Burns, Cus. Chr. And all skin diseases, 1t will also relieve Piles. Sold by all dealers or by mal at 10 ee pet ! ' nis Dox. T. J REAMY. Tyrese Ps ht.