Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 01, 1895, Image 6

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    A prominent military man says that
beans kill more soldiers than bullets,
In Europe where eleotrio lights arc
used, the poles have to be ornamental,
in the United States have are not per:
London Truth thinks the mail con
tracts of the Cunard Line should be |
canceled as a punishment for refusing |
to allow a colored bishop to bay ¢
first-class ticket.
Dr. Roger A. Tracy says twins and
triplets are increasingly common
New York City. 1803 was the
Year thus far, 847 pairs of twins born
and five sets of triplets.
The of of
whom there are a great many in the
North and West, are said to be mak-
Norwegians Amerion,
ing active preparations to give sup-
port te their country in case of a very
possible war with Sweden.
It is libellous to oall man
*"Methodist” in Canada, notes the New
Orleans Picayune,
Au editor in Que-
bee has got judgment for $200 dam-
ages against another editor for having
applied that name to him, The mat-
ter was taken to the Court of Appeals
and the judgment was affirmed.
Everything in the town of
Wis., except the school
wate of Bose
been purchased by a syndi
ton capitalists. The p
posed to be in the
$2,000,000. The
lish the
id is sup-
8 10 extent,
burg, Montana
aud a new
r Ny Ts |
ie, { taliite,
The idea that wealth in
held by a
the ¢
the United
Btates is large ly few finds no
support in
nclusions recen
by careful etatistician,
Henry Gannett. He finds that only
five per cent. of the total of the coun
try is held by millionaires, twenty
eeven by people worth from 81,000,-
000 to 8100,000, twenty-five per cent.
by those worth from $100,000 to 810,-
000, thirty-seven per cent. by those
less than 310,600, and six per
» holding less than 81008,
an} hal v
ACH Indaba it,
A colonizing scheme which contem-
plates taking some five thousand fam-
ilies, comprising about thirty thon-
eand persons, from Ohio, Indiana, Illi-
nois, Iowa, Nebraska and Wes
tern States to settle in Georgia, is said
to be near fruition,
and it is
that by fall the backward tide o
gration from the West to the S
east will be well under way.
The land
to be settled is in Wilcox and Irwin
Connties, Georgia, and has already
been purchased. Tho colonizing com-
pany numbers about seven thousand
stockholders, very many of
The col
artisans and fruit growers, as well as
whom will
be settlers, ny is to include
farmers, and it is contemplated to at
some time build a town, with schools
and factories, if the scheme turns out
as well as isanticipated,
The Engineering and Mining Jour-
pal prepares an annual table of the
world's production of gold and silver
from original sources so far as they are
aocessible to private investigators, re-
lying on the Mint reports for other
countries. Its statement for the cal
endar year 1894 is published in its is-
It finds the pro.
duction of gold equal to 8177,642,346,
The latest corrected returns of the Di-
rector of the Mint were 8181,500,000,
The difference between the two is less
than 24,000,000 and cannot
sidered “The
Btates,”” says the Journal, ‘‘contines to
sue of June 20th.
be con-
hold the first place as a gold-producer, |
its production exceeding that of Ans
tralia by 81,412,085,
of the Transvas/
81,877,042 less than that of the United
Btates, aod it still holds the third
place. The remainder of Afr ea pro
duced only 81,072,073 of gold, so thal
the United States’ production exceed.
ed that of the whole African continent,
probably, however, for the last time,’
The increase in gold production over
1808, according to these figures, was
$10,204,700. The production of sil
ver declined 134,084 kilos. The com
mercial value declined wuch more,
viz.. 828,812,087,
United |
The production |
was $37,883,263. ot |
a |
| electric light
but with
In bankruptey ne'll never sink
Who puts his trust in printers’ ink
Native whites born of native parents
form fifty-two per cent, of our Na-
; : | tional voting strength.
Buch hideous things as many streets |
The city of Chicago is erecting an
plant of its own, and
| proposes to light itself,
Florida has a smaller valuation than
most of the Southern States, being es-
| timated at ouly $30,038,300.
Up to the end of lat year Philadel-
phia & new city hall had cost 815,699,.
064.67, and it is not quite finished
The trolley reigns in Philadelphia,
not such murderous sway,
The last
ins been re-
apparently, as in Brooklyn.
horse car in Philadelphia }
Lire d,
Chicago parks no one
In the is
ybliged to kee p ofl the grass until the
grass 18 worn off the ground, Then
people are kept off till it
RIrows back
The New York Mail and Express ex
daims: ‘‘Having harnessed
the Yo
lley, preparatory to ct
May some
r Mountains to fill in
building lots,
y being
in France
have increased
¥ years at a ratio
The number of
from sixteen to twenty-one
age has increased by 247 per
ngularly enough, muses the Chi.
eago Times-Herald, the editor of the
men's department of
edition of the St. Paul (Minn.) Dis-
patch heads her
column ““The Lords
f Creation,” and there is notl
ser text to show a trace
. -
ng yea
jcarcely more than half
narvels the New Orleans Picayune,
hey are talking of stand-
of the
The present examinations are
raising the
ard examinations for admis.
uly in the rudiments of education,
ut require a very perfect mastery of
The the
slature so amended the sot cor
last session of Illinois Leg-
children that train-
for boys is to get 810 a
for every boy
use |
women's |
Outsails Vigilant Off Sandy Hook by
Two Minutes and Forty-five Seconds.
The Contest Gladdened the Hearts of
Bellef That the
American's Cap Will Stay on This Side
of the Water---The Syndicate is Satis
fled With the
Yachtsmen With the
Theo first fair and square “try out” of the
new America’s cup candidate Defender took
place off Sandy Hook, N. J., in a race with
the 1808 champion The Defender
defeated the Vigilant two minutes and
forty-five seconds.
A fitter day for a yacht race never dawned,
Not a
and the wind, unwavering
cloud marred the beauty of the
briskly in one direction
set. It seemed as
dawn to
Washington Items.
Fire destroyed the building oecupled by
the Young Men's Christian Association, on
New York avenue, also damaging bulldings
adjoining. Loss about £6),000,
The State of Florida has deeded to the
United States Dowditeh Point, Estero
Island, for lighthouse purposes,
W. E. Curtis, Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury, returned to his desk after an ab-
sence of six wesks in connection with the de.
Hyery in London of £30,000,000 United State
bonds to the Belmont-Morgan syndicate,
The President commuted to imprison
for life the sentence of deat m
Thomas J. Taylor, who wi
hanged for killing his wi
I'he President amen
rules by putting certain place
States Geological Burvey le
The Units
been orders
off the Fi
bustering expediti
Becretary Herbort
turrets for the now |
An order from
promulgated, pl
voral pens
| under civi
ber bot woe
Munster Soy
ith we re Kile H
Alexander H, Rice, o
of Massachusetts, 441 at his hom
bam. He was born! in Newton,
August 850, 1818
Delia Smit}
Instantly kills
| Bsters ina
The raoe was
| per in the fleet ras
sommitted to its charge, whether the |
county Board has agreed to it or not.
As there is a profit for the schools of |
35 on every boy, the training schools
have agents out gathering in depend-
mt boys, acd as the definition in the
wot as to what constitutes a *‘depend-
mt boy"
is very vague, they are gath-
ng in a good crop. The county an.
shorities have resolved to take the
natter to the courts
The Bupreme Court of Louisiana
that a child of tender
pears cannot be guilty of contributory
ans decide d
jegligence so as to be in part respon-
ible for any accident or injury that
4A might suffer. A three-year-old child
and been injured by a street car, and
+ verdict had been given against the
‘ailway company in the lower court.
Ihe company appealed and pressed
the point, raised in the lower court,
tbat the chi/d was in the way of the
sar by its own negligence sud there-
{ore responsible for its own injury,
I'be Supreme Court ruled that such a
¢hild could not be negligent and the
enilway company could not be exonsed
for any lack of care or watehfulness
on the part of its employes on that
ground, Buch employes are bound to
awe extraordinary care and watchful
ness whonever there are ineapable
persons in the vicinity of the railway,
and if they dosnot the company mast
suffer. This decision is good sense as
well as good law,
engineer to keep |
shaped his course t
It was a grand race
to finish, in a hreess
at, and
that held fy
a nN water that
B it whi 12)
wler gaine
the beat to wis
nds in the run ho
r lanlin
i tw
head ft
jotie syndicate that built her
satisfied with the Defender
The Defender proved her ability t
sall better than the Vigilant and to foot
{aster She also has an easier tion |
through the water, and she beat the Vigilant
in conditions where it was thought she would
~viz., A head sea and a good breege But
posts y the most creditable part of her per.
yrmanee lay in the fact that she also Deat
the conqueror 14] the run
down wind !
A conservative view of the race would seem
to be that, while the Defender's performance
was a good ane, it will require the greatest
efforts of the Defender folks to work her
to a cup winning form,
The result of the race bet ween the Defender
and the Vigilant may be sald to mark the
downfall of the centroboard as an American
institution. The Vigilant was peerless two
yours ago. Dut last season she made but a
sorry showing In English waters The
challenge for the eup made It necessary
to build another yasht that would show
the world that the science of yacht
bullding progresses (on this country with
able strides, In days to when
boys of to-day will be graybeards, they will
recount this trial Yesmuse it marks the time
when a keel boat was put forth as the ablest
product of American yacht designing, This
the culmination of a series of unbroken
vietories, extending over nearly fifty years,
victories won by center boarders,
of Valkyrie in
They Were Taking a Drive and Did Not
See the Engine,
A pleasare party of five men, while driving
across the raliroad track between Willlame-
town, Mass, and Pownal, Vi, a few alters
noons ago, was struck by tein No, 157,
on the Fitohburg road, Thres of the
men were instantly killed, one died
soon afterward, and the remaining ocous
pant of the carriage, William Prindle, forme
erly a ftatbuig brakeman, esonpsd njury
by jumping. The party had waited for a
freight train to pass, and did aot sen the
passenger train coming from the opposite
direction, The names of the men who were
killed could not be ascertained, but they
Nur said to have been Frenchmen Hving in
orth Adams, Mass. They were trighttully
| who had been w
up |
| detective sergeants to the
| eleven other detectives,
mare in defeating
People’s Convent
Mine owner
in Massachusetts
Mem? the
council in Washington on Cuba
Josephine Sherdol, the
daughter of Beaver Rherdol
wis killed by her unele
rking |
ore {
{ Eureka, Minn.
Edward Anderson,
r her Iather
The Etruria sailed from New York with
$1,150 000 of gold withdrawn from the United
States Treasury, the first large export of gold
since the bond contract,
H. A Smith, a murderer, whose case is be
fore the United States Supreme Court, es
| oaped from the Washington State Prison and
| committed sulelde to avoid being recaptured
The New York Police Board reduced five
ranks, and, with
transferred them t«
patrol duty. Detective Sergeant Stepher
| O'Brien was made acting captain and plased
in charge of the Detective Bureau,
old Byrnes men were degraded
The International Convention of the Bap
tist Young People’s Union began at Balti
more with an attendance of 10.00
All the
| to
| the
| Journalist and
The Ortigia and the Maria P. Crash
Together in the Mediterranean,
The Disaster Occurred in the Middle of the
Night When Most
Were Asleep <A Terrible Vanle Ensued
of the Passengers
nnd Only One Boat Got Away---Fright.
ful Scenes on Board,
President Cleveland
in a Letter, Describes
His Happy Home Life
President (
oaks of his marred
“grand, sweet song.” has aut
to light,
Colonel John Templo Graves, the Georgia
orator, in December, 1800,
out invitations to his approaching wed.
ale Cothran, of Rome, Ga
: f re
his tenderer t}
me wish {or
"AD react
than when
that you and »
enjov the sar
marrind life
your friend
y wite joins ir
Colonel Graves has kept the
white and gold frame hanging in his §
in Manchester, Ga. Tw ag
President Cleveland for permission t
publish it for its influence upon the d
tic lie of the American peo; Mr. (
land replied saying that, aithough he
forgotten the verbiage of the letter, he
publication to the “delicacy and discre
Vears he wrote
le love.
| tion" of his friend.
| the Tabernacle, and was over
The Puget Sound National Bank at Everett, |
Wash, closed Its doors in
Andrew Thomas, colored, was lynched af
Reranton, Miss, for having assaulted a white
woman sixty-seven years old,
Maria Barberi, who murderad her be
trayer, was sentenced by Recorder Goff in
New York City, to death by slectricity in the
week beginning August 19; she was then
taken to the prison at Sing Sing.
consequence of a
Vorelgn Notes,
An Imperial order has boon fssuad by the
RBultan of Turkey granting amnesty to all
Armenian political prisoners, Many have
already been released,
In the General Parliamentary elections
held in New South Wales, Premier Held has
defeated ex-Premior Sir Heary Parkes in
Japan demands $37,500,000 additional in
demnity as compensation for the retroces
sion to China of the Lino Tung Peniscula,
In an encounter at Unkup, Macedonia, be
tween the insurgents and the Tarkish troops,
the former wero defeated with a loss of
thirty killed and thirty wounded,
| Two People Killed at a Camp Meeting |
Near Roseville, Ohln
A fatal windstorm, ascompani
rainfall, burst upon the camp grounds, near
Roseviile, Ohio,
od by a heavy
uprooting trees and
turning carriages Bafore it
poll two persons wore killed
others seriously injured
The storm, sccompanied
sound, burst over the camp gr
Oo clock, while servioms were
had spent it
and several
Ww A roaring
nds about 4
being held in
in a few so
onds A lnrge tree was blown over, demolk
ishing one corner of the Tabernacle, instant
ly killing Mrs, C.oment Wilson, of Zanes
ville, her skull being erushed Patrick
Deselm, of Zanesville, was caught by the
falling tree, and his breast crushed He disd
an hour afterward. Miss Clea Ansel, of
Baltilie, had her loft log crushed,
A tornado, moving with resistiess foros
and velocity, swept through the town of
Deer Creek, Minn. , in Otter Tall County, do.
{ug immense damage,
Death In a Sewer Trench,
Ry the caving in of a sewer trench at Han
rison, N, J., two men lost their lves, two
were mortally hurt and three others were ss
verely injured. The dead are: Anthony Ryans,
George Villaude, The mortally injured:
James MoDonald, Joseph Laredy.
Shot Mis Little Sister,
At Rutland, Vi, Loske Myrttes, aged
eleven yours, shot and killed his little sister,
Hadle, five. The bereaved father takes
all the ® upon himself for leaving a
loaded gut within reach of the ohildren.
{ ment
| rido and
| Perinsyivania, Uniont
| Quebee, Montreal
| nook
| was!
his family
| from time WU
Twenty-five Killed and 124 Wounded of
Kl Avispero,
The Cuban
ein, and the Bp
rebels, under Vitoriano Ces
aniards General Gar
urd time,
cia Navarro, had an it vin
pero, The Bpaniards had a very |
6s the taken by the Cu
They could f
t troow
mont advant
ly on the Govern:
mos 10 PONS of
them. the Spaniards »
were Killed and 124 w
officer Were
whether the rebels lost
It is
wr the
{ m
A] ¥
(“3 ETP )
Oct, 4
Sept, 25-
Rhode Island, Cranston
South Carolina, Colgn a
A wo 8
db a Oy oF
President Cleveland's Daughter May Open
the Atlanta Exposition
{ The Murderous Creditor Promptly Kills
Draidde Balingonas went to the
Mrs. Rosalie Davidosa in Chicago and draw
A razor and a revolver
rushed up to
which way she preferred to
nen who were the
Mrs. Davidosa to
saiiant, when Baling
first shot struck the w
{ the head
A Balingona then fired a shot into
wa brain, dying instantly
Last winter Davidosa, who is a
ft earning sufficient money to
Balingona loaned money
time aud helped the family
hrough the winter. For a month or more
he has been urging Mr. and Mm. Davidosa
) repay the loan
Rave from her as
oa opened fire. The
nan on the right side
a second one went through her
’ him
The National Game.
Pittsburg has thus far tried nine pitahers,
Pitoher Stratton has been released by Chie
Brooklyn shut out Loulsville three timos
this season,
Cleveland has not yet won a game in Chi
ago this season,
Pitcher Meckin, of New York, appears to
be all right again,
Ehret, of Bt. Louis, seems to be a completa
[allure this season
Turner, of Philadelphia, generally gels
two strikes before he hits the ball,
When the Cleveland Club is defeated the
attendance drops more than in any other
Hassamaer, of Washington, has not made
Ah error in O0tywsix games, aud but two this
In thirtydhree games McKean, of Cleves
and, has Ialled but twice to make at least
ate hit,
The good work of the New Yorks in the
West haa boomed the game onoe more in
Since Davis haa joined the team New York
has settiod down 10 good work, His batting
was wiseed,
is Baltimore's most successiul