[TLE IN ALABAMA Between White vie Conflict RR & KILLED IN THE FIGHT. Another Deputy Was Mortally Wounded The White Miners Were Alding Officers to Arrest a Negro Murderer, BIRMINGHAM, Ala, July 31 min fing town of Brookside, fift of her t riot w in th number of neg: and { Ing of another deputy The fight Iasted for over two hours, organized band of whit by Deputy Sheriffs A. T Baxter Bi; ter’ Iu ver _ Mine Boss Silverhouse and Steel company, discharged Biggers for » violation of the mine rules, Biggors re mained about the place making threats He refused to leave the company's prem ises, and a warrant was sworn out for his arrest for trespassing, and Deputy Sheri Wood and Special ty Joel Baxter went to arrest him. As they approached Biggers fired upon them with a Winches ter rifle. A bullet passed through Woods’ head and another through his heart, kill ing him instantly. Baxter was mortally wounded, but was able to get back to the eamp and give the alarm The whole force of miners at once or ganized and went to arrest Biggers. The Iatter, in the meantime, had called in a mumber of his negro friends, and when the two parties met a pitched battle re- sulted, the negroes finally fleeing to the woods. or more were shot were killed wounded Deputy Woods, who was killed, was ex sheriff of Talladega county. It is believed hat the arrival of the force of officers from this city will restore quiet, and that mo further demonstration will be made by the negroes Trouble between the white and black miners employed at the Slosser « ompal y's mines at Brooks been brewing for some time. There has always been ill feeling between the twe races, and it needed but the first shot te bring on fight. The town of Brookside is in a state great excitement, ing armed ~The was between mr head Wood and J miners Sloss Iron of the | down, several « outright and the others badly lo has wan in town be overy o THE NEW BRITISH PA RLIAMENT Conservatives and Liberal Unlonists Have | aM ajay of 15%, July With the of the g in Orkney and Shetland, which was formerly represented by Sir L Lyell, a Liberal, and the result of which will not be known until the week, the new parliament Is plete. The division of lows: Conservatives, 341; Liberal Union fists, 70; government total, 411. Liberals IT; McCarthyites, 70; Parnellit Eabor, 2; total : ment ma) nity By over all, 1 Thus, the C Loxpoy DO pollin nOW Cx is as fol parties onservatives and Liberal Unionists, with a net gain of % seats, will have a majority of 152, the largest in the memory of the present generation Conservatives are made inde of a coalition of all the other eluding the 1d sl Uni The aggregate vote in the « tions in Great Britain was as pendent even parties, in ber mists follows unopposed, formed of the We partion The Liberal and Radical press are dally engaged In trying to explain the defeat But to little purpose. The broad fact of the situation is that the Conservatives are mot likely to be displaced for years, unless dissensions should arise in tha cabinet between the sections led ro spectively by Mr. Balfour, Conservative sud Mr. Chamberlain, Liberal Unionist 1 five or six Striking Tallors Winning. Kew York, July 81 are coming forward in such sceede to the demands tallors that it appears that the strike will soon be ended. More than sixty contractors have signed the new agree ment, which displaces the plece work sys tem and In its place creates a weekly scale of wages. These are the leading contract ars of the city, and they employ from fif teen to fifty workmen each. Asa result numbers to of the striking probable 2.000 tailors resumed work at thelr benches | this morning. The settlement committe will continue to hold dally sessions until all the contractors are accommodated who desire to be His Third Matrimonial Loxpox, July 31 The Duke of Argyll was married to Miss Ina MeNelll merly alady of the bed chamber to queen and a cousin of Sir John MeNel who married the Duke of Arg) The ceremony took place at the Palace of Ripon, and was performed by the of Ripon who Is a cousin of the The weddl was quiet, owing to the re eent death of Lord Col!'n-Camphbell, fifth son of the Duke of Argyll. This Is the duke’s third matrimonial He is 8 years old Venture. bishop bride venture To Succeed Minister Dunn, Mowavkes, July 81.--It is here that Edward C. Wall, ex-chalrnian of the Dem contral committee of Wisconsin, will be appointed minister to Japan to succeed Minister Dunn, It Is said that both Senators Vilas and Mitch ell are willing to endorse him, and that bis friends are working in his behalf reported rati Mora Indemnity Ratified, Maviip, July 31.-The cabinet Bas accepted the amount which Amerion demands as payment for the Mora Indem nity The chamber voted confidence in the enbinet almost unanimously councti Moroaceo Pays Indemnity, Tanager. July M4. ~The German consul ab this port has been pald the sum of $70 080 as indemnity upon the pert of Morocco for the murder of a German trader named Rockstroth, Japan Demands Additional Indemnity, Smaxanal, July 24 Japan demands sterling additional Indemnity tion for the retrocession to | Lino Tung peninsula. na China the Dead One Isa Deputy Sheriff, While | | chine | late hour nm | up, but a cor | vance of fw | employes of | was horribly It is now said that a half a dozen | f whom | | will probably dle exception | end of the The { hoo, ~The contractors | | made of my estate | Under the rules it will meet in | phils in November and Decernber, Beran ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, Prrrsnura, July 20. Operator T. D. Stein, who was accused of defrauding his miners by using false welghts, was given a preliminary hearing yesterday and held for court Prrrspuna, July 831.-—The wage com- mittee of the flint glass workers met with the manufacturers yestorday and settled the scale for the plate mold bottles, It is for a few samo as last year changes in classification, July 20 the was xcept except HuxTINGDON, Pa Wood, agent for Burton F Singer Sewing Ma company, arrested here at on on the charge of the comj embozzling $1,200 from lo has a family here July 80. ~The mpany contracted for tl hi rds of earth No. 8 colliery. Four h men will be employed for two years HAaunrissunrag, July 20.-John B. Brown aged ident] hot and killed Will while play nny with coal vein at undred ing w Brown ners jury pronounced the idental and he was released READING, Pa., July 81. —The Reading Iron company yesterday increased the wages of its p llors to $3 a ton, an five int paid shooting ac twenty cents. This is highest ame hereabouts { the company's rolling mill also received a 10 per cent. advance. LANCASTER, Pa., July 80.—John Elsen berger, a puddier at the Penn rolling mill, | burned yesterday by a flash | of fire from a puddle furnace, y | wet turnings being thrown into the fur caused by nace. He was burned on the face, arms and body, his condition being serious PHILADELPHIA, July 80. — President James L. Miles, of select counell, was you terday appointed real estate deputy in the sherifl's office by Sheriff Clement, the ap pointment to take effect on Aug. 1. Mr Miles succeeds Frank W ing Leach, who resignedjthe position, which}is worth $4 a year, to look after Senator Quay’s cam palgn PiTTsnune, July 81. Bishop Ph been appealed to by several diocese to stop the manufac the St. Vincent monastery monastery derives a large the brewery priests in thi ture of beer at Latrobe. The revenue from So " he } ¢ Some years ago th row urday night and locked up | was locked The 275 | elan has of Mr, which occurred on Saturday night about eleven fo'clook. Mr, down town in the evening denly taken ill, Death of Charles Smith, Sr, sudden Smith, S§ Another very Charles r., had and was Smith He was able to sud- Ko | death was that of this place, | | been | | Centre county se home where he arrived about 8,30 0'clock, A | all bis physician was at once efforts were of no avail summoned but and the aged gentleman breathed his last at the time result of a very | made i Smith on Lohigh 1,00 on ‘8 | took place Tuc the | W bu ery was closed on a similar action, but a | * short time ago it was allowed to by special dispensation. READING, Pa, July 89. Charles Will iams, aged 86, and Philip Wedner a street fight here yesterday during whicl Williams cut Wedner in the abdomen badly that his Intestines protruded. He Williams claims the cutting was done in self defense is denled by oye witnesses the result of an old grudge. PHILADELPHIA, July 99. Peter erick Rothermel, the well-known of “The Battle of Gettysburg," the state library in Harrisburg, dled yos terday, aged 78 years. Mr. Rothermel's fame was not confined to this, his native country, but extended throughout Europe he having received commissions from var lous members of the royal families NEWPORT, Pa, July 25. —John Matt a one armed veteran severely wounded ’ The fight was Fred painter last night shot and Ellas Campbell. Beveral shots were fired, but only one took effect Last woek Campbell caused Masthews' arrest for wife beating, and the shooting was in revenge for the prosecution. Mat thews was arrested and sent to New | Bloomflald jail to Campbell's injuries PITTSBUR conference of the leading offic United Mine orkers began for ie 3 ’ { posed str await she result of lals of the nsidéring the pr The miners are proj 1 to tie the question wages aml! an clared it will ¢ tt f Per Ilvania Indiana he len tlement Pirrsavne, July pastor of the church of this city identified with Chinese mission years, in an interview leves the efforts to co Paganism is futile. He says that al though the Chinamen go and seem to take an interest in the Chris tian religion, and even profess Christian ity, yet they cling to thelr heathen and ceremonies WesTCrRsTER, Pa July 27. —A vigilant search ls being made for Frank Gibbs who Is wanted for participating in a bru tal orime at Hockessin early this week The viotim of the crime is Ella Staunton a 15-year-old white girl, who belongs toa advance i say if a strike is de he four greats mi Ohio, Illinois an d lers hore hope for a set states Rev. E. R. Done Eighth and who has been work | says that he be ivert Chinese from highly respected family of Hockessin. The | girl was Inveigled into alonely place by Bessie Tillman, a colored women, her. They were assisted by the woman The woman and George Whitman are now in jail PHILADELPHIA, July 27.—It has been generally supposed that Richard Vaux ex-congressman, ex mayor and distin guished jurist, who died last March, no will, but such a document has been found. After making a number of minor bequests it loaves the residue of the estate which 1s valued at about $50,000, to the widow, Mary Waln Vaux, for life, and at her death to be divided among the chil dren. Thedocument conoludes with these words I direct that no inventory be It Is nobody's busi ness but those who are interested in it." SRAMOKIN, Pa, July 3. Being unable to longer keep the wolf from his door, Peter W. Miller, an aged and disabled veteran of the late relwllion, made the journey to Washington on foot, and after having shown Pension Commissioner Lochren the scars from wounds received in battle succeeded in having his paltry pension of 88 par month restored. The tramp was a hard one for the poor old sol digr, but officials of the pension bureau realizing that he had been done a great injustice, fod him while at the nation's capital and furnished him with transpor tation back to Shamokin Hannmspung, July 25 ~The new supe flor court met In this city for the first thine yesterday nnd perfected its organization Benjamin H. Bentley, of Williamsport, will serve as prothonotary for the Second district, and Samuel H, Stephens, of Seranton, will fill that position in the Third district. In Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Harrisburg the prothonotaries of the supreme court are, ox ofMaio, prothonota ties of the superior court, No motions | were presented for the consideration of the now court, which adjourned without date Philadel ton in January, Pittsburg in April and | May, Williamsport in February and Har | Heburg In March, » hd but this | now in | hows, | A most important | yesterday | Presbyterian | Runday school | idoas | when | two colored men rushed out and assaulted | left | reopen | o above tated, His acute aged with hi dec ased wa his home Bishop The o'clock street, day at 10.30 y forenoon. - Left Altoona Ex-deputy Sheriff Geo. Crawford, as engaged liard and 1Isiness, at left there recently. id nn "ey 11d not pros North nton, Pa Winklemas 0 on the east by t} th e south by e west by | Hierman death was the | attack of asthma. about 82 years and son, Charles funeral in Gone to Patton, Major Wolf, of Philipsburg, ed the Palmer house at P to take atton left ofit. The Mayor w ndidate for she and charge the republican ca riff Hope veral years ago he will be more successful in this de | parture than in the political field. Big phow Comiag grand triumph in the history usement, SCRIBENER & SMITHS ENORMOUS UNITED SHOWS, | Circus, who | pool Altoona during the past two Museum, Troupe, na At FRE HORSE SATURDAY, ili $15,000 Big Tents 8 ded Cages Dens Thoroughbs x Open - land fesmt y Bands Musi ‘GREATEST 25 CENT et | Where nade to and Jno. P, Coxno, t Sher 1 ’ 4 4 / ’ ’ 4 f th 4 / / / / / / / / f / / 4 4 / ’ ’ ’ 4 / 4 4 4 ’ / ¢ ‘ ¢ 4 4 ? ’ 4 4 4 / ’ 4 4 4 ’ / i # 4 4 ’ 4 y " / ¢ / / BUILDERS" SUPPLIES, 00000000 STONE or ding purposes, furnish ed at our quarry or delivered in Bellefonte and Ficinity, as well as loaded on the ears of the Bellelugitle Central and piana Rallroads; as customers may require make a sand for the prime cheape at, Wu © Bank Sand, wash pes that the best is Lhe also furnish Mine ed, for } iiding pt for t LIME¥ make CALCINED PLASTER pilasters use PATENT WALL PLASTERS. We are agents for the sale of the Paragon Patent Wall Plaster, which has proven by actual experience fo be the best wall plaster now offered for sale in this ynmunity. After mixing it with water, it is ready for use JMINITE CEMENT FLASTER This is a natural product which comes from the far west, and has the advantage of requiring two parts of sand to one of cement ; it is easily mixed and makes an excellent wall plaster for less money than the average patent wall plasters cost The advantages in the use of these plasters Is that they ean be put on the wall immediately after mixing the old mortar of lime and sand, after mixing, require from four to six weeks In the mortar bed “to season” before using ; if put on soon er. it does not make good job hence the advantage of the patent wall plasters for immediate use 00000000 HYDRAULIC CEMENTS. Wosell the Cumberland and Potomae, une of the ver beat standard cements brodueced in this country: also the Hofman Brand of the Rosendale Cements, which has the highest reputation for good gualit We also keep a i stock of English Portiand Cement for special use, which comes to us highly recom mended as of the best quality, With these facts In our favor, we invite the patronage of those In want, with the full confidence that we furnish the best articles for the least money. A share of publie patron ange is solleited 00000000 McCalmont & Co. BELLEFONTE, PA, SOBA and hair for Teese sTseSsssassssSTaSSLsasS BE iii - ne | | county of « SHOW EVER ORGANIZED. Wonderful 1 Ma: » bd oy ied he ade... | at A Kingly Processio ) | Knights and Ladies, Golden Cars, Open Dens of Wild Animals, Comic Clowns, Male ap id Female NE 25 CENT TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. A. M. Hoover, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. a S|TeTeT.TTTTT"T2T9N RT FROCLAMATION Waneneas the Hoe Judge of the ' th Judicial di directed Terminer and very and Quar ter Sessions ¢ eo Pea n Bellefonte, for the county of ' k, ANG come the 4th Monday of : oe nl y of August 186, and to tir | — ' is hereby given rons . tices of the Peace Idermen and Constables entre, that they be the in the proper persons, at 10 o'clock noon of sald day, with their records, inguisi tions, examinations, and their own remem brances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who bound in recognizances 1 H . te the prisoners that Centre county against them Given under my hand, at day of July in the year of our Lord, 188 the one hundred and « ghiee nth year of Independence of the United States INO PF. CONDO Sherif n and there in the fore are or shall bein the all of be then and there lo prosecute as shall be Just Bellefonte the 29th ARMAN HOUS} High Street, op Entirely new New Fun Electric Light, and ments A J A tt R&T OQRFHANS COURT SAL} REAL ES By virtue ofan o the Orphans’ Court & in will be exposed to publie sale, In Walker town ship, upon the premises of Catharine Gates about 2 miles south on Hublertburg, on TAURSDAY, AUGUST at Ll o'clock, p.m, the Toll estate, late the property of Catharine dee’d All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the township aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Joseph Em erick, on the east by Adam Decker and Markle heirs, on the south by Isase Markie and on the west by Henry Brown and Joseph Emerick, containing 0 acres and 144 perches, the same being in a good state of cultivation. Thereon erected a two story frame de Ning house, barn and other outbaiidin NE, good fruit and an ex cellent supply of Xpring Water TERMS One half of purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale and balance in one year with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises Mann EK Hin, W. 6 Runkle, Administratrix Attorney WF YALUARLY MN 180 INE Gates, FAIR. Tableau | Jockeys, etc. TTT TOTTT SUNY dfMeTTTTeYTY:TaT"T9a "Yn wing deseribed real | has, leas- | « HOUSE OF ALT, CLEANING SUMMI “sR GOODS 0090600000006 00090¢ 900000 $06000000000000000000000008 To close out our stock of Summer goods, we shall reduce our entire stock of Summer Dry Goods etc., as follows: CLOTHING: ae | Feleeeener Ladies’ Summer wool ( _- § , he finest © duced to 2 of said | Are | iZAInst and | the ! RT DALE WO MENS & LADIES Shoe nt | eather £1.85. nd black, i 1 down. rth 45¢, re- » v 3 SS 3 «2 ANd oug, re- Our Regular Line of Domestic Goods3Cheaper than Any Other Store in the State, | Bellefonte, ON & CO, Penna.