i] LEAL { iv \l \M | NATION at Taylor Declares That Me wwrled “Contribntions” to Whiel mriers, 10 Inspector, 1 for « nd railroad vore that Captains Anthony Allal ©i irom og tional facts of payment by Ca w, had paid £10 an John J. Max Ww from Tay conn hav HB Cashier Goes Wrong. MHowgate Pleads Not Guilty, PR ine A Vemslon for WASHINGT on invalid a bill pranting to Mary Palmer B Nathaniel V'. Bas General Bank's Widow, Kilhed ! » Vall of He Wirkeseanng, Pu, D Micnlkionz,a la " Poy wos fatally salliory ln Dur, ! both of Hypnotism as an Excuse Statement from Haywards Father, MixNg Deo. 19.-W, W. Hay ward, Harvey's father, today declared that be oleared, APOLIR, his sons would Blixt that his no welght, He added that the was tl Ixt wis in tho power of a gang, and o { the erime ander thelr die tation, with the understanding that if dis covered it should ascribed to Harry Hayward, This gang, he added, was not composed of Minneapolis people Mr Hayward refused to account for the be havior of Adrian, the older brother, say nye 1d 1 mm be ng it would be explained later Mrs, Claus A. Blixt long and succlont O'Dell, her husband's § } tht yesterday statement to RR, RR rnd ys had | of MINCE noo exerted oy husban yy Harry Hayward =e tried in vain to counteract it, Blixt ral times that Hayward would be and that he dared not to « before am ittract his vne defo Hit Ww hint he influ BOY death of him tho cri aream nd Hayward had to do mm inn was hard to attention memory hee tive Px times a day, ¢ « on constantly befor wile y will make a t that Blixt was n 1 he committed ti Debs Gets Six Leaders Three Months Each. H Shot Two Men, Then Killed Himse! In, Ik ¥ ¥ Peba Will Geo te Jail. Pension Frand Escapes with a Fine, In Dee. 10 Another ; trial the 8. Judge ndant nade Shiras a charges in nte on Nn mths Ir prisonmer Hemarkable, If True, 1) : J 1) Al band nt Frederick of 854.000 charged wig Baker in rob was arealgned an k a # oonirt 1 »~ : ’ : } Muevesds \ iy Turdean for Crime-—A | that | ws confessodly a notorious Har, and | various confessions would have | evidonoo | made a | Months and the Other Strike | OUR LIST FOR THE HOLIDAY® Montgomery & Co. Hn pag Kale fo o4 TERM of InY firmation of sale, all de ed by bonds dee’d.. at Hublers ATURDAY, JAN! third Bi arrUNI] 1 fs 1 Hen NO 2 Tub road, eas oral oe at SOF SALE A e hall Hesny n AY. JANUARY ss the bre FINEFARM Walker, situate in Ferguson ! ly, © 4 neres ather } Nearly all the land 1s eleared tate of cultivation, There i bank barn and all in god repalr irehase money in eo of first third in one yonr interest from ferred payments to fd mortgage on the prom ErLis L.Onvis Assignee t EwO Years, with | | i ELECT ON KOT) WHEREAS op The v of Decomin A 18, on the petition and reed two thirds of the overseers of the poor, then in in Centre county, to the Court of Quarter anmendation of office gi le Al a decree ix ion of the wey Loy the vil ed nraving y made « dering the i tion of a County Poor Hou i electors of Centre county, at the election to be held for township and borough officers, on the thivd Tuesday of February, | ordanee THR | { hh 1 ‘ fe of the guilified Poor Distrie of the Peace for ing order ud co ind nou “B.X B =| Never Mind (1). 0) ook autif \ « La. Ye. : For MOTHERS, fia Ladies’ Stoeks—ot Crop with side Loops, Bows Rilk Ve ete. at et Rib 80C department ¥ on ante tur order nity § is y them the buldings | LEB BOGGS & BUHL, 116, 117 & 119 FreperaL St. ALLEGHENY, - - PENNA THE The first of American Nowspa. pores, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. svinerican Address Tit} Yori 1. 1804, SHORTLIDGE--ROBT McCALMONT WA McCALMONT & CO. ERI LY RUERS J p f Buyer: Ul ® (3 SUPPLIES, All AP All Farm FA : Products, C O A 1. ) ' i { The Independent New York, A Religious, Literary and fam ily Newspaper. THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE, LEADI} CHEMIS RY Th NGINEERING ENGI i RICAI ANICAI G ENGINEERING Y and POLITICAL USTRIAL ART AND DESIGN LITERATURS Ar ptiona Fi SCIENCE and ASTRONOMY ARTS: combinis MATHEMATICS MECHANICAL work with study MENTAL and MORAL SCIENOE MILITARY SCIENCE theoretical a tical FREPFPARATORY YOArs DEPARTMENT EDWARD K. RHOADS, Shipping Commission Merchant FALER IN Anthracite, Bituminous and Woodland Ears, 5, Baled Hay and straw, Shelled Com, wee KINDLING WOOD. by the Bunch oy suit Purchasers, CLEAN WASHED SAND. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public at his coal yard, Cord, in guontities / NEARP. R.R. STATION. BELLEFONTE. AcCalmont & Co, NT] . PENNA [IS BARLY RISING HEALTHFUL | | THE PATRIOT is the righ 6% ¥tart the Day by HNeading the right Kind of a Newspaper, and t kind. Itis the ng newspaper that reaches tral Ve sylvas of the ia at an early hour « foremost democratic news {La and the only one printed at al. the official and political cen ¢ news, receiving it over its own extraordinary facilities of Associations, aided by its own hh the Press ondents PATRIOT : ses and s Democratic to the core, an enemy of oor ‘ It isn't afraid to fight the t never hesitates to speak for the right. alty of h day 1} rq combined 08 0 SI department news and n all the other state We oR Session 10 the 1ovr with of 1885 will be of people of the state special reporters will keep y Informed concerning this and : conomic matters, It has for securing ad Legislative Hee nities nd DAILY, every weekday morning In the y evening of each week, be sent four eipt of §! ¢ sent four months on eipt of 25 cents the months WEEKLY = by pou Y 5 1 THE PATRIOT ‘ yee 0 it : Yivas and Ph Freed vo the Usemrioven n (§ | ted advertisements of those its help order has brought ascistanes to hundreds ft has a Cont a Word Want Col n forother wants Addreas, THE PATRIOT COMPANY, HARRISBURG, PENXA tria best advertising Pittsburg tsiie of vdeiphia Inserts w want. tg ng employs GARMAN HOUSE, High Street, opposite the Court House, Entirely new. New furniture Steam Heat, Electric Light, and all the modern imurovements A.CCEOC.M GARMAN. 1 68 Proprietors. Cradns COUNTY BANKING COMPANY. Corner of High and Spring street, Receive Deposits ; Discount Notes, J.D, Suvnaent, Cashier.