ge College Bla G w Atherton | at. BELLEFONTE. PA.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1894, WELCOME NEWS FOR THE | LABORINGMAN. ood effects of Tariff Reform alter The sixty days trat-Democrats talkie new 3 LY LAS made nle frit and it onl ued defeat, clung t ing those vears ol adve cause was just and right, for “Truth crushed to earth shall rise The eternal years of God a But error, wounded, wr Al dies among its After 32 was branc their on the statute republican legislation since they desecy credit, ithes i vears, the democraci folly restored power books was Treas The McKinley ly to Europe, the to buy revent Sherman quired us annnually ounces of silver which Ces an the le The panic Pually after a memor: became a lav vious bill was The Democratic It party had a ordeal to face. bravely met tinhed employment to labor. mines can't fll their orders; railroads are carrying an immense increase in | bankers report a frefght trafhie larger our increase the volume of bus. On ness, al A 5 the effect ure, v ruil has Lee industria LOW reson and the will be show, Prosperity, just breaking It is refalgent gives promise of era in our nations | money The he land are hments trying, over the government man to rally at defence « f ’ rent party ¥ the 8 on next Toesday in his standard and those principles we so bravely defended for over thirty years and which we now are just beginning to enjoy . M. FosTeEnr, our hustling candi. date for legislature paid us a short call on Friday. He gives a favorable report the cratic ticket will receive rity and is of the opinion entire its demo customary maj - AN should be made in voting precinct to instruct voters as to how they should ‘mark their ballot this year and vole also for State Senator The filing of Savage's nomination pa pers at a late hour has complicated the democratic ticket this year, - Hanny R. CunTin, but a few years Ago was appealing at the democratic door for an office. He has gone to the party which was more generous. Down at Curtin’s works, Roland, Pa., tue re. publican candidate for legislature was interested in an iron operation that paid its employees in store goods, This ex. ponent of company stores will ask laboringmen to vote for him. effort every tour | | Are Coal | | { dsfactory. Wheat osed as feed is not wasted but | ly \\ —_ AMERICAN LABOR WELCOMES THE DAWN OF PROSPERITY. THE CALAMITY WAIL “i ELI aa | Business { ni. says that roved crop n den demand products. There is little specula moving directly from consumer. nent 1s m The business m ire Sat. ms are rapidly b ] » CHAIR: and the coming December court that this has ocenrred. 1 : ws. The every gu ity out Hastings 5 ¢) mar nocet proven and ha way 4 been pos Lic ind heard of regard to Gen. rumors, AS we never saw or that he we always be. falsehood, sud cling to the same opinion any definite information was guilty of such conduct, lieved it a vicious will 1 until there is sufficient reason for be : Mi opportunity Heving the Of Con. In court, the trary Lave onnor will defend his he justly Gren. Hast. ise and we Let the light be statements and, if he severe punishment, has taken the proper ¢ approve of his action. turned on. — Tue Gazette speaks lightly Hastings’ famous Axeman speech of 1578 when he dubbed the democrats of Pennsvalley as 'doubleskulled,” ignor. ant and grossly immoral, of Gen. If that paper will only interview Adam Hazel, Frank Hazel, Perry Gentzel, Elias Breon and others, who were plainly mentioned as our authority, it will find the story only too true, The “double-skulled” will be the voles are counted and they won't swell Hastings’ major. ity. Their time ment, on hand when has come for settle. GEN. HASTINGS FEE His Charge Handred Defending Miners of Fight Dollars for f s+) i #1 D. H. “1 Hastings oved Ge neral ast 1 t haan rw mend 0 ¢ Hii Argu $f Were Land The lead M qu ers of the Knights of Labor were to pay 1" All EXD ISS a May Jen; . — AMITY HOW and you m LY never regret i { has done a ie good work by wing the ’ frandulen work of assessors fu that city. wards eX In some over 500 ficticious names were found on the lists and have been erased Assessors who i into court ible shown the fact that a is one of the most corrupt New York with its bowery slums does not seem to be in it. What is how the Republicans have been able to ‘roll up the immense wa- They had the and by the use of repeaters accomplish the result, rep An beer Philadelph cities in the country jorities nssessors lists, If Philadelphia should have a clean election this year, Singerly will likely carry that eity, PRI ‘ THE questions we propounded for the Gazelle still remains unanswered. We presume Harter found them too knotty, and did the next best thing by resorting he can't face the issues we will not embarass him further. We do not wish to humiliate him before the public, as we have con. sideration for a relative to ridicule, Since displayed | of the | Rhwest Lat product ever known Lise ® Ww cy saved him 1 until ¢ hisn sues of the pre campaign so that all ean 1.ot duty vote intelll gently, all reflect thelr carefully as to on Tuesday : Jet an honest purpose prevail and then act according. ly. When you do that you your citizenship in its highest exercise and no. blest sense St Bargisrs at Howard Burglars entered the Pennsylvania railroad station at Howard on Saturday night by forcing the door open, and se. cured for their trouble eighty-four cents. They then crossed the railroad and en. tered a residence and meat market but secured nothing in valne. — News From the Gas Well, The drill is now down about 600 feet in the gas well at Salt Lick, and another pocket of gas has been struck. The drillers keep the drill in operation day and night and if no salt is struck the gas will be utilized as fuel for the gine, en » .-— - ” ~Mr. Curtin Moyer and family, late. ly of Altoona, are preparing to move to Sandy Ridge. Mr. Moyer expects to take charge of the brick works at that place, bwilufe of shone numercus foarasoes + - UNPARTISAN JUDICIARY. WHAT CONSTITUTES AN IDEAL COURT. Bitter Partisang The are unit to Nil the place. Courts are Sacred-The Courts are The bulwarks of the iiberties of the people, The people of the 40th] udieial Dis- take in the of a man to preside over their « for the next ten year trict have much at election ourts The courts are very justly and properly regarded as the | bulwarks of the ibertios of the people, | As long as Lhey are pure, and not con- | taminated with the | ru of politi ests and rights of the bitterness and cor- ion A I'he people of the s perly fudicis cal turmoil as po been trie and very pri | keep their i had on ful, This the ] 14 CO % they were n men to be clothed vented to. vm the Bolt : gus YHOUHTE matter how de we stand and unt +) Famed aw, a larg: in the practice, 4 honest all his relation 8 priv h in pure and upright inl has every element wh make sucha judge as we in the 49th judicial district The nomwin Mr. Bower a democrats of him at The democrats of Huntingdon county, hay ing faith in him as a lawyer, and know ing his life and ch Id have shou dorsed he Primaries iraclier as a citizen were delighted to give qualified endorsement atl their primary i | i Us 3 elections. and heartily joined w giving him a speedy nomination in the district conference He the people free from all With no prejudice or {ll feeling excited against him in preliminary canvass or a jong drawn out contest in the judicial untrameled : thus comes to antagonism is the only free cand date conference, he and absolutely contest, and by reason of this is entitle to the support of every citizen, regard. less of polities who desires the fair, hon est, and upright administration of ji tice in our courts, As already stated it has always been the desire of the people of this common this 1 in Lo keep their jud from the turmoils of politics a idicial districts nd could do without in- in the republican ople prefer an hon- 1S a ant, an unparti. 1 promised judiei- rown time, but you for a see the princi; racy again trigmph in “Od « : tely necessa: n of working want to Che el dete Many on Kis rn out. 1 each Lf ntre Bellefonte Grain Market. Tackson 8&0: w - » Don’t Scold The Boy. Be good, lively and you him if 1 boy, : change of The is to are hard lot oes that vk out.” ot the school shoes you'll save four seibly a little more, in l one pair in i Si for both boys Mingle's SHOE STORE