REV. DR. TALMAGE. BROOKLYN DIVINE'S SUN- DAY SERMON, THE Subject: “The Excited Governor.” Text: ‘‘Folix trembled and answered, Go thy way for this time. When I have a con- venient season I will call for thee," —Acts xxiv, , 25, A elty of marble was Csaren wharves of marble, houses of marble, temples of mar- ble, This being the ordinary architecture of the place, you may imagine something ofthe splendor of Governor Felix's residence, In a room of that palace, floor tessellated, win- dows curtained, fretted, the whole scone aMuent with Tyrian purple and stat. ues and pletures and carvings, sat a very plexioned man of the name of Fe de him a woman of extraordi- . whom he had stolen by break or domestic olrele, She was eon years of age, a princess bh) unwittingly waiting for her doom o in the ashes and , which in sudden HITE eruptior nations, Well, one palace, weary with the ties of the pl says to afternoon Drusilla, seated in the wend) To] ix: y much heard 3 that the ( to see him, hear him sj about his el ®O They say about y men of Was a had a angu 1A ne night to our . weil nd, to caricature the whole scene and make misth those who should express any anxiety about their souls, tut I met Bim at the door, his fase vory white, tears running down his cheek, as he sald, “Do you think there is any chance for me?" Felix trembled, and so may God grant £* maw \ 0 ¢ it :Y » 9 ) a ol re. have a I want nk lean hal you hen I call for other rea x sent Paalto the guardr and ad) 1 this subject was he was 80 very busy. Ia ordinary ti found t ste absor th were land was ripe a band of assassins, were around the palace, and I # “I can't attend t pressed by affairs of among other things that ruined hi I suppose there are thousands « are not children of God because they has much business, Itis? losses, gains, unfaithful emp It is in your law « ponas, writs you have to write you have to fille, arguments make, It is your wl profession, with its broken nights and the exhausted anxis ties of life hanging upon your treatment. It is your real estate office, your business with landlords and tenants and the ‘allare of men to meet their obligations with you, Aye, with some of those who are here it ia the an noyanoe of the kitehen, and the sitting room, and the parior-—the wearing peonomy of try ing to meet large expenses with a small in. Ten thousand volees of business, business’ drown the eternal Spirit, silencing the voles of the ad- vancing jodgment day, overcoming the voles of eternity, and they cannot hear ; they can- not listen, They say, ‘Go thy way for this time." Bome of you Jook upon your goods, look upon your profession, I look upon your memorandum books, and you ses the demands that are made this very week upon your time and your patience and your money, and while I am entreating you about your sou! and the danger of procrastination you say : “Go thy way for this time, When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee,” Oh, Felix, why be bothered about the al- fairs of this world so much more than about the affairs of eternity? Do you not know that when death comes you will have to stop business, though it be in the most exacting period of it-betwoen the payment of the money and the taking of the receipt? The moment he comes you will have to go, Death waits for no man, however high, however low. Will you pat your offlee, will you put your shop in comparison with the affairs of an oternal world, affairs that Involes thrones, palaces, dominions eternal? Will you put 200 sores of ground against im. mensity? Will you put forty or fifty years of your Hie net mil of agm? , Felix, u might better post averything ele. or do you not know t the upholsterin n why F \ arn affairs of =t ae xtraordinary or lnsurr usiness in the sto oves business gub- ut, papers yon have to medi come, “mein a voles of the of Tyrian purple in your palace will fad and ! the guardroom, saying: ‘'Go the marble blocks erumble, and the breakwater made of great blocks of stone sixty feet long, must give way “before the per petual wash of the sta, but the redemption that Paul offers you will be forever? And yot and yot and yet you wave him back to thy way for thistime, When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Again, Felix adjourned this subject of re- lHglon and put off Paul's argument bocause he could not give up the honors of the world, He was afraid somehow he would be com wromised himself in this matter, Remarks we made afterward showed him to be In tensely ambitious, Oh, how he hugged tho favor of men! I never saw the honors of this worll in thelr hollowness and hypocrisy so much a in the life and death of that wonderfal man, Charles Bumner, As ho went toward th ince of burial, even Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, asked that his romains stop of Cmarea at wil the bean there on their way to Boston, The flag ! at hall mast, and the minute guns on Boston Common throbbed after his h | to beat, Was it always so? how osnsured of legisintive smricatured of the plotor with every motive n how all the urns « pe billingsgate emptied upon his head ; when struck doy in Sen chamber were hundrods of yusands of sald, “Good for him; how he had to put the ooo and his malignors that het tle peace, and how, when he went off they sald ho was broken hearted becaus iid not get to be President or Becretary art had censo While h resolutions ; SOrves monwealith that sles I nts 1 for twen 1H . a man like that, all the hounds of the political kenasl so long as he lives and then |! ler a groat pile of garlands and amid the lamentations of a whole nation, I say to myself - What an unutterably hypoeritical thing is all human applause and all human favor! Yom too) pull down hk vo years in try My friends, ww tary on the hol It there are ho are Pe wipon nay } urie n tw fame and the 1 nty-fl have the rsuade them u are looking al or pres ur great n, was the 1 : ir upon thing was Oi i, and hat Nn Wrong wal p when Paul and palace, It went away wuardsman left, ppd t venient season oame is guardsman entered tha when Paul and his Have you never seen men walting for a convenient season There is such a great fascination at vii may have great resp Christ, tha th Al 00n ®t to yt somehoy ore is ag hit ong white before he | After their peace in man sald to the Indian, was kept in the immediately found peace plied ‘I wil you. A along, and he offers you a cont You louk at ye and say, ‘My coat is good enough.’ you refusa offer, but the 4 and he offers me tho coat, look at my old blanket, and I throw tha! away and take bis offer You, sir,” contin ued the Indian, “are clinging to your own righteousneas you think you are good enough, and you keep your own righteous ness; but [ have nothing, nothing, and so when Jesus offers me pardon and peace | simply take it." My reader, why not now throw away the wornout bianket of your sin and take the robe of a Baviour's righteousness—a robe so white, so fair, so lustrous, that no fuller on earth can whiten it? © Shepherd, to-night bring home the lost sheep! © Father, to night give a welcoming kiss to the wan prodigal ! O friend of Lasarus, to-night break down the door of the sepulcher and say to all these dead souls as by frcesistiblo flat: “Live! Live!" Rallroads Th Japan. Bixtytwo applications for new raflroad : fos WRG IED vhrist the white “Why was it that I darkness and you The Indian re princes comes ong tall you and princes Wm es along, and | | concessions are under consideration by the authorities in Japan, the total length of the projected Hines being about 1490 miles, Dur. ng the next twenty years the Government will bulld 1264 miles of road, which, added | to the mileage now in operation, will give a total of 1815 miles, Besides this there are now 1319 miles of road owned by private onpital, the total lengths of roads now oper. ating being 1570 miles, | thou bless me." his | SABBATH SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON FOR JUNE 24. Lesson ond Text: Lessons of the Seo Quarter «Golden Text: Deut. xxxil,, 9-Com- mentary, Lesson 1, Jacob's Prevailing Prayer (Gon, xxxif,, 9.12: xxiv., 80), Golden Text (Gen, xxxil,, 26), “I will not let thee go, except The first part of this lesson shows us Jacob filled with a pense of his un- | { | | | | should be, washed every day. 1] HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS, DON'T NROLECT THE DISH CLOTHS, No articles in kitchen are Bo likely to be neglected and abused ns the dish cloths and dish towels, Put nse {a teaspoonful of ammonia into the these cloths are, or Rub water in which | soap on the towels; put them in the worthiness, yot pleading and clinging to the | 1 promises of God, The second part shows us Juoob with his thigh out of Joint, helpless to rosist any longer, clinging in his weakness and conscious nead to the Mighty One, and obtaining that which he sought, Tho whole lesson teaches us how to obtain power with God and men, Here is found the word “Israel” for the first time. Lessox Il —Discord In Jacob's Family (Gen, xxxvil,, 1-11 Golden Text (Gen xlv., #4), "Bea that fall not out by the way." Here we see Jacob's special love for Joseph, the beloved Rachel's firstborn, and are warned of the danger of having favorites among the children, But we niso the special love of God to Joseph In exalting him above father, mother and brethren, and osing hit ¢ a great deliverer, and wre God, wl not err, we bow with ration, for can say to Him, “What doeat Thou? Livgnox 111 vin Bow Id Into Egypt (Gea, ext (Gen. 1, 20), , but God meant 30), honor." The wnd suffering. the nent are r w prot faith in Mi n. | close to this story Lessox VII Isreal in Beypt (Ex. LL, 1 14). Gol lon Text (Pa. exdliv,, 8), "Our help is in the name of the We now some to the tv sn, but bafore the de. Hveranco we t son the bondage The 4 wrning the afMistion of his send Is b Zz falfilled (Gen. xv, 13), but the veranos are just as true, and they als ha be faulfilied, This is again the ation pd t -fumil whe igh His enomios, Those who 1 to their own i's at nd fs reward In xi., 23. Lot yoar ‘If God be for ua, { sider the three which this is the see SE ite contents, W ade 3 # Sent as Mon Text (Isa. xii, 10), vn with thee,” Moses waght that lsrael would rar, the age of } bey the oall of God and am that { should go? The great iosson for us ist hear God say: Iam, I will sand thee | I will be with thes Wo are nothing except as Wo are messengers for God, The who eonds as la everything, and His age in We ar bothing exeept in so arry His message sorreat ly Lemtox X.~The Passover Instituted (Ex, xi, 114), Goidan Text (I Cor. v., 7), “Ourist, our passover, ls sacrificed for us.” The great lessons ro are the sailed y t first! ander the blood and their 1p tion as saved ones ; teaching us so strikingly that it is the blood alone that saves, bul there is no safety for na unless we are under it ; then as saved ones we are continually to food upon Him who saves us, even os He said. ‘He that cateth Me, even he shall Ile by Me." : Lssox XI.—~Passage of the Red Bea (Bx. xiv., 19-20). Golden Text (Heb. ii., 29), “Hy talth they passed through the Red Hea In the clond we ses God as Israel's light and shield and guide and avenger. In the in- cident of the lesson we seo how God leads His people into difficulties that Heo may show His power in their behalf 1 that He may be glorified. When we find ourselves in straits and ses no way out, let us stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, Con sider that He who divided the sea is our God, the areator of Heaven and earth, and there ia nothing too hard for Him (Jer. xxxil. 17). Lessos X11 —The Anointed King, a Mis slo Lesson (Ps. i, 1-12), Golden Text (Pu. 1h, 8), “Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance,” This is the plature of the Lord God of Jacob and Joseph and Mones, larani's groat Detiverer and Messiah, who will in due time be King over all the earth, but not until yarn he a Deliv PUL everything. Ar as we and in His tone name, rau turned with her for the salvation of Israel and judgment of Helper, I The Tennyson Beacon. The English Committe have nocepted the design of John L. Pearson, a member of the loyal Academy, for the Tennyson memorial, which ie to be an Iona cross thirty-four feet Bigh, and ealled the Tennyson Beacon, The cross will bear an inseription showing that it was erected Ly the friends of Tenny« son in England and Amerioa, The beacon, which will ocenpy a commanding position near Faringford, the home of the late laureate at Freshwater, Isle of Wight, will be 716 fort above high water and visible many miles landward and ssaward, Separate Coach Law, Kk has been desided by the United States Courts that the Beparate Coach law, provid ine separate conches on railroad trains for colored people and whites, Is unconstita tional, thereby knocking eut the Kentucky statute, He shall | have received His bride, the church, and re | the nations, Lesson | water and then rub them out; rinse; dry out doors. Dish cloths and towels need never look gray and dingy-—a perpetual discomfort to all housckoep- ers, —New York World. — TO CLEANER SILK FABRIOS, For every quart of water needed, pare, wash and grate one large potato. Put the potatoes into cold water and let them stand two days without stir- ring, then carefully pour off the clear liquor into a vessel of a convenient size in which to wash the silk. The washing is done by dipping the gilk up and down in the waier; there are spots draw the smoothly through the fingers, but do not rub it or allow it to wrinkle. Hang the over 1 ] drip nearly dry; the table, and with a c one side and thes must be pressed nel and Ribbor winding it aroul ‘) youl and let it flat on the it first on 11 BLK things are sent to a pro ] with hea writing to be giv: that two doze and a whole have dropped into printed her name treated her chemicals by the opposite plan to that advised. However suo cessful you may be recommend your os of marking ink to the process should wrong way and ¥ Even among our ne friends there ar blundering r and it is best for them from their Advertiser ry, HAs evia 8 Escalloped of tomatoes in one of bread SUZAT, other o until the quarters of au } Asparagus © dish is asparagns wit] pounds of the vegetal tender tops and lay then 1 ie dish, foasONIng wi salt, and two tal butter. Beat to break the ASPATAZ UE, good over broiled ham Corn Muflins—Two cups of corn mesl, sifted with a teaspoonful of salt, one and a half cups of rice, one teaspoonful (not heaping) of lard, enough boiling water to soald it all and leave it thick, two eggs well beaten, one-half teaspoonful saleratus, enough sour milk to make a rather thin batter, Grease your gem pans slightly with lard use the Southern muffin rings and like them better) and bake as you bake corn dodgers. And you will have somo royal muffins, Duchess Boup~This soup is ore of Mra. Rorer's and is a very good ane, Put a quart of milk over the fireina double boiler, with a blade of mace and slice esch of earrot and onion; rub together two tablespooninls each of batter and flour and when the milk bolis remove the vegetables and stir in this roux; add three heaping table spoonfuls of cheese, take from the fire and add the beaten yolks of three s of tender we eggs. Boason to taste and serve at | once. A obange is made by using chicken or veal stook instead of milk, or half of each. Fried Hasty Pudding-—Put one quart of water on to boil. Mix one pint of corn meal, one heaping table: spoonful of flour and one teaspoonful of salt with one pint of milk, Stir this gradually into the boiling water aud boil three-quarters of an hour, stirring often. Fill a bread pan with oold water and lot it stand a fow min. utes Throw out the water and poar in the mush. When cold turn out on a platter, ont in slices three-quarters of inoh thick, roll them in flour and brown each side in hot fat in a frying PA: Or roll the slices in crumbs, dip on 403, 101 tn erumaba, am) fry in deep The Royal Baking Powder is in- dispensable to progress in cookery and to the comfort and conve- nience of modern housekeeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfectly leav- ens without fermentation. Oual- ities that are peculiar to it alone. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, ‘“You may edue an In lian ; h much #8 yi 1 thr n ali the steep hi well of | of the whites, “A great taken GIVES WARNING there's trouble shead vou're getting this, that your bioed rished, and your " t taalb s diseasncs to fagten upon ¥ 1 should build ¥ up with Dr. Pi op Medical Pise iy apd enrich blood, reuse every orgam inte mapural ae- tien, and build healthy, wholesome, necessary Sesh at It was rem rences that 1 am ] place, that the young Indian was cor tinnally making inquiries o Ocean Port, N. J Pr BV. Pixncn: Pear Sic Wa have ured your “6. M.D." in eur family spd find noth! elas to equal i. One of our children bad of meumonia, and ens lung become consolle ted, but by the use of the “ Disonvery sie ha Suirely recovered, snd is new In geod eat (Batli Scchlea “= LINENE = one sort or another of every visiting moet we e 6 are and Cully warn, Losk well. Fit well, Wear well. slinre or Five pairs of cule 25 ctu, of cufh by Ba for » cents. . od and address the Collar Co, Fraakim st, New York A M.LEBB& CD, 1% TTORNEYS FOR ’ hes’ 8 Eeversibie heart of and . Be Reversible 1 Lhe them, and I believe will always remais = BO. Washington I — . Eilbr et Star ow Tea and Coffee as Food, YVESTORS, in states that, ro es k ENSION VI aon no Washington, Bh, Successfully Presecytes Claims, wa Exfminer sr late? ¥ ension Buresan. dyreimiset war, bad odioaling clams, eli) sino sondition rine wo years, burn i interior fire had ealeined him lived on chocolate for eight months, and died in a very advanced state of rottenness, as it were, devoured | worms, — The Lancet COTO eBBWBeBB™BN i SBOVOBVBBBBBDBDEDY L OV FL Diamond Cycles : / ARE THE BEST MADE. THE ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, HIGH GRADE IN EVERY RESFECT. FOURIST'S FAVORITE, WELTY! THE WONDER OF THE ACE, CAML AND SEE IT, WHAT IS ¢ 4 / 4 ¢ ’ ITs ¢ / ! SBIRAFEE.! Send for aur Special dary List of second-hand and shepewara Wheels, We have got MEAT OUTES VAER TO ALL, AGENTS WANTED, OUR SPORTING GOODS LINE IS UNEXCELLED, Bend ton cents (the actual cont of mafling) ia stamps or monay for large illustrated foar hus dred page eatalogue, containing all Kinds do srting Gord and hundreds of otaer arvoies | CATALOGU A 1 FA ; "wal HICH GRADE BICYCLE FOR $43. 75 of “0u5i "ae and nigh erase quaiir, which we | are closing out at the above low prices. A rare eaance 1 get FR rg dy bend 85 10 | oR Edi Lod gd bdrgi br oon rR with thy priviiages of examination, it | JOHN P, LOVELL ARMS CO, 4 1321 Broad St, and 147 Washington So, ROSTON, eee eee eit. 4 (1) ’ DON'T BORROW TROUBLE.” BUY desired. Apply 0 our agents or direst to us, 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END ’ .