CONDITION OF THE CROPS, THE REPORT OF THE AGRI- CULTURAL DEPARTMENT. The Drouth in Many Parts of the Country Has Aftected the Grow- Ing Grain—The Wheat Estimates ~The Peach Sald to Be a Commercial Fallure, Crop The report of the Agricultural Dopartment sient sown sweroagn of winter with that which was a de- ase of per cent., being an inor 13 in only ten ‘hero is pith 18 ornia, area ee hy » es Cd wk hd 6H ~ THE SULTAN DEAD. Hassan, of Passes Away Suddenly, Muley Ruler Morocco % N lg 3 I Ly { ¢ : 1 / Muley I was born Beptembe likely to oxist ropean po was that 1 whieh with Mu Hassan This resu 1 in ar fighting, at ina the Rifflans and pay add this at the tims he power yi y Haitan an indefinite character tribesmen, and the resait ous disputes with foreign In 1884 he refused to continue the Earopoean con mercial treaties, The policy the country adopted asion was generally ob by other nations, In 18389 Maley sent i tC Europsat nat hat isaund a pe amation, forbidding hristians Muley Hassan man { the Orien ourt was noted for luxury, Aside from his nation, his { his entaking off. 0 Was oh the distant numer. wn thix oe sodal miss year he assaults on © Was a tal t ite na, handsome ype. His splendor the romantic interest i country had additional interest from the anxiety of European nations to tuke part in its dismemberment when the times were ripe therefor, THE PLATE WINS. ana Value of the Harvey Process Proved at Indian Head, Without noties, Captain Sampson, Chief of | the Naval Ordnance Bureau, slipped quietly | ont of Washington to the Indian Head prov ing ground, and fired two shots from the twelve-inch rifle at the sevantesu-inch Both. lehom armor plate, against the testing of which, under standard conditions, the com. pany had vainly protests], The result was the conplete triamph of the plate, and the demonstration of the value and practicability of the Harvey pro- cess as applied to plates of this thickness, The plate was curved, representing 300 tons of armor intended for the barbettes of the battle ship Massashusetts, It measured eight by twelve lest, und weighad thirty tops. BATTLE WITH STRIKERS, | Seven Deputies Repulse Three Hun dred Slavs, A battle between seven armed deputies and of 300 strikers oceurred at 9 o'clock of the Mo Uniontown, a mob nt the Lemont No, 3 works Coke Company, nN, 0. Clure Penn. One striker, a Slay, was killed instantly, and two other Slav strikers were fatally wounded, I'he deputies were surrounded and fired up on hy the strikers before they shot, I'nie incidents lending up to the battle be gan i when amob of several hun fired strikers, mainly from the Trotter works of the Frick Company, gatherad at the Poennsvivania Railroad station at New Haven, took a8 prisoners four worl who are empl Yaliny work vf the I ware their way he he names of the wo Oliver Attloby When they surrounde I'he chall the night, men yed on on mrin } Delaney, and John Far the train the marche soversd ards, Ww agh, AWRY with I THE LABOR WORLD. Nennasxa union ill hol a PEERY WO general of A BUILDING trades o lished in Paterson, N. J Tracnzss in the Mexican public schools are padd 230 to 840 a month, Paovinesce (BL) Isthers want esightoen cents a bundle and the nine hour day. kx loaders at Kansas City a day and derr want 5 Kmen tive Engin low Laka F i ) tralia, as the is natantiy Inoreasing. intry v the authorities rears in the co nt t ue lake sailors, whose headquarters is at Chicago, the largest inland port in the World, have the prospect of a very dull sea- Wages opened thisspring at £1.50 a day, aa compared with $2 last year, and even at the lower figure steady work is hard to find, Tue bona Ads son before them laborers of Washington do not feel ve 7 good just now about the ad vent of hordes of unemployed men there, The commissioners of the District have an nounced a out In wages from $1.25 and $1.50 to #1 a day. Representative Goldsier brought the matter up in the House in the shape of a resolution, asking the commis sioners to explain why the cut was made, rn —— FIFTEEN HUNDRED DEAD. About 100 Deaths a Day From a Plague in Hong Kong. A plague is epidemic among the natives at Hong Kong, China, Fifteen hundred have already died, and bal! the remaining num. ber have fled the oity, Many Europeans have been seized with the scourge, but thus far only one death in the European colony has been reported, Theaverage dally npmber of deaths among the natives fs 100. Busi. ness is at a standstill and labor is com. pletely paralyzed. The Goverament axpeacts A totnl failure of ths rovenus from opium, It is proposed by the Government to destroy the native quarters, which are exceedingly flithy, and have long been the source of most of the diseases which have afllicted the community, Mms Crana Barrox and the Red Cross staff have closed the fleld of relief! at Beau. fort, 8. ©. The Sea Islands, with their popaiation of 85.000, after nine montha’ of d work, are loft in a condition to sapport themselves, The eyclons of August, 1803, destroyed over 2000 lives, devastated 15,000 nores of land, and ruined 6000 cabins, WAR COLLEGE OPENED. Assistant Secretary MeAdoo Naval Situation, on the The Naval War College wa Newport, B, I, Assistant Noeere the Navy William McAdoo, In his the Becrotary said ha had not eomn hy gize the navy of the United States record was a complete an torest oritios, It was exo continund, that a both theorstice art of 1 foundad offort to ro lly inval A naval nation two thi and equ.| pe second, i ne their num sossion o NEWSY GLEANINGS, ALL the manuscript oensus, with the excepti volames, has been compieted, sO A ranox number of alk have besa wilfully | mountains: | and uscless'y nol non sisnghtorsd in the or, Wyoming Sate Rasn say Avorad «1 i n is : i in the f Green RI vod at Key Weat, in 6008 wi 0X of the This is NO BANK FAILURES. IFalks of the Situation. ¥ ckels and Business Comptroller Money Ja rency, [| ur y the present The condition sponta a stiri sted a yoar a passe 1 wit fallure is under not gens their } starvation wi met with has not only disappsearad, but every bank is glutted with idle money, which aanier pres ent conditions cannot be employed “The increase in osit of! money has been notably geoater in the large cities than fo the smaller places In looking ov reports from the banks, it is noticeable that in the South and West the reserva is quite as high as in the East, and that all are bay md a point aver before known. It must be evi- dent to every one that the present standstill in business cannot continue loayg when the tariff question Is settled, Of very nooessity there must be a business rovival, and it will be rapid and substantial, “It is a great source of congratulation that the apprehension that was upon the people when the Sherman law was operative does not now affect them since its repeal, and though the gold reserve is at a point far lower, no ons is alarmed and no one fears a return of the conditions of June and July last," than ten | O~tohar WAR everywn fest PANAMA'S CALAMITY, The Loss About $3,000,000, BO00O Persons Homeless, Tho greatest oalamity that has ever bo- fallen Panama was the fire which started a fow afternoons ago, and burned flercely for nine hones before it could be got undér eon- trol, At 3 o'clock nn, m. the flames wore sub dued after having destroyed over 300 bulld- ings In the most thiekly Jopuluied seotion of the ofiy, including the Prefecture and the Chinese quarter, The loss of property amounts to nearly £5,000,000, The insurance is estimated at only about $200,000, One-third of the ares of the ality is devastated, and 5000 persons are rendsred homeless, The fire burned nearly every bullding on Lastablas, Juan Ponoe, La Bt, Lamas, Saisipuedes and Es peanades streets, The olty marke: was saved, and wr the | THE NATIONAL GAME. New York's base running Is weak, Tux Brooklyns are playing winning bail Tuer is too much kicking at the 1 on all sides, npire | Barrisonre has not won a in Pltts burg In two yoars, Prronens Knell and gums Kilroy have been re | leased by Louisville, Zorn, of Cleveland, is ono of the hardest | hitting entehers ir the Leng Joux B. Day thinks the New York Clal made a big mistake to releases Connor Nicnors has pitehed yoar, nud the B Tengav, when It comes 10 basa of | Hw difMicoult plekaos ot Mm I ‘ Tar Leagua ten gt! out are Boston, Balti Pittsburg it hav "re ’ Tug Cleveland | work of the Les sation for the | the ’ O88 B We Dorey Pruuars nover | major Les race for the Turne are n who oan throw than MeCarthy QUINTUPLE TRAGEDY. John Kauffmann’'s Shocking Crime Caused by Despondency. Cramer Hil n Kauffmann use, the other part i gn of iife was ioek on the mot Mrs, Kauffman we to t received bread delivered by a baker The fact that the shatters remained excited of Frank Ha and he sommur fears to Paace shmid 3 Intter went t 1H a itters init the susp! of the the house, and ing open the si ht the body of Kauffmann betwaesn the d floor front r 1° the in the ng her dead in comprised the entire family EE, SL Sy, TWO RESCUED. Fatal Accident to a Boating Party in a Reservolr, irred on Tally Fo A party ey and Maggie Blainey Martin MoCl and Patrick Ma- a boast ride on the reser Everything went smoothly until 434 o elock boat overturned, throw ine all the occupants into the water, The women sereamed for help, and the men did all in their ower to keep on the surface of the water, By the marest chance Kate Me- Clusker caught hoid of the upturned boat, and held fast, shouting atthe top of her volo for nasistance, Patrick Aspel and Thomas Donohue, who were in a boat some distanee from where the accident occurred, hastened to the spot and rescusd her, They then looked for the rest of the party, but only one of them was to be seen, FPatriek Marooney was the only member of the party that could swim, and he had started for the shore, Thomas Lynch, who saw the boat keel over, and who has a boat moored at the rear of his house, set out to the rescue. On the way to the place where the accident oo. curred he came upon Marooney and pulled him into the boat. In vain the rescuers looked for the rest of the party, but not one of them could be seen. Browsters, N. Y Othe sisting sale Blain sisters , MeClusker, 18 Ker, ynas Sean roons your ook , when the a ———————————— CHINESE PIRATES WHIPPED. | Thirty-two Killed in a Fight and Many Drowned, A band of pirates with eight junks pianaed to attack Tanohl, a walled village in the dis triet of Hsinning Quangisung, China, villagers, learning of the intention, pro oured the assistance of some Yamen ran ners and soldiers, so that when the pirates arrived they were surrounded hy a foree of 800, There was a desperate fight, in which thirty-two pirates were killed and three oapturad, Three of the junks were seized, snd many plesties wore drownsd while trylag to escape the rest of the squadron, Bight villagers were wounded, one mortally, The | WETMORE FOR SENATOR. Dixon's Successor, | The Rhode Island Legislature Elects THE MARKETS. Late Wholesale p MILE AXD ( T A immer +H 1 o the Arget cur Btato. Fa t y 's I skims, prime, owls. ¥ 1... pring chick Roosters, old Turkeys, MH Ducks, # pair Gocan (Jonan Squabs, YEOETAPLES Potatoes Southern, ¥ bbl Old, ¥ sack PR Sra Cabbage, Norfolk, # hb! Onlons-—~Bermuda, ¥ erate | Egyptian, ¥ bag | 34 4 Fin, ¥ crate Lettuee, looal, # bbl Beets, ¥ 100 bunches Asparagus, ¥ doz | Spinach, #¥ bhi a. | Btring beans, ¥ basket, | (resn pons, ¥ basket, .. | Rhabarh, ¥ 100 bunches, | Tomatoes, Fla, ¥ carrier, Cucumbers, ¥ crate | GRAY, RTO, { Flour-—Winter Patents Spring Patepts, ...c siviee Wheat, No. 2 Bed... cocaine May A LOOT -