i. = The Gente Democrat, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1864, CHAS. R. KURTZ LOCAL DEPARTMENT. ing out fine job work. The funeral of Mis. J. J. Pact Pi TI oh Presbyterian church, or n ii ie musical or vinment in Friday evening promises to be well attended, The corrected table Central Railroad of Penna. appears thi 198 Line Of another page ol upt. S. 8. Bl wr MeCaule ~ elected Ward. ~—Miss Laura K., danghter of D W. Hafer, of Bellefonte has p final examinations in the Penna, Den ~Cottege, at Philadelphia, and will be one of the graduates this year, to practice ] office at quite 1) levenne office. appointment had been made cants became was learns having a expense, ~The Dai with its { od 41 EET of present proprietors evidently do n lieve that last Saturday. T belle tw daily publications. is Re- office and continues to give its being published regularly from the publica i readers the news of the t shape, own in good It is deserving of patronage. ~ol, Austin Curtin, of Roland, Gen, John I. Curtin and Smith, of Bellefonte, have been selected by Gov, Pattison as a portion of the commission of 100 to assist in the location of the troops npon the Antietam battlefield so that positions ean properly marked. The commission will serve without pay. They will meet in June. ~Rev. Wheeler, the Seventh Day Adventist minister left on Tuesday for Armstrong county, where he will en. deavor to organize a congregation. He succeeded in organizing enough converts to the Adventist doctrines for a cop gregation at this place. They hold their meetings in the old Methodist church, on High street, nea: the jail, ~The Bellefonte Club, League of American Wheelmen have a nice meet- ing place, second floor of Centre county bank building where they have two rooms handsomely furnished. The reading room is supplied with the very best selections of current literature, In another room they have a fine pool ta. ble that is a recent addition to their place. The club has a membership of about fifty young men. Chas, the be ED. & PUB | | who was ] ' | pa nuts. ' | the oficers | were trying to | tal | { which he gets away with as rapidly as She expects | ] it be. | GEORGE HARMAN, HOUSE. | The Little Bloy Recovering From His Bruises And Injuries Growing Fat and Plump Many Scars Of late many of our readers, the county, have inquired of the con. dition of little George Harman, the bo) go inhumanly treated by hi It is made about seven weeks sine the raid upon the | Harman re \ xemann, where | year-old boy bruises y the d rut { treatment of nts who evidently rend to tl | ones ex which he ors. He candies receiy has been the Ie pient of and confectionery A VISIT TO THE POOR] about ted were W., H. ort: J. M. Ward, « and Frank Wa Furs (se0rge Meek Terry. Thomas Harry Physicians ust lay, March 1a esont act provi : th rst dav of M om at fr 18 aired he | enter upon the practice surgery in the state unles complied with the provi nd shall exhibit the county in which he or she desires to | ions to the prothonotary practice medicine or surgery a license duly granted by the state board. After | exhibiting the license and upon the pay- ! , | ment of one dollar the applicant shall be | registered. Prothonotary Lesher this morning received a letter from H.G. | McCormick, of Williamsport, member | of the state board of medical examiners, giving notice that after March 1st, he cannot accept the registration of physi. cians unless he presents a license from the state board, ~ Lock Haven Democrat, ~The Lutheran congregation will hold their regular social Thursday even. ing at the home of Mr. Harry Gehrett, Everybody is invited to attend. ~(1en, Hastings has now got. an even one hundred delegates instrncted for him, leaving but the addition of thirty- three more to make his nomination se cure, ~Samuel Foster, justice of the peace, who has been on the sick list for some time, is not improving, During the past few days he has been confined to his bed and was in a delirious condition. Mr. Foster Is well advanced in years and one ofour old and well known citizens, ~All kinds of job printing done at lan entrance to the Hunter { near Fillmore, by cutting through the | cellar door, | way tothe up stairs where his move. | ments awakened the daughter who gave this office. Our prices are reasonable. Harmony and Song The programine for the musical en. Presbyterian church it { tertainment in the on Iriday evening, is announced and be one of the nest entertais nent pertot un The reetions and will be the best, full programme: opportunity { hear followir or ig | were 1 off [ considerably wheelmen oul were I A Spin. The next mise will be “The attraction at the opera | Dazzler.” This { number « 1 new ppl be made u week. Wm. Lyon, the Bishop st er, is having the store room in Lyon & Co's building, on Allegheny street, put in shape for his meat market, reed butch Every. | thing is being put in first class keg of order. | The day of the moving a nails | will be opened for the benefit of visitors | and “boneless liver’ will be given away | as souveniers, | ~One night last week a prowler gained residence He managed to find his an alarm. The fellow was in the sleep- ing apartments, evidently in search of valuables, He made a hasty retreat, falling over furniture and chairs and got away. «Owing to the great increase in the number of letters received at the dead letter office in Washington, the postal authorities make the following requests to the public: “Don’t mail your package without having your own address writ. ten or printed upon the upper left hand corner. This will insure its prompt re- turn if not delivered, and will prevent its being sent to and opened at the dead letter office.” This request will hardly be complied with by writers of love let- ters. especisily in small towns, HECENT DEATHS On Sunday morning y f of it Orie | LE 0 | { two miles east of Bellefonte, He on Joh conves fs ie i Lat} wd engaged, with hi { sation when his head suddenly ward and he expired, TI 041 i I VUAIS O16 age. i 14 rent (8 ™ curred on Tuesday |] held morning. Mr. the he widow her to The ¥ w ho preceeded Wer 8 Yea ARO, : . s long residents of the tow 1 | Will Tssne Bonds ommissioners of ( 1" 4 } int dn 88. intares ok Haven bridge. sued indeno I | bear annum, payable semi.a { and These tions of In minatio 0 and w per The bonds will 100 tn 8 $4.10 1% cent nterest Ne nually. bonds will run twenty | years, but will be redeemable at the op. | tion of the commissioners any time af. | ter the fifteen Sealed proposals for these bonds must be expiration of years, handed in at the commissioners’ office | before 12 o'clock noon Tuesday, March - ii Royal Arcanum OMcers The Bellefonte Council, No 1050 Roy. al Arcanum, has elected the following officers to serve during the ensueing year: Regent—E F Garman, Vice Regent—C I XKrider, Omtor-W A Lyon, Secreiary-John C Miller, Col. J K McFarlane, Treasurer—Geo. Van Tries, Chaplain—8 C Showers, Guide H Holtz, Warden—J A Aikens, Senti. nel=John P Harris, Trustees Charley Smith, H Holtz and John Meese, Nasiness Improving. According to the Lock Haven Demo: eral that town is having a general re. vival of business. Nearly all their manufacturing industries have resumed operation. Among the list are the Lock Haven furniture factory, the fire-brick works, the clay works, the Woolrich woolen mills, the paper mill and minor establishments. The people down there can’t be afraid of the Wilson bill, They , | commitive, in Bellefonte. om I fore | and CONFIDENT REPUBLICANS The eet i r of he republic 4 Hi Tar: ne propi fwere driven by the defeat of 1 hey imagine they can read { tious sign in the heavens that they will | 1 Wii. 1" i V ol vied Tre on to victors dential contest COULLY entre sas { t shall be unlawful for any person i or expose to sale ¢ ! aller I BE PORSession ti he same ha 21H r 1 EEL iF # quite as well as could be « xpected, “I thought, "said Farmer Rosenberger with a sigh, toa neighbor. "that we were coming to a lime of astonishing plurali. j ties when they began to count up the But oh, my! like th times, and five babies at once!’ vote for Girow a week ago. I didn’t look for DAT ‘ . } v anyvihing New rial Refused Judge McPherson, of Harrisburg. re. | cently filed his opinion refusing a new | trial in the case of Geo, W. Jackson vs, Nittany Valley Railroad Co., who prose. cuted for damages to ore tract. which | property about three miles east of Belle forte Jackson 84.000, found no damages. The Third Test The experiment station herd, at the Pennsylvania State College, will be sub. mitted for the third time to Koch's test for tuberculosis, Prof. if. J. Waters, on Friday, March 23d, under the direction Dr, Leonard Pearson. The test will be open to the public, and any one feeling an interest in the matter will be wel- come, Profitable Chickens, Mr. J. J. Hoy, of Marion township, is quite successful in mising poultry, He has the brown leghorn variety— pure, well bred stock. From 225 hens he cleared over #200 last year which is quite an item. Persons desiring a set. ting can get 15 eggs for 25 cents. Ad. must have faith in the measure. dress J. J. Hoy, Walker, Pa. or have | | the railroad erosses on the old Barnhart | A board of viewers awarded Mr. On an appeal the jury | MARRKRIAGY, LIOENKE During thie Vun From the Dockei thie Purdue Move ! i | § Jacob | + Bertha red efonte Gra GARMANS. Hard Times Purse Persuaders. LITTLE MONEY COUNTS BIG AT GARMAN'S STORE. HERE IS A PARTIAL LIST from which to choose; just enough to disclose what is being done all through the endless world of merchandise on sale here, Lancaster Gingham... AMORKORE ..ovmmnrciisss Table Olleloth......... A Cakes of Butter Milk Tab Big Slate. —— — eg! Handkerchiefs... G laundy, TE te. Kte., Ble, Ete, a GARMANS.