Nothing On Earth Will LIX H So 2 » - N Sheridan’s Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Discase, Good for Moulting Hens. Tt fs absolutely pure, Highly concentrated, In quan tity conta nth f aconta Say other one-fourth ay strong oly a medicine “One large can saved me $48; serv six more t y prevent Roup,” says one customer, ffyoucan d get it send tous, Ask first, Sample § t s, five packs §1. Large 2 14 1b. oan, by mall, #1 express prepaid, Sample « tape r sont Treo, fo can Qi. ~ reserved JEBRA'S Ee i CREAM = ves Freckles, Pimples, - ficles, 8B faekhoads y and’ Ton, and to its or t, produging » healthy com r to all face 1d Mrs » BEEZER'SMEATMAREKET| ALLEGHENY We ki Beef Here's the Idea Of the Non- pulls out Bow The r at’ ” yd ~ / Can only be had stamped with th’ . Jas. Boss Filed Watch Cases now hited wit | great bow (ring look and wear like solid gold only about half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years, Sold only through watch | dealers Remember the name | trade mark Cases, PHILADELPHIA. CAV COPYRIGHTS. wT I OBTA ri A Se Er Sates and wink Fatal Row at the Municipal Elec- tion in Troy. ONE MAN KILLED, THREE WOUNDED, The Trouble Oeourred Cver an Alleged Attempt to Get inthe Votes of Repeaters, Malloy, Senator Murphy's Candidate, Probably Elected Mayor. Troy, N. Y., March 7A elected in this city yes record of the election is spotted with blood, and beyond parallel and such as the oldest resident in Troy has no recollect nacted In a dark his body of Robert mayor was terday, but the MOCIION fon of were «¢ reel family ened room LAMY resi Hos ald in the election of the Hdat wt the Repub lean party h game house lence linm, seri other Wil ously rtail “wi re snd in | gan in | of Mall headed by Steisped evoke Saanationged 1 th ide and Mme t« arted 5 of this city. at 5:30 last in Was running at a ut tw ty t H i mii rate esti an hou ped the 1 and n target t eper thrown agai; WHA prac "0h i The tically smashed into Kindling wood whole train was dera but none of the cars turned over. Fireman McCormick, Fireman Jenkins, Yardmaster Woodyard, Telegrapher Cooper and Car Inspector Wilson were all badly hurt, No passengers were seriously hurt led, Kistors Stricken with Insanity. Lockrony, N. Y., March 6.Cures ’ fe fy ta Feel Like a New Man. Hood’ 5 Piils = Gasy | Agents. $75 4 Pik Wacker TL COX, Bw wy _— EDWARD i HMARRISO N& CO RHOADS, Shipping Commission Merchant EALER 1? Anthracite, Bituminous and Woodland. COAL Shelled Oats, Baled Hay and straw, wee KINDLING WOOD Grain, Corn Ears, Corn, | by the Bunch or Cord, in quantities to suit Purchasers, CLEAN WASHED SAND. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public at his coal yard, NEARP. RR. STATION BAILKOAD WENTWARD Fs MY MACHINERY IRD COST I'd Machiner Al private sa ira prow Liwenty Rady and EK» 1 : ht Boiler and 1 nein 1 ten horse power and Boller ; 1 four horse power upright Boller and Engine one Shingle Mill: one Hydraulle ier Press cone Pony Plalner. The above will be sold at one third thelr original cost EMPIRE IRON WORKS E08 ¢ | Howard WM J. SINGER, ATTORXEY AY Law District Atte « office o use Bellefonte, Pa Tr allectionps ad od Been business attended to prom ptiy ARMAN HOUSE, High Street, opposite the Court House, Entirely new. New furniture Steam Heat, Electric Light. and all the modern Imire ements, KC M GARMAN, 168 Proprietors, CESS RE SYUNTY BANKING Corner of High and Receive De Sp I Roea: ! rR » } eR ° Engine eve Pa