PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. It Contains Nothing N ew Conoern- ing Hawaii, A BPECIAL MESSAGE PROMISED. | affairs. Ido not doubt that the ultimate result of this action will be most salutary and far reaching. In the nature of things, however, it is impossible to know at this time precisely what conditions will be brought about by the change, or what, if any, supplementary legislation may, in the light of such conditions, appear to be essential or expedient “Of course, after the recent financial perturbrtion, time is necessary for the re. | establishment of business confidence. In The Chief Magistrate Urges a Tax on Cor poration Opposes the Con. Earnings, struction of More Naval Vessels and | Applands the Work of Checking Pon. | sion Frauds Ws amrvnmnw Nan K Tha anmning of congress yesterday was devoid of scosa | tional featurss. After the reading of the! president's message aud the presentation | of a few minor bills and resolutiona both houses adjourned without transacting any | any business The message was in substance as fol lows: The constitutional duty which requires | fhe president from time to time to give to | he congress information of the state of | the Union, and recommended to their con sideration such measures as heshall judge | necessary and expedient, is fittingly en tered upon by commending to the congress | a careful examination of the detailed | statements and well supported recom. mendations contained in the reports of | the heads of departments who are chiefly charged with the executive of the govern ment, While our foreign relations have not at | all times daring the past year been en tirely free from perplexity, no embarrass | ing situation remains that will not yield | to the spirit of fairness and love of justice, | which. joined with consistent firmness, | charecterizes a truly American foreign | policy Our Relations with Brazil, In relation to the Brazilian business the president says: ‘I have failed to see that the insurgents can reasonably claim ree ognition as belligerents. Thus far the po | sition of our government has been that of an attentive but an impartial observer of | the unfortunate milict cmphasizing | our fixed policy of impartial neutrality in | such a « f deemed it necessary to d per not to be misund thorized action of mander in those revolted Brazilian admis posed to counte give gratuitous sanction to the le surrection.” In speaking of the Nicaragua canal the resident says: “The canal eel ! but a generou tended to it by mdition of affairs as now exists, 1 waters company un- wcome seriously embarrassed, treatment has been ex he government of Nicar agua. The States are especially interested in he ful achleverment of the vast undertaking this ¢ any has fa charge. That it should be lished under distinctively American auspices, and its enjoyment assured not only to the vessels of the country as a chanel of com munication between our Atlantic and Pacific seaboards, but to the ships of the world in tl proposition which, in my judgment, does not ad of question he interests of civilization, ls a The Chinese Exclusion law “The legislation of last vear kn the Geary | ring the reg of all Chine laborers ent dence in the Unite tation of all not plying with t visions of the act within the scribed, met with i Chinamen in this country the advice of law was unconstituti WD as I Sates, and eminent © for the certificate » ns A test tae Upot ceeding by habeas corpus was broug! fore the supreme court, and on May 15, 1808. a decision was made by that tribunal sustaining the law “It is belleved that under the recent amendment of the act extending the time for registration the Chinese laborers thereto entitled who desire to reside In this country will now avail themselves of the renewed privilege thus afforded of es tablishing by lawful procedure their right to remain, and that thereby the necessity of enforced deportation may to a great de gree be avoided. “It has devolved upon the United States minister at Peking, as dean of the diplo matic body, and in the absence of a renre sentative of Sweden and Norway, to press upon the Chinese government reparation for the recent murder of Swedish mission aries at Sung-pu. This question is of vital | interest to all countries whose citizens sn. | gage in missionary work in the Interior The Hawalian Affair. “It is hardly necessary for me to state | that the questions arising from our rela | tions with Hawaii have caused serious embarrassment. After a thorough and | exhaustive examivation Mr. Blount sab. | | the pursuit of this object we should reso iutely turn away from alluring and tem porary expedients, determined to be con. tent with nothing less than a lasting and | comprehensive financial plan. In these | eirenmstances I am convinced that a rea sonable delay in dealing with this subjoct Ingtend of being injurious will increase the probability of wise action 1 reviey { 14 © repo O ho caine In reviewing the reports of the cabinet | officers the president devotes considerable space to an argument against fees in the attorney general's office. and has this to | say of the navy No New Navy Work. “While I am distinctly in favor of con stantly pursuing the policy we have nan gurated of building up a thorough and | efficient navy, I cannot refrain from the uggestion that the congress shonld care fully take into account the number of un finished vessels on our hands and the de pleted condition of our treasury in consid ering the propriety of an appropriation at this time to begin new work." The president speaks of wrongfully is sued pensions, and says “Those who attempt in the line of duty to rectify these wrongs should not be ne cused of enmity or indifference to the claims of bonest veterans. The sum ex pended on account of pensions for the year ending June 30, 1808, was 8156740, 467.14 $105,000,000 will be required to pay pen "he commissioner estimates that | sions during the year ending June 50, 154 “The continued Intelligent execution of the civil service law and the increasing approval by the people of its operation are most gratifying. The x vice reform in t . itr his ef and interestingly {lustre hold a movement gains which has underlying it i justice and right, and which at the same time promises bette istration of | thelr government Tarif Reform “After a hard struggle ctly before us. Mar the people dire reform on of its most should charges upon the necessaries of benefits of a reduction palpable and substantial, seen and fel thousands who would be better better “Not less closely related to our prosperity and well being in of restrictions upon the im raw materials necessary ures national ingenuity and en “This cannot be while federal legisla tion, through the imposition of high tariff, forbids our manufacturers as cheap ma terials as those used by their competitors It is quite obvious that the enhancement of the price of our manufactured products policy not only con neta within be a reduction in such lothed and better sheltered ur manufact The world should be open to our resulting from this fines the market for these | our own borders to f otter " tage « nan fa creases thelr ¢ “The though indirectly, Involved in this ure of our tariff system. The sharp petition and active struggle among our manufacturers to = mand for thelr go market to which follows a susp at 10 « interests of | factories, a d treas in the Even if the ofter be made good t would result m low tariff dutle workingmen } cover that their steady emg mitted Ly free raw materials important factor in their relat! iY legislation Favors an Income Tax “A measure has been prepared by the appropriate congressional comm bodying tariff reform on the lines herein suggested, which will be promptly sab mitted for legiciative action. It is the re sult of much patriotic and unselfish work, tt oe tT" ittee om | and I believe it deals with its subject con sistantly and as thoroughly as existing conditions permit “I am satisfied that the reduced tariff duties provided for in the proposed legis lation sdded to existing internal revenue taxation will In the future, though per | haps not immediately, produce sufficient | revenue to meet the needs of the govern. ment “The commiites, after fuii considera tion, and to provide against a temporary deficiency which may exist befors the business of the counwry adjusts itself to WILBR'S LLTIVATE It Is Evidentl 3 ff DELIGHT ENOW Recause It Great Running Hoad, The “trikers Still Talk of Coming Out of Trains on tho Lehig wiley Yictorious, BETHLEHEM, Pa... Dee “There to be a cin Ty y 11 r dent Wil pur s iirmatiam i 9 runny %) that is not satisfactory to hie and the other brotherh { officials being In conference all th retary Madden, representing the joint bonds of arbitrators TY for an an dience with President Wilbur, which being granted a committes of two went 16 con fer with him. What the objectionable clause or clauses are th om ttee will not say mittee want President Wilbur to be more KEEN Craoon Arthur After Tnoon Sec It is said, however, that the com specific in his agreement king tos com promise. It is generally agreed t if he will deal with the employe 10 ATS NOW on strike upon the same terms he sald he would do a week ago the over in an hour WiLkespanne, Pa, Dec. 6. ~8now began to fall here yesterday afternoon, and at 6 o'clock last evening there were five inches on the level This greatly peded the running of trains on the Lehigh Valley railroad There was a bad wreck at Sugar Noteh at 5 o'clock last evening Two engines were pulling a train mountain when they ed w an ty engine Two of the engines diy wrecked and one of the en fatally injured that has occurred since the hlock system was adopted Inquiry at the headquarters « ers reveal the fact that they are still buoyed up with the hope of winning the strike. While th partie ularly new to be given ¢ were om- phatic in their de toa man leaving the pation of giving have never yet trouble will be frruver «t accident f ore was coming out lone A big tral fifty in all They duty ton fre hundred yards now, an at work Maven snow storm prev terday to large propor were emp of the Let the most of the « effect on the The com! Virmy though trains are ver) non-un were the Gel on men were dis Mother and Dasghter Murdered. i 6 \ muraer was here vyesterda 8, ar jer ler. aged 6 son lying skull was ear to ear been The in-law war home asked killed t to myws of eltizes is Ca} n Declines, New You Joo. 4.-Mr. J. J who was recently conffrmed Van Alen, as United States ambassador to Italy, declines to serve. In a letter to Secretary Gresham he gives as a reason the unjust suspleion In the minds of many right thinking peo ple that he had secured his appointment through improper practices. President Cleveland, in a kindly worded letter, urges him to reconsider his declination, but Mr. Van Alan insists that the decline tion shall stand Virginia LeghsinZive Officers, Ricnmoxnd, Va, Dee. 6--The Democratic senate caucus nominated the following officers: President, pro tem. John L Hurt; clerk, 8. i). Pendieion; sergeant-ai ares ZT. Weaver, doorkeeper, I. J. Gun The house caucus nominated as followy wanker, K. H. Caldwell; clerk, Highest of all in Leavening Power,— Latest U, S. Gov't Report. Rol ABSOLUTELY PURE Baking Powde 1893 DECEMBER. Su. |Mo.| Tu. |We.| Th. Fr. | Sa. | 1/2 1sle|7/8]|09 12/18/14|15/16 | 17/18/19 20 21 22|28 | 24|25|26| 27 28|29| 30 81 MOON'S PHASES. 8 2:40