TERS “TLE » oy 4 Blok Hondsoho and relioveall the troubles ined dent to a billous stato of the system, such aw ony, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress aftop eating, Pain in the Bide, &o. While their most TmArkablo success has been shown in curing Headache, yot Carter's Little Liver PIT are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and proe venting this annoying com t.whiia they also rt ell disorders of the ch stimulate the ei regulate the bowels, Even if they only ~ HEAD Wabathoy would bo almoat priceless to those wha from tiie distressing complaint; but forty. mately thotr goodness doos notend here,and those whoonce try them will find these little pills valu. able In so ruany ways that they will not bo wil. Ring to do without t. But after allsick head ACH {Bathe bane of so many lves that here fa where "wamake our great boast, Our pills cure it while ethers do not, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and Wry cany 10 take. One or two pills make a dose, Benes, Do or tal pera anlo, uot gripe oe t by gentle action pi who Bae them In vialeat 28 cents; five for £1, Bold druggists everywhere, or sent by mail, PEARTER MEDICINE CO,, New York, PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE LuuLGUUlh cessfully Fr Cir r i , Pittsburgh, Va. CE LT Ee PATENTS. J. R. LITTELL, Attorney and Counsellor in Pate Trade Mark and (x pyright Cases Opposite Patent Washington, D. C Over twelve and Fore ign pate arising under t years experience nts iveats patent laws promptly and earefully prosecuted. Rejected cases accorded special attention Write for Information. Upon receipt of mode! or sketeh of mvention, Badvise as to patentability without charge. (Mention this paper.) —— w— ——————————— A MEDICINE THAT MAKES 600D BLOOD GILMORE’S KROMATIC WINE WI completely change the blood in your system In three months’ time, and send new, rich biood coursing through your veins, If you feel exhausted and nervous, are getting this and all rus dow see's Aromatic Wine, which is 8 tonic and no 8 beverage, will restore you to health and of mg Mothers, use it for your daughters, 18 is the best and corrector for all aliments peculiar to enriches tha dood and gives lasting woman, iH strength. Jt is guaranteed to cure Disrrhos. Des nd and all mer Compialata, and Keep (he bowels regular Bod by all druggiets for §1 per bottle W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE ud¥'e. Do you wear thera? When next In need try a pale, Best in the world, M you wast 3 feo DRESS SHOES, rads Ia the latest styles, don’t pay £6 to $4, try my 53, $3.50, $4.88 or $5 Shoe. They £t equal fo custom made and look mg wear ae well, If yoo wish ts economizn In your footw 6080 by purchasing W. L, Douglac 820s, Mame end price stameed on the bottom, look for It when you bey, W.k. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maes, Sold by FOR SALE BY 4 lefonte: SS RB P Mat ida dgley. Blanchatd: T. E. Griest, Plenan “Haft or & fon, Nittany: A. G Ewinz, Penn's Furnace; D. C, Krebbs & Bro. Ploe © Mills i 0 i gle, Fort Nothing On Earth Will FAKE Sheridan’s Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS | Bheriflf Buser, mnom n r ST FROM TAWA Willis in No Hurry to Restore Queen Lilinokalani. HE DOES NOT AGREE WITH BLOUNT Would Notified That An. Willis Thut the Provisional Government Fall to Pleces When nexation Was Impracticable May he Ouly an Arbitrator. Port Tow: Wash, Dee. 6.—~The barkentine Klickitat arrived from Hono- lulu yesterday. She left four days after the steamer Alameda sailed for San Fran Ali was quiet up to the time of ibe ship's departure In an interview Minister Willls stated that no change in the present situation will take place for several weeks, Since his arrival certain contingencies had arisen and Mr. Willis had thought best to submit these matters to Washington be- fore proceeding furthor to carry out his original instructions. Any disorders would be promptly quelled. The ex-queen's sup- porters were much incensed after the in. terview appeared. After this statement rumors began to fly about that the queen's supporters would make a final rally in her behalf. The crews of the United States war vessels Philadelphia and Adams were held in readiness to be landed at a moment's no- tice. The queen's advocate came out the next day with adenial of the Willis inter view, saying that he was misquoted, and by Inference gave encouragement to the SEND, Cio {dea that Mr. Willis had or would receive | an imperative order to restore the queen Wasnixarox, Dec. 8.—The state depart ment was evidently already informed of | n Sond 3 | showed this to have been the case Lor | escial Reicheshi has been arrested for the tention of Minister Willis to take no fur. murder ther steps towards carrying out his in. | hear further | But so far ast | the Hawalian news received by the Asso ciated Press so far as it conveyed the in. structions until he should from the department conveyed the public utterances in Hono. lulu by the minister of his intentions, it was news to the department, to the pres ident and to the cabinet. There were svi. dences to show that it was not news, and the impression was eo that the administration Is 1 pointed at the manner s has thus far nveved which Minister conducted his mis sion It is evident that the state department received by the last stea Minister Willis had det the carrying out of his he had heard further from his gorern ment. Itisa falr presumption that the revenue cutter Corwin carries to him the further instructions for which he asked The paragraph in the president's message referring to Hawall was written after the additional instructions to Minister WHI had been dispatched. An Associated Press representative re ceived from a reliable sonuree an intima. tion of the nature of the policy intended to be pursued in Hawall. The extent of 1er the news that rmined to instructions defer the active influence intended to be em. | ployed in behalf of reseating Liliuokalant | on the throne has probably been CXARRe rated. The purpose of the administration Is believed to be rather to act as an arbi. trator hetween the two parties in dispute and to prevail upon them to ARTe tween themselves, This was contingent upen the ev belief, based upon be ident Mr. Blount, that the provisional govern. ment would fall to pleces when notified that annexation was impracticable Enough is known of Minister Willis impressions, gained since his arrival in Honolulu, to make it certain that he does not agree with Mr. Blount {a the belief that the new government be short lived. Whether this impression caused his determination to await further in structions from Washington 8 a matter of conjecture —-itt wiki Ex-Minlster Stevens Metaliates, AUGUETA, Me... Dec. 1 John |. Btevens, g : : : ex-minister to Hawaii, in reply to the re ] cently published report of ex-Commis sioner Blount, denies the imputation that | he was in collusion with the opponents of Queen Liliuokalani and that the troops were not landed until after the establish. | ment of the provisional government, and then only to protect ‘American interests Btevens declares that Blount's manner was extremely offensive, and that he con. ferred with royalists, while ignoring the claims of those connected with the pro visional government Professor Tyndall Dead. Loxnox, Dee. 5.~Professor John Tyn. Gall died at 6:30 last evening at Hasle mere, Surrey, where he resided. The con. dition of Professor Tyndall early in the morning was such as to alarm his wife, and a dovior was summonens. Un is ar rival the doctor found the professor un- conscious. Reztoratives wers applied throughout the day, but the patient was conscious only at brief Intervals. It has been ascertained that his death was due to an overdose of chloral. Congressman Lilly's Sadden Deaths. Maven Crusk, Pa, Dec. 2 General William Lilly, the member of congress at large, died at his residence here yesterday afternoon, aged 72. General Lilly had not been in the best of health for the past six months, but was able to attend ike special session of congress. At the time of his death he was in conversation with his physicians, and his death waa unexpected WIL 820 Thelr Daughter's Slayer Hanged, HAarmsnuio, Dec. & of admission to the execution of Ben Ten { nis in the Dauphin county jail yard to morrow morning have been fssued by Among those 0 whom pio were sent are Mr. and Mrs, Wright, the parents of Tennis’ little victim, who will come to Harrisburg expressly to see the hanging Our Columbia's Time Beaten Lox pox, Dee, 4.~The final trial trip of Yarrow's new torpedo destroyer, the Havock, took place from Gravesend. The Hevock traversed 100 miles at an average ", of from 26 to 27 knots, establishing the fact that she Is the fastest vessel in theworld. _ Mate Banks for Georgia, ATLANTA, Dec. 6.The Georgia house of representatives passed a bill providing for the establishments of a system of state hpi and the issuance of currency by the in anticipation of the repeal of the 10 per cent. state bank tax by congress. Dr. Patton's New: Monon, Prixcrrod, N. J, Dec. 6.-Dr. Patton has been dent for the ensul year of hog? States Educations | association. | bined » Pg s1 | t 4 agreeable | Phe young men were all well ki | responsible positions, and previ ather disap. ! borne good | gaged in numer until | 2 | ex-soldiers | the pension bureau orders i vernon the | explicit assertion contained in a letter of | | mhlate §1 9 | been { sued Dr { sauit About 800 tickets | | STANTON AT WASHINGTON The Suspended Naval Oficer Seems to he Undismayed, WasiixaG rox, Dee, 6, Commodore Stan- ton, whose in saluting Admiral Mello, the Brazilian insurgent, caised him to be recalled from of the United States fleet in Brazilian walers, has arrived in Washington and reported at the navy d Commodore Stanton w in the off and immediately action commonnd partment is for along time iry of the navy, afterward left the de partment in an apparently cheerful frame of mind. Nothing could be learned either from him or from Secretary Herbert as to the results of the consultation or as to any action that will be taken on his salute of Admiral Mello Commodore Stanton entered the Bay of Rio Oct gned to com mand of the squadron on that station. He gave the customary salute of twenty-one guns And the flag of the Aquiaban, Mello's ship, was dipped in reply, and an ald of the rebel admiral called on the American commodore, Stanton then called upon Mello, was saluted and Mello returned the call and was saluted. It has been claimed that Stanton had no official knowledge that Mello was a rebel, and only recog nized the Brazilian flag, which he was floating. Nevertheless Commodore Stan. ton was or’ared heme. No one slsa has, however, been appointed to his command ¢ Of the secret 20, having been asd Murdered In a Polish Fight, WiLkesnanng, Pa, Dec. 6.—On Nov. 29 there was a free fight at Luzerne borough between some Polanders. The next day there was a funeral and Ennos Mozinsksi was laid to rest ina neighboring come. tery. His countrymen sald he died of heart disease. The district attorney re- ceived a letter on Monday from an un- known person saying that the man had been murdered. and an investigation Masked Robbers Sentenced, Prrrssune, Dec. 6. — Five who tortured and robbed nasked robbers : Id Mrs. Logan, | at Corapolis, Pa. a few weeks ago, pleaded | guilty w | sentenced to ben brou the ght into court and were lary, the com Afty years own, held maly had putations It has been that they were en ther mysteri nenitent pet fit sentences aggre gating learned since wever us us rob. beries in western Pennsylvania last sum mer Urging Investigation of the Penslon Rurean Wasnisgroxn, presented numerousiy sig of the Dec. & —~Nenator Sherman in the senate » bateh of ions from rebellion large med printed petit ied prin i pet) war of the | without regard to party res ling in Ohio, | requesting t hare the senate to vestigate the present adm ughly in of of suspension, stration | and sulsequent orders which claim to modify, buy 2a not, and which leave us in doubt as to the exact relation we sustain to our government as survivors of the late war.” A Jealous Husband Suicides Uxioxtows, Pa, Dec. 8 Louis Ek, a | pot maker in the Bellevernun Glass works, home in Belle younger thas ins caused him jealousy After retiring the couple quar reed. Ek deliberately arose, secured a loaded revolver, lay down beside his wife in bed and placing the pistol ta his head blew his brains out. He was 55 years old, his His wife ia much and committed suicide at he is nxiderable {| and had one daughter 18 years old Plaintiff Gets One Cont Damages BurLisaros, Vi miming [he seventeen LYS which #3 and in covered but ne cent damage in the CUrittender plaintiff, Thoms finished court. The Charles Russel] f The jury des were equally to hia gets one cent conta Virginia's Probable Senators, Ricamoxp, Dec. 4 Virginia legit lature meets on Wednesday, and one of the chief features of interest as the day approaches for the assembling of this body is the contest for the United States sanatorship. Well informed politicians declare that the senatorsclect will be Benator Hunton and General Fitzhugh Les, the former for the short term and the latter for the long term The Vir Disastrous Wreoks at White Maven, Wine Haven, Pa, Dec 4- Engines running wild on the Lehigh Valley rail road Baturday caused the loss of three lives and entalled heavy damages to the road, besides visiting White Haven with a fire that consumed more than $50.00 worth of property. The estastrophes were caused by the Jfuorasies of new men who have replaced the strikers Teo Prohibit Football Playing. PirrasvRG, Dec. 4. ~The police author ities have declared against football play- ing under the present rules. Superin. tendent O'Mara stated that In future no such degrading and brutal exhibitions would be permitted in this city. He stated farther that he had information that the authorities In other cities would take similar action New Jersey's Judge Advocate General TrEXTON, Dee. 8 Governor Werts has appointed Colonel EP. Meaney, of Fast Orange, as judge advocate general of the state militia, He sucoeeds the late (iene ral William P. Abbett. Colonel Meausy has bean a member of the governor's staff. | apa this position will go to either Captain | Waiker, of Burlington, or William Clark, of Newark Three Probably Fatally Injured, Wannex, 0, Dee. 6A collision oc curred evening on the Warren and Niles street railway. Two cars, running at a high rate of speed, came together at the foot of a long grade, and Mrs. Jules Vantrot, of Warren, and two other women ngers were seriously and probably atally injured, Tant The Seoteh Coal Miners. GLasaow, Dec, 8,-The delegates of the Booteh conl miners have decided to call out 17,000 miners at once A reso tion was Sdopted Ming Mr. Gladstone to in- terposs Lis oe to end the digpute, 18 was decided to call out every miner ug. tl the question is settiod, Pennsylvania's New OI! Field, WiLkEspAung, Pa, Dec. 0.