Beaver & Geplharivl na 0 Vol. 15 BELLEFONTE. PA.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1893. The Centre @emooat, y {AS. R. KURTZ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION DEMOURATIC COUNTY Det rats, practi plan, business is not cameron fake a shame that CANDIDATE HART ft in politics and very voters, the attend naturally be lighter Sabcommitteems voter in his distri -> Tur Silver Senat regard to When a will be tak- the country in 1Spense the monetary question vote on the Voorhees ' tall repeal bill en Is almost as uncertain as when the question was taken. The silver men want a compromise but nothing but a half-way measure, that will President Cleveland insists unconditional repeal be accepted -— Tue have not as yet determined upon whi republicans of Centre candidate to sacrifice in Lhe commis sioner fight, They fully realize that both can't be elected. Riddle thinks that Strom has had enough and some other good republican should be given a show. Stiohm has nothing particular to say against Riddle. He says his oficial conduct during the past three years should -settie his election or de. feat. Who will it be? - The Black Moassar It has been quite as while since our people have had an oppertunity of hear- ing & good opera company. day night the famous Gilbert Opera company will render the Black Hussar, It can’t fail but be good from the flat. | tering press notices given that company this season. Next Mon. | VASHINGTON LETTER riage, to wait for him yutside the northern: It is true t | fares 1) : er} 13 . before Lh Senate wing of an hat a long line of equipages A larger proportion nators ride home behind their thoroughbreds than members ther house, B DALOTS Win i 1 le \ ion swing Ww ably adjournment, 1 quarter ticket, and ads the afternoon papers until the car reaches his hotel, Mrs, Cleveland is out he takes an occa The again and has #0 far recovered that sional drive with the president, is doing well, The total purchase of bullion hy the treasury department the month of September was 2,746 500 ounc. es, being 1.758.500 less than the monthly quota of 4,500,000 ounces, This is the third month in succession in which the | purchases have fallen below the limit , prescribed by the Sherman law, baby. too silver ior ~The Opera company, at | the opera house next Monday night. Gilbert NO MOUNTEBANK ITINERARY The eo Dvat lhe A Mistak always claimed We very rection as we do gent Candidate Harter before the voters he cheerfully misrepre.- of Centre county. a Democrat of the Rumberger, of Falthia Among the nominees demo. G. W. ‘ worthy of cratic ticket, Philipsburg, is special wen tion. For years he has been before the party asking for some form of recogni. tion but it always seemed that fate was but he never sulked in his Another special point in his favor is, by raining against him, tent-a democrat always he is adapted to clerical work and for that reason he will be a good He is worth y man in a re sponsible po Lion of the vole of any man, oo Engraved Commissons The secretary of the commonwealth is havieg neatly engraved commissions made out to be issued to retired officers of the National Guard of Pennsylvania who are entitled to be placed on the ‘roll of retired officers” by reason of having held continuous rank for a period of ten years, There are about potired officers of thu National Guard who are entitled to these commissions, Among the num. ber sie axGoverncr Beaver and Gen, Hastings, of Bellefonte, seventy dive HEROIC CHARGE Harper's Weekly, in a recent the following HIrgoe of the First Minneso it saved the day, ¢ account L herole ch It excel .—— Over thie Bank « AN. ai They ™e ZR Whes McCov's inal Frank wear the s w road and th horse began to fa if bor bankment Boul The h horse rolled down good lneck the of 3 fF 2d ade « ] steep em- umbed from the broke and the thirty feet, B horse bugry. Tens SOx her remained in the x into town for \ ANA CA wis gotten knees but they were able to continue their journey to Unionviile was badly brused about the .—— Will Claim the Heward Jacob H. Keller, the Chief of Police, of Lock Haven, will claim the rewards offered by the National Board of Under. writers and the Council of the city of Lock Haven for the arrest and convie. tion of incendiaries The 1 nderwrit- ers offered $400 and the city council 8500. Chief Keller bases his claim to the reward on the arrest and conviction of Thomas Smart -» -— Gilbert tipera Oo If you enjoy good singing, danéiug and comic opera go to the Garman opera house next Monday evening and hear the Gilbert Opera Company. They come well reccommended. 4 | prove a DUTCH LETTER oo Noeonsstel s Book time teach sone the subject deals w { toms of the Pennsylvan valuable | library The price | 81.50 melosing the sunt in an : 2.4 | envelope and addressing LT. H. Harter, Middleburg i will be suppl q ith a 0 "a vou Stale Bank Affairs The furniture and Haven State on Saturday af sold excepti ir half that all the depositors except seventeen There were dollars, slates have received their money, 250 depositors who received checks for their money. not including those whose claims were under ten dollars, and which were pald over the counter, Mi could not say when the next distribution will be made, Express, . «The New York National League ball team passed through Bellefonte on Wednesday morning on their way Williamsport where they play an ex. hibition game with the Demorests, Captain Mont Ward was with his team and shook hands with his many ace quaintances at this place, Ores to i to the sutbhcr TARIFF REVISION .—— nforce the La - ™ Fountmin Head of Strength 2 SCHOOL SHOES! The Best Makes! ‘The Best Styles! 'The Most Wear! 'The Lowest Prices! solid servic I. SHOES es ted to withstand thumps of a and at vy paid tor “Clap X, wo——— es' Cork Sole But- k st de Dut no ex- \ ht--will keep the feet warm and dry. A MINGLE'S... ... SHOE STORE.