Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 05, 1885, Image 1

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    F. E. & G. P. BIBLE, Proprictors.
: $1.50 per Annum. in Advance.
VOL 7.
The Centve Democrat,
forms 21.50 por Aunumin Advano |
It's about time for the mugwumps
to organize for the defeat of Don for
Senator for 1891. Take time by the
Whey Sexaror Evants
one of his fine long periods
Democratic side of the Sevate, it will
have to be divided up into sections,
meanwhile the Republican Senators
will be a sort of “twenty minutes for
will step out and “take suthin.
dinper,” arrangement.
Wratever Grant undertakes be
does it with all his might. He was a
good tanner, & great general, a bad
President, an iaoveterate smoker and
is an elegant writer. His article on
Shilo. aside from its historical impor-
tance, is a model of simple and pure
midnight oil
english composition. does not
smell of the nor
the dust of the camp on it.
story, told in pure mother
has made a place in J
cit A———
i& Furst has called the al
ition of the grand Jury of the coun:
tv to the condition of the Court House
and its general unfitness and inade-
quacy for the purposes for which
The grand
jury after a careful inspection of the
was originally intended.
entire building have recomm ended a
new Court House. It is well known
that the vaults in which the count y
records are kept would not protect
their contents should the Court House
burn. They never were fire-proof iu the
, The build
ing is generally dilapidated, and re
modern sense of the word.
quires constant repairs to make it ten- |
able. What the people of the county
may think of the recommendation |
of the grand jury, we do not know,
bat we should take some steps to pre-
serve the records of the county, aod |
give our courts, juries and witnesses
comfortable quarters.
sn A——
I¥ there ever was any doubt as to
the advisability of the passage of a
bill of the nature of that introduced
by Senator Edmunds regulating the
manufacture of explosives the out
rage in New York surely dispels that
doubt. It is bad policy to wait un-
til some startling explosion, resulting
in the loss of life and destruction of |
property brings to our own doors the
tendencies of certain elements of our
terrors of secret or
wholesale murders. anarchical
population, call for legislative cogni«
sauce. All laws, the right of personal
liberty, the security of life and prop.
erty, and the expression of opinion
are alike objectionable to the creed
of the socialist, the pihilist and the
dynamiter. It is better to lock the
stable before the horse
Our ¢ untry should be the re foge of |
the oppressed of every nation but not |
the paradise of conspirators and as.
sassing. These men sap the very
foundation of social order and set
at defiance the constituted authorities
of the vation. Christianity and its
teachings shrink back as the demon
of socialism advances. These are
not idle fears but stern realities, and
ere long they will vividly impress
themselves on the American people,
‘The causes for the existence of these
classes are foreign to us, they lie at
the foundation of the political and
social systems of the monarchical and
despotic governments of the old
world, bat their effects wiil be, and
are now being felt here. Preventive
legislation is all that can be done by
Congress. The removal of the causes
will only come when the political sys.
tems of Earope crumble in the dust,
When Demoeracy becomes uni
and its conception of the personal
and religions freedom of man are the |
accepted rule of conduct.
is stolen, |
O'Donovan Rossa.
The great apostle of dynamite ex-
{ plosions and secret assassin wtion, has
! “t Wags inning the
at last succeeded in convibaoing the
{ the public that his teachings have not
What has jost
Rossa is the logical see
been without results,
befallen Mr.
quence of his conrse of 1 struction
i= but a little over a week since
explosion in London and a littl
ter than two weeks sinee ope of
Rosgsa’s particular fiends atte m pled
carve Capt. Phelan into mince mi
while the great apostle was v
ly absent, and now a modern Charl
y make 4 martyr
Corday atte
O'Donovan, Of
J : y
supposed for an = ant that R
teachings would returs
Irse iL was ne
nor did he sup
lady who to
in the cause,
such was the cus
cy t
| and shows that
If he charged it
would be forced to say that hiz ed
tion had been neglected. We are sor
le, and
for hia
“there is millions in it” for
i ry for the great apostl : vi
| will be a good thing
t ey will pour into his coffers from the
scanty earnings of his friends, and he
will tower away above all other agita
Herr Most, and that
fellows will sink into utter insiguifi-
| cance when compared with him. But
seriously, can Rossa complain if his
| tors,
enemies turn his own weapons against
{him. He has advocated assassins
| tion and murder for
|and has made his place
| of assassins, and murderers, has even
the resort
| turned his office into a slaughter
| p ,
house. What good ground of complaint
can he have? His teachings are bear-
| ing their legitimate fruit; that his
| friends are not now “waking” him, he
| should thank, the Great Being whose
{ laws he has violated every day of his
If he isa
others as great.
great crank there are
He only escapes
being a monster because he is a cow
Like the late “Artemus Ward”
he would sacrifice all
| ard.
relations in the great cause,
would-be murderess is perhaps no bet.
ter than he, except that she is an apt
pupil, and gives practical illustra
141 °08 of her master’s theories,
The spirit of retaliation is now
| aroused and it may put a stop to this
dynamite business, Ifit can only be
vonfined to the cranks the longer it
keepe up the better as the world can
spare them, but the innocent are in
most cases the parties that suffer, Per.
haps oursolons will awake from their
Rip Van Winkle sleep, and take
measures to protect the general pub.
lic from the little band of cranks
that infest New York, Chicago and
several other American cities. At
any rate the occurrences of Monday
will furnizh fresh food for reflection to
one person and that is O'Donovau
Rossa. Ie has now the other side to
| study and whatever conclusion he
may reach will be given to the Amer.
ican public. We are sorry that he
| has escaped being a martyr, a man
| whose teachings have made martyrs of
reap his reward,
Cinss ol
his wife's male |
His |
poor misguided men should at least
Congressman Curtin’s Pian.
Governor Cortin introduced a bill a
fow days ago providing for testing of
teel under government supervision
In regard to his plan Governor Car
tin #aid to-day that he
thought the
time had arrived the country
«hould be oo a footing which would
enable it to build its own naval vq
ls, make its own guus out of it
material, which is in abaudavee.
rovernment was about to branch
and build st ships of war. Thess
he armed with
foreign powers and will
Id, arm and equip vessels
our own material and with our own
workmen We ought to keep pace
bh OE AIRE world. Governor
Curtin will try and get his measure
ne appropt
ladelphia Times
on bill
nm 8
Ose of the phases o
now being waged by the «
fusal by
re Englishmen to give
t to Irish labor. A corres
conversed with a catho.
usand Irish peop
the re
ut of
ond Mm FAVS
in that city and one
at number have been
vn out since the last explosion
« system of boyeotting on the part
ymen is the natural result
Engl ®
of Dynamite waifare. There never
was a system of war, a mode of attack
or defense adopted by one party
which would not be equally effective
in the hands of others. As inthe dyna
| mite explosions the innocent are like:
ly to be the victims in this new boy-
| cotting.
Self pr tection is the first law of
{ nature, and an Eoglishman is as ten-
der on that point as others. He rea-
sons from eause to effect in his private
affairs and says, if the recent explo-
dynamiters are Irish, there I will not
employ Irish laborers. He does not
discriminate, because he cannot, his
enemy does not parade with cans la
beled “dynamite” and headed by a
brass band. As his enemy works in
secret he does not know which indi.
vidual Irishman is going to blow him
up. So he boycotts the whole nation
and the innocent suffer. The Eng
lishman has calmly looked at the
struggle between his government and
its enemies, and has been almost an
indifferent spectator of the fight. He
now takes measares of self defense and
does not for an instant discriminate
between faithful, trusty, servitors, and
those he seeks to protect himself from.
This is one of the results which an
ordinary mind could forsee, Itisn
| matter of indifference to those who
| are responsible for it. Dynamite is a
{ faliare as a political force. Its
plosive character alone is go wl.
sions are the work of dynamiters and |
NO. 6.
+1 res tv
Dome fe embryonic Dypamiters
and their sympathizers are engaged
of lau-
sarewd Virgin
A ddleber rer,
in the anprofitable business
ding to the skies that
ia demag ral
. +
and heaping obl uy on Senator Ly
nothing 1a the
he box, flies up every time any-
mmecovers him- He is not a val,
uable acquisition to Rossa as
, distinguished  stay-on-thisside-ol-the
ocean patriot will ind oat. Senator
Bayard canpot be cowed into even a
left handed endorsement of re-
cent outrages, and as he has the cour
age to speak aod act his convictions
be does it in a straight forward manly
way. Were there more Bavards and
fewer Riddlebergers in American
uld be better.
INDEPENDENT journalism
it w
fiourish in the same atmosphere with
than could the lottery live in the rare.
fied air breathed by the Times,
he New pa
not publish Col. McClures
to Mr. A
branch office of The in New
Orleans would drive the I tery over
into Texas and the cow-boys could
then run it,
sequently 1
Gov. Pattison promptly vetoed the
bill creating four additional magis-
trates for the city
The House with customary
ness, proceeded to snub the Governor
by refusing to have the message read |
There is no evidence |
untii Monday.
that the present House is an improve
{ ment on any of its predessors, but one
thing is plain, and that is that there
| will be no jobs engineered through
| the legislature without a vigorous
{ protest from the Democratic Gover
(nor, The bill was intended to fur.
| nish comfortable places for four hun-
[gry Republicans at the expense of
the city. It may be 1 over the
| veto, but the responsibility will rest
with the Republican party.
Tur Atlanta Constitution pays the
following graceful tribute to Henry
He tried to commit the Democratic
rty in Congress to the Morrison
ill, and failed ; he tried to commit
the Democratic party in Chicago to
the same foolishness, and failed; he
tried to burden the Chicago platform
with his crude ideas, and failed; he
went into the lobby and tried to pre
vail on Congress to loan to a combi.
pation of whiskey makers a vast sum
| of money without interest, and failed;
he tried to influence public sentiment
|in the South against Mr. Randall,
and failed; and now he is varying his
| silly abuse of the editor of the Con.
stitution with equally silly and absard
threats, hints and innwendoes against
Mr. Cleveland,
| this ¢
the Louisiana lottery fraud, any more |
of Philadelphia. |
mulish- |
| and murder is not legitimate warfare,
The Lash For the wife Beaters
Senator Adams by a decisive vote
hax had a bill for re-establishing the
whipping post for
| Wile b
About the
bill is that, it
} relrace
alters put on
the enlendar, only objec
tion urged Lo the 8 A
N ’
Kis Pp Dack-ward 18 pOMeL Imes
very good ul our
and a ret
8 ATT “Dan
will bring his
" man
in 4
" L
i=Onmens 10 a
C— A A—
eshing to see wach a leader
it in America
mans J urn ul
condemnation ol
as Li
Use em
the recent attempts at wholesale ase.
in London. It
assination speaks in
uncertain manoer when it says:
defend deeds
hese; they will bring curses on
the heads and the homes of those that
do them. Crazy men or ruflians, sit.
ting io rooms in New York, if foster
tug or approving of these murderous
acts, are accessories after the fact,
and if not erazy, are accursed of God
and His Church, which they despise.
[bey are also enemies of the human
race, and as such should be
from their lairs. Assassination
politics and murder is not
WAT. Pittsburg Post.
hunted |
is not |
legitimate |
failed to see a single pa-
per of character or influence that has |
endorsed, palliated, or excused the re- |
cent dynamite outrages, and the em- |
phatic utterances of the press, are but
the exponents of public sentiment in |
uptry. Such methods, not of
warfare, but of wholesale assassination |
are wholly foreign % the character of |
American people. Legitimate |
warfare of the oppressed against the |
oppressor,revolution,peaeeful or other
wise that has for its object the ameli.
oration of the condition of an injured
nd down trodden people, excites our
sympathies and opens our
to the cries of
hearts |
the distressed, but ass.
assination, pure, simple indiscriminate |
and devilish excites a feeling of hor. |
ror, and calls for condemnation in the
strongest and most emphatic language,
To use the words of the Freemans
Journal, assassination is not polikics
Cleveland, Randall and Carlisle
ALpaxy, January 20,— What appeared
to be a sensational paragraph was
printed in the Journal this evening. It
was to the effect that President elect
Cleveland was visited late last night by
ex-Speaker Randall in response (0 a
letter of invitation to him in Washing-
ton, Immediately after his arrival
here Randall was driven to the tempo-
rary abode of Cleveland in Willitt
street, when the two men held a con-
ference which lasted several hours,
This morning the talk was resumed
and at its conclusion Randall return
to New York on the 2:40 train, Speaker
Carlisle was slso mentioned as having
been invited by Cleveland, and he is
expected to arrive on Saturday morn.
ing. Colonel Lamont to-day corroborat-
od the fact that Randall was here, and
in consultation with the President-elect
sand Carlisle is expected, but beyond
that he is extremely reticent, Rumor
has it that the President-elect is not
satisfied with the way things are inoving
on in Congress, and that he wants Ran
dall and Carlisle to adopt some fresh
and vigorous policy. Of course nobody
has the smallest particle of information
as to what took place fbhetween Clave
land and Randall, but it is the general
thint nothing in the line of Cabi.
net appointments was men'ioned,
be} of
| ments of the Rep
| however, as )
| two
Harrisburg Letter
NTE Devocs 41
vet settled down to
t before the House ad
Ng 8 Be
16 requ
| i
on Mm aa
‘Let | ©
the «
State Con missioners at YX ow
gre atly 10 be regretted, bat
ublican mer
Bucks, taken ui
Pp as
| from the seversl
| Thon
state will not
intention to go on
hibit at his own expense
Next week the G, A, R. kh
b the Idie
annus! gathering he
lies will have another good time of
I understand that your excellent
ven, Capt. Austin Curtin, has an
for the honorable position of
Centre County Roads
Trynoxe, Pa., Jenvary wis-
burg and Tyrone railroad is completed
R=The 14
as far as Oak Hall, Centre county, about
miles from Lemont. Trains first
commenced to run on Friday, and the
inbabitants of Penn's Valley, who at
irst objected to the construction of the
road, are now exceedingly anxious that
the road shall be finished as far as this
place, as it will give them a shorter
means of communication with the Penn
sylvania Cantral, The Bellefonte and
Lemont railroad is being pushed rapidly
toward eompletion, and the stockhold-
ers hope by furnishing a connection be-
tween the Lewisburg and Tyrone rail-
road and Bald Eagle Valley road, to di-
vert the Penn's Vallyy travel, and 61] a
long felt want of the farming element,
and stop the Lewisburg and Tyrone
railroad off short at Lemont. It is rum.
ored that the Vanderbilt people are
negotiating for the unfinished Buffalo
Run railroad, and propose extending it
topBeech Creek, Clinton coumty. This
road will strike the richest ore fields in
Centre county, and its success as a feed-
er to the Vanderbilt system would be
atsured. Pittsburg Post. The Post cor-
respondent is in error when he says the
Penns Valley people objected to the
construction of the road, They have
invested in the road over $200,000 and
for years have demanded its construc
tion socording to the agreement of the
- C— A—— a
A farmer in the Santa Ann Valley,
Los Angles County, Cal, cuts ix crops
of hay each year, and reports his sales
nt $10 por acre,