TIIK SUNDAY SCHOOL. Prom th* New York Observer. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS' lit HIV. Illtlt U.USOIT, 11. t>. May IS.— The Uproar at Epbeau*.— Act* I'J: 23 —20:2. OoLOkn Text. —Why do tho heathen r*ge, sud the people imagine ynin thing. —Pa. 2:1. It was now "about the time" of those scenes in Ephesus in connection with which "tho word mightily grew and prevailed." It was moat likely the month of May, when great numbers of people would bo in the city for the celebration of tho famous Ephe*in guinea. Some months may have elapsed since those who used curious arts burn e I their books. In this part of the nor. rat ire we can notice only a few of the many points suggested. 1. A not uncommon rjfeeinf growing Vhrist. i.in work. — Though :t was probably a t me of great festivity in connection wth the games in honor of Puion. "There arose no shall stirabout that • ay." The Way. it will be remembered, was a phrsse which had come to be used to de ign ite tho religion of the f.ord Jesus, ' 10 tho way of salvation, way of I life, the way to It aver; suggested, per h.'ps, by our Saviour's nllitision to "the straight and narrow way," and to himself as" the way." A religious revival and aggressive church arc* sure to make a stir. The careless are Mitred to thought ; the des pondent to hope; lifeless disciples to newness of life, and settled unbelievers to wander, and . ften-times to derision 1 and o| pos;ti.in. It our relig-.u- work makes no "stir," may it not be because it lacks the zeal of earnest convicton and consecration. 2. The kin'l of i' "titute /or true rr'i/ion which originate in humane hearts. — The stir spoken of wasamong those who had t do with the worship of Diana. The i> ana of the Ephesian* was not identi cal with the Greek goddess of the same name represented a fair form bearing a bow and weaim • the garb of huntress. I was a rude many br- s-ted female fig nre carved in wood, and black with age, 1 more like a Hindoo than a Greek idol. ! lhit sightly or unsightly, the religion ! it represented was the worship ot a senseless block, instead of the living and true God. The claim, often put ' forth by defend- rs of idolatry, that the i 10l "as not regarded a' the real god, ; fiit rather*- symbol on ideal r pre senta'.ion, i- an .iftei thought, and i here d-nied. Demetrius assumed the opposite. llis charge ngsin.- 11fie • 'hr. ' ian t .ehers was that they -oil that "they he no go I wh i are m ide with bands" Tie hummlv d vised r-d' - on of the great body of t!ie people, wh-thT Greek or A-iitie -ill -' i'uted an image mads with ban Is fir th" true God. Nor was this all the prinup!** i 0, ,( ate i with it alw ais t.-nel in 11.- direc turn in lic.atod in the F; .tie to the Romans (1:2'.-2"< . An' ili-m wi- a chief element of the v. rship of the Ephesian Diana. And this is a mark which all fsl-e re'igions come a: length to bear : the worship rendered is to the "Creature more th%n the Cieatnr." 3. ll'Ait it it u ~h ?'em rius was to make small models of the Trm pie of Diana with 'he imag< >f th god le . As these w re set up in houses ! an l worn upon the person - objects of worship or *< charms, there was a gicat sde for tin- i. IMgrims and trngcr, who g ithei d it Ephesu* at tins M-.i- .n of the y ir, tn-i-I tr.ifli •in tins.; silver shii'.'s b th lively *n I |u.i.itive. T1 • "erafism.-n" -killed) and the "workns; " unskilled l.i 1 ■r- r abke fiuind tbeir uisne - vry profit a file. Ibstui'iie the wmk of the < hri tinfi t- lehet beg uning to Ull derming. lleiir-. the opp* n. D -metritis 1 eglfj, f.is -eerh by r• niin lin t his l,< ar' r < that tneir craft i< in danz'-r. Ni -t h> . '• * ■ tb.• ir •Uja rititio . t "This Paul la'! ; i ran tded the o ' this se adds a (ei ; j ]lo th- ir |ati i#t in : "T t! temple of the „• I ' destroyed." I in. iiiu.ii, | live s| ,i I ■ i S other col hi s.di ry ; • v i: All'l Lett r ft I . s ,t. bide Til re. l mi ne 1 I w >s Ifldmess. Much wl li b '! ' • i leal an 1 p tr<> i is only a covert ten tinrei igt i* ut f, y ■ •. < wb-. puiitloi w rd) i< ith o : t-.vf s, wh - h are the real on s. Dems'trius wa uit i -nor tit of h im.n nature. He ut Mil I. 'tc i are moat readily and j ow. fully t: oved. 11 iat much I s. . i m o Wh tis fraw, rif i, j ! ir, t<> •. i' a thV '•> • ' '• 5 t B•< n c ill alii 0ab1 -k tb a j*t from Christ because they cannot part with the world. So men oppose God's work when its progress interferes with some traffic, or scheme, or policy of theirs. It costs too much to be for Christ, and therefore many are againat him. Not a few in our day have precise ly the spirit which actuated Demetrius. ™*4. '1 he gain qf mingling candor ami cour tesy with our fidelity. —The speech of Demetrius was successful. It is seldom difficult to arouse a populace by appeals ol self-interest, prejudice and pride. The city was filled with confusion. The mob, failing to find Paul, seized upon two of his companions and with them rushed into the theatre, a vast structure semicircular in form, open to the sky used for shows of gladiators and wild beasts' fight, us well a* dramatic enter tainment.-. being of vast size, holding, according to some, .Ml.tMMi persons, it was the natural resorts of crowds. Ku-hing to the defence to his com panions, Paul might havejbeoii torn in pieces but for the interposition first of "the disciples," nn l then of "the Chief* of Asia." These chief officers, or Asi arch-, were men of wealth, whosuperin tended the games. They were high in j honor and influence. It seems that they were friendly to Paul. They knew j ' where he might be found, and sent him warning to tako care of himself. The town clerk, too, the personage who had , the charge of State papers and presided ; over public gatherings, came forw ml | as the Apostle's defender. It has been noticed that I'mil was of. ten befriended by persons high in office as Sergius I'aulus, Gallic, Felix, and Festus. Some ol these very Asiarch* may have been sc. r t deciples. Sonn how Paul commend. 1 himself to stu-h men; no doubt 1\ this candor and courti -s and the evident self-forgetful ness of his ,-pirit. Put these friends were not so much of his making as of God's overruling. They were raised up for his protection and help. God cares for those who do his will and trust his care. fi. A /'oirc/u! rex' asf SMS humanpa.i lion. —The argument of the town clerk was fourfold. ' This uproar is undi/nifcl un ust,/ahlc. since nothing canbp proved against tin- accused tinn/v/A.. try, for the rea-on that thero ar<- other means of redre--; and per 'out, inasmuch as for it we sr.- liable to l-e called to account. j , It was a wise and -kilful addre-s to an excited mob, and led, step bv step. ! along up to that ronsiberations which i was sure to hare grcste-t weight - No doubt it ia true that "newt peopfi stand in awe of m- u . ju-lgment rnor than of th - - judgment of G >d." 1 it there jn every man'- lo irt a sen,,. 0 - i. couiitabiliiy not eay to wholly i-radi cite. To this i. i i'e to make our n|-- j peal when other c. nsi b rations fail. It i-often a restraint, where it doc net wholly turn wandering feet f -m s.r.fu'' paths. ra 11 Tt< At, SI u I.JTIOXS. I. S- .me pe p|p wsnt relig -US ; . Paul h lieved or egg re i • r-1 'n which should make a >i r. 2 If we serve God tor earthly gain, wherein are we b. - ter than D- metrurs who seemingly s.-rved 1' n i i u t! w ■ same reason ? 13 That cannot be a true ni.gion which does n-d interfere w h d -hot. t hurtful wiy* ofgiin : tlo- 'rue w '! drive the false and evil out. I. An ignorant andi- % klr | pti'oi •• is the ever ready tool of the enem i so! •'hrist *nd |goo-l our - ifofy is in < • u verting the | -pulace. .'). We see how to preach the go|.-P in hard place,. !'iul did not a-. I the religion of the l'.plie,inis ;',T . he preach wl '"nri-t,; find ng I'hrist, m-r. had no further care for id-'D. 6. I position to fhrist is vain. Not withstanding the uproar, left a strong church at Kphesu*. Hack on Tunc ■ 'As soon as forty eight boon are up I'll be back," said the young man, hurrying o(T to c itch the tr tin, r n l ; r -1 was the lst In- cmplo/er saw ol l.r-n forrt\ s did daj>, when he w.dked in grij "k in hand, an Ia I m i tmb* on bis face, remarking: "Hack on time." "Hack on time?' 1 roared the exosper at-d eat ploy •r. "I>-> }u > - ill s x days f->rty cigbtboursT" "t>f - ourse I do. V, bat < !-<- do you ".aveyoulo-t tl." i." • of your men lal faculties, or are you trying, - . to take DDK ,rrar.tab ■ Id ertii * with me?" "Why, lam surprised. - t told you 1 warp d t.cty • gbt hou t" rcrea ion. . riainly, and I gave -t t • you." ei. ut hour . I >. <1 . t 1" ''Well, eight in'o forty i .'it goes six 'dm -. mid I've been gone ; ght hour a Jay for si* day-, *<, joa see I'm on I time," II " r . o .<■ ij may I* • -d i h iw tciii b sutler ing ni-y iMtfiitor d, by lib d- ft> i i THE HATCHET lu.tr.todl humorou* paper publiahed nt the Capi tal. It make* a feature ol allowing up l'ublio Men on they really are. It con tain* a luge cartoon each week on Pub lic Aflftira and in filled with illnatrwt*l comic articles biwidea. It in the largest, handaomeat, beat and cheaper, t funny paper in the country. Term*, $2.60 a year; 21 week*, $1 (H) To five or more names sent by one party, $'..'.00 each a year. Sample copiea nenl Iree to any iiddrc*t. Agent* Hunted in every town. Hie < 'ommisaion*. Till: IIA TCI IKT PUB. CO., WASHINGTON, I. C. Trt'iisuror's Nuts or I'NSKATKD LANDS TOR TAXES FftU Ift>2 AND DH-1 AND I'llKA lot's YEARS Notlc* U l rty if iveti flint in numißitr# of .n Ac of Aa-' tnt l) I lift" I Oft ti" istb M| OffttM. A I -1 Ml'., nit"An At t l 'I on Act, dlrtt ting tli in" | of *• II in if unsciitiwl Ui vi rul •ii||. tiiv f I!"iri|( trit< t >udy, June? 1H1, A. I>. IH4, t n# •iVlock. |. m ACftKtf, I'IR. Ts*l* liENNKR 1-W N.-111P Bolmai. Botri • . |)*lr t t'briut Mr . oHiief 4 ■ • ROW)* TW N.-HIP 14'. !>!'. Ann |ir t II Tt ! ,*1 . ldl . Prn/lcr. N i' ►• " • 4.t p.. Kistil'tirri llmitmh. 'JI t. . . I-1 ,QN), WN * • I t.l 117 w aithw 4 1. 4,. |t Kirt-y Jonathan *' 11- J II —i. * M. 47 - 1.1 I M -i M • - "7 I-l I u, J. M A J I* IV kt-r 24 41'. 1- !.• ii, I oi l ... 4 • .M < •>, Frnrik .... fn I'*' k ■ i, A I. *• 7 '4 I I - M HUM. 1 Wm , II II : t u |ia Uu#vi Tbomao . • 4i U> W klkcr. J fl I tn< i j 4 ' i>\ . ... |.e#t|iff • JT I- " tl9t) .'ll 3*3 . ... IB? W>l*.ltlthf*l 2V m 111 UNHIDE TOW N It IP ' 41S Jims* l* 4 133 ... 1' lii 4:, It ft • 19 41 I . \f Itrvlj. W m I' t 7'.' ! 1 1 ' 1. .Brady, J ho '■ 7j • 4 i 801 l wm II ■ |33 . l\; .. Bingham. Wm Ml W ! 41A H >!. J"bO 1* of I <3l i Byars.J ba i • • 4 J' ' - k W II i • 4i • 4 . |f. ..l>*rt. wUI • 4^ [4 I'-t Oswirt J in * l" 14 ... I• t. ; -. i 4* 4.1 jf l nt|U.... 1. " 4 Jt.. f *. Nuu'l M .1 >' 4 .. I'.t .!•), Ii It. 6 4* 4 ;i 1' \ iiifj, W m '4l i li Th rone 1- > i' 1 iAU 12 >' iU*- I ' 'iolxrli ' ItlflM ... fc 111 I'. Ilimilt u. Tt . •• U * 14" lUrrte. I|rt,ry 1 - 4.1 1 BuTtMiQi 19 If 1 It '.i. ! J B 9 II 99 j 4 - |. Hunt, . 4'. 47 ' 4 . 1' KM I.J tu 1" '• i 41'. !>bt j. N *fhafiil Ii 4 4 n |r • I.yon.John U A 4 . I M Let e,n. H *>r 1 - 1 I' M Un.fcu 4. 4B 4 - IM M r I A/iaPft . I' lit 4*. 4' 4. 1 MfUbihsri, -' if. %:• 1 M at f I .it W ' '* 4 . i M 'r. J i h 13 4 1 MM. Un J l r • • I I'Mfit. At I ... '■* 47 4'.''. Iti firnr* ... 1 - 41 . Ill.Dr, Herh M .... *2 4 jU T. •*• . J 4 4 .- T w. • • Ja • ' a 41.'' TUmfi*. J -MJIB . 12 4 41' ttllir,, J,**x B os IC W.11 w .,J Myi !. - IIS H. 111.1, J. hn .., It IT 4. .... ■ Iti-r, J* ' * • I It) vr.. if - T . - .1 V% s f . 1 M • r • t UiJ.IUIK TOU N #IIII* 421 J bn j ..I, as. f lsds . |< ' 97| I r tf. flt !.. I -,.. . ' f'i | DJ.U th, laA* ; To v.. n. J ' . v 12 . H M wr I'l ' 1 4" - . ■ 4 4 M*- T V > : 4 Mitchell V4-ll' 4- - i Mil, hell. U m V 4 • T .">• M h! U m V 74 - 110 Ve,wr* H %rr fi 4 • '1 ■ ... ' . . I.' Tarkef JW 4 | ' • .... . II- I* ckt ?* 12 - . tlnij., run# . * M I , .> ait I*. rr|#r l-i . v Tnntc. Hi * ? .... &40 . Tunte, ; \ • *>., ; Hit .r?>m l'i *hts-,rti MI.mJ . 1* h- M"; U | f |(• .1 • v.r|.n ML Y- I - VVti) nn-jrn v . n s -utR T iHNBHtr. n • ■ • 34...... ißmNWrttlMi. AAo i ff%l. Pkiv Y-iVV > -t|| • 'He,.... 9Krt. t•• I 4 Cff—. 76 C Vnn|"Kil do II t/i 46 C Vu|i'Hi| do 3 Ok llAKitln TOVI'NMIIIP, 4'* \v• 1 r •. Mail >lll ; -t. IM Pot, o*o L KV 40 10 It tin. John 1 9* 40" lUrkur. Ko hrd 3 MO 4<* B N4, JIM* *. 10 47 92.. Whartccn, Kmhiiv/ 4 2*4 I 0, j 37'. ( 2'il ILK .! p ll4' .I do I. ML J 11. r.ein d.. 7 - 4 1 . John Z.-u I r .0* 7 09 1 Of Varfrr, Mm- n 4 02 1 j t* ' Veig. r Bitiiol. 4 "2 ' 0 Yoiin/ Ii M . ;2 >" I MILK- TOWN-IIIP. 41" lr*i.l* II tnneh 7 2V. Ilrocly. J.tir 4 7" j 20" Mt.ad% I 1:11 i 44" ttr ia U t.i I' - * 14 4.4 I alhotui ... 7 c . , L>. -WtfrMr. Win 27k j :J2< Itsful.'.! 4C,|, -2 4;h -crciy I; i t 47'. -cieut, It. . 10iv > 71- ; 4" Ilni.trr, Aim ■ 1 Ij, 1 Kill., i.~. 'i ■ j ui). Aw.k I.- N . 1 • I'.rk.i Mm t 4 I'atkrt I*.. het I . ,4 I'arkrr. J.f-iMUb * - . i 12.') KMou, Win 2 91 la it \ ■.N 1 . 114 - 1 - t I IS" ':2a't K"11 . i J I . T i n." Ilmry a W . ' | 4.', • Wit.iem. l*M 7 M Pl'.N N TOWNHIUP 36 >F4T Jatlic- F" ' , 1 1" h..1 r J *r ••• ■ J lletn.c ton, 11. 6 f * ' 1* ' - IUJ.' URO Jan... 4 - I I' K oftc-Jy. J hit 6 • K m ri ly, J#r< f, |i"4 - ■ Kennedy A ' | J. H„ MTT L<4M fl RIN . Y'IWN-lltr ■ 11 , :7>7.J* I; I . Oft - fftd, llcort - * ' I . It. *rn' urt „ Tb to" I(I - ' • • atne-f Emeu# Whi tit* * - .. 7 4. 9 NOW MI..K TOW NiHIl ■ 41 bvii 4 ' H.rgW' W m - I 4-1 IV ' • * I't - i I 4. . 1 r.n J , hem I* IS ' • 44 taiaam Rami.' *7 #-• 4 ' Fit•'" tu .. i: ... . -♦ ■ , > II '• I I M -1.. . , 1 ~ u .• ■: *• j | it, J 7 f fi j .IT 1.. H. J / T T ' ' M Mmit.i.., J.-i • j I ! * t U' s|. I'l. *., 11, m H I'm ,1 fl v hi.., 'IT ' 1 <• , v ii-tij 11 ; •:-ii ti \..i ,t. J 1 • *1 ' '* ; . r.itu :i r 1.1 .v . ''ii..' .naafcHiifw • > ■ I WO I". 1. ' .. 1 • >1 ■ " <' •• I ' " j ' ' . ...... i ; 1. T,l s.. T, L| " I >1 • B ISS VT.tr. AN ; 1 ' v v, . - m. *.••, vi-n ■ .., • 1 ; 1, f * W...1 w t, II > 1 - ' is J' 1., IVS LIMN HLMUTT 1 .-1... 1 VI-INIV.'W#,W..I ii I - ....... ■ , •• Maa • ' ' '"...A. 'N - "%■ ?>1 } . v 1 v."..... ,Ah.uir f -n *| IM II.Ir I"'. IUIIImxi. 44 Vt . Wl I'< - Ilauillit/u, lluglt IA 7a ! 117 ll.rtllu', ., M IS 3 tss las Baiiiai i 1,,, 44 u 4VI . IV: Ilnl.rr J„U,I 4'< :7 l J .11.f.r, Cbil.txebrr 4 'A 4 11 I4S I Mill, IM.i IM U. >/, f AU |63 1,,t0; S'll.t II 16 1 Ma. . KDK. I, Jacob Ift3 4s l !• 1 '/H 1821 58 Pim, Joseph Lo 68 l'att',l,, II :e b . ... Y,'i 1,0 I 4 of ' • 1 I'efer., K Imrd 11 1. '33 15 l'lnhert, !.. Henry.. 64 1' " l'i. ,| li'trdman.. '1 , 177.. 84 Philip*, Hardmap.. 7- s'j I '-'' 15!" I't, i ij ~ HKi,lmar, . t, | I'S). ...l' t>n , ti llritoa... l'.r 20 , l w 15" I'm. IC r• v. .. Si o. 3"1. I'o /'iln, O • J I Ijit i 216... 80...Kaiaey, Bobt 56 4fij !■ 1 53 ..//••.", II loh . I'lS i'„j 433... 158 Rohrer. Cbri*tiao...- 4" 87 5' ' 15 .|t .'li'lli, Ja' of . lot! l-l 40,5. 47 ..Hu*b, Jacob. . 145! 05 11! 163 ...lfutb, iC'ioatnin. .. 177 7- K H, ! n. Wm II 1 •. 37... Ib bi. n. Wm 1! 1 •<% i 5!11... Stout, .la, ob 7!( IK i < . I ... I",i. . Shot b. .Ui, bh. 1... f, ;7 247 1' Steik, .la b. .. L* 5!" ' 153 ..16 : "i"r, /,' ■b< r t .. 115 .'ft ! 1167. .. 7 Slough, Goo ]y io s!ly Srott, Aid 25 13 De, ,*>nj 0' r, llarbara. 77 '.<4 I' 3 •••...French. Kd.owner, 87 061 j s( Corki aoolo, wll 16 80 I 1122 -4 Woidnau, J0b0... 66 021 DO! 11'*. WtiOman, Ja<,,t lSn ! 12 Williatr ►, J C 7 17 i li-... . Wil.,.n, John 14 so! 35• Wilton, Jobr 34 7ft j 7 5 . Wilton, W m ... (ID. 433 r Wil • r., Wnr. .. 1.54 ' * 818 . 106 Wlimor. .L,hn : ... . 11*'. Wilt, n Wm 07 TAYI.OK TOWNSHIP • ! IVI Armor A Shaffer 1h ,m ; _'si| l'.e< k* ith, C.'-ai, nt 77 sft j 77 Hell, Wm .32 sft , O I'u'h, J amen 54 '.* i sft C.ark. Jot, ph f, Ift i 176 at. Mft.e. ■! i( ii.; 1' . Ilordman, i:ii,..l cih 77 ! 3 ,4 Hamilton, llu h Tu i l -.il l til ft' 1,11 5 I t 4,7 7 I I N' " ' V. .1 , .I, Vat,;.,. 1 1 J2! if; v I. t No 11. •' V.Jn ,b l antswl 3 y i l 7 147 I. d N„ 1> < V A. ' 7(i L-t N 1• • V Henn I Sw.pt.4i n 4.1,; t M i-,l;•!,' m< rs. W W . i ; . 2' ■ M< c.tinin, nd.Jolui ,H. Italefon. I-oiid 15 i*l ! sft Snvder. Harbaro 2" 4" ; '. i Yanpool. c v 4ft j Yanpc. 4, Jacob ft p, | ■ m Whitehead. Hich.,. 14 11 .Vi John. W. lis 7 (ft ! , (-ft Yo br. .!',*eph 11 .> I rXIoN lUWNslIir. 1 160 20 Brower, \\ m 41 ',l j , SIM) Kuhn I' 1! 22 (*) 1 I.sft. lift Mann, lfarrr 41-0 1100 I'bipj . Sail'-, 1... . I 1 a,5 I Tie I: OS, BfOWtMt 4 1" I P B Cridor A Son 70 001 1 p \\ „l< r, Wm 11 ! 77 W.M.KI U K'WNSHIP '■4 A'kir,, 1'0M... 2 16 4ft Hakor, Jchn .. 1 '.<2 7. ... 154 Itaker, Ilebt A John s " j 212 Itarkman. Sam! Ift 17 121 • 120 .l'.r,- k*. Ruth I u I*l Hfldf Wm 7 SO , 5.7' 15.'!' ( urior. o 72 J 116 11 li-,... b.-rls M*ri;r,'l 27 • , IT" 110 Uaugberty, Ki bth.. 4 .12, !11 ... 3!) Kvai.t, ,lee 1 6, I lftft 89......Kvan*, Je-tc. ... 240 ; !M . 26 It k'-rt. Wm 2 101 211 ..... 72 ..Hobo, Potor 6 '7 ! 1 22 • 47 . ..Bohn, Bboaosif 621 05 .... 4ft. Ilatin' Win 1 54 2! 3ft. Jam,-. Margret.. 5 .a 1 215 155. Jamec, Rdward...„ 513 , '■> 4ft ... J, hn*t> n l>att l 1 3> ■ 3 (I Mf.Kwen. Marv 13 1 v ' '5.7 lftft M-r, r, tin; I .... 7 *3 ' | 1 V i. T',. 1 f-'j ' | Mi ...... 4ft IYI. r.Joh 2 W>' 1* •1" T? hard f ftft ' ' 0 R'--ihl, lie j. ..... 7 2ft I 133 „u' >r, Jam !• 01 ' : *■2 86...Sutler. lK- iel... 14 lo 1 • ■ ; V, "I.Til T<'WNSIIIP 33 ("j mef. Henry •' .. . Haute, rn, Tf ma* 1,3 A -NEW COACH KEI'AIRSHOP, ( rj.rrtfully. innii 1:1.1. ,i strsn.v, ■i-'tn. ISellt /'totilr, J'u DO YOU ! VAST A SICE. < (jMI OItTA UI.R ; BOOT or SHOE ! IF SO, ( A 1.1 M MICHAEL COONEY'S „ W*AivUi ■. J I ..I'M H|AL; OSORH! I v.J I A l I// /*. ,<- r-- . J ' I > * ••• 1 • M J • V ' ' .M * ' r. Si ; 3?Q P r r ' ■ T* 10] ID Tnalliml— tor obtaining a business Lducation. For circulars ad dnwa. 11.I 1 . LUFF A SOXS, T imfniTi rr.fti'ftl Bn t<.- 1 rr IMBI ■ M. I '!> CNNII Ml MI I- •R. TOR -.rn>f A | Y \ LOT ■•* M ft; * t ,\l+ |VF • ' UURFT *>'.; t-m T. v ' T ■ * TT. • TH I * I VV •>£, 4 * * w v ' w ' • • ' j h j ■ j rrt* HOMES FOE SALE! ! <'onto nml LTU>, .. ACRES T)N FIFTH AVESL'L In WHOLE or lot". A T\Y > sIoRY BRICK N AUCJJ'iaiiy Street. A TWO TOTLY lIRICK * O 1 11 iijb treet. \ TWO--TORY BRICK t>! TH mas street. \ TWO-S TORY FR \MK < >n WILLOW Hank >IM l, SIAOO \ TWOSIOHY FRANK On WILLOW Ilnnk ire-IT, SL*IO> V TWO STORY FRAME 1 DI IT, | r. • I \\i. n,-. * B0M VAI.KNTINK, I> -;I, THAI ESTATE A pent. \ RITI/R. •. Y I, will U, 4 •* S U 1 ■ .| Kmt o FC.. 4