Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 15, 1884, Image 5

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    Rail Roads.
) Time Table in otToct NOV Hi, 'B3.
Leave Lock Haven 45 4 IH)
I Plamlngton I 18 • (HI
" Mill 11*11 4 52 I (7
Beech Creek dl •! 21
K#gleville 5 til •! 2fi |
* Howard 5 I>l -I •"(! |
Mount Ktiglo 5 IX I I '
Curtin 5 22 I is
Milcrbiirg 5 .".(i I >■">
Bullefulite 6 40 5 OA
Miletburg ft AO A lft
Snow Shoe lnt ft 63 6 I'.'
Unionvllle tl 02 A 2*
Juliet 12 A Js ;
Mitrllui ti 22 A Is j
Port Matilda '• 20 656
Hannah..... 0 -'l7 •> 18 '
Fowler 6HU l! 11l
e, HhlJ Eagle 6 10 '< 10 i
Vail ti AH H 24
Arrive at Tyrone 7 OA H HA '
Leave Tyrone 7 HO H 30 j
Ku.il Tvrone 7 .17 x :;T
Vail... 7 10 8 40|
Raid Eagle X4A 845 j
Fowler • 7 54 8 M
Hannali 7 A7 8 AO :
Port Matilda 8 OA !• Oil
Martha 8 1.1 !i 17
Julian 82H 11 20
Unionville 8 HH 9H7
Snow Shoe lnt 8 42 1) 17 I
Mile* burg 8 45 H .VI
Bellefonte 8 AA 10 00 j
Milesburg !• OA 10 10
Curtin 0 15 10 lit ;
Mount Eagle 0 I'.' 20 23
Howard 0 20 10 .12
Eoglevllle 11 HO 10 42
Beech Creek !• 40 lo 40
* Mill Hall 0 52 10 58 |
Flemi igton 0 .V> 11 01 |
Arrive at Loci* Haven 10 00 11 06 j
R.—Ttnio Table in effect Nov. lit
Loavta Snow Shoe 4:13 a. tn., arrive in
Bellefonte 0:20 a. m.
Lea vie Bellefonte 9:30 a. m., arrives at i
gnaw Shoe at 11.01 a. tn.
Leaves Snow Shoe 3:50 p. tn., arrives at j
Bellofonto 5:38 p. m.
Leaves Bellefonte 8:10 p. n., arrives at
Snow Shoo 10:40 p. m.
j Time Table in effect Nov. 19, 83,
Leave Scotia —l2 15 A 00 1
Fairbrook 1 iX) 0 20 j
I'enn'a Furnace 1 15 5 40 ■
Hostler 1 28 5 50 |
Marengo ' HA A 65 ,
Ixtveville f 1 38 600 i
Furnaco Road 1 45 6 10 |
Warriors .Mark 2 00 ♦> 25 , ,
' Pennington 2 12 •> 40
Wtslon Mill f 2 25 i oO (
L. & T. Junation 2 31 655
a Tvrone 2 35 CSB ■
PM. am. !
Leave Tyrone 4 00 9 20
i/i T. Junction 4 04 9 25
Wea.on Mill 1* 9 33
Pennington 432 48
Warriors Mark 4 42 9 58
Furnace Road 4 57 10 12
Loveville - 5 02 10 16
Marengo 6 07 10 22 >
Hostler 5 17 10 35
Penn'a Furnace - 5 27 10 41
Fairbrook —• 6 47 11 03 i
Scotia.... 6 20 11 30
1 (Phila. A Erie Division.)—On and
after Nov. 18, 1883:
Leaves Philadelphia... 11 20 ptn |
Harriaburg - 4 20 a m
Williamsport..— 8 40 a m ;
Jersey Shore 9 09 a tn i
§ I,>ck"Haven 9 40 a m
Renovo ... 10 55 a tn
Arrive# at Erie - T 35 p m
Leaves Philadelphia 40 a m
Ilarrieburg - H 15 a m
Arr. atWilliamiport.... 2 55 p m
Lock Haven 55 p m |
Renovo 5 10 p m ;
Kane 03 p m
Paaseoger* by this train arrive
in Bellefonne at p ■ I
Leaves Philadelphia II 10 a m
Harritburg 25 p m
Williamsport. .. 7 I '> pm ,
Arr at Lock Haven.. 8 (if> p m
leaves Ijock Haven 6 AO a tn
Williamsport 7 55 a tn
arr at Harrtsburg 11 30 a tn
Philadelphia 3 15 p m
L°avc Kane 6 Oil a tn
Renovo 10 05 a tn ,
Lot k Haven 11 15 am
Williamsport 12 25 a m
tarr at Harrisburg 343p m i
Philadelphia 7 25 j> m |
l.t-aves Erie I "•> p m
A liinovo 1" 27 pm I
™ Lock Haven 11 20 ptn j
Williamsport 12 am j
arr at Harrisburg 4 08 a m !
Philadelphia 7 -V) a m
Erie Mail East and West connect at
Brie with trains on L S AM S. RK ; a'.
Corry with B P. A W.llß ; at Emporium
with B , N. V. * P. RK , and at Drift
wood with A V. RR. T. GUCKER,
Gen'l Sup't.
No disease* have so thoroughly battled
die skill of the medical t.rofeasion as
;anceroti> affection* and as thev have al
ways been considered incurable, It has
been thought disreputable to adopt tn.dr
treatment as a specialty ; and hence physi
cians have neglected tbelr proper study.
But of late years new and important dit
% coverie* have brought forth a course that
now proves successful in nnv ol its fortes,
A with certainty, without the use of the
knife or caustic plasters. We have a
treatment that la comparatively mild. It
ie not poisonoua, does not interfere with
the healthy Ibwh, can be eppllod to anv
A part ef the body, even the tongue. We
mf, take nothing lor our services until the
nancer is cured. Address
m KeflaviUe, Centra Co, l'n.
Ono ol* tho Conspirators TuHch
(I cor go M. Uo 1 u*oo, Secretary of Ihe
N vy under Grant, in ti recent inter
view ttnid :
"iftlto Dcmnniat* had |M'm-e**e<l bank
bone in those day* tliey might have put
Mr. Tikleti in. i'hey would have had to
I tight tor if, though. (1111111 hud tho
; troop* in readme**. I hud it thousand
' marine* ready tis ristt of an emergency.
: But, fortunately, it wa* never nece-sary
to do anything, ami I am glad there wa*
not. I do riot want to *ee any more
*uch days.*'
If tlt its man tell* the truth, lie con
fosses himself one of the con -pirat >r*
buttled together to defeat the will of t lie
! people. It i* a slisme to Republican '
' government that they succeeded. Tltu 1 1
thero will he a retrihnti >n. and a severe !
'■no, we believe a* lirtnly a* w<- believe [
' great crimes never go unptin*hod. The i
avenger * sure to come along. The j
leading actor* arc already coming to
grief. Dtffltttows l>i> •■•/ it.
Dorsoy us A Stockman
llow Tilt: ST Alt Rum: MATI..SSIAN I.IVIS OS
III* HA Sell IN Tilt. FA I: -91 TIIWksT.
From Ite Doivrr )
F.x Senator Dorsey, who i* now ilevot i
hi* attention h> stock raining in
Collsx ciunts. New Mexico, t- very ,
comfortably -"ttleil on hi* ranch, ub mt
forty mile* from Raton. Johney ''ard J
give u reporter yesterday a very grnphi •
account of Dorsey'* ranch and lii* mode
of living. The ex Star router has now ;
about 209 *ft heatl ofcattieon iti* range,
including a number of tine bull*, and
is steadily grading up all of hi* *tock. i
As smaller cattle nicn come near to his (
range with their herd* he buy* tliem .
! out or get* rid of them in another man
' iter, no that ho holds hi* water right*
undisturbed. He manage* Lis cattle t
i matter* in a bmin -s like way. employ*
'an experienced foreman and book I
keeper, lias hi* own range rider* and
sign rider* and his own round up*. He
ha* had very good luck -in<-e ho began
hi* cattle enterpr'se, ha* lo*t few cattle ■
and hit herd is rapidly increasing.
The ranch of Dorsey i* a large, unpre
tcntioni abode building situated in ■
wide, shallow arroyu, bordered by cot
tonwcwvl trees and surrounded by a
wire fence. In*ide. Lite ranch i furnish
ed magnificently. epe> ially the pnrlor,
Dor*ey's sleeping room and guest room*
for visitor*, of which the hou*e ha*
--v<-ral and which are in continual use.
A piano stand* in the sitting room,
which contain* also a well selected
library and a completely appointed
sideboard. I>or<y rise* early in the
morning, has breakfast and a talk with
hi* foreman and book-keeper, and then ;
take* a ride of ten or fifteen miles over |
I hi* rsnge. He i* a good rider and g-n j
nerally lets hi* home out when he goo*. |
i Returning to the ranch h<- ha another
meal, and then smokes and chat* with
hi* gue*t, if he ha* any. or read* until !
' bed time, wbirh for him noweomesatan j
early hour
Sometime#, hut rarely he visits Koeky
<'ro*ing. Springer or Raton, and every
| now and then take* a flying trip east, i
, He d res as < generally in a gray tweed i
! suit, i* atfable toward* all hi* employee.
; and i popular among neighboring cat ,
tie men, by whom he i* generally ;
addressed a* "Senator."
—— a ■
Butlor'fl Exporlcnoo on a Jury
I .
W hen Butler WAS young he wa* walk ,
| ingone afternoon in ''ourt Square, Bos |
; ton. *rh--n a beritr* ofticer came rush |
! ing out of the court-room and seised
liitn, and < >ui,.elled him to come into
the court liotiie, where he wa* told that
' he would ha -• I" 'rve on the jury, the
panel being incomplete. Thi* wa* tin
| old way of making up the panel. I'<-n
proteste<l loudly, and informed the
; ju-ige tliat he *n "Benj*min Franklin
Butler, a menilx-r of the Middlesex bar, i
anl therefore exempt from forced jury
• service." But the judg--, quite a wag,
although knowing Itutls r well, affect, d
to discredit the *tory, and said :
i "If you area lawyer, show meTaome
1 proof of what you suy."
Butler htd only hit word tor it, and
wasput on the jury The case wa* a
iliarnr** larceny, and Butler, availing
himself of a juror's privilege began to
, examine witnesses at interminable
I length. The court got tend, but dared
; not show it. Finally the jury retired,
and in the jury-ro-.m Butler stood out
f>r a.iuiltl, and argued hi# fellow
juror# nearly deaf. Soma of them fell
asleep. Meantime the judge outwide
1 fairly boiled with anger at the una.
; countable delay of the jury over *o petty
j a cae. At last after throe or four hours
i : delay, the jury came in. The judge
b.-ckoued to the fornitn and said to him
| . "What kept you *o infernally long?"
"Why, said the forman, "that con
founded But tier talked hi almost to
Alter the verdict wa* rendered the
) judge, by that time highly diverted at
1 Butler's ingenuity, excuied him from
| further #ervioe, Ren retreating with
r the observation "1 thought you'd gat
J enough of ma."—/Vfretl 7W#.
Bargain* lo >lr#r-e'a## curtain pole#,
German'*. * • •
Additional Local.
flie following order wm liiin<l<*<l us
by commander 11. 11. (tanner, !*>• |. for
Ociicml Orilfii No. 7.
Lie. PbiLdclph h, Muy stb, IHH-I •
There i,iiothing ephemeral in till
Hod's Creation, —tlio liny bludo of grass,
the quivering leaf nnd the mountain
rock may i lunge form, but tliey cxitt
forever. The liven of our patriotic com
rades, like the principles for which they
! died, are indestructible. The good men
' do liven after them.
As a c unfurl to us, and to keep bright
' in the hearts of the prevent nnd li-ing
'generation, the liven sacrifice* and suf
' ferings ~f our country 'a defender*, the
beautiful ami suggestive ceremonies of
| Memorial Day have been cslahlishid.
1 Seulptureil maible and atoried urn
| are only ap| raciated as the evidence ol
j grateful hearts nit all our heroes tun)
have their hi-tory chiseh- I upon marble, j
hut it is possible to have the d- eds of
everj one who suffcre 1 for lib rt \ s
s.ke, remembered and recorded upon
'the hearts of patriotic people. In no
way can this lie more surely effected,
' than by un earne * participation in the
j solemn exercises of the 30th of May.
I Comrades of Pennsylvania, it is our duty
to tie in the front rank in this noble '
work. We go not only as mourner.but '
! a-s instructors; standing beneath the old
tlag, we point to the heriic deeds of
tho—- whoso servicer and whose - icrifirc
we commemorate.
That this work of love may he fully
■ecompiiahed, every Sabbath and Public
School, religious and civic society and
military organization in the state ia
I earnestly requested to join in h"n >ring
i our dead, on Friday May .'Hub.
Let u in the name of liberty and
! patriotism, remember those whose
! grave* are unmarked and to who h no j
! mourner goe*.
The leaner* of religious opinion have
'given to our memorial anniversary their
cordial sanction and thu associated the
hallowed sentiments of piety, with th
tender dutiea of patriotism. It is re
commended that Post*. on the Sabbath !
proceeding Memorial Day, attend a
place of Public Worahip, and arrange
for the delivery of a Sermon, comm<mor
ative of our fallen comrad<— and the
cause for which they laid down their
Hr Don UAVII or
F. 11. Dvaa, Dept t>nr.
Tuoa. .1. Srnwiar.
Attt. Adjl. General.
Ho! for the Wont
J.C Morri* it ooa of Mils* township's
| best and most luccesaful leach er and life- ;
long Democrat, and a gentleman in every
rwj>ect, and If Mr M->rris should makeup
' his mind to remain in the far sot we .hall
! feel mrry, a. they cannot wo|| a!f-rd to
i lose such a good citizen from Miles And
i then when we viati our old place of resi
dence we cannot expect to meet and take
hold of the warm hand, which warmth
1 cornea from tho heart i and h<-ar his plea,
ant chat an l see hi. a! ways smiling cnur.te
nar.ee. May joy go with yeu and < >.r at
| tend you. But, Cab, do come fleck, a.•
, think there is room here for us all.
A.J. Wolf, R.q , has been a resident of
Missouri for soma time, *nj I suppose n w
1 has such attraction* there that w.mlj no k
allow him to return, for which * • arc
. sorry, for be ha always l>een an rump's
| ry youiig man. and what we have i,,.| in
I'ennsylvar.ia Missouri hs- ga ro-il. May
pre)- r ty ever attend him in In- wclern
1 home. Ar. 1 may it n-t >o->n be hi* I tt"
| visit u* again with su nsa to--- a- waa.:. i.
to v . om; any the oorps" -f i, . d- art-roth
j er, to have his r-mains ret in Pennsylva
nia soil. My friend, sorrow n-t It **„
j Gid tfial called him to an eternal home
IM-e A llrutngsrd i a lady of th" s.ino
township, of whom many of her Iriends
! and neighbors will feel sorry I > han- n-_
main away from them, a. she i. a woman
of largo heart and always on hand when
good can be done, and ono that the entire
I community love and respect. We hope she
will not make her home so far away from
friend- .■ near-and dear to her May lisp,
pine-, ever attend her.
Mi*. Mttnio Uilibish, the handsome, in
, telligent anl charming daughter of Dr
Uilibish, late of Mlebersburg, (one who
was so well known by mo.t of Centre
county people ha* also gmo to view Do
west in ail its glory. But, Mar.ie, can you
I find one more lovely than—well, 1 won t
say it. We am < nly too sorry to know
that you are gone, but we console ourselves
that you will net remain, and soon return
' to those who lore and admire you so mu- h
, Your place down in the qmt ~|.l t-wn
cannot lie tilled until your return, wblrh
' we hope will he soon. May love, rasp, i t
i an I good fortuTie ever attend you.
Milfoils, May 12, N \
( F.l'iroani life i asm*. Iho annual
excursion of the Pennsylvania F,dltoria|
Aaaoeiatlon will thi* year bo .at lletty*
t hnrg. and i* expected to ak<- place
, about the middle of June. This will
, bring it ut a tim intervening between
t he two national political conventions.
Thi* week an a'lvanro committee of tba
aaaoeiation will visit vlcttyaburg, view
i, the ground, and make "the *eeavery
Wilson, Mi Kitrlaru- .V Co., call atten
tion to the only reliable ft-ady Mixed
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pr
1 pared Puint is not mly superior to any
Iteady Mixed I'ainl sold iiut rivals pure
white lead in its smoothness in working
and disability. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to crack or pool
within three years. The guarantee is not
only good for replacing tho paint but it
will be put on if It should crack or pei
within the time specified. It will be to
your Interest to call and sou Wilson, Mc-
Kerbine A Co., bhfore purchasing either
white lead or any other Iteady MixeJ
Base tail belts, Carman's.
Lace curtain nut, Pi cents pur yard, at
Cuuduiuto'a CardH.
I'ielrr It-. Bui— ra<-h r,ni)|i|*t,. m „.l [>l—l;-e him
wlt I ■ ii|i|K,n lbs ill ki I as a >tulu*ll
t'smll UIM Inwrllnx cxol. an . x ( ..., 1.-.J 1., |. f„r
tie 111 .TSlriLr 111 ailianri..
Wr author I/•-'I t nnnouttr,. t) r*nr ,1
I of Mile, township, ii a candidal* fof Aamably, •••!
1 I U ill • In > Mi ' f tic !• 111 r ||| t *ii* i r .
I ffhtkih,
W • cf aulh c i/• ito nrxiouti' * the r*ru- f
.f I'.-ti c r t.,M oahl; . . < f. f Aus-uiMf, ul>.
I J*lt •llt • )• itl* ii of th" !>• in* >• rati ufstf <' o
j VPtlli-'tl.
: W# in kctti ri/r I to anti iuticsv
C'll \ RI.K.H ITII.
It-lls f .til", bt rnrct Uf* f., r < lf| |, Trr>irrr
j •< ' •r t to lit#* <S* < .t u i f th" I'wro- •• r4t D fount <" r<
W * At* •tilboH/c*! t inri'dth't
j jtt*. i. NKrr.
ft< .... .1,,,. ~, , , n ,|, u,, i,, sii.r.fl .ul i-, t
jlulb.di i.i-n . f Iha tsrinwiati'.- Cuuuty '■ *-ssii n
I Wear* aalkurl>r-| i .boeunrs il- nam. uf
i' M M inion
■f IVrKiia.n~.il t- n.l.i| a. , r.n |i |, ( „ ( , ~m. .
< ' Sh-iiff. sal.j-. i 1., lb. J——. >b. uf |I, lisßu^raO
( <>ir,tt <* ceniioft
at. aiiltairt/u 1 n> aiinniisr.
m Prrtasaa iowastug a.a -at IMals f . Fredwaso
la.-*, .lib).. lu> Ih- WUIr.o i,( (I- Ibm -rslli i ub
, If O.Qt.Btl b
" • se laUi'ilrat le 101-.UA-* lh r.aia. uf
.f lu-11.f0n1., lal. f Walk-r I >wt..hlp, a* a'*an4i4ais
for Fmlboeorarr. .u! jI o, ih, ,1.. u ,u ß „r u,. o-n,
| -*cratlr f'..nntf rVin.. no..n
W. ar. atliwio-! to ar.n -ni.ra 11,. bin* of
THANK r fitßl.lt
i " * ' HI. ' ' H uA.r, nl.joi u lb. 4xui a
of lh Ihm s. rati* CVmaly O-sotpallon
kuth' l.'fH t' Jt*..|l|J. e
*M MF. a MrfLAIN
*Mf! !i Ut* f r t*r. wut.jwgt to th* d.fUl n**c|
th* I>rr, rai. CVfifvatUib
I J f.f )l*nry Iwk, -f Wiiirr t wctMr r#titr*
I fuqtitj, I'a
All rUios* foffoir*t fwUte U pr**nt*>l to
Ma* Kiiu Dai Fiirktrtt
\Ori( K.— Not in* if h?n*by jfiven
J 'hr M CallcNlfb ha* th'! r* n frarn
th* rU* Mtnir.g C* LJmitmrt *t>4 that M-w. <
M Clark •;. rg* M Lfira. V. J HiStard. J
a*.a at*d J 1.11 I* Ljon hat* U**r *4rftift**4 V ri*B)Lt
|*h j> ..f *atl aoaor<*tt.vt)
j VDIK KDF AFPKAlsS.—Appeal*
( ▲. X |*l V* Is*l t #..f th* *•*%! I Vf.thl;i tt 1 Iwsr
! au#h* It) th* f's mint a* a*t* isAo*. at PUlUfntitw .
f.f! .
M ft-tay. Jor.* 2mf r th* Usv*bif* of Rcah'
Tatl'.r M rtK, Mo*r. n fUtoa ar>4 th* Isorrsttgh* of
fh I nk>fti!U Mi!**! rg
j Tn***Uy. Jan* lrl - f>* th* toft*)ilMaf Unrnatda,
He • H, It (ft ||. art. rUrttft 1.l Mari< r.
■ W%lkt at>l th* Mfti csf !Ica/1
1A • I edi Jaa* r f Ih* ton*hipa ef Ml!**
It a r.a, pwftft. firefg |* t*f h4 th* !soroo|| ~f Mil]
b 'ft
TftviVftiat Mi ft* th* l'*ftbi| f Karri*
i"* l'*a* k"fg • f**f M . Pwtt ft. H'l.csar, Prriag
j •-> th* t * ifh lti**f *n•
|W|w*it it.* har* fI■ -I.* k • v an 44 1-k
* w
IfV 4ss.sa.n a' f p rH atl*o4 ft* ttli
t).* trans. rl| t
fnar <ftt! a '< • r n11 | nr]i4w*
JcMK Uc| t I
II r r AMfitn.i. . aws^.f,
a • R MY
Villi H * ; t *•
fl*rb. \'* it
Ifatfr tiff* t.f rsmt ant* an 1 fa* m tf
,r-dh sr.. It .}•! tatms ar J islrsfs, vs r*
i *tti.r th*** op in •►• t*.l ] 1* and fumUhtng
"iw ' > ttt Is' bw fk Coah n*. Mils T,
.♦it f* Vg* h I—|* a *ar.t*'m* t un4l* -*f *§
J . ii# *-efJVs* *attft* art'! Lrrwa<t*4 a*)a*|a fall diffe-..
* Juf th* thing f.r th' m*t n]*rl fft*Tft f
|fi f w hr, , .sy.jj jf f i Is Is J. atal r U
' r I *nt *UTft| I ♦ keg* > a r ntaiah.g Ur**
*nexasn, .h * • 1 # N 1 l 1 t
•1 ♦ Th--* st tl ? th* *r* f: **f *v*a <• r and
ir ' ' . s 1 **♦ sit fh> ' • ifc • 4la .n It t rot
* | fMN at UlfM lirt—• •*< r prttfi Th* V Si'l j !saa
s 'F *t •H~ I k WIIs . I
'•i*' *h ns at. 1 fu.l ♦ -tfi' t r.* f . vthtU far.-t
*• -h Hnt. b*ls t. i I f. •{ a4 A (tnh Or4*r
' n Art t va Tut l-'D'H -it a <, Rorh**t*f
v* ▼ I
(fnlck Itailnuy lime.
11-el/lf i. Hi. .lan. l**tl.
'Acs I. fr 'rrht j A.i ' - hn, ' a/tp nnU.I
I'm. /*. /, e-, ... U -i./erif f.n fKt sale e./ eve
'K>rl Train Hi, 'r-e/ U'afeA • re ike tatem
, i . tleUe/nnte.
lb* xr>.o \V s ti n fV>veANT
i H iviog most thoroughly tested the
ft<4*kfort tjuiek Train Watches for the
, Ift three veer*. 1 ctf'er tln*m with the
fullest eoriH'ience a- the best made and
tui-t reliable t no* kei per for the money
• that ran le* nhtaittc*!.
I M'./ "/if n I . >re ererv Wa • ■t'.a 'we i .art
} /MA - A* /•. ULA/K,
.Ye. 2 f'.me t er/e.'/ ti' ie.
' , ,|//e/A,-r t meriean Watehrt ,1 rei.,-e,l
[■ I pr,res.
Dtuitr .a. Jan. '.'7. Ins-j.
fhe KiHtkforti watch pureba-ed Feb.
In*!/, has pettormed bettrr than any
' M atch I ever had. (lave teamed it
♦ every day nnd at no tune has it been
irregular, or in the least unteliable, l
r.'.'o-rfuliy reconniietol the Itrnkford
at Dightnn Furnace (Vs.
T\i nton. <ept, la, IXHI.
Ihe Itocklortl Watch runs very ac
enrately ; better than any watch I evet
I owned, and 1 have had one that coat
IL'stl. fan rsK-omtnond tba Itockford
I Watch to everybody who wishes a flat
This is to certify that the Itockfortl
II Watch bought Feb. ~S2, lHTtf, bos run
i. very well the paat ye*r. Having •*♦ it
s only twice daring that lima, iu ontj
, vaiistkin being three minutes. It hat
run vary much better than I aver aa
f tidpated. It WM no* a ljuxtad and onli
•oat IdD. H P BRTAVT,
' —Bargains in Jerseys, Car man's,
e —Nobby hats, in the latest styles, at
0 ■ w—
1 | National Life Insurance
r /ncor]>orat/:d in IMIA.
, Assets S'i.WO.OOO, Surplus 8 1 ,000,000.
4KXX) I'OII'JH wild on yearly metal j
ment*. 1 hose bonds aro patublo l<
tin* holder nt the expiraiion <>l 110 )ears
; or nt' proviotis fl -itli, or n stijul.it.-il
amount payable in ea.h at the end of
* iiny year alter tiro first, on tlieir sur
R. M. McENALLY, Special Aqt.,
Office... 1 1),., r Surth „f T,st Offue.
Cost ot the \\ hit*' Paper!
''*> '•< ut tliin. Will you 1, t t),j, r , ir „ op. I
portunily p:i- by ?
A N D—•
A !,o ik on the Treatise of tin: Horse.
A . lor <'ali in UIIVUDCC.
Old suhscrilK-rs a. well new, who ]mv
one year's -übucription, and !J. cents
extra, will be entitled to the above
liberal offer.
Wo have jx-rfifted arrangenieots
with the publi-bers of the
of I'ort Wayne, Inrt., that us
to offer our aubserilK-rs a fir.-t elass
Agricultural Magazine at the hare
cost of the white jmjier on which it is
printed. Th* American Farmer is a
Di page monthly magazine which is
rapidly taking rank a one of the
leading agricultural publications of
tho country. Each number will con
tain useful information for the farmer,
his wife, his sons and ]iis daughters.
And it costs you almost nothing, sup
pose yuo try it one year.
(his ofl.*r will hold good for* short
time only, so tell i,*ir friemis and I
everybody you meet Kemeiuber ve |
don t go hack on our old friend, but wo
need money, and make this offer as an
inducement to all. Send in your name* !
and money early. A letter will recjeve
ju! as prompt attention as if you called i
m pi rs..n,
• or. of Allegheny A ltisbop ,W|. |
Bellefoote, I'a
4 I
j |
Ready For
During the past week I have re
' reived the largest and best stock of
•hoc* *i ever bad—in fact there is
none in the couuty to compete with it.
I have the exclusive s]e of the very
bc'. lines in the market; such a.
' IS T\ i.tr- and D. Ajmwrr.oNi.*
A Min in i.i'. Fine Sh"H.w
ren, nnd a great many other fine
, ninkn. 1 know of no other line I
- "would exchange fi<r, ->r add ti my
I i ll the ln*t Men'* Calf Shoe, for
r j I '.jHi ever offered in (Vntre'county
Thi. i< 110 bait, bufin honest btisine- 1 "
These gs> is come in H iitim |or Lace
Kid or Cloth top.
s Mv Mnnulacluring Dojartmont un-
I dcr the management of Mr. HOUR is
r ; fa-t gaining popularity. Our work is
■MM nd .to none, and superior to srven
'' eighth of tin woik made in this coun
ty. I guarantee satisfaction.
I Warrant everything
| I Recommend.
?! A. C. MINGLE.
su ~ww to Roll S Wlßf I*.
j \pril 21, s| RKI.I.RKf>NTK, P\
17. ly.
ir ,
a i
is' Kxciwaivaly dry goods—Harmon*.
y —Curtail polaa and laca curtaia* Tka
I Uat quality for tha,loawl monay, Oaretan'i
/'/i UatMph In /< ranch.
Don't Forget
Philadelphia Branch
T 4*
j_T t c
Is again to the fore with an xt-a
give assortment of
Springand Sanuv
and respectfully invites the public t
call and examine our eU>gant Suit*
and Over Coats, for
Men, Youth, Boys, and
Children'* wear manufactured for oar •
trade of the List material, and is
all stylo* to please.
Our stock of Men's suits iu Cuta
ways, Sacks, Prince Alberts, I>->ub!e
Breasted Coals, Reversible, Chen
j rhilla and Reaver Overcoats ate Su
perior. and Invite Attention.
And now just look here. Meu anT
Boys, are you going to freexe this
i Winter, or nt ? Why, of course vou'ra
not. You must have Winter Cloth
ing, and what you want is the BKUT
in the Market for the Lowurr
Price. You have got your money
honestly, and of course you want tht
most for it. WE WANT JUST
SI'CH IU-INKSS, and therefore in
vite your vi-it to the PHILADEL
PHIA BRANCH. Our business re
lations with the People of Centra
County in the past have been pleasant
.ind satisfactory, and in off*ring our
Thaak* for she Libcral custom hereto
fore giwn u, we renew the pledgn
upon which we itarted out —FAIR
I.KWn * iO n Proprietor.
• BtllHWf. Pa