tEJif Cnttvc Denwrrri. TUB CENTRE DEMOCRAT la pub |Ah ml nvHty CuddU) in or nltig, *t ltallt*fout*,Coiitf county, Pa. TMtias-OMhiu idunt* Si oO If n *1 |*ld In AtlfAllC* a! UU A LIN K PAl'Klt-ilfVoteillu tho I ntorrati of tb hole i'tyili ftlU Uil4i Wlttllo Ulto* molt tlm will It* CoU* • i Ivrtnl in *Uv*nc*. N |iip >r I•• In • i.k I until *rr. tuNK *>trv | '"* At i til in x l lnsln-rn fiperi going 'Hi •>; sin* uuuty nt iti ba paid lor in tdtAtica. Auypofton pivcuriiiic m (on *l' VII * Ivrrtia utiuila lor l*s i'i in 11 tan thio* month* Id catata pr 11 tt (or Kin* ftrel tliroo ltiarlioua, and c •: t A lino f.ti r**-li additional liiavrtlou. <*|trta| itl?inne*hall nir*. K In Ttnl L' • \t. v iti .*■*. in I 41 col until*. 10 cwntaporlina. A lihar.il ileoount it* iiiA-i.' to |irra*tii advi riiaing by h • |turtr,lu|f yar,aa foliowa: w <% 'C A' PI ID. | o'ia inch (or I- line* (hi# typo) T v o inchfui " l"! 1 • Thr* ' i l ' ii i ir:#r rot ti in ti • lnoh*a) •. a*lf oolnmn '•* qnoc itamu • -r f 'tnchaa) ICHI Fri4 i lvortl nirrit mi at I • paid for l*fora • rtion. *iropi o -.irly rontrar(• wlian balf-yt-nrly piyrnaotatn t wl' • r®*|nlr**| P >UTI Ai Noti-'i. " "tta p"i liii-wnoh Inaartlon If >(hlni( inarrtfl f r Ua* than Mi r*r.t. Bt'iuHK S irtcm ti ih* ♦••iltorial < "lutnna, 15 canta p ir llna.aaolt in*irtl n TELEGRAFHIC NEWB. 110 Prefers to bo Shot. SALT I.AKK. May 12. -Fred Hopt alias A. Welcom. who has been three times tried, was convicted of murder to day and sentenced to be executed on June 13. The Utah statute permits persons sentenced to be executed to choose be tween hanging and shooting. Hoj't chose the latter. Death iu Tho Storm. DOVER, N. 11., May 9.—A terrific thunderstorm, accompanied by adnlug ing rain, occurred in this vicinity this morning. A farm-houe and barn, with contents, owned by William Flynn contractor at Kliot, Me., were struck by lightning and burned. Los* fl.'iOO. A report cornea from Kpiping that the Bunker building was struck by Itght ning and burned. S. W. Martid's body was found in the ruins. Judge Lynch In Kentucky. IxtttsviLLß, May 6.—A dispatch from Elixabetbtown, Ky., says that about 1 o'clock this morning a masked mob came to town and, taking the keys Irom the jailer, entered the jail, icued Miles Perry, the negro who some weeks ago criminally assaulted Miss Yannert, and after carrying him a few mile# from town hanged him to a tree. A placard was pinned to his 1-ody say ing that the body was not to be cut down until 6 o'clock. Distrosa Along the MlssiHnippi Vicxsncto, Miss., May 9.—'The steamer City of Vick.sburg arrived from below thi* evening with about 200 colored farm hands on board from pvoint* in Teu*es piarish. f'apitain Keith stati-s that he was hailed at other pmint* where there were a number of colored people huddled together on points of levee# waiting transportation. Sixty percent. f Madion parish and seventy five per cent, of Teuses are still underwater. Mule* and cattle are dying in great number*. The stock at some placeslw>. ing killed dy swarm* of gnat*. Ruined by the Now Stamp' Tax GAI.TISTDV, Tex.. May B.—A special from New Laredo, Mexico, *y : The establishment of Francesco Viscaya one of ihe oldest commercial houses in Laredo, closed its door- yesterday. Mr. Yiacaya aonounee* that lie cannot con tinue business and pay the new stamp tax. Tho stamp act requires him to pay sfi,iK cash on hi# present stock. Ha further state* that the new strrnp tax will raise the price of many good* above American prices, as a result of which the large American trade for the pur chase of contraband article* in Mexico, •mounting to several hundred thousand dollars annually, will he cut off from Mexico and similar lucrative traffic wilj *t once spring up on the American side. Tha African Conference i)* • 11 nonr. May * —An appeal from Lev. W. K. < arson, of Northeast Texas con ference. wns brought before the African Methodist hpiacopal General Conference (0 day to have rigl,td certain wrong* which he claimed to have Keen inflicted upon him hy the annual conference v,f hi* district at Ware, Texa*. in 18.83. The charges against him were in*uhordina tion. immorality and intemperance. The verdict of the Northeast Texas enfer ence was reversed and Mr. f'*ron rein atated in *ll hi* privilege*. A resolution waa pa*ed cuiogiiing John F. Mlater, of Connecticut, for hi* philanthropic aid to the colored race itiabop Camtibcll *|.ok>> and created excitement hj elating that Ceorge I'ea l>Jy lied done nothing for the colored people of lie wa* contradict ed *ml wfrid depleted that the aUte m wu- r. i'hotlt *cti!i 'atlon tn truth. Designator the Garfield Monument Clkvkland, 0., My B.—Forty-three ili ny the Ourfii l 1 Monutuenl iteoriilion May I, the day fixed oy tho invitation inured to nrtists in October lust. The cle.Ggu* are from Franc?, Italy, Germany, England and United States. Their arrangement i now in progress in the art galleryofMr. .1. F. Kydor. Each design liar a motto or murk to id 'titiily the artist and hi* work, and i? accompanied hy a Healed envelope bearing a similar motto to ■nark and containing the artiit'* n mie. The design* will, thtrofjre he examined and pa*ed upon without knowing the names of the artists who made them. Toe collection of designs is varied and elaborate, and shows that much thought has. been given the subject, while much gratification is expressed over the re sult. The designs have not yet heen exhibited in public, and no action has heen taken hy the trustees. The firs • x indention will be ma le by the true, tees on the 11th inst int. Dig Scheme of Now Yorker*. l>r.s Moists, low i, Miy ll.—The Eastern and Western Air Line Itiil w.y Company file I articles of ine< r p iration with the county roc ider here to day and will fi'e th same with the Secretary ofS'nto tomorrow. It cm teniplatis an sir line from M> rcer, l'a. to Council Bluffs low?, distance a tittle more than nine hundred miles The projectors claim the line will save near ly threo hundred miles over nnv other route which can he selected. The gentleman say it will not vory more than six miles < i lor way from an ait line. It is to ero* the Mississippi river at Keitbsburg, 111*., if built. There i* also provision made in the article fur a line from the crossing of the ML-i**ip| i river in a soutbw-ester ly direction to the Missouri Slate line in Van Ituren county The capital stock is sl3 00H,000. The names signed to the article sre Thomas W. i Gh.rn and WaldeifH. 1 'hilli js, f Now York, and J. W. Irey. of D<* Moines. The Utter is attorney of th,, company. To Rescue Gordon. LO.NDOX, May 12.—The Stan/trd say* that the Government will nii-et the motion of Sir Michael Hicks 8.-tch cen*iiring the Ministry by announcing that an expedition will be sent to Gen eral Gordon'a relief if tb climate p.-r tnit*. The Oj,ly AVwoy, Mr. Glad stone w II meet the vote ot censure by announcing that the tiovernment had resolved to keep, op>en communication with Khartoum, and tha it will not si low I'.erl>er to pas* out of control of the Egyptian Government. Measures calcu lated to insure the „ %feiy ~f those wh m Geo. Gordon has ,ent to It- rber, and of himself and Gart ison, ar t • in j effec tivi ly arranged. An ev| chiton t<- Khartoum is no new reo!ve ;.icre haa long exist,d an understs-ii li< t r up,on eer'ain conditions of .i gei arising there, raon< < uld la' ' I. n the forces already in E/yit t .r ing the "afety of Gem ra tit ,1 thoae under him. Thsre i i Ing that the tiovernment is mil • t> t n formed than the genera' ) lit . •< l,i regard to the Egyptian nt Iter •• ,• tioned in recent telegrams ... 1 :it has throughout be, n adttfod ft, u Gordons rafety ind the diVi-mey if hi* supplies to last son e u onth*. and ha* neTer neglected to consider what provision might h. require I for his security. It is understood that a tlving column under tangle it up and make it U'tlicult for the puller to handle, ilogan tor •nnu* time ha* tern making it uncomfortable or Lire by making fun of hi* language and motion* in etpre** ing himself in Kngli*h, a* It ce i n Hungarian and cannot talk English *o a* to he understood. When Lice threw down the wire in a tingled manner this morning llogsn Ih-cui in? I irri'srvf making fun of him. The Hungarian walked up to him and told him not torn ike fun of hi* apoecb a* all the mm were laughing l him. and he did not like it Without another word llogan picked np a hravjr hummer and -luck at Hicn, hitting him on Ih.< heed ami felling him to the Hour. Ili-e roee up on hi knee*, when the hammer fell a|[ain upon itie head with murderon* force, cruhing in hiaekttll and laying h.m proetrate on the floor. Not ooMlcni with thia unprovoked *,,ault llogan agan raU.-d th- hammer aad dealt the dcfr-nselee* mutt Another terrible blow. Tho nton who wore standing near finally rufh', they would not likely resume work until next fall. Thi company employed about 125 men uMiiilr. hut lately bavo bnn working about •••veiity five. The K ills Creek Coal Cotiijtany's men to-day dri ll- Ito strike again-1 tho in'roiutv lion of the incli and u half screen. They number about seventy men at present, but tin- usual force i< ov< r one hundred. The workmen of the ll.ml S Tibbie works owned by Galuha A. (irow are also on a ttike for a cheek weighm~ti w-th but little pi'--| eel of success owing to the dullness of the coal trade. There are al-uit 125 tin n emp'oyci there. The D.igu* turners at St. Mary's in Klk county, are alo on a trikc on sreount of the reduction which recently went int rll'-ct. The men want to be pai I sixty r ne cents per tin on the bai of three foot coal, while the operators will not agree to any thing like that figure. The inattei was submitted to a board cf arbitrator which met on Monday mid broke up without reaching a dec -ion, the repre •entativea of the operators ret ring from the meeting. At the latter work* there is little probability of a *ati-factory settlement, a- the men are w- II prepar ed for a long scigc. At the first named works the men are cot in shape to stand a protracted strike, t'tber works mny follow the lead. There is no indi cation of any outbreak. ♦ A Treaauror'n Flight. lltt rrsM u TII r rate in rr.*t ** -.tMiiu AV-tBIIIT SIIOKT SIUIMI I'niLstiHi.rnu, May 7.—Kugene G. Woodward, treasurer of the l>oard of trustees of the general Ssaenibly of the i'resbyteritn rhu< h, ami treasurer of ibe church board of education, is a de faulter to the amount of He has tied from the city, and his where stouts is unknown. The m-wa of his di-sppearanre and defalcation fell like i tbundiTc'np II|HID the trustee*, all of >.,"iii had the most implicit confidence " their tr • aeurcr's integrity. Mr. \S sniw .id's family are prostrated with ,r • tlel Hie altogether unable to i. - unt 'or his desertion of them, for i... d THIS: . relation* were particularly li fpv mid it wss not known that he m m'o financial difficulty. The • •! charitable interpretation for hi* • "■ill i.,d winch is advanced by a confident it friend, is that Ilia mind unbalanced, *nd that themoney was i, si )i -si: • normal intent. I VV I >•:!!• of He I* the father Of ih Uiri'tt, and lircd happily with ■ •• . n l f nidy in * comfortable 'i me if !{iff!<-> jark. Ho hn< 1 been •Y.niH'C'• i with the board of tnultn for ever*l and w* yiren the responaduc position of treasurer a few yi'tri ago, because of hi< uprightn<- of 'iharae -r od general capability for the poaition. l!o handled thousand* of dollar* hold in trut by the board, and hi* account* were alway* found correct ta the penny. A month ajo, it I* aaid. he tendered hie re*ignion, but it waa not accepted. There *. no suspicion then that anything waa wrong. Indeed, it waa not until hi* iinppearan< e that an examination of hi* l>ook *< made and the shtrtage disco* rred. I'reaident 'ioorge Jtinkin, of the hoard of Iriisirei. iw Mr. Woodward attending to hi* duties aa uual on la*t , Monday week. <>n the Wednoaday 'following he did not makehia appear mce at lheofhee. nor oti the nt xt day, jor the rte*. Hi* son, who i* employed I iu ; i lerk in th*'ami offlc.% crtied the news home to the family, and when ■ piestionc I by lh* officer* of the hoard, j dei If red sorrowfully that he had no ; knowlerge of where hi'fatborhad gone. I When the book* were gone oer it waa 1 found that the fund* taken lis longed to | th* ••nard of trustee*, and consisted of money paid into Mr. Woodward'* h*nd. • \day after day progressed the amount gt (dually imrenaed. until it approii mated $10,(100. The funt leaned lb* iriidc f roach building. After Mlowinjf that for omc > wr ho gn\ * it up ' accept tho position under Mr. Kox. The in vestigation of the hooks is still in pro gress, and, until i is fii islied, the exact amount of the defalcation cannot be useertaine I. I.ATKB, I'll 11. A IJK 1.1-II Is, May 11. —Kug'ui" G. Wo xlward, the tui-s ng Tn-asur- r of tho Hoard of Trustees of the 'iunc-ral As-embly of the I'resbyterian Church, whose account- -bow a di li it of i.but flO.tkM), was found by his 'r en Is in New York and returned to his home ut Itidley Park, where b" is confined to lied with a rerioua uttn- k of brain fever When fiund lie was under the care oi'a member of a secret society to which Woodwur I belonged. Hi- mind seemed shattered and he wis unable to givi tin intelligi'-h- account -if his actions, lie could not rxplu'n his pr--eric-in New York, ami talked vaguely of his flight an-I of his transactions with the Tru - t-'-s of the I'liuri■ 11. liesuhs---|ueiitly admitt ed, during a lu-id ititervnl, that he lrcw $I V) Ir uu hir priva'o funis two w• ks ago, give (■'><> to his wife and l> irde I a train for N--w Yo-k. Heafter w.ii-l returned to this city and then went Sou h. return rig to New Y rk laat week, lie has not r-veiled wlist ||" did with the (1*1.00(1 ol the t 'hurcli funds, l-uat. ness M inag- r I'-lai k,of tl - J'resbyter an Hoard of Pul I cttion, sai l yesterilay : "We do not look upi'i his deficiency as i fraud or a defalcation, ami is yet no b dy knows exa- tly the amount of the dt !i Mency, lut as far a- is known. funds have!M en j rovid- I l-y Mr. Wootlarard's friend* and fr endsofthe Hoard tocoter all ho tng--s." Tariff Bill Dead Till. a> ATI NO '.Lit s I SIKVIX OtT 'H * V.ITF i I I V, TO I'd. Wxsiitxi.Tox, May l'pon the con du-hn of the debate on the taritf bill in the house to day, the audience which throughout the day hsd crowded the galleries almost to suffocation, hushed its hum of conversation and watched with intense int' rest the further pro feed rigs on the tloor. As the clerk be. gan to read, Mr- ('.inverse, ol Ohio, left his sea' and walking down to the bar of the house stood nervously fingering a piece of paper which he hi Id in his hand. When the reading of thc.pxra graph had lon completed there was an euit-urra-aing pause. Mr. f'otivcsrc was engaged in earnet conversation wi'.b Mr. Hunt, of Louisiana, ami did nrt appear to know that all eye* were fined upon hire. Mr. Pa*OD, of lowa, wa* fearful that the time efien th- m-ilton to strike out th<-enaci mg clau-e wou Id be in order betore ('-inverse's attention could he at tracted to the fact, r-'-e and inquired of the chair whether the proj-er time had come to tnske a motion. Before the rhsir could respond Mr. I'onrerss push ed to tho fiont an-l moved to strike out the enacting clau-e. This WAS the -ignal for a v lley of hii-e ati-1 groan* from the democratic side, and this d.-m--nlration l-ing met by roun'ls ->f applau-e from the republican *idr, the -cene in the chamlier wn one of intense excitem-'Dt ati'l confuion, to which ths gallerie- rendered no little aid by loud tokens of approval and disapproval. Teller* h- ing ordered, Me**r*. Con verse ami Morrison were appointed by the chair. Before taking hi* place, Morrison Cllearent nenr-r- from hi* late • severe illness. The nega'ive vote n.aa announced as 151, and then George I>eWio, of Vir ginia, voted in the nlfirmative, making the vote itnnd I.Vi to 151. Then cheer* followed rh*era from the republican an d the chir* were taken up by the galleries nn I reverl-ersted from every nook .an-l corner of the hall. I.idles aloud Up an-l waved their hand kerchief an-l in"n thnr hat*. Morrison y-ilding gracefully lo the inevitable, wilkrd • milingly to hi* -eat anil the tariff hill wi* dead, tn Mr. Converse's motion tin- committee arnc and the chftirm.m rejH.rted its action to the h-u*e. Tlie speaker stated the question to he on strikingout the enacting clause, and Messrs. Morrison and Turner, of Kentucky, calling for yew and nays i* was agreed to —yet* ISU nay* 155. Mr. C,mverse moved to reoonaider the vote hy which the house decided to strike nt the enact ing cUu*e, and then moved t<> lay that motion on the table. The motion* were carried by x viva voce vote, xad th- anouueenwnt of thia re sult was received with cheer* and ep plaits*, though eot with so much en tliiiMA'tn a the prcvioi - at n' liuoe-ii r.t. Mr. Willis suggested that Converse, i whose seat i* on the democratic aide, t ike a-oat hereafl'r with the republi cans. When the last vole was unnounc ed the im-uil crs began leaving the ball. I lie crowd in the galleries lessened, nrcl within ten minutes scarcelv one bun dred pei sons remained. At 5 ()'([>. in. the house adjourned until to-morrow \ the meint-cra were leaving, many of tln-m expressed the opinion that the final adjournment would be taken in hire, s ime thought in tho latter part and others during the first lew daya of 'be in nth. An > -■! i!,- roll call j-liov. that only thrie republicans, Ne! ' oil, -trait and Wakefield, all of Mimic ■oia, voted agairi-t striking out the en' lacing (lau-e. forty one democrat* iv i --d ii, aflirrrittiv ifiey hailed from I t fie fo 1 iwing slats-s: N-w York, Carnot, Hut liiiisr.n, Mailer, Hpriggr, Vaiml tin, W-mpli. I'eiiinv Ivan a, liiyh. ' -r-iie lv, C'urtin, Duncan, Kllio'.t. I'.riin iitiou', II ipkil>-, Mut-hler. Pat i HI, l'. Wise; W- st Vir gini*, Snyijer. | —W< -1 ling card* and all kinds of prir, - ing at the CBHTKC DXM-I- KAI --(lice. At'mioXßtK —Tbe undersigned, the fastest arid best salesman in Central Pen i s isylvania, having more than twenty vie, experience in selling Karrns, Farm .NuxX, Men handise, et- , offers his services to the ' citir."n* of Centre and adjoining crunli- i % a Kirrt-'lass Sal-snian. Charges reason -1 able Addnal JostfU L. I lb-'and, 4 -dm Centre county, Pa , BUTTS & POWERS, I'BACTICAL HARNESS MAKERS, I rp STAIRS A BOYK POSTOFFICK, Allry Amy Strerl, fielUfontr. Pa. Are prepared to do all kinds of Fancy and Heavy Harnes* Making at Reasonable Prices and -IS TIL A Most Skillful Manner. Septir'.z; irts with tit'.nttt and dlrptUh. We challenge competition in prices and workmanship. Give us A trial and he convinced. All work guaranteed l-efore leaving lbs shop. ]-3tn. Exlraorilinan HAKG \INS IS IRON-STONE CHINA AND TABLE GLASSWABE. W. H, WILKINSON, Agt Ie.aler in CHINA, GLASS, Queensware, M.LKGHANY NTRKKT, Kcllefonte, l'a. la selling ALL KINIIS of Crockery and Table Glaroware at LIIWKK price than ever kr-iwn in Hellefonto, a* the following lot will show ; Rest quality, Iron Stone China warrant- I ed not to craxe ' Tea Set* I f>t* pieces l • AO ; Dinner plates —largi-st sir-- ja-r d--r ILb ; Diuner plates—medium - do 110 Tea Plates do 00 ! Tureen*—round or oval each 00 Sauce dishes—round or oval—each 20 Sauce Tureens—4 pieces 90 1 Sauce baals 25 Cups and aurers—handled —l2 pieces GO do do unhandled do 50 Fruit saucers —per do* 50 Chamber sets—lo pieces 300 Pitcher and Basin 1 00 Covered chamber T5 TABLE GLASS WAKE -1 Tumblert, each, . (>lc I Goblet", " . . HGc Fruit Howls . 25c I Cake stand* . . 35c I Glasa Seta. 4 piece* , ,35c Full Stock of Decorated Tea. Dinner and Chamber Seta. ! Heat Kngliah ware. Tea Set*. Iecoratee* . , 25 Granulated Sugar . 9 1 Can Fincit California Peat bee 35 1 " ApricoU 30 1 " " Pear* 30 ■ • |iouuu Sultana Prunes - 25 1 u.i 1. I '.-ft 1 able St iupi II migwr) 70 Sugar Syrup . . 40 Choice Rice , . Ox 3 " Pea* . . 25 1 " Good Table Pcache* 20 3 Bottles Cat/up , . 2*" 3 " Pickle* . . 25 1 lb. Baking Powder . . 30 1 lb. Pure Pepper 25 1 " Glucose Syrup - 45 Lump Starch " . 06 Corn Starch, jer pound . . 00 1 pound licet CoPee . . ]p Sardines, 3 boxes for • . 25 Scaled Herring, per box • 35 Kxtra honed Codfbh, per box 45 lx>ose Valentia Raisins - 09 French Prunes . 15 Olieui Soap . . 08 Bloater Herring, per dox . 20 2 lbs Canned Corned Beef , 27 I Tapioca Flake or Pearl , 07 EVERYTHING ELSE Sold as Cheap in Pro portion. I J.J Wc also have in connection \ with our stort a first-class Meal Market, And sell CUE AVER than any other Meat Market in town. E. BROWN, JR., 4 CO. , U.lr BEIXKFONTK, FA.