Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 08, 1884, Image 5

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    Rail Roatln.
Time Tihl in effect Nov 10, 'BB.
Leave Lock Haven,.... 1 41 -1 00
Flemlngton 4 48 4 04
Mill Hall 4 62 4 07
Beech Crook 601 421
Eagleville 6 01 4 2ti
Howard 5 l!l 4 80
Mount Eagle.... 6 1* 4 43
Curtin 5 22 4 48
Mllesburg 5 80 4 66
Kellefonle..... 6 40 6 06
Miles burg •" 60 6 15
Snow Skin Itit 5 68 6 19
ITnlonville 0 02 6 2*
Julian 0 12 6 88
Martha (> 22 6 I*
Port Matilda 0 2'' 6 6;
Hannah.... 0 87 0 13
Fowlor 0 80 ti 16
Bald Eagle 6 19 6 19
Vail 68 0 -4
Arrive at Tyrone 7 05 0 86
EASTWARD. r\t. am
Leave Tyrono 7 80 8 80
East Tyrone - 787 xB7
Vail 7 40 X 40
Bald Eagle x 45 X I >
Fowler 7 64 h 60
Hannah 7 67 X 50
Port Matilda 8 05 9 09
Martha 8 18 0 17
Julian 8 28 !• 20
Unionvillo 8 88 '.i 2,7
Snow Shoo Int 8 42 17
Mllesburg 8 15 *. 60
Bellefonte K 56 10 OO
Milesburg '■> 05 10 10
Ourtin ... 9 l" 1 1" I' l
Mount Eagle 9 19 20 28
Howard 9 20 10 82
Kaglcvillo 9 86 10 42
Ileoch Creek 9 40 10 40
Mill llall 0 52 1" 68
Flomiiigton 65 II 01
Arrive at Lock Haven 10 00 11 05
R._Time in effect Nov. 19
Leave* Snow stj, )e (13 a m., arrivt.i.i
Bellefonte fl:20 a. m.
Leevea Bellefonte 9.80 a. m., arrives a'.
Snow Shoe at 11.04 a. ni
Leaves Snow Shoe 8:50 p. in., arrives at
Bellefonte 5:88 p. m.
Leaves Bellefonte 8 10 p. m. t arrives at
Snow Shoo 10:40 p. m.
s. s. BLAIR, On. Sup'i,
_j Time Table in effect Nov. 19, 88.
Mixed. I
r. am.
Leave Scotia 12 15 600
• Kairbrook 1 "0 0 20
l'enn'a Furnace 1 15 6 40
Hostler 1 28 6 60
Marengo 1 85 6 55
Lovevillo f 1 88 6 00
Furnace Road 1 45 0 10
Warriors Mark 2 00 >'• 25
Pennington 2 12 •"> 40
Weston Mill f 2 25 50
L. A T. Junalion 2 8t •'• 56
Tyrone - 2 35 8 .*>B
Leave Tyrone 4 00 9 2"
LA T. Junction 1 01 9 25
Weston Mill 1 14 9 33
Pennington 4 32 9 48
Warriors Mark - 4 42 9 .58
Furnace R->ad 1 67 10 12
Loveville 5 02 10 16
Marengo 6 07 10 22
Hostler 6 17 10 35
Penn'a Furnace - 5 27 10 41
Kairbrook 6 47 11 0.3
Scotia 6 20 11 30
(Pbila. A Erie Division.)—On and
after Nov. 18, 1883:
Leaves Philadelphia II 20 p ni
Harrisburg 4 20 a m
Williamsport 8 40 a in
Jersey Shore 9 09 a m
Lock Haven 9 40 am
Renovo . 10 55 a rn
Arrives at Erie 7 35 p m
Leaves Philadelphia 7 40 a n>
Harrisburg 11 15 a rn
Arr. atWilllarosport.... 2 55 prn
Lock Haven 8 5.5 p m
Renovo 5 10 p m
Kane . 9 n i p m
Passengers by this train arrive
in Bellefonne at 5 05 p m
Leaves Philadelphia .. II 10 a iti
Harrisburg 25 p m
Williamsport. .. 7 16 prn
Arr at Lock Haven.. x 95 p m
It- nves L'e k Haven 6 60 a m
Williamsport 7 65 a m
arr et Harrisburg 11 30 a m
Philadelphia 3 1.5 p tn
Leaves Kane 6 00 a m
Renovn It) 05 a m
Lock Haven 11 15 a rn
Williamsport 12 25 a in
arr at IJarrislnirg 8 18 p in
Philadelphia 7 25 p rn
Leave* Erie 1 9Ti p m
Renovo 10 27 pm
Lock Haven 11 20 p m
Williamsport 12 35 a m I
arr at Harrisburg 4 08 a m
Philadelphia 7 50 a m
Erie Mail East and West connect at
Erie with trains on L S A M S RR ; at
Corry with B. P A W.KR.; at Emporium
with H., N. Y A I*. RR., and at Drift
wood with A V RR. T. ODCKER,
Gen'l Sup't.
No diseases have so thoroughly bafiled
•he skill of the medical profession as
rancerotii affections and as thev have al
ways been considered incurable, it ha
been thought disreputable to adopt tneir
treatment as a specialty ; and hence physi
cians have neglected their proper study.
But of late years new and Important dis
coveries have brought forth a course that
now proves successful in eny of iu forms,
with certainty, without the use of the
knife or caustic plasters. We have a
treatment that is comparatively mild. It
is not poisonous, does not interfere with
the healthy fleeh, can be applied to any
part ef the bodr, even the tongue. We
take nothleg for our services until the
•ancer is cured. Address
Kagteville, Centre Co, Pa.
Tho Rivor And Harbor Bill.
The llou*© Committee on River* and
Harbors expected to complete considerir
tion of the River and Harbor Appro
priation bill to-day or tomorrow. Tho
total amount appropriated will bo be
tween $12,000,000 and $18,000,000. Not
all appropriations have yet been agreed
upon. It is possible that an effort will
be made by some of the members of the
committee to make a "horizontal reduc
tion" of Jlho amounts already decided
upon before they are reported to the
House. The bill as now prepared,
appropriates for the Mississippi river and
tributaries ;$ 1,200,000 below Cairo:
$500,000 from < 'siro to the I llinois river ;
$2(10,000 from the Illinois to 1 >.* Moines ;
$809,000 from Dos Moines to Ht. Paul.
$500,000 for the Wabadi ; $600,000 for
tbe i Otio ; $5,000 for the Allegheny, and
$40,1E s) for the cont inu.ition of the work
at Hell Gate, $8>0, 1 000,has been agreed
Tho Cruelty of Politics
How resistless is tbe iconoolasiu of
polities. But yesterday a wave, so trans
lucent in its pui itv, audi a deli'ate
pink in its color, rolled over tho IVster
ing republican party, and hounding a
long on its crest waa St. Jerome El
tnunds. There whs waited along in it
wake a current of ozone purifying tin
atmosphere reeking with Iho foulness of
long republican control. It is all dis
pelled. straightway the polili<am fell
upon this c mdida'e o! the chertihim
and seraphim or tlie ro*( colored ropuh 1
licans. They aro offering the record
evidence to show that I. ImttU Is is tlie
paid attorney of corj>i il'ton. that hi
bdl in favor of the I'.idlic railroads
is bold favoriteisin, and that be is in
|no sens., n public mqn. This i all v<-rV
cruel. Mr. Edmund •i* suddenly <lash
1 bem ath the wave, and it is not like
' iy that he had his life pre-ervcr with
Atltlil ion ;t 1 Local.
—Ti.e Tyrone// r I'/m ikes the fol
lowing -ensible remark-, w], li !rik<-
'he nail right on tie- h- iI : Ph ii
bear it in mind and I >h yes, the
strawberries -wll it-a little early yet
but don't forget about them, they'll '
be ripe,
Locai Hsrrrxixos.— l: no! infrequent
ly happens that something of int-re-t 1
occur-to an individual or a number ol
individuals in a community which die>
in obscurity that would have made a
readable and legitimate m-wailem fr
the columns of a home paper. It also
frequently happens that none but the
partiei immediately interestc-1 know of
the occurr>-nce, and whde each of thrni ,
would be glad to see the event noticed
in the local paper not one thinks of in
forming the newspaper man of th< fa t.
The consequence 1- in a dsy or two
afterwards when they look over the
locals of tlie iate paper they tail to fiod
the complimentary notice they an lei
pate I and are chagrined at the stupi
dity of tii- reporter who failed to note
such sn important be d happening.
The far' of tho m*tt<-r is that the
most utiqu mui reporter cannot be
every where at the same time, and it 1-
no.'.her -;r ibl<- nor possible for him to
know everybody 'a busine*. When,
th'-refire, an event of a private nature
ri-"< into tin- importance of ber -niing
1 roj r matt-: for a local newspaper, it
is often lierf ry to make it known to
■ -me on-* "noecfed with the publira. '
tion i! you >ul 1 h*ve it made public-
It is i.iv r.te notion of not a few
[eople that a row-paper man by ome
kind of. ni] eri itursl inttuitior. know-'
everything that is g dng on all a round
the country and just what it happen
ing each'lay in everyb< iy's hark yard,
and, of course, it would bo the mot
unpardonable presumption to under
take to inform such a living < ncyclo
p<dia of current gossip of anything
happening with in the limits of two or
J three rountries. He is tho person to ;
g 1 to for information and if lie has not
aevrreet knowledge of everything go
ing on lie waa never born for an elitor.
Wo do not deny that it is an imjiort- '
ani | art of an editor's work tn ascertain j
news, and after having put it through a
boiling down process present it in a
desirable form to bis readers. Many a '
; one has felt hurt because an obituary
—not of himselfbut of some dear friend
—failed to make its appearance in his
local paper, bti£ of coutse he never once
thought it might be necessary for the
editor to know something about the
name, age and death of that friend he
fore he could write his or her obituary.
So it is about weddings, receptions, o
cial and business events,ail these things
must be known to a newspaper man be
fore he can insert them in his columns.
Now while it is his business to find nut
all he Can by inquiry and investigation
a great many things will still evade
hit notice unleaa informed of them by
outside parties. If a hen lays a mam
moth egg he can write abent It l>at if
tt is placed on hi* table where he oan
' s
weigh it, measure It, and, finally, take
it home and <• how much apace it cov
era when broken into a fryingpun. lie
can alao elaborate moat profusely on the
aim and excellence of strawberries
ta*to ia at ill lingo in;? around hi* plate,
and -by tho way the season for straw
berriea will noon be here again.
MADISON nuao SIIOKTH.—Tho croquet
season ha* arrived. Farmer* nro bu*y
plowing corn ground. Mwri, George
E. Limbort and Wni, C. Hiorloy have
gone to tho Spring college, where they in
tend to prepare for the ministry. The
carpenter* and mason* are busy putting up
Israel Wolf and W. (.'. Noll'* house*.
Mr. Auman received hi* new good* la*t
week which hi-,is bu?y selling off at,bottom
p r j c( .. Mr. K. s. Shaffer ha purchased
a team of Norman l'orchuion horses, dap
pled gray, four year* old, weighing 1100
pound* each. They were brought front
Ohio by Mr. Rankin. The wedding
rards are uut for 1. K and Macie.
The select school under the direction of
Prof. I. K. Wolf is in a nourishing condi
tion. Tho Luulheran Sunday-school is
flourishing under the management of L.
- li. Stover, Superintendent, and I Jr. Geo.
i 1.. Leo, Pres.——Mr. i". S. Shaffer ba-tb--
J flnesl colt in the valley, eight days old- -
- Fr.-d says h" like* mnrri -I lif mm h '
I belter than single life. Mr. T. F Moy- j
er has a line trotting hor.-e. Record, 2. !''
| PCKX'H VALLKV Not KM. Mr. Moose of
j Tu.-sey vilie reten esl a caw mill last week, }
j which he intend* to r.tn with tho engine
j belonging to bts separator and clover hut
ler.— Messrs. Jac hM Co and James j
j A. Krape, of Spring Mills, aro getting a
) steam saw mill, which they will locate a
; few ri-d* down the station Tin • Jaiui- ,
son, who was agent f,.r "The Chase Nurse
ries" last summer, i* now in the life in
surance busin.-ss. -An •ff rt i* being i
made to have the railroad ''.nti n m -v.d
from it* present lito b-a 1-t at li.- south
'end of the iron bridge. It is doubtful
j whether this movement will succeed, for
| although the pre--nt site 1* an inconveni
ent - ne, yet many bailding* have been
bui.t with ref-rem e 11 it* location Tho
long railroad bridge above tho village i* ,
complete.l ar. 1 by the time this PI, he
your reader* it will have lx-en s| a need by
! the iron rail. -Peter Wilson, who l.a*
1 been confined to the house f r sevsral
weeks, is able to be out again His son,
j Rv. Jame* \Viln, I>. 1) , of New York,
J paid him a j-.p. riot during his illness
—We endeavor to get the very 1-e-t j
brands of good* in th* market.
II ARPin A Wr.K*i \,
No 11 Humes Hlock.
—• >n Friday evening Fit the young
nun nam.-1 Horkheimcr, who was be!-!
under $ J* Fail to ap|>ear at court to
answer the charge of having stole g -o<l
in his |x>e*.ion, left here on a freight
train. It was, we tin 1.-t - tan 1, h * in
• lenlion to run away an 1 leave the j ■ r
. old man wl o 1a I kindly givrn all he
bad on earth a* teourity thai the young
man would attend a trial No matter
what might have been the • >r ■ juenre
the young man sh-aibl have f. It tbsnk
ful and re-piocted tb*- kindne of hi*
benrfa tor. but he di 1 not think .
the fact that t-y leaving !.• w - - l
An old man of that wlr h he bad ;
worked a life time *v. H- l< 't a-
I stated nlsovo on Friday • vemiic. Inn
fortunately -lid not get furtbet thai
iballefonle where lie w* captured
I'olieenian Y.-rne* left to day for belle ;
fonte and will bung the pr oner I ek
to Loek Haven. -*li.-e writing t,.e
sle.ve we baVe iearn< <1 that Hofkh- 1 Iter
did not pay b.< laj-ird slrti •• w,
j (soar-ling wit Is Mr*. M i i-.-n, wle
bud.tn l wo* k.ll<- I on tb" i iion i i
hort time tg >. flr*. • A in.
The building of Mr..lol.ii I U d,
of High trecf, i* almost comp'eted.
tine of the store room* i* to be u- 1 1
Mr. Herbert butt* a* a barn. >s miking
establishment. Although mi 1 tin
building i* nr t, and attractive, >rt it ,
would have be n more creditable to our
town to have ha i a larg" brick or *lon- ,
building upon thi'spot.
A gentleman whose face was illumi
noted all over with smile-, and holdinL'
on to a package for dearlife 1
was seen passing down High street,
on Saturday. He had just purchased
one of those delicious beef roast at John
beejers, meat market and no wonder
that he wn* happy and tickled, all to
Should old and dear friends be for
gotten so soon after departing this life T
Noof course not. A pretty monument
or a grave stone to mark the last resting
place of such, can be procured of S. A.
Stover, the High street marl.is man.
—Tlia most popular and lovable girl
in America at present is Polly Tick*.
Nearly every man yon meet, is begging
tof bet hand and auing for her smiles
A meeting for the purpose of organis
ing a band naa bald last evening. We
got to preaa too early to give partieu
The colored band discoursed anna® of
iUmelodious atrain* upon oqr streets
last Monday evening.
Neighboring News
The Funbury Daily nays that the
arrangement entered into by a number
of tho creditors of lite Susquehanna
Mining and Smelting Company to pur
chase the smelting Iris fallen through.
It will l,n again offered at Sheriff" M sale
at the May term.
The Aloona base ball club returned
home, Tuesday, from it* tour at Cincin
nati and St. Louis, having lost every
game played at both places. The last
game ployed on Monday, at St. Louia
the score stood Bto 1 favor of St. Louis.
A little steamer said to bo able to
carry forty people, is now making r-gu
ar trips between Lock Haven and
tjueen'a Run—arriving here in the fore
noon and returning in the evening. It
is the same boat which last year ran
above Run. C'apt. Shaw's "big" |
t-amer is expected here -non.— L. 11. i
I >emocrat.
I lie i yronu FaiO ball club has fortK<- 1 |
an association and is now clearing off
and fixing up their ground* on the
commons near the old circus site. They
are still getting new member* to the
association and will start iutallies. ;
I son <ii a -olid basis. A. M. Wooden
ha* l.een cloctc I manage: ind treasurer
.f the n. w organization . Win, Gujer,
eaptuin and A.J. Plutiitner. -o-i.t ry.
I T>, ' ■■•if Ifrra' I.
Twenty live -. aung men of I', -ycrfurd.
, ( ml. mCounty, have formed cooper, i
tivaciety t.. provide them-"lv* with
gold watch' . They pay one dollat
we.-kly into th' ire i-ut. f..r a year, and
■ very two weeks om of them draws a
watch bv I t. A Mau. li Chunk --w.-ler
lit* contracted to furni h them with,
twenty.five wsiche* at fifty dollars'
e.a. . 1 j !,m I'rcu.
I I hie 15 the -.-.-ison when flower* sr.-
coming to the front. At the green !
b- u*cs on W.-st Fourth street, manage!
moat successfully by Mr. Harry f'hr.a
i pel, there are arranged plants of difler
• nt c olor* in abed wiiich extends about
n- hundred feet, which, when reel. '
announc" tho following truism *• Iforti
culture i* an art, but an it-elf it nature."
lra tif J- llullctin
The circu* cl<>n. a.iyi the Altoona
T~ , who droj,..ed dead in the ring
theo'herday was in the act of getting
off one of tho ancient jokes on the
motbr n law, when bis | irit sudJenly
■ let arted and hi* body droppc 1 to the i
*tw<lu*t. This should be an imprest
iv- w irriing to tbo multitude* wl,o harp
t dlen victim to the -*ril c, *;.-m f Hun
'lering that U'eful being, tie mother
m aw. Let them be tliinkful that ven
g'-nnoe l.a not yet overtaken thorn and
et th n i -nee refor in.
Tin: to men who brokej til at Get i
t -t a.-sk *.,ys the * *rli*le Sen
tn- . ,eft a Filer advising tb*- grsn-i
'jury to condemn tie jail and *pent a 1
ci iplsof tli .iian l dollars, in order to '
giv t ,e i.gbt fingere i who are thero an
op r it i . 1., try th'-ir skill. They
r • b. sheiiff t.. o ute after them
.n I p niie "| m*k it pleasant for
.t a Id tliey are g<>n,g to part*
aki. nu. rhe r st .t< that the blue
1 -II g r.g at the:, window, in
• T i !i<- II to l"t\ e t -i"ir w ut <r .pi ir
r- toy termine-1 to do so after
• i.tuk th< berifl and family for the
•*.ei 11 -"i. • it- f-cein. 1 at.il bid
ling TI-E-JJ good tiy.
It : **<oiu*Fing h< v tnu ' one with
'i.ut mctn-T may give. A kin'l w->rd
lie 1 f .t.g ii .el the inarm "vn patlr. tha
t< with Ili i-se w 1.0 r o--e. and
weep- with th s who W.ep.
Ibe de n. t *. .- and bear tin (F lin
iisli< I Mt .-.guor apel, s . long
indulged in by many if our cr / -Us
i i- g ilifie 1 last W- tr.es,lay in 1 rn-f,
but eleg ml. discourse on moral and
int- le'-tur.il training, <|.-levered at the
"p. ru hou-e. Hi* remarks en tlio l
ginning were of a d ep and argument.>
j live nature, whi< hr sj lired tlie i los, >t 1
j attention to fully r. i eive and appro ;
priate, I ut gra-iuaily drifted into a | lain
and familial talk U]<>n home life and
moral training, in n 1..w and me!o lieus
key most d'l'giitlul to llie ear. and in
strong contrast to the loud and s tn
. what hiir-h If nes of bis opening addre'-
ll' iaid man was a composite lieing,
| comjKJscd of intellect and will, and
proceeded to show how |l*. y should lie
trained to make tMe perfect being, ami
held hi* audience in the ne t absotb'-'l
Attention until the last word was
spoken. Noble and majestic in ap j
j pearam e, it is rot ditfirnlt to und<-r- |
' et vti'l the (tower he exerrisea over the!
hearts and wills of this,. ]l4* comes in
contact with, and n he walked across
the stage in his rich roi.es, j< seemed
; almost like sacrilege, but one could
b'srdly refrain from thinking of Hooth
n* he appears in Cardinal Ricblieu.
Without a short-hand reporter it wottle
be impossible to give even a just synop
sis of hi* address, but if he returns, M
he half-prom iced be would, efforts will
tie made tn do justice to the reverend
and eloquent orator, who will lie greet
ed by an audience that ought to lie
gratifying even to hioa.ao accustomed to
the adiiletiona of the multitude,
Altoona Sunday Mone\ny.
—Wo havo tbo beit mm * calf *bv
nither In button, laco, kid or cloth top—-
fur (A), evor brought to ftsllefonle.
10-2t A. C MIXOI.K.
4 |)|)iyp (tofi'l Mi (Mil f'ff b4 r
whlt'h will bl|i all of cither (Nrl, U/ Umfa fIMUfV rt*i
• than Rfiythlrif e|® In thl world fvriunm
•well th** worker* *l><iliit*ljr Bkirit. At oisrw
TRI: k Co, AujfuatA, Main*. r*M\y
National Life Insurance
Incorporated in 1818.
Asrt/e 000,00(1, Surplnn 11,000,000.
SIOOO Hands sold on yearly instal
rnents. I'lie*,. bonds are payable to
the holder at tho expiration of 20 yesr*
or at previous loath, or a stipulated
amount payable in ca*h at tho end of
any year after tho first, on their sur
| render.
R. M. McENALLY, Special Agt.,
j OffUt—l D'l-ir S'orth of I'tut (JfH r.
Cost of llie W liite Paper!
lok nt thi. ill yon lr-t t)i h ruff r• j.
| jH>rtunity l v /
A lo ik on the Trcatiie of the Ilarsc.
All for ('a*h in advance.
Old subscribers as well new, who pay
one year * -üb-cription, aud If.l cent"
: extra, will be entitled to the above
libera] offer.
We have perfected arruiigunHits '
. with the publishers of the
AM KKir.w F.\KM KU,
I of Fort Wayne, Ind., that enables us j
to offer our suttscribcrs a fir.-t class
! Agricultural Magazine nt the ban j
cost of the white paper on which it is
printed. 'I lie American Farmer i- a
lti pnpe monthly magazine which i*
rapidly taking rank as one of the
leading agricultural publications of
the country. Each number will con
tain useful information for the farmer,
bis wife, his BOOS aud his daughters.
Aud it costs you almost nothing, sup
' pose vuo try it one year.
Thi off.- r will hold go- i f r a short
titn- only, so toil yoor fHatida and
• verylK.dy you meet. Rem. mlvr' we
d'-n l g-i ba- k on our old friend, but we
•if-i money, HII'I make till* 0(1-r as a,,
inducement to all. S-nd m your names
and money early. \ F tt.-r w,il r .-. i.-ve
ut a prompt attention a* if you t ailed
• n | '-r'-.n.
< or. of Allegheny A T'.iahop Su.
ftellefonte, pa.
Ready For
During the pat wc*-k I have re
ccivei the largest and ,be-t *F>ck of
ahoe* we ever had —in fact there is
none in the county to compete with it.
I have the exclusive *ale of the very
best line* in the market : such a*
Ki VN-d i>- li: '*. an l D. AuMeTi'."\'.a
La.iie* Fine Shoe* LAIKD, SnKITI.U
& MITTTIEM-V Fine Shoe*
ren, and a great many "titer fine
make*. I kn >w of no other line I
would exchange for, or add tt my
1 N-11 the be*t Men's Calf Shoe, for
SI.OO ever offered in Centre*county
Thi* i no bait, but'an honc*t buino*
These goo Is come in Il itt n Vr I.ace
Kid or Cloth top.
Mv Manufacturing Department un
der the maungcmenl of Mr. KOIIN is
fast gaining popularity. Our work is
second to none, and superior to seven
eighth of the work made in this coun
ty. I guarantee satisfaction.
I Warrant everything
I Recommend.
" Poll * Mln*U.
April 21, *t. BXlCltaffTfi, Ft
17. ly.
I'hlladeijthiu Hranrh.
Don't Forget
Philadelphia [{ranch
18 A
tf pa
f I
I* again to the fore with an < xun
sivc assortment of
Spring iii S i it at:
and respectfully invitee the public to
call and examine our elegant Suite
and Over Coats, for
Men, Youth', Boys, and
Children's wear manufactured for our
I trade of the Let material, and it*
all style* to j,lease.
Our stock of Men's suit* in Cuta
ways, Sacks, Prince Albert*. Double
Breasted Coats, Reversible, Chen
chilla and Beaver Overcoats are Su
perior. and Invite Attention.
And now just look here, Meu and
Boys, arc you going to freeie this
Winter, or not? Why, of course you'rt
not. You met have Winter Cloth
ing, anJ what you want is the Bkhi
in the Market for the Ix>w ran
Price. You have got your money
honestly, and of course you want the
most for it. WE WANT JUST
SI ("If Bl SI NESS, and therefore in
vite your visit to the PHILADEL
PHIA BRANCH. Our business re
lations with the People of Centre
County in the pat have been pleasant
and satisfactory, and in offering our
Thanks f.r the Liberal custom hereto
fore given us, we renew the pledge
upon which we started out — Faib
Axt> Jt'st Di.ai.imi to All.
l.liwn A CO., Proprietor.
Hallafeu, Ft