Old Buokloybrooni. The United State* authorities ut Little Rock received intelligence to tho effect that old wan Buckley broom, of Faulkner county, had been for tome time engaged in illicit distilling, so the arrest of that gentleman be came a government necessity. Deputy Marshal Bescal, a man of undaunted courage, was sent out to lead the old man to justice. Mr. Bescal has never associated very much with tho squat, ters, having hitherto operated in sect ions of tho country where violence in stead of craftiness is required. While riding carefully along a nar . row road, the deputy marshal saw an old man sitting on a log. "How are you, sir?" called Mr. Bes cal. "How're yer ?" "Do you live in this community ?" "Wall, I hang erroun' here some.' "What is your business ?'' "PreachinV "What denomination ?" "Fust oue an' then tuther.' "What mak. s you chang ?" "Wall, you see, if I am a Bnptis an' the season ain't good, I think that I oughter change. By tryin' all o' 'em, I'm mighty ap ter git the right oue airter cr while." "I'd like to meet some good old Baytist, for I need a drink of whisky as bad as anybody ever needvd any thing in this world. Do you know who's gut any ?" "Any Baptists?" "No, any whisky ?" "Reckiu the Baptist have got some." "Where can I find a Baptist ?" "Don't know, fur the only one what lives in this kcrmunity is dead ?" "How does he live here if he's dead ?" "Dam 'fi know." "Does a man named Buckleybroom live in this neighborhood?" "Old Tom Buckleybroom ?" "Yes, I think so." "He uster live here." "Where does lie live now ?" "He don't." • "You mean that he's dead, I sup joge ?'' ' Sorter.'' "Isn't there another Buckleybroom in the community ?" "Yas, there's one named Jack." "Where is he ?" "Wall, take this path up the hill keep on till yer come ter a spring, then take the left han' road. Airter awhile ycr'll come ter a little house. Git down, go out in the orchard and yer'll find him." "How do you know he'll he in the orchard when I get there? " "'Cause he knin't leave. He wus put there las' spring.'' "You mean that he's buried there?" "Sorter." "He's dead, then ?" "Yas, fur we don't bury folks crlive in this country.'' "What's your name?" "Potts." "Where do you live?" "On the other side the hill." "Were you in the army ?" "Yes; I fit fur the Union.'' "I'm glad to know it. You are no doubt a law abiding citizen ?" "Yas, I alius have been." "Would you a-siit any one in en forcing the law ?" "Ob, yas." 'There is a man in this coummuni ty that I want. I am not certain about his first name, but his surname is Buckleybroom. Show me where he lives and I'll give you five dollars." "That's sorter dangerous, fur if his folks seed me goin' round wid vcr, it would far' bail with me." "Well, direct me so that I can't miss the way." "All right," and the old fellow, with many evidences of nervousness, gave minute directions. He received the money and exacted a promise from the officer that he would ever keep his mouth shut concerning the trans action. The old fellow watched the deputy marshal until he was out of sight, and then turned to a boy who stepped from liehind a tree, and said : "Nick, fetch the bosses, fur this here neighborhood is sorter bilious. Made five dollars by tellin' o' a lie when the truth woulder snatched me. Wall, he won't get so close to old Buckleybroom agin this season."— Ark. traveler. A REPORTER, who has business in a sail-loft the other day, heard sonic one moving about in a small room, parti tioned off from the loft, anil directly a voice roared out: "All clear forward ? Then let go the stern line!'' There was silence for a few seconds, aad then the vuioe continued : "Steady at the wheel! Port a little! Meet Iter now as she swings!" "Who is that chap, and what on earth is lie trying to do?" wa asked of the sail-aiakcr. "Oh, lie was mate on a side-wheeler last year, and this coming season he is to he a captain ou a propeller. He is getting his voice in shape for the open ing of navigation." Just then the voice roared and bel lowed aiid rattled arounJ, followed by the words: "Back her! Go ahead slow ! Out with tho gang-plank ! Cast off that stern line !" "What do you mean by getting his voice in shape?" was asked of the sail man. "I nicati that he lias been practicing four hours a day for the last month, j and will continue it for a mouth more. There is one standard for mates and another for captains. For instance, a mate may shout'ls your lino clear?' and not feel it necessary to freeze the souli of passengers aboard, but the captain views i. in a different light. When he utters an order or shouts an inquiry lie expects to see splinters fly from every wareh -u-e. Why, -ir. when the captain of a first-class pro -1 peller cries out to go ahead or back I her h i expects t<> paralyze everything for a mile around." "And he needs a voice?' "Aye, sir, he must have a voice as heavy as the roaring sea li n. \N lien ; he has the voice he must study pose. When he has the pose lie must pract ice facial expression. To he a success ful captain he must have a voice like McCullough, a ]s)se like Barrett, and a dignity of look which might belong to an offended lion. Then lie stands up like this—poses about like this — assumes an expression like this, and cries out : 'F.ase off that bow line !' '• , Ar.d from the room at tho other end of the loft came the rumbling, roar ing thunder-dap of a voice saying: i "And hold fast to the stem !"—De troit Free Only Ono Chair. Mr. Wilberforec of Main street, is not a bad man in his way, but he was sorely put out the other morning at breakfast. He bad lent a neighbor most of his parlor chairs, and when he entered the room he found but one of these useful articles left. He immediately called his daugh. ter and turning angrily to her, said : "You entertained Augustus Smith for two hours last evening in this room ?" "I did pa,'' confessed the maiden with a blush. "And where did lie sit?" J "On that chair." "And where did vou sit?" "I —I—I " "No prevarication. Where lid you sit?" "I—oh, gracious ! I—l1 —I sat on the coal hod, pa. " Mr. Wilberforce says he doubts the truth of the statement, but where could the poor girl have sat. Tilt frightful scream of a woman was heard in a York street house yes. tcrday afternoon. Several men who were passing along rushed poll-null into the house, thinking the w >man was In irig murdered. "What's the matter?" askol tin | man who had enteird first. "Oh, oh !" sighed the woman. • "Where is he? Where did he go?" asked another, a j he rushed here and there. "Oh!—in—oh!—that hole in the corner, I think." it was a mouse. — Ex. m ♦ ■ "I AM told your wife committed , suicide by jumping in your cistern , ' Mr. Tightman." 1 j "Yes ; that's so," replied Mr. Tight* : man. r "I truly pity you, for your wife was i an excellent woman." "Yes ; but if she was lient on kill ' in' herself, she had orter done it some j other way. None of the family will , drink the water in that cistern no I more, and every drop of it will have to IK> pumped out, and I s'posc there are as much as ton feet o' water in it. i —Ex. JAM EX, who was trying to sew a new button on his coat, murmured : "They say there's a new yacht that make* „ fifteen knots an hour, but this thread | makes twenty knot* a minute. — Ex. i, Is this office, when a man fails inte the waato-basket he dmja into poetry. I —l'hi/adeljiMa tall. A KITTLE girl who was watching a hulloon ascension suddenly exclaimed: "Mamma, I shoulu't tliiuk God would like to have that man go up to heav en alive." — Ex. "WHAT is the greatest calamity in life?" asked a Huston schollmarm the other day, addressing her class. There was a pause of some mom ents' duration. At length the younK son of a north-end politician put up his hand. "Well ?" asked the teacher. "To ho beaten at the 'lection and lose yer office." Tho teacher put him at the hem! of the class on political economy. "I WANT to give you a pointer," said a man to a friend from the coun try the other day. "I don't want a pointer," was the countryman's reply. "It isn't going to c-t you a cent " "You hail better sell the pointer to someone," suggested the yokel, with great emphasis. The man who who was to givt the pointer looked at his cornhusking friend in nstonishment,when the latter said : "1 mean just what I say. 1 don't want your pointer for a gift. 1 had one lu.-t spring, and he tore tip all the plants and raised ructions, and I ain't got no room for d"gs on mv place! ' Ami the professional financier com mcnced to thrust his head between the uncut pages of his morning paper, that the bean-raiser might not see tho smile that was floating across his feat ures.—Puck. "What is the key to this great mys tery of death ." solemnly inquired the orator, pausing impressively. And the man in the front seat, who had been coughing all the evening, huskily replied that he reckoned that it must be a skeleton key. liens may Ik: a little backward on eggs, hut they never fail to come to the scratch where flower beds are con cerned. What i- |tbe difference lietween a little boy and a potato? One grows to be eaten, the other beaten to grow. "What is that you are wearing?" asked farmer John of his fair city hoarder. "Oh! that is my red Jer sey." "All right," was the reply, "but don't go mar my brown Jersey over in that field, unless you are gtrnd at climbing *es." "There is money in hogs," says a rural cxchanj(E It would seem so. We know a kreat many that have money. ' "Mamma," said Harry, "What's th difference between goose and gi-ese"Why, don't you know.'' -aid four-year-old Annie; "one geese i goose, and a while lot of goose is Ao old widower says when you pop the question, do it w itli a kind of laugh u- it you were j ki: g. If she accepts y ti, very good; if she does not, you I'.tn say yi u were only in fun. "See, m imrna," exclaimed a little "lie, ns pti-s, with arching spine nnd elevated rudder, strutted around the table, "see kitty ha* tabu so much she enn't shut her tail down. Heal estate is said to he good *e euritv because it never runs away. Ibis, however, is not reliable. We have know lands to slope before this Heing entertained by a romance isn't what is usually meant when the types say "a novel entertainment.'' "Yon might think Hcottie Chin was the nickname of some fellow out in the West, hut it isn't. It's the name of one of the prettiest girls in Ken tucky," say the Philadelphia Pro*. Yes, and one of the brightest girls in Eastern Ohio is Mi*s Emancipation Proclamation Cogshill, of Westorville STUDIO, 2nd floor Bush Arcade, nfrp. T>r R Ifernrk't !*nUl < ) / am note ready to do all kinds of PAINTING, AW Aat PORTRAITS in oil LAND .SCAPES, Sf(JN and ORNAMEN TAL. FANCY DECORA TING and QUA /NINO a .SPEC!A LITV. Satisfaction guaranteed in all rase*. I would lie pleased to have you call, and examine specimens of work. In structions given in Painting. VKBY RasricrrvLLY, e. V. itilder. t\ ii. neurit * co. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, AUK DAILY ARRIVING AT THK KE >j C. U. IIOFFKR k CO. COME AND SEE THE R ARC A INS THEY A HE OFF ER IN d IN DRY GOODS, SILKS, CASHMERES, CALICOES, Etc., Purchased at un usually low pric es and will be sold correspond ingly low. —A I*SO— PURE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, ETC. 0 t -11) Country Produce Constantly on hand and Solicited. (. I. IIOFFKR & CO. Alleghany Street, Bellefonte, Bit. WIN Cr<4iK , To tho Constantly lncrossincr \s/ i DEMAND FOR X f Green's Condition Powder * We are now putting it out in full weight pound packages at 25 ft*., in addi tion to our regular aizo at 15 cl*. And remember we publiah Formula and di r-clion* on every package, and Guarantee ill Purity. If you hive not u*ed it, wunty to call and in*|>ect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. ' uf SKCIiLKK CO. 2"c party Is p:'.it::r. sr any net Is re!!g!:s Tin OKE ATr.ST *in TUB MCST. Till. I.AIH.F. IMK-HLK W FS K I T KKl.lUtOl'S XD Mk-i'I.AR NEW VOHK OBSERVED 1R23. N pai-vf r, f. miry !,*• an. r mrtiti im© t;r it* r|Mt m I>t Ifvnrtia Princ aUrdi •! tha h**d - 1 the a4lloril fnlrDii]r #rk tm r h *ek Th* "1 S<**t t*ltritr |tr-star**, ft *DT t ?t *!*a at l * at* r.tj ' rte-dl-y kjwrl* vie Vtfta CI ** 11 * anil IP' j r.t Th <•*- aftittJi 4' t- t fid H* r- i .. r ,s ,D| I Jtji ,as fc , and oM •artnona, Init Aim* io . A LIVE NEWSPAPER. fc-.til £ rvty araw-k a Rtti- : tiintrrfull of InlfT.r ikon*. * r tirac*rna)t at, 1 !nitl an Ia h • t lAfc f it it Mojntnjr •!! tli" . 114.* r us • jwt> rtir rmts Mrr.u.s 1 jrnl tstvlj d r| n* tfidiQg Tba ft $3 11 • v>ar I" ••* rtn* am • ait-tt - s * t.a ? -lUr "fUMie r ■r a ctspf Iha -|l* ' I artel .srdlt b.ttr .t lutnf.f 4" faxrea. 'v.ni.% t 1 u a ' f Iha author •id'* < f iha "• ♦* ta anil Waant l May i44raM free. Naw N trl Mljaervar. ;a a Hi /vir/. i:ou\ r. talWAt. I'AINTING and PAPER HANGING. WT.RRM\XMIIT Tl!,' BBPT. PRUT- TUB T/rWKST PRUWrTNKS* ANti MSrATCtI. WILLIAMS & BRO, t>!* AI.KRB IX WALL PAPERi: PAIHTf*, &C. HIGH 8t V>et Spring ft Water. Bellefonte W. Uk, (hit m II- k .'I CUin* W, f*n fnmi.-i i.4 fil *• *"• * r "t Bilwrilr rVilto, I>c. nnUorik M *r pot nf>*nrrWo M Tk,t w In,ll* *ll —ho IbimiA f|—tint f r—II •t. l M*oar liaof *< i l*lor onfMing *l—,kw. lih. W h* It. our rmplo, fin* rln, pafr h*n.- •I. *n Al,nrt4 * nod krk*. of j r imt h* * *<M.* Tnrun tU T*lb Ir '.i..'*|. all>l*. It will rrttrr* Ik* Lr Ittll- ruffrrrr Immrdlakl, ,*>• II imilimi. Ik*. Ir no mlrtakr rbonl It. ft rnr* dj •ntarr ••* rirrth.**, r*-Utr tk. rl..rk tli how •Ir. oaror wlmi roth. r.,ou Ikr *••. r-In.*r .a InnTiiH- ' (iron lo*r *ni *a*rt, a Ur *h l. maa. Ma* Wirrujw'r Sootnar Mu? ra* Can*- , *■ Tnnim Ir to Ikr teM>. .*4 I. Ihr r . < mtattaw ofaaa o tkr liwl rni ton* fnaala skjah ol**r **4 fell in la tk* t'rll4 Mrto. *a4 I* for 1, , kaall 4rAtoto thr i k altkrwart*. rrtoalStwal* i * ballla. M ir. i FORKS HOUSE C'ohurii. Centre Co., Pa. I GOOD MEALS. CLEAN BEDS. PRICES MODERATE. MTIIOTKL WITHIN TWO MIS* 1 T'TES' WALK TO STATION. '• adStn'lr Afrtitnm aliitu.nl Excellent Huntini; and Fiabing ground* quite n-ar tbi* Hotel. •InS. KI.KfKXKIt - Pron'r. MRS. A. E. SEIBEKT w 14 r*l lo thr I*4l*. „f B' fotlr *n.! aulßltj ihi b* i, prwparrd h. do DRESS MAKING In the very Lstert f'itv Style*, and with Xrat nest and ThspateK. *.*AwZR is ti AIR GOCrS. Combing* niiele to crdr r. Finking done on *bort notice. Stamp.ug in French Oil a Specialty. I *m VDo Agent for the Celebrated Pre*. Maker*' MAGIC SCALE. Mr*. A. E SEIBERT. No. 11 Allegheny St.. 50 ".m. Bellefonte. Pa, — 'QAT'TQM'FY wakticp T . i,rii ord* UAljDOill Li * '■* Fm t mJ f*t k A |-lr4W ll flf * ftfWdlHlM Ivtki] A • rxl m*fi'. TUi' i t cireu 1 relteM# pti+l £+%U M , rt>v-r Wnl"f • f*tttn to R. Ii lint*r.t> % k 1 UJI Mm * Uu N; MUiM diAn t, Jf. T' low. Everything nw and 1 i freah, at Gartnan'a. LARGE CROPS OF CORIT WHEAT, GRASS. OATS, RYE. BUCKWHEAT, POTATOES, ETC. (hn bf, by f 7 BAUGH'S , $25 PHOSPHATE. IK?*This i* a real ammoniatcd bone > super-phosphate which wc alone pro. duce by means of xpecial advantage< in manufacturing. It is not an acid ( phosphate."M j Price 525 per 2,000 lbs. • • (In 11 rw h*c* rf 90 P.wwdr Stork.) ! Ft** ea kotont Can er Bnt I* rktluMfia J BAUGH & SON, P 111 LA., PA, - W, Suakrtrrm. f 4 r —SO itylw of Brtuaelf carpet to mlvct * from at Oarman's. {A