*DKHOi.loituiiitntf inpurUnl n*w,oiuii *4 Vrrnu n) |*rt of lh county. No c>uimuulciiWi* trt*t •imlug to w has occurred in raiiroad circlet. While at court don't forget lo set tle that little account with the Democrat —Those who propks -led rain on Tues day night for the next day were slightly off. —Ojt Senior spent the Sabbath in Philip-burg. returning cn Monday eve ning. —Alice Dates at the Opera House Thurs day • venir; May fl'.h. P n't forget to se or- s.-ats early. Meer*. J C. Millet A Co. are selling their entire stock at suction. Parties d< - ' tiring bargains should attend. —Toe laying of the rails of the l i n Thursday evening May, Bth. Thi entertainment is flrst-ciass and will plearo every one. —Th" Beech Creek, Cleat field and .South- | western railroad will commence moving coal eastward from Mill Hall between the j first and flfteentb of .May. —Mr. Abe Haum, our popular livery | man, sold a very fine hor-e to Mr J. A \ McOmber, of Phili|>rburg, last Tuesday, i receiving theref ira very snog and round price. —The sweet scented smell of burning hoopskirts, brush, tomato cans, old boots, imprudent cats, etc , that found its way upon the old dirt pile in the back yard, now fills the air. —S"arrhing for the trailing arbutus is ■ now the escuse which the lads and lassies off-r for rambling iff together on the mountain sides to enj- y the influence of pleasant company am I delightful scenery Hear in mind, thst S A Stover has a larger stock and belter facilities for pu'- ting up a tomb ston- or monument than any other dealer in (' ntre county. Don't fail to call and i limine prices b-fore j . Gsrm. ii ttarle I for Mori lrel ana other j iris of ' iria la, on Monday last, f. r I lie purpose of purcbaainp a mr load of horses. We promised to not s,j anything about it and woul In t "have j ou tell if. no not for anything, for if— but there, some one hurled a brick at our head and we dsre not finish that sentence. A Hun Jay gam of base ball was in dulged in by a number of our boys . mmein( rative service* on May 30 th and also a grand lib of duly Celebration, the largest that t*a ever been held in that vicinity. All the bands and militia cast of the mountain, has been invited, and will attend. In the evening thi ro will also be a grand d splay of flie works coats , f them be ng very at lis. Nodoul thst place will Howl at l.alt ine. ! The very plain spring suits worn by 1 our ladles this spring, are neat and pretty I —The Hope Horn company of Lock Haven will apply for a charter at the noil term of court. Postmasters arn required by tho I)". partiut'Ql to make post mink on letter, legible hereafter. —H. K. Hicks will have from time to time vehicles of almost any description for sale, of John H. Fisher's make, at Rcbers burg, Pa. lt was tho golden egg that bought thu Easter bonnet this year. —Kr. And tbo gold like ball the son-e't that gave him the pain, we fear. —The Frre Prtaa gives the aston ishing facts that a bouse—yes, sir ; real dwelling house, has been built in that town within the past year. —The Bee Hive Stores have just been no-ttly pa'nted and papered and look very neat and pretty. The work was don by Lonberger Sc Irvin, who are regular professionals in this line. —The Daily AVuu ask, '"Who'll give the first strawberry festival?'' Well, since strawberries sro only selling st fifty dollars a box we suppose it will Ml upon the Itelllefonte editors! staff. —Tho funeral of Mr. Peter Wian, who died yesterday, will take place to-mor row (Friday) from hi* late residence on Beaver's farm, at 10 o'clock a. u. Inter- 1 tnent at I'leaasnt Gap. Deceased wa* fifty years old, and leaves a wife and ten children. ln our last week's article on tho B. C A B. It. railroad, the compositor m*d us •ay "the bond ha boon fully idenli/Ud,'' ect., iii-t'-ad of "the bond lias lies-n fully indemnified," snd escaped utir notice in reacting tbo proof. Mickey .Smith, one of tha condemned murderers in our county jail, bad a severe altrn k of cramps on Saturday evening, and lor a time it wu thought bo would not survivo.— .4 Frttnui' l. Tbo Hell attack will probably bo a litllo higher up' and one tlisl ha will not survive. Ttn-ofll -r* of the Beech Cri k, Clear field and South western railroad will m*k<> the flr-t run over their r>>d on Tuesday They will trt at Jersey Shore The r.isd j is compe ted f r a dit'ance ~f forty mile- j —i-Alendiiig t within right mile- • f Snow Mt) e Jr S' rf 111- aid. A supti-e p rty of 36 couple visited I the r-i I-to eof Mr-. Miry Power* on • Hist Al!eghnny street, on Hies lay j evi ning, Ukmg the n completely by an I r *e. Dancing, and guio -, were indulged in nfier which refreshments waresirved. It was indeed n very en joyable affair and all present, were very much pleased. —The 1/ gan boys gave another of their select Hops at the Hose House on Friday evening of last week. About fifty -ouple were present and participated. The music was furnished by Prof. Snyder's orchestra, and * good. Ol course the good looking ! Superintendent of the Water Works did | the directing, a-si-ted by Mr. . Oh, I well, you all know him. It s the fellow i with the pretty blonde mustache, Mr Job;!- j lihish, we believe. —ln a fuw days Mr H K. Hicks will offer for sale sis fine lb xter-(gueen, Tirnp kin A Champ) >n top biggies, all built in the best workmanlike rniriner and guaran teed ti h" fin*- ls goods not the kind of buggies thit are usually peddled sro ind ' this county They will h offered for one | day only. and are made by John S Fisher, of Itebershifrg, Pa. Now is the time to take advantage i f an opportunity which is seldom < ffend in this county A case of ret,) ahsoni-oilndadncst.. >. i irri d t' Mr. Charle- Vab-itine on T. •• j day • vning. Aft'r finishing bis dut. -it ' the Store he started right for home, AS a I luliful - ns are wsnt t i d He w* k- •! in ihe direttioo of C'uriin street until he I reached th" i boo] house, when a!.*; j y •tho ghi su 1 bnly strui k him, and the way h I "lit out"' for the forge was a r, |-,i i Ilid' < I H-! doli t live where be d-- In - j 11-' Bi ived Mr. W ilit r Agir of Lock Havan, • pent part i f this *e k in llellefftfite j and hail is regular pit ni< with tie toys ; on chs-i kers, getting awny wilh .ill of j 'enj. excepting the ' local" of thi pa Her. who didn't feel like playing at si We believe 'Squire Smith did the best playing against Mr. Agar, actually get ting ear draw. In con sideration of the feelings of the others wa foihear giving the re-ult of tKtir game*. Mr. I-aa Frain, of Walker, and President of the P. of 11. Insurance Co., called upon us last Saturday and informed us the rumor that the insurance policy on the building of Dr. Chas. Smith of Porter township, had expired just a few days pre vious to the fire, wa* incorrect. The fed icy was burned with tho building, but a duplicate was sent for and lound to be in force antil July 2Ad. The claim was ad. justed, and an order for $1,775 granted him on the Treasurer for the above amount. We are sorry te announce the burning of the larg" steam saw mill of Hoover, Hughes A Co , located about tbree miles ] west of Hnow Shoe, which occurred on Monday afternoon The mill, tegethar ' with I,fit*),<*W feet of lumber, about eight dwelling houses, the boarding house and i store building warn entirely consumed by the devoring clement. The fire originated ' through some burning slabs, It It thought. 1 About sisty employes are thrown nut of j employment The Insurance Is SI7JIUO, in j romps files represented by M s,rs J \ Kenkla A H n. end Hood Veter.i >• ,f I this place, but ikss n it cover |a ii.ae Personal. Mr. D. 11. Fye, of I'lno drove Mi Us t w in town Hulurdtiy. Mr. Cook Cotrdo end J. K. Burd, o' Kebnrsburg, were among tbo visitors 1o pint DEMOCIIAT tliis week. Mr. Goo. Walker, ono of Kubcrrbug's beat residents, came to Bcdlofonto on busi m>M on Fridav, returning next day, Mr. J C. I>err. ia "crying," the mile | at J. C Miller A Co'*, mid gone about it , like an ol i veteran at tbe business. Mr. Abram Kike, wbo now reside* at I'leaaanl Valley, Blair county, Pa., spwot •everal daya at bia old bo/ne at Roland last week. Mr. C. Long, tbe well known Miller at Howard, met with the miafortuno of breaking one of hia limb* on Sunday rooming. Mini Sarah Rradlev one of thnladie* at the Telephone Exchange, returned 1 from an extended visit to Philadelphia. I and other place* on Tuesday. Mr. George HofT-r, of Boaliburg called unon the DEMOCRAT last Wednesday and ' Informed ui It tu bis intention to enter into the race for the nomination for Sheriff —Mr A L Ballinger, of Philadelphia' Pa., bai succeeded Mr. Kline at clerk at Z'dlcr's drug store. Mr. Bellinger is a graduate, and has had four years experience in the drug business Mr. J K Barnhart, who succeeded ei- Sheriff Woodring a* clerk for Protbono tary Cal Harper, is very much pleased with bis new employment, and Alls that position very scceptably, Mr. Robert Cook, of Howard, favored the sanctum of the DEMOCRAT with a pleasant short call on Monday. "Bob" is a staunch Republican, and one of that lit tle burg's most successful and enterprising citizens Mr. J. A. MtOmbcr, mine bost of the Potter llou'c at Philip "burg, delighted hia many friend" with h's prepense in Hedlefonte Tuesday. M.,c. report*bui riea firt c'aa" at the Potter, and we do ' notice how it could otherwise with *o good nalured and gonial landloid as J ia <'h.arlie. Mr. Harry C Williams, the beautiful ! and rosv.ch*k*-d rcd-r<>> I [7" ('• >,iy •- ; \t pis *•<• don't set It r- l-li .. I ] (light i blooming, seno-C' miral. j mi .r and f wny •••lit : , f that sprightly sheet kr t. *• the ' •. i I.'' ■r, was '.**>• p'sr !• 1 f r a few days this week to the | autlful Ils whsre dwells (he lovely ' I *< l m pli.hei! It' ll* fente Blue It' 11. The climate where dwells the Blue Ball was ret healthy 1 f r our frier.sl, and unfolding his beautiful wings he f|.-w t*i the home of the beautiful . Centre street Hollyhock, and is r. w perch ing in the Front street millinery sb*ip Before doing so, b< wever, he bloomed 1 awhile in the sanctum of th DEMO* RAT YSI •doral" was out. and regrets very much I his absence P. ,S._\Ve want to be out I tbo next time, too. Tbe house of Jacob Brickley took fir" , on last Wdnnday noon through a delec- j r live flue and burned t*i the ground, to- | gether with nearly all the furniture and i household goods. Home very valuable pa fwrs were alto hurnd. fiver S7YO" in gold and silver went through the fire The gold was again recovered and in good con- ' dition, the silver, however, was aim I mlte*l into a solid niass Mr Brickley # j s n David was fiadly hurnes) in attempting j to secure the pa|>er and money Through | the almost super-hunin iff rl of the | n sight- rs the barn was saved, even in th" I fs " of a heavy gale that blew in the d. reel n of the barn Mr Br • kley b.s.-s ali in this flre, having had no insurance whatever upon th property. lff" Jane C "imbs play I t a fair sn.l a| , reciative audienc at the Op r* If u-e ..n \f t. lay evenirg Th" . in f M s (' rnl < and Mr Mit v. ry ■ ' linary, ret th" !• s.lmg t arts r- I carried through ■ well by M•• C • ml* a-. I Mr M .t* h. I that th" i? I• < r A •ii G of the oth'r" wa overlook*-!, and th* i audience departed very much pleased One <>f tbe deplorable features In an entertain. . n.ent of this kin I is the Cta) S.enre an orrhestra Had their been g ••! mni in attendance it would have relieved th" monotony and a i led greatly to the play 'Squire Ibofsnvder, Millbeim's heavy wight Justice of the Peace, stepped into our sanctum for a few moment" on M"n --j day. During bis brief slay we asked If j the rumor to th* effect that ha would he a ' candidate for a certain office this fall was 1 cornet. He replied promptly that it wa not, and that he had no desire whatever to he one , and would not est tiange his busl neas for any office the county could offer lie slid down out of our presence byway , of our flre esrajiw before we had time to ; make any further interrogatories. —We are in receipt of a< on mimical ion j from the Manager of the lla r ri%horg Fie and Kar H'Wpttal and Infirmary, of Har rlsburg, Pa,, requesting this papier t> cal| the sttention of the piuhlic t*. <|ie f< t that a Fru />i"petitory has been atUched to ] that institution for the >*• Trml■ | laenf of th* poor, who are unable |o hear the heavy expense necessarily Incurrel In undergoing trratment for the vatiout a'. (ih lions of the eye and ear, and those af- i flirted In this manner will do well to bear j libi announcement In mind. ' .. Wc endeavor It* get the very lest i brand* of go*la in th* market. H iifi A Wiuif, j No II lloin*'* Bock , ■ 4, i MoClollaa-llaupt. | Mr Charles McC'lellnn, of Allegheny str*of, an ) Mis- Mina ll'iiip t, daughter of Mr. I*aac Haupt, all of this p.la. , were' married last Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at Iluhl-rsburg, by Rev S. chrlst, of tho I Lutheran church. The bapp.y young folk* went to that place to havo the ceremony performed In fulfillment of a promise made by the groom to a near lody friend of bis father's family—Mrs. Delia UerkstreMcr, daughter of the late Charles Callahan that when he married it would be In the 1 town in which she resides. An Incident attended the wedding which 1 was a surprise to the hride and groom ! Before starting they neglected to acquaint . their Bellefonte relatives with ali the par ticulars attending the propiosed event, hut an older brother of the groom was on tbe alert. 8o as toon as they bad started he, in compisny with a lady member of the family, followed after them at a safe dis tance to escaps* recognition. Well, they reached the residence in which the wed ding was to occur before that event we, solemnized, and of course the contracting piartiee were greatly surprised at the pres ence of unexpected guest*. Tbe ceremony was |>erforrnd in a very hap.py manner, i after wbitb all p.artjes |>*rt*<>k of a surup.l uoua wedding sup/per at tho residence of Mrs. Berkslrcsser. The bride arid groom anticipate*] an e- ■ rap>e from tbe usualcalithutnpiiari serenade, . hut tn this were disappointed, as tbe young | folks in Huhlersburg understand how to I tender these M-runadet with a* much noise | and discord at pmssible, and did not the wedding party nn this occasion. They returned to Bsllefonp* on Friday afternoon The groorn is a worthy young I ; gentleman and an excellent tailor, working | j regularly at bis trade Tbe hride it very j pretty, accomplished and agreeable.— j j l)a ify -Vcics I The DEMO* SAI joins in extending con. | I gratuiali u to thu hap p y couple, and h"j' their 1 1v*s may l** orie of p*sa*s, pr ' pierily and bap-pin**" Fancy rd'-red handkercbiefs—Gar. i ' man's. BHEA- II L*IAI|SUHIIOT ficjts -English and American, of all kind*, at less than manufacturers prices. Hpe. tal u.du ■ • , merits for next 00 days, r.d 1 r ir fre„ iat a gu", (i r-at \V'-stern Gun W. r a*, lb • Sraubflc'd str< t, I'ltlshurgb, |' Handsome st" I r curtains at eriU per yard, at Gartnan * A suspicion it abroad that the y, ung man —he must t*e young wl, .* . ahiv p.r* • sn) * ov*r the |*aal column* • f the Belle fonte .V* .i. has fu*en smitten. W" h" It not the first man who ha* f< und L* k j Haven female loveliness lrr*sistahle.— ! 7.'seamy F.ipr* ts. We are informed by good auth rily that the "young man' above referred to yosi- i tlvely received a pr* pevaal from "atiroed, ' anl infer it was from one of that city's ' fair daughters Yard wide black cashmere, strictly all ' wool, at 50 cents—Garman t. List of nntiaimed letters remaining in , the p-st-offi " at Bellefonte, ("■ r.tr* coun ty, Fa , April 2*. I*-! Nannie Armstrong. J C Anman, 7. W Bathufst, Jenni*' ar.field. Agu-tus Churla. , burg, W W Christie, Mi*s f.avina }. Campbell, Charles F.aing, T N Farns- rlh At. Mr I! char i G ••. all' n, R v It H W Hilliman, .lacv.h Haup t, Wm llsllabaugh J.u.ah llsm i*h, M;*s Annie Jcnkt, J It aland Keller, Chas K f,utr. .1 -In 1., as, Th< mat 1.-ng A Mi r, Mi** I j " M u i"n, M - * L la Ma n*. Mis* Carrie A Miller, Mi-* Annie Ii Mil ler. II irv-y Meat". L W r Mr It 'ert*, Th- *na* It; \\ '• !m Hhulta. .1 ias S itl'-s, Mrs Mary Shuey, Miss Knna Shample, Mi - An i M Sbuey Mra Julia Ts! -, Charles J Tail r, M Emma Chi, G rg" Wat* n, \\ rn \S ams. II II \\ i.. n. J Frank \\ .. n I* . r r , c ! ■ ■ list will p 1. a*e say ttu r are a iv* rtis. 1 Jn T. .l"it>>Tov, l*. M It w II bo to the a li cn' >.*> of nl| j to < nil an*l ex.tniino our new -to. k of gr in I pro* ti*.ii ll VRCEH A WEAK I v, Null II it mo* Ron k. Orange Judd, edit r of the .fti/rircrn .Iprricttf/wri*/ for s -mn thirty years, hut un connecte.l with its husinesa management j for a year or two past, has lately retires] , , from its editorial department and IcK-ate*! in the \Vs*t. He desires to gather a c*>m- I plete "PotiaJ.Citrd Album" of his old read" ert and friends, and requests lli*-m all to send him now a psoslal giving their present location and address, naming alro, when I c mvenlent, tbo years in which they wrr - , hit sulwcribert Mr JudJ's addr. ss is Chicago, Illinois. I.i: U"a T Vies.- Mr. Jwcoha of shin gletowil, ! teaching the select school at th - place anil has over '0 scolnre. i \ new Suo'l *y School has I-O**ll | iarted in the Kvangelical f'hureb. Mr. Peter Shu't* h relumed from | his weslern trip, and ia not pleo*od a I well with the weal if with Pennsylvania Mr Schreck it the lather of a t-oiu-rf mg bj !•!f!tf t>TU*tl\/.ri\ In I kii of our neighboring IMDIIMI l CMUI , p> Ijh left out ill th (old ? Ho far, no po.i. . tiv.t not ion im l>#..fi taken towrard# tin. I '••id, A Ithough meeting for thi# purpnae waa culled a few week* *ince without *i | conif.ll.blng anything, on iccuudl of the j *rnall el tend .nee end tbo little lnterei < mitiifnled. Whet we need i for the citl ; i-nt aa well *• the player# to inleretl IbefU •elvea in thia movement. La.t jeer we bed i lub, but it organized to lets end hud to little prendre, tbet it would beve I made a very poor tbowing *g*intany club ebovo en ordinery one. The Eureka* uit% bt, miiak end glovea erei till in good order, end it would co*t very little to equip k nine et the beginning. At to the meter itl Bellefonle it ebundently tupplied, with the exception, perbept, of e pitcher, e the following nemet will thow, end who we believe b*ve tignifled their will ingnett to pley : For the battery, lake for initance, Htrry Johrnton, I, L> Wilt, Gar ret, J*. O'connor, Linn Itongwell, end Ellit 1., Orvit, who ere alto good general player*. For bewi, DeWitt or Brouthe lt, Lingle or Hkein lind and John. Pin Urd' At to catcher, Garrett probably can tland more pounding than any other man we have. O'Connor filled the petition of tbort ttop or centre field very acceptably la*t .-*iubl can be obtained in due courte of time But no great amount ! can b raited until a club it organised and an explanation givn at Pi what u*e it ! j ■I fiected to l>e put Pi A good idea fier. I hafit would be pj c*li a meeting on Friday i night of the player*, or lhoe who are willing to pley. and call another or general i meeting i f Iwb player* *n i utis nt f r •"alurdai i>r Monday evening Hi rice wr 111 :• theai-ive, we barn Squire itankin ha* kind . i-fl 'ed the uta of hi. • ft •• f r the | irp"te of holding a meeting, which will lie either Friday or Salurdav ever ing, du -r. >ti <• ..f which will beciven Court Proceedings. Court called on Monday n.ornir.g la.t *1 10 "'cluck, • i h Hit 11 r. r Judge 11 y pre*idlng. and A"i iat- Smith end Mun •ton on the tieni h Th" forenoon tertion ' wet taken up with the j.r• ter.tatii nof j.<- I tition*. making of moti n* and ittutng de ' ere*# and ord- rt. etc. In the afternoon t tin j roc!email nwe made that all {xr — n* r.imtnoried a- firan 1 Juror* huM enwr p> th<;r name* when called ar.d come forward and take their eeet* in the hoi Mr John Bing of I'nionville bor | ough, ex-County Cummirtioner, wa then made Foreman, after which the G'end Juror* were worn ai d < t.P red uj.cn their j dutie*. The Constable* i f the variou* borough* and towntbif.* of the county madereturir, end a* a general thing r. p.-rted the law* ■•f the Slate well ob*erved, ar.d the p< ar c end dignity of the Ct mmonwialth well maintained. F. My-three Tracer## Jur r? answered to their name* when called, out of forty, right >utnmned. The Grand Jur. r* relurr.<~i the follow | ing till* of indictment Common wealth v* Wm. Pennington ci lured larceny True bill. PrcMfUtor, \ . J. B* or. Defendant fiiaJ gui ly. S nton id to jay a fine of §1 00 and c-*t f j ri > cutioii arid 4". day unj ii..nmu t and i hat en . True bill. Pr-.ecutur, D. t.ry pernbvrger. Same >*. Thome. A. Mi •■*, arrault and battery. True bill. Pro"' titer, J ('. P .1 net. D fefident plrad guilty, and w*• -entenn-d p. pay a fine of $1 00 and cn! of piro*e ution. Same v*. J.-hn Gilbert, larceny and re i reiving *Pden good* True bill. Pre**- cupir, Solomon Harlelt Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to pay (1 CO fine, co*t of pro*ecution, and lmprionment in county jail for *ix month*. MrßSlt*. Tlie foil twing lioeni have boon d. j.otod of. Belief.,nt#. F. I.ebman, Tavern ; g antcl; \V. H. Toller, granted i ('. (I Mi Millcn, Tavern, grant. I ; Daniel Gorman, Tavern, d ; Chriat Ovir ing. Saloon, granted; .Lhn \n an-! ragaUb r> aa \ • Had an-jihw old t—au tatllw tbta Wtw aaid If ale uaant II Ob# d fUt'lj fejei f }t And twfw- took, I ~, *r Journal , publitb.-d at Jobfittown, Pa., by the ii .hmen Bnr*., cornea ua 11 1. m.Mh with a'.ran new , dreaa and enlarged and in pr .vaul f,.rm. It .:a brimful to w inu.i, and ch'-ice litera j tur, and in ail • -.<• of the i P ,t hf .d mo*i d-virahle maga 7. r.-e | u.liah.-d. The price I* J1 (*i p. r ar.i.uw V ~m , 1, „ ;,y will l< m-m p. any addro* for a U cent ftamp • —lb atjrlc* porarol* iadadhigttem!*. i;. -a, arrive to • *i| .- nan * p —VI atyloa ,f Br ia-la rpct t -r e ( t in at Germ*-,'• Buy where u.u can gt ; r m r ( ev * w Mb Try A C Mitir <• for aboca. lf.o The largeat ,.f m , „ , j ow ahoe*. A C Ml SULK K ynold* i. rt -i and lace, ladi** fine ,h ""' T 2' A r Mimji* The *eaon after ihe if -hdara it gen era. ly dull with 'h- Tat< r*. W- are of. '• ring ett>a indu- nuMaia kneyriai. We | bav<- given large rd-ra, ar.d the ncua I y.uf* are n< w r-.tnine in. I,*ve your order Dow Mosti < ur.hr A Co., Tailor*. Laird. Sh.wfwr, A Mitchell * children ah'*-, in al] ajjj .. qualitr. K -*' t A C M isc.l.K. J Candidate's Cards W J." '' f f ke k' -a ea-li e.?. .Uta latiat t'ldr, ;r , J •vlf |o *vppart ItH m* r- H an I'OB'aa fiMf.j ink bff flldvVd to J wn *rtrtM in l iitfgr ANNOUNCEMENTS | H Put ant) nggwl t< uma C llAftLr.* -MITII lie !!. t a f, r ( unit Trsactir* i #' i r• 4 t)i I u r, . rati* Count? C t = ™ • • ntl# 1 %♦.* .tin v j. \i rr. ? ... • ' t.a ' I • a % J-i t. I f ftbfr t t*> tb .ft r f tf V- |Vm *f'Bft 0 URt? c t.rtwfit* T| W# 1* * author r i • n K if HUKTI f r .fwr,. ~ I an.' |l Ml • • tv. fr* froth - *; t "I I" Ihr ahi Tl ... . it.* T-rv fleet <|.ta apU|[ Mti"'d I- —,,1,1..1 al ,r,j ,dt.*T ailk a.aka la U.a —I no. at 1 1.tiwaa -nr |, The* wl.l a„, lad. "Iwl w Ma, ual irf Vaer.t Warll.' with *o* I la.lrati.,,. an I full li,.iro.Onna f,j> ariiefir • Ik ka,"|. *.e(y beaaw-l. |. w,faid d t-o| orifHl a-.w AWc Tea II . ,",*** a, , Co R,. lietiW k. Verk PARDON NOTI( £ -Nodflt is 1 iNNbt t "-■ Uti,| | l alt. a will he aawV t Ihe 1, •> I . ( IV-* -a al la me 'n* ..n the ihH Tae-U. ■ ! Mai. A P I'M fx U. far* nof Allen Ik.aara new nad*u * ia.|., -e..al In the *i .ra Pwlt.-alUi* M VHT IniW I RA I It kf - SHERIFF S SALES. virtue of a writ of Ijevaii Fa j Ma, laeoe' i „f the Peart of i ~ann, .a rt-ea of Oew 1 tie >W*t* and to wi dim tod will he .tpoaed to lal.lh al al Ik. ( owl 11. aar. ia tha It iow*k of s-llofoata. -*l -ah r-i-AV. Arkit. a. A o,l*-*, th. folk-win* fmfwM*. fo wit i All ihw two . rial.. I t.-f (-wad a iu,|M >a tlx U.ceurk "f H.Il-fwia, ia the oewiily of I'ewfv. aid Ml* of r,a. |)liaala. -.a lh# I>,lk afie af Pat afreet, laoonde I a—l da. • lhad a# fl OW* Oa Ik. woafW .f l ien afro.i, oa lh- #aal hy Allegheny del.,, w>. north aa al|e and