£ltr (iiirnfri smtuwt. TUB OKNT KB PhMGCHAT it pub lihixl •. I'bursda) ittxruli <, i CMIIIV, Pit THKUi—(!*•!< .11 1 'O tin.l p.ti liu *l<*u.x B OO 4 LIVK P4l'KR —Jsr-.US to llii. lilimit i t!• bold !'.>i DIVIp *ilhu> Uir*. IUUDIIi* will b cuu f Uriel iu*.l'' V-' I '- N . to I " lls-N.u mi. I until rr.m MM,M ■•P. ••■■■ i M ■ MMwn. i { itti. 'M Jt ill inituty mui t> ptil lor to ftllfAUC*. Any prwarltitt i tnn *h ■ ulcrll r e will I.HII JX|li ■' .'liiir. .} i .Ho i. Irralottoii mt>. lhl i in i siil.r rllstl> *n I prpaioi | luwlluiu tursmrsrtU.u* W . u**., in PI <1 niiiilr A, i;IU* for JOB HKK I t |ir' •" ! t III" lows! {-•♦>' I. run .Ml t It.-rli* 11*11 lr far * .■••• i-rm llisi.llirw. luonllx •Dentil* ,, -i lino f''i Hip ilrot Hirer. lasrrllos*. sn.l ont t lln.- f'i **rh *>l,litluu*l lustrliuo B|>.-,l*l l>Usii>a'hiill maw. K KM til tlillree IS cent* r*r lino. Li.;. .in . in I ■! ■ -lustiis. tOcsnlr i-or lift* A llboml li" ""•< '• ®4 , 1" lo l■•t'l'i'" lrltalBK '•) he qasrlsr.half your, or yesr, *• follows: I n e% irtct acavriiD. I?■ f I i 1 O i- mill ("I W linos Mile 1)1') >1 J",!';' Ta Inch-* ■ Three luclu* •• J ' i tinxrtet column ~r h" • •' rt.lf enlai.in rI" n.lmi ; ' t>.. • - it - lath**). '" •" y !*• rlUcinont* nni paid f r ' f-r ■ It • rtt<. xropt '■ . ntr* t> whan lialf-jrwu t> n t T>n Ufl-*\' s •*♦'* *'* p"t 'ln "vh lacrtloß If ??,.■ It r M* thai lltorl'colnmn IRcanl" pr iriMfrtl nt TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Ccul Minor s Wngcs to bo Reduced- PiTTsitrs it, Awl 27. f'onl oj ■• rr.s, lowa. April 26. -A pc< tai fr m Audubon says there is intense c* j citement there over th> murder of iiiratn Jellerson, an old resident oi the county, •!■-> lived three mi!- eoutheaU of that town. Mr. .feller*, rs wa sixty five years of age, a cripple and the father of a large family, all grown He lived on hi* farm, alone with hi* age 1 wife, and wn supposed to be with out enemies. About 4 o'clock thi* morning four men entered theii .juii t home, dragged the old man and hiwif from their bed and hanged the help less man to a tree in hi* own door yard, W'hero hi* boely was found with other mark* of violence upon it. A* yet there is no clue as to who committed tb< deed, but if the perpetrators of the j crime arc discovered they will be sum ' rnarily hanged, as great evcitenienl prevail*. Tho Sftlarlonof Judge* HAXSISM. HG, April 26. Attorney • ien e ral f'aseidy has given an opinion that i conime.n pleas judge* who where coin missioned subsequent to the approval of the act of 18S.1, providing that r,o judg of the rourtaof common pleas here after appointed or elected and commit sioned shall re- eive any compensation in addition to the salary snd mileage fixed by the act, are not entitled to ex tr* compen laticn for hob ling curt in counties outside their district. I'ndcr the art of 1871 provision 1* made for the payment of sl2 a day to judges wh, hold such court*. The attorney gene eral maintains that the act of lei*3 re peals that of 1871 so far as the com pen sation of judges appointed after spprov ing of the former act is concerned. The opinion of the attorney general was writ ten in reply to a letter by Auditor Gen eral Lemon, on whom a claim was made by Judge seeley, pre*idem jud.e of Wayne end Pike eountie*, for $144 for holding oourt in the Thirty fourth end Torty-nftb judiee* district* dur ng Feb roar7 last. Burnod to Death in Jail A \ou'ig m >n named Peter Vigne wne 1 burned in death in the lookup t Water vil •. Me., under oircuinsiuniura that indicrtc eriminal curi lesSiuws on the part of the officers in charge. Tho young uim had resided in Fairfield and vuu viiiirg a lady friend in Watervi le. Tbe otlb'iM* found him on tho street and claimed that he was clrur.k, although one oy two good citizens claim that tho hoy was a* sober a* one of the officers ! who arrefted him. lie was thrust into : the lockup, and although he begged piti-ou-ly that he be released or he ! given an opportunity to find bail, the I.lficcr.* refu-cd. They built a fire in the stove in the lockup an l left him alone. An hour ( ioi r the I uil ling wm in flames, and win n the lire engine had drowned out j ■ the lire a 1 that remained of the unfor. | tuun'e prisoner was a charred and -lis] • !•'•* n a-s of fl"h and bone*. The New Old Tcstamant Till; I;f VISION TO 111 IT III.ISII HLI M\T I ALT. OK INTER. Ni.w YORK, April, 2b.—The Amorio*u J il 1 Tesisuiont revi-ion company, after j twelve year* of la'or, completed it* | work yesterday at t> i.nted to at tend the final me-ting of the British oommittoein Londou the first week in July. They ' are Drs. Schsflf, Green, Day Chambers, Aiken and Mead. It D now expected 1 that the revision of the 1 hr*. wdl be given to tbe public next fall or (he first 1 of next year. The PooahontßH Horror I'm iiuNT*s, V., April 27. Tw..mi>re b*"lies have been recovered from the rainetodav. which makes the whole number 111. one of those brought out to day was identified as Henry Melrer colored; the other oonid not he identi , ft -d. nor > ould it be p.i.f whether it was the corpse of a while tat-*. ■ He *ay* ; The adAent to power ot a Unheal cabinet might oni|'l Pope i.eo to *k the hospitality of a foreign | power. A Roman arclibi*hop. of great influence, sad today : "I s< e nothing to keep u here. Go where *be would, (the 'hur.h would be ssfer and more j respeettd than in Rome. We may yet aek the hospitality of the United Stales, j I atn sure if your country accorded it to us, we should bo freer than in Daly. Here we are entirely at the nieiey of our enemies. We have nothing to hope of tbe Government. We hold the Vati can itself only on sufferance, for ihc law* merely give thp Pope the right to occupy the building. Many nioi.snt 1 he might he ejected . .'The Holy Father keep* his own j views on this *ut>jeet, but when rsrdinal fie favored the idea of leaving. Doubt le* he will rem.iin in the Vatican a* long a* ia humanly possible. That, *ooner or Inter, he will have to leave, I foresee clearly However we have bitory lo : console u. "I do not think that the Papacy would lr as prnetige if it left Rome. F.ve lif th•* Poj # iev*, the fact will be kept eecrei until h is acoompliahed.' A burglar got into the house of a lawyer tha other day. After a terrible strng t e the lawyer ucoede<| in rob bing him. The now Pension ''ill. which lnm I a... t Ihe House liy solaige it majmi'y, prov .on of wound, injuty or hi mate wli eh originated in the Her vice or in the line of duty in diaa 1lor procuring hie subsistence hy m UiUal lahor, nh >ll he j'Ut ii| on tlie | ens on li-l. In behalf of tliin measure it ih org d tli t it would add to the pens oii„ iidl. only such veterans us would otheiwine lie Mint to the Soulier's Hollies or he oiue u cbatge upon the public or their i I.lives. Under exit-ting law tue cliui.ite i* compelled to hlkiw that he we found in ( ho ly or free from the di* -hsc in . • mining .sing' HI was the author / d ag- ntnf the War department the fuel th the p.*s ed tile soldier is accepted a- conclusive sgiin-t the (iovertlineiit 111 the at use t pro if to the contriiry. The mu-r rolls i- made the record evidence of the (illicit of the applicant for a soldi r, mid the h >n mli'. discharge ;- tin pro f ot ' |of the sei vice. If the soldier has . .r ! 1 tracled a disease he is tot re o. ~.n of Connecticut are j deepeljr interested in a i ase of human 'glanders, wl irh has resulted in death, and, a* there has long been a ds.j ute ! regarding the possibility of death from j the Ii see when communicated from ' ' east to mm, the cue will j rolnl 1) attrac; wide no Two weeks ago I , "inn >. Todd, a farmer living in Tod j and, purchased hint, believing the j In r-• had a cold, be proceeded to tre.i j •it ill various ways hie of his methods was to blow >m"ko in the hor* nosttil*. This cfed the aninml t" ' ; aneeje, blowing | art ides ol tnticu* it to Todd's face. " A week or mi ago. I odd Was taken i sick. The sympton* wereat first twin vod ! Ito t • tb'-e of pneumon'S. Later ther ' issumed those rheumatism, being 10l h wed by a swelling of the joints and tin* i • king out of the face with |>im j h or blister* an I discharges fr> tn the nostrils. Dr. Johcsoti, of Mansfield. ' l.il ' I nrye of the ' ae. and a is *ti fi -d 1 Jii' it wa nn actual nes <>( pi inib-rs nnio . ite<| from the horse. A cv.p 1 tuhit II If| hy sj, jan* w a held a day or • o ego, i'id ths verdict was the same as ' found " v Dr Johnson. Medical aid i In g and the sufferer died v. i .|.i r • errible suffering, {.oral •i. ■ .ny * hat deaths from primary • •I ■ tor some time known Men, lul the ToddoiM es j ii'. iii tee tin t of the similarity oft t i- leristiiw of ultra gltri'b rs In I 1 man and beast " DcmintPfin Nuns. TIIK ONI V < LOISTLR IN 1111 I NtTril STSTT S orrsr F> IN MEW SAIL. N. r. Si n ikk. N .' . April I". The Mon ' ry • f tl.e I> on niran Nun*, the only one ot the kind in the United >tate was 0| tied t • -lay wri'h nppropnut' ceremonies I■. ll;hop Wigger. 'I In chapel si.d house was blessed by the | Itisiioj , who tin li blessed the hells and | made an addre-f on the Wnefit of the i contemplated life. Tuc< lay morning [ Vrehbtshnp Corrigan will preach the sermon and conecrate the alter After th * service is finished the pub n will he admited to the cloistered part of the monastery for one hour, but when five strokes are sounded on the chapel bell all visitors must withdraw, never again to enter. \ soon as every lay and clerical visit, ris gone from the cloister the door in I lie wall ilivi ling the cloistered part from the public chapel and n-cep lion room will be closed with two locks, line key will he retained hv bishop Wigger, or his representative, and the other by Mother Mary Jesus, the Sup erior, ind no person can. therefore enter or depart from the cloister uril s* the holder of each key is present to open the door, til communication with the nuns must then he held through doudle iron gratings set eight pen inches apart in the solid wall, and the wire nettings over the grates will not admit a lead pencil. Two linns must be present at erciy interview with an outsidrr. The nuns wear white roliee and hUck vails. Riamark won't use a brush made of hog bristles. ARE MKN who have stolen one I'M si dental term arid hoistlrgly purchased another, nk the New York World, to he alloWi d a third tutus to iefy the will of the people hy refusing to permit an honest election, a fair c .tint and the inauguration of the successful randi date? Are robberies of the Star rout character to he repealed snd tire crim inals to be protected? Are political lawyers and pit mgressmen to con tipue to deplete (he Tt< asury through extravagant fees as flovi-riiou nt coun sel an I to receive pay a* the same time for "settling'' CH-IM ADVERSELY to the (lovnrnnient's interests f Are we still to have corrupt legislation for fnvored cor| oral ion* and tn< nopol es and against the right* an I interests of lhe people? t here are the questions to he decided within the next six months. It de p'-ndi upon the U niierntic | arty to say ow they shall be answered. Only through i D mocraiii Pi. i lent r.-in the country hi" saved from mi rule. Only through a Democratic sdicini tr.tion '.in the Gov eminent be brought back j to the landmark* of h n -:y. j.uiiiy j HI <1 e "ii uiiy. Ti.e peoj 1 ■ want br lies 1 ' le; slsiion. honest elections, a pun judn itry, the pr itectiou in.d elevation • "f lalior, the proper restriction ofcorpor i ale power, r>-diiei-d tuxa'ion, economy land simpli ity in it lmini.tr tion soil | assured punishment for < (ficial rrirne 11 the caiid '.i*i and h.moony <.| lb- Demoeia'ic p'uly asuire these reform* : 'tie tlays "I I '•-] MI 1.1 i ,rn 111 will be nuui Lercd. Matrimony in Utah —;— T 1.-••..-RT I N.I-I *TI"N IN IT 111 N T VEST Tin: r ir.ws or AII. TIIH I ATTIC I'AV SAINTS. The House Committee on Terri "'i y -terday h\ a vole of seven to five I nd'.pted a substitute offer 1 by Mr 1 Ah xsr.'br 'cMr, • issidy't bill provid irig f r the spyointment by the ITeident !of s conimi-" ;' n to govern Utah. The 1 provision relating to inrrrisges ri ( iires that they shall be solomn T 1 by a m;n iter. judge, or justice of the jieace. and that th | erson 0 (>tfici(jng shall file a certificate of marriage before a county ; recorder of land* within thirty day* ' a'les the cr-rr inony. failure to fi'i or re. .rd is punishable by E fine of 1 1 The substitute makes the sol "Uni rat ion of a marrage whrn either party to be i married has a husband or wtfelivioga !ni!s,i. u,e inor. | uoi'li-ble byini;ri-ou 1 merit in iail t "t Is ss than six month* nor more than tnelve Tut .M/s-. of Washington, in *pnking .I ex Nj taker Kerfrr rsn.ark* n:.i . usi 1 to be u Slate entitb d to congTHtu I lationa, l.ut she seem to be now rather i subject for CM,niiolanoc. Betwswi d iod* in lor rivers, Kejfir in f'ongn-s --• 10l mobs at Cinnuoati, her lot is not s < appy ore. Internal Roventio Gaigeia to IK- Diwmifwed. * The S.-cretaiy e.f the Tre*ury bss i> sued nii order to all collector* ol in leri.sl i-v tiui' ibr ugbout the country j to reduce tlo i force* of gauger all i j storekei |-c|s by tlie Ist day of May next. Co'dec tors i'olliK'k ba- been ordared to cut oil lour of the ganger* j , from his fori e Tho will reiiure the | ■ numl- r of men to l>e regularly < m j ploy i to tmritv MV.-11. At pri IT |thtreuic lb illy *OO A stations .o l at i tended to and thirtv si v men to do tin | work. In order that ill may have n ■ hance to evrn a livelihood a ceii.ir nuni' cr are la.d r.tl e*ch month, so I that it no time ate there more than j thirty one gangers employed, thoiigli thirty ix n 'im are earnsd on the roll. There is *n additional man used a* a |.ei i*l gnuver by Hevonuo Insfeetor 'irmu-on whose sirsne wi I IM> dia j pen sod with. The cause *s* gned in the order lot ttie rsdticiion of tlie fores' | is that the ap| ropriation is nearly ex hoisted, and '.fiat if tfic roll is main , t s.ni"l nil o\ i the conn ty as it ht , I res.-i.t exists tfier. will be a flefieiency I ; u(>OII the ;lth of June. The gangers | r.. . ive f 'iper day for their service*, j j and are required to giv. flOoti errrity j 1 No orders have ties n received firreiluc 'tig the torce of storek'-ejier* in thi* dia i trict Atlililinmil Local* Court began on Monday. Dandelion'* arc in bloom. Sunday and Monday were regular springer*. \ lew people actually had the dai ing to wear a straw hat, on Sunday and Monday. Mr. ("onrsil, Singer of Rotnol .favored the DKVIMRVT with his presence on Tuesday. Duprex A Hsnedict Minitrels showed 'to ratber n fair audience at the on the annals of our country, to see thst the ceremonies sppropiiate to the duy ami occasion are properly directed. Ttese cert monies cannot revive antagonisms ol the past; they should stir up in our hearts not only tender recollection* of tin- memories of our dead, hut also mora exalted patriotism and devotion to country in the future. Each post will, in compliance with the rules und regulations, iu its own wsy arrange for tin* proper observance ol tbe day Narrow EH cape A 11IIA VI. SCIIOOI. OIHI.'S AIT K. 'II.ITIOK Aiiuptrn u\ uia M IHHOHASKS. At noon I'ridiy abile a i.umber o' H i were returning from the Third w.nd Higir School, an ve dent befell one of tbcm, tiained Miy Waddle, I Aiu. il wool I certainly hai" r- sulicl m her death, tut f, r the i.urage and! (in i. in <• of mind of Miss Millie Miti-ki r j The o< < urrei.ll; took j.hi" at Clinton avenue raihoud en •"■ tig. A swit. I, engine pssxed up tbe track j„.t lut d,,. g;rl resc' ■ d the crotsing. Anti< paling no danger, tin \ 111) starti-.l aero*- the t'ai ks, M s Waddle s.kilig the 1. at A he got Otl the track the t tie r girl, saw the engine coming back at 'juit a speed ami ca'led to her, wlide a iu, pat'ion rn r her gave b<-r a playfu sfiove. She fell upin the track, and I" r< . ,ng the engine coming near ) Ip.rallZ 'I wth 1| iht. All tie < .tin r girl, with tie , xception of Miss Mil... M i.-kcr t"i <1 by . so tie r Highly fr .-ht ened that they w-re unable to rendr any >**i*tnr.ee, M•• Min-ker, how- vcr. .prang firwurl snd at the immiti'-tit ! risk of losing her own life, pulled th (>ro*trst. girl from the track just a* tie engine < ashed by. This oceurrnc< . au" d tbe High School to adopt the j following te .lutton. , The teachers and ftipii* of Lock j Haven High Hofaool, in order t, si,..w their appro i iin ~f tfie noble ' . | prut. Miss Minikei, the heroine of the ste-ive rs < urenre is R ncice of Mr. t..n • t'hirs wsrrsnt | ei| In.l te i rsi'.e ! T.-s Sets ■'(< pte. es . s.t fay j Dinner plate* largest •!*• per (hr 125 ; Dtuner (ilstes— nnvjium do 1 10 Tea Piste* do 1R | Tureen*—round or oval each AO Sauce do ' do unhsndled do f*o Fruit ssucors—rwr doe 50 Cbsmbor sets—lo piece* 300 Pitcher snd Basin 1 00 Covered chamber 76 TAItLE ULAHSWAKK. Tumblers, each, . 04c Goblet*, u . . llfto Fruit Row]* . . 25c CakestJtnd* . . 36c , Gl.v* Seta. 4 piece* , .TV Full Stock of Decorated Tea, Dinner nndi Imniher Sot*. Rest English ware. Tea S,.t*. Decorated in Blue, Black. Brown or Claret, Mi piece* s'..!*> -regular price BT.tSJ. Full assortment in Majolica and Fancy Goods, Ac. Majolica Pitcher.. 2fW Bohemian Vase* height 10 inches, #I.OO. and every thing else ju*t a* cheap in proportion. Mr I desire to *ay to everv render of this advertisement . I trail your rwi ws, and in reaching out for it 1 am fully pre pared to gtxe you tbe Greatest value for your money once yet obtained. Coll and examine the good* end the price. If 1 do not fulfill strictly all 1 lattn a* to prire* being Id >W ER than ever be fore heard, I do not aek > our patronage The greater amount of good* I ran sell tbe lower prices can ami WILL ae sunt, Iteepectfullv, W, U. WILKINSON. Agent. {Snu erivH, l'rori*tmiJtr, h\ BROWN, JR., CO., | No. 3 and 5 Bishop St., Bellefonte. (iIvOCEK I KS, PROViSIONS, FLOUR & FEED. FISH, SALT, k 1 ♦ 4 4 THE CHEAPEST STORE To buy . LOOK At a f< of OUR PRICES: Lake Herring, I 4 111. $ 2.'k> l Sack I'et Holler Floui . 145 j3 f.'fiOfc Siring ilea na 2 > 3 " Lima " 26 .. i ■ v.oru 2-5 " lornßio.r . 26 < itariulaU-d u I•an I" iri-1 t alifi rtua Piaohci *5 Apricota .'< 1 " Pear* 30 :> pounds Miitar.a Prune* . 25 1 gal. Bt t Tahlr Syrup allrugwr'O Sugar Syrup, 40 Choice Kioe , . OA 1 " Peas . 25 1 " Good 1 able Peaches 2'' 5 linUltf Caleup . 25 5 " Pik!e. . 25 1 lb. Baking Powder 30 1 lb. Pure Pepper 25 1 " (ilueow Syrup - 45 j Lump Starch " . fit; Corn Starch, per pound . OS 1 pound beet Cofw . . pi Sardine*, 3 bozce for • • 25 , Scaled Herring, per box - 35 Extra honed Codfish, per box 45 Ijooot Valentia Ha bin* - 09 ! French Prune* . |A OJieui Soap . • (te. Bloater Herring, jer dor 2 lb* Canned Corned licet , 27 Tapioca Flake or Pearl . 07 KVEKYTIII N't; KI.SK Sold as Cheap in Pro port ion. —H— )Vr. also hare in connection with our store a first-class Meal Market, Ami sell CHEAP Eli than any other Meat Market in town. E. BROWN, JR., & CO. e-l.lj BELLE FONTF, PA;