THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Foan Ihr Nm Y"rk Ot>rsr. INTERNATIONAL LESBONB. ■ 1 NIL MISSY S.URUIT, B. D. MAY 4 —CHUJSTIAN LOVK. —I Cor. 13: 1-13. OOLDKX TKXT. —Love H the fulfilling of the LAW. — Romans 13: 10. "Exquisitely beautiful and tender," "a psalm of love,"' are among the say mgH which have been applied to thin chapter. The apostle is just now in the midst of a discussion of spiritual gifts, which he commends as useful and to ho great ly desired, "Covet earnestly," he says, "the beat gifts" (12:31). But, having reached this point, he makes a digres sion. Before indicating what the "best" may be, he turns aside to show "an em inently excellent way" (Alford) of pur suing these; how they are to be made valuable and effective. There is one thing of supreme ini|>ortance, one which unlit attend and pervade all; that is lovt —for so the won! should be rendered. To show how all important this prin ciple is, he sets before us— 1. Its tsssnhal wcrth (1-3). —It is spok en of as the one great and indispensa Id thing ; that without which the most excellent gifts and deeds are valueless. The Apostle intends no disparagement of eloquence, or spiritual insight, or wonderworking fauh, or beneficence, or self-sacrifice in what he says. Else where we are taught that it is a Chris tian duty to make the most of talents acd opportunities for service. What is here said is that, in order to either use fulness or acceptance with God, love must attend, control and inspire all. Sot only is "he who treads the brillian' road of the highest accomplishments, as a man interior to him who treads the path of love," but in God's sight he i* "1101 hing." The value of word* and deed* depends ' upon their motive, and the one motive ' which gives moral excellence is love, j God is love! He that loveth is born of iSo I; is godlike. Whatever one may ' lack, if he hi* true love to God and men. he has the .... -ntial thing. Men f-eti t ink otherwise. They honor in ' 'teller and praise genius. The Lord re gards tiie nflections. S As pndtmt fnix 4-7.; From its es ' • ntial worth, the A|>ostle passes to the various outgoings of love in human con- 1 duct and life. Of the things enumer ted, sonic are -tated negatively, but nil : have th ir j-osi ive side. For one thing, tio'.e that there is here no mention at all of gifts. You may hve the essential thing and be ever so ; Isstiu'cof powers tint shine. It is in the reach of all—the unlearned, the j weak, the lowly, the child. Tiien, note that as ad the good things here named have their spring in love, ; so a!l the opposite ones hare their root j in selfiihiifss. Toe great contention in a'l our hearts is between these two prin. ciplea. Sooner or later the one will ex ; elude the otln r. The dsrk side of this picture is all the time growing darker in every heart in which the bright side I is not growing brighter. Bui. the great thing to be here noticed is that all the | rodut ts of love are most precious. '•From thee celestial springs Such streams of pleasure flow, As no increase of r che brings, N >r honors ran bestow." Then how beautiful and winning they * re, and how helpful to others! He who reasonably has ( ihein. carries un - shine, and cheer, and incitement to . good, wherever he g .cs. That which) the A[>ostle here picture* would make •■very heart light, every life true and pure, every home hsppv, society harmo mous, and this world a heaven begun" And all this is the fruit of that one principle named love. And s 0 much as there IA of it in use, so much prbgress have we made in the Christian life. j 3. Its unending duration (H-12).—The ' general thought here is that all gilts, in : he r present firm and uses, will pane' away, but love abides. "Prophecies" or j utterances of God's truth and will , "tonguss ' including languages and elo quence in speech, "knowledge" of truth acquired or received by revelation—all J theae, as now ;>oase*d, are limited and j partial at the beat. "\Vc know in part, and we prophesy in j art; but when that which is perfect is come, ihm that which is in part shall be done awsy." | Relatively, all our p-esent attainments j are those of children. The word rendered "darkly," in the twelfth verse, means "in a riddle." And so, after all our attainments and heat understanding, the deeper counsels of ♦Sod are full of enigmaa. We know enough for present guidance, trial, disci, pline and usefulness, and all else is for wise reasons hidden But in the olearer light that will dawn present mysteries of sin, redemption, penalty, grace, the divine nature and ways will all he re solved. Our preeent gifts and posses i .ne will then be superseded by others i n*ending them 11, by that which is gi >rlouly perfet t. But love will not ensso ( will never , pass away ; will ahide. Heaven will be a world ig love ; mutual,uninterrupted, I unmixed with envy, distrust, untruth or iin patience. Love will go out toward God, the great fountain of love, first of ] all, and then to all who go to make up 1 the heavenly society. And it will be an active principle, moving to all high, beneficent, glorious service. 4. Its superiority to all other graces (13.) | —lt is remarkable that this list verse has been so often misapprehended, and that the poets have taught us to sing, "Faith will vanish into sight, Hope he emptied in delight." But wo are here told, "Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three.'' We shall never ceaae to lean in trust upon God ; and always there will be good things to come, to which hope will delight to look forward. What ia here said is that love is s\ps nor even to faith and hope. Is this be' cause "it contains in itself the root o' the other two ; since we believe only one whom we love, and hope only that which we love?" Or ia it because "it is the great principle which is to bind the universe in harmony, which unites God to Hia creatures, snd His creatures to Himself, and which binds and confed erates all holy beings with each other?" Or it it for both tbeie, and yet other reason* besides ? I'XACTICAt. St'GCIiTIOXS. 1. As the world m ikes real progress less homage will be paid to so-called genius, and more to moral goodness 2. Here is comfort for the lowly, and incitement too ; the worthiest person in any community, most honored of God and useful among men. it seldom thai one who has the greatest naturnl gifts. 3. Note the happiness of theClir sti.ia life! Love drives out all corroding pas sions ; her ways are ways of pleasant, ncss. 4 When all Christies* schemes have failed, it will he seen that only the re j ligion of the l.i>rd ..Tesus can so trans ' form this world as to fill it with mora) I beauty and joy. 5. Note what is here taught with re spect to the continuity of this life ami ! the next; outward possessions will be left behind ; but moral char.c tor. •!fi-h• ness or love, will survive all cliang even death and judgment. ' What will unliving, envious. f*ult , finding, suspicious Christians, easily pro | voked and ever seeking their own, d<- in a hesven of love? Even on earth love "n a spring of sweetness ; l ut in 1 heaven it shn'l become a• ream, a river, an ocean. Every iint in heaven is as . dower in that Garden of G >d, and bol) j love is the fragrance and sweet odor that they all send forth, ami with which they i fill the bowers of that paradise above.'* ' 7. Selfishness Wing the controlling ' principle of the natural heart, we see the need all have of the "new birth." ♦ A Faithful Dog • The daily papers contain sna count of a singular exhibition of fidelity on 1 the part of a house dog, witnessed in i | Stapleton, 8. 1., recently. >n Tuesday morning Mrs. Walter 01011, wife of a merchant in tlist village, bed. A S otch 1 : • i * terrier named Fido had W.-n a pet Of , Mr*. Odell for twelve years. During ' the two months that Mr*. Glell woe sick Fido remained continually besi-le , 1 her bed. After her death the dog per I sisted IU lymg beside the coffin, and fullwed the cssket to the hearse, into which it tried to jump. When the , funeral c- noge reached the grave Fi io ' was there, having followed the hearse. I Fido returned home and took up hit ! former position beside the Wd lately J occupied by Mrs. Odell. The dog from ' ' that time refused to eat, and gradually grew weak and was evidently irritated at any efforts to disturb or feci him. 4 At time* the animal moaned in low tone. , | Iwo day* ago Fido came a cross a pair j , of shoes that formerly Wlongingto Mr* , I '(((Jell and had been thrown outdoors, t These he took up in hi* mouth and car , f t ' ried to his selfauignrd post near the bed, and placing the shoe* on the floor t laid his forepaw* and head aero** them, i in which |*>*itioo he remained several 4 hoars. During Mcndsy night Fido 41 1 roused the household by bis mournful I li howling, and at 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning, exactly one week to an hour after Mrs. Odell's demise, Fido sud i denly ceased his winning, looked up, i ' rose to his feet, barked quickly and J: 1 waged his tail *N if pleased, then in stnnlly dropped his nose on hi* late mis tress's shoes and died. There are several |>ost offices in the J country ut whieh the annual salary of J the postmaster is only sl. Postal cards cost the Government 54 4 cent* and 4 mills a thousand. I ♦ "Five hundred and eighty nine dol 4 lars for wines, liquor*, and mineral * water* for use of Board of Visiter# to Naval Academy," is an item in last year's '! expenditures of the Government. —Th le# cr*m season Is hers, and veil ' can And the fve.i „i & M.w . * j bakerv and einfcrln>nery. THE HATCHET""'J.'i hnmorcua paper published at the Cap ital, l make* r lealurn o'f allowing up I'ubltt Mon as they rcnlly re. It con luin*- R litgc cartoon each week on Pub- i, lso Airir mid is filled with illustr.t d comic articles betides. It ih tbe largest, handsomest, lx*ht and cheapest funny piper in the country. Terms, $2.50 a year; 21 weeks, $1.1)0 To Ave or morn names sent by one party, $2.00 each a tear. Sample copies sent IrM to any address. Agent* wanted in every fowu. Hie < 'ommiaaioos. THE HATCHKT PUB.CO., W ASHI MO TON, L>. C. Treasurer's Mae or 1 XSKATKO I.ANDM Milt TAX ICR KIR I**'J AND IH3 AMD PBIMOIR VIAHR Notice l hrty gl*?n tht In tW9ißrc of an A i f mlly uaaoeU 'H the Ulh <\mj of Ju&r, A. J> IHI'.. entltlr<( 'An Act to •■tatui an Act, dirc< ting th* mixta "I filing unaeatad lamia In Centra toiinty, ' At..l tha arvrrai aii|'t>leifiaiiU thereUt, there will Is- . i (mm**! at public aal# or outcry, Ua following tfacta of HilMtlai IttMtl* in aaid loUUlf for the tat*-# Uu atid unpaid tlieraoti, at that>mrt llouaa. in the t>'.rotigli f ilellafonta, on Monday, J una '•th, A. I> lH4,ntona. o'clock,, p in nu, MM. wiiiHTii AMti. TAII# HKNNKK TOWNSHIP. frM Holmaa. Robt.... 2 ac & '>4 461 M Rnaaal. W 3111 4TJ 100 Auaaa 1. Thibai 3% 43 ftu Walkar. Jon (owner; 4 So 44 Leather* JaroUowaar; f 11 3i |H We iaa. M ic h*-6i H Vj IK RNftIDE TOWNiIIIP 414 Vltark, Jama* mm.*. V 34 4.V'. ...I*l .ilra*lj, MM |9 44 4.T1 163 . Hrarfly, Win P ¥7' i \X\ . 163 Brady, John f 7.' 4 in . . Ball Wm || Ve, i\\ I.V) Ihtighaat. Wm ... sft i/V 414 Bo)d. John 1- ' 7 439 IO . Bw. Joiin It 4 Cbofc, W* ! • 44 i . . 1' . ( siwd'fK J -hit 1 • *4 j 1 la art, W ui 6 4* 4 |t liraart. Jldka . . . 4* ! 4 . . |(B Msßttti ?. Iler.rj 6 4% 4 .'. }t loaeil. Jokl 1N 4VV— |M . f i Pant ) M 12 a* 4 43 161 J ray. Bait 6 4* 4 .... I' • 'ir?. Htr 64% 1. • ItS rnt 7 In-rn •# „ *• ;. il Ifmtts, Akm i: M 4VI 1' ' 'obn. <"Ha*la# r, 4* ill 1* II am lit n Th mat 1; - 14* ...llarrts Henry U ♦" i •.( l I .Iftffvlapt 0 i' I - | 4.W1 16. II >uar| John 1. > I 1%1 llt t, Pera-n 41 47 4 '.7 16 K dd J- hn I • IU 11". ! A 4'- 4. 1.. 1 M *l,l. I £*• Millar. M m f w 4.. It W r,.. J . M l. 1. n 4 . s i bn 1 • . I'ettlt. A.d ...... . 47 4 i.". )CI ••hsffer. Ilenr? . It IN 41 *> radaan. Hsrab M ...'3 4 4 Tr ' I . |44 I 4 v*. 16% ... T a art Jsm 'j t, j 415 T I. J -' J > 1.4 4r vatld J—ejt. IM 4 : . u k . A j \: II s . Ue. r.l J hn 1! 47 4 : M'■l ■ ' r I . ' B 11. 'f? I U 143 . .H IJa i, Ml'd i'i Wtlliltglrn Naftti I • .IJ.Krlt TOWNtniP. 471 Johneon, R-e U V CI'RTIN TOWNS til r All %!nley Holt I* 4!' %11 e fi, ' I. %• i . tit Bair-J. Aarnu| . Itt I*'. !lrady, % a I' 37 PJ W7 ...CarwaMeu D 4'.7* Uf7 • V*u. tlej ; # ||• OtMtN 1 Pen' 1 7 4 ' 30 I'nrtlri. John ... HI I I?' .'araradden. I 14 j t>eha*an, Peter , *J I * ... I*a?ltrg. J Weph 1J 4" ! ( 4.1 fVHi|. J.asjb .... "*'?% j: IV. Ivmald. Ilaary . ! . ill K*aa Tarlwaller 62 *J j < til r.l! .1. Um . ft 44 ll*' K41?. P.'tat * *1 ' i 44* fl • Kpt'U. And 7 • ) 41* Oray. Kd-t <4 .4 . 41 ' '.m Wo. I 4 < 41 ililhwft.Hm *; v : .V tadfrey %-t ! < '* .... ItJ ' "Ifre? J hn V 4 44 !•' ■ I i il...t> r.tT is at f i 41*- Hahn. Pne n (.4 ."4 < 11.11 .wet), Rd. 14. ... Ilnm| hray Th a 14 47 yrfl * I/?n. Jaaew. . ♦l2 , * i Nelw. J—fl. " * 4 4>6 .... Kelao. Heh ]2 1 109 Wlfl • I! W map |< • 4 Ut Mil. li-11. V 4 * ♦, Wn P V "* 1 ■n li(rh.ll J hn r I I to Ma Tata. ft 4 tl .... 112. 'trstt. Hilt* I. '44 4■ 4 .Packer..! W ;a 2 42 ♦..Pa* ksf, J W ... I d 2 |% Parker, JM 1 /I 3 I|o p -Tf W v I: "7 k Par bar I W - 14* $ Q'llfUy, l*liw ... a4 I - IIP) **mlth. Pcea Ift i 4 4.31 I d tt. l*mnel aa aa 4 437 167 Talla*n. My .... ' •7? t .*0"...... Tiinit. Hlchard '/■ 40 j V •Tin Totila, lit* hard •• 1' a. j 4 416 Main. J1 41 04 1 4 217 .Wharton. 6'tehlwrn "ti 1 tIT W harh t> Fiehharn *• fr• I Ifto . Wlllla, Jonathan 11 l' 4 416 Wisar, C aejmr ... 114 w* 4 W7 161.White, Jae-> tl'ir. 4 Ift" WIIHa J- nathan . 11 11r 4 4al Yar ley. fn 47 4 riKi)t)r TOWNKiiiB. I'*") .Hur>hfteld. Mm Sot 6 1" lllrka.Abnim I 42 4 lk) Th-a Penror k (owner / 12* 1< A skin Bold 4 ft* . II" Moyely. Jacob i ft'i Ik- Mercer John In| '' 120 Rvow. Knie! I 911 16" 7ai K lar Michael 1 7'. 62 \ Cwater • oat (nwr *r 1 \ 11 Atmcß lovrnsHir V.I %> Harr. Tli'imw . ... • l| loft '• 1 art, Mari 7 i\ *7 Harrowa, John of 1 JO 4; .37.', rr lUr?. Jem a ft T 1 4, laft ftO Vtar r Mar? • >1 IV4 Neck Henry 1 M 44*. 3% .... rhrdhrldg*. Hannah . ?2 |< 1%1 fwi, Jamli 24¥ 4. 49* to ..aDratP Mh-hae V 23 \\ ♦•■ i Oral! Bernard *l6 j. 2 '2 1P" OlHman, I! Aft ftnle 17 oft * .... 'lillmati II k S Snyde? 12 tr \ 4 64". Hall,(has 1 sso \ 4i*t. f.inka Mary i lufi Uaery I UI 4 JO) Parker. 80. 17% j 170. *Mrter A 801 l aO4 4 W ridd. Wm l.t 4 .D llenaal ownafl ... 1 .13 j 12A...... m ,b llenwl (naner) I|o X it. ... LAN Job® A PNil Mdign . % 4 IIALrMUOR T'tWNRIIir Hwea Banlal. .. IS M 4 •h BaMh Jacob *• 40 ( 31' '.anHur *H. *- • 3? .(Mrsir i r '*- | tT N C % an|> ol *|o 4 V % ( 4 TP... f ' VanfHhol do J] fdl : M C N aii,n ol do a 0% tIAKUI* TOWNSHIP %n4ri>. Alw doiii. .. ........... aMI ■ HP* ' Oft Itt I BO limiflfut Ntm 8 to I 10. f e win, John I it I I'arkar, Bh 'iaid .7 ho : ¥fi W blHth Kfarn*) | R IW .. Young. SaiuiMd >6 ( HOWARD TOWNSHIP. P'T 180.. Brown, Samuel 6 6h I '• 'J- Harris, Jaa I' \ Uarrle, Jaa l | tt Itt Wlllla, John h k 4 ii a 14 n ItO .Wlhlf,JoMtkMM. it .11 IICMTON TOWNRIIII'. f ltd.. 'tartar, Jarnaa „... Z'> Ih 12" Kuht. Adam e wu •'9 Kuhne 4 tt 4 ' 1 Itß Prl' e. J.,l||, tl 1(I 4.33 ltd... Roiling ton, John . V 11 ttl 161 B land, John \ 1 MBKRTY TOWNSHIP. A*' Haye*. Itoht A Ja? T> o'. ' 171 l|.s. Quo |r |4 f •tt 1 lr?lu, Hold. .. '&> V 4 1 10 VltlUHNly Jen til Ift .Iy tie, Pflof ttt ItO IsJ lit, I'etrr t 0'; 1 ' Molglav; Jaunw A l' Is. 1 'A* ft hi. a A I Ingle h VI L*it Smith. Chrletlau 16 7.- MARION TOWNSHIP. Tew la. Robt 4 W 37 100... M< Kinney. I>ald 620 i -... lThrar. fSirie 1% 06 ' 60 M in 1 ilghman rowner;. IV '.*< , 10° J P liarrla do 12 Ni | 19 lawaa Praia do 7 04 ! Jhii do 7 V* ' A" larger. Simor 4 02 I tt Yargsir. Sin, • 6 08 I Itt Young. 80l t . 23 AO J MILKS TOWNSHIP. A3O. Mr1). 1t,,1 t 7 tt ♦io My, IIr nab 7 '4 '266 Brady Jane. 4 ?0 3D 1 Brady, John 3 7h 44h Brwly Wm P B 14 I tft B'ady, B m . 2 4.4 ' Silk M 1,7 |Q 40.J <-aro4hera. Jama. 7 4 1 Ito ' >par. U > t It I tH JktMtAloSfk I 9-1 4.' 'ira? B®M 7 Rr 476 Onset Tbotnaa h 7a j 20• tlamer. Wm 6 "7 J ttn H ant sr. A let a ?<• • 4M Ja< kavn, Jaremiah ft V# 39* kitti.Upo I 92 Hi Uvv, Aapm '• 4a ! 426 %'i'tftfi, Samnal 7 ft^ MM Parker. W m | kg 1 .i Park r Rubard t •. *724 Parker, J*feBkah b ' •'.* Parker. Bm lib' IH Blttetß. w m 8 t| I W '•'With. 7h. 3 7(, I'*' -crift. Abraham , IKg j to RfßfL Her:.tie. 'ij j lAO .Houft, At rabam 2 7; 1 '*• Vott.Hpfiirl ] fti, j 13" Koht . ,< 0 I 276 Tripp, J.-hi, ; ' t 4- Yfltßß Henr? * - I** Lrtng. C Omner, 17/ I'2A Wharton. M""re 2 -p j i. ' W"ilhem. Ia?id 7 PINN TOWNSHIP "".'e %rmetr t.g Jatnn 6 'e- ! 160 !• 'Viad iB.J #n 6 •> j 112 lk ' "wdon. J. bn ;i VI ' ]!s> Ham.-' toft. 7b :oae ft m 1' • 1 Hej.hnrn, lan '•* 4 'ft ! 1 'e Ker.nMy John 6 rft- J l'e hannest?. Jamet ft r. : 1"4 *• Kannel? And mp Kennedy. Jdft 3 72 111 * Kennedy, James si . .*-• Lj u. K* M % 11.... ] . 7 I To IV-1 J- 1 , v>< J bo Bito.t it.H ; 01 *1 (11 NO tow .viiir tw IT Prk.J lit f. 1( -• iCMM.Dilliwto. V TK> .. R- T4.11, IT-V,,. '* i. I - It 1., ri. Rirtui'd < V SI a R-i4, llxtrt.. .. . i fn *i TV. T*i,,a'iflT.| Tlt-ibw • t.i |T' J M -.-l.fl (AWR.r -V' R;n. ill.* 0 httiu, a.', i. (•S'TW MICE T'lWNßiur 4P- t.i*t,|. VT Tv i.l ) Ri'.,Til'r Hn *. ' IV IV' Rfiml. f-1 (1 mi OtwrK * 4* I (V lOmi Mi R 41i 41 ' ,* T'-li, Tmiii! TT ;4 1 41. 41 r .,r.M,-n iMitd "T ol j T.T *' ' r mJ tm. Itotkl 4" . 441 IS T\ , M 01 4i! T'T T-olhT-1,1 Th • Ml Hi ! 44'. r. I'M T* 44 4i IT I-.14K.J, Rhr| u. Hi Of. I VA tMMIIRf, i'MrpllM, • 21* (M'.in.liiit '/T a, 4;i I t tr.T. i 4'. 4- EMr. > n >. It • . : ■- ! 4it I'. 4 .m 1 V .* M | 4-. I ti.ti'i', > Tl So j 4 !■ 4i*lit Mt.m'l * o'i (tt K I 41 2>. Ml t 'i,.J,. VI Mi j tl M.I. J,. 7 . 10 4-tt t Mth , . Tit * *<• St i 4- I' fl.bthitS, J.* . Mt OR 414 IM t1. *tu ■ S4 *H IV! *,04 4 0 US*. I TO 0. : ,'.t I >gs -1 J hn ■T *T WO I. i . .1 / 1.1 ~, U't-r. i t NT 40 ■l4 . J 7 IT 1 4.11 U>l* a . t TO 00 4VI I U, .1.1,1 I-T* 00 4'. *1 >1 •*"• Jan-, T fi o* 4vi r Ml.lf _ T" oo 4. It: M. ' to*.. 4 a r m rt,T• Hi 411 1! U 11k.,. 11l Tl(, 4• Tt 'Mil lull *.l T T-I , 411 Mlklirr I-ik, TH 00 4tl M',.( M.f-J R T..S 4', 41l I M fti. TR CT 1 •t.' Tl N-.1.11, J bn M 00 4 ,1 lift rkrkr,. *m M 44 2K. farkir. Jntow'nb TT fii 'J m I'.fk- Jirmi.l, 27 TJ NTk. Mb, J,.i,n 40 .4 01. Ml IVIn. Maitb 40 1,4 H n.i1.l -1..1 44 T, 'J OH' 144 4 1. 144 *M|l m T1,.-. I To S 4.C1 IM *.-01. K-1.r4 70 00 4M Itt T.llnkn IWr.j.Min . 44 44 ) I*2 T -n,ktt'., Jm ... 17 21 . r i 4-1 I' 1.1 mki,. N.r.b M 70 0. < 4-1-1 142 .... 1 klrtitin*. A * - 42 00 ISO * .. Wriiji. Ilmti tl |A 4-41 141 U .ln. Il.lx • 44 41 3 M 1 1 *.l 14 .In, I'b.l'r TO 7* 4 u |M W 1.kM.0. U .. is T" m ♦v< )-M U hkrtnn, Klir.l -Ih M 44 4-Vi Iftl. M h,I"T., Tt*. f TO l, 411 IVI Er*nTf. To Of, 4.U 141 U l. Mm, To '• 2*f' 14Vol Rrnnrl. 27 S" 1 4VI |VI WMI W M 4-4 47 1 411 1: I 11~l J„bn 41 ftT , 140 ... Eml, iruio, II AO IICIHI TifWNRIIIP. 4XI Ik. - 4llionn. John tW tt •• 12* MM ...AIIIM* l illn Alltnos, Ah**. - Ill* Oi " ft' ....... Alll—n, A A .1 I illy . Ml 4" ITT I" 1,n,.| ".ft.- AnO . lO 27 4' If' llhnrlr.n, I!: 4.X1 lot . ROrkln, Ibul 44 00 ~ 4141 ... ITKt M .EloiUnik, NOT. . 144 tt • 't of 8 4-Xt 11.1 B",nl*n.l. J-hn 2S 0| j !'*> Oftplw,.r, John... .o 10 •> 411 IM I'onnin*luni J*hn.. no |n l ITA rijm.r Man 10 Jo 2 ll . l'm| l|1, lino U tt .mo ffliht'ort Thiu IIS 10 4U IM Wlnsj; *hip SJ T |4'. ' Ibooh. FrMnrVil ......... 4* (IS 441 1-M K.1n.1.1., Th . ... 1.44 SI 44! IS. Eblnr. Tbinln 414 Im AO rmiiMi. KilnuA... ....... ono 441 |M. fitlbm Mtt I' 41.1 143 ...Vnnk. inks 41 *0 274 < ... MfS*. tt1M1i1k,,..,. SO 44 411...„ 143 I)r*lT. Ml-.llnn |M II 214-.... IM ...Il'snl Th-ooM |TJ 8" 1 111 .. IM MfkJ Wm Ml* 411..... IM TM**, 4'., ,1T I llKr; ( In l.l„|ilirr 4 #A 1 '• llnriltot; John S *4 aa 1 irin, U"ii( hi a I '4 "< l <4l IM trols; Roi't II 14 1 WD Kino, kohl 40 41, , )4'2 10 -Knrr Jm wilt I '•' ) I)W LstiiiDurß, 1in0.... 37 3 Mttad, Geo 64 78 1-3 of 133. 163 Morgnn, B K 11 21 1 70 A/uk,r, John 44 83 178 Mutter, (ji-oiunith) 67 77 | 1W A/cCofd, J K &i A Curniibnll 1!4 20 ! ! 6 Nelkon, Kllsn 422 i 3 Old, Davis 1 28 321 68 I'im, Jowpb -2058 j 323. l'stton, llueh 32 60 1-4 of <33 163 Peters, Richard 11 16 133.. 163 i'mkerton, Henry.. 04 65 ■ 164 108 ... Philips, li*r(jir,*n.. 50 01 ! 177 84... Phil))*, llardmsn.. 78 82 ! j 1540 120 Phlllpi, llardmsn . 04 | 100... l'n*iaor Al Bryson... 18 20 | .348... 130 I'im, Henry 22 20 ; 5WJ1... 150 Pim, linrwife If 20 216... 80 /fniney, Kubi 6)5 46 i 433... 153 /f<-sse, ThnmT ... 218 05 433 16.3 Kohrer, Cbrittian. .- 4'J 37 I 638... 153 Kudiiiil, Jsrob 162 81 405... 47 P.ush, JsT'td, 142 433... 153 Kuh, llenjnrnm ... 177 "8 1 38 Kobisoo, Wot 11.. ... 128 j 37 K'ibik'in, Wm II 1 28 j 214. St.iilon|iniitn. John 0 61 ,T| l.nt No 1 1 T \ f .!;,C-01, Yarn**' 1 j j 2 , <1 - l.ot No 11. )' V,Ju<-ob i A'attjenil ;; s<, ' 7 ■ 147 i. il No J), t \" A. Si** oh eiikOM est 5(( | 70 l.nt No 15) \ Henry j Stepbeiion 4 2C lis") Ma'lt,M, Tboinn* 32 (Hi ,4 .1 Morilgomerv. W W .: ; f,y I 1 - . 2' MS Hiiiinond. John .55 irj 1 11 KuDlnn, l)riara 2C> 40 '.) Vanjiool, 1' 8 40 V) Vsnpool, Jscoß C, 201) Wbiirhesd. ItirliArd 14 20 V) John, Wells 7 fj| Ut Yoler. Joseph 1158 I NI" 'N TOWNSHIP 180 80 Braver, Wm 41 .51 2>*i Kuhn P H 22 00 ISO 11" Mnnn. Harry 84 681 1" l'bipp*. Skniijel 11 8.',! 50 Th"ir*. ]| (owner .. 4 10 83 P BCrider A Son".. 79 00 i i .Whrtar, Wa 118 7" WAi KEU KiWNsmp 'Bl 7*4 A*kin, Robl 2 16 4" Bsk. r, J >hn 1 1 Of .;7 164 Baker, Kobt AJ< hn 8 14, 212 . lUrkninn, Smnl 10 17 129 . 12" 1 ..Brook*. Huib.u... 311 j "" Brady, Wm ... 7 2o 27" 129 -Curvt.r, Msrv 672 115 . 118 Ilufherlv, Msrgrel 2 7-3 179 . 110. Ilstigber'iy, El bth.. 4 82, 69 . 39. . Kisn*, J** 166 j I'll . .. 89 ... Kvn, J,h*c. 2 40 : 92 . 15.... Kfkori. Wm 2 101 211 . .. 72 Hahn. Peter 507 I 22 . 47 H*hii, Kbenecer 62 65 . 40. Hsbn' Wm 1 64 219 39. .linn*, Msrgrel 6 28 215 155... Jsmes, Eflwsrd 5 13 59 4)'. Johnston,David 1 .3* 161 .. Kno*. John.... 7 47 I M 8 .Mt.. 604 66 40 Paeker, Job 2 05 89 40 i*fker, James.... . 2 16 ls2 Punlon, Kb hard ... 800 1 160 .. Beed, David 7 20 J 175 . K.di*on, Uirhard... 7 77 , 68 Smith, John A Henry 1 92 * 201 138 Sutler, .lame* 964 1 382 36 Sutler, Daniel. ... 9 16 | \ 59 .. . Swanay, Wm 1 40 30 Wickersbam, Amos 71 ' WORTH TOWNSHIP 33 COmer, Ilenry 8 99 254 Gray, J II 27 25 , 2)*) Hawthorn, Thomas 13 84 146 Kuhn*, John 49 94 ' 278 I.awman. George... 32 61 230 .Maylan,Jasper 23 78 ■ 274 M tie*, Samuel 62 83 . 26 MorrU, Widow..... 4 77 * 89 ... Ross,John 10 68 n 83 Swanswirb, John... 14 66 i 6 Ringer, John 1 84 | 88 Hhippen, WmJ 15 22 c 161) ... Jonathan, Laird'.— a owner * I'J IS ■ 68 A Laird, owner...— 4* 42 1 | Unknown, vacant.. 76 t 1-4 Jacob, Vanpoul,..— 69 h owner / 25 Witter, Wm H 11 j 237 Wl.ter, Daniel 'it 46 t IS IXC KKLLKR, 7V*wwrvr f % NEW STORE. Largest © „ n , .. Newest H M - " (kd, 3j l-v-ry thing dry GOOD you want. J Notion*. , Bootf anJ # Ihe JIJ Short, CHEAPEST j SI ORE Oroctrin, ,n I'rovitiona, Centre Salt and County. Fih. W W K WK BUY BUY IN FOR I. A ROE CASH j (QUANTITIES and get j and can the J. buy T DISCOUNTS CHEAPER OFF. that way. - ft - GIVE SPECIAL US BARGAINS A For the next CALL. 30 DAYS. • COBURN. - PA. ( c.!Sa. s®S& ' "WQ FoHusKs\ nY count DISEASCSI I . "t ITCH sues. pivtrs / WP"GV/O?V J w THE GREAT^^CURiT TOR mm PILES ' eght, mai a M tig ahmii r lhi.:tum lbpt.rt. An 0 ''"tern.!'al j vl ponltirn cure fvarwr i '"< •• ' 1-r. t t my article il ti. mark.*. Md i 7 driiggi.t.v,t . ndi rt ta S-cb. f tn t I*- Audt ■.!> e4>iaacn.rb ft _ l t. ' OhT * fcIMP I 1 O HI.AP TCtAYftlutT. • r *r " ' '■ *'■ '• a!• r •* C•. -• aa rt. . a ff .1 u! re w. i t krf ft) 1 . • I * aVr-e, „Mftft ft mui D'- ' t . , r - M, 4 "' .* fc " M ' ' 9 ' "•:' ii a • ; wa CUIFAMTft GiX BOXES •** V A Hit* (<" *tt ~ '* f ••* ' v • '•* ' frfti ' l A tw : \ * • . .IV ft)e -S'a fft ,. t 'JinnurAfi." . • . , no I- f iswcn * **-• >ru3oM t 3?0 ftac* T• •, ' ' ' PA, I Tie "Ideal and heat appointed Inalimtioe lor obtaining a Rutinta* Education. Eur circuiaa addreaa. P. DUFF A SONS, Ti'lapirli Prvfirtl RoaineM felnrntlrn haa. for many jwi and a ,th great purr— l-we Ilia aim el I'nt t V.|iag. Ke 4 • fifth **!>. The fnllhfti' •lad.iii hM her* tariltlie* for each a training m will qualify him for an Imm-imt. entrance a|mn yrmrUnal dntim In any afdrnin of Ilia fur r irmlara aitiram P. 111' * M. rutahurgh. Pa Imfl'• ft ".kkaajnng. ymhliahad hy llMftar 1 ftan . | ymgna. Tim largat anrknn lh> at tanra yuMiabad. A wrk far tmnk.ra.rnllnrnda. huainam man and ftra'li ra 1 areatantanta. I'rira-. ft lyi. Out your Job Work done at the Cm- TRS Dvmotbat. A lUnauoin CorxTin - JlT.—Tftere re dangemu* counterfeiUt in circulation purporiliigtn be "Walnut Leat llair Re- ft •torer." The trenire*t evidence 01 lu n grent value it the feci that perlina know- * ing iu greet effi.-ecy try to imtteft if. Kerb hollle of the rmmv bet e fat aimUa of a walnut leef—blown in tbe flee ; end * Green laeef on the outride wrapper. Tbe "Restorer" i* at barmlent at water, wbile it poenettet ell the profortiet necweeery to tettore life, vigttr, pmwtb end color to tbe A heir. Purchase only from retpotteiif# par- wr fret. Atk your drunltt for It Kach bot tle it warranted. Jobnttoo, Ilollowey Ad/A Co., Philadelphia, end Halt A. RurVel ftp New York, >N holeeele AgnnU. 4. ly #