Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 24, 1884, Image 6

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From th Nrw Turk Ottwrvir,
T Hl*. HlflKT H.QROIT, D. P.
A mil. 27. Abstinence for the sake
of Other*.—l Cor. 8: 1-13.
GOI.BEN Tr.xT.-If meat make ray bro
t ler lo offend, 1 will eat no flesh while
the world standeth.-l Cor. 8:13.
It would (teem that the occasion for
this Epistle was found, not only in re
ports which ha I reached the Apostle's
exr* respecting the state of things in the
church at Corinth, but also in certain
questions the Corinthian Christians had
referred to him for decision. Ono of
these related to eating meat which had
been offered to idols. And it is to this
that he makes answer in this chapter.
At first we should say the question is of
no oonoern to us. And yet, in the
principles involved, the Apostle's an
swer may be found to come close to
our own selves.
When sacrifices were offered to hea
then god, it was tho custom to burn
pa ts upon the alter, and to divide the
remainder, the bet parts, between th*
prie-t and the offerer. The latter were
eaten at home or at feasts, or were sold
in the markets. The Christians, then
would then have to decide whether in
their own houses or in those of their ac
quaintances, or at public feasts, they
would partake of such meats. Some
said Yes ; others No ! The firstsaid, An
i 10l it nothing : we know too much to
think of it at having any reality ; what
harm can there be in eating ? Tbeothera,
in there weeklies", may have had a
lingering feeling that the idol gods had
some existence and power; or they may
have felt that to e<l of such meats was
somehow to be implicated in idolatry.
And so the question was refered to the
Ajiostlf: ami here we hsv. his answer.
It is likely that those who particularly
ad Iressed him were the more iotelli
gen' Christians who believed there
conld be no harm iu eating. Thin ex
pit.ns the opening sentence: "Weknow
that we all hi 'c £ i r'rA.jf" w- are too
wvll informed to b.-lieve an i 10l ha* any
reality, But ther, he says, we must re
in tn l er that knowledge is not always
a safe guide. It putfeth Xl | : and a
man who is inflate 1 with a high o| ioion
of his knowledge i liable to err. He
does not look at things aright. lasve
is supe.ior to knowledge: it builds up
inrigh judgments and conduct. More
over, if any man love God, he i
kn wu of GoJ; •Ju l watch* over, aj
proves, guides him. Tukes care that
your unloving knowledge doe' not mi
tral you
With this interposed caution; which
really c intuitu the principle is to settle
the whole question, I'aul starts anew
" H'c know that an idol is nothing in
the world." True, there are so called
gods and lords many; but we know
there is but one Gcd. the grrnt father
of all, and one I.ord Jesus Chr.st, i f ami ,
by an 1 for whom are all beings and
things. Knowing this we can never I*
drawn into any fear or respect for idol
meat off. red to such l/a been offered to
nothing. This the A|>o*tle admit*
It is plain that in this view there is no
harm or sin in eating.
Bjt now, and tins is the Ajiostlr''-
nctl p-'int, "How e.t there is n >t in
every uin that km *le lg--. s< being
used until now to the idol liti. I'er.
eat as of a thing -• lifloed to an idol
they cannot rid thenv.-lves of thst re
membrane*, an 1 of i superstitious feel
ing that after all there may be some -
real power pres-nt in the image. \nd
to them the eating *eetn lo bring thf rn
into relations with idolatry. Tho eon
science of uch an one is d. fib d. He i
not sure that he does right in eating ; |
he condemns him*- If ; he violates hi"
moral convietior. To him to cat i
therefore a sin. It is a sin to do any
thing which wo feel to be wrong. And
he who 'l ies that nl only bu lens his
conscience, but h>rdns h:s own ,
heart snd so starts on a downward i
Paul has thus cleared his ground, and '
passes to more positive answers to the
question proposed .'vs. 8 13).
1. Hw reminds hi< questioners that to
abstain involves the abstainer in no in
jury or los*(v. 8). It is not meat, eaten
or rejected, which commends us to God.
We are morally no better for eating,
■nd morally no worse for not eating.
Grant, he would iy, that it is right to
*atjit is also right to abstain 1 The
liberty is your*, but you can surrender
it. And the sum nder will, at the
w<<mt not irjure your own soul.
2. Then, be further reminds bis ques
tioner* that net to abstain may involve
others in very great iryjury and low*.
And you, as Christian*, must "take
heed" to this (v. it), he say*. It is
possible that your use of your liberty,
or right, may cause a less intelligent cr
•trong person to stumble; he follows
your example, being emboldened by it
*to what bis conscience reproves him
fordoing. He I* influenced by you to
i do what is a tilt. 'And, through thy
knowledge, shall the weak broth* r
perUh, for whom Christ died I" And so,
because you could not practise a little
self denial, a brother, for whom Christ
was willing to die, loses his soul I The
appeal is powerful. One, who has aught
of love In bis heart, would find it impos
sible to resist it.
3. But the Apostle ha* uol yet reach
ed the climax of Ins thought. There is
yet one consideration more, —to do all
this is to sin against Christ (v. 12). It is
to disregard his command that we love
oue another, —a command so often re.
peated. It is also to defeat the
purpose of his death; to thwart the
love which could pourout its life's blood
on the cross. It may be right to eat,
right to use one's own liberty, so far as
one's self is considered. But is it
Christian to do if, when the weakest, for
whom Christ died, mny be thereby de
stroyed? Is it not now tin? the worst iif
sins, being against Christ ?
Such is the Apostle's answer, culmin
ating in that grand and most Cbristlike
resolution : "If meat inaketh my
brother to stumble, 1 will eat no flesh
for evermore."
1. We are nowhere taught to despise
knowledge: "Add to your faith virtue,
and to virtue knowledge."
2. Love is better than knowledge, if
the two must be separated. The high
et attainment would unite the two.
3- The safe way to settle all disputes
is by love. "The man who relies on his
knowledge is headly, high minded,
obstinate, contentious, vexatious, per
verse, opinionated: and most of the dif
Acuities in the church arise from *ucb
men." They do not know too much,
but love too little.
4. Since there is but one God, the
| Triune Jehovah, arid one Lord Jesu*
' Christ, there can be no qustion to whom
I our allegiance is due. and in whom we
! are to trust. If God be fur us who can
jbe against us? Is it possible to be
: happv in opposition to bis will?
!i < >ne may be a true Christian, and
I very deficient in knowledge. This de
i ficiency detract* from comfort and
! growth and usefulness, but the narrow
ness and scrupulousness and *uper*ti
: lion which mark it are not worse than
the rarele-s living and inflated pride in
to which knowledge sometimes runs.
fi. It i* the inner life which God looks ;
guard that and the life which grows
therefrom can hardly fail to I n goof
The Lord looketh upon the heart v. S
7. Note the power of example. Iti
great iu all. but greatest in those who
j ere supposed to have knowledge. It
may be a power for evil a well as good.
We shoulu take care nev rto ti itifluen
ced by a bad example, and equal care
to make our example <af# --r others to
8. Note particularly th bearing uf
, this whole chapter on questions of tern
jierance, amusement*, .sabbath observ
ance and b*b ts of living. Shall 1 drink
win*, go to the theatre, dance play
cards, take a Sunday drive, gin costlv
entertair men'*, wear fino clothing?
Two qufst'or.-i re to b. answered with
rexpect to lh.-.e things: What will be
! the effect of using my supposed liberty
concerning tlicm a nytelf? What will
be the etl ct on Mr u- -. lai'y mq a&esi
The Scotchman In the United
States Senate.
OrV'Uiid I,*tfclf !**it r )
Ther- sre sevi ra! Scotchmen in the
• House, such as Hardy, of \ew Y"rk
• tv, Pivid It. Hi-nd*r*< n. of I<>wa, m l
Hugh I'ichm n, of'" "fgi*. but there •
only one in the S< nate, ind In i a hot
in himself. Senator J*me B. Beck, of
L'xieg' in. Kv„ r<.me* frum tl • bire
in Scotland wher. the j.oel Burns wrote
bis i*i "!e t songs. Ife came to K-n
luck* *s a Icy, an I was eduented if
little college in Lexington. Ilcr* h>
also spell* 1 law, snd here he after
ward* became the partner of John • '
Breckinridge, ex \ ice Pre-ch-nt of the
I"oiled v ate - He has sinee served
four terns in • Yingr' -• from the l.ex<ng
■ ton district, .and is now in bis second
term in the Ser.ste. S. na'or Beck i
no orator, and it i- a remarkable fact
i hat n■ t being such. he could b- el> . .
from a district which produ —<i tlsy
and Brockmtidge. lie is the otily mar
who ha* mads n name in Kentucky m a
itstennnii who is not i gifted speaker
and he owe hi' success to a uelll alalic j
ed I rsin. a pleasant manner, and ex. e! j
lent hnr*c *' use. I am told bx 1
I Kcntuckisn* that hi i*ihe mo-t popular
, :uan in Kentucky, and that no and
1 'arlisle divide tin honors of admiration j
between themselves. He is a rurinu<- 1
| speaker, th Senator Beck. Let me ,
| icll you iiow he lcok* on the flour. \
| giant of a man tall, broad-shouldered,
' ind hg heade I. Ins very weight com
insnds attention. He ht* a broad, full j
| face covered w th a gri-'y Iward of .ron i
gray, bright black ejes, full of earnest !
nr, and pie sent mouth. When he;
speaks he gtows murli exciteiL and the
word* flow out in a tonenf. He talks !
fater than any man in the Senate, and
he always wilt- hi# shirt collar duiing a
speech. In a Ken'ueky campaign '
Senator Sherman i* reported a* taxing .
"Beck rest* while he is speaking." It
this is so. it is a cur:ou* kind of resting,
and one which wi'l hardly lake Hie
place of sleeping. Though by the way
a paragraph has l*tly been published
quoting this Kentucky Senator ns af
ing that h * mental w.rk i* done during
hi* dreams. at any rate be i* h*rd
worker, and in* mak'-s hi* work t< 11 on
the Senate. He is now sixty-two peers
old. He is married, and has some
grownup children. Hit only son,
George, is farming in Wyoming Terri
tory, where he lis* a ranch of fourteen
hundred seres And upon it over a thou
sand sheep. The Senator himself live*
sv I e ington when not in Washington.
His house there is a plain, subsian'ial
one, not Urge. I wit vorv romfot table.
He U In fowl ci'Oiimstsnoes, live*
quiet'y. snd, fl-otch I k*. Is
mo igli not st ngv ip hi* bsbit".
humorous iiaprr published at thoCspi
till. It milium a feature of (.howing up
I'ubtio Men anthiy really aro. It con
taina a luge cartoon < ach week on rub-
He AfTaira and ia filled with illuatrati'd
comic articles f>eoides. It ia the larger!,
handaoinuat, beat and cheapen! funny
paper in the country. Term*, $'.2.50 a
year; 21 weeks, #1.(10 To flan or more
nanu s aent by one parly, f2.00 each a
year. Sample copfea aent free to any
nddreaa. Agent* wanted in every town.
Itig (mtniaaiona.
TroJisurer's Bale
Notice !■ hrtjr ffiM-tt that ia purauanc* of tn Ac
of Assembly MMMI t u the 121b d*y of Jtiif, A. D
Isl •, eii 1111 co An Act to amend an A-t. UN 11 lit
the moiienf soiling unseated land* in Centra county,
and the ••■serai su JJ.|. merits IhfTfttt, there will l.c r* •
pOBMI *t put-In MU nr outcry. Oft# following Ira ts "I
unseated lands lu Mid counts fur the Ui dua and
uti|Jd therein, at th* Court Hi.ua*. m the borough uf
ll*Uefonta ( on M- mlay, Jun* 'Jth, A. D. lAM.aton*
• - k p. m
Actia, ran. warrantee EAEII. TAXU
6* ... Ilolniaa, HoM '2 04
100 Dal*, t Brat dr.Joa o r) 490
lid Dale. Ana part... „ 14 77
2*3 16J .Praetor. Vol bra*. V> kl
iLi . 16.1 Fisbbnrn, Hannah.... 41 #1
4.U 1*1 dcrar. Win ..... .14 r,
431 1.17 OoJftrey, Martha 4.'. 17
ill 141 Ilarer Jonathan H Ac.
41* 4' * OoM.Wdl 4. M
4.11 40 II —I HIM Xi 97
1-1 lm hi, J. M a J r
rafkar 24 CO
411 163 Dealt, land. 41 &A
3UO. Frank .10 3"
40 I'acger. 4 l.toaa 5 01
44* *4 Ha.. Wm (13
433 lot RuaaeJ. Tk<ma* 29 P2
On Walker. JOO (OWiar) 450
46...... heather* Jarubfuw&tr). 2 11
Jl .;. 163 WrUa.Mkhenl 29 '
414 Black, James . Vl4
4.U-...HU ..Brady, Mold . 19 44
411 |6i .Brady. Wm P.... 9 V:
4VI lt. . Brady, John V ?2
4'.t IM .Ml Wtn 12 9>
A< 1 hi txham. Wn. 04 96
41 iSf I J'-ho IB CI
4 vl Bye*t, John 19 00
4.11 \f. ' ..4 Wit- 19 it
I. * ... l • Qtwdoi, Jfkl 13 W
a '.i ION MiWoft, Wm i 4*
4. 131 Dmrk Mi I il
\ 11 t•| y. II e I If 4♦*
l it lt.l lv nelly. J. lm 12 96
4.U I' 1 .•..* * V *. Nam'l M .12 9t
US lH dray.R.dt 6 4*
411... M 1* i,, .drsy.Wm ... ft 4*
4 in 1 .drilll. Thornas 12 *
4.U 163.. tirstes, Alex 12 9*
HI 111 . . .Oobfd, < l.arlee 441
441 !<> Iltmilt n Th-inis 12 -
14" . .HarrH. Henry ... 12 dr
ill 1 • ■
4.H IM II nael J Un 12 -
( MB II t I*•r • r. 4 4*
4 LI 16- KdlJ.hu. 13'
! 4IA f-*-i y Nathaniel 1. 4
i. i • i i ? n. J.j.i. 1313
Ift 1' *1 ■ l.snahan, U'air 1 • .
| 4.V I Vt \l< Urxhsti. d- 45 4*
I I M I.EUEItu P .ly 4- 4-
4.\1 I'l MfUiMbatt, Ann 44 4#
4.LT . 151 W*a<l,<e~ *4 '
.IS- Millar M 111 . • '
t.V 1 I'd M rne J kejh 12 +
4 I'. N 1 ♦ n J hi. .. . i-
;X\ .. 1 Petti *• 1 •4!
4 If Henri ... 1* '**
4l" fa I man, K*rh .... 1 2 4
4.t; I \1 Tench, Prancta ' 2 '4
; - T • J'lio T.
415 T V ma. J **ph 12 i t
t|'> IlU'e, Joe|4 9 4
I 1 . WaJUce.J.. ph 12 >
114 w.i *-!. John 11 4:
4J5 Wejdner. Ja*..h . 37 X
1 . 3 r II r | Bfl
4 WlUf,. Hlr ! 12
f**4 Wtfhifefct'n Mafltn
• ul.lb.H TOWNSHIP.
421 J Sf.t- n R MM 14 n
4?i4 4 nalee R I t • 4
41* Allen. Iti
17a fWiird. He ran#) *'•*
111 lira l. !■ P Mil
147 M M rf*raJ<ln f I*. 7l
* . * *•%•. UiJirj •'
I - r ..t. r !'' 1 * *
v * t'urfia. J ' n
B• I ThiiiHn D 14 H
'.ll hbstee, l'i let l *2**
I*" |L>l|ii(, J ae|>h 12 4*-
4 1 Dealing h .... V'T*
1 . IfcrnaM. He or * V
.|) P.rane r*daolder 5| t
41 Pilot. Wen 70 44
I 4Mi f. ter *2 *4
44* Pule Aid 7> -
41* dray '4 24
415 dray. W m M U
lIA . .i wm • If H
,•# rb.ifrey Ma*tit* it •'
14 l.Afry J ho W 44 1"
llahn. refer 12 .4
41 Uhl Bn* o . M fi ;
•At II ' .aell. It. 112 !
142 Ilxrr. | bffj Th - 14 4*.
. C |?eo, Jao-e* .... 12 i
a | Kelso, J-aefh 5 -
4-.; . Kda.. Rehecca. ♦••!*!
i*. Kite. J - i'
"ir Uoe M%ri
Uoe. ir*h 41 >•!
AI I et Nttthonsei *2 .
...,h M, Cal*4 2 4i I
fein/dntK leoac 4-- '*< |
mj ,utM,oiWi m ■
BMI |etgstrh; laaac IB *■ j
7o %t- e, John * 13 * |
f. If• 4 % a't|ei t U
(. llM'f. Pt.il 1 *7 •
0> V|fj !*irtaati. 2-> .V*
4.i * Wi* r llir h**l •*'■ - i
1." .Kir, VoDotlne ''> J
I*. Mill't Jan.e* ... *9 U ,
I #. >l.' I,ell W
t i fit s ti wm p 49 :* j
HB v.' h.l .Wml' H
K.I/ hep Jfthn P ;
11(1 Mai #• • n ■ " 49
l .. lie '•( f* fllla I. • '4
I P*-4er I W I' 7* f
4.' ........ Packer, J W .... . I *1
14 I . | r J u I • ;
t!(( Parka r w v 12 * !
t;r P* k t JM 14
IRadffry. nine 4 B 4
|ie I' ter 1* IB I
ix\ 1* i •/. t Smwl •. *• ;
II 1 . 1- . t .tlmae, May . * 7*
Tot.is Itlrhar >• iQ
2a Tnnla. iti. hard ... .. 1
115 Wain. J* •' 41 "4
217 W >. .M n. 4'tsM.orf -5
*l7 Wll %rt. * Pishl urn k*
tn Willi* Jonathan 11 1" j
41 * W s*r, Caspar 114 r '
4 L'l 1.. Whit*. Jam- ...... 9l*\
IRr. Willie Joonrhan
4i Va#'ley Wrn 47 'J
|.Tt nt.rvhArid. Wm
1.. 1! A' 1 <A
l.vii fh e. Pear w k finet 12 '*
\*r 4bin B- tt 4 f *
IMP M • If JM I s".
| si MUPMf, J' hn 4 "1
I2TI Re.ee. |Vr.lei |W
Um iHftrr MMNMI I Tl
B2 % Oiafel a cat 1/Ht.sr 2 tW
nn Fu*r. Th >mas f ] _
4.*. fit *arr. Maig' 7 s' •
*7 mrren, J-'batA. 1 3*l
.17 . 0" I4srr, Jam • * • 1 '
,*e 0I Wart Man vej <
IM IWk llenri B H
44*> 2* t*Hltrld|r*. ItaitlFtt .* r l
I*l jae i 3 49
t|*atff Mlrlie- I
4p ...drat 1. It*inerd .. fc .15 I
&?: lit- fil|tr*. H A * fNsydei 17 IB ,
rf.' 'Mlm-n II A * Bind** 12
AIA 'l-ll I.sa II Bl i
Aa . P' Mais, Mslj 7 "N1
Dir. .... .!,nr#fy ... I 34
2s> Parker, Wn. 17*
17* Mm r A W. it t Bl
, A* ri d. Wm...
12 ...D IU nee I fonnev i I ;i1
135 !! llehMl (orrtet I 1 10
at 130 .W leaa, John k Wol Nhlifn 43
IA.. Week Daniel .. U Bl
Ke h Jac.th 2* 40
fit! l*rn>i-ne •. JtwHi *•••-** 33 3B
t4 J*c -l V.♦ fei r ~ I 9 \
OA . .1 Va. p n| d 9 Wt
07 "A C s'anptMil du II BB
l^ l C Vtlpool do .1 OH '
i't' Andc*. Al-etl'trn t a<
IH K..1 , d I HIT
4tß' llarrlaon. Writ |
30 Inhi.Johri ||g '
40" Parker. Richard ;i n't
808 k4, iFgfftfT *)
44t7 'Jfl Wharton, Kearney \ /i
188 VMing, Kainuel w
1"7 |ft lit own, Hamuel f t t
1 B W .llarria, Jaa l
Harris. Jas |r 2 00
10 W illi*. John R P. Pud . 14 VI
l'A> Willi*, Jonathan 14,11
i-'L'i 141 Barter, Jatne* .24 10
180 K ultri, Adair. • Bl
63 Kuhus 4 *
411 IH'i Price, John. .... .... 2A 10
4.'4' i Itkt Rolling ton, John 'M> 11
411 161 WheeUnd, John J5 11
33 ll)(M, Hold A Ja
171 ,VIM,OMP l" H:
Iritn. Rut't '<4
7110 IgiMPLifft 33
|3O l.ytle. Peter 6
IM) l.ytle, Mir 6 Of.
IW ... VJ'iiffley, Jame* A 10 10
1 than J Mugle *2'
|6O -*111> Christian IA 7.
17 Affji, |fM 4 "7
37 Kin. M< Kinney, Dai id A >
7" Rohr*r. Qirla 1* Ob
W Win Tilghmao Conner; It 00
100 J P llarria do 12 30
lw I-. Brain do 7 "4
2* .John Retpl' r do 7 V*
•o .... . Varger, kiaion 4OS
00 Yarg*r.gim*n 4 03
2"6 Youog, Butt .. 22 BO
600 Brady . Bol.t 7 94
410 Brady, Manoali - 7 M
246. Brady Jar.e 4 fO
20" Rra li. John 7
44" Itrady. Wh.P 114
141 Brali, Wm 2 tw.
424 GbIIM un, tie.- 7 |0
4HI A arothera, Janie* 7 42
14" r — W,n 2 7*
32*> Kearoii,'Joseph 4 2
601 dray R.l.t
476 OvmiHsThMMß * 7*
331 llan.er, Wm 5 77 '
44Ki II u titer. A lei 0
408 Ja# ka.n. Jeremiah 4 2*
m. Kitu. Oeo ft Pi
30 I My, Aaren 5 45
4:'. Hi. ti.n. - iu f 33
Parker W | $4
24 Parker Kt' har l 6 tm
324 Parker.
' - Parker. Wm 1 rt .
124 ttedosan. Wm •!
2 Hniith. Th rnas
188 Bi tt HMIBME i M
|M Hcvtt. Ahral.ani 2 77
9i |< ott, Hamuel 1 f>s
171ss Kotl 2
ft" Trtpp J t I*( 11
l- . TOIOEMP Henry
P*t C fonsr). 1 7 • I ,
125 W hartcn, M•*re 2 > i '
425 Willlwu, Dai Id 7 *2 i
PP.NN TdWNPllll*.
Vt Arms!rung. Jatne* 6 f.r-
I'u I , n j I
)U I" . Jitir .T VI |
|.'s Harm t-iu. Itc ta t 0> ,
I'ii f i !ie|>t.urri, James 4 (*
1 V* Krn-li. J bn 6 >*, '
Kennedy, J a mee * a •
|ol -• Kennedy And ' 'i
|t* I 1 Kennedy. J'-hn
||3 * Kennedy. James *1
jrti I y n, R M * <*• !
i i n Kr< ki*i * (*
l.ron. Den. R c#• i
M riseri,W m i •
|< ig men. iNintet 4 <
jar *t < alley W m gi
AICaJDy, John e
IV and M*n i f/ '
R1 111 ' am* r- n.A'tt 14^,
1.1. arothers 2 1" i '
,* Pallmef, It M (.4 ,
4f- dartgtt* K>larf 5 C
fr| darigtia. Wtw
llaritaen. W re R 04 j
4" Utng*C r 7 4 !
|i*< KhlJ!u), !h> ) 47
70 P. k J * 14,
*t J- hrt ftstnc? .stiff 1
{•PRINC# T>>WRtlllP
|*d 11 Pur 1 ft J- hn A 14 l
ss U. tason.t'a'l.aHft' W 90 '
•st II tnavn, R't ' * BP',
l'-i K I ten. Richard 497
t' V . Iht.rt . ( #
M M'i Thoenl arng, Tbema* '• ,
ion J donion '*"'
Pmeline W hit*>ey an r 4
|NtiW {•ll'tß T"W \ *II 1 P
HI Da yard. And D 77 -
4B•, 1 w m * y
\ 1 Brant. Petit •. u I
*l Iyn.e# <##*< R 4' j ]
IV r fAm|l*l|, Oe- •' c [ I
4',.- 41 Cats.-afiea. |said '7 9 j '
41. 4 4 1 aread'ht. |tsr t 77 -4
•" w ' ararvlden, l*av|d 47 *• ' 1
U' 1M r .tPaul V. j
A. r CaU.UtrV Th * •* ' .
4Tt !f Cuai.j-fgDam Dll 7* 44 j
4'.'. I* teiarey. ttari k 9'
fleieling, Jo* |*h ... f j
21* IMeni >*'" —. *"•
Alt Mly.Oe- 4*. 4*
£•• Fit re* n m 11. • .
.i in p **tr, 1 M w 4,
4; |AI 4 •!>*•# UiN" f 71 O j
4 . flafeMftO -tu'l ■ ■ j
no 'srsr R 'd 11 4*
' lligl ■ Jo 36 a :
\a. lah /as T €7 1* M
| *A> IlaD J*a T 6 ,
4*l 1 taalhort Ik * Bc B' 1
! 42A4 J tlanthofa. Ja* * 9' J
1 431 ' !>*•• no Ci :
dl 15 Deet .r "aeyer - ,
1. • . - k *•' e *
i gg# t 2 hi '7 %7"
1 |i• t>" g, J P '#• 4 :
i .**• J / .74
• 4 Um*|J I oil
fit I ! Mast an Jas|~- 70 9ft ,
4.11 i • K""' " K i**'d 7- 9-
4.1 M % la# •• Jam—
lil |*l M'.U T"
4 . 1% Ko t.'.e >*s.t
j 4VI. 151 M Phete an*
' 4 ir.t %| la en TV *" " I
; ii t I'd Milllken M T * 1 <i
j 4 7 Mil* hell, N J 57 M ' |
4 ■ Mt.ne" L ,h- 70 P> j
4 M rga. ll# n| R 65 4'
: 41 r> MnriV Nl t ? 'C i 1
, - :i \|.|<; .1 1,1; "t '■
I 111 Ist f.rk.t. "m ** U In
I;|ft f'.,l,r iM.nt'ih JT '■' j *
,1" fwtir: 7? W
■ft' I tm J 'if' "4 !
: <• 111. r<m. e"t .
,'f 11-lUr. J' I M I" *
i Km Hi .)■ tin " '•* f
4.-1.. It! •.Mil"" Til-• I, TOW
I u 1' I . .. *• U. E'lr* TO M .
11l 1 \ T.tlm.n fut.|*min W 4'. _
|i T Jm ... IT ai
?J .. U'. T.l'm.n. M TO 4
li.l * !li1il", A * . ..• #?,
lm. " o ihiut- *1 t#
4H IM W.ln. . *4 44 3!
41 IM W.ln, lh#l.T TOT" g|
1 4.1 IM W lolr.n. Monti T" *
41! ID Wh.rfr-n, NIImI-"!* 44 44
411 ill . liatl .n. Ttx F TO i
411 IM W~(. runit" TO 9" |
4*l ti.l BnJ Tm M
Jf.,4 .( Trh. t ...... T. Si
411 IM nl tm II HE 1
411 1M... W<"rt,Jotin 40 47 ]|
|f, WM(. Trmlu-*" II W j
111 i:.l . 4lllwn. J..hn 1 .'1
r.i" AMI" n. .t""i"" l.i O
ifm AIIIMS, AsS 119 M ftl
~, 1 Alll.oo, A0 J I III* . 11l Si 1
tiT 111 Sumf,. nr And. lO ,'T
( > lu Hh.tton. Hirh.rd 1* 04 I
104 10_ AIH. . .... ....... 10 VT
i |.4 HantMi; i-tm-vh l'i Wi
Its Id lw.in**, t**ti't *7 07 2-
4li t.l avkli): Dill. ~... 44 "• .
14; . IS* „.ltiio>n. I'*U r. IM *S ,
! 1 \ ■'<
4ii ... IS* Bnt.Uii<\ John 2.104 'J
lift r >p.nlrr; i. tiii. 9 10 O;
I.M. .... li.l riini>l*>h*n> John 110 10
||l rifOiM Iltm SO TO *
I I'll Cnanph.il; , *0 TO
i >• Cmhlmt' Th.— 110 to
1.1 IAS tvUni; OHmp . *7 T
| t0.4 W......t1.n1., Fr~*lfk 4 0V
l'i; I*l KU.uHTV* IM S*
411 tf.l Nhlr. INIIII" o**o
Mi From", atwmnt 0 no
411 |U FltMrwnM, Don OS M •'
411 tVT Fnnli. John. 4.1 Ut
J 0 .fimonmoiii,Tho" T
/T4 lir*(T, Aahw>lHn (SI M
SSi t.v.„ omtr, ("hMihm is* at
iis IM flfim Tlmbk IIT I
4** .... IM ..<lmv.Wm.__ ss I*
4M... m ta~.<lM*MaM *7 *7
.flrovo, F.nmhMh . S 90
tuO 1t..1V, *0 7* 2
tt IM # M IVma SM
4'/*..,..,. IM .Ilnlr # t.rUfnin Dd |r> |
• l'
■ IM .lUw,ilt*,i, Titer*.a* 77
)'l Hugh ...... /7 49
I • ■ I fl• '* l t r, 4' ;7
•" H .IMllnai J.,1,1 47 j,
I" 7 ..IlitrlKu; JiaM.li 44 /1
4" 1M...... If-ml 11.,t, M<i/fi '4 74
119 Uartilno; on M m *
4'" •I' * 11-' CV. Ito, Julio 44 'i*
441 1'*1.........11ui>r; J"hn . 4'> 17
" .........Il4r, Cb.latnpkrr 4 >
* /..In. 7 *4
4 41. . 113 lrlo, lt d IV4 </>
4H .IM Irla: 11u1,1...„ II |r.
1-" Klhk, Rvl.t 4o 40
1®( . lo Kmtt Jh <lO 7 f
433 163 I.Mllliiiorif, Geo 37 4)7
135 I''"'! Laltirnore, Win (L. II 82
<■'l3 163 tinhorn,Cbrlatian IM 31
''•l3 I*4*l Lowden, John 31 84
133 153 Lowden, Rich 66 66
*33 153 Iwden, John 177 79
Ml Long, AH 'J 25
i Lowden, Richard... 66
*33 153 Metzgar, Jacob 138 55 )
*33 158 Malone, Llie 21 86
*33 1(15 Mayrton, Edward.. 37 57
McPbereon, Win... 17 60
*33 153 M vera, Jacob 103 48
*33 153 Millar John 4'' 37
*33 153 M 'ConnGl,Martha. 37 'l7
*33 163 Mead, Geo 64 78
1-3 of
*33 153 Morgan, B R 11 21
70 A/utter, John 44 83
'73 A/urrer, Goodmitk) 67 77
100 AfcCord, J R A A
Campbell 19 20
6 Nelrou, Ellen 4 22
3 Old, iiavta 1 28
321 58 I'lm, Joteph 20 63
323 Patten, Hugh 32 60
1 4 of
*33 163 I'atera, Richard II 16
*33 153 f'inkerton, Henry.. '>4 65
164 108 i'hilipt, liardman.. 56 61
177 84 Pbilipr, liardman.. 78 82
12 120 I'hilipr, liardman.. 64
100 I'aomore A Bryaon... 19 20
348 .130 Pirn, Henry 22 26 1
301... 150 /sm, George . Hi 20
210... 80 /fainey, Itobt 66 46
488... 153 /2-*re, Thoma 218 65
433... 153 Rohrer. ('hrhtian 49 37
533... 168..—Ruditill, Jacob 162 81
405... 47 Rurb, Jacob 142 65
433 . 153 ....Rub, Benjamin .. 177 78
38 .. liobiaon, Wm 11 1 *8
37 Robiaon, Wm H ... 128
214 Stout. Jacob 79 18
43! .. .Hcbafner,Catper.... .. 195 31
433 152 Andrew. 45 37
433 . 153 Shenk, Chriallan 4'< 37 \
433 ..... 153 Shenk, A/ichael... 46 37
247 16 Si k, Jacob 2e 28
433. 168 JS psar, It (bft.. 115 20 I
167 7 Stncgh, Geo ... L'l JO ,
819 Scott. And 26 || i
4<B. Snyder, Barbara... 77 64 |
163 French, Kd owner) 37 03
80 Corkendale, Wll 15 36
122... . 14 Wewlman, John 55 (rj
402 116. Weidrnan, Jacob.. 180 66
12. . William. J 0 7 17 !
109 Wilson, John ll*--*!
939}.. Wilson, John 170
75. Wflaon, Wm 00
483.. .15 ;. .Wilson, Wm... IM . 5
11' 106 Witmer, J >hn 36 no
806 .. 100 Wilton, Wn 67 3
1 5-i Armor A Sl:.fh-r 1* ;n
25-1 Berk with,''Vm-nt 77 'B'
Bell. in "mi
306 Bueh, .Tame* 54 90
V> < :irk. Jo ph 6 I<|
176 fVat. .Mo.ec 21 45
i "f
41! 1< .Hoc-in. .n. i i 1, -77
431 Hamilton, Hugh 70 6-
4.5 I'l.llonjrnan,.lclin 25 ('
67 7fi I/Ot No 14 CV, Jac ob
Yanpnnl I 12.
63 k'.t Lot No 11, C V, Jacob
Yanpool 3 ,(,
7.3 147 Lot No 16 C V A. S:e-
J.lk on eat 4 50 :
70 Lot No 15 (' V Henry
Stephen-on 4 jo
liai M.iadon, Tborna- ,32 <ai
114 Montgomery. W W 50
M--<7ainniond,John .55 ((•_
l*t Halaton. David 15 iai
.Mi nydor. Barbara 26 46 ;
'.• Vanpool, (' 8 46 j
50 Vanpool, Jacob 6 JQ j
2** l Whitehead, Richat-1 4 4 20
*0 John, Well. 7 f-O .
(81 Voder, Joßeph 11.5*
150. 20 Brewer. Wm 41 51
2i*i Kuhn P R 22 00 ;
190 II" Mann, Harry 41 99
I'ki Phipjw, Samul. ... 11 85
50 Th.-maa. H 'owner 4 10
-3 1* tl Older A Son 76 00
l.( 1- •: NV it< r. Win 143 77
!•" 64 Aakin, Ibibl .... 2 15
40 Baker. J hn 1 '-2
.7 154 Bak. r, R. MA J. hr. • 1
212 * Barkman. Saml 10 17
126 .... 120 ... Hrooka. Ruth 8 II ,
(<• Brady, Wm 7 'A
-27" 126 furrier, Marr 672
115 113 ,JKaughcrtr, Margret 2 7 >
176 no .. Daugherty, Ki bth.. I 32
69 .. 39 Kraor, Jeaae 166 j
100 39 Kranr, Jeae 2 40 ;
92 26 .Rckerl. Wm 2 19
211 72 Hahn, Peter 5 07 .
22 47.. llahn, Klreneaer ._ 62
65 40 Hahn' Wm 1 54 :
216 39.. .lam-. Margret .1 28
215 155.. Jamea, Rdward..._ 518 ;
•59 . 40 ... Johnrton l>arid..._ I B fc j
161 Knox, John... 7 47 5
560 McKwen. Mary 13 34
3-57 . .. 160 Manaell, Wm 783
•o 94. Mercer, John . fII
327 100 Mercer. David 7 83
>B4 36 Miller, Wm , 9 22
4 McCalmot.t, Th- . 1 02
211 44 (hmin, Cant ... 504
86 40. ... Packer, Job 2 05
89 40 . Pa> ker, Jamea 215
l k 2 .Purdon, Richard..-. 800 1
150 Reed, David 7 20
175 Roduon, Richard... 7 77 ]
88 Smith, John A Henry 1 92 <
201 ]33 Sutler, Jamer 964
>B2 36...Sutler, Daniel 9 16 !
59 Swanxy, Wm 1 40 ;
30 Wickerrham, Amor 71 ( 1
3 Clymer. Henry 8 96
254 ttrnj, J B 27 2(5 ;
2o" Hawthorn, Thotiiaa 13 84
345 Kuhnr, John 49 94 1
278 Lawman. George .. 32 61
230 Marian.Jatper 23 78 (
274 Mtl'ea, Samuel 62 S3 ,
25 M-rrrlt, Widow..— 4 77 ,
39 ROM, John 10 63 ,
85 Swanrwicb, John... 14 66
6 Singer, John 1 84
88 Shippen, Wm J 15 22 ,
160 Jonathan, Laird'.—
owner - 12 13
58 A Laird, owner...— 6 42
{ ... Unknown, vacant.. 75
1-4 Jacob, Van p001,.. 59
owner -
25 Wlrter, Wm 11 11
237 Wirier, Daniel 21 45
15 D. C KKLLKR. w,r
H 4
Largest 9
_ , Newest 4
Stock. * „ ,
Kvery thing DRY M*D
You want, j Notion*.
Ik-iota an-1%
53 Shoes,
ST I (RK -W ' li-xerier,
Centre Halt and
County. Fiw)..
and get and can
the buy
F, that way.
- Y- 1
A ' For the next
•A LI. Jjj .0 D \ VS.
_v kjj 1 y
' " R '4NG FOR.ULSW!\
h4 m| t. rnssrw V) HrtTir*. •ttr.ffinp, u t nf. w* ( k
. •++rt** + If |*-.W I&C kbout "
Cb rtviufc, lb* prse'.e jMtMftl ft-r An 0
I'viiMni, TT.I ft viUrt rur* NATI
(n*Tt t* f t/< •kjr arwlw m xr &rtrt
I f prp) vi n It ."mi ;• |
|l ski. A >d . ™
7Lla T l|\ T . •
>a I •
* • A r •- ( a Hr r . N * p Ml'tll
I ' a . . e 4Sw>.' >•-. Maw , | p,..
r wn. • 0.4 AI •
- '• •• '1 " a
* ' 1 ' 7 ■ it ' <■' lid In k,
* " • * r- ( e.. fc u-vs '•nmtnmtv 3
• f • >.l , , i.. all j "w-
WI C'JARAuTi: rtx 3CXC3
a .W ftk sa(', , da. tv-~. -c It f-w sf*
l> wuvtara'ci l er- sat If Ibtlrtitmstl Aiw*
a . . a * 1 fll
i*tk k vituriMis, • atp* i r* ,V|4!| r*.
_ " iurrA.'
7* we. 1 -WeA .aretnl ♦ r-.swm 1-r.r-taaw l! lema/'Oa'-
• %;.=r rr. , t ..f fj t ...... m -, r - j f ttl
3SO rr ?(->-(, r 'i-yjhlr. Wa.
The ol srn t V--?1 sppointed IrMtitotias
t r obtaining a Rnaincwa Edocstion.
For circuian addreaa.
TE iiapaft a Ten-Ural tt.'Tiw K<(nrattoa KM, for
airajr jerr an 4 tih XT">I ANRRM, 1- tba alar t
Tn> t Cillrg. JSa. nnK Tb tatUirai
•tnd.al KM har (arUltin (>r amK • tralnlnf M will
1-IK> KIN (or aa laim>l al aatraar* apoa nrarWrai
rfatlM la • |4IR,R 4 tlta T.R Irralara 3,tna P.
J>til LLAHMT KY liar, •>> 4 IRR , ~ITNUD la reKaa, 4FT
I'M'*. TKr LARX>~I WURKOA ,FC AAN-R pal- HKad. A
T F"
cal am>atajila. RAN, HML
GIT your Job Work done at the Ci*-
A Buroiiorr Cocmirtir.—There
are dangeroua counterfeit* in ctrculalioQ
purporting to le "Walnut Lest Hair Rc~
rtorer." The etrongeat evidence of 4I
great value it the fact that parties know- ■
ing it* great efficacy try to it.
Rach bottle of tbe gewwenr baa s foe timiU
of a walnut leal -blown in the glare ; and
a Green I/eaf on theoultide wrapper. Tba
"Rertorer" It a* barrolnrt at water, while
it poaaereet all U>e properties neceeasry to|
reatore life, vigor, growth and color to theL
bair. l'urckate only from royomtWe
fte*. Ark your druggitt for it. Each bot
tle tt warranted. Jobnrton, UoUowsy 4km
Co., Pbtladelnbls, and llali A K .
New York, W boloMtls Agenle. 4-ltH