Hall Road*. • T>ALD EAGLE VALLIT R K Jl J Time Table in effeot Nov lit, 'B4. WESTWARD Kip Mil AM I'M | Leave I>CR Haven 4 45 4 'HI Floniington. 4 48 4 04 Mill LLI.LL 4 62 4 (, 7 a Beech tn*lK 601 4 '.'l 7 Ksglevllle f> 04 4 20 Howard 6 H ' Mount KITTLE 5 18 4 44 C'urtin 6 22 4 Mtlusburg 640 4 66 Uellefonte 6 40 6 05 Milesburg 60 6 16 Snow .Shoo 10t... ......... 664 6 111 Uniunvilir I> 02 6 28 . Julian 0 12 648 Martha 6 22 6 48 Port Matilda 6 211 660 Hannah 0 47 0 I t Fowler 6 3V 0 10 llald Eagle 0 40 6 10 Vail 0 '>4 6 24 j Arrive at Tyrone 7 04 6 46 | EASTWARD. I-M. AM j LEAVE Tyrone " 40 8 40 1 Eaitl Tyrone 7 47 8 47 j Vail 7 10 8 111 Raid Efcglc 8 16 H 45 Fowler 7 64 8 />•> Hannah 7 67 8 68 Port Matilda 8 06 0 00 Martha 8 14 T* 17 Julian 824 0 20 Uniooville.... 834 0 4* Snow Shoo lut 8 12 0 47 Milesburg 8 |.> 'j ..o Bellefonle 8 55 111 (KL Mile* burg 11 05 10 10 Ourlin 0 15 1 | Mount El.gle 'J 1 ■' 20 28 Howard V 20 10 42 Engieville 'J 80 10 42 9 Bowl Creek !• 40 10 4O Mill Hall 0 52 10 68 I V FH-ini igton. ~6-- 11 "I , A Arrive at Lock Haven 10 00 LI 06 BELLKKONTK A SNOW SHOE K 11.— Time Table in EFL'oct Nov. ill Leaves Snow Shoo 113 a m . arrive.-in Bellefonle 0:20 a. in. Leave* Bolleionte 9;30 a. M , arriv * at Snow Shoe at 11.01 a. m. Leave. Snow Shoo 3:.*K) p tn , nrrives at Bellefonle 5 48 p. RA. Leaves Bellefonle 8:10 p. rn.. arrives at Snow Shoo 10.40 p. RO. S. S BLAIR. Oen. Sup t i EWISBURQ A TYRONE R It j Time Table in effect Nov. 19, 83. WESTWARD. Mixed. ' I'M AM Leave Scotia 12 1" 500 Kairbrook 1 * 20 I'enn'a Furnace 1 16 6 40 Hnatler - 1 28 66" Marengo 1 36 5 6■ Lovevillo f 1 58 6 OC' 4 Furnace R"td 1 46 0 IN Warrior* Mark 2 .00 0 25 Pennington 2 12 • > IF' _ W-Mton Mill f 2 25 0 50 L. A T. Junation 2 31 0 56 Tvrone - 2 45 6 58 EASTWARD. Mixed. ] rM. AM Lave Tyrone 4 00 0 2" | I. AT. Junction 4 04 9 25 Weston Mill 4 14 '' 33 Pennington 482 48 Warrior* Mark 4 42 9 ->8 Furnace Road 4 57 10 12 Loveville - 6 02 10 16 ■ Marengo 6 07 10 22 Huatle? * 17 > * F ' Penn'a Furnace - 6 27 10 41 Kairbrook 6 47 11 03 Scotia 62Q 11 40 I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. (Pbila. & Erie Division.)—On and after Nov. 18, 1883: A WESTWARD. LERIK MAIL Leaves Philadelphia. 11 20 p tn llarrisburg 4 2> a M ■ Williamsport...- 8 40 am ! Jersey Shore...-. 9 0t a M Lock Haven ' 40 * m Kenovo 10 55 a M Arrivte at Erie 7 45 p m NIAGARA EXPRESS Leaves Philadelphia 7 40 a to Harrioburg II 15 a n. Arr. atWillismsport ... 2 55 pn. Lock Haven 5 65 p M Renovo 5 10 p M Kane 9 04 p M PASSENGERS by this train arrive in Beliefonnn a*. FAST LINK Leaves Philadriphia. . IT 10 Ain Harri'hurg '25 p IN Williamsport. .. 7 15 p M Arr at Lock Haven.... 803 pin KASTWA RD LOCK HAVEN EXPRESS Leaves Lock Hav N... .. 0 60 arn Williamsport 7 55 A M arr at llarrisburg 11 0 AM Philadelphia 3 15 pin DAY EXPRESS L"ave Kane '*> 00 a M RI-novo *0 05 a in L-" k llaven II 15 A M JGMX William-port 12 25 atn ■P arr at llarrisburg 3 44 p tn Philadelphia .. . 7 25 pNI IYTRIK MAIL LEAVE* Erin 1 66 p fin It-novo 10 27 PM Lock Hawn 11 20 ptn Willisrn-port 12 85 a rn air at Hafriebufg 4 0* a M Philadelphia 7 50 a rn Krie Mail Kl t and West connect at Erie with trains on L S ,V M. S. ItR ; at Corry with B. P. A W ItR.; at Emporium with 8., N. V. A I. Kit , and at Drift wood with A. V. ItR T. OUCKEIt, flon'l Sup't "■ ' P CANCER CUREIi. diseases have so thoroughly bullied .he skill of the medical PROFESSION AS janccrous affections and as they have al ways been CONSIDERED ine?ral>le, IT HAS been thought disreputable TO ADOPT tneir treatment as a specialty ; and hence physi cians have neglected their proper study. £ BuFof late years new and important dl*. * ooveriea bare brought forth a course that now proves successful In any of its forms, with certainty, without tno use of the knife or caustic plasters. Wo havo a treatment that I* comparatively mild. It U not poisonous, does not interfere with tif healthy flesh, can be applied to any airtofthe body, even the tongue. We SEE nothing (or our services until the MO cor is cured. Address D. J. HULBKKT. Eeglerltte, Centre Co, L'a. Dondly Fire Damp TWO Mi.vaua i.net TIIKIK i.ivts IX.. WEB- TtlliN MIKE. An exp'osi >n of firo damp, which in stiuitlv killed James F.in'er and .lames .Stevenson, occurred Wednesday mom ing at the mine of John A. Wool A Son, at Elizabeth, eighteen miles from Pitts burg. The men, after entering the mine, had just reached the point whore they were to work when the explosion occurred, the lire (lamp igniting fr.m their lumps. Will am Kent HUM 600 yards from the exploaion and was severely injured bv being violently thrown down. Work man Simmons, who was half a mile away, waa struck on the head by a fly j ing pick an 1 sustained a severe injury. Several hours elapsed I,More the bodies lof Stevenson and Painter could be i reeovereJ. The explosion occurred one mile from tho extrance. Three trap door*, to conduct the air currents, were blown t atoms and had to he replaced. I h' atmosphere w ■. stifling from the liter.damp, and a uu ulier of the work men w ere overcome and hud to he car rip I out to tin- open air Robert Stevenson, a hrotlier oldie ot the killed, ran in a'lcrthe explosion j to with'n a lew j irds of its set ne and ■ ••-11 "1 liis hro* lier. Here the black damp ni' t him, rolling along in a cloud nno resembling a smoky ateituer. His light ; was extinguished in a minute uud he j ! tell 'li the dram. He crnwle I out by a side entrance, a distance of 500 yards, : keeping h s mouth <•! ise to the water. He insisted on going hack with the scorching party atrl w.is urnul, he ay that the N ermoot statesman is President of the Senate. Tne Scret trv of War i the son of his fath. r. Mr. Edmunds i, to -peak seriously, i mail of gr • it ability, of perfect courige sad integrity, and a nio.t faithful and pertinacious partisan. I Ho would {soli just the Republican vote, not a vote to spare, if the party has a i -ore majority, it could do no la tter than nomiti.to him. If it has not.it had betii r look elsewhere. Robert fen* coin, who seems pretty c riain of the anond p see in any event, has vt to make his uivk. Rut it is onlv just to -TV of him that li'- i- a young l" itleman ■ >f*. nse .od spirit who, notwithstand ing his lack of experience and training has done uncommon well in the Wsr Deparlnieut. Hi nanre would and will strengthen the lick.-t to which it may be rit fsi u f. Tliiocdiide.s, however, will hardly t■ able to coup'e it with that of the mlb-fil le old Puritan fighterfr.ini :• Hreen mountain*. E tnrund* is too , clean a man. too hard ol hearing and si, 1. f r the trailing polit.eiin- : and when Mr. ' ii-orge Williams Curtis re inov-s the hd from the band box -no •li-j lits him to the convention, ji w I silently admire and respeclfully salute K - - i tviirt fngidtty, and pas* on tot lie ne -1. ■ • Counacl M .rriok Retires iii ni r-t \i: kit' rn -rf >tj i\ JJ, IIR i \\TKft I'CHt run. WtuiiwtM, Ai.ni 30.~Tk* rtir IIU'.T'. of R." I Mi rrii-k from the Star Route cases 1 , t cs Mr. Ker the only d counsel now .in,.lo\ I l.v the Dovi rument It im thrc ugh Merrick that an indictment w s found in the Kellogg, 1 ... It !,.,( I. -11 the policy of the deft'i, 1 ml. t a ~n| >f r . Merri k ss be ng moved by political tnalir, in these prosecutions, and Kellogg has us"d thes- accusal ons with political effect in endeavoring to esrrpe there sponsib lity of his acts. The matter is now commented on favorably to Mer rick, sine, had ho lent himself to ( 1 sorgo Bli* . tbc results of (he Springer j investigation would have been a great scandal to tho Republican party. M-r j rick policy was to get to the bottom of the whole l.inin. w and, let the lightn ing strike where it would, to punish the guilty. —Wo havo tho best m-n's calf shoe— wither in button, lace, kid or cloth top— -1 for ?3 00, ever brought to Beltefcnto. 16-2t A. C. M IXUI.K. - Winter stock mut go. Special , bargains at Lewin's. —Three and flva-ply carpel chain, at Hariuan's. - Ready rnado window shades, 60 cents, attiarman'f. —Celluloid cufbi and collars, all sue#, at howin'n. —Ruben Hpangler has a big loom in bit furniture. Clever fallow, and everybody like* to deal with him. —Everybody la invited to Searfoas A M to buy bread, plot, cake* and con ' f % s i;" r. ' a. In Moraory of a Soldier. At a regular meeting lit the hall in I nionville, of Peters Brothers Post No. 264, D-p'l of Pctin'a.O. A R, it was ordered that a public cxprc* ion he i given of the Iceling* of the Foal on the death of our comrade, (j Mr'er Master Chsrles (Lrie-t, for which duty a • coin no lee was appointed wuo to pect fully submit the billowing. WIII'.KRAH, < >ur beloved comrade Charles (iriest baa been removed from among.t ua l.v the r- lent leas hand of death which hxa caused a vacancy that we all notice and feel and which re mind- us of the uncertainty an I bre vity of human life on whose tumultuous sea he had barely remind its prime: and Wit too: is By his sterling in'egrity and strict attention to iluty, his sagac ity and forethought, i|uicknens io dr. vise or suggest anything f, jr the good of our Urder or to advance the u,t"ieMs of his c intrudes or of his f. llowmen— hi- geiiial, kind and sympathetic imture, ever ready to icspond to the ia | of in I'd in time of sorrow and trial and always evincing a true spirit of Frater nity uud Charity, he had i, ui.d us to him ly an ind as hHde lie; therefore MMThat by h.a death our Post sulfcrs an irrepar -liln loss ; that w will sadly miss htm as w.. m -et irotn time t i time, and mouill his absetiee ict aun* we know that we shall he forever de prived not only of bis value I commie ship, but of the hinefits of his win cnuii el in our delibera'iotis, and while !we how in humble aubmi-sion to tics 1 siern decree which is pus-til upon j j all men. we ti ii.) consolation in the | ; hope tint our ln* is li:■ eternal g sin. HtMlicJ. That while extciiililig to the ! bereaved fricn Is snd relative- our ear ! nest sympathy in this their hour of trial i and asduea*. we very *• nsibly foci our ' \ inability, by anything we can say or I offer, to assuage their grief over the loss ! ' of an affectionate brother who bus t.-eii | thus sir.ken down in the flown of man hood—no more to co his familiar form, i or to be t'lcrec-pient* of his kind atten lions and manly ii Ivice and counsel; but we beg to assure them that we will always cherish a kind rememheraticc ol I him. for his name shall i- eioliriued HI : our hearts and wo will not forget on j each Memorial Day, as the ever recur ring Spring time comes with ln r bar : I voat of flowers, to gather at his silent j i tomb wi h the choicest floral tribute we , , can bring, and there w.th roldierly lenderili-.s and love, we will garland the ! passionle-- mound. /iVWey./, Tnat these proceeding* In i printed in the county papers and that a ! i• >py of the same he sent to the family ' of the tleceaii'if, Wxt.no C. VAXVALIX, J. SMITH, W. S. • 'XT> A 1.1 4I.ES. -he -"My desr will )ou send home that pel to day ?" ■ He—'• I'laat pet What p"t do you mean?" She—' Why that car pel you silly fel low. ' I " : Ready For SPRING ! During the put liav. re! ceivcJ the largest and Mn-t stk of shoe* we ever had—in fact there i nonc in the county to comje'te with it. I have the exclusive sale of the very be*t lines in the market; aurh n- Retnoi.iws Hh'c- and D. \i:*rii<.N.iß Ladies I*T LIE sit >CS ; Ltll'.D, *-.t'l !;I K iV MITCHF.I.I.'S Line Sic - f. r > I ! I ren. and a great many otic i t e makes. I know of no o:h< r lift. 1 would • xchange for, or add t . my I stock. I -sli tin. best Men's 4 ail >h" ■, for i $11.4 M) ever offercl in < 'eotro'county. This i- no bait, but an honest business These goods c im" in It itton 'or I.t- c Ki l or Cloth top. My Manufacturing Department uu der the management of Mr. Kortti is I'ast gaining popularity. Our work is second to none, ami superior to seven* eighth of the work made in this coun ty. I guarantee satisfaction. Warrant everything I Recommend. A. G. MINGLE. | Ht/rr#nr f' I*H L MlnfU, April 23, 'l. ItKLI.EFt tNTE, FA. i 17. ly. Faacy shirt* and nackwvar. at Gar man'a. f -—Tim lee cream 'inn t* aner on which it is printed. The American Farmer is a 1J page monthly magazine which is rapidly inking rank as one of the leading agricultural publication* of the country. Kach number will con tain useful information for the farmer, j bis wife, bis sona and bis daughters. And it costs you almost nothing, sup { [tone yuo try it one year. This offer will hold gotel for s short i t!OJ" '>01). so t*H tour friend" and overt body \ou meet. Hem. ml.er we don t g-> l.m a on our old friend, but we ■ir.-d money, and make thi* off. r a* an IO'III >-ni. to all. v '<-od in your name* Hid in inev early. \ letter will r." ieve list a* prompt attention a* if you called rtIhCKN I UK HKMOCkAT, m. '• Aliogheny <1 Iliabop 8t. fV | Er, \L NOTICE.— ■ J N •' t ftlllpwy* n* I tsrswiel. s t! ' i.f li.t'ftt flate f lh |v.J* and )t ' • •>MI lM lb* l-r.t .# I, • ft! i * ! d K !• I*'!, fiats i jftr ui i ► . " >I n4 61*4 In t)# I'fßc# tl.s. , Jeth n'i fCwutrw • '■ ' . I :br I • Of! of hefora III* first flat of fiwft teftn Mfe*c ttii: lap I„f4 I ' f • '+• >,*] early f M f Afm f Half M fc vMhly. dwvsi. m t*hr-n l-j j '} 9 '■ IM | " owl f"Tr j * ry r.f (t%a 7lf lf j V l* f w. , j, J#. %. by his * ti, (dihtntjs 7*ig\*r I n• • . '•••'} 1 t.. |**rml |ropn 'i llcnry J Ut4 ..f IlilbM I mh p, ila ssml a< taker, . ss. i •, i | • A M- • #r * I i **' f r • ll'-al Ralate *f Henry KflUf, st -f |lsr • l"bhl®, de aadel, M sal %| *rl I s hs * . • Ma gf*t K-;iar Ibtnl*f > Ihaj .f nil jw of M llr "11. I|' r.f |t-j ffta, }• t • nl, J,. I as |sk O Ih>• W . w I- i|I % lleftllftr . I I • p--' ji' j- rts Ile-jtm * *T4 ' '♦* fFsrjr tan wn*hl|s le . Ited, 44 Lhk'tt ' j his sti | • . * iM'.nih Crin J \Mr \ M C\ 4!\ It - ~♦?r s tirrirt. I CO. C | lUJ.f ni*. !'• A|-iII *M | New Goods, New Goods \RK IAI I.V ARIUVIVO; AI TilK <>LI>AM> ItKI.I A BLE ST >RK "F j C. U. HOFFER & CO.. COM/: AND SEE THE BARGAINS Tl/EY AJiE OFFERING IN DRY GOODS, SILKS, CASHMERES ("alicoes, etc, Purchased at unusaily low pric es and will be sold cor respondingly low. No. 7 - - Allegheny street. ' < > ' • i —Very lutffft htyle hatn aii'l cup A H Id'win'i. cmrdA and *ll kind* of print ing at th CRNTKK HAT offlco. Nobby httU, in tbe IAUaI AtyliMi, AT diruiin'i. la hereby given that tb* fullowtiig bha.ad 41 peratirip hva flle.l ll,fir *pi>lhU>r.a for LU a n the saflS sf th I.'lnk of llie Court of (gart*r l*sa *lotia of Ue I'AWI* eln N<) for Ml|*l ocrvbty, NOD that *lll l4 innde lo the ntt llraal .fia of sail (ksurt to (Jrmtit the a oa : V X I'Whtnan, Tavern flellefrsnte Ik;fj W h Taller, " Jainea Mrt'aPly, #l ii H' Mil las, M Krnai(t|e| Ifroaaa " l Uwilsl (israsaa •* M C'brlaf (jelrlng oaloon * John A solar a" n ♦♦ h A lis*tjin Vf hohaal" I'.ellelonle IW ro John Anderaon and 1.-ouafl 4a l*t' i!er •• M >rth 1 J A Lis lb gat" li ** PasrgUMJti Alola K"hib*. k-r " Lksgga J .hfi it Heary •• I'nlonsllle Ikstu llenry J M nlkar, " hu fth n-. Tsai, K A N.laa, •• jJ A Mhiletnab. K -atat.ra;.t Milaabarg Hr o J. C IIAHI KH, Cn*rk. O" ItPFIANS' t'Ol-RT B.M.K.—Heal Kstato of Ir. William I. Wilaon, I det-'iJ, in l'ott-i Township, Centre • >, i I'a. By virtu* of an order of th o Orphan*' I Court of Centre county, I will ex|to#e u, public *l*. at the Court House In Bi-lle fiint", on M' N DA V. Al'HI L 2 K th, Ihv i, at I o'clock I'. M , the following d"cribed • real etete of aaid decedent j I. The Mansion House tract, containing ■ five cr and one hundred and seventeen perches, (5 a. 117 p.) situated on the turn i pike at Hotter* Mills village, adjoining lands of Joseph Carson, on which are | "rented a large two-slorv taaniion, two i story office, stable and other outbuilding* A very desirable location and properly. I'Z Ail that farm containing seventy cigbi acres and one hundred and twenty seven |iercbe, 7H a. I'JT p ) situated < n the read to BoaUburg, and one mile w. '1 above described, in the eo-ilh-eatl, consisting of fifteen lots, f>o ft j wide by IflO feet in length, originally laid I out by John Livingston and called Wsr rensburgb, and four lots known a* the I'lnch w.tod lots, 'adjoining on the north lots number one and two of Warrens burgh i on which are erected a good frame house, large barn, and other out-buildings, i I A tract of wood land at the foot of ; Nitany mountain, containing 90 acres and l.'iO perches, adjoining lands late of Jame* Alexander el al., arvt part of a survev made on a warrant to James Mixr", dated Itecember it, 17''S, [.atentnd Daoatnber 10, IHOt TKKMS —Kir* per cent, of the pur chase money to he paid when the several properties are knot ltd down; one-third of the balance upon the renfirmali. n of the ale: on third in one year thereafter, and the remaining third In two year* thereaf ter, with interest, the latter [ syment* to I"- secured by bond and mortgage on the [.remises. Jon* B. Lien, Administrator of I*r WI. Wilson, dee d j Bellefonte, Pa , A|>ri 1 lt, I |lpr/r Sewtwi • i* forpratsce siml r* .\ lltlr.l. # etssttm, a at* tea s< wh. b w 111 Is* i j %li ' f tv m if* right "•' tkn 4ttvlbl *i| lte it, ih * m< I 4 I fln-.c* IflH Um VVriMI •!* !''• | ■ A : • •- Ml T v I A < , Auga. kUsno t I)MIXISTKATOIiSNOTICE. a V St.# Is liarwl.y i>m lvlf< rv pf *l-:. f* r%lt n • Ih- twUl* cf U ')•* tail 1 tl, *tla *r* ra. jafri in trslt* lsru*v>t r <] iaATir.fr ' ltm will praww nt thni | 4IJ SSLILSIBTTIT Civauin ATCT>. A'lmtbiAtrwt call and examine our elegnot Siuu and Over (oats, for Men, Youth, Boys, and | Children's w<-ar manufactured for our trade of tho be-.t material, and in all stvles to please. | Our stock of Meu'a suit* in Cuta ways. Sacks, Prince Alberts, Duible Breasted Coats, Ilevcr'ible, Cben cbilla and Beaver Overcoats are Bu (►erior, and Invite Attention. And now just look here, Mvu and Hoys, arc you going to frecae this Winter, or not ? Why, of course you're not. You must have Winter Cloth ing, and what you want is the But m the Market for the Lowest Price. You hare got your money honestly, ami of course you want the most for it. WE WANT Jt.'ST >1 ( II 111 SINKS', and then fore in vite your visit to the PHILADEL PHIA BKANt 11. Our business re lations with the People of Centre I . County ill the pat have been pleasant and satisfactory, and in offering our I'lianks f.'i the Liberal custom hereto fore given ns, we renew the phdge upon which we started out—Fata AND -Tl