Chr Cmtrt ffirowaat. 1 Til Hi OtfiN I Kfc UkMuCKAT W |u • hi iftry fdarnU) morning,•! Bnllnluln,.nnt• county, P TKK li Onfili u H'Mnncf 5 •' If uJI p*il In 4 ltnic W Oi. , ▲ 1.1 VI PA PlCll—4ntola lo tU* lntr*iii ul tin bok pnopln. I'*yuiMiiw hi t I" llhku lbfr tuuulha will b cu •flonMi ianlfB€. N ,>%•> -r #i I •# ' t n(d until nrrcaratft ir pil4,i:pi at option ot • ■ l>llUr going Mil uf lh ;> uiily mualli* pniaforlii •dtfttto*. Any pnron prom ring n tan ub tttbtcrtlmt • will '.a a.*.iv J'p (• ivni cn uM**. t>*ir ttlauat<4 circulation makei tin* |'*p*> •' lin * tut Hy roll kl'ir *n I* i inetlKut lor *im*rtMun wo tiovo tin* iii i *m, ill* &ctlltle* ir JOB v%oHH m 1 ro |ir<'|ird lo unut nil bind# of ii.nk. Tri jnijr* nmn*, I'otlort,Coutinr I*l printing, Ac., In • .nt *fit tyk> wnl *1 lit* \owwi (HMbtil'lr rwt** All * lrrllncnoitfiir •Iwmicrm llinulhr## month* JO c*nt p-i llun for th* Ami thro* insertion*, tnd jml ■ 11 in' fi inch * Sorl lo.inl • *i columns, 10cnnlnpor Una A liharal llaconnl ia made to portoa* h) fc qu %rtei half year,or year an follows; w ~ paob •oovntn. , S B ; | Oua Inch (or 12 linna thin t}p*> ?*!*!? Two Inchoa - , 7 V 1 Three luchea j J" 1 ' Q.iartar colHtnn tor'iin-liea) I- - > • Half col ati a (or lO.nch". ,*• - 0n n dnmn ' I noli—) • [ * ' J pornlgn adrcrtlncmant** muat \>r |>all for before 1 artlon, ~xc|>t on vaartjr contract when half-ynarl) p jrma its in advance elite required PatrtcAi Vi>tic <. * enta |ei ll n* each Inaartlon N for las* than M) cents. Bimin Sonet* in the editorial columns l&ceiiU per line.each Insertion. 1 " A movement Against Randall. It is announced tliat Representative George Morgan, of Philadelphia, and others are about to organize a democratic opposition to the nomination of Mr Randall for President. The opposition is to be based on the ground tb>t Mr Randall do< * not rcpr. •Nt tho d- mo cratic party on the tariff question. A movement of bis kind i*. to say the least, premature, since Mr has not yet distinctly announced bi* at titude cn the euVjcct of tariff reduction. He i* on record as against any tariff not laid for the specific purpose of rais ing revenue. In fact lie has declared that a tariff laid merely for ''protection'' ia not warrented by the constilut on. In a letter written by him to a gentle man in Galveston some years ago he an nouneed himself in favor of a mo-ltia tion and liberalization of the tariff so that the commerce of the United State* might b'- encouraged and built up. Jtoubtbss Mr. Randall is opposed to the principle of the Morrison bill, but BO are many excellent revenue reformers and any ruumber of free traders. Those who support it do so because they be lieve it bettor to take *uch a reduction of the tariff a it seems possible may at presto the obtained than lo contend for a measure conforming to their own peculiar views. Pobably, to, Mr. Ran dell means to csrry hit opposition lo the Morrison bill to the extremity of casting his vote against it without en deavoring to amend it 01 substitute for it a more acceptable measure of tariff reduction. In that case he will cert duly alienate from him many revenue re formers who still hope that he will be able to act with the 1 irgo majority of his party in congress on that subject. What Messrs. Rtndall, Carlisle and Morrison should do to reconcile the dif ferences among the democrats in con gress on the tariffi* pi in enough. They should agree to a bill mhieli will re d ice federal taxation not leas than fifty Dit'lion-J >f dollirs pier anutnn. They should enlarge (he free list by plaring thereon raw materials and other articles of prime and general necessity. The should correct the inequal.ties, incon gruities and absurdities of the pr-ent tarill law, reconcile its inconsistencies and make clear its doubtful clause*. The democratic party expects them to do something like this end they nu not fail th rein through any pride of opinion or devotion to local or sectional interests. ( Meanwhile let not the fu'itre cour e of Mr. K-tndill and other democratic statesman in congre** be prejudged, 1 h. tree ia to be judged by its fruit rather than by its blossom.— H-trruburjf l\,tr ■ m • mm Tho Education Bill Ti e 15 air bII appropri iting #77.(* Xt ®OO to aid in the e.inblishmenl and support of commnn school* in theatst.-* passed the Sonsteon Monday night by a rote of .;.t to 11, thirty two enator l>eing absent Thi* litter fiet it i claim*d accounts for th light vote; •gsinst the bill. It is difficult to con ceive a piece of legislation of more dan gerous chat icrer than this. The bill has bean sugar coated by the dtclara lions of it* suj.p irters. that thi cau of cducttion will be an<-?a ble in its after effects. The constitution of the United Hute* wac ordained "ta establish justice, in sure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the gen eral welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity," and for theee gooersl objects, tho tax. ing power was placed in the bands of Congress. Tho supporters of this bill attempt to prove that the constitution I "promote tho general welfare." A snv creigti power ol this kind must te strictly • >n.'rued if the states are going to ; HI k>- -my pretens-* of retain nz their .-ntton uiiy, a* the b oad- n of its , ■ pe to tlie ol'jects provided lor in the It ii bill must legi'ima'elv lead to a total rnninitation ol st to rights and tbe ! eatiihliS'iniefil of a centralised form of ' governtn nt. The t-nth article of amendment of the constitnt'on excre*alv deel ires that tbe powera not delcgilcd to the United States, nor prohibited by it to tbe states, were expre*-ly r-'served to the state* respectively. The power of looking after the educational want* of its citi zens belong* to the state in its individual capacity, and when the great taxing power, tho most important that the citizen can entrust to hi* government, is called into play to usurp that power, the reign of a piiti rn d government must begin. It is to be hoped that the Democratic House will hurry thi* bill to oblivion, where it properly belong*.— Ijaneailrr Inttlljencer. A Pructlcnl Tariff For Ruvcnuo Only- From the Now York lluraM. Here are the taxes from which thi* revenue and a sn'e nu'plu* ran la* raised whenever the p- ople chooses to com mand Congress to routine taxation to these items and a'-o i-li uli other* as unnecessary, a* they plainly are. Ihe figurei we give ure what these taxi--, actually yielded for tbe year 1S, and they will neeessarilly he greater for the year 1 Hs.'i, for which Congress i* n w lay ing tax<-s : MplriU. Intern i] *T •. t * "" Hpti lt*ri I ir • lutir x "4l M*. '•! T.' T4 dmi#i • <1 ITi dutf* .. V'" A'A -H Fmaey.fn od*. ln!**-• -V> , Far*, dull • 1 I *.-•*: I • ! Kmt>'oiderd'ltie* I,T i'- ktft ' lliwsrs rcri|iti ' |*ei tUADwut; . 1* • UU T Ui . . .li -U |!e j rw*iu tu-u to t* l-*ro r*- dlfti It 1 • MM ti/ ,?i t -vr. A o Add to thi* a duty of five cents on -■otfee, which will produce J'J'i ttOri.OOO ! without raising the price to consumers, | la-cause the reply of the duty did not ! lower the price but was a clear gift to Dm/ 1, and a duty of iw*r.ty cents on tea, which will produce ftfie. n ni llions : and the few item* wc have given, almost all of them luxuries, will yield a afe revenue of over two hundred an I sixty | "even m lli ins. again>t necessary expen ; diture*, including the n*w navy, r.f two h indred and thirty-seven million*. All other taxes, internal and custom*, ! sre thus proved to be superfluouv—un 1 necevstry burden* ttn|> >< -l on the pro pie. fh'-ve are th* plain fact* of the pie.-erit situation. D will nc-.*rilv grow more favnr,ble every jeer wi li , thi of |opu'atinn The sihe l j uh-we have presented is ih< m ■ .-r ! objective point of all ax ref 'rniTs Chandl-r Nit Doesrvtog Bnppo-t The N i w \ ork Ttmtt, an .v.>xnnwhlgei| rej r- sentative j, iper j n the intetest* of the Kej üblican paly, i* outspoken in it* disapproval of iln- vv v Ghan Her abuses | his trust i the hi-ad of the nav>- ll *ay: I>o--,th- president or an\ other sensible 11, n believe tbti t'ongn-es woul I hesitate about j; in fc ' lai •• -unis ot money out of the national surplus for tie- constuct-i n of i new n v y, if the Saw Dej artrnint hat at its foa l a | man of tl,e right sort n i s - n -t at th - ; mercy of otfier mui who liavi hung to it like bloodstickers f >r so many y--a j tnking the Ife bo 1 wbi- fi the penpl ' representative* had jsiuri-*! into it' 1 Wp have no navy. The rollsrtiuti of paoli'd and rolling loilk* wlii b i< 1 < alle-l tbe I'uited State* Navy is tin I laughirig-! i kof the world. We ought |lo hav a nary. Without one S.m j ciaco ami the W'-alihy ti'i of our j Kastern gealKiard are at the tiien-y o! any fifth ra'.e power that own* a first rate iron elsd. We may n<>t No fortu nate enough to avoid through another decade a collision with some foreign power. The inhabitant* of our Ka*t crn sed'oar-l, who*e property i* unpro tc-ted and who plainly see what the firt result of -ueli a collision would be, are not d pocd to f >ree the fighting; hut the people of th* I'pper M;* s* ipfii Valley are more hclligerant- All admit tint we should have a navy, and no fair minded man in Congrr** would oppooe the uppropriation of five times the sum femo' cratv or Republicans, would promptly and gladly co operate with the execu tive branch of tha government in the work of creating a n - vy. Mr Tildon'B Lottor to the Iroquoin Club. A *igiiin<'iint letter from Mr. Tihlen w . 1 st n : g'it ut the anuuiii ban quit of the Iroquois Club of Chicago. Taking for hi* text the *enfiment. ''The Feiler-til Constitution," MrTildcn truer s br ie fly. but in irenr'hanl style, the grid mil change which a faUe con*truoiion of the eoostitulion ha* wrought in the political y*tem of the government, and pointa out that "no reform of aduiio it radon in poanibto so long ** the gov ernnient idirected by u psrtv which i under the dominion of false doctrine* and animated by enormous pecuniary interest* in ttie perpetuation of existing abuse." "Tho tir*t effective step," he *-ty, "in the reform of ourgovernmeut must he a fnndsnienlul change in tin, policy of its administration." He add" ihut while the woi k of reform will b" difficult to accomplish, fie does not tb•*• por of the ulitmaie rlelivr-rance of the country, and concluiea by saying: "Though I can do longer ->pire to b one of the leaders in this great work, I bill those of you on whom this august mission may fall, tod peed." Oompliraenta for Randall. I Samuel J. Randall i* as much admired as any leader of the Democracy, al j though he is under a cloud with the prevailing faction which h.vr mastered Ins party at Wa-bington. I wii| talking to Mr. Hill, of Ohio, recently, an old fusliiiinr d Democrat an 1 rather a free tPacl.r' who said of Randal! "lie is a in in of so much force and dcu-r | minai on that I never eo him r.-e to •pen'* but I atu attracted t.>wird him, BID he has one of the most engaging i fce* I ever saw. ' The attempt to for- e the taritf hill into a party c.tu u is *. much directr-rl si Kendall s at the sub j ject at hand. 11. antagonized gome of the supporters of ex Speakers Kerr i several years ago, when Kerr beat him and afterward died, leaving the field j open to Randall. "G'ufA is 7Viiuiie. Tho Tickot Scalporn Call to Arms 1 (tow THE liaohhlts ARK STBIoGI INC. T i hEI P TiiKia Bt'iiN.sf IN OMIO. I he following peculiar circular nffordu i strong confirmation from the "ticket I scalpers" themselves of the disreputable character of their "business, ond it* simple publication is enough to secure , the hearty approval of every rightlhink I ing person of the effort* now being | made in various states to abolish a traf fic which according Io recent exp*nic:ij * in the courts, thrive* upon the corrup tion of trusted railway employes and a general system of deception and fraud. ! "To TUB TICKET RBOBBBS or tnio. ,< ur mtrcilea* • nemy. the I't unaylvania Railway, i* once more trying to crush u*. having had a villainous bill introduced in the Senate., which, if it Is-rom. a I I IW. will degrade us and our honorable business, and in the end rum our means of livelihood. Our mutual interests de mam] that we leav no tone unturne't to debs- this outrage. We mu*t take off our coat* and work, or we si e ruined "I ring 8,l the influence you ran to j !>• *r ii|>on your senntors ami r pren • Hive*. Send | roi*t* from prominent itij.ns to the chairman of the Senate • o umiltee >rr Kailroa Is. We are doing ill w.' can to kill thi* bill in the s-'.-nate and, by c ncert of action, we may be aid.- to -I , so, Dj not put tin* mait.r off, but go to work at once. We are in I great danger, ami there is no time to j lore. Ward i- on the ground here •anil will promptly co ojx-raie w,ih you. We are but a few, and e\ cry roan must realne that he is personally responsible for th ' defeat of-Senate bill No. 1% We enclose you a ropv of the bill, also copies of trscls which we have put into the hands of every member of the leg > ' lature. "We do not think it advisable lo use the pre*, in any way at this stage of the , game, hut lo work it quietly. Verj truly, "WAKH HBO . "SAN. T. FIKK. "I. FRANK A Rao." The tone of this licKtuinnnt places the i operators and the ir hu*ine before the public in their true |i ght. A Wide Difference The -liscoasion of the t/rriffquestion i conducted a* if there were no middle ground between high protection and absolute free trade. Those who favor the retention of the present high tariff taxes condemn every proposer] revision of t he tariff as a move ment looking toward free trade. The theoretical revenue reformer* are inclined to stick in the bank and insist too much on a policy intended to bring about immediate free trade. The enemies of the democratic party, in spite ol the repeated declaration ot Speaker Carlisle and other democratic leaders in ronsrews that "reform, notre- Vblution," is desired, declare that the aim of tha democrats ia frea trade, Th* republican journal* argue against any reduction whatever of the present unneceesarily high tariff taxes and af feet to regard any change in the tariff a* a movement for free trade. Now the fact i that there ban been no movement in nongresn which if *uc ceoful could possibly rr*ult in the es tdblislimenl ot free trade. The reduction of the tur'ff proposed by the Morrison bill i* limited t>y the I protective Morrill bill of IS6I. and therefore cannot produce free Irsde, Mr ID wilt's proposition to put raw material* on the free list is c -lculated to protect domestic manufacture* and doe* not at iiU involve a general policy nf free trade. But all revenue reformers of every shade of opinion lock to a redurtion of taxes, a cutting down of exorbitant duties and thus to freer production as well n* freer lrude. The pron- -tivrfnynlem cannot be mod ifiednoa* to lessen the unnecessary lax alien which produces the immense treasury *ui>lu*. The alarmist who are dinning "free trade" and "protection" in the ear* of the people are simply resolved to retain useless nr d burden-ome taxes. The is.ii- i* riot "protection" against "fr<' trade," but the reduction of re dundni'. re\.-nuc* in order that produe lion nd trad,- may laiih la- treed from unnecessary burden* — Harruburg l'a trial. Qcn W W H Dnvin SKIT' II or 111 E HE Nil! BATH' NoNINi'.E jolt < ONORKSSM AN AT L.AB'.K. 'ieneral W. W. H. Davis, of Diyles town. Buck* county, sin tr.w nominat ed b\ the Demoz r itic State Convention on WednsiUy, forCongie--man at l*rg, i is a mri of the lat<- General John Davis. I who wa a noted Democrat in his life , time. He mrm surveyor of the port of I'hila ielphia during the administration •>f l'rsi'b-dt Polk. His son w* a stu i -lent in the law department of Mow ,rd ! I'liifersaty at < 'amhridge, M,-<„ when :the Mexican w ,r broke out. ]|<- cat a-id<- hi* law book*, er listed n a private I , in Colonel t'tleh Cuffhing's Mtetil.u -etu r- giment, of which lie w*s ap pointed adjutant, and *-rv, I to th" j cloe of the war. In D",.T be wa* appoint ezt secretary of N.-w Mexic,, t,\ I're-i dent Polk, and for a con-id- rsbl, time w acting gov. rnor of that territory. I |ron hi* return tz> I'erinivlwnia he purchased the Doyleatown llrmi-mat. in 1*57, and • <-r inc, ha* t-- - n the editor and proprietor of that able and jnfluen ti*l paper. When the rebellion broke j out in 1 I'd he raised the HMtb regi men', of which L-- L-canrer loni'. and w- 'il e.|,jently promoted to a Trig, dier generalship for gallant and meritorious service. In one of the marv engagement* in which he j %rti< ipate-l, he |o*t four linger* of tlie right hand. In 1 w5 he w. the Deni'rcratic candt ' 'late for auditor general, but wa* de feat-d by Gorernor Harir.itift. In I*2 he wa* the Ib-mocratic candidate f..r i congr- -• in the Bucks Montgomery : difftri' tff, which ia gerryniaodereil m ' *uch away a* to be rather strong'. Republican, and wa- defeated by only a few vot a. Gen. Davis i. an able law ye r . writer and *pcakcr and In-side* h.* j editorial lalor* has Contribute*! -,-veral valuable papers to the H.torial > , iet. of Pennsylvania. Hi* personal apj-ar ance i verrv striking; letid-r and • traight * an rrow. h - bearing i that of a soldier. He i* a captivating man n the social circle, and h<- i* held in th lugheat est.-.-m by all who know him Hi* *g- is *ixtv year*. H•i- a broth- r m law of I'hicf ,!u*tii - Mercnr, Of the ; supreme ,-ourt. The latter having l married the p neral * *i*tcr. Should | he l- elected !■■ congrea* he w,|| re pre*, r,t the peopl. if p. nnayl. ,mi I, distinguish- <1 credit and ability. lliiDtihtf Tho Dead TTLK UORNKI I TIH r r TLIOSF f|:Aß.|||\ THI. r- * OIIONTA* VIVR After working faithfully all We ln< > day night the g*ng of seventy five work men engaged n making the hut pre parationt for entering the I'ocohontka. Va, mine completed their t**k ab--ui •ia m. Thut lar. Ilea led by Chsrlea \rbngtoi;, '■ reman of the owering stench and •II were compelled to return to the surface. The superintendent gave orders for repairing the immense fan, which will ha used to ventilate the mine. All day the available laborers of the village have been busily engaged digging a series of graves for the dead. A long trench ha* been dug about a half mile oaat of the towp, where all the unreclaimed dead will be buried. Friday it ia thought the greater part of tb hodiei will be brought to the surface. Jut New j ork T,mes, discussing tIJ *• character nf cm(• • Ji• Int<'<> for tho l'rei dency, say# the Republican cannot ' ford to ln fori dlo ny ; i'\Vf < oiifcao , that our candidate ha* not a spotless f putntlon. He ha* hern a longtime in | public life; La i* an 'ifgrmito' man: I lie ha* nia.l' agreat many eni-mie*, and thorn arc e m-lab o)nnrt'l with hi* name which lialiti not aurm dwhe*—round or oval '■, h 20 bailee Ture< r,> t pi* ' ■ Sauce bt, 05 Cup* arid *aucer—har.dlej —l2 phie* Mi tfn unhandled .Jo 50 Fruit mucera—}*-r doz 50 Chamber eti —lO pern* : I*l j Pitcher and [latin 1 mi Covered 1 hamber 75 TA IIIJS (i LASS WAKE. | Tumbler*, 1. ach, . (*fc , Got'let*, " _ , ■ Fruit !'- rvrla , , 25c <'ahe stand* . , ,{. f ,c IGla*r> Set*, d pioce* . .;,V --f ull M. h of Dec,.rated Tea, Dinner and t'hanit. r Set* Heat 1 :ig i*h ware. Tea K.-t*. IVrrrnent it. M|o|i< 1 and Fare y < rtHVt*. AC. , M M'.l I'iteher*, _'< i ltohunitm V*ea height I" iticbe*, ll.taf, and even tiling e.n .|, | | .[ ~rtiot). ifj* . -de to -aj t' crerv reader of thi* ad .•rt . -meni / >*ai,i v*vr cunft-m, 11 d inV: Ling cut lor it I am fully pre par. It g you the lir it.-t vain.- for .our m ,r,c. or .. yet obtained. <' H |l , ami < tan, tie the go.l* ami the price, if I don .r fulfill !rid!* all I claim *- to price* being I.OWKU th* ever be f.-re heard, I do not s-k your patronage. Ihe greater amount of good* I (an aril j the lower pneo* can an* 1 hiii IU; NAPE, Re*|-eetfullv, w. 11. WILKINSON, \gent. •- ■ N'etir* J c |Uf|r, ~( ,1,. Ror.mgk o( It. ll*. f i. < Ml.. <. I" ~• ,- piii 11,. .ivnun ,4 1 f |h. turn ,i*,..|-|j , f t'mn.ii,* ■ 1.e.. • ...r 1nn.1,,-1 *.m ..f l**l., \ o, ih. 1 n.1..|. ..*r ai. • *nrt t'onnir of o*l lr. n.l |p.|ta*l*b •. < w V|. rt...., n Im '**'.* o th" '■*•l, Po: I , , n .| W 1111.,,. 1,,!, I^. -Wt *l. lel r. m.t 1*1,4 eh 11,. *.0,11, —K.nry k. or th. Ilormigh ol It 11. ,IVktr. ti,p. .hu .|* 1,~l in ih. r.Mti <>( Inuntal affair* of ih. t- m,.t t,.,iih ol I'.nnailr.- nl* f.r 1-nn.trml *ttm .It.i.ld In' Ih. I. nnht| of Hn- m *ho. .l>.l CVrnnl. .1 t pining 1*1.4. of lUnjanen *l, W Ultwn ntngham and J.m— ll.llt ... on ih- M*t. Kin M < lanahan. Thorn*. Citihlan *n4 Tliom*. It.auroin nmh. .~t •nd .*. *r,l lui.l nn Ih. tn.nlh. Hfdtr.. ... W 0 n.lrtl., of l|i. It rongh of tWIIo. ' . <>lf* On . I,** .rrle-1 |,. lb. ■.( Jt'l.rnal Aff.lrof Ih. C. mm. r,* M lih of P.r,r,.,ir* nl* fo, a>nr hnndt.4 wn* of land, .itnat.4 In'it,. I t *n.hlr Of *9on *>>■>. and Oo.inl, of Cntre *<• i<4ntM Innd. of William UtHm.r on ih. ...t ... rapt land on th. aontb, Th.-ma. t.. .nd Charlm Rt*h on lb. mm. and **■ m land on th. north. 8..k, nf Ih. Borough of IWIIn. forrl., tVptr.(Votnly. p, . ha, apt ltd tn th. hrnatr ~| Affair, id tie-Cairn nnrollb ol p.nn.i i. raff** 'or hnn Irod *rr. ■■! land, alinai.i in Th. h nn.blpnf hnoff ffhiw and Cnnl, of t onir., ad fntning land, of Clli ItnmM and Wellam l.tinirr on th. rml. vacant land on th# aonll; Th rn.. I, ffhlpimn and TV mat C- nn th. aul. and vacani land oath, north. Nolle —J. C. ftarpn, nf Ih. Bornogh nf 8.11. fmM.t nair.C . P ha. arplia.l lo ih. Bmr-iara of Internal Affair* nf Ih. Own moan. >I Ih of P.nnailvn nln, for hnndrod ama of land, aim,rod m , h . lont-ahin of Snau ffbo. and Coaatr nf Catro ad loialag land n4 willtaat Bingham, iuata Itaul'hnrn and Pail* Barn at on lb. aaat. vaaant land on th. wmth Tb-unaa rrnhhrw. TVau Kauthora and umlTni:. 1 fprm "* U " "" "" M 1 - . *'""i? '* * Of th. Bomtuh <■! Mit fcnt*. p. , hu oppltod * tlo Prrretatj * lk * <>—■>—nitfc of IVnn *T r . *• of l.. pound* Sultana Prune* . 25 Lump Starch " . (, C>ru Starch, per pound . . 08 1 pound beat Coffee . 19 , Sardine*, 3 boat* for • . 25 j Sealed Herring, per box . 35 ! Lxtra honed Codfiah, per box 45 r/x#o Valentia Rnitin* ■ 09 French Prune* . 13 OlicuiSoap 08 *| Bloater Hening, jkt dcx . 20 2 lb* Canned Corned Beef , 27 Tapioca Flake or Pearl 07 EVERYTHING ELSE Sold at* Clitsip in Pro portion. H r e nlso have in connection with our store a first-class Meal Market, And sell CHEAP EE than any other Meat Market in town. E. BROWN, JR., & CO. I-Uj BEIXEFONTE, PA.