no Was no Thiof. "Gentleman,'' said an Arkansas' Colonel, as he stood under the limb of a tree from which depended a rope, "I must protest my innocence. 1 did not steal the mule. I am above petty theft. I know that you all have the interest of the community at heart, and I do not blame you ; but there are times when we are all liable to be too rash. If I had stolen the mule, my guilt would oppress me until f would bglo be put out of the world in the most summary way." "The mule was found in your poses sion," said the leader of the mob. "Very true, my dear sir." "Did he jump into your lot ?" "No, sir, I conducted him to the confines of my premises." "Did you buy the animal ?" "No, sir." "Did you trade hint?'' "I did not." "Then who stole him ? Is't down the rope, boys." "Gentleman, I hope you will give me a chance to explain. The mule in question was tho property of one of our distinguished fellow citizens, Maj. Bugle sherry. Borne time ago the j Major and I exchanged a few words of an uncomplimentary nature. I in timated that the Major's blood would be highly satisfactory to me, and the Major said that mv gore would please him mightily. Well, we sepaiated thoroughly agreeing with each other. The next day the Major nnen the hallway. "You need not come in, old gentle man," said the departing lover ; "thr e remove- are as good a- fire." And he clutclu-d hi- sombrero and departed — Jioetui t Courier. A young man who was going to marry a girl concluded he would hank out and told her -o. "But I'll hold ye ll," she said. "No, you won't either." "I will, too." "Well you won't all the same. You've got no contract or anything else." "All the same, I'll hold you, and all the law in the country can't help volt." ' How will you hold me, I'd like to know ?" "I'll hold you in contempt, you nasty mean thing." — M■ rchant Travt !tr. THERE is a new waiter in the House restaurant, and yesterday when Hep resenialive Blackburn went down to get bis lunch, the waiter brought him the bottle and a regulation whisky glass Mr. Blackburn glared at the waiter und then at the glass, and final ly blurted out: "Don't you know who I am?" "No, sir," replied the waiter. "I am a senator-elect from Kentucky," replied the Hon. Joe. "From Kentuck !" ejaculated the waiter. "Oh, I beg pardon, sir." Ami he quickly brought the Ken tuckian a goblet.— Wuehingtoi i Hatch ct. "WEI. 1., Dick when is that wedding of yours corning off?" "I'll be doggone if I know; but it'll be as soon as I kin git enough money ahead to buy the weddin' license," "Got your wedding clothes yet ?" "No; hut them a feller kin git on tick most any time ; hut these doggone license fellars won't trust a day." K a little late in the season, hut we waii't to give our gardening friends a brand new nnd strictly relia hie method of making a hoi led m short space of time. Thi* i-the way Apply a lighted ma'ch to the straw ticking Oi' City llrrricl IT'- a fortunate thing for th • ma! -ex thnt malaria is prevalent about the time that soring house rlranii • arrives. It t nahles a man to pretend that he is very sick, t) rscaj* the tor ture of putting down the carpets. — "Did you reveal vour identity?" n-ked a New York itolitician of one of his minion-. "Well you bet I didn't. I ju a t told the fell >w who I wns, an 1 it broke him nil up."— Merchant Traveler. The other evening when Ferguson was making a call on the Bimpkinaes the smallest scion of the latter lmue remarked to his mother : "Ma, I don't see it." "Don't see what, my tlear ? ' asked the lady. "Mr. Ferguson's axe replied the child. "Why, what do you mean?" "Why, you know pa aid that Fer guson would be here to-night and he al ways bad an ax to grind ; hut I don't •M the axe." A MAN on Roosevelt street, New York, is the proud owner of a white monkey, and nothing so disgusts him as to have his innocent little pet mis taken for a dude. DL'MLET, who is a hearty eater as well as a very polite man, always asks to be excused when Icaviug tho table. His landlady thinks that be ought to ' beg pardon." A YOU NO lover attetdpted to serenade his girl one night and he never got any farther than "Hist?' Bella, put your head out of the window, quick, and call off the dog." , AtfCTlnNßß*.—The underrlgned. the I i e<. t and ben • al.-euinn 111 Central f'enn • vlviifiia, having more than twenty V"" •*(Kirlenee in neillng Farm*, Cum Kim'*, I M.MiliHlldU"., ele, offer* hi. M-rvtur* to the I <|tl/.en nt Centre and aifnlning e< untie. I na a Kirrl-ela*. .HnlcMiinn. Charge* rrawoii ahle. Add re, Joatril I. Narr, I Inland, 4-.'lm. Centra county, Pa HAVING orum A NEW COACH REPAIR SHOD, ON LOGAN STREET, We would respectfully invite the public to give ux a call when in want of any work in our line. We arc pre pared to do A LL kiudti of TRIMMING, REl'AtßlSti v REMODELING. We ttleo mitko a apeclulty of UPHOLSTERING IN AM. ITB JUtANCHIa. All work will rocieve prompt atten. lion. Our TFIIMH are reanouable, and 1 uli Murk guarantied, Renprrtfully. It 11 HI EEL ,1 MrSCL 1", ■i nm lit th /ontc, I'a STUDIO. 2nd door Bush Arcade, 'lt J nii • i>j . Ir ttnllirni Ik • I'trifal < • • / am now ready to do all kind* of PAIWTIIMC, .s,ch,u FORTH A ITS / tX ft SCA PES, SWN mnd ORNA US V TAL. FANCY DECORA HSU a-.d t;RMSi\ <; .i SPECIALITY. Satisfaction guaranteed in ail IM. [ would be pi. a.-i d tn have v-iii call, and examine .pei-inu n ol w rk. In •true-lion* giv- n in Painting. Vi i.v UIM t-ri i i i.v, C 'J'. UiUUr. HOMES FOR SALE! Come and Hny. 21 ACHES ON FIFTH AVENUE. In whole or lota'. A TWO STORY BRICK on Alh-ghanv Strt< t. A TWO STORY PRICK < )n High , tree I. A TWO-STORY BRICK <>n Th-miar itn-et. A TWO STORY FRAME (IN Willow Bank street, ?1 S .ni|.elilioa in [.rice* nd work man*hip, 1 iiv •it a ?r- *1 and I e convinced. A . >rk guaranteed thj vbop. 1 quirk Hallway Time. Rarkford, VI., Jan, 1 *v4ll. TK>. u tn rrrti/v that toe have appointed iF'.tnk /'. /< ur, *•'<* i/tnt/.T the tale of nttr Train Railroad \l'al*het i. (he (ourn -- HOL.T IN 111 I.I.I.HINTK. o: -: o In r our regular *ise at 15 eta. An-I r-riiernl-r w* punluh Pot inula i-.i.-l di r notion* on every package, and (JuaranUe /'r II you have not u- -I it. -■ aolieii a trial order, feeling confident you trill afterward* u*e no oth<-r GREEN'S PHARMACY,'• Bush House Block, Bellefonte, Pu. We have Telephone Connect:en. SIAIIL I It .1 f'O., (J ritrrrn, ItunJi III.IIH. Html, lit lit joule , I'a. NF.W GOO'DS —F O R TI? K { SPRING and SUMMER TRADE!! We have endeavored to get th<- very la-M of cvry t '• in ur n< and or* have eotnc reallv CIIOH'E UOODS. FIX/: CREAM CI!EESE, Extra JJTRGF FHE.M II URINES, S F.I. EC T OYSTERS, SWEET I'/TAToES. FAROE RIPE CRAXUERRIES, PRFXEI.I.f JMFERJA I. FIUS. 11RKIUT NEW I.EM OSS, FLOR! !>A OF A AG'AS, Prince** I'uper-Shtll Almonds. Kiupoiatul MI III) PEACH E> A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED J'EARS, PEACHES Fl.f \fs J I'I,'FXEI.FES t PLAIN CANDIES, FINE fO\IT< riONEItV, —ANII - V GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds WWc invite the people of Centre . unty to <-nl! n,,1 : ..ur NICE GOODS, which rai.not fail to pleaec. SECHLi'It ct CO. Ko pir*.- is pc:!t::j.c:r ssr *rt!s re'.ifica Timr, KH Tr.T * V Ii TIIK PI *T tiii: I.auhf. i-.i H 1,1 ri kit UU.M|.'I .Mi -I. IUII HEW YOHK OBSERVER E*t nhH> hail 1823 v % i. ' •: :rj .♦ h n < i * i ,* II tt '* ;-Kr Kwm* (♦ YrMivn P'tm* un•• * m -.i n. mm , .1 Hru. t mr-f'nr < •>* in* fjnin trid f . ikf tit Th# <> 'lt' 'itiWiiihl: -. dMtii f,d ! q\4 *m It f A LIVE NEWSPAPER. Ililkf ft'f mli !>iiih full rffn.tro n t trutAnd* {* M j tt rvfitlfiaiff *ll liirt,. ■, tr rm* c*tmmnf nfsn* rtir- . t+pU um* * ! gf*t tftn't of !• r* rrftdioc Tt jt -.. !: •<-• r DM I nil *t *• fit- ■ ?<> . r < .■ . rhor j s Hi# { • .*!> • I'-tr. .. r. - <.f 4"" " P'!*- nf * .f It.. anllK r -iinroi.Jft rv>f<** of tl# >ft*ft.l ftß til t H- j 14r •• frt-f. Nmv V...-U (H.-rvr. :t I .1 .7 ! I'art. Kaw, X. I. Mm. I'AINTING anil PATER HANGING. WORKM tAMiir TMK HMT IRUf* TIIK UHA K.rT I'Hii*4lT>RK> AM> lIINPATCII WILLIAMS & BRO., PEAI.KRA IN WALL PAPER PAIMTit, \i\ HIGH 8t brl Bprinp A Wafr. Bellffont* i W Uk thi mth! of lof'.rmlng i 1.1 Thai In ilwk ll* Un it in 4 Pol vlnrtmn of Tf'a'l l'af"t ..titafdf of Pfciladalphta or >'• T 011, *l. : ftlldllotda, KnloHol Hrotoo. Miiw, flan fil*A lliilu u4 Bnnni. Rraalllol IV.. d*r> in lim.l Tartatjr. :■ Thai ha.a Jnl rnr,•! fn> ha Toik Pinl Bk K. Hook of Colling finalKr*. W. fan awl |ini g|> • fln. and alalmtaf* Oalllac IWr- ' oration* a. at. (ml <||. .Ill hi' VI Thai a In.lia all aho Inland pafoHnt to rail and •** "in llt. of (ttoil. l-afora o.darfn Maaakof. i 4ili > hat. la cat unjdi.j tai flan. paf.. hanf j ft. and |>t ntar., and ar rrrtmrt* to tak Joha of | PAINTING. GRAINING MGN WIIITINO, and PAPKR HANGING, tarz* ornti.ll, and rompMa th *oh Hh nrafoaw and diMtfh •* Ttartf from lb. onnntrj atdlfllad. IThvTT TTILUAMA * HBOTIIKR A.DVIOB TO MOTHERS. Afa *n dlatnrbad af nlht and Vmkan of frmt nft b. a atfk fhlld .allaftn. and rr;ln aKb |>ia af tnl- ! lit,# laafht If ao, aand af Ofxa and |faf a baftla of : Hna Wiafttn'a Hoorinna Starr ron Otvnnrß Tannina Ift aalna la Inoalfnlahla. If mil raMaaa tha noor iltda anflwaa Pia a. i npon II j at.,i Kara, thara I. no ftlalnSa nhant If- llroraa dfa aniary and dlnffhlraa. fafaWUn tba Ma. enraa wind catlr. aafta* fha, "dann H ssrscteyrssu® swrsirvT"-!K^ra.t£n ,, ws I flan, and anna. In th* I'nllad Ufaa. and la a aala ITS. ZJffT&r* an- — 4 ' r,V ** • I a hapftla S-T-IT. # f . FOHKS IIOUSK t'ohurn, n *. htl. '! *1 ►*>• Ii |.t j*r .1 l. Oo DIiKSS MA KI XG | In the terr F.ite.t <" t\ v ol>i,itid witii Xralhrii f Ihipatrk. IIAISB Is ETHAN' EAI2 W3SS. Com' inp male lo i I ii r. Pinkinp done on hort notice. Stamping in French 0.l * specialty. I*m Aim A j'll 'or the <'-lebrated F>re* Makuuhii titvn of our pood* at a lower co<>t than any other Standard Rmnda, which are man ufactured by u* from Good Old Forrmi la*, and they hare r ecu red a National Hepulation after about 30 yeara' trial. The 925 Phoapbate ia coming int° general u*e, and ita reputation,—'"The i}foeapet and Beat Crop Pi* duoer"—i ß extending rapidly throughout Pennayl vania, Ohio. New York, New Jeraey, Maryland, belaware, and other State* Manttfactured only by < BAUGH & SON, PHILA., PA. OAT WIfTV amw-Ttetaawta. UAU Do iVi Ll A f*refrri|M4 Or*MMaM awrk a aMH it** <* f>pwu.iu Oooi waaaa. *■4 Maeterw*" 1 glr*a I* r*Ut4* lm> m* Wnato wean t* R I. HinuMtw An*. lUt Inai Uaa >VUWM, nn, M, Ql . —lxiweet price*. ErerrVhing new and • freah, at Oarman'a. '> !