Hail llondM. HAM) KAGLK VALLEY It. It.— Tluie Table Id HIV.* Nov IK, 'B3. WESTWARD K*f. Mall AM. I'M Lesve I.nck llnvi.it • 45 ■' Ficnilrigton 4 48 4 ill Mill Hill 4 52 4 07 • llcx-rli (.'reck 501 4VI K#glvill.- AOl I I'll Howard. A I I 4 .'III f Mount Eagle A 1* 4 HI Curtln A Tl 4 48 Mllecburg A HO 4 AA BHlefonts A 40 A OA Mil#burg A AO A 1A Snow Sh.K. I t.l A .VI A IK llnionvtlle II 02 A2* .1 til in II 'I IV A 111 Martha 6 W A 48 Port Malll.lH V'.' A All llnnnuh II H7 ' 14 Fowler UK Hi IUI.I Kails • i' • I'' Vail ii AH r. VI Arrive at Tyrone 7 OA t> 35 HAST WARD I'M am Leave Tyrone , '• 30 h ;io Kst 1. r jd.* " - 8 .1. , Vail 7 40 M 40 1 Haul Haul" .nr. 8 I'. Fowler 7 •> I 8 ... . llannah. 7 AT 8 5K , Port Matilda 8 OA 'Mi,. Martha BIH Kl7 I .1 ultan 833 Vi. j Unlonville 8 H I K HT i Snow Shoe I'll 8 42 '# I. Milerhuru * ' ' K AO Bellefonte 8 AA H I II j Mile*burg K OA lo lo C'urtin '' 110 I'' Motif K.gle K I'' VII VH Howard '• lo HV I Ksgleville !.■ 0 I'i lo 43' Bee. I 'Jreek W I" •' j Mill Hall AV H A8 A Flsmk igton •••• 9 B '' 01 Arrive at Look Haven 10 IN* 1) OA \ faKLLKFON I'll A SNOW SIIIIK II 1> II rin •• Tat •• I" 'II Nov 19 Leave* Snow Shoe 118 a. in., arrive-ui ( Bellefonte 6:20 a m. Leave* Bellefonte K;3 a m . arrive# at Hnow Shoe at 11:04 a m. Leave# Snow Shoo 3:AO p- tn , arrive; at Bellefonte 5:88 |>. m Leave* Belief.-nte 810 p tn., arrive* at Snow Shoe 10:40 p m. S s BLAIR Om Sup'i | KWIsIiCKG .v TYRONE R R 1 j Time Table in effect Nov. IK, 81 WESTWARD. Mixed. PM. AM Leave Scotia "" Fairbrook 1 'hi 6 VO Penn'a Furnace I 15 A 40 Hoatier 1 38 •> AO Marengr 1 :i "' • Lovevtlle f 1 38 •> 00 Furnace Road 1 45 'i 10' Warrior* Mark - V 00 V- Pennington 3 13 >■ 40 W '-ton Mill f 3 35 50 L. A T. Junction 3 31 5. Tyrone 3 35 CSB EASTWARD. Miaed. I'M AM L°ave Tyrone 4 00 9 30 LA T. Junction 1"I 9 3-> Weston Mill 1 H 33 Pennington I Warrior* Mark I 43 Furnace Road t A, ill IV Loveville - 5 OV 10 16 Marengo A 07 10 22 Hostler 5 17 10 .>.. Penn'a Furi.ate - A V7 10 11 Fairbrook —• 5 47 11 03 Scotia 6 V) 11 30 I JKNNSYLV AM A RAILROAD J. (Phila. A Erie I>ivi*ion.)—On and after Nov. 18, 1883, WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL Leaves Philadelphia.. II VO p m Harriabtirg 4 2H a tn Williamsport. ... 8 40 atn Jersey Sh .re. ... 900 a m Lock Haven 9 40 a m Renov 10 •a m Arrive at Erie 7 35 p m NIAGARA EXPRESS Leaves Philadelphia 7 l'i a tn Hsrrlsburg 11 15 a m Arr alWilltarnport ... 2 55 pin Lock Haven. " i p tn Renovo A 10 p m Kane. 03 j in Pa.."ng"r. bv thl* tr tin arrive in Ih'llefonne at " ' p tn FAST LINE Latvee Philadelphia . 11 fO *in Harrirburg "• 25 p ri William-} ir'. 7 15 p in Arr at L'K'k Hater. e 05 | m EASTWARD LOCK HAVEN EXPRESS leave# Lock llavn —.. 6 AO a ni Wtlli*m*pori 7 " 5 a m arr at Harrirburg 11 •!<' am Philadelphia 3 15 p m DAY EXPRESS Leave* Kane 6 00 a tn Kmovo it) 05 a to L'i k llavn II 15 am Wil iamport IV 25 a m arr at Harriburg 3 43 p m Philadelphia... 725 p m ERIE MAIL L'-ave Eric 1 55 p m Renovn 10 V7 pm j Lock Haven 11 VO p m William-port 12 35 a tn arr at HarrDburg H® m Philadelphia 7 50 a m Kris Mail Kat and \VI connect at Brie with train* on L S A M.S. RR ; at Corry with B. P. A W RK.; at Emporium with'll , N. Y. A P. RR , and at Drill wood with A. V RK. T OUCKRK, Gen'l Sup't CANCER CURED. No clieae* have o thoroughly tcallled .he skill of the medieal nrofe*ion a* •anoerous nffectinna and a* tney have al ways been conidered inc-.rsble, it ha* been thought di*rer>utahle to adopt their treatment a* a specialty ; and hence physi cian* have neglected Ibvlr proper ludy. But of late year* new and important dis coveries have brought forth a courie that now prove# *ucce##ful in anv ol It# form*, with certainty, without the ue of the knife or rau*tic plasters. We have a treatment that It comparatively mild. It ii not potaonoui, doea not interfere with the healthy (leak, can be applied to any part of the body, aven the tongue. We take nothing (or our service* until tha cancer is eured. Add re#* D J. HULBKRT. Eaglevllie, Centre Co, Pa. • I ONESEED Bf B. FM I. B FBfftH. It Hihimml ii|b>*ft *e#rMn A tir* I* r f Im Mil RitaUf H i lI'GW, W liirlifil MWAt t*n i ll** li'Mir, I Mi'sinfitK tlir w • ila (l>i*Bt * Kh a!rnl) b# •Ullful, h r *lh r•••!, |r ■ -*1 m III* t Mff Tiiinxly nii !•" itinn, lis lnlj> rrM. Kclttrtiltiß It- m w ml to hi* pßllf* la ml, Tim teee>lb MM f|lP|tH |tj M CU'wl-Md tiMH't Tic II Bfcrn>bal -u lliiowu BWajr. le>*l M.i* II * WNII * Oil" ajnliißtifli' tU; A IlkJt Iraflpt |*""| <*| alw.tr tliP nr.a.<| Tht ilayt, ainilbmml Miioihpr fnuiifl. W Mini wimla, aim, mlii, aii'l ilaw, Xi.iittali*>| tha l Uiii, until l K'** Ila nMlural airs* t>. |.i|.f gtf l*ii (It . Ali'l ffHili lilt* Inula full, mI ifloua lil'Mtiua, Y*urmt ftirth; Ak i *•••* tfM%rl"p lll) |4'ln| *) : |Mli|flil"l Hi.* atr tl-wr MgalH'likwi j) " <) • Iwtall lr'r I ; • || |a l.'il a 'UfMili I fear II •* l It iwswai'il", |||s* jc ni la In-re* •" II" ll I ft"! ku*' w a •"•! |ihI(J"I in fli* lw>*k K lilt (Hp cru* >'"•! flc-apr. >1 I In tlil4ii.m) utNik. T'M.k It part, aii'l •nßWctcl irr-• j-wl nn<l |-u-li*m| ii# flrrw atr>itßMr, fallwr ssitrli rMirfilii|r la* I iiWAVfrltU als-M'tftal, it ila iluty, I t' ll k ofunl) |lant pr* r >l>"tl in "ii<iroti* Isaantj. Of trusting (wra* % "Mam m n ni' iii trUI odortHia tit ct-rl' pet nil< It" • tk In art.ml t| i n <ia j With "Vrr% Itl'H.iit lit" • ■ a*a rut tl|.lu>.|, II tflt. ft l. tit I •• tilt "t| Ir .ticl mi-Ic Till fMf nil tin w lit HHP'* Merr awn Tli' l'Uiit aduiHi 'l i i J"\fl ali. rr*. r known i In tils alio 'Kaii.at ilit'm| 'am "ah |r* U> , A I Mtn l-t'fi Ir m OiU . f f-tilh and h'.p. ! lii *nirli a.- I I. aii'l in I with • .rn and anr# IKn| on llybtß A •• aian I ilr"|'|.iii/ a. n* tn.| !.(la 4 at..nr. I AnndinlM *rfirr, will K i ir Al-U •) -IrtLi fir Ii- tint 1!I- ii ijfi d ' Ttk t r it'ii'l* . th" hmwl l(' iM"iiii* tlfiK II"* ' Tin* la tliah"d "I v"tk tb -1 ■ .rii • .. n ik l,rari n't a r.f ii\ wn. 1. tb cn>.' uiajf lurk. I. "i tli.nitfli ur "\fa may n-t l.< li!'l tlir Is* iTIi *1 as-sfa int.-111 |.m 1 MID 1 1 *• lie ar affiled ana). ; tn i ft mi ' l#e*t it# 1 I eri 14. In • iiiß vs. II ma Will lb* VMpIMtH l."t 1 s fiut 1 1 I.ni w fk tig .| I |.| ba i l ; Ir l • 1, lii !|,•' b|)<l Mlifl lui4 r *v#/<..'/ m //1., y '/ , u . j: / A Dead Novoli.st cilAltl.t* ft I. \I. * UTKIt A I •N 1 • I 1.1.N I"**, lilt V I STKIItcIV, . I.omhin, April 11 L'li irie-lleu le, tin-I novelit .1 e 1 tin. uftem'on, noeii seventy year*, lie lin* been ni ing for tome lime nil w.i< -••nou-ly ill tor the II CI t Week Cbarlea Kencle wn* leen the son of nit Engli-.li country gen lenmn in I'll. Ili Ibivliochl u,m boil, rolui.t and .luni 1 on*, the right \r< pur.ition (or a life ol I astonishing intrl'.-ctual result*. He ! wive cilueated at M wdalen Hull, I ixfurd. ; After grudusting he reed law, and gained a Vineri. tt fell iw*hip in I®!.' A year later h.- *vu* ..tiled to the h*r While Mr. Read..'* . hief.li#tinction h:v --4 been won on tin- field# of fancy, h- 1 toi . hn he-en not infrt cpn citly he ard on cocia' and |e>!itic.l c|ueticcn. Hi* novel#, moreov. r, #om. nn re particu larly th.inc !n-r. Im\e den It with ul.ue and strongly #ugc -ted the nee. ity of reform. In' p I- Nav.-r Too l.ite to Mend, for • \..ntph\ | uhli#hrd in 1*56, the atrocitie* of | ri-on d #ci|.!ine, a* tb-n adinini*tere<l. were dealt with in i a ni.wt powerful tn inner, f'barl'- Reade l.egun hi* long li-tof * ie< e.*e* a* a novelist with '"Peg Woffington," f.ub li*hel in 1* .1. In the name year he produced hri*iie Johnvton ' "It I* ' Never To . I.vte to Mend" appeared in I*V. ; "While I.i''* the next j.-r a'ter I ward*, i>f hi# remaining w.>rk Griffith G.unt." |uldi*hed ml*'*, :• the III<~I talked alut; hut "The Cld*trr nr. 1 the Hearth." pr • i iced in I Si". I, i# regard 1 by the la-*t judge, It* hi# nblet production In I*|., he wrote "Gold," a dr*in. which wa* *uc led ill I*l7 liv three other play*. Mr. I! .vie 1 v#t puhli*hed "Multuin in P.trvo and -,nre then ht* he. n in it lii :i!.of health. He went tof'#nn.- an I thence 1.i.-k to London where be j died to da - .. A Indian Corruption Fund i i i' re t.ler# of the /'itr ■ ' will rent- m he, that some month* #g ■ charge# w. r<- preferred l.y C I. K. C. llouiinot, before j Secretary Teller, against ex < ongre-s man Phillip#, of Kar.# :*. Hon linr t | who i a member ..f ihe I tierokee nation rh.trged l fiat I'hdlip had procured from the i 'tierokee nation tb sum of BVV.- .V"aa corruptmn f->tind f. r the pa#- #tge of ,t claim of I lie Cherokee# stnount ing to slott,ooo. Roudinot *. lin hi* ltter that Phillip* had represented that this money waa needed ti satisfy the claim# of Secretary Teller and Senator Piwc#, He ashed tenth thnn gentle men to inv. -ligate tlie charge*, hut nei ther of them would take any official notice of the matter. They denied any knowledge of any wrong doing by Phil I I'P*- Failing to secure an investigation of the matter in the senate or by the Sec tary of the Interior Roudinot made im formation against Phiili|>*ch*rging him with corruptly influencing member* of congreea. Dennis W. Rushy head, chief of the Cherokee Nation, ha* been exam ined as a witness in the matter and ha* testified that in June, 188H be paid $22, ; 500 to Robert R. Ross and Richard M. Wolfe, delegates of the Cherokee Nation at Washington, for the purpose of pay ing off- obligation* of those delegate* in curred in the discharge of their official duties. The delegate# have been sum moned as witness end will ) celled upon to testify m to the nse they made of the $22,500 paid over to them by Chief Buabyheed. It ia more than likely (beta congressional investigation w I grow out of the matter. ' This ia another instance of thecorrap ting tendencies of republican aacen denry at Washington. It seems that even I lie Indian* Wfrobll|ni to buy a republican congress to attend to their l>u*in*K. And y<• t th> tcpublloan I •<- 111 ir-irt IIH have the impudence to claim that their parly ought to he given an other ICII at* of power.— ll'irritburt/h J'a. triot. Tho Dunvtllo Difficulty. WHAT A KM-TTLL.LL AN THINK* OK TIIK IIAI K. TKOI III.KA IN VIHOINIA, WASHINGTON, April 11, (ien. W. C. Wick ham, N member '•! the Virginia Semite, WIII examined hy the Danville ('iniliiitlee today. Since |NG, R > he hid been it It pti'diuin, and win so mill. Since the negroc* aequirod the right ol • utlriige tiioie bad been no ut<junt dis crimination against thetn hyth i lawn ol Vtiginiii Witneet thought there had been no unlawful < onil.iiiKii'iii against the eoh nil people, nor had they been threa'ene'l w.lh d -churg", m t, t r :w he knew, lor not V' tinga J heir employer*, i-h>"l. |i n ng ill" cross-examination by ' -i'liUtor Sin I ilhll i li' i mid it tin ! time In joined the Republican puij 1 lit* 11.111 111 the white people ol \ ir giniu e e uri<pje*lioliahly Democrats, itid the I! -p ib icm put v w ,* then, in u political •ei.-c. cont'd, red i friend ot • the li'gro. It *> natural that tin in HI ■! p.- ,p!e RII >ul I i >in the Repuh i iHI p..rty. When tin Ueadjunler party w.i- urgiii /.< I the li ( iub|a:aii were • 111 i led. Wi lie-- opp r-ed the 11 pudi lion of the debt. Witn o .wnt invited to beeomr a 1 itniidile against tin iit il on |ir. on the groun 1 that Irotli li - kliow n| .i it.on a* a Reptildi an In ivlltsld carry ■ portion of tho 'hied j vote. "I* there not a strong instinctive feel I ing among the i Mured | ipie that th r ! rigiit# are n>t safe in tba, h.in li ofjtlu i lieinoi rti< party ? | "I think thati* a l*ct tnd I think it i proper, Mr. Sherman, that I should-av it a a (ant brought about bv the false I teachings of d< -igning m> n. It i- more a leeling that the Republican* are more liberal to them than the Ilernoerut* l Would be." ' S >m, don t you think if tha liemo ; rrata- party woul 1 convince the colored people that the r right* woul I be -ecure under the control and management ot the Democrat*, that tin would dividi the colored vote "l*n<|Ueiton sbly , ! think that if that could t.e contrived . but it woul i the moat <1 fliciilt thing in t he wort I to prove I it to thetn, wh*n you hue a party of men who want th'-m t> vote solidly in lone Way telling them all I'm tnn that the Democrat* w jld oppress them." j "Why h " ild not th- D mo< it- then ' j vote with the J; pubic in- if tie r, i.no | issue of thai k ridT" "Why should tin \ n d a>. d wn the color bno " Vea, and vote with the ic•• p.,• In , ill 1 tlvieie up th*in Ivc "If you will allow nc to go I ok. I will te 1 von that i# just exactb w'it j I have been working f>r since l*o'i. It , lus I* en the desire of niv life t" iln ■ le j :;.e white peopb- and have th" poiil parties comji>. I of bsth. It won It . most fortunate f>r bath rac-s if i c ul l Ise done." Nubtsr Paahis Ri signs f'stuo." April >.— Nubar Pan hi In resigned the rre-i b te y of the < onn> . of MiM-ter* iti'l Iheot Im I - ib l 'li he held. Ills resignation * dun to -i - cord with the |'.iigli*h ofli ia!*, .t 1 alo 10 the abenco of a 'listire t deel i .i on 1 a,i the j irt of the bug -b 1 . >v< rntie i.l j during tbe debate on Tnurolay in tic 11oUae of ' smni 'ns.uil It- future V jin regard to Kgypt. No otlii i - en.l 'head* of every de|urtnent ill Egypt 1 threaten to r-ign. The discontent with Kitropeon resilient* in • dro and Alexandria i* intense I'he oner ta-niv < f the Knglidi policy in regard tiloth Kgypt tan financial nil sir* a* <1 the Soudan .|U -'ion i* paralysing mm merce Tiie offli tal bureau* ore m (• state of anarchy Kngli*h and Kgvptian ofli. ir* nre quarreling, and Ihi Kngb-h are referring evorv dispttte to larndnn for settlement, it i* doubtful whether a successor to N übsr l'nha can R found. Njlur Pasha found it e*pc< tally dffi cult and often impoassble to cooperate with Mr. f'liflord L'od, tbc t'orler Secretary of the Interior. The toads li-yond Berber are blocked, beingoecupiad f>y relsela. It is intf>**i bl to forward telegrams to Khartoum' The tribes between Shendy nn<i Kbartoutn are in open rel>el|ion, and are in r an-tsnt eommunication wirh the Riebariehs. who are momentarily ex pectcd to revolt. It i feared that IWr tier and lnngola will le invested in a shori time. Nothing has bwen heard from fiction! (iordon for a font night WiUon, McKarlane *V Co., call alien tlon to the only reliable Ready Mixed Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre pared Pair t Is not mly superier to any Ready Mi sol Paint sold but rivals pure white load in it* smoothness in working and disability. This paint is guaranteed hy the manufacturer- not to crack or poo' within three years. The guarantee is not only good for replacing the paint but it will he put on If It should crack or pee' within the time specified It will he to your Interest to call and see Wilson, Me. Varlnne A Co., before purchasing either white lead or any other Heady MJtad Paint. —We call special attention to tbe ndvar tlscment of K B. Richnrdson A Co , Sen aca bak# Nurserien, Geneva,;N. Y., who arn is want of morn talesmen * y , —Three and five-ply carpet chain, at Gar mati'i. —Ready made window shade*, M) cents, st GarniMii'*. f'elluloid cuffs and colbirs, nil *l/,es, ! nt Lewiii's, R'i lei it Hpsngler has s big boom In hb furniture. Clever fellow, HIKI everylxely like* to deal with him, Everybody is Invited u> Hesrfoss A Meyer's to buy bread, pies, cakes and con fections. Muk" home attractive. Lace Cur tniu* wul do it, Oaroisris the place to get them. BARE Cost of the \Vliit<; Paper! book lit thi-. \\ ,|| y,„, |,.t (| (M j~j ~ (l |, lirtuuity pr* by ? Tho CENTRE DEMOCRAT, The AMERICAN FARMER, AND— A lit) .k on th Treitii-.' of tiie Hor*e, A I for ('.i*h in advance. Old *tib*cril>er a* wu-ll new, who pay otic year -uh-cripiioii, aul It.** cent* extra, tsi.l be cutitbti to the ahovi liberal offer. • have pt ifeetc'l arrangement;, with the puh|i-hcr of the A.MKKK AN FAII.M EK, of Port Wayne, Ind., that etiahltn u* to offer our MIB-rri ber- u lir-t elu-- Agrieiiltural Magazine at the ban ' -I ol the white paper on which it i prinled. lb" American Farmer i* a lb page monthly magazine which i* rapidly taking rank a* one of thi leading agricultural publications oi the oouotry. Eaeh nnnbar will < ,n tutu u-clul information for the farmer, his wife, bis sons and his daughters. And it costs you almost nothing, cup- JKISC yuo try it one year. fhis offer wi 1 hold good for a short time only, *o tell tour friend* slid evet) body VOU Ill'Wt. Reni' lllber don t go buck on our old friend, but we need money, is ri' 1 make this offer a* *n inducement to nil. Send in your name and money early. A letter will n-cievc ju-1 a* prompt ait' nt ion *s ,f you <.tiled in j eron. TIIK IKS THE DEMOCRAT, ''or. of Allegheny A Rtsbop Ml*. Rrllefonte, P. I Kf.AL NO IKK.— 1 J N II |l f J VWI fe a]| i a ... UTMlrsf that tfc* f ! sirn |n.ol/ riM f the • ac.4<1.1 lli irl tnUt lb* t , "f th K t f lilt. 'f AJ' fI A 1 J Ii' teefi 'bfifuia! bi si. J the i . ui t bt.d t,*w| lb the ffj of the < ier k f th* OfphT'f '*drl f f'ebD* >rtj l; a1 if p • l ti l- fil1 the#, t -r. *UI fti e ft'at .(ay f t#ri th* sAtr* *t|| ndi()rH |tolal*t^ IlD'ht. M ' 111* I'fi.pvflr f H < %fv • ftf Ha f Man |/ r.*l, , luuni a* tL< (, 1 i h> • .1 • . < •thtrlue A.T'f* Int*l)l<dt of lh* |<e'S'k] if lasv ftt|hr !t I f M i lew f vs 11. 4m •**! %M takau It t • •) V • ni'bfi'te 'is fglrf lor.r • ' f the |sr-rw r.bj jf 14*1* . f llet.ry J M •*- , U'e , f 111 t wn*t,i|. Jew ***#4 04 uktti |f i aid * ' hei, A Haiaif Af-J fk.Mfri'bl t f the |; r-f If 'r. f J Krllf. at Iltt'il I tsi.il p. J - tae'.j, a* m| tfHtf t I f h• •fi • h' i 1 • r I tifoty '{ lh* p*r ♦*! |-#ity f '**- M Hey. f' '•'< 'f |m* M), 11 , dl* aa Iklrt, Ist* *|L Utlbik 11*11 M ill!** t 'tf ' tie pt Jf '.f • . late f nt/ - rsh.j <Je fir 1 * ukb | ' I• •*M *, iMMMMIII ' rut I J \YK* A M • I.AIN . li i'i • dinni tor. ! i V ef I* .A| IT 4 / \hF.\TS IVTKI) Ft ill Picturesque Washing^ton. I --r s An(i ri\. lh AKkfriiM "i .t. *■ ' ■ % - tai |f '< . ir). 4• jdv .*•• f % the I II '< af. ' the (' "l rt,**.l I ' t > f> f • la *a t M ■ \ r..< a Vf a J f Hl ft •, 4 ||. tffiMlaf the f|ll* *4 (Vh|fr( |tf J trrp tr*t •* T %I < •**• t • •fc f jMt irit'T'Wt ?♦ • • '•*, rrtphlt U t ">ifh r.i| interest,r g tliti* |tril •I 11 •* r tO hmttltl >IW w) l a I it ir (netßkb • rtiet* 0r J eU f r> O r 0 Us..* f. r w.i h rite* M* * I 'v t ai.ts*. rif. rt If ( Hat* |||| frgtMl to Kg fa l tel IMte Of Iff **tt l- vflMt'l In the I'lnlr I auiw I'reri k *lj#ri*lK' taftii* •tro r t bt*o-Ir.telyr t<ft|lf*4, b* *e ( v >rtt t,a o <*ry fr •• r-m If U "ttj 1 v• ! . , • te.rrsat. A# U A'HteM th T .1. \. A It. A. ItEIII. Providonco. It I FLEMING, THE TA I LOR, Now in his New Quarters, Cor. Alleghany d* High Streets, ! BELLEFONTE, PA. Special Inducements For The Next 60 Days. GOOD SUITS AS LOW AS ; ORDINARY READY i MADE WEAR. ! CALL AND EXAMINE PRICES : ANI) MATERIAL Very latest stylo hats and c.ips at I,swin'a. Wedding cards stxl all kinds of print ing t tllO (.'KNTKK DBS"" HAT offlee. Nobby hsts, fn the latest stylus, si Garman's. N'OTICH I* Urrl/Ji gltrn thai lli* Mloeihi le-rtnm liat* flle'l Ihflt *|t|il|r|f.iti* t-#f M'*t/M 111 Hie uffii of ItiM I ierk of |||* cuurl 111 O'twi lr Ibw along ol fliw J'.oi *in ai,4 for •"•I*l **r*illx, ml fUI will ls. tnmilm to th A uet H*elottß of ••I I to Oram th- *• <*• V \ Uhmin, T**rti H- llefuiiti Hon# • H T*llr t JgrtHg Mi' tuly, " " t li f' Mtlleil e KniNtiusl Itrown IN* ii is- 1 Imi ilia li •• • linat (irirlitg fh>ori John A ri'ler*on M " A lUout Whol*w|e lUiJehf.'* liofo John Ati'l'*ro*>r# and liVouanMiworff#, Hotthr* foliiw Hufu J-fli-y Terh Ku*hT| John fUiiia lais. •• Hh'llt>gl oi II <>') la M H II Kw " M I Jahn A MrOigbr* " j VA HilaiM farb*t " ••'tun's W M Mtlt'ift* " j J (!#• Tut tie, Ke* tan rant • l 1: A Kaotlt nef Wlioleeal' Hon, J-mib t iiwlf*. 10*ef It HoW f.J kls/fO WiiMamH Mtut'-r Mtlihi iiu I; j * i l* I Krain " •• John t# | /gt.s M Hnow Mi -e Tap I II wh'ti V. ih'l iffer '* Martin llaiey ( " •* Jan.** I'oj.e lliggrl* M "i Maw.i.el |t...r f.alo' n iJr e m A M Pherile *• 'll Khule Taern |*oii#-rTai> Joho H 'Metihl f k " , H J My# i •' o tr-.tln'h tfaaj; " |- ring llro lf H' > '• Halk. r J—,..., Kl-hner !'• nn. A . Irew | uiigi | • ||4){ii II II Miaffet 1 John II IliMsy t 1 liumiM* i llarri# IT M .yer Mil*. 40 Ptfiler •• Korth J A Mfltltfgti ti l>(guwih Aim. hotifljwr k' f •• &if 4 a John (i (iw M ry I lißdlVllU llur'i Henri J VAaik. r, " Hnow hho* Two • V. A > lab, • . J A AA ii i . jt>. irai * M 1 *burg It r ■ J. U 11 AHl'ftK, Clerk. ORPHANS' CO CRT .-A I.E.—Real ! 1.-tat., of Dr. \S oi mi I. Wjf*on, e • ), in i >tt. I lown*h ■)., Cento ' j , 1 Hy ".irlu.-of sr, order <,f t .• Orj ijan < ...rt..f ( '.TAP i "iiiily, I will "Xp *" t' j.ublic *sie, si lh C'.url IIOUM- in lilie ! .ite. on MONDAY, APRII. 'Stb, Ihs<, ■ i I o'clock P M , the following d"*i ribed real '-.Uit" of said decedent ! Tbe Mansion House tra* l. containing, five aires and one hundred and seventeen |.< r< bus, o a 117 p situated on th" turn pike st Potters Mills village, adjoining lands ot Joseph Carson, on wbub are erect"! a large two-story mansion, two t r\ ofli stable and other outbuilding' A very desirab.o li* alien and properly. j 2 All thst farm containing seventy , ■ ri and one hundred and twenty .even p*ri hes. (7* a 127 p situated <n it-e read to li'i-burg, arid one mile wost ■ J the 'Oid Fort" lavern, lying U-tw-en the tarn,- of M.j Wm F Ret i. Id- and Mrs Mary P Wilson heirs, and original ly part of the Manor of NolUnghairi There are no building' on this (arm Five acres asd seventy-three perches ad i ir.g N■■ 2 ateive d< - ritsed, in tbe ► jtb-ea-I ■ r.'i'lirig of fitter, lots, f/) ft Wide t.y |<4". feet in length, c nglnallv laid out by John I.itirig'tun and < allwd War r.usburgh, and four lots knowq a Ibe i l":ri h w *d lots, adjoining on the r.< rlh ...f numtwr .-ne and two of W'arrens- I ,rgh n wbe h are ere* tod a g xsd frame t ue, large tarn, and other out-building' j I A trai tof wr.od land at tbe foot of I Nitany mountain, containing bi arro and i I*Jp- - be., ai ning lands late d James , Alexander el a! , and part of a survey made on a warrant to Jama* Moore, daf-d December 11, 17b", pat'ntod 1.-'int- r 10, IHU3 TKKMS Five per cent of tbe p ir. j chase mon-y to ti* paid when the several • propert..-' are ki.- k.*l d wn. on<-tlurd •-f '.he f.altr- en the r er.firri.all• TI ! the i ale. one third in one year thereafi r. and ' Ihe remaining tbir.i in two years Iberwaf witli interest, tbc latter payments to i t* se ure.l hy fsond and mortgage on tbe I | ren.lie. JOHN B I. IN*. \-f nnM-trator d Dr I W'il n, d> i d If-..Monte, J' , Arril Ist. 1"M -H, \ 11G 171." - i.i .1. ir i ii|. *i. 1 1, I 111 /.I -, ' i • | *ll-1, • I ; .1' 1.-thif"' lee. e* rlgtlt i • ess ths.t r.s!t.l'r *l** '* It'*' *"*!'! r 1 .1 *ee* •e • I!,. e rltx.s . :!.i, A'■ *4 it .e* , \ '* o*. M* f k DMINIBTR \ I >R*BNOTICE.—- a \ ' I |' ' 11 a 1 ,<l'• •• | ' a If4l * ••!> th* •'•tat* .f AA.a'rt Atef. lata 'if 11-slf r , i t,ae • , f* ■ M*' f hat* Iswt. r'natil !o lh* In* lf. • ! AM j.* *ln • i.j ihrmwlvft in .1' 1 f 1I- IF* t*l ar* rrwj ii#4 to mat,* lwti *!tal* ia • . a*.4 V •** Hat nf • la#nt* w >ll j r*' nt (h't V -- : • .I ■ : I • t i gll • iar Antl Aim. MM ratdif I'hl4itihl/>fiw I hunch , I • Don't Forget —THE— Philadelphia Branch IS A ONE-PRICED STORE. & /Tr7\ n Hm / er -A J H 11/ r\ CJ H <f/ ! U , 1 Tr | 1 II / - Is again to the fore with an t-xtn ■ive assortment of Sp.-iijail SmQii' CLOTHING and respectfully invite* the public u> rail and examine our elegant Suit and Over ( oat#, for Men, Youth, Boys, and Children"? war manufactured for our trade of the he it material, and iu all styles to ph-a-o. Our stock of M.uV sin's in Cuta ways, Sacks, Prince Alberts, I) .üble llrea-ted CoaU, Reversible, Chen- I cbilia aud Beaver Overcoats are Su |K-rior. and luvih Attention. And now just 10.,k here. Mm and Hoys, are you going to freeze this Winter,or not'' Why, of course you're n >t. You tnn>t have Winter Cloth ing. and what you want is the HK*T ;TO the Market for the LOWEST Price. A >ti ha\ got your money hoot-ally, and of < >ui*eyou want the most for it. WE WANT .J VST SI < II HI SlNl-giS and therefore in vite \ ur vi-i, to the PHILADEL PHIA BLANCH. Our business re -1 lation* with the IV.ple of Centre County in the past have been pleasant and satisfactory, and in offering tur l'hank* for the LiU ral cu-toni hereto fore given us, we renew the pledge upon which we started out — FAIB AKI> .If"T DF.AI.IK(I TO AI.L, REMEMBER THE FINEST AND C II E A PEST CtOTttlUG, IS AT THK PHILADELPHIA BRANCH ON ALLEGHENY BTRIQ A CO,, Proprietor. It il lift ill. fW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers