®he €aixt femoral. TIIK CKNTIiK OK MOCK AT i nui> ritu ano* Si U (IUJI PII'LLU 4>JYIICA J OO A IJVk! PAPKB— Jotd to th lutraia of lht whole Pijruiuli iMtd* within three montlia will t>r rou ■ IdIH Alr*lv'A. M i ,** r *i'l m lUC"i inivd until wrreATAgea •'* p&j l ei *pt 4l option ol i htlahera lilMn |uiu|jii(iil fm iq ftilTAttr*. An; pvrmu prucurlui m tencwah iubicrlbn will lllwi • • • '• *' ilitr *(t'Hiat'•* circulation nmki>i thla |>A|*r AH on* MQ at4> rwllnMe AUt |OAW|II* r*l" All * U*ctia. mei.t for a I**" torni than three ninth* fO canli per Hit* for the drat thro* lowrtloiii, ud * c -Hlt a line foi *nch Additional tiiiortlon. J*|ecl*l a >t•*# onr liaii *u>>r. 1111 torial notl< t6 conta.pwr llna. L •<■* \'ofi> m in i H-ai < '>iutun, 10 erfeUpar llna. A 11 bora I liaoonntla made to poraona wdv*rt tain*, bj h* qnartor hnl* ;ronr,or ;w,%a follow A . ! XA o. mca ocovrttn. 14 4 * tat "• I (ot IS llttO*'" typo) r_ • It T*n incln*a .. • l ,f 1 Throo inchea... ol'iinn •r '• 1 - ' 1 Half -til tm or |iMit-h*ai d'. .v. Ou" I ' r - ochfai ' • 1" F •r'ion, tcopt n ".irly < ntr t- hen tmlf yrarla pv i n 'van A o (r —ln tm communication. '"A Linn From I'** Ltnti, whii-h appear >t January 14lli, I proiuiseil your readsi- -■>• liie furl* n■ I figures hearieg on orange culture. Il i time I rs-deem that prntni e. There are in this business, n in every other, two aisle*—nt< ami profit* inil I wish t • make at honc-t a atntcinent a* I t an ot Loth columns of tigur s. Some ft.s-.crt that "figures never lie, - ' ami vet we know that figures so manipulated as to lcf course the profit will he greater or les nccording to ciroum*tano- s. First, let ma state the item* of rr>*t. In varous parts of the country I find there nr people considering the desira bleness of investing in this orange field •So mtny have corresponded with m> and want to know the facts, hence this article. Here about the cost of land i* Considerable, and it is r.api Uy advanr ing. Near the city of l>e Land it cost* *l SO to an acre. A couple of mi'e out similar land can I • got at about f.'si Clearing, fencing, etc . from ?_*<• to dou- ' Lie that amount, according to the way in which you want it done. Flowing and preparing the cleared land would cast about ♦•"> an acre. When ready to stake the land where the trees are to he set, say at a distance of twenty five feet npvrt. you procure your budded or seed ling stocks, as you choose. The former is in greatest demand, for two or three reasons : It is claimed tint of budded you have finer varieties, a .piicker return, belter fruit. Tree* from the nurseries are worth from thwt> five cents to a dollar, or mor. according to aire and thriftine**. When being set the trees should have fertilizer to erure succe**ful growth, and thereafter should be fertili/i d in February an-l -Inn'- of each yevr. There are a do*en or more fer tiliser* in the market, each claiming to be ju*t the thing you nr.- I. ro*ting about s|n per t in. E*[>erienced orange grow crs tell you that you need put on five to twensv five cents worth to each tree when out. and afterward- from sri$ r i to $lO worth per acre for an annual dr< * iog It is but just to state that some have got along well with little bought fertilizers and mueh extra toil, burying so I- sn-l weeds around the roots, e'r This i- not the end. hut the begir.ir • . j outlay. Vour grove must Le cared for •constantly, or it cannot but prove a fail ore. It will get, overrun with weeds : wood lice will girdle and destroy your trees: the orange dog. not unlike the tomato worui, will devour the foliage ; the scale will eat out the very life of the le.rk, etc.. unless you kep on the track, and forever fight the foe of the orange tree. It was -aid that eternal vigilance waa the price of liberty. The same i. and will he the price of sucee-s fill culture of these apples of go'd Kvery tree should have the soil around it atirTed about once in two weeks throughout the season—from February to Beptcmler. Thus for half a dozen year or there ftbnuts there isaeonstant outlay,ls>th of money and lidsir. After that the har vest will begin to appear. Atfirat slowly, . the growth of the trees, then npidly. until in a few years you get your bund red fold and more, despite an ooeaaional biting frost. Now for the bright side—the profit column of the accom t. My neighhrr across the road reaps d ni.* first return three years ago in the sale of ooly four o >*c* of oranges. The neit season he old tea-fold that amount; last season about sixty fold, and, judging from the •mail orange* already set on his (tearing trees, he e*f#-t* an increaae of two hundred and fifty-fold on the fust yield of fruit, lie calculates on one thousand b 'xes l >r next fall, net.log a profit of lull pr bx. Let this sullioo to in dicate what may he expeo'ed. Alive ere grove st i's le st la a fortune for any one whose r< qul'omeuts sre not wholly unreasonable, (ien. 11. H. Mindfotd as serted of u grove adjoining his land, that its owner reiili/. d an aveiage crop of ft,.',OA value lor eleven years in suc cession. One ol these years his crop was wurih $7,"00. all oil' a four and H hn'f sere giove. The net cash value of the crops ol the State for l*b.'J I i* given at f_'->o,o hing to tear front thi* *ooice. llis- in i . t caliliot I ec -me g utte i with Florida or nge*. The d-- niand will keep lir sine id <•! t l .- supply. \t least for 11livein ration a- d that! 1 - lowing it. Tie yar be!-> hist oi.r 7tM.OS ate. only at It lie-tenth lit-il-e | all I availahl" for "• .I.• culture Let m- s•> tO til -s- who st.eeliliy.-ly t.l k ot the allg" el a /-. tiial a F'-lilisyl van.an, a shiewi l.Usin. - - nian, a nnr chant frem Fhoewixvil!ha- le rv a p'.iperty w hid. eot h.ia ?t (* and thi - ' ■ man IS offer. I the oilier <1 e, sn,lM. for the same, but wi-< ly r- f.is-d to se 1 nut. N .v. he h -ight adsliiional Intel. This fact I got from himself, and i: !-peaks volute - \ n ther qiii :, .n ! bearing on the cc t and prs lit, I* : ". "Supp -e you have fr- |U' lit rs j- A tioitt of Irost. -licl. i- sill - 1.-1 you ls'. ; winter ?" Well, it was try ing. The socotid w.-s-k ill January m-ele ps-ople hs.k and feel , blue. And yet ths-re was profit us well 1 , a* loss in that visitation, severs- ss it i -s-emcsl. Wlu-n the foliage fell oti and the t I inches Were Unl bare, we ! ; got a precioua opjiortunity for . ] , !ening the lrs-s> The orange is an ever- , green, and the leaves are larg-- and nutiu-r --■ ■us, afi-.rding a fine nstling piai - for tb ■ n'-n.:ef.d thsj tree. H-• id's, lhi haf pen, '.ut once in a long while. One thiny suf i prised u greatly, it wa net *• r i<. w- k ' rom the fall of the old to the apjs arance >f the r.ew , so that, by this time, the full- j *•;"' the stripped :• as perfect a- that o! the ur.tript>ed tree-. I Tu the man of small rapi'al. and Is- kir.p , : the means to sre.f f-.r return tin - -.in ' piestion mere, vi/ g. What an h<-d-r.e s!, ;. agl v- . is.l luring 1 Tn: ha> been praetn-a-ly answer . esi by not a f'-w who have . me hnl-e- I with more mu'des than n.- ney, m- r>- s - u limn sense than csh If a man ha a trad r.e is ail right, and can wait It ha- been • aid that there are two absolute rc<) nre ms-nU, money and patien- >• tut there ar- I ersons near n e who, with little money ul perseverance and p.luck to ensure suci <■•• There is * man with quite a family, near me, who has given htn.-el! t-- grove r.i lure, to nursery w--rk, t- ra-:-c v< -t* til-s, Ac ,an 1 ha properly w -th j sit day. I r more bushel. In ar.- ther part of my c nimur.ieali n, 1 '[*•*!> <-f Nurrery St. is \nvne ran make m -r.ey at t!.i My neighbor, just over the way, •-.! i abut a a th m*anrl h of tre. • tbis i • pring, and could have s dar many r.i . j ■f he bad them. "A'.' S>nr i •...•( ,r. | witout rnoney_j the Uw hereals.uts. Florid* has riot * t,e re| of hr al <-f idle- : no to offer >u. n *' c m* to mat." th.-ir I homo here, but honet haf, ! of I- il will 1 -ctire daily bread, and mesrwhie, with 1 proper care, and labor, the p<>or man * grove will ensure that he be not perjeiu ally poor. K F.i>w*att I > k Laju>, April 2, 1 -H4 A ins. OVKRV, which is creating -ome thing of seii'ntion among the wise men ol lotislon, is said to liave been made of the origtial parchment manii acriptacf the Mosaic book of the Ohl Te-tm nt. The alleged place of dis covery i* not definitely loeated, but it ia somewhere in Arabia, on the route thai the !*rnelitea'niu*t hare taken on their flight from Egypt toward' Palo* tine. Pr. Harkavy, of St. Petersburg, i one of the greatest living Hebraists, is now in |.o**c*-ion of the manuscript* and will shortly, it ia to he presumed, pronounce them preposterous forgeries. A Book snort tirss.— You can buy books on almost any subject, but John -1 ston, the (lun Man, sends free Urge illustrates! fid page catalogue of rifle*, shot gun*, revolvera, etc. Addrea* Great i Western Gun Works, Pittsburgh, Ta. —The Cantaa Dknociat and the ; -d mtrir/m Frmrr ill for tI.SS cask in ad ranee. PENNSYLVANIA'S CHOICE.! It INI>AI,L SUPI'i'KI'KB BY Till DKMOCRATS FOR PUKSIBKNT. A llurmonioun Mooting Tho Re* olutlouH Adopted Burr, Wal lace, Hurrity, Meyers, Sow don and Ooxo Dolo- Kutoß-at-LurKO- Ai I.IIXTOWN, April 'J. —The wi-itbcr was inauspicious, hut in nil things ul. the democratic convention, which completed its I/thorn here to night, wan miccriiful beyond nicmuri-. There were live thousand people here, and though therein fell con*tmly their interest in the work wan unabated throughout the whole protracted ten* on. The opera house, in which the *"Hiion trait held in -t.i dl but adtjtirab v ad ij,t d, and t'hairiuun llenwd'a arrangement.* wen perfect. At precisely ten o'cli i k Mr- II tie IV g Vol fell to oimmon the de]e g.i'es to order, and 1 1 t to* gui'i ■ r.< <• invoked by Itev. I. \V. Wajtller. Then itie lot of delegate- wan called for the pur| of making *uch correction- a-, - i tiled noceaa .ry, and at the Col < lu- ' i n of that order A. 11. Dill, the p< jnr ; Itr dc.i.oe atic It'll hor" fl"lt l'ni 11 county, notn nnt'd It. M. Sjeer. ol [ llu- for t'-mj or.ry chairman.; Nil ID ii - I ti.i rn< I Mi Dill and W, 1.. • itt to < - rt him t> the i hair, and n i- •tun.' g the dutii * In in etc one ot hi* , happiest *pf • - 111 *. MI., I EKK'H MIT > II "I 'I . giix etui tul ule Ir tutu my ,le re .■' k now Ii 'lgtlX'llt ~. lidilltak ng .III* en.i , 1 d >it w tli the t atle t pur po- to ) i ile impartial y and fairly. \< 1 lo >k yoj in the lee I remember that tli.- l.mt den,--era' 1c |.r ■ dent who wan inaugurated but not the lt wl. . w i cl- - ed, iva* a I'eiinjylvatu iti. ind 1 hope the u-ueof thin C'lit < ntion will In ths ii( initiation of atiothei l'enn-yl vanian who wiil !>■ e'ei tel I'eiiuny 1 • ali.a '■•uld t "t la- unmiiidful < f 1 ernel) and the democratic party cannot !••• unmind ful of her .A* long a* there in employ ment for lal or .-he w.ll not turn to the democracy in vain The enforcement ; of the lawn and the | tirif ation of the civil service are dear to ail ot u A man ha* be* II na in <-<1 lore who hi-* been in the public service for twenty five y< tr* at I i* t - day poorer than wl.<-ri lie cot* red it. If be -hall be d, dared. * he wdl be, the choice ofihia cotiven ti in for the na'.i >nal < \* utive. 1- t hirn ; go t ,t * ny with JOUI vol* • tut with your h< art." AftT the uppluij" that followed hi* <1 ,*ing climax Kx I.leiilenalit t.ovenor I.nti moved tliat the ru!e oftb* house • d repr* - a iitat.v * t* adopted ho the government of the convention. 'I hat tc-olulion prevailed and It. 1.. Motisg hail moved that they proceed to the order of buin<". 'I he chairman ,i, t, 1 * , all of the venatorinl ditricU •">r the | urjto**- of forming c -mmitte*-* ,-n J-: i. II- nt orgatiuilion, credent *l* j - I uli M and that hav Itg bSSB | ■ ouip • ted, a motion that when the - anv* nlion adjourn it lie "1 at J o'clock v- a lopied. the contention at 1-' •'* I> k adj. urned. 'n reaeecmbong j Thomas tirevy, chairman of the on •ii t c<- on | •• iiiuTo-i t orgnmvti n. re or i i- oiiimei Wl.on tb.it Mr. - • r 1,, mit ue.l t*i preside over th< i 0.-r "I IT ti' '-'Had with the id l 11,-1 , ti.-*. p.- lent tfom each u turt. I liAotlier t'-nifior ry j otl w* re continued. Titr rRRRAXrxT cons RNTWV M -pe,-r n ni-w- 1 In* expr> *i< n of li i rid nnounce I In* readin- to dinpat'ti I ii-ti'-- It wa* announced that the committee on enntot' d *"'* would not 1-c ready to report before three o'clo.-k, and the chair n*k what t lie conventi' li would I*' pl(-are Ito do me inw bib- A delegate propo-. d that • lie platform committee b. rrqurste 1 to ! report and that wit- adop wn •ixpr-nd ed. Then tlm resolution wo* rea l and when the tariff plank wn* reached an ou'bur*t followed : but the climax rame when Mr. Randall'* name wa* mention cl ant Mr. Mutchlcr 1 iconic *m harassed. When quiet waa restored, he proceeded with the reading, however, and the vote by which the report wa unanunoul* adopted provoked a fresh outburst. The committee on credential* not being yet ready a delegate called for Mr. Randall and thi* wa* followed by a general cry for the favorite son. Mr. Sjieer aaid that he didn't know that Mr. Randall wa* present hut would g'adly entertain a motion for a commit tee to wait on him. The motion wa* made, the committee appointed and Mr. Howden culled on to make a speech in the interval. He re*ponded in his usual eloquent style and was just warming up to the work*wban Mr. Rsn dall entered by the stag* door. "I give way to the next president of the United States," 2-id Mr. Sowdeg and the con. edition stood up sod yelled. For several minutes huts were thrown up and pandemonium reigned. Mr Ran ve to day unanimously bestowed upon me. I do not attribute this action in any degree <> m. peisoii'il merits, I'll the color,tv, I recognise *llil realise it MM an ■*},| roval of iho rerolute and j aggri-h ive i'our*e winch puisued in eon gren* in advocHey ar, ding* were ri uiri' d after tin* *ll 1 " livtoi K< mo-ly reported that the J commit!' Oil I -meat- had agn-1 . pio , , |.-d with. I tun a th<- aubj'-et II winili the greatest in '(r. si < • nt< ie,|, aii I nil w-re exceed 'ny y nuxiou a* to the on . oini*. I ~ur in 11, Mi> r, M. It. ('■**•, \V. A. Wallaee. tV. 1. Matrity and .fas ]'. l'irr W-JO flee'. I lltld lie ft 1.1 r two ►.(! S'L (1- left for n fr• • for all race between s ii* ]• n a pit iiiU. 'n the fir-' b.illot tin four n-iiuid ini'i ft. p. Meyer* and \V, II ■* iwd'-n were chosen, mi l the< "ti gr> - "tial -b-tricts were > died for th" purpose submitting the ib-lriet 'b-le gato* and elector*, siid when thst wa* * .ii| lele-d lie con vent it >ii .idjourned i with -ut dv. o. l> it. i THE RESOLUTIONS. Plat for ni Adopt nt bp th* Convention at Allontown. I ii* ri-*',|iitions adoptei l.y tin ■ on vntion to day -ire as follow. 1. The democratic party of I'enn *ylv*nia in st*t* convention met, de j clan •it unalterable det'-rmination t.. ; Maintain ile -e principle* ot govern m* nt ordained by tin-federal constitu tion and th- r true interjiretat on which ; the founder- of the j-arty n-itled and ma'le known, and denounced the m I tempts I y the agent* of the fi-d'-ral governni'-nt t,> "t, r urn th< -e princ. ' pic* dy juda ,1 leg.-lstien ami <\ ectltive u-urpsti'-n. '2. We nre sgainit rent rslitxtion. monopoly, extravagant expenditure. ) *U"l*idiei and a dehancnierit of tin- civil *er\ ire to partisan spoliation -f. We believe the electoral 'rand -f l s 7f>TT, bv which Samuel .f. 'l'ilden md Them** A. Hendricks were chented c ut "f the r ff. of president and v. c | re*ideit, to which they w.re fairly i • ted. "i* the mc*t 11'" ,ily f b, ei , r aim* 1 ut rin "tit'-m of rcprc iitstii > government, and the duly of dining I trom power the m*n alel partv who in, lethal frail I triiiinphant. i' the m"-t '' r< I obligation ev-r im| 1 upon th* on* i nee* of freeman. 1. M e favor at u -It !or revenue lini't< -I to the nt • ' 11i • of tli- g >vernuno.t economically administered and r> i juste l in it application .a* to prei< t unu il bur leti* and encourage pr In live indiiairi'-* at borne and afford u-t ' compen*iti-n t" lat>or. but not to create ; and fo t"r mnropope. -,nd to thi* ri d we favor the abolition of tlx interna) revenue *'. a'em taxw*, an I uch adt -t I mcnt of lb* existing tariff dtit ••. as will ; be con*i*leni with these prillcipUa, Kverv leg timate effort of lnl>e,r | to fetter iti ndvare* it* re , war I* and protects it* right* commands ; tlie sympathy vod *upp-ort of the demo rrat'c parfr. The importation nndrr ! contact of foreign pan pet 1 *hor i an | evil wtiich ahou d tc remedicl by yudi ciou* legislation | ft W* favor the enforcement of the ; c->r"t it nt irl S l'IUron, 110 ||M. a r>l. Um>||* Ju W frnll I. "11.-i M.or, |( All.-,, John K K*al J K |. Ki-'mo. a. Win r Moullr, (7 (, I. W-„.l,nft Jultn M (>ni|ll. j A H.CoffroOi 4. H* Hi t|-1 J Joeeplll fI k f A Off, Tho* J. |H.|il,*uly. i jo. Hwitll. ft. M„ I.*. I En*". |to. r M a*,lor. J-.liii Tollrrioa. M* 'if.a ii 'I Trail i J. |,l V ll'onr, li. J K 1V..r1, 1.1. W a Irr l'„ ,i r "f '' '•",*. .1 l,u *. M' KlMtiry, Kg Jaiioa mi,., . l~ Sojaiala Iflntawa, I Win A M.ra. I ha. II Nov*. II A J I',ill. W iii. I, llf-narl, Kr . THE EEECIORAL TICKET. Thosn Who Will Hrlp Elect Ihr , Next Prentdoiil. i roe following i. in-- eMwtorial ticket , elected t- - Say ILK 70S" /? • VIL, Ki< F SF ! VTI|. | J VF ar;-' I , j■, r J I Dteeer plates —medium . do 1 10 ■ ' Tea I'lal'-a J Tiire*-f,.--r(ii.il or < vni mt u> i ■"atice dishi- r, ,ii,d or "Thi—< at-b 2" ' "ante 1 ure'-ro— ( pi, .• '.ai Saurv h< at> 26 Cup* ar.d raucers—handled lit pu*i fin J" do unhand.fl do 6n | Fruit .aiirer* —j* r dt 7 Ml 1 i Chamber s-v —lO pir- e ,"j m, I'itcbnr and Kauri ] IN, Covered t hattibcr 76 TA m.i; <;i. VSSWAHK. Tumbler*, each. . (*p- ■ (tot,let *, " < (WW- | Fruit ft iwl* i Cake *t*nri . 35, ; fla-H TV't*. 1 pieoia . ~'a 1 hull Clo< k t,i Decorated Ti , olid Fund 1 1 t- u*t as cheap iu proportion.) 1 Zrx~ ! d- -lie to -ay l-i . very I'-a-i, r "f tin* adv erti-'Uxnt Itrantyrur n, ■' -a, ai.'l .11 r< r- long out f.,r it 1 am fully pre I p.ired to g - . yr-u thetir ite-t value for I your 111 n-y or - yet obtained. Call 1 and examine the goods and tlie price 1 111 do it -t tn.tilt tii, tl* all I c laim a* , 10 | rice* I cing Id AVFR than ever !*• I for" heard, I ,|o not ask your patronage. Tb* great-r amount of good- J can m-1I tlie lower pr>c> * imii aixl wii i m- MAIO. Respect ftillv, W, U. WJI.KINso.X. .\g n t. S" * 1 1 llarj-er, ••( it.. Ih.r t K h of n.r f sl.,l'f*br 1 , I'. . I,* a| |,li*l o, lb* rxr,urt <4 Interval Afl.ir. . r ih* • an - aaeallb el Ivntiajira nla htm buailre) , f }*,„). i|i, ; ,i,i tn tl,. ' I Si- •• n—wl Const? "< Canlre, a.l mini lar. *. "( "lll,am M.l'),.on* .n! Sharp I la'..) I'O lb* na.l, Paal ant W illtam Levi. 'lan Jar I lb* *** l. and raiant las.) -1, lb* S alt, *> ,li,' lt'nrj tie.*, of lb* K O'lifh ol K-lle r ■lr.t'atlra l<>, T. . ba* arvdied i<> lb* ratarj of If.wrnal agalrai f Iba ' ■ Bin, , a-.ilb of IVantilra nl* f r '• ar hnalr*t arra* of land, tilaaled in lb* i anablo of Hsr v Sb.a, as,l Cent,lt , f (Vtitra. *4- l < mat ( ntbl-*rl an-l Ttmma. Ilaa thorn on Ih* aaat. and raranl land ,rs th* couth. Roth * W. C. Hrdnl*. of lb* fbimtigh of 11*11*. f "l, IVolf. Oo , I'a . bar *| | lied lo Ih* Rrorelarr of lal*rnal *#.,ra .l Ibi |V a* nvealth of e*nn.jlr*- nla for four hnndrad area f laod, aUualed la tl,* I "Vixhlp of Srrov Sh. aad Coor.ij ol Centre ad i JolaißX land, of William Laltuner n: lb* rv*L ra ranl land on Iba aeatli. Thoaia* le* and Charles Risk on lb* veal, and rat ant land Iba north Nollr* lfenrj Re. v of Iba Rohnugb of Halle font#. Centra (V.antJ, Pa . ha. ajo-lled to lb* (Wrai*ty of lalerval ASalraid lb. Cronie'-ba-.llh ,-f Panu.jf r.aia f,r f.-or bna lred aire, of land, situated m the r ■fill,, of Snoa Sboa and Cto'iMj o| lantr*. ad Jidnlnf land* of felii Ibunei and w'uliam Laminar on '.ba aaat; aarant land on lb* south. Th-.maa L Shlppan and TH. ma* Le* oa lb. w*.t, and aarant land on Ik* norlb. Rotlra —J. C. Itarpar. of lb* fbo ngb of Ratle foal*. Centre Co.. Pa baa applied to Iba **"*tarj ~f tntarnal Affair* of tk* Onmmonvn.Hb of rannajlra nlo, for knar hnndrad ana ad land, al'iated In lb* township of Rao* Shoe and Ooanlt of Centre, a.l I Jofalai land of Rtttlam Rlnibam. Jamaa Han!horn and r*.l Rnrnal on lb* aaat. reran! land ■ lb* aoulb: Tkorn** Ontbban. Tb-ona. Hawiboea and Tkomaa I. Shipper oa Ik* wast, aad aaraai land on I th* nm ik [ Notion.-Rata n A loKaa. of U>* Rn.owab of Rett*. foata Caw en (Vaaly, Pa . Has applied In th* Rerrstara 1 of latarml Adblm of ik* Oaniaaoawaaltk of P*a r- rania tor toar kandrrd arras of land, Wasted in township of Rn*> fkae aad Chants ef Cam tr* ad Joining bMad* rf Sharp IMaaa* aad Rdward k'tt aa I Ika wsk Rohan Morris and William Lawt* (Lawvar) oa tk* want, moat land aa tk* south, and aorwat land oa tkw nor Us firurrrim, l'rorln(oiin,,( lv brown; jr., & CO., ,' No. 3 and 5 1 Bishop St., Bellefonte. (iIiOCKRIKS, ' ' PROVISIONS, FLOUR & FEED. FISH, SALT, k, THE CIiKAPKST STORE * To hity f; , ort ri'x in t/i r- xe<- tion of the iSt'it' LOOK At a few of OUR PRICES: Lake Herring, J I bbi $ 2.00 1 Hack I*• -1 Hol.cr 1 lour 1 -1 • ■'l ( art- trinjr Beam o tt " Lima " . 25 •i " Oru 2-3 • " Tur.iatoc* 2- r > 'iranulaled >,! gar I 'jii 3 Bottle? Cat-up 2- r i 3 " I'irkler . . 25 1 lb. Raking Powder 30 1 lb. Pure Pepper 25 1 pal. Best Table Syrup* all sugar 7• || " (ihicose Syrup . 4.", Sugar Syrup. 41, Choice Rica . p.v 5 jHitind.- Sultana Prune* . 25 Lump Starch " Corn Starch, jwr pound . OS 1 pound l>cst Cofee . . ](• Sardit os, :i boxes for . 25 Scaled Herring, | 2 lbs Canned Corned Beef 2T mm Tapioca Flake or Pearl . 07 EVERYTHING ELSE Sold aw Cheap In Pro portion. We also hare in connection with our store a first-class Meal Market, And sell CHEAPER than • 4 any other Meat Market in town. E. BROWN, JR., & CO. ••1.1 J BELLEFONTE. PA. fa