Washington s Mother MF.R GKAVX NKGI.KCTKD AND rOSUOTTON— THK OLD KENMORK Hull. Front rrdiTl< kburg Lsitrr. Congressman Wise, of Virginia, may not possibly gu<ht*r in touch fatuo front hi* Danville massacre or hi bloodless duel with Fagc McCarthy, but by call itig the attention ol Congress to the neglected remain* of Washington'* mother, ho may associate hi* name with old and highly esteemed memories. Washington's father,named Augustine, with Mrry, his wife, settled originally in the county of Westmorland, on the other bank of the river, a few miles be low the preront Krederiokburg. moving later to a site nearly opposite the loca' tion of the town. It was to this new home George wss brought when about six years old. The lad figures in legen dary l tcal lore a having thrown a stone across the Rappahannock at an incredi bly early age. The fond parent who had enticed George into the paths of truth never cut a conspicuous figure and died young, leaving the care of the hov to hi* wife. This was about all he did leave, except a ooonskin cap and a mortgage on the farm. Mr*. Washington, or Mother Wash ington, a* the native* call her, then Abandoned the old place and paused the days of her widowhood in a small one st >ry and attio frame that ia still stand ing on one of the principal atreeta, just lyo'ore you reach the out-kirt*—a bat tered and shaky concern, with a band box kitchen attachment, in which two chicken* could hardly bo cooked with out crowding the accommodations. Ad- | -itlionh have aince hern made to the ' origin it house, but the old shanty itself, ■ in ail it* primitive quaintness, is now occupied by Mr. Moon and his tsmily, a watchmaker of the town, while the corner room, where Mother Washington died, is now the firmament Irom which Mrs. Moon sheds her mild domestic light. About two hundred yards to the south of h'r old rookery tnds the mo<t interesting house of the neigbbot ho.el and it explains the residence of ! Mother Washington on the south fide of the river alter her husband's death. She h >d. among other treasures, a daugh ter Elizabeth, Letter known as lieity. | on wh >lO Col. Fielding Lewis dropped hia adoring and practical gate. The Colon-1 was an English gentleman, of cultui e and family and barring an inher ited tendency to consumption, which ' ■helvi-d bun before tnsny years, seems to have been a most deiral le cavsliir i of the old school. He drew his English gold, imported English architects and bricks and built the substantial man sion which is now the home of Mr. Willis u Key Uaword, of JWllimore and is still known aa Kenmore House. Its walls and drives are aa lonely as ever and spacious hsl! and it* dining room elegant and impressive. mother's grave bet we< n her old home and Kerim"re House is surmounted by a pedestal, without an inscription and aurrounded by rank weeds. Just at its feet lies a postrate shaft of undressed marble, about two feet in length, meant for the capital of the monument. The storm* of many years have swept over it, and sunshine of many summers have rested their hopeful raya u|>on its surface, but no in fluence in Virginia has been found strong enough to ruse it from itadegra. ded resting place and place it on the orphaned ba<-. The ground are still un kept, overrun with we'd* and thistles. 1 surrounded, w. ha cheap wire fencing and furnished, for I lie l>enefit of visitor* with a tumble 1 lorn wooden stile. SuggoHttvo Contrasts. While Mr. J< hn Sherman and a num ber of other K P'l-iblican Sotia'ora are d< ing what they con through the agency of the outrage mill to renew the sec lional prejudices of other years albeit they have thus far made fortuna'e fail ure of the whole disreputable business —the veteran sold ers of the North are clasping hands of friendly sympathy with their late an tag mists, and making manifest in marry ways that the era of reconciliation has come to stay, the partisanship of the contrary notwifh standing. A conspicuous exhibition of thai fraternal feeling t* jast now making io •he efforts of the Grand Army posts of the North to a*i*U the movement which has been inaugurated at Rich mond to found a home for diaabled Con federate soldiers. In this good work the posts at Brojklyn are leading off with an earnestness and enthusiaam that promises to result in a largo accca aion to the Richmond fund. There ia a mass meeting to he held et Cooper Union, New York, on Wed aeedsy evening next, to advance the oauae and a grand entertainment to be given at the Metropolitan Opera House on the 30th instant, in behalf of the same object to which the first contribu tion roado was an order for one thou*- end tickets at oe dollar each by David Mallon, of D e Grand Army. It was hoped unit (Jen. Grant might he induced to preside at the Cooper Union meeting, hut his physical condi tion will hardly admit of his doing so. In his dispatch from this city to Gen. Gordon, however expressing his regret at being unable to attend, he al so conveys his hearty approval of the contemplated objeot. How pitiful and mean, in view of* noble philanthropio enterprise, so gen erously seconded by those who were but twenty years ago, the deadly foes upon the battlefield, of the intended beneficiaries of the Houthern Veterans' home, appears a Senatorial committee sitting upon on election riot at Danville, inspired by no other motive, so far as majoity is concerned, than the manufac. ture of political capital whereby to pull the teclion apart and perpetuate their resentmeots. Mr. Sherman, directing the one—Gen, Grant signifying his hearty approval of the other—lurnish a striking cootraat, and we hsve no fears that its moral will be loat upon the thinking masses of the people throughout the country. The limn for waving the bloody abirt Las certainly passed, when the gr-al soldier to whom Robert F.. I.ee gave up his sword, can subscribe his unqualified in dorsement to a benefaction for the dis abled veterans of Lew's army.— R'nA imejton Pott. - - VIA, VXKILT.—We pity him—the man who has to go shopping in a tlry goods store with hi* wife. He is everlastingly trying to pretend that he is used to that sort of thing, hut when his wife ak him to decide whether she should take the silk of the color of "elephant's breath," "sunset cherry," "crushed strawberry," or "ashes of roe," lie is completely "knocked out," ami tied* it hard work to face the good looking sales-ladv behind the counter, without a ciimson blush on his sla" aster brow. I adtuiro the man who can paaa through the ordeal. Verily, be that purchaaeth a pspor of pins for hi* wife in a fashion able dry goods store is greater than be that takeib a city. IlaromiDixjd Re public una The Garfield-Conk ling quarrel is revived by a long statement from Con gressman Belford, of Colorado. He says that as early as Jsnustv, IhSl, Garfield had made up bis mind to repudiate the friends of Grant and Conk ling, having t>ecome convinced that to encourage them would amount to nothing le*s than the encouragement of treason in hi* own ramp, and that the nomination of f\lleelor Robertson wss made with the design of opening the war sgain ( those gentlemen—Conkling especially —which had l>een fully resolved upon. The statement is reasonable. It will be remembered that in the beginning of the rampsign Conkling refused to meet Hatfield, though the latter had come many miles to see him ; that according to general admission the support o' Conkling had to l>e | urcbascd with the promise of a certain amount of Federal patronage, snd that in bis several speeches Conkling made only th%br.-*t allusion to Hatfield, and in some of them did not ev n mention his rnme. When "the treaty of Mentor" w: Rials the Stalwarts went to work, and elected Garfield. Then lie seised the earliest i pponunity afier bi* 'naugurv tion of g' nig back oil hi* promi-e*. an I •or tlr* br -neb of fat'-h Grant, Conk i>-g and the Stalwarts generally hold Mr Rlaiue r<-*|onib!e — Ptftilury /' •/. Life a Labors Wh it a gcrst thing it i t > live, and to live to do g-iod to others! 11->w f-w there sre who appreciate their blessed opportunities, snd improve tin to a" cnr linglv. I.ife means earnest and *c live work, t tne should love In* life work, and labor intelligently with some good end in view. Eicb day should see some noble action p'r!ortr,<- I. and its evening find each traveler one day's journey near homo. He should enter upon the rice with a brave heart, and keep up hia courage until the end. Yet bow many there are who fail in this world either through Initio**, inattention or ill health. An unwell man or woman can never love life or its work. At heart they ennnot do as murh as the one possessed of a daring aoul and a healthy body, who lovea hia work. This waa true of Mr. J. W. Reynolds, of New Lisbon, Columbiana oounty, Ohio. Through hard and ioceseant toil, and olose application to business, bis health had become greatly impaired. He had become a confirmed invalid, and the general debility of hia system was alarm ing. He could not sleep well; neither ooutd he work. A friend recommended that he try the famopa Pxstm A, prepared by the celebrated physician, Dr. 8. R. llartman. At first uo great change was noticeable, hut he persevered, (le took eight bottlee. ana as a result was completely restored to his former vigor and vtreogib. He oaya he now feels like e new man, and is daily teen about the street* of bis eity. Ifeengoystbe beet of health, and says it kt ell owing to PxanwA. He lovea his labor, and tskea pride in hia work, and is unseat ing in hi* pini e* of the gi at i. ni.dy which restored h'm. TUB HATCHET ttSrftJS humorotm imper puMtabed at tlieCupi lit). It male** a Nature of •honing up t'ublio Mrii an th< y really are. It eon • aitin a luge cartoon each week on Pub lic AfTiirn and ia filled with illuatrift d < omio ariiel-i heeidea. It ia the Urgent, handaonieat, beat and r.bca|>eat funny paper in the country. Terata, $2.50 a yea.; 21 week*, SI.OO To five or more munea aent by one party, $2 00 ench a rear. Sample CO pica aenl Iree to any addreaa. Ag-nla wanted in every town. Big CommutM'tin-. TUK HATCHET PUB. CO., WaaniNuTON, D. C. TreaMiror'H Hal© or i n*bated unm voh Taxra roR taa-i AMD IMS AND PEEVIOCa TEAR* - Nutlc* UhaftjiivrD thai In lurmirrr of an Ac of A#©anMy mmH mm lb* Iltb iay ofJua, A. D |m| entitled "An Act to •mmul an At t, dlr rting tha mo*ta of telling onaat! Urd# In C#ntr* rounfy, " and lit© aavr ral •uL/pleis*i*l tb©t# aill bo | • I-*©.! at public aaU oroßtrry lb# follow In* frarta of oaaaalod laiida Is aaid ooti lot Iba laira duo aud anialtl th©r*uß,Bt thf<arl llou##, In tbo Ifirbugh f lle||#foat, on Moadny, Juao Vtii, A. D. WM, l on# 0 clxA. p m )CIU, fit. VtlltHTII Tills BKN N KK TOWNKIIIF. M llolaiaa, Kobt 204 10U DU, < brt#t tr r> 4 90 romos TOWN ill IP 14J Data Ann part U V 3*3 let Praclor. Nolbraa At 4AI lckl Puitiburn. II m.ah II VI 4.13 I*l Mm, Wta H V 6 AM U7 Mrffr*y. anh 4% 1/ 4:13 1U.,... M ..115n9 Jooalbati 2ft *'< 4ls 4) . Howl, W m 4; >m. Ml 40 . . 110.-4 M<ae* *: 111 lurms J M A J P Pacfcrr ...., 74 40 I 4\3 . 143 lilflA I ftVM 4 ' • • M'Co,, frank ... R 3') j bo i acker, I Una 6 o4 IM m Hnwfi. Wm n il 4 -' |SB Ku*#ei TIMMMA HI M 1 *#lk*r J n 4 §0 I 44 .... b'atbar# jlMfe(tVt#f) 1 II Lftl 141 H iaa. ll|gß*R| M 0 IM RKlllllß TMWW.MIIP i 41 Blark, Jiiiim 9 14 1 ■ |M llrwly . Haiti . 4 3 |M brMi.Hu, I' y'.: 4VI 14*. lUady J-hn V 7| | 4vi . 14'. . It# 11 *ro If - i |M l'l'i||ba*n Va MM m m>d, J hu i* *>■ 4 I |M Bywi j..hn i • M 4.J IM t M, V 4 m ... i I 44 ICM (Dttlim J.-hft W fl . 4kl .... It Hi• •*. Wai 4 4* I I- . Una *rt Ma • 4* 1 4U lea .I**)©! f, M*tiry 4 4fi 4 . 1M I* .• lij J ibn IS M j$ m IM V * •*•*• i M l : #4 4U IM liray.R'.U 4 44 l . || '.r. %. Vt ,n • 1* | tit in I'- u • DM i. 11l Ovani,Aln 11M j i\\ ICS Matallt. n thn 12 - I IV* . lUrtu, Il©tiry 1* oi I 4 • IVI .. .11*rttaon •.#•' .... IV U1 4 IM M aatlj J bo II N 4 . II i t rmm■ v. || 1 4v. ia- K ld. J. h . i t 1 ll'- la*j Ssihsiit' I.' II 1 4.1.1 IM I 1.-ti John U 4 lit I Vi M(Un>iii), Ilia.' IV 42 i. 1 M l-*nh#n 'ie 4:. 44 1 111 .. IV*. M Lanaltan P-*|ly li 44 ! ♦.l I*.'. 1-la-.a-.au All!! 4' t< 14© t - . Mil. AM -i a. ... ttillrr, ■ . • U> 4*l )Sl M- flla. J—(h l!W 4tl I'. Kkbol>t> .. . ! SO.™ IA. HH-11. An I 47 ,413 l&'i >bAf#*, lie*,** li In ! 413 ..... I a troan A* rah M ... '2 41 I IV TeiKb, ftiorn 32 "-4 j 4VI 10* T am J.ir-ei '*72 I lit ib-tDM. Jmtpb M M { 4l* J<rptl ... . V.4 . IM Villkv, J aafl 11 a | 413 Wo4a*l. Joba )l 47 l!i V , lnr, Jar ' " .1 I WMr Merry 3 4 . lb. W |l n H*r l . 14 >'■ .''•4 Witlnngt- n.M*rllt ''• OuI.I.KMK TMHUSniP. I 421 Johaarf. Aaa lit V 4 rI RTIN TOW NRIIIP AVI Hob! 4 III*. A'l#f ha# *• • | 3*A lU4rd. .e.-A BVf iv H n. f V'7 .... 'ar#rarl)rn l> 4 74 . -T ..... * -<at# (Unlioy i 1V... t ' il e. 1 ' 1 j .H ' .t If . J -f.n ■ J**' 12' araraeVt*n. I 14'*> ■ II I*ba*n. Pet#r f t IW4 Iv.laB. J a- |h - 12 4' !04 t-* lit | J . b .... •' 74 . IV> .. llanry X 3' Rvana ('adnaldor f: 'i 41 * . Rlliot. H W 7 41 ' 41*' 14-tf R tee *.< M ! 44- V- Rpt x And ■ 4 • 1 *1.4 | 414 ... Hi... 44 , n -1.4 I 411 ... Olilaft. Rr IM Ml Qialfroy, Sartln •1 .. II < 4/r# J tin A 44 !■> i •• Rala p#*r . 1 ll' 'lahn. CnoiD <*4 ;4 'it Moi'©eH. w* 11 . 142..... ... llamphroT Tl •#. 14 4? I . i, J.ir Kele... J aejb 4*3 Kel. H#' rra tr I* f 4#l K # J • i h * iffy IV) Ul> .41 413 ..I *ti \ath#r>.H t/ ;♦> a*i . i -■ mm iM ■ * ■"I i. • p-**r th l4 ' .IC| |>n CM 1^ .3 :$ I- • •♦fth, laaar 7.1 Mr* t . J I.© H 12 M AM.-y Joht 4 11 2> .h M )r. I'bil i 7 | I • M yr •.iff.,, i. f/i ] 41*> 4* Hat M. t.%#' • • • I; 1 labniitir ... • M)ll#r. Jam#* .... . ' 1 4 •• Hi .. 41 n ..a ' <♦> I 4 -.4 ... 51 h 11. Hm ♦' 4 7* I 2.1) MH(A|I,Wr P . 2-i 74 1 .... Mit hII Jhn P.. Ml I Ita NtfWl H •' rt 4 I II 111 ' *r• \ |l) I. I .1 I J M 4* 71 4: IV k• r J H 4 1; r . . ra.', ' h IM I •10 P.fli#*. W V 12 a7 > Paraor.JM -14 '? nino • ai |'o *miM. PHar 111 J 4TI I VI hDlt, Hanwl HI # ivt I*l . . Taliain. Nrt || Tint#. Rlrhard . 40 I 2) TuoHi. Hi- hard 1* SIS Haln. J# -.1. 41 '4 717 l*lrun. p|#hh*irv> .34 Vt 5*17 Übarb-a. I'iahbnrn U Mi inn Willi# Jonathan . 11 in 413 flHt|oM|H 114 V) 4.U I*2 Whlta. J#m* VI Wlllt# Jonathan .... 11 10 4*l Var lift fa 4T '© PRRMCaON TOWmtHia inn .VtarrbSotd. Wm . \ M i Htafci Ahrmai l 4; tin TVa Rarrk (#omt/ ... 12 if) MRIOOO TOWN All IP IM Aakla. RnH 4 M Ifn Wnsaly Jaenk f 4V 130 Mrrr L 2*lw 4 00 Ijn R*o. DaaM 4 M I far Zolalor. Mlrhaal 17V ft'i A • ai (atrair). 8 on UAtNRR TOWNROIP. .4*3 .... iWr. Th-wiM . 1 ) 4 art. Waire 7 AS *7 Ttarruua. John of . ...... I JO tlft SO Raft. Jala a A 73 3M SO . Harr. Mary vf IM Rark lie-aft 2 V* AAA a. .... .UMhrtdtfr. liana at- b J2 IVI r##B.Jard. JAP 4M St JITBtB 7 23 40T' ....'lmtt. Ratnafd .V IA 7ft... .- MM UtUmaa, II S P **ay.lor . 17 W 3f4 'Hitman. 11 A H Si>H#r 12 M MS Hall.Oaa . 1* W Iff) SO Uok*. Marj 7 JO If* larwar) I A ton .... I'afkar, Wa. 17k 170 A Wdf..,. .. 3W IP rAd. WTM Rl 140. . ti llonarl (owaavl 1 31 IM. R Haaaal 1 10 M ... 130 Wiaaa, Joba A Pol Mdign . 46 IIAt.VMOON TOWMSfIIP S.. ....Itnrk DbM ISM OA Ha'th Jarot N A> Ilk UwNi' Jo-lab MM 14 3"a p n A Ok 1 i *m .. )Vanfaol 4e V On, k7 7" f Van pool <• |t 'f 46 0 Vakpiol do 3 0k IfAltltlrt TOWNHIIIP. ♦no Afulra, Ala loin 3 pit 1 188 f"', Ono | Bp 100 llarrU- rt R| 8 fui SO IrTln, , )|2 ♦O" I'arkcr Rlcbatil 3 fw* | ♦**' Nacd. JauiM ..... 3 kg) 4V7 f|... \A hOfltfß Rreiie ) ... 4 £1 IS# TuVDf, Ham n<■ I 00 HOWARD TOWNMIIIP. I"7 104 Mrown, Mamuel S fJ ilk . yj llairl#. Ja* I- §Hi IS lUrtli. Jm I' # SO lw v% Illta. John H 4. I ml 14 Xt 100 W'lDia, Jonathari 14 31 111 HTftN TOWNPIIIP ♦ *8 IW Hartar, Jauiaa.. 22 10 120 Knit, A dan I *% M KuLm 4 M ■ 411 I*3 Prtca, Ji'bi) .. 2A 10 433 I*l Rollingtoß, J-bn Vs 11 4A3 I*l V 4 baaland, J'hn 22 II LIHRETT TDWNIIIIIP 2 M lla|M. Riibl A Ja# 'if* '+> 171 Ilea-, iln. D So *7 a ... IfTlo. Ib-bt. - 21) *4 810 Ib 4 kaon. J#rr '22 Vj IM l,jr?le, Paar I 4y lAu Lytla, P#Ur A Sf, I 873. <J'ilgl#y; JawiAa A 10 f*t 1 Ik* Ah# A 1.1... - A 2• • f4V duiitb, Cbrtaiiaii IS 7j ' MARION TOWNHIIIP 17 Lawta. Robt 4 1/7 17 100 M< Kin bay, Dali 8 RU 70 H*hr#r. (lirle .. . IM CK- So W m TllgnmatA (uwoar) It Vj ' 100 J P llan t 12 Mi IV I*aac Praln du 7 04 t* Jubu ZalgDr do 7 V* 1 •" V#rg#r. Nm< r 4 (2 1 k" Til K> r, lUjppß 4 ('• )0 Y-.ung Robt 'lt 40 Ml LRU TOWN Hill P. •. 4>" H raiiy M, 7 V 4 I 1 410 Hrady, Hannah 7 'd . , '2 IS Hrady. J.t.e 4 T-, 0f8|. Jihn ftO , ♦♦" Hrady. Wui I* V 14 IR. Ilraily, Win , 2 n 4 ' alb'-u|, Hp 7 m ♦WJ • ar tbr. Jan##* 7 42 I Ifidr OpMßf, WM 2 7- . 12A iVflinto.'Jtpa-pb bUt ) 42V r• y llol.i 7 aw I 47' 4r-i,t. Th-.rT.a# h 7* Ham#r. W A 77 { 4' lluntar, Al( M **i i A.'BJ J k#*-B. Jramial<. *. 2* U Kttt# •"• A M MO bvjt, San n I A*. 4!f3 Nn |-o. 7 *t • Fkftbtf v it- i ' • i N "ark• r 111 bat<l 1 y I 324 l*ark>v J-rwiniab L V# • " Parker. W m 1 1 2 SSkdMRkL M rn 2 ' 4 I *milh 7>)ti.a . 7t i !*• .*<• It, AUrahant 1 *4 V Icoil, iBRHN '*l I ISO leott, AlmSmi . . t7; II 1# a .a' 1 R lif . , 27.3 Tripp J 1.1- ir: i 4.' - Ttkid. in') * ' I !'■ bong. I' <oan#r ) 7i , 12 * hart t . M -re . . 4XS Wil lent I*■ fi*r 7 Mj rr.-ix T<iN*i<ii' ?4 3rrn-*r'ng Jam©# S <fQ 1 '#' 1' '.-I n, J.# n k 112 1 • .U ti,J.hi 3 VI 1 | V llamte-tA-n. 71)' mm* 6 1-V' 31 llrpl inn, Jmmm 4 'A I' Kennedy J bn 4 '0 IV he. newly , Jan>ea 4 •ti 104 * • K'uurdy Ati-1 1 ' ; ' |<ft 131 Ketitxdy, J -hn 3 72 11 • k' nn#-iy Jan.*-* I *1 • • i • n. IA • t * • j * I t ti h*#kt*l * ' ■ !*• M n'| anry.Va 4 D l'i 3| <.t*- ru ry. Iab.*< 4 9$ M < alley. W, a 00 M < alh). J'4-r e r. pi'TTK* fiW NklllP 2*s IV and. Mara 4 44 • *1 111 •otr.h,Al I l* 13. • ar Ikert 2 1 /f' I'ullioer. II H *.t U> Oarlgu# l.Vlar 4 • ' 4*g) HBllrib. WM * • Vk lUrt>*Ai> km * <4 4- l-ialnf-lim 7 4 !<•' MrDellatt, Ow- 1 * 7 TO |Vwk J*- I 4 W J b aner 1 fl hPRINm T))W Rklllp IWI ir Prd n J- bn € 14 ) H/dia n ('•'Udhr V V 0 • l. i a r . K* w*a ♦ - IV. H 't-ia-Afi. Rtr ktß'd 4 B7 a M . H $#T - • M 'tl 113' TttmrnbuPßir Tb -av ' ■ IV J (iutduti '*nr v M hit nay an r " * jiSt.W KIIMR T"W NklllP 413 baxard. And VA 7 • 4 . 1 iB gban. Wm Mi B3 ; 4A l .'. ll*wrt, . it •< j *V < . 1-tua. <#*• A 4^ lit IV *.- ,#!. Un - 1 4<. 4* • a*a •-1 ©n la1 r? :f --41 4 4 #r*ra*lle ln,i 7. "4 | pt w ' at© ad-lm. I*at)d 4" j4U IS '. e HMO -IS I 43. V Cntbl on Th- *• 54 4.. 1 ' n • kI.'A D II 7P 44 ■(i . 1 l*#lan#y. Hbßfp • wl 8,3 In l ilt..', J ... ' 10 21 ► *anit)f 27 W 4 . I Hy. b '• 4* i yi kilt* • m lie* 31 *i s.l I' A , u m I *1 Ml '.a j t 1' ..h Jam #' 71 <. 4 1* 1) h*t • *• t% it* t t. R -M * 4a !V I 'l.'- T . l ' 1 411 ■ Ilk rt Th • t -I • f. J , •••■ . ■ ' | .*t 1/ J 7 *♦ . , .1! I I.*, , ' 7 : 41 IV! ua imnilNiN M I !l 1- M !.. .!.* tc.tr , fn I 44 : .1 .... n )■ I 411 let M '.. Ih 411 11 M. ; . r -1 < * . -tt- l.r!l, V J t! 1 t I 4a' ilmi i.i,ii. T-I : i 4- ■ It' DJ R .V, 4 j 44! r, Mm I. Ml T# IT ' *. 71 Vr.l : J Aft >1 n -t. J 44 IM park". ■ n 44 44 it. nawß tmwm a> aw I .'l4 I'a'b" lrr.iril.il 77 f,l a*i i-. J. hr. Ml -4 t-t' Ml Pi.i. IIgh --A .It H.ttrl Ji I, 41 -ill vr Ml I! rlrj. John t* -• 444 ... 14: th. I. ::: 4V IM Mnnl To e 44 . 14 . Talt<n*n Hrrormti- . 44 44 t; T -r,l.t. • 3mt IT 24 4.14 l tl ••, h.r.l. 1 TO . 4.1 141 . 1 •Irntir,.. A R 41 W tgt i ..,.Vftthtrkr llmiri' 4| 1* 414 I U.„ HM „V|||, IW—l ...... 44 4.1 474 I-.I W.ln, IM) T# Tt 44.4 IM W httrlaifi. Moor* TO . 4XI IM Wh*rl'. Rtlmbrlh '*V 4*> IX4 * Krum. Tti r TO M 444 IVI Wrrl. Enutdt TO PI 444 141 Wrl. Rr—t To W# JM Wml -0 441 IM w~l. *• u ... ♦* 4! 141 ... U4 w V-< Joti *4 H ia f-v rwK* ti © Rrtm TuwNeniP. 111.. _. 1U -.AUiwn. Joke. IT) It n- Allt-nn. Jmb it. Ml ©ft Mltom, AM lie W **: *lllm, A A J I Illy . U.I 41 T 10 Armrtmef, AM .10 87 41 to Alhrrv ft. RMlftrtl I* 01 141 io A1IImi. JMME It -7 l-t lU-i-tm. J.te-th 12 ft 4 lan-nut. J-wrpb... 14 tt •41 1-3 R*rr*tf4, larl-1 3t *7 m ! Itrtcklrj DMI 44 © 44 ... lAJ Rr.tlrmr.l PrA'-r 144 M U of 411 . 1-R RofrtoM. John 904 III) Cbprnhfttror. JotiH. t to 4U ... IM John 1)0 In )i Ctjmnr line ©TO 1-0 (iMnft-It: tloo. MTO auu . rrnhhon. Tho lie 10 m IM DoWnr, Mm© 9 07 100 rn 14-rrh. Tn*—4* © I -441 ... IM .IkHa It* IM 444 .... 1-n ..thlrr, Una to. *6 M M Eiom*, RHnrr-l 4 M 4 H ia.l . ri-u©M, d© en m 4U . . IM ronk. John —4S 40 2 0. ........ rittnlmwn-w.TtoM W tf 2T4 OMT, fcb©tk,.„ n VI ME.. mm 1M.... Omit Snhnoll-m 1© a| lvn Orui.Tiwa© ITT © 4U...M. 1M... Urty, Wa._ mm ** II 412 . MM I© llMtwnrth* *© *7 a !lrv, !lrv, RlftiMh 0 inn,.... tlttr Roht ae }• II r2 AMoK©... „ EM r 4v\ |44 M.llalr, r%rt*We..MM.MrMMM.. <0 ST • , '4 Me ' IT*. .... IM Ilalr Oirlrtalft ©lO ' 441 ji*l Ilalr; hart,] -u 4ln. M 140 llatlifIt":: Tl.'ia.a. 77 in Ml T„1 Ifamtlloi,; llttah 27 IXI IM Ilantl, J-'hit •• :t7 I .'at.,.,,, no Ilarri—n; J,.|,,, •; p, ) )"7 Ila-rlaftft, 4.13. lif\ Hair: 11 lon Hugh n 7a ~ •)* ...Ilnfllliio ->m, m IS© ? * I' I Bei-hlnr; Job. 44 © *3S IM Hlfrt, 2uhn.„ 44 .17 IT Hag—. (2:: WUaphrr 4 © • Hartlaor: J„t,o 3 M a 433 141 „..Irtlh, 14 b 1 144 46 1 'i 9 4".i JM Iralo; RoM..„. U 74 y I'AI Bin*, Rot:| 4-1 to I 142 10 Earr Jaa M7l <a 103 Lallimoru, Uru. ... 37 07 u 116 13 laAttlm-re, Wm ().. II *2 h *BB 163 1/erihiirn,Chrintion 196 31 * 818 100 Lowdcii, John 86 84 , ,3 3 163 Lowden, Iticb. 06 0.5 l 433 163 1-owd-T, John 177 79 60 1-"nK, A H 'J 26 6 i I>wdcn, Bicberd... 66 ' 1 8a 163 Metzgtr, Jacob-. .138 66 * 433 168 MnloflO, I>-alie 21 80 o 438 106 Maytton. Kdward.. 37 07 ' b SM) McPberton, V.'m 17 60 7 483 163 My MI, Jm-ob lIW 48 j 4is 16:4 Miller John 4'J 37 43 103 M'C-nnrll, Martha. 37 07 rt 433 163 Mead, Geo 64 78 *- 1-3 of * 433 163 ... Morgan, B B 11 21 at 70 .Wua-nr, John 44 83 173 .4/uaaer, Geofrmitb) 67 77 '* 1W A/cGord, J K A A. C'auiphell 16 20 0 6. Nelann, Kllnn 4 22 3 Old, IHvia J 28 '4" 321. 68 I'im, Joaepb 20 68 * 323 Pal ton, Hugh 32 GO " I 4of * , 433 163 Prteri, Kichard ... 11 16 133 153 .... I'lijkert-in, Hi-nry.. '4 6-5 iz 104 I<© l'hili(:i, Hnr-Jmari . 60 01 ' 177 84 Philip-, iUrdman.. 78 82 120 120 Phlllpa, Hardman„ 04 ■ 100 P:tiimi'i4 Bryaon... 19 20 7 348... 130 ..Pun, ilnrtry 22 20 "2 301... 160.. ../'tm, f}—trgn )0 2*l .j | 216... Bu. /Tainey, Kobt 6i 46 J- 433... IM.. ../*<*•, Tl::-mr. 218 05 433... 163 Kohrt-r, '"briniari 40 37 -a! 638... 163 Koditill, Jacob 102 81 1 j 40V.. 47 ..ltu-h, Jacob .. 142 0-5 * M 1... 163 ltu-h, BOTJamIr i:: ;k ~ 38 K'tbix-n, Wm II ... 1 2" I >7 goMso# Wm II . 128 ! 214... Ht—ul, Ja-::0 7if |8 i 431... Srbfrn-r,('aju-r .. P6 31 - 4.1 . IM ....B(tenk, Ar-'irnw. 40 37 0 483 K3 ....Hbenk. Ghriatian .. 49 37 4 1. IM ... Mtei.k, 4/t.ha- -... 4'.- 17 * 247... 10.. .Ht—k, Jacob. 28 28 1 433. .. 163 ..Sf—>r, It Ux-rt .. 116 20 107. .. 7 Si-tugh, (I-*, 15- io 219 .Sro'.t. And... 26 13 1 8 r Barbara... 77 94 193 French. Rdfowarrj 37 (13 5 811 r-rkendai-. Wll 15 M ■1 122. 4 4 W-idman, John 66 (>2 ■) KC. 119 \N -'.dinar., Jacob.. 180 60 j 11, ... Willi*ate, J c 717 a- lon W1 la..n, John 14 ho ■' Wilton, John 34 7u jf 75 ttilm, Wm MM >1 433 IM Wilaofl, Wrn 1.64 * IIS 108 .. . Witmcr. J:-br. 88 '> " 808 100 . Wllsoa, Wm ;-7 9$ TAVl.ui: TOWNSHIP , I'-tl Armor A Xrafier | ' 2.'ro B—k with, ''. Cmc nt 77 .5u i ' 77 JS—II. Win :vi 50 JP.t Buh, Jam— ',4 -si * .'HI •' ark, .1 pit 0 |ii 170 t'-::t-, M'—' 21 15 I -f ' All lo3llor-lm.tr, ).!./) ■!, h77 434 HiUiilton. iiiit-h 7ii m. .' 433 I.Vilfuoi mnii, John 25 114 i 67 70 I.nt No 11 ( • J„c.l, Vanpc-I J |- : r, 1 - t !,.:t N.t 11. 47 V. J 1, Vanj-00l ,j h9 7-i 147 I/rt Net 10 1 \ Sic t.h- non -t 4 jo 70 I.nt N-i 15 (' Henry Sicphcn'on 4 31 I• • t Ma -loti, Tuontaa 32 <*• - 434 Montgomery, W W 33 59 1 20 ' Me* ' tunnond. John 5.502 ltai K'l-'on. Ihvj-1 15f*i .'Hi Snyder. lltririr* -t; 4-; | '.* V-nj-o-.1, •' S4O . .'HI Vnje>t|, Jacob 6, pi 2'ai Wbiu-h'-a-l. Itichxtii |j -jo , I ."Hi John. W-l!a 7 ut fill Yo ler. -I"*cnh 1158 rsiuN township. t I.V) 2 1 Br wer. Wm 41 51 2*i K tin- P K . 22 (at I.VI 11') Mann, Harty 41 sc, 100 PPipf-. Samu-I. . II 85 V- Th -r>a#, 11 .r,.r „ 4 |u •! P 11 Orid-r V 7 - (at I !<•'. Wtai- r. Wm .143 77 WALK Kit TO.VNsHIP sri 91 Arkin, Ilobt 2 1-5 40 .Baker, J 'hn : 1 icj . 517 154 lUk-r, IhrhtA J. hn 8H 212 . .B*rkmti. Saml 1" 17 12' . 12" .Hr.v ka. Ituth . 3 11 im liru lv. Wm T 'i 'JT" I TJ ♦*ll r % i r, Murf f> 12 11.5. .. 11? ...Dwugberly, Martr-t 2 7* 179 II" ...laugh-rtr, Kl'btn.. 4 32 f.-t 39 Kian-, Jce 1 tic, |(6 ... 39 Kribl, Jerae 2 4"' ?t2 13- lv- k-rt, Wm 2 I - | 211 ..72... Ilahn, P-tcr .5 07 1 22 . 47. Hahn. KOcnrxor . 62 05 4". Ilahn' Wm 1 64 219 89 lamer, Margr--t. / 28 j 216 16">. Jame, K!ward..._ 6 IS 69 4" fohnMon ,I>id...„ I 38 161 Kmu, John 7 47 ,500 Mcßwen, Mary 13 34 867 10t Manaell, Wm 783 90 94.... Mercer, John 2 16 827 ......100.... Mercer, David 7 83 381 36..., Miller, Wm 9 22 4g McCalmont, Tbo-.. 1 02 211 44 Daman, Cant 6 04 80 40 ... Pa- k-r, Job 2 0t 89 40 ... Pa-her, Jam© 2 15 182 Purd-n, Richard ... 800 160 Reed, David 7 20 176 Itodiaon, Birhard... 7 77 88 Suilih, John A Uenry I 92 201 138 Sutler, Jame 904 %Kl 30 . Sullar, Danirl 9 16 69 Swanxy, Wm 1 40 30 Wk-ke'rtbam, Antua 71 WORTH CRWRBRir 3 Clymcr, Ildtry 8 99 264 Gray, J B 2? 26 200 Hawthorn, Thorn© 18 84 845 ... Rubra, John ........ 49 94 278 Lawman, Gworgo... 32 61 280 Maylan.J©pnr 23 78 •/74 ..MOm, 5amue1........ 62 33 86 Morrie, Widow,... 4 77 3 ..ROM, John 10 08 85 Swanaarich, John... 14 00 0 ..Singer, John 1 84 fB Sblppen, Wm J... 16 22 100 Jonathan, Laird".~ owner - 13 18 68 A Laird, owner...— 0 42 $ Unknown, vacant.. 76 1-4 Jacob, Vanpoul,..— 69 own© - 26 .AViater, Wen..——. 11-11 287 Wtaler, Danial.... r 8146 16 D. C. KKLLF.It, T-toa wren NEW STORE. 1 is! - : ,U T '' ;i 3M -" *. 4^d l K *" r y lhin IS DRY GOOD I You WMlt - Notion*. > Booteand 4 The p5 Kbo^ r, CIIHAPEhT 1 wl |J STORK sM Oroceria#, ,n I'rovuiont, H Centre Salt and 1 „ Count j-. Fuh. WE WE BUY BUY IN FO R I. A ROE ■> CAM! WUAXTITIEH and get and ran the buy " DISCOUNTS CH F.AI'KU , ? ' °FF. that way. i - * - h 01VE .SPECIAL cs BARGAINS 1 ; i A For the n#*t CAM.. 30 DAYS. COBURN. - PA. 4 : t.l-3a. 9®§ :: fpl ' y ty// j?-w ' j-aiuks * FttAiiSicN "• wen At DISEASES) - 'TCRSCRCS. P!M?LtS./ WP^CVVQRMy a i| %gHX r.vr GRc^^cußzrcß ;j ItCHINS PILES P r'rtmt r* Ek' '•tvfv.rtillf:!**. 1* ■ '.Af.VMhtl! ' •'.ffct *• l' ptn-W re rfW itf fciftOUt t T-<t-tti | J " At' ffef'.Sftre ft - 9rt4 A*l iy 1 nn. ftimTa <.evatn* • .-• m-t loil'lui* 1- th# matfkM. J* d <fr j ret. lb * -1 M*mp I < ( >1 ef A 'lter fk IWITMASIt.n it ( P| •j healthlSV/FALTH? m>& i ; rr- m [MI *•' - 'l.fl Mttf #• ft |.r •* T*r*t \f a 'i i .. .. r • *. | *. ••*. ,- . I • nr. ran 4 •'• • M 1 ll IV 1 1 • • • i . . -*■■-. .. t 4 ' *• 1 r t#,R • ij ♦- vr * cix COXC3 " v ' ' 'v.:. ;iT2 "' ' 1 ' |< • • ' w%.fk I. e !.a !• ! . M • -"*■ riew-r, c CLCOM, .I?f> e. f • - ?" I"' e t Pa. I TV "Meat ft!*! bret appointed limitation (or obtaining a Biauixea Education. Far aLroeiea addreaa P. DUFF A 80XS, Tr< im|.M 1 Pr<-tlc*l Bamaraa Mactio■ hw, for auf )an Hid ll> nni ui 1— bi a ik. ua of ta>'i(Ml No v Kin* Ao*.o* Tb# taiUfal Hod Ail ku b*r* IbrdHUo* fur nit • tralala* *OI ■ nllff Ua tar aa InaodlHo aauaat* apaa prarUoaJ dila la aaf nt Ul for rlrralara mUrmm P Mf ft ftsM. pituburah. Pa INTi hoklMfliif. patllafti d kj llaopor ft In., pnaad la data, ftta t*o* tko kafftoal aartoa lb* arleooa pallUh'ft. ft aorb ft>t lako**ra!ln*4a Imlaoa a>*a aa* prarto nl awvrlMU PrMa. tftW) II . Orr your .lob Work done at the Cm TBS DEMOCRAT. A DAHQEROm CoCNTBR' kIT. Terra •re dengeroua counterfeit* in cirmletion purporting to be''Walnut Lent Hair Re atorer." The atrongaat evidence oi it* | greet value U the feet that pertlaa know ing it* greet nfflcacy try to imt'teie it. Sack boUl* of th* printer ha* ft fee eaeiali of a aalnut leef— blown in Ike glee*; and n Groan Inml on the ouuide wrapper. The "Rnatoref" i* a* bar ml#** aft water, wbiln it pot*e*** ell Iho propertia* aeceaMtry to re*tor* life, vigor, growth aed color to the hair. Port-he*# only Iron* rrtfoneiWr m. 1 tit*. Ak jour druggtat for it. Each net tle it warranted. Jobnrton, Hollo way A Co., Philadelphia, and Halt 9t Btukel * 1 Now York, Wholesale Agent*. 4-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers