iht (Crate jPmotr.it, rh irsiUy Morning, April 10,1884. 0 nnKaroJiDtiici, containing Important naw,*lUll .*4 from any imrtof the county. No oontmniitrntltHi null'** accompanied by Ilia real name of bt w ri tar. Publishers Notice All letters of business or communications concerning this papier should bo addressed to tho Publishers of Till Cxstrr Dxiio crat and not to any individual member of the firm. If addressed the latter way they will not he insured as receiving prorop at tention. Local Depart incut. —Next Hundav is Easter. —The "flitting neo i* pant. —New nail work* are to be built at l.ew iaburg, Pa. —Easter Egg* and Enter lillic* are U-gining to bloom. Every body should be present at Armory Hall on next Monday evening i.i attend tho Military Ilall. W'lkinaou bus a beruliful line ol Kiiter novelties on exhibition. Woik on the different new railroads ha* begun in earnest now. —Toe tesideuce of Mr. Turner on en*t Logan street is nearing completion. —The Cb.ntrk Democrat and the .4 meriean Farmer all for fl.X.j cash in ad vance, —Duprex A Benedicts fmou* mins trel show will exhibit in the Opera !!oue on the 'Jfith, inst. Mr. C. G McMillen and General Secretary Wilmer Crow liavo united with Co. B. fnh Regt.. N. O. P. Sir. L. R Stover of Woodward has moved to Mndisonburg where, wo are in formed, be intends engaging in the murcst.- tilo business. -.irni >n in German in the Reformed (.buret) [ on Sunday afternoon, taking for his text, : Si. John, 10: 30. Win. B. Miles A Sons, the wide, j ■ wake merchants of Mileaburg, have ■ust put on the road a beautiful covered delivery wagon. Mr. Ne'soa A. Lucav ha* embarked in the in a: business and expiects to run a de livery v ngon, furnishing you wtih choice meat right at your door. Mr* Wliit mvn depaiU 1 for I'bila delphta and New York on Saturday ■■veiling for the p'itpo*eof laying in a new hurcb on last KalurJay. It is to ho occu pied by Crolxer Bros, of Lock Haven as a branch market of the Chicago Meat Co. —Mr. J. A. Finkbinder. the photo grapher who rented Lyon A Oo'a. gal lery, has received a very fine slock of goods in his line. The gallery is l>eing repainted and papered, and when fin i*hed will have as nobby a gallery as ran be found in th<* part of the Htate. —The indomitable and irrepreesable P*ter Mlngee, better known as the umbrel la "timer," of L*witown, enlivened our •treets on Monday and Tuesday by bis so norous cry of "any umbrellas to mend ?" Pete being s man of humorous propensities, is well known all over the country, and re ceives the patronage of all those in want of his raspeetlve services. —On Monday forenoon, while Mr C. P. Uilder was painting a sign on the west end of lbs store room of J. K. Alexander, be complained of feeling unwell. lie de scended the scaffold snd invited a friend to accompany him to his studio. Upon reorh -1 ,g it, and while In the act of unlocking tk.; door, fell to the floor unconscious we I %ei>Hr.*ntlf llf-less. Fortunately Dr. Kirk hpp*ncd to he near and succeed.d n restoring htm hi consciousness in a few * oaomarts again. Personal. Mr. George Bible, tho elocution Ist, sp>ent Friday In Lock Haven. Rev. William K. Foster preached bit introductory sermon in the M. K. church on Inst Sunday morning. Mr. Jan. McCarlnry and family depart ed for Lynchburg, Virginia, lost Thursday at which place I hoy expect to make thulr future home. Mr. Reuben Shaffer and Kdwtn l'eck of Nittany "look iu" the County Seat on Friday last. They were both looking well and at usual very pdeassnt. Mr. (Jeo. 11. llarman ha* revered his connection with the Singer Manufacturing Co. and haa accepted a potiiion with the Hteain Heating Co. of thi place. Mr. John A- Woodward, of Howard, virited the eanctum of the Dkmockat on Saturday evening. We regret our absence, and hojie to have the plearure of another visit soon. Mr. Geo. Meyers, of Ferguson township, is tho ownor of an old Indian Buckskin purse over one hundred years old, which he intends to will to Ike local of this pa|er when bo "abutliea off this mortal coll." We were favored with an agreeable call from Mr. Joseph R.-aa on Tuesday laat. Mr. Rosa ia one of Spring township's of ficials, and hie Jolly good humor wins him many staunch friends. R. M Mi Easily, Hop, formerly of Clearffeld, has located permanently in Ueilefonte, and will open an office here in a short time, lie is < ngaged in the insur ance business, arsd represents the National Life Insurance Co of Montpelier, Ver mont, and the N'ew England Mutual Lite Insurance Co. of Boston. Geo. T. Riael, Esq., of Philadelphia, manufacturer of law book* nnd law *t < tionery. interviewed ourlegsl fraternity on Friday l-t. Mr Bi# 1 is a > '>ung man of rare aLilitiea, courteous and gentle, manly, and has built up a lucrative trade in this line, Rellefonte being one of hi* most successful stopping place*. —An unsucceskfal attempt was made t,, r"b the pi.t-. the e at tin* pla Uq Fri day night. The would-be h irg'ars w. re eveidenlly amateurs, as it wa only a weak and bungling job. There is a small room in the r- ar of the p. q.. fli. •• in w hirh rul hi*h it kept, and the d(">r leatling from this room to the hai k v *rl ws found partialis pried open the next morning, sr.l kept in that {Misitlon by a small piece of wood at- ul thr < -fourth* of an inch in thu kr.e The t> -it of tho k>ck • broken but w.-dg e.l *ucb a manner as to hold tie 1 • r firmly to ,t# pla. ein the centra It i- -up. posed that at this jum tnre a r,. tie of i- me ki 1 frightened them ff As the ..swag* leading t'> the plare from the yard Is only ali ul six feet wid; and p.. rhapl twelve in Drgth, and a high wall on either side, it wt uld n't *ff..r ! a very g>* d place ..f <■. cape in *•* of a surprise. Had *n en. trance been ■ if- ctoj into tie flrq r m it would have I -n mueh har ler to have gi t ten into the p. st- tfl. e proper, as the door is lined with boiler iron and last- red by * heavy bar The windows are alo barred aid closed with a heavy iron screen. The robbers, however, had lh-y succeeded in gaining an entrant*, would have had tb*ir "pains for their gains," as pos'-master Johnston leave- no articles of value in the efflro over night, all stamp and mon- v n<- pg deposited in bank. —Mr Robt Valentine has i r.e of the finest rrops of tobacco tiial has ever l.**n raised in Centre county. It is of the '(*'■ grow th and comprissia atsout , "a■ s pounds, 6,000 (sounds being "Firsts " In the latter weight there is probably less than 100 leaves thai measure less than twenty, two inches In length. Mr. Valentino has secured the services of a gentleman of Lancaster county who thoroughly under, stands the culture of tobacco and how to cure and prepare it for market. It was raised from the Connecticut Broad Leaf seed, and experience has demonstrated the fact that it is the best and moat profitable kind to raise in this section of the Stale Its yield being greater and the tobacco of finer quality than any other. A very distressing and painful acri dent befel Harry Gordon, the cash boy at the Re* Hive stores, on Monday morning Having been sent on an errand towards It-Nipshurg he found an opportunity to ride part way, and in jumping off the wagon he slipped and fell, the wagon passingover his limb breaking it just above the ankle. He was carried into the residence of Jacob Rapp and Dr. Hoy was Immediately surr% moncd to attenJ the sufferer. After his limb we dressed he was conveyed b> his borne on I-amb street io a carriage. —The work of the vnnditl mob which destroyed the t'ourt House and public records in Cincinnati last week i* a ter rible calamity to the people, which even the bad administration of justice in that city and county afTorda no justili.iaticn or eicuac. —lndeed, New't, we should like to gratify your curiosity is to "who told talesoutof school," but we wore threat ened with a worse "clubbing" than the ono you predicted if we did, nnd for that reason we respectfully decline. The trial of Thompson v. fhrist, for trespass now in progress in court will prohat If take up this and part of next week before it is ended. .In Ice ( Rockefeller, s f Nnrthunihc land conn ty, ia presiding* A little more anow yesterday. —Special court began on Monday. —Attend the Military Ball on Monday night —The laying of the 0 inch main on Water street ia finished. Woik will noon begin on the new Catholic church of ill's place, —The first meeting of tint new (Jouucil was field on Monday last. Hellefontn will soon be a perfect net work of tvlopbono and electric light wires. —A spoonful of keresine put into cold starch will prevent the starch from stick ing to the iron. —The Milton Keowmitl is publishing n interesting serial history of "Milton 50 years ago". Probably the largest hog in the world was killed last week in Burlington, N J Its weight being 1,115 pounds. A very pretty and neat awning was put up in front of John Brackbill's Boris furniture store on .Spring street, last Mon day. K-lward Brown is filling the offset in his pavement on Allegheny street even with the street. This will he a decided improvement. —Mr. .Inn. BurtrufF* residence on Willow bunk street is fast Hearing com pletion, and we suppose by the time we go to press lie will have occupied it. Advertisements are out inviting sealed proposals for the grading, masoning and ballasting of the Bellcfonte, Nillany A le-nionl railroad from Hellefonte to I,e mont. —The blustering weather on Friday and Saturday rather left a person in doubt as to whether the almanac makers did not make a mistake in leaving March pass in h< r checks so s*>n. —The Mite Society of the I'rel>j i-nan chura b will meet to-morrow l"r. d-v - veiling, at tlo- I- -.; !- r;- -- of Mi- IMiu-Ui-I Bla- -h.tr-i oil High lr< <-t. A lull nttendunre i* eariie-t v -b - r- small as to stop hi- newspaper because he g-u rued at the editor, and then borrows his neighbor , pa(e-r t<- rad, w aid j astura a billy g--at on the gr< r, grave of hit grai dmotlier " --We - ill vouratts-nti n to Wilk n soli's new a Iverti-ement - II Itli 1 tge N--W jut llir-iw iw.iv v ur <-' d - r.ickesl and ■ i/ed lihcs ait -1 step aroun-l theri- ■ ii ran g--t a new set for a mere song Th -is n • "I- -,t" to merely -Irvwr you around, but even thing rle -.ells mat a low in proportion. S. A. M -v< r's tn.irl le works are over run with orib r. g 1 fin 1 i: to their r,ter t to r 11 at S;over-M irl-le Y ird. High street b lie f-it 'e, Fa. It i- now an a- ured fact, savs the //■- !■/. that Jersey S ior- i- to have the r-j • r *llOj-of the lb-eeh f'rer k railroad The -lioj * mil i- ero.-'.cd in the earlt -(-ting, and when in full operation will g;is i mploynient to from .'MI to Itsi in,. • luni-ts. lw-;de- ( ther latxiri rs. Lt Sunday bs-ing Faltn Sundnv aj-| i | title atnl interesting services wr. held in the fCiliolie rfmrch The iilf - ng of the paiiu Kiel distribution of ssms on this day in the ( aibolicchurch throughout tin- world is in cimmeniira Hon of our Saviour's last entry into Jerusalem. An individual nl-out six sheets in tin- wind was roaming alioiit our streets on Saturday night just spoiling for a fight. He wrv*accommodated, however, and after being pretty well ] Mr. IF'nr"* Fredericks was alao stolen, • I u'f less by hr s e par ti a. • lib--or.il. tor lie vk /A '>■ WOOUWAHD ITKMH.—WUt tiivx become j of our Hiring baud ? Our town Is furl in - proving in HW dul pavements.—The spook man moved on last Turtdajr in Mr. 1 T Tonadn's house. ((Jet up, George.)— Black I* improving slowly with bin xirn leg,—Frcdy, tbu counter b'pp'-r at Fu-d --lur'i store, in on a strike. Ho will leave us in a abort tirno nnd ell groceries for a firm in Philadelphia. We are sorry to see you leave us, but with you abundant suc cess.—John Hnyder is tkn bappic-t man in town, being blessed with anolbor boy baby. —O. W. V. moved to hissummer r<- sort on Hear creek. Van, we think it is a oarly for such resorts .lanios and Frank Geislwile have rented the blacksmith shop. They are enterprising young men. Hope they will do well with the undertaking.— Wo expect to have a miliner this spring in the Bt. Klmo hotel of our town.— People in general are getting ready for summer.— Farmers ar plowing and talking of sowing oats soon. News Boy. Tribute of Reapoct At a meeting of Walker Grange, No. 315, P. of II , held April .'id, IMG, the undersigned committee was appointed to prepare a tribute of rrspect to the memory of Brother H-nry Hick, deceased, respect fully submit the following Wlltsiss, It has pleased our Heavenly Father in His all-wise providence to rej move from among us our worthy (brother he it Httolrtii, That in his death his family has lost a kind husband and father, and the cburcb a worthy member. Hrmilrrti, That Walker Grange has lost j one of its most highly r.-speeled member whose counsel and advice was always of the | urest .haracter and appreciated by all. Httolrrd, That Walker township has! >st one of its most highly respected and noted clli/.ons, whose daily walks is worthy of imitation /f' lur • vmphathv to the family and frier.ds of the Jifßse.) in their beresvmeht /f's./ierf, Tf.at these resolutions b* er. tered on our minutes, and a ropy be sent to the bereaved family, and bo published in the /'rmo.i J-'nrinl a: 1 in ' or county I aj-er,. Respectfully submitted PSTSII Ll< KM*V. Iaviis A Dirrnir it, i B F W t VKT*M a sr. VoniunKf*. When the v. r j.. t .rs ll.>■ Guilesu trial was announced, the prisoner leaped fr--rn , bis hair and -b-.u-J,'G i will punish you for Ibis, and lb n j ron ..need a I rophecy of vengeance u| n bit proseeu t r-, their witnesses and tlo jury. (5-rk hill, the District Attorney has! -this ■' fie, arid is h king ar ,rolf r s tnetbir.g to do r Ir.e i f his assoc.ale cbuns-el took to drinking and ) to w a i ■ niun n drunkard. Tar" of the jurymen are lewd, two no-re have faiied in budnere, and another is i hof-elt-ssly insane. And r w ,t is an" noun, d that Tildes, the chemist who di>- ■ ver 1 the | -n in tb< ' , i"! Mrs, ffchuville sent to h"r br- th- r. has g-r.e crazy. Mr. .Jack No *s in i.rv i > "tier; t 1>• VV AVMUIMRV,' \I tin ISI bring the anniver- >rj of ll." birth of Mrs. Pcalo. w .f. of lion. s H P'viV =3r J was v ery kindly rnnetiibcr. i 1 ) friend . | in this city and elsewhere. The presents received were oostlv an 1 v i y handsome, nnd tlo wishes f r 1 r future lcppitn as, orallv evpres-ed and recoivt i by mail, were ritimeroii ind -in. ere l ock lis von /w -11. M iss Kmn.a Kobison of this p lace, and Miss 1,1/rte Hare (if lerk Haven, have opened a dress making establishment in | Parson s M--re cein on Bishop street. Mils Hare comes here well t a 081 mended, and thoroughly utiderstands drees making j in all it branches. A trial will convince you. Handsome Collars, and Hushing and l.sdies, fine Neck wear--Garnians —sct Gingham, and Set Handkerchief Garntans. —Genuine Lupin Gashmerws, in H'arV oolora—fiusrsnlsed strictly all wool Gartnans. Heady made window Shades Gar mana. Everybody is talking about the new I stylo "chevalve" chamtror suit at R B Spanglor A Cu's. —Call at R R Spangles's by all means for your supply of lurntluro. —We call special attention U> the adver tisement of K B Richardson A Co., Sen era I.ake Nurseries, Geneva, N. Y., who are in want of more salesmen 13-B'.. — The ice cream season is hsre, and you can find the best at Searfos* X Mayer's bakery and confectionery. —Have yen AWN th** cherry tables st K. B. Spangler A Go's I Prlee d furniture aro constantly romirg and going about the new place of R B Bpangler A Co. Curtains nnd rolw-itsrinitis, — The season after the Holidays is gsn srally dull with LBS Tailors. We are of fering eslra inducements In lov nrices. We have given large orders, and the NEW JF.Voaee*ion aaaloun to the said Thou Shearer for the present. All perxins are therefore cautioned agsinst, purchasing or interfering with said property. Jokrhii Kom, "t p. t iy.Tsc.-i of I'oor of Spring twp. MARRIED Hukok Fka/iik —On the 13th f U>r h. st the lUlurnsd p*ri>ri*gr>, t,v Rev. J Y lief.oi* Mr Daniel K Bum lo Ml** Mary K Prz:.-r, both of H< llefonie, I'a BARE Cost of the \\ hite Paper! I.'e.k at tin-. Will you let this lure op (•ortunity pass fy ? The CENTRE DEMOCRAT, The AMERICAN FARMER, \\y — A bo k on the Treatise of the Horse. All for SLM. f'ali ii) ndvan < Ol i subscribers as well new, who pay nt • yeor'i in bet ripti and IM centi extra, an! be entitled to tin* alajve hln-ral offer. We have per fecit 1 arratigetneuf aitli the publishers of the AMKKICAN FA I'M KH, of Fort Way lie, I n try it one t < ar. This offer wiil hold good fcr a short time omy, so tell your friends ami >-v rylmdy <■ don't go back on our old friend, but we yced money, and make this < tier as sn inducement (n all. Send in your names >nd money early. A letter will rcscjeve lust a* prompt att' iitioii as if you < ailed in j erson, THE CKXTKF. DFM(CHAT. Cor. of Abeghrny A Bishop Sis. Hsllefonte, l'a. 4 PRl'/r Ml|'flf Ikdrta al 1 14 1 /sis, "IW frae. • > m\j !•* of ff'-Mi h\ h * ill l*ljs a'l if nilisf ii 'n m<B it, lli rvtaf" of 44 —\*y A } *ra. lata of Half m—-f\ |r"t*#tj\, 'l*- ■#*< rntCIL AMrrrWIW of it* Dcwary lliaH.ry. Tratt. tod HfW Ufh, Btfti H hita \\ u*+ ud t4* (lomiinat\| I*}.arirt)*i to villi V|i at Mainl T*rrr.n a Maj f I%••htr.fi *n. ud iHtinmiof Ih* llalli of Oufftgro**. I'j J,trn Wdt Moftii To all fliM ikD It a book of fmat ioltfott It la rxm< i*. f r|'hlf, lbA *l£BMty b-tind. ■ Uok f r •II Ii .mot D#~Ss.l4 onlr by •Dvrip |o 4ff*nttr# nio*ilfic villi cran4 wkio. Ai- t v ai.tasil. iibl ot fr-mab. in orrt I amalilp in *h* I nilh| HWt*a •!potvlill# d* led nlvilotalf rwjtlrwl. v vo IVBfrvo tli.a hf timt it AimiM tddfMti Iht rt. J. A. A It I IU lib 11-fit. Providence. R I I BQAL NOTICE - I J X,4lr* Is hsrshji gtvm Is ,11) |r iMsraslsd, Ihsl lt f"U'sls* IstmloilsscC lfc go 4s sc.* ihal I.ls sM Spsel to *MCIS rastnsnl nl •!. b Ihs C-rl snd Rlsd Is lb' l lb, rlsf k <-l lbs lirpbiias" (V>rl .rOsnles cvonlr. tixl If pre i.ota l<- fltwl lbr.1 " or bs*-ss lb, firs* 4s of Mil twin, lbs tarns nlll he .onlrdU al-sololrfl i lnr.h's of ih*p-rtosal prnjoKJ of H C Arsrs, Isis ..f Half Xt-sns t- aostilp. tsrssxi B labsn hf bis i4oS*.Calb,rlss A JOTS lasstilorv of lbs psraoaat propsny of tsss- Zstflsf, Isis of XlUss tonnslilp, dsssass-l. as tabsS by bis v!4osr. Oslbartns Zsiftsr latsniory of lbs i-rtoosl prof*.lT -f Itsary I Mssor, 1IS of llslnss tosrnsMp, 4sss4. at iskso bybaM 'a,iX.s*ils A U-sswr. A,.,mis. aiflbt -I .♦ Bsal R.b.ts .( Msnry Kstlsf. tat Hants l. ssship, rtsosaist*, Ss ssl span by his sst Mimel XHlrf. Ins. olosj lbs psraoaat propsrly of Ops. XI ft so mas. Isis of HAmslits loaio-bip, labsn bt bis nhhiw. ksslms Itsslllas 'lbssslott of lbs parsons) gups**? of*scia*l : B Cwln, !ts at rst soon In asb%. * waisn hi bif i Wst, Soaatiiwb tYslh* •' b__ • JtSB,* W4IS. • ssisisn'staTi *. 1 " V l-.Mlsfi.sti Cs Ifitt' '• / • •v v 1 —Wilson, MeKsrlsne Jt (., call atten tion to the only reliable Pe-ruly Ml x*i l'sint tn tin- market The Pioneer J'ra- * psrsrl Piitfi i, no t ,nly xupnriar in tny Heady Mixed l'sint sold hut rivals puro i white los-1 in iu smooth nets in working and du'ahfllty. This paint is guarantexj f by the manufacturers not In cra< k or p*l • within lhr year*. The guarantee is not on'y K'"" 1 replacing the paint but It will Iw put on if it should crack or nee! within the time specified. It will be U > your internal to call and see Wilson, Me- Karlane A Co., before purchasing either white lead or any other Heady Mixed Paint. * • Buy your Hprlng goods of Carman's —Winter stock must go. .Special 1 hargaitis at l ewin'. -Very latest style bat* and cat* at Lewin . —WfTddlng cards and all kinds of print ing at the Cz.na* I>io< aar offlce. —Nobby baU, in the latest style*, at (iirmini ! Hoi'at y.,K Ur*T.-Corner High and 1 Penn streets. Nine room*. HuiUble for U.arding house or for two families. I. near the Court House Kent reasonable, lo- Tllo*. Mcrou, Penn street. —Three and five-ply carjet chain, at Oarman's. Heady made window shades, -Vj cente, at (tarman t. Celluloid cufls and collars, all sizes, at I.ewin's. . 4 ltule-n Sjuingler ha* a big boom in his i fjrmture Clever fellow, and ev-rylxalja likes to deal with him A —Everybody is invited 1" Searfo A j Mayer s to buy bread, pi<*s. cakes and cofl , feclions. Mhke home attractive. Lace- Cur taiu* will do it. Carraatxa the place t<> | get thctn. THE HATCHET butnoroua t really ere. It con tnins u Uge cartoon each so k on I'uh lie Affurs and is filled with i lustrst'-d i rim;c article* l.esnfes. It is the 'nrgeM. hsndaoiuT-st, le.t and chi-ip-*t funny I -p< r ii the coumry. Tern -. tJ.'/i u )m E'l week-. flurrn'es >ns. THE ha rciiirrPUß.CO.. ♦ W ASHIX.TOy. 1 ' Nm OTI< Eis b'-T •It 11, a I - & J" r* I,• IBX t t ls-4 ft* ,f Ajsj. ' *(.|| 1 • I ;.e itr Il.r f?t *• f th# f i-k it 4 fWCsvan rsf (/tMIU-r N-b ♦ ' f |*v * Hi Msd fr bH c Alt, ilißt tf.| ' Ist I n v ill ♦ md* u il* J.*l m-( , j .M t UfMllil' F \ UtrakD, T*to !' il.fovtr Ik, j 44 k T**U*r. !•>•..*• Mr^vrty, M M '*pb •• | > pjib*l I4n b I Mvbih j (liftßl y- I'lßf Jcw.fi J : Ad *. .-*! M 4 IWxCUI 4* 1. I ftnl# 14 -r. Jefrrt lUv* Tfxl ' n P. !fc Tp .I'vbß *• J'k'ltHil"i! Dcr H i t| 9 P ft Ha V •' B • • f'hsVUs r# J • K Mi*ta|! VTUHiuv Psrkvr Jv,n* 4* M' HaU-CA* M Lwli TuttU, li/-*1". 'B.M *' C A l'oikr.-f Wlm '♦ibl# Hr If ••H Htrts ■ • 1 Frr. ft! ■ Mar tit. liai't, - •* I -'fcrtrM f'(lDkirk ! IU M'Uf I Hbbc " fyrtfjf llmtyE i t M 44 !k*r .1 <>r l>t K liwkbff r.t.n 4rl.w fOktVl *' flvlD4w II it Maf*r " flrryi 1 J'-hn II Hit* y | C C Jlo*.el - Harris 1 T Mi-jpf " Mtlv J.iftv CWlit •* 44orth .1 A Lttlfifß4xvn M Trrirxjar.r. Aloft K'rbll*wk*r H Jubi (iUvr) " rtik4itil)* kw l|-orT J Walk**, ** Fvov Fktrv Tvj F. A * \*m. .1 A 44lift#mar. Kvtat rai.l NlMrches, (6a 11? pi situated on the pike at Potter* Milt* village, ■ land* of Joseph Carson, on which ara erected a large two-story mansion, twogß H story office, siable and other I A very doirahle location and property. 2 Alt that farm containing sevrnty eight acres and one hundred end twenty- I sever, perches, (TP a. 12? p.} situated cn I the road to Boahhurg, and one mile west I of the 'Old Fort" Tavern, lying betwete the larms of Msj Wm. F. Iteynolds and I Mrs. Mary P. Wilson heirs, and original- I ly part of the Manor of Nottingham. There are no buildings on ibis farm. 3. Five acres and seventj-lhrwe perches I adjoining No. 2 above described, in the I eouth-et, consisting of fifteen lots, 60 ft. wide by 100 feet in length, originally laid I out by John Livingston and called War- I rei.shurgh, and four loU known a* Iba I I?lrich w.xrd lots, (adjoining oft the north I lots number ona and two of Warrena burgh ion which are erected • good frme I bouse, large harn, and othrr out-building* 4 A tract of wood land at tha fodf of I NiUny mounUin, containing 40 acrca and I 160 perch. *, adjoining lands laxe of James H Ah xander et al . and part of a survey made on a warrant to James Moorw, dated *■ December 14, 1795, ywtenUd December I 10. IPO3 TKKM.S.— Five per cent of the pur- I ch**e money to be paid when tbe several ■ properties are knockod down; one-third of I the balance upon tha confirmation of tbe sales; one third in one year thereafter. t|4 I ihe remaining third In two yecr* th. reAF ■ ter. with interest, tha latter jwyment* to I be swured by bond and mortgage on ihf I pren.tnea Joll B Li**, Administrator of Dr W I. WHr