I*ro jtHnwtmf Ciirtl W I M. OKVIS, * * I • ATI' 'IINLV VT-1 AW Uni|*rnl, IV I ()(!! ■.' <>|t|>>u tin c iiri lluu.a, i>ii dim ttiwr "i j W otiriitK'* itluck. I .Vi. Xi-iCMLINK. ft 1 • .... JI.Ni.Y A! IAW . I eilef..n:a, P*. Orili'K I* (I IKMA\ h. "llll'lVl. Prompt at.enilou to i-.tUtiMii clatuia. aw-if HA. McivKi:, • ATT.MIVKV AT-I.AW Offlr* North llU** iff**!, ||' lit vourt hou** l , Brllofuiit*. ft*-4-1. | I 11A US 11 i.KRt i Kit,, (iS teeoMor J 1 • 111 V - Hill A II ii.hl.iT4C- A r I'llllV KY AT l. A OOli r 111 I .mi .4.1 11..H41 ,Hi llrl,mil ,fa Xi .'I I I L. aSI'ANULKH, tl a Al'l'OttMKY-AT-I.AW, BKLIiKPUNTh • KKTUt • OUNTY, l*.\ •.pm-lal HI. i...... r. 11. ... in m|l lliu Gourta; Ooniultall' llrri mn r B gllil* My I \ F. fr'ORTNEY, 1 *• ATTOUJiKV.ATI.AW, •IKl.l.Kr'uM K, P\ Olßee IllCutttnd tlou Ml. K nalfiil Special .Mention icitrii In the cllcctlw. of lain" All hoaiooaa kttendial |. jnitni'lty iM, / xHAS. I'. HKWiIiS, V' ATTiUtNKY VT-LAW, in.i.i. ruM'i i'* Pra Ucri hi Ait lit <' i4fS o:tl *■>|- • ' '.. tin nw In r.iral'a li nl lint- r ■ ■ I O. LOVE, tt 9 AITMI SK\ \l \U th-Hof jit#* t®!% Offl elotli* room ! ruo'rh .j.I ! !-x thr Ut W . P. A tUoii x i . U .i. McL'l LLOU-il. X ATIuRM.V A I law, PHII P. •* I Offlcr in \\h*rt "w 1 i I * p. u I M J .r> ih- :apid by thr Pmi |wi*um * >tnj ) 4 1-i-ly D.B.Harixat. w.r ftcftntft I I ABTIXOS & UEKDKU. 1 L iTTOUN t\ * \T l\\\ HKI.LKKNTK, PA. Oftcton All|h*n -tf.. i,iv . I ... • '-4- tl. A-** by Ut tlrr* of Vk utn * llatitiK 4 ,K * WILLUM A. **IUCI MVIM *lllß4. f. WALLACE WIULiAI r. *ALLAC>. WALLACE & KKEIM, LAW AND COLLECTION omen. January 1, I KM. CLEARFIELD. PA E?LLIB L. OEVIB, I-J ATTORNEY AT LOT. OFPtCE ipp.*lt. ih- Court Hnii.r, ou tl" id 8.-.r A. 0. Purat'a building. .4-* C c.tt.somir A LEXANDER A BOWER, il ATTORN EVP AT LAW, BUofont. IV. may t># c nnltfd to EwtfJUh cr lrr man. Offl io EAYEB a UEIMIAKT, I) ATPIHNKVH AT LAW. Offlca cm All rshti> north of folio, Pa 1-ly W C. HEINLE, TV. ATTOUNET AT LAAA HKLLKfoNTR, PA Last door totho Uftlo tba Court !lohm> .11 ___ ' , /ELEMENT DALE, * V_/ ATtyRNfcV-AT LAW , Brllrf Ol. P. o N W curu-r L),u nd. two from U.'tt national baak. 6-17 ly T C. RIPPLE, A • attornut at LAW LOCK UAVSN. pa All burtnMpmißptly .ItumlHl lu. 1-ly . WM. P. MITCHELL, ▼ 1 PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, LOCK HAVEN.PA, 1 Will .tt*od to .11 vurk la OkrlWld, Cun and Cl il.m muatlM. C*AekuppniUi W*k EUtfo N.Uoa.l Bank. IH-1j I WILLIAM .McCULLOUGH, T T ATTOHNEY AT LAW, V CLE A BPt ELD, PA All bntlnnkk prompfty ktund.il 10. 1-ly HK. HOY. M. I).. • Offli-k In o.nrk.l lliuw.. .Ihit# PortßKy' Law tHllc., HKLLKPONTK. PA , Spwi.l kllMUlnn gl-'o to Oprkllt Surgery kn Ckroule IS-ly I \R. JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., I / PHYSICIAN AND SI'ROLoN, Oflka Aiighn) St.,or Orng .*tt r rr. A-tf MKI.LEffO.STK, PA DR. J. W. RHONE, Dcntißt,can t< found at hi. nflli-. and r-.ld.nea on Nrtb Ida of High - d i !•! of All.ph'ny, fl'll.fonl.. Pa. ld-lj L"* P. BLAIR, r a JEWEI.KR, waTv-ifta, rwx*, i.wiut, Ac. All rli npatl a* liitpr*#t. Diacorint Not—i. mk Huj and Hall Oov.looirltiM, Gold and Cot;pons Jiata A P'Mld*ni. J. D. iAoninr.Oaabiafd 4-tf a. c. no mm, Proa'!. j. r. ■tnma.CaaH'r. I7IRST NATIONAL RANK OF L RELLEPONTr. AlUhny Btra*t. B*l|Afonta, Pa. 4-tf If il*on Mr Fortune rpfiitc*d : — ()— TIRE. '. UNION I'hlladflfihin. Amkrman do. (iUARDiAN London. i, .sun do. j WESTERN Toronto. Connect HIT Hartford. mid othor*. I> - LIFE. TRAY ELK km I.ipe A Aici'n Hartford and otbnr*. I ; i -o --l Ijp rummi *mn iirttticli oi my i- rt t oivifity ipecia! utl- lillon. rroju rlioa to n(iv'iittMifo, h- I Ittvn fauili- j li> M |.r ili*|KNN-YI .VAN IA STATE COLLE&E. Winter term Ungina January 4, 1884. T)o oitUlul- mi . : in m tlii nimt Iffin* tiftii .i L • lilhSu! |-ot* ■ I f at < t Hilt tI li ' X. '. Hlfl • Jlcr# til" I" . LiMlbtf "U * O I *> • 1 \ P.lll T - I l.ft f - . M i. \ Latin f. . nlif. i A l ull Hi i t. • 'rat .1 K- %r \ or 4 Thf li. iktiM I'll IAI < of tr> yara ari. f • l-.M' i : thr t -t •* o> Ihr-8 - r,t l fi-IViiM It Vfiftin I.TIHH. (1.. N 411 K\l ! llci(i >. tj*. itV V.NL I'M YMLii, i ( CIVIL I VflM.fr KIN • \ ah..ri ?ri: 1 M I til K J \ n *illurr-. • A ehnrf Hl'fr.Ci \I. CM" KM. in i Im uu.ti t T. A CUal-nl aii ■ T. i \ ■-•n,* !*.! . * n j • rhaitfp 't n i: * it iI 1 4) i r .r- ijul for Calah ; * • .ti • - o i ~ lr#-Ea (IK.> W. ATII t HToN, rain!Y, PtATi in *. i a3rat Co.. i'a. I-a/- if 'JMIE CKN rilE DKMOCKA I liOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, RELLKFONTt, I'A., lit NOW or* EKING GnE A T INI) U ( KME NTh TO THo*£ WIMI INO riklT-CIAM i Mai it or Fani'v IVinling. XX'o have unusuai fn<■ilitio, for printing LAW BOOKS, PA M I'll LETS. CATALoOUKS. I'KOGKA M M Ks, STAT KM KNTS CIKCULAKS, HI LI. II K A MS, NotK ii KA I BUSINESS CARDS I INVITATION CARDS, CARTES ME VISITR, CARDS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OE BLANKS MTOrdori by mail will receive prompt • attention. Hajr Printing done in thn beatityle, on ' abort notice and at the lowe.t rate , Itching Ptica—Symptom* andCuru. The symptom* re nioiture. like per • piration, intenae itching, incfeanedl by ncratebing, very litreinE, particular ly at night, *eetu an if pin worm* were crawling in and about the rectum : tfe ; private part* are .ometimea allea-telh j f r thf Pr-i I'tifml r.- rnir.m i . ihf f/ff —wlm ; . ~f thn fff<*i Rltl Mb . M h dtf . thf nofitti f'rvwi ;. !.! .ffldkin t • ' foil' •. thn f'fd-ti *f.J 11 a r-tilt, wbt'h r tt*||*te | •.ill l*n thf • >■*■ • f thf f it fm!l< -'o■ ff ntfUM ht n littf• fp tt Twr WtKii? Pmt I. t,r, of thf lrgrt, l| ai.d cbM|ft 14|'f r fu thf .nnt. It Contains All the News. full t.i.yfuj'M. .r.l matV-i r-perla, all the fwilltl ■ r*l !•*<. larlndlnff defarte* la Cengtena. An ||.ni | mterellany, *lafa and lr-al a-*a. fie r.duutua of j reading matter fnr tI.K) In Clule lI.SC alncle ,„l. 1 •crlptlon. pnalage prepaid II <*• it. rlnle ..f ft., or oer, pea tag. ;.r-|,ld. Hand for aampla oelH A.|. j , dfaaa tha paMlabara, JAMES r 11 tHR A CO . I|.* W,.*t St, I'ltl.l-urgh. Pa. Hotel, i. \;a\dkrrilt house, llmi.l'wiy, p|%titv |i*|tlltyIIty Mif whLk**y u •h t >vnr% niint • ill Wild nt thn Vanmk tifiit 11• *i ml, NttM-it d tur m l•* ••iiithufft f Hn.t Chtir f"lr. I'n. JIH-tf J J IKLANKY,I'o I > ASSMORE HOUSE, I (VfHHf fr'rniit aril H|>vttc> Hlf ftn, I'llll. I Pall Ino P s j tjimd Mcnlh itiid l. MOT I' 1., PIiILII'HIILTtO, PA. j 4 W'Mt r|w f|otiR N-#xly furtilubnd, ntiitiiuß i4hhl nii| ni"l*mio. .till i 'A 1, MAN'S HOTEL, ; " I i,,1.1,11 ~n C.1.1 11 a LI, K VON Ir. I'a tuuuiut KB DAI A f 1.1 %' rt stthrlii") 1l I >l'si i HOUSE, I ) IIEI.I.EPONTR. pa . i'a 111 I|. S It'll llHKtc p t'llltllfll. MM X* "II It* tll tfnfl* t "lit! 'ot •• ii >B |Ul!*lf 411*1 roliiliiltf iil lil' ii ;ri Tixitf'l f j tli- t itei t Uwa ||..t I thr th) ui.ll find l' .1 ur % ti Lo • tlo ff itim liny . *inrt v. |; TKLLKU I'm-i' Ol'L ls HOUSE, I ) 81.L1.K1-uNTK I'a., r i. X. fjchman, Wropr. Thlf I J U?f * t * Of ' r tl • '• n* ' m Ml f tli' jj . tji f rl • U !■ Rpf flltnl tlu*t mo fir t|j. \ ! 1 1,1.11 HI M HO TEL, 1 .VI \'t. I .I •; CENTRE COCNTV : INN • XX S Ml' KB I'r , ri. t. r ! Tha i • "I MIHI ■ .!•' • if. P i.o'a Telle, j ' • ' ... irtirg • •ut ' iiijl dpntn -•••-. K • tri, tltk itti j | r* i it.t tt* a* it 4 PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. i, -I r .1 I I I •in li • ■ ' ... .1..1J A .1 j?• He* . efpf* tr-vin At tii< >| { Hs r. lltJ * i iD'-i X '■ v :wt*d L- • I Hi - 'i trfia.B r, : i I u- j t IV ' iy ; New Erockerhoff House, I >ROUKERIIOFI llol'sK. I ) It.LEOIfBR YHT REI.I.EfONTB I" (' <; Xl XII LLKN I'r p'r Ooruf S'nmji/f K>,uun J-irt / H*bb t arid fr-.-jii nil T • ■•* tOttn*f*M m ' jurcft 4 J jpENTRAL nOTEL, V- , M11.f.-l'i'Uij ceNTRK cot'STT. r.* i A A KUHLBEt KEU, I'r. r.rielrr. ' THHOf .11 TRAVTT Klt ( , t! r. - v' ** II f . •h! lftfl 4ii ft'H'f" f (Ur* t. In tic h 'r |r**rtr> * lint •• ALI TRAIN' t i *, Sfl oii.'.tca 4? NATIONAL lIoTEL ; I MILLftXIM.CENTBB CUI'XTY, PA S. / 'Jruin, Xrnpriiior. J:A TICS- si 00 PER I>.\ ) t> Rt" ?* • T !• •'! Mf rTIMfr AIL THAIS* A G00J) LIVERY ATTACHED. n, * u uttl ha* lately h'rri remid' } '4 mi j and thr tra rhntj public j irill find arrr.tnad'ift' n* fit *t dimi in crrry rr*f cU Our liAH li vn* of the bed Scßiqnr'.er: fcr C'-cckdcilcri. Mime, It,l iirulia, Swayno'n Pillh Comforting to the Stck Thouaand' die fr | rej riv treat Impire Bl'xl, C-in.t.pal' n, I>; (•epaia. Malaria, Apopl,ijr, T.ner, Ktdr.y Heart Ib'eaaea, Mrefey, and Kheuinatirin But to the debiiilateil. Hurler. 1 anti ucl I aerioUf ickne., we run* leribii.al. r. ; commend "S XV AY N E'S PILL-. ;,!! lontain medicinal pru|>ertiia pirec! b> no other remedy. Sent by mu f-.r rent*, b"* of rttl pill, ; 5 targe. 4i. |n ilainp.. Addroaa, MB hWA IN 1. .k SON, Philadelphia, Pa S.l by Mrug gitU. 5 R ty MKALKKS IN PUKE DRUGS ONLY. : l ZELLEK & SON. r ♦ " • *. N ■ A 8r "* kf rhoff IL. . i All thf Htn 11 tONLY_S2O. PHILADELPHIA SINGER It the BEST BUILT. FINEST FINISHED. EASIEST RUNNING SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public. Th# |Jf rut ttpfFMSll th# m *yl f' r thf fMf'U Mbl'h •• tt"T y u Am U " twj h p • u fs& Hfnfmh4f i do k"t *k y4i h |*y unftl x i h*v f#ri th* AfJ'f tl. If It ia wd • it, fftum It t/ *<• at our npenw Of.nMi.t ymir ln|eita wt4 < tdff it |*. •* ••nd fcf clftuUri tu 1 totim r tU Addrf* ■ CilAHI.Lff A Htßi|i4i. No. 17 X Truth F* .r* *iL'ihtY. I 4 pn • ri nmi.uift hi n ■ t a, i'rwV. hri-i. .UK aiyb r .!•> UU Pi at ' ' ,%S £ "ier r vamp "1 tlw *!• " i w ni!nat, lilarrhr" or V ~■<■ ® " ■■■■■Mt.'-'dtl n " "• V ' A olima, Nigif. <- - at*, 5 an. rinrl Ylraalh. Uke Inn - B S "Per rhmete aaaal rurrh. Mir*, t 3 fhlli. and a..re Threat take l'g.rtt % a _ "I'gai a* la Hie pureat, itnel prrmint, *J 5 and .fllr lent ceallrliie known tn idmi. ■ S " I'aiu a a la Uhi laav atd- nr, imreal X M terrli-. ftneai lrirlg. r|-.r of tli. leafy and •• ? m '"l'f ymflWrtsp3ffS*r!SwCs S I £ worried menial.r. lake P*m " ' • lint r.rie tnlper the nwnt Impirtant of a 3 ftll la that I'aai a* will rare'"brtgilc N ° " l I alarrh. Itrlghf. Irtaeaee. find tlla- g a, lieteanf |li Kl ln.ja "■■■Mnn - O If pour druul" I'lait f nir pair lJik-t, on the "ill* or Life," or If yon are mnr S Ing limler adlaeaee not mentioned M* or S 3 In tbeae wlarruwrneni*. addrem the per- v prtjurra, ft. R. Ilarrmanft (., Oabora, U. o For ConaUpatloa and Pile*, take PATENTS Iftrxw 4 cv> nf tke arTtmnc AjfnirAk.n*. : tElte ttratrf jprraorui. i IB FA A.GrTtXGXr Xa'T-XJTI^X*. ti JTWH, KAITM ANB MT.'UUKHTIONM. '!*• t *n l-*..M-r.HITT f the 1 1 HM < M ■ HAI . Itettefunte. /VMI'IIJ" that • ther farmer a may have the benefit of it. Let etiminienicatumii be timely, uiut be hurt that they are brief anil well jioinfrtl. Stock Management. The farmer should keep i nough | stuck to consume ail the hay, grain | and surplus produce that is raised on the farm, an by so doing he will gen , erally get a better price f>>r what he raise*, and it will be much easier : ! marketed. The farmer should'gunrd j ! well n.'hinMt ov r-stocking. which i* a 1 , piomminl fault with those funnel * ' who ewtiiuatf profits by the niirnls-r of cows and hog* they have with re , gard to the condition tin y are in , < 'are should la- exercised in the *• he lion of block. ll..vii,g iomt!iiic(d j it coals iuu:h to retrace one's step* ; i The (ariiu r who t \| i n lb hi* inoroy | for poor, ccgi-in i ate *l<-< k, "imply be | cause they air chl ip, can he called j anything but prudent, and has-urely spent his moi ey almost if not quite, U*u hi-t, and after \ou have touiini ic i -l stick to y our line of ' breeding. Do not be 1 nfiueneed by all that you may hear or nad, and kit p changing. Don't buy indiller ent stock hi cause they have a good ( ; pedigree, bedieviug wiiat si.tno ttky , tell you, viz ; that they have good blood in them, hut thnt they have had , bad usage, and that hy caring r or them right you may breed them up. Do not practice in and in breeding, lor a ft* make a success, although fine sl(*:k are produced hy those who know how far to carry it. Always feed will, but do not ovcrfcid. Do not spoil your best stock try over feeding in order to compete for a premium Provide for , your stock. It is absurd to supf>ose tbat stock will do well expos* r.e j p-inii'l ol pork cost 5 7 10 |miinds of ' corn, ft', expre din other word* -aeli bushel of corn fed in the barn made II .MO |iound* ol |K>rk , fed j outsiili made 710 pounds or pork , Tbi* -hows that of every bushel of j or rn fed to the unsheltered pig* an amount capable of making EC pounds of pork was used in keeping the pigs warm. According to the*, figures, if | the sheltered pigs gained 100 pound* lin weight during the season,it wn* by ' the expenditure of l.'J |MHIIIII* of n.rn j for raeli |K)und of |w>rk. or , frotn middle, 1 in a plane, y i. | 23 ; pound* large, and I pm. , i *mdl, 1 nearly all large and mi s, millet and other small seeds, leaving the ground smooth and even for the reaj*!. and rnower. Willi K it is not im|Kissible it may IK> impracticable for the horsemen of tin* country to treat their horses in the same manner that the Arabian* treat theirs yi t there ate many lessons to be learned from the manner in which they handle their horses that it might, at hast, he well to imitate. A writer IU an exchange who evidently understand* their methods, say a: The Arabians never la-at their horses; they never cut their tails ; they treat lliem gently : they *|>eak tolarmand seem to hold a discourse; they use, them as friends ; they never attempt to incri a*c lheir*M|eed hy the whip, or spur them but in cases of great necessity. They never fix them to a stake in the fields, but sudor them to , pasture at large around their lishita tion* ; and they come running at the moment that they hear the sound of their master's voice. In consequence of such treatment these animal* be come docile ami tractable in the high est degree. They resort at night to fieir tents and lie down in the midst of tbe children, without even hurling tlicm in the slightest manner. The little boys and girls are often siin upon the insiy or neck of the mare, , while the beast continues inofiensm and harmless, permitting them to (day with and careas thciu wilhous injury.! Is i certain county of Illinois the j wheat crop, which was the fm|>oiinnt' j staple, failed the past season- To help meet expenses tbe farmers gave , special attention to drying their **r- j plua fruits. The results, as shown from the books of the merchants and bankers of tbe county, was that tbe total income from diied apples was greater than tbe or.iinary proceeds of the wheat crop,aad It was not a caun Tv where orcharding hid rerry cane* can be cured liy applying a few haridsful of nail to tin: g r ound over the rootr, Never give fattening cattle rapirl change* of food, hut change often and give an much water and mil at all time* a* they will take. A compost of good muck with lime ha* sometime* been found as < f. fictive us manure, load for load, upon light and heavy soil*. M mure to l>< used in hot bed* should not il' iae, ilii*, turn <■ r *v th a fotk. watering as you go, freely. II ty th 'Hint effectually ciml win n po' in the liatn ahonld I avr •- It ee I'icrt'l over it a* it is put it ;>*, It help- P pre*, ive it and the < >e like it. A < 1 i dm , airy 1.1< 1( < • e wiil c ,ii-i iriitii .1- to en*uno n.i.re food w I'hoot c rre fc | onr'iiig r - I- in bone, mu-cle, fl k!i or fa', tnuth bcirg est 1 to I . p up * arm li. A p • *1 -. t . -e 'AD I two third ounces a day. On '.lii basi* a'mo*t any man can calculate . Vlic c *t of a fl " k a year in case 1% must In) every tiling. The allow., tit it lilK-rai ; small -\z d fowl- N j a little li s* Kep the barnyard* drained *. thoroughly tthat they are at ail t u.e --* lid and navigable. It doc," c*tl!e no g rod to go wadirig about knee-deep in filth, and the exhalation* from d, posit* of li'juid and solid tii.-n.ur,, such a* are too often seen on the farm, go far toward poisoning th, air for long distances around. Tic thrifty farmer will keep his barnynrd free from mire. 01 ante ad county, Minnesota, bs* 17,000 cows, snd the dairymen of that county, it is ssid, make three fifths of the butter thst is made in the State. The sale of cream averages $-,000 per month in that county, arid three farm mortgages are paJd oil while one is put on. I'bc JVVie England. Hurntstxad states that market gardeners generally use stable manure rather than commercial i fertilizers. And it adds that it is the best practice, for by ibis constant cropping, the soil would in a few uar* become exhausted of a large portion of its vegetable matter, were it not returned by these heavy application* of stable manure. Then the cl en ical I effect of stable manure is to loosen and lighten the -oil whereby it more readily receives the benefit of the air rain and dews. The horse population of the I'nited Slates is now over ooc million, or ui.e to every five |*rsons. Onions may go in the ground a* soon a the first signs of frost ate over. They are hardy andean endure the cohl to a certain extent. The killing frost has attacked the tender orange buds of Florida ami dealt death snd destruction among the guava and banana plantation*. The American Wonder pea.adwa f variety, i* one of the best that ran I** tried. They arc early, fill out w II and give excellent crops fordwsrl* l.twa i l*im the distinction of hsv ing more hog* within its borders by a round nul ion than the next highest State producing the porcine animsL In tin- vicinity of Klgine, 111., the farmers rai— -wct corn for the can ning factory, and arc careful to save all the soil ears nubbins and stalk* , for feed. I'aiis green and London purple may he diluted with 200 parts by weight of land plaster, and the mix ; lure will *• abundantly strong to de stroy potal i bugs and many olh, r | pest*. The want of pure fri.h water ac count* In many instance* for the tack of eggs during the winter season Fowls require a constant sappljr of water, and without it will not lay. There is no use lit cleaning yoor poultry houses unless yon bora the old ne*t*. They will harbor mors of llm varfot't* kind* of ponltry parasite* than you can eveT exterminate withe whitewash brash.