llouso Cleaning Tuking tluWlt U.# ftllUtM, LnmUiig tp th MM 11 — • Noi Mt bom* Hit* muimug MtuuM iIM-rr !><• M CMI:." TUM( MMII rgg* brMikfii - Tbiug^lUfii*tl upMiUt* tl m u \\ i lr MINI g.ri M JMM in it — llllsldhllil nkt|>* llf It.M M. Taking uj> th# rjirpffi lm ko Mini tiuat for lunch llu)*, fuv Making |UatloiM, lfta ffOttl 111* M putsch. W*hit £ ..II Ihf Mht'l. Wk IKWFI MIL OPFU- MLTLF— M'* with I -Ml! MUtl duot |>m 11 I'aiHl to lt tkljf 1• I ul*. So Ora in tbf furnace - IMI gorv* tin M ring— "('h ailing iiiniif tt>..., bi'n, Kit at 1M) of the •pring.'* Night! a doctor tiling - \\ le iloua uy In M, ItHaliMUtl acoofa lor -IM crueller She i • vcr brings anything I n cracker i'f two for h*• * I mi h, os'l-e -h- - afraid, I . i, ; >*•>, that if *hc IT tul t iu goodi • ••una nt'the trirl* might want her to go hnlva '• "We Z* I her M •> I'. lly Wnntai rsi k- T." "Whit is her real nsnia" s.k<"i Jo ►ie. 'Oh! tier rei' name's S | l< irt'n. Hut Mirs I' I y Wnnlvrerlt'T a rnurh mora suitable one according to our wsy of thinking " "Ferhnps she it j.o >r and cant afford any goodie* for her lum b," suggested Je*', who wan a sweet tempered, kind heart-d g rl. ' •II it .lie's poor, I d nt e# how she can afford to coma to such an expensivo I •cbool a thi and Jriv-s a. nicely a- she doe*. "That dr*> !>••> got on id.Knn't it (It 1 horribly though') i inalo of yloth th*'. cotta two dollar* a yard. I •*<* . 'no likn it In my fathyr a tor-> la>t w•> k \nd rhe gpl# pocket-money .-very m nth from | oni.-b"dy. The lett-r come ti Mr Bi ■iin'i cure, an I I <• *a"n Miaa Po !y wan', acracker th-ra and tak* money out." "I pooped ov-ir h-r h mldtr once "*id klary Reynold#, "and rpied a five dollar bill. 'Aren't you going to trat? ay I. ■ Not thi tim, ay #bo with a perfect), •ickening amile, and alter lh*t the never ep.tnd bar letter# in the < hool r--m. fjook at her now. Sho'tgian ingthiw-v Don't she look ashamed? She kn->w, -• talking about her." " P-vir gir'.!"eid J-•a-i"; "to rni .he! >•• < 1 more grtovod than a.bamed And in''-h - j pretty? I wmh I h* I I. -r I .v-ny, h- ie and curly hair. It curls naturally, that ! i- plain to be " "Oh! there now," Interrupted A'i.e Hays spitefully, "tho girls won't think much of you il you are going to stand up 1 £ T Miss P.. ly Wantacracker, I can t I you that." "1 shall stand up for her." declare.) Jessie, with sturdy .Scotch self assertion, "until I am c >nlnce>i that she J -sirve. . tho harsh things you say about her, no 1 matter what the girls think. [ like to | judgs people for myself, and I haven't | been here long enough to form any do. I tided opinion about anyb<)dy. Maybe in a month or so I'll tind out whether Stella Burton i 'a regular little miser' or not. And until Ido I m most certainly not j going to take sides against her." But when '!a month or so" had p.seed Jessie reluctantly admitted that she had ! come to the conclusion that Alice and her . friends were right. She had watched ' the dafly nibbling of thecrackers at lunch, i time and had seen tho reception of the monthly allowance. She had noticed the costly materials of which Stella's dress, doak, bat, and even aprons were made, and had deen much mortified by the girl's persistent refusals to share her—Jessie's candies, cakna, or fruit. "It's because she's afraid you might ex. j>ect something in return," said Mary Rey. nolds, with a scornful tose of ber bead. "When she first came here, six months ago, we told her that ail the girls took it in turn to bring sweets for tha class, and she turned as red as a bwet and aaid, please leave tne out. I can't afford It.'" "I wonder what aha is saving her money fort" Bella Bmytbe joined in. "Perhaps to buy a gold watcb. But I'd do without a gold watch forever tmfore I'd be such a stingy thing." Tha Christmas holidays drew near, and the pupils of Blossom Academy started a subscription list for tha purpose of raising tha means with which to purchase for tbiar principal and Uachers soma hand some gift. "I can contribute nothing," said Stella, when they laid it on bar desk. ''That's too bad," sneered Alice Hays. "We'll have to take up a contribution for you." And they did, hod tha next day 4l -r m recss Stella WH" pr' out -I m a' '• r< mon lounly with II i>l" r hsg >f idu-iip crael:. r. Not n word 'l'd sue ►• v wlc-t. it ■> p• . d in her lp, but w-'o-n cho"l w.-nvr MM . Boynolds, whose way lay in the .|i ruclion a* lier I>T H hlo. k or i", saw her hand the hap. to tim j old w-.o an who kept a siliitll p- if.ul i.u.d iyip ti. . ner. "Did you ever see so.-h coolne,-! ■ aiii the girla in chrous when they hoard oi il. And unswitrud iheinlves," Ne\ In another chorus. Well, the holiday > p*ed S -h"ol va to begin again upon tho 3rd id January, and cn the evening of the 'JJ Mrs. Blos som, the principal, gave a wcliorii" hack New V'r party to 10-r scholars nod 110-ir near relations. Stella ennui with the rest, in n delieato lavender silk p donni-e, looped over a dark purple velvet ,kirt. and enibroidurd Willi loin, lies of lov.jl. purple palish-., a hunch of real oih-. .-r. mg j hor lor a hr.-asl.pin, and another milking, 'hv coutrssl, her golden hair look still I more golden "llow sweet P he looks, \. !d-| ir l ,li re Fergus to B -da Suit the ' Who'" hiiswcr.d -t .ouiig lully ••lib! \|i-- I'.ill. \\ aii'.'l- s.i = I.• ■ r ! luu-l ! confess Idi nt see -iii v ...i-i-tnah -in !i.-i• I'm going t" sit inshle lor nt til - stip| .-r b|o MI d •• •• il .he i'ti 1 v eal- i tin k>-r. I (then. Aii I -h" did. She salon one ' of Stella ami Msry Kenn| |< on other, and while eat in • i hi ■) of dainties on their . .to the.- : kept a sharp look out on the In- p on ■ hers. Slie.t'e Vi rV slowly, lot', one hv one, riko. tuo'toc-. hunch of gr ■••, al , nionds, raiins tpiickiv d:a|ipi-ard, "She never nte them," wli s tie red Bella to iter cousin ' irolilie. e/t,. ait next to her. "Sin • i, n n ■, og hut ' aotiie ntAcaroOns alii tur ici ctoatu lin . leg us. ■ Hl, i hi r j ;et. W. .• i got her no.. 1 eute to the dn.silig room .vhen -di .tart* for h-une and ' you'll sec some fun. i'a- the word t" th other girls." So when Stella arii- i tm ill., dicing room, a -lout time a tor -upper, she was bdlo.ved ' 'nearly all lier arluwl mates. Anil j •vhi-n -.lie "to -ped '■> draw on in i uvcr •ii * he foU'd herself d on tli • ! r.' it • > B-lla Srnvth" >n I on the le r t Jhv Alice l!av, whde Mary Kojunld soughl-for slid found (lie pocket in her skirl, and in the pocket wet. cake, the | ntottoe , tr,. grape* and the almond, land . .I, *! II - tiiat had heen served to her at Hie supper tnlile. •' t for siiame ( Miss roily W antaerarker'" hurst from the lookers >it mid Ititii ili it I imi iking ■ ilii iI.mI i|i.-il* Ai 11 I ■ mil Vf li.ll'l, il* \i>'< nil kni, I'i I ili In* Ii"l 11" i- I ili' .lii hi II Ii I' nil I i" 111' I"' ti l In I i li.ii i:i' of •ii i " 'li' ".' 111 ilii' nrlij Ami •••i'lf III* U till I I' • II ill - Mill, ll' Ii ill i' -lll in i lii!" ii -i month. Thut jui pays III! Ii" I, iiini 'ln' il'il'iu illl'i i Ii ill that li'iinii Mri'k liv l.iiug \imi|i-ii l> ilis • ikiniimiii to ktliw * store i*• * r by, ta ill lii-'itlii-i in ii -\ I Ii >. \• • Af \ .'ln lm mi' uia.tc i I lii.ik" lli.-ni nn "I*. 'n.'l 111 i' III" ll'.lnl'l tlll'V fit "Ollttdlv, Mis* Ibiv-) I .1111 I In" whhliulim hi ' luy dv.ir , limlin'i' i\ (in iii'i'itini" \ I y |i in- 11 -11 11> tin" l••lM I'llllill Mini I- i ki'l "III" I gIIVC 'Il lI'HI IM. I ll'liril' won I Mil y I'M I'll I nl'l win ii riiHiiini'i lell ii* : hli<" i* iVnir | Hum ; mill lining the Im > jcara *ln >m* ,•*'••11 nli iiii.ii> I mine trii'il tiiinuk< in i . 11 I'm Ii j• j !'.> H'ght I Inlil In r lint! I Mil* glli|l|| til S .l nIH I I.lll* I c.1111.l l{ive In i nothing lull h cheap iloll for lit < Ini-iin.i" ui'l ilmi I would bring Ih'l I i in Ii• in some g iodic—" "I ii ni' i -.uv ii tint limi \*i i i'i|, 111 .| i' t any \ iiixitlii'i ill. rrii'il Mn* II ii*. >'\\ Ii ii t > i n. " wr. ti lm* ti" |i ivm n." | ••Why didit imn I.l| ii* i.i ' ' ' it'k.-il Hell* ""inyiiii • 111" .111-1' I thought ll would ".Ulll I'M. muili lik" begging. ton me ii well oil. I r"iii|iiirfl 1" nn". |te*.>l<"*. 1 |nt* •• in ~-1 j|..i ly wail ml lm Itll ything ; I, lit *'m I>|- rit", klltt'* i 1 IIi" 111 tl.l' III' i i ii**t I 111! "iri'ii ill ili" world, iii'l iliiiik* In i * r .Mi*- I'nlly \V oil .. iin-k.-i I 'nil I ' I lull'! ; ' b",'g. 11 1.. ; I * It'll" | "P!" i!• let a I tint' I." | 11 ni it ii. Ai. l j'l i. •eg "I y u. 1' t ii* lour „'iri unit*, • nn-in* *inniliiinlln'i. in Mil,- iln lit". t I>" trii I rout ili ■ • J.\ '.i tii I'" *h" ' in-litt t ik .ki "iii.l ! .( And lhc> little one l i the curl* •tl ■IIn i #•)•••* r*i*t i Ii"l In-.t I fmn til"] ill' v .it u|> m li"il I'ik" I prt\" iv Ir' iii "in- in itimtli" r itf l.'g. 11 Mllll'l' I lllg *\. -. Ii | tl|"ll ||*|."l| 111 I, "Mr- •I, • liirpv, Imliy voice. "Hum do. I I'- III.' Wish yni| .1 happy V.Mr I Vrr. A War Mnmory. In 1 f*ti*bi!t (.enersl 11 indium ma* I conttuundn g the ("o federate *• 1 | Lit 1" Rock, H jiifCk 111 *tlH|e/l, V h Cll , tlioulil tint lie irlt ii It r**i*' id-- I, 1- | | radioed by it "'iaotl.-iii.il, (ji., v . - Iliridaian only bail a few ilinu-.tmi II 1 armed troop*, and when lie he.id that tbe Federal (ieneral, ' 'uri i, slat i-mrd * t Helena, ant preparing to move on L it i" Knok, hi* aeiit for •'olonel K I'-ert ' Newton, chief of staff, an I rani ' I. ink h"e, It.ib. I undi-'uland that Curt'*, w.th tbir'y ti* • or forty iliou-nod i* preparing to nurct, on u*. You V'r> ! readily understand that ae ctooolt-a , terUin o much com) any." ' Can t vend out and borrow from the neighbor*?" Newton luyyHiwi. "Not ery well, and be*ide, I think tht the visitor* would prove to be ! troub e*ont". My id*a la to acn-t tlieirt J J word not to come Now let o put our | nead* log.ther in regard to the lent i me a' • of ui-king know n our w.n for Uifferetit i pr% n, but really lor'i.n Cuni. One letter was s I if.-s.- l to the ton. ' | federate Secretary tfWr. "I do not 1 i like to make ci mpiaiiil*," the conuuun | ioation ran, "but rircuniituncen compel | tne to call your atteniiru, to certain ahnt *ominga of lietiera! Heaurea*id. Scteral Week* ago. he proiuMr I to aend , me forty ihouunl *'*nda .•( arms and ] thirty piece* of artillery, I ul in*ted. In ha* only aent me l*n live tli'iuavod : I atanda of arm* and tweuty pie<-ea of nr j til cry. flu* even c noting the *tor. we have received fn m Ti * m ■ | enough for the proper • piipinenl of my trop*. I conteinpUie tiioving int. 1 Mivaouri Then followed a num' er rl let'er- . , from aoidtera. Unneoi.lor, in a leiter V ii a wife, *aid ; ' We have about fort, : | thousand I roup* here, and nith >ugl. they are not .all quite arnn >l. yet 1 think | th.it within a few J lay* we wi 1 alb ready for bu*>rie*a.'' Another noldier writing to hia father, *atir ni . ,as I'll.- ling, Wei-, in I. .m,k<. Nnlhiiig w*a ii ki ieti : *evi*l 'lny*. Ai ie. ,ii, 11,.- n.lli.M jng 'i -p th da e l ui lit• >w..*viHe, I'iair .1.1 Ai k , WHh I ivffl ■ .1/ ./.I- f>(,eni/ //,„ /,„„„ .._| regiet *uy til ,i III", ajil'lle tag* ~n i.-.n en * | have ln!|< n into tin- ii iiuia .-| it,.- em in\ | iiini that 1 barely ecape-t w.ili my Hi,-. \ I mi i isport in pet oii* a* an .ii -k* (..* I sible." A lew (lm* nlterwania In* ernved at he >d <|.IUT leru, liu Mulkr I 11. wii|, ik di'j* ctc'i a I', US tll.lil" i In* would finely b-* i out i iinirii k ! el is . il *e*||i"'l, ul jump I I',-un d fnrw .111 11, mv M.glit. .kill tin ~ nil" ' g* wo k* I l| iii ll -I. r n,i" nu ■I ■ i* l I'.'-y mm'. "I if. I ma.l" i Jni.C" i If .n to gi., . II , „II . lonk. | llinngh | i..<-Kt I Hu-ir in ll' |' 1 iw'lk •-I,.fi- 1 tin- p '-in' " flu- r*l iniun.i .in thn* it. Allegheny t.'iij. Ii w a theo .II the o| M -n .- .uiitry, V ijoini' g and "• lung fig t'i lit" church MM* a grave . yard, ftnrrmg on the publi" r .-i | Ab-iut daybreak "in- ruornir gin I*4o a farmer who on bi* way to I'lt'it urgh with a lov-1 of ilrea e-i rnwt, heard | sound* issuing from the graveyard, as if aotnc one Wis kn amg a to* it, ; i pie.-.-* with an ai. He climbed the ; fence and *t !<• along in the direction of I jthe sounds. He had got • but a short I j distance when lie f ,un.| a man engngid ' lin robbing a g'ave He had teen ro atorlMsi in hi* w rk that lie had not I he rd the approach oi hi* ditcovrrcr. , and be w. in the act of lilting the leely I from the . iffin wh nhe heard the foot I step* ol tl.e farmer. The grave MA* that of a prominent young woman who had Iwi-ti buried lh day before, j The farmer was so filled * lt h borro j and indignation at the crtine. that I*- f .r." the man could *|r ngout, he. ,7k*| • s club thai isy m ar. and dealt the rob r a powerful blow on the head. The • man fell info the grave nd nei-her ut '. tcred a mnd nor nmv- I a'ter falling Tin f imer lie smealarm- L l>rnp| mg jin'o th" grave hirn*e|f, he r-i*e.i i),. I man * ie-wly. 'I he grave rol.lx r vva* none other than the sexton of th I ehur. ha rnn stvnd ng high in the j oimmviii t) IL' was dead Th" tanner hurri.xi back h >me. and . t ll nv hi* ro!ati. n> what h* I oc-urre-1 ' It" a', on -e left the . ti ly five 1 par*on* ever knew the secret of the I graveyard trag. dy b.id-- the living pi tiripal. Whs found the b dy of the sex'on dead in the grave w.. rnt po*i j lively known by them, but a* it sa. given out l.y In* family that he lied suddenly, end t,n inv.--tigi.tion nn ever made, they supposed that the body mut have been discovered by aorue one of tne family before it* po*.tion was known to any one cl*e. Tin- aogton's family soon afterward moved away. Hi* slayer went to an t ihio town, where 1 ho married and grew into prominence and wealth. He died la*t week. His accert vm never divulge 1, and even his ( wife ancl children live of it. The secret at the time of hi* death, waa in the keeping of two person* alone, the other three having diei. One of tbe*e person* a leading clergy , man of Allegheny. The other ia the writer'a infornn nl, a resident of the oil regions. He aaya that the death ! of the principal in the graveyard tragedy ha* released him from all pledge of secrecy. He refuse* to reveal • the names, but affirm* that the atory ! u true in every particular.— Special le New York .S'aa. A character ia fatally defective that ' an grand that it cannot stoop to the ordinary courtesiea and duties of daily life without any seoe of degradation or effort.— BapM Weekly, Svascatßß for the Ctarat Dtvonuv. CJLXJL —AT TllK — Job (Mlice And Have Your Job Work DONE CIAPI.V, NEATH AND WITH BISPATCH. t Now is the Time to Subscribe toil UIK 'CKNTIiE DEMOCRAT,'" The LARGEST and CHEAPEST Paper in Bellefonte. ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. IK ADVANCE. OS'S'ICK : ICOR. ALLEGHANY & BISHOP STS, BHUJIfIVTi; PA.