Hail Uoatl*. I>A LD EAGLE V A LI.K Y K. R.— I ) Tiuie Table in effect Nov 19, 'BB. / WESTWARD. Exp. Mail. t AM I'M l.cnvo Lock Haven 145 I (Hi Plcminglon 4 48 4 04 f Mill llall 4 52 4 07 Beech Crock 601 421 Kagleville 604 4 2fi Howard 5 13 I 20 Mount Eagle 6 18 4 43 Cur tin... 622 4 48 Mtl*burg 630 4 55 ilollefonle 5 40 6 05 Mile* burg 5 60 5 15 . Snow Sboo lot 660 6 19 Unionville 602 628 Julian ti, 12 688 Martha 022 648 Port Matilda 629 6 6(i Hannah 087 ti li Fowler 039 0 16 Bald Kagh< 6 49 6 19 Vail 6 53 24 Arrive at Tyrone 705 636 EASTWARD, r.u. am Leave Tyrone 7 30 830 Fast Tyrone 737 837 Vail 7 40 8 40 Bald Eagle 8 45 845 Fowler... 7 54 8 66 Hannah 7 67 869 Port Matilda 805 909 Martha.. 8 13 9 17 Julian 823 926 Unionville 8 33 937 Snow Shoe I tit 8 42 9 47 Miletburg 8 45 9 50 Bellefonte 8 55 10 00 Milerburg 9 05 10 10 Cu:',\Z:: 'J 1!> IV I? Mount Ragle 0 19 20 23 i Howard 9 20 10 82 Kagleville 9 36 10 42 Beech Creek 9 40 10 40 S Mill Hall 9 52 10 58 Flomiiigton 9 55 11 01 Arrive at Lock Haven 10 00 11 06 KLLirOMTK A - SNitW BHOK K R.—Time Table in effect Nov. 19. Leave* Snow Shoe 4:18 a. to , arrive* ia Bellefonte 6:20 a. m. Leave* Uellelonte 9:30 a. u> , arrive* at Snow Shoe at 11:04 a. m. Leave* Snow Shoe 3:50 p m , arrive* *t Bellefonte 5:38 p. rn. Leave* Bellefonte 810 p. m., arrive* at ; Snow Shoe 10:40 p. tn. S. S. BLAIR. Urn. Supt. IE WISBURG A T V RoN K K. K. J Time Table in effect Nov. 19, 83. WESTWARD. Mixed. PM. AM. Leave Scotia."... 12 15 500 Fairbrook 1 <H) 6 20 Penn'a Furnace 1 15 6 40 Hodler I 28 5 50 Marengo 1 35 6 55 i Loveville f 1 38 6 00 Furnace Road 1 45 6 10 1 Warrior* Mark 2 00 6 25 a Pennington 2 12 6 40 Wxton Mill f 2 25 6 50 L A T. Junelion 2 31 656 , Tyrone 2 3 6 658 1 EASTWARD. Mixed. | PM. AM. Leave Tyrone 4 00 9 2ft I. AT. Junction 4 Ol 925 We*ton Mill 4 14 9 33 Pennington 4 32 9 48 Warrior* Mark 4 42 '■> 58 Furnace Road 4 67 10 12 . Loveville 602 10 16 , Marengo 6 07 10 22 j Hodler 6 17 10 3.5 Penn'a Furnace 5 27 10 41 Fairbrook 5 47 11 03 ' Scotia 6 20 11 30 I >KN NSY I.V AN I A RAI LROA l> J. (Phila. A Erie Divitlon.)—On and after Nov. 18, 1883: WESTWARD. J ERIE MAIL Leave* Philadelphia 11 20 p rn liarrutburg 4 20 a m I Williamport 8 40 a m 1 Jerey Shore 9 Oft a m Lock'llaven 9 40 a m Renovo 10 55 am Arrive* *t Erie T 35 p m NIAGARA EXPRESS " Leave* Philadelphia— 7 40 * n> Harriburg 11 15 a m Arr. etWilliaroaport ... 2 56 p m Lock Haven 3 56 p rn : Kenovo 5 10 pm j Kane 9 03 p m ! ( Patienger* by thi* train arrive in Bellefonne at 5 0.5 p m FAST LINE I#eve* Philadelphia II 10 a m Harritburg .. 325p rn ; William'port. .. 7 15 p m Arr t Lock Haven. 8 05 p m EASTWARD. LttCK HAVEN EXPRESS Leave* Lock Haven 6 50 a m W'llliamsport 7 55 a m arr at HarrUburg... 11 30 a m Philadelphia 3 15 p m i DAY EXPRESS Leave* Kane 6 00 a m , Kenovo 10 0.5 a m Lock Haven 11 15 a m William*port 12 25 a rn ; arr at Harrirburg 3 41pm Philadelphia 7 25 p m ) ERIE MAIL Leave* Erie 1 55 p ra Renovo 10 27 pm Lock Haven 11 20 p m Williarnf>ort 12 36 a m *rr at llarrirburg 4 08 a m Philadelphia....... 7 60 a m Erie Mail Kat and We*t connect at Erie with train* on L. S AM S. RR.; at Corry with B. P. A W KB.; at Emporium with B , N. Y A P. RR , and at Drift wood with A V. RR T. orCKEK, Gen'l Sup't. CANCER CURED. No di*ea*e* have *o thoroughly baffled I the *kill of the medical profe*ion a* I cancerou* affection* and *• they h*ve al way* been connidered incurable, R ha* ha-T, thought diroputable to adopt their treatment a* a *pecialty : and hence phyni elans have neglected tbolr proper tudy. But of late year* new and important dia coverie* have brought forth a court* that now prove* *ucce*ful in any ol it* form*, with certainty, without Ibe u*e of the knife or cauitic platter*. We have a treatmont that 1* comparatively mild. It i* not polaonoui, doe* not interfere with the healthy fleeb, can be applied to any Cift of the body, even the tongue. We ke nothing (or our lervice* until the cknoer 1* cured. Addrem D. J. HULBERT, Kagleville, Centre Co, Pa. , - c. u. uoniit c. ISM). /tufa bit shed 18f>0. ANNOUNCEMENT. rut OI.PKBT AND M(>9T RF.MAIH.E BratNKM HOt'PK IS BKLI.KKOWTE. o ♦ ~* o In order to make room for our Spring Stock we are offering IMMENSE HA KGA INS IN DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes And Notions, lnvc no *6or/</y or auction goods, but straight and honest goods. We have constantly on hand a full supply of PURE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, ETC. 0 t t Country Produce Conatantly on hand and Solicited. €. U. HOFFER & CO. Alleghany Street, Bellefonte, I'd. IN the selection of delegatei-nt-large | llic Kant an<l West slioul'l be rcoognised, lIIUH offering the i>c)|l represented the limit favorable opportunity to have their wishes expressed and sustained, j When we onnsider that Pennsylvania is it Republican State, Ita po'pular influence | iu Democratic National conventions is ; a source of prids and gratification. While she has men within her bounds the peer of any Stute in ability, position and worth, she cannot do more with pro priety than respectfully urge recognition in the highest claims and will not. —— > M Mm. KI.IZAIICTU Hu.I>NBAN, probably the olil'st resideht of Harrishurg died a few days since. She was in her both year, was the mother of .lacoh M. ilitldemsn, minister to Sweden under President Buchanan, and ex-Ct ngress otan H.ddeman, who is mariied to Senator Cameron's sister. The deceased was notsd fur her many charities. To the Mumbors of the National Greenback Labor Party of Pennsylvania. Gentlemen : The chairman of your State Committee asks your immediate and earnest attention to the necessity of making the proper arrangements t<> send full delegations f your ablest men to the National convention of the party, which will meet nt Indianapolis, lnd., on Wednesday, the 38th day "f May, ISS4. The importance of this Convention cannot be overestimated. In this connection it may not be amiss to call your attention to *ome of the magnificent victories which you have won for your principles in the eight years' struggle since grand old Peter Cooper was nominated at Indianapolis in 1876. j-'irst. Your light against a permanent bonded debt iia* Imen the cause of every reduction of interest on the bonded debt. If a low rate of interest is a de sirable matter, the low rates now pre vailing are due to you. Second. Your fight against a perma ' nent Ironded debt has forced the party j in jxiwer to apply a part of the surplus revenues to the payment of the debt, and put thst terrible incubus ii|>on j re ductive industry in the way of prompt and permanent extinguishment. Third. When you prevented the funding of the debt under the Wood fifty year bill or the Garfield forty y<ar bill, you eom|>elled Secretary Windom to refund the bonds then due at the pleasure of the government. The pa* nient of more than two-hundred mil lions of those bonds in the last three years, and forcing that money into th< channels of buine., has alone been the means of preventing another snd worse panic than that of I*7'!, and put in process of extinction th- National Ranking System—a system lamented in his latter days by the Ist.- Chief .lutice • 'hate, as his great error. Fourth. Your persistent eight year warfare against the theft ot the public lands has at last compelled both of the old parties to pass through the House of Representatives a lliea-Mfe looking the eoovery to the people of a 1-rge jmrtion of tin- land donated to -ir|mr'( tions in vioWtion of the rights of tho individual citizen and of the cons'nu tional command to promote the public welfsr*. fifth. By your votes in lkTfi and you compelled Congress to pass the s< t known as the Fort Bill (vetoed b> Hayes but psssed over his veto maVin the present volume of greenbacks a part of the permanent money of the country, and by the provision to reissue them, practically doubling their volume, and to rcmonetize silver and make it a full legal tender The effect o( this act was to make our silver available as miner, and practically add a thousand millions of dollars to the huine** of the count! * and making the hoarding of money tin profitable. It was this act that reiight ed your furnace fires, set your spindles in motion, and gave employment to the millions of honest workingmen who had Iwen tramping the country in search of labor. The growth in population snd pro duction of the country has been so great that the volume of money In the channels of circulation is totally ir,ml" quale to earrv on the domestic exchsng ■at a profitable rate. Every reduction in general price* of commodities, and every reduction in wage# has been the unconscious cry of business for more money. The effort to make our present volume of currency answer hy spread ing the rate of wages thinner on the bread of loss steady labor, coupled with the etarvation to bucineei policy of hoarding nearly one-fourth of the total volume of money in the United States Treasury has brought at>out its logical effect, and to day we find one ball the iron furnaces of the country out of blast, one third of the spindles rusting in idleness, one . third of the skilled and unskilled labor I of the country unemployed and eating up their past earnings, with a cry of distress rising from every msnufactur ing and mining district; and the anny of unwilling tramps making the false conditions visible; with shirtless hs< k and empty stomachs by the million, and every monopolistic, gold basis dc votee screaming "overproduction" at the top of his bent. In view of these conditions, and the persistent attempt of the Democratic 1 party in Congress to reduce wages '.I) per : cent, more hy reducing the tariff to thai | exteot, and tho statement by Henry Clews, the leading Republican banker of New York that the wages of labor must he reduced 33 per cent, to enable us to I fight the pauper labor of the world in the markets of tho world, your duty is | plain before you, and your chairman earnestly asks you to begin it at once by msking arrangements in your different districts to send full delegations of faith ful and able men to the Indianapolis convention. At this lima if would lie well to call the attention of our workingmen to the fart that just as they have ebandoned the only party (tha National Greenback fdkhor) that ever made their prosperity the base and tuperstructur* of its plat form, and the reason for its existence, just so fast haii monopoly re oppressed ' them. It ha* imp rrted con traot-pauper labor hy the million to lower their wag r*. it h* opposed the orgaixatinn of la ! bor everywhere, and it has withdrawn, from circulation one fourth of tlie , money of the country. It hatt ridiculed the financial principles ef th party in every place and manner, though always unwilling to discuss them with u*. Ihe rooent decision of the Hupretne Court (oonfessedly the ablest that ever graced tha Supreme Bench of the coun try) affirming to the ultermoat the Oreenfiack financial principles, has en ahled the monopolistic claquersof both the old parties, in the press and on the 1 stump, to choose for themselves wheth er they will hereafter exhibit on the horn of the dilemma marked "fool" or "knave. They have just that choice, and no other. The Financial Chronicle of New York, j ha* recently shown that there is no such 1 amount of gold in the country as has been claimed—snd what Ihere is going out, Importations of foreign merchan dise are increasing The exports of wheat have been stopped. "What are you going to do about it?" Excursion tickets will be issued. Write to me at onoe. T. P. RVNDXS, Chairman State Hi- Committee. Mch. 27, IHB4. Milesburg, IV Lint of Jurorg The following list of (irund and Trav erse jurors have been drawn for April court, beginning on the 4th Monday (2Ktb day) of April next, IKK4 : attsD JCSVSS. John r rat* llufton K H )!*•Vrnon, 11 u* to ft I' I' Hho|*, lib (if* J C llarUwi, k„NtL/0. DllUasti H htftott, Kuth Hwnwl lloQMtokn Ptt* f. W B HonUr, ring J(m fWtw, tottm. DatH Vtftgnvr. Litrrty I) K Dunlap. Rush. W*J*y MJSII, >Urri. Or-. ru# Hill. Union. J U If MHUr. Halo#* J N tw.il twrgufton JoMph ll%inw. Phihpnbarg LO Mnrk. IMUftmU. . J H HaiUy, Collar* I' H fturkt. Half ft| <oc Omorgm M Khule Philljaburf. Tb >bim t%f hntsoigh, lb i. | Win P*oJ*r, (i?cc H F V'dtftiU. Mr >B, * n> iiuwlbart, (ira|r John Ring, Uatoa*tlV TtAHMI J I*l*4- lIUT *i, Walker. Nuh fttrobla J*o MrC*|*y, W. \<,aaTa fW.gr* Jnrk.n Thorp. H*nry RHM, WR, **ih #r J * w,ier rfiih_.i> M-r.-k.), j r Joo ~ [>, I Bi..n—B W Shi(,|.j, I. w ruasr. loilli|tat(-O>.*r Adam. J.rrs Hut.) Ju f.rk : IMUfeol*—Cl' lloSw. Wm <},||tr.it. Wm M.C1.1- 1 '•s, Skkulii l> ht>r r,lsr.l (Irs- Lao. Jr . MIImI ;.ry— O F Cfatoar, J A Ki*t*l Jm HtimjaHoef Spring M rrt# fuirjr H liar*#; Lwlt. "iruMf. ' II %rd inrssb li.ntri | b# t rk Hainsc-J Willis M .aMf, ThaJ D glotef Mill Hoi;ii K*pitj| f Muair II.I! W,..8-W ~ Martin (Ist*. Ilsm. W * Wm M r.r'.ss. r.diw. B"Ur Wn H-s.ll-.rv] RsrtMKts- (is. M II.TIISn. futg i—.n- Itsnui llsrjior r>silKrl. J.. r'lf...Its, Mi.r.tfal 11.0n.' I ll'i.l i, Jr, BUng U -.rib— M S S|> u. M.rn-r-A tlsafiion i llg-Krsriusl M -. TStrta.l as'iis—t . sin in . —iu Wnsit,. Jso (I Ctrl. Psit .. Jval IW'KSr. Wat A.. I Cnrtu.— So lr.s A ■ t, Ist t.alll—l M Bull S re- 'i- W V-mr.g Js. B " uriin listrt. Il A M/rr. |- M W.M.*r Tstl.,r- Ss M „ lull.w W*K.. J n,v,..g 11-,,. r ll.in. ' 7 I. l.fl,_Hs|h.,t Bi'r,,r J P Iron Ph. I|l-gr ( JntlPsbk P-W to j p.r, i.l fwl.-r. Js. M..S.r, n ui tmrst M.le \| *t, Inntrl n.iw-1.. R sipp. Mi, hs.l s, ,f.p* K*.-IS CcJl*. Ilir.n, Tl- ais (V. :n. p.„o -Ass •.err llii.m purst. J,, t. W.f .. v. p-lt I ... Bor,frt r#f tn,.th riv r. I Ir .- dr n for th e - pen* | Term of Court beginning Monday April 7lh,lH< I'.M.y t'l •? T,j K.lwgrd htiM •••Me llrr an. ln h Sj'limt t . *'!•' ' j f.n \ Imnkl". John Ifin. Jr.. A O II t e J niihmpr,rrni fWI rH.i| or II a new la* M Wr^tey ,g J(-e|hß Jn \ lUrt, ll nrt N 1 I * M.. , i'lff'tACt J |k(. > u.1k.,-.Mm j; HiMsfw, Mar. 1 <Wmuw| AUt M I.M c Jn#fvh pf. t.d' -t, Mm I Ha II H k'l-'tt ilwsv.f. -Jim | Til >ffiMnh ' • >* Li, • Mile. I .e' M M •rS. a P. ft lUlf M- . Hi • lb j p-nr \ < p fienwll. I |r,<h Lm^TT Or g ; Wm ll..men I*rv dh' J M V-l i ir. ri.ilife.l MM. ; \ |t -r I'ruon Kt.l eti I nl' rsar. el RimlS W 1... Rurt'tigii® flrria J u * IW I' L E MIN G, I H E T A ILOR, Now in his New Quarters, Cor. Alleghany A' High Streets, BELLEFONTE, PA. Special Inducements For Tlie Next SO Days. (i(X)I) SUITS AS LOW As ORDINARY READY MADE WEAR. CALL AND EXAMINE PRICES AND MATERIAL | —Four cabinuts for less money thsn four card sizes would cost elsewhere, at Boyer'i ! Bishop street. 17 x I'XJUTOII'B NOTlCE— Leturr I J l.'Ulii.DUrr rati lbs alst uf Mrs RllrjUjetl, M'Aulsy, S.r'4., Ist. of Wslksr towsMily. Onlr. ou.. P* , lis.leg b.!.ri grsnisd hi Ills uadsrslsuMl, si prr.ir.s Initi-liir.l tr ..I I MUI. sr. ri"|'i.-.1-4 l< ro.S. Icum.ll.rr ps>o,.i,t, „ l .11 hstlng . latns. .gsln.l th. .sins hi |in-sri,| thsm. 4hl sulliutisa|i-<l II) Isw, fsr ssttUeiml. HaAAU J I, 80, f Bstevtus. A liM INIHT It ATO K'H N<) i I(' K. X \ N011,.,As bsrskr Kites thst l.limor Silralnl. tr si lon oh 111. rUU ■ ,l WMIs; A)rs, IsO- uf IJslf mo.,n ("wns.lt., h.. U gr.ouA to lli ari'l.rßign.<l. All psrsr.M ku.wlag tbsmMlrss Is dslite.) hi (lis . .Ist. sr. rnjuMUd to rusk, imu.r-list, I>S) in.nl sad Ui'ws listing . 1.1u,. will prss.,,t ih.rs 4ul/ sutlisntlcsls'l, for ssitlvrs.iit C'ATBisrst Artsi, ' Adrolulttralor. fkRPHANS' COURT BALE.— V-P Par.u 111 to u order of ll,s Urßl.su (V.urt o Oritrr count), thst. will L. sold si wrb|n s.|. .t t |„ Court Hows, Is Asllsfosu, os SATURDAY, April 1 2th, At 2 oci.k r ■, AN ki.VJANT Twojrrony PKXSSXD BBICK PWXI.I.INU HOUSE, tksbssdmn sst sod most .siuAhl. rssldscrs Is th. roast. Ist. th, profit/ sod | rl.st. rssijsscs uf I) H Vsgßsr TTo. hustlfnl rs.ll.Bi. wi. Lnilt st .cost ' 's2s 000 n routs I u foot tßofni la ths lwiit ™, rooms wa tb. first Boor, 1-stßg a dining room, osnrr) llbrsr). rorrj.tlon room, |.„ hs||,„T . It hu.lsslM|dß rooms on ssmnd Soor, with corn mo. dlou hslb r-'ißi It has wren rooms on th. third Soor Th. in.t.rlsl U ed la It. .08-trurtloD Is th. T.r) host, snd ths g.o.rsl Bnlsh snd ornsm.BlßUos sr. unsrjusled A. s rsaldsur. for loratlos ros.sn Iracs, eomhirl, Bad slrgßsos, It Is ths MOST DESIRABLE HOME Iti r#ntm) Pnn}lrani* I RRMII or SALE.—I *n POR cent, of pur rhi m'.hky m KB.i f .$ hn down "nw third on roii9rm*tion uf mI, .alsti,e fn two ami aDOuaJ enroll, with Ibt'fwt, Mwurd bf bond nd mortggon tb* (frniM. Parties drii,g to pur- hn#* cou itni;ht th* prr orid rwmrs roluohl* laft rmatton i Apply Iq* u, J.L S|torlrf, Altoibry fcr th MI$I A. E. WAOHER, Eifcutrix. CofIBOIvBALTR f In Ui* Court of PIM of f Vptrt Coontj, No. 11, Jkbukij 'frriri, II B Y OtPIIL. 1 )M. WIRR M TRWARTCO IVQCT&RVPO. Th* ut dorvigood.on A adit of >n th* *bot* ililid fss, to b*r, d*tormlD*. ond ap'n th* i'*ptioas fllod le th* ">'tibt of J A hunkol ■ <>m mitt** of MM !l*ur; I?ur.k*l, lunotj-, will atUrM) V> th Joti** of hts appotntwaat at blsoftct In th* Dor 'gh of L*!i.f nt*. Pa ia th* r>tb day of Ajfll A D I*M at 10 o'tixk A M of Mid d • h*o and wh*f* all parti** in lbt*r**t tamy attor. J Mafvl) li # I*o4. ( |f ipyWKR. Aadit/>r. KiiLaa I In th* (-carl of (Vinaioti "" Ploaa of C'atr* C-unty *, No. 121 No*mb*r T*roi i Gnpit W Fotp atd iwt3 Jane* A I Action of F. # .*.ta.*at. 7Vi George 14' Ford ei at And now. rUusf) th. iak|, on u. ton of John II is. Attorn*; fry Plaint.f?. ml* >• granted on *rf* R Ford, on* of on id d*f*n Ur>t to pp*r i and |4ad to th* oaid art.on of *jvUn*bt Uooght for I tb' r•• **r? r f that *orialn tra t of Mtuat* in th* V wi.hi( ot Pcow fb , m Mid roat; f r*Mf, iqrys;d m th* warrant** nam* of Jc*ph I***ltr-g, h'tiipi*! a* f ell N btiitii it a *L r* *.h*r. * a uth w#r, l* t r..w *-*t r,* bandrwd and ftftr p*rrh* t a whit* >ak rm*T of 1?H th*n< ♦ I; a ha# * 1 trws isarkod la iT>4. north loar an ! r ( t- U f 4<fr<* wat thr*w hundrod nod Ihirty-oo* *ad nirso-ts nth* |<*rr h** to a |wf. thonro t; land in • tf. **rranu* fcacr,* of Jahct 7. Ix-e.g rth *tgbf;• ,** , * t * '*s•'*** w#*t on* kundrad aad Aft;-***n |*r 'MI,,! re* ii lib* of I?>4 tb*rf* I; said lib* ah eg • forteys in th* wnrrar.to* nan,'-* Vf Willtatn Ik. wan and M Diarri firay. aoath thro* and op* f rrth : d***a*. wat thr*o huadrod and thirty -on* and tna tontb pmiiN i/- th* ( lac* of bfgir.bing rotitalrilng | thr** htr, !rw-! r* and *1- wan'# Tb# Court fua tJ.#r -rd*r that if th* aaid I**f*ndont raaact l 4 I ' nnd In m * rr t.nty. that th* nald rxU nhall tee j,t. ih*-i f'-r snty l-*for* tb* r*rn day th*r*<if J in < n* ftvt|wpr of Mil nounty of Contra, to to in *#r UsJ ih*r*.b at i#ast thro* Um*a. and la add.tk n thofatn, U> glr# unto Mid Ik*f*rilant k*r**r It-und. naUc* in fart of th* anil nit, la Ua* to ay .far and dofradiLaad upon failur* to $j |-*r and pl*aJ tn • h"w ran** why )Mdgi>nt rhould nod b* ont'rod as-a a*t th* I*f#:. lat.t i.y d'fault R*trnai)a on • M- ridaf, th# day of April. A P. >M Wing th* hrat day o/ n*it t*rm Dy lib* C'tourt, ADAM HOT, IV J < *rtift*ei frum th* R. ord, Fob 4th |nt J C. H Airra, Drotb'inotor y. A tru* tnd cotr m copy of Rula in my bond*.' Att*wt T J . Drt ri , II H fbot.ff AGENTS >VANTEI>;EOK Picturesqne Washington. PEN AND PENCIL FK RT^'llßß it* V**r7. Ilwi-ry, Put .fir and S cia! Lif*. aith i-rajhK don nptlf,. of th* <>ngraa*. th# Wi.t* H .(■•# an<] |>,w <kot*rr.morit D*t>artmr.t*, lthAl**atM I'tAwrro-n a Map of \* a*hingt->n. ' and lt*er*n # <vi th# llail* of Ooagrsa* P* Jwiro tut Mr*.ai T" all c• a**'* thi* i* a ho^k f ?Mat ,utw*t It ,$ -••f 'l** graphi< . thorough and int*rMting. illur • • rla toNiiM mw Mgnvlifi Rl end IMf Arr.*ri'*r arr|*t* arol *l*gantir Fmand a te>k f r all h- in** Cr Sold onl* t-j ruhot riptina. Aftif*r* rre-tJng with grand in-'*,. • Ag-nt* wantem). mal* <r f#mal*. in *r#ry townahip l in Hi* United Pr**i w* iport*nr* wbil* 4* *,rat I*. ti t ahor lut*ly roqnirod. a* w* (*• mstru 'II M n*'#***rj ( t •i"OM, If nr.emj.lujed. H* J* rr t* r in* to Af*nt* add too* tb* fabltabora. .1. 4. A It A. KF.IIk, i 11-fit. Providence. R I. r I'lUitiitvlphla Elmiwh. i, ii ii u> id - ; Don't Forget -THE— : Philadelphia Branch cf •• IS A ONE-PRICED BTORE. • ; 'fi' . Jldp i f la again Jo the fore with an extn -i | sive assortment of i Spring and Summer CLOTHING : t ami respectfully invites the public t ( : cm.ll and examine our elegant Kuit ! and Over Coats, for Men, Youth, Boys, and I ChildrenV wear manufactured for our trade of the best material, and in all styles to please. Our stock of Men's suits in Cuta j ways, Sacks, Prince Alberts, Double Breasted Costs, Reversible, Chen chilla and Beaver Overcoats are Ku- perior, and luvite Attention, i And now jut look here, Men and Boys, are you gniDg to frecsc thi> Winter, or not ? Why, of course you're 1 | not. You must have Winter Cloth ' ing. and whit you want is the Best i. in the Msrket for the Lowwit Price. You have got your money honestly, ami of course you want the most for it. WE WANT JUST SUCH BUSINESS, and therefore in vite your visit to the PHILADEL PHIA BRANCH. Our businem re lations with the People of Centre County in the past have been pleasant and satisfactory, and in offering our Thanks for the Liberal custom hereto fore given us, we renew the pledge upon which we started out —Fain 1 and .TT*srr Dkai.ixq TO All. REMEMBER THE FINEST ANI) ( II EA PEST CtOTttlflG, IS AT THK PHILADELPHIA BRANCH UN A LLBOBEXT BTRE ET Lt:Wl> 1 CO., Proprietor. BellfoU,fW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers