Pro/t**intU Cmrd f 11. OK VIS. ♦I. ATT FRR IT AT I.AW. BoitrAioU, f DA tho Cton (tow*, IrM loor tf Wwwdrlof'k (*• Jk. K Kit 11 LINK, • ATTORN AT-At LAW, Bollofroto, Fk. Ovrma ■ tiniii'i Now Blilhi. Prompt klmllki to .wtlortioa ololao SA-lf HA. McKKE, • ATTORN IT AT I.AW. ORtt North Kl|k ktroot, o|. Hll A RSH BKUGER, (Succcaeor • to Tk A Rorohbor(or) ATTORNBT AT UW Otßio lOCoororl tioooo, Hollofoof, To AMI JL. BPANGLBR, • . ATTORN IT-AT-LAW, iKLLBVONTH, CBNTR RiXtUNTT, FA. £p*ciol ottotkttr.ii to lAilMottooo; pro. ticoo to oil thr OoorVa. Oookoltotloo. la Aoratoa or R..f!l*h. 1-ly Df. FORTNEY, • ATTORNBT AT LAW, RBI.LBTONTR. C ORAco toCooroA Moooo, Allofhoojrotraol. RrooUl ottoottoo firoo to tho cullocttoo o/clolat All Avoioooo ottooAoA to prooopU;. A-It pHAB. P. 11BW KS, VV ATTORNIT AT LAW,, rt CrooUcoo lo oil llto Coorto. ORloo oi>Roolto Court •to la Turat'o balldloß. fwi** AAt j J G. LOVE, ATTORNIT AT I.AW. RoilofooU, To. OWcolotho Orator!j orrupt—J kt tho lot* W.P. Wllaoo roIARR-U. THOMAS -I. MoCULLOUUH, X ATTORNKT AT LAW, run i pa it LRti. r A Ofllrr in Altort 1 1 woo'a haUdlnc, Ik llio rw.m A-rto- j •ryuc upiod bj tho I'Ulllpokui* boating CvtupatlJ. 111-It o. a. hutioim or mmm. HASTINGS a REEDER, ATTORN Em AT LAW Br Li-KFoN TK. PA OScob All-*loj twu J- VIIUAI I. VALIAOI, 4?ll L 4*l**. uurt r. uucr WIUIAM r. V%uac. 117 ALLAC'E A KREBS, TT t,vw and oolluctmn oppk r. Jitmur) 1, ISSI, CU4KKIKLI'. HA E7LLIS L. OR VIS, ATTORNIT AT LAW. OHHOK lh Oourl lloubb, ou h 21 flor A.O. furat'i .l-6 C. f. lUStlNfc. r. * f4 i LEX.ANDKR A BOWER, il ATTORN Kir AT LAW, iU-llrf nt. P i . may (wnr ni m%o. OfSt io nrmau *Hiiil()lr(; 1-1) J 4 Mil 4. 114?IR. J. wlll mrhit BEAVER a gephart, ATTORN KT * AT LAW. OA*-* no %Il^rilrpul, north of High iuiU HmU, \y C. HEINLE, * ' • ATTORN KT AT LAW, BII.LRFOXTI. P A Loot d-jvr to lb# loft In tbr Court llouo* 11-1 i ELEMENT DALE, A rroKNkT-\T-L Aw. lUKf f Fa. Oflk V w rornr IHaato I, two (Kiur* from fir at • lUootl bL k 4*17 t). T C. HIPPLE, 1 • ATTORNIT AT LAW LtiCK HA TIN. PA. 411 t'4Bdp4 to. 1*1) nrx. P. MITCHELL, T T PRACTICAL BI'RVITOR, LOCK lIAVUI, PA , Will nit*nd lo oil work lo Cloarlrld, Contro ond Clintoa oouutioo. Otic* uppuott* laork lloroo Notlonol Book. Itt-lj WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEAUriKLI), PA All baaisp** pronptly to. l-ly HK. lIDV, M. I), o Ofltro in Coorod Hmior, rortory" Low Ofßro, HKLLEPONTK. PA Ap—-ml ottonttua gir-n to Oporotl'o iorgrrj ou Chronic Dlmonro U-lj DR. JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., PiIYAICI AN AND AL'KOEnN. Odlco Allogh'nr ltl.,orrr Zololor'i lro< Aloro, A-tf lIKI.LKPONTI, PA. DR. J. WO RHONE, Dentist, can h# fnnsl kt hi* ktil on Nrth 14k of lltch 'lowM lUit of p pf nt-. Pk. MW f PTBLAIR, F • jewri.F:K. V4VCHM, datlLlt, Mr. AH work i-ktljr p**ottM|. Ou All'uL-O) itrMt, iicUr BrocltkrlHtff ll"nw. 4*tf UnninmH L'urtl*. ( IEM BARBER SHOP, A X Vital Pit at .no I (link, HELLKFTFNT pi, /. A. Ilvrh, 3 W ) i'ropr. (IKNTKK COUNTY BANKINU Vy i.'OHPA't T. Mvkl?kl^j>vRB Ao4 All** lnl*fnt, Di*rtfit Ni^la*; Hiy kn4 Oof.S" a4 omjFO \ Hfi Hnvkkfit, J. f./mc unr • mHi> r 4-tf ** 0. o*k, HtM l. J. r. W4kFi.t'k*h'r. NATIONAL HANK OL 1 BKMrKF'iSTMo All*44p>]> !itrt*l,lhli(<^fitf, Ht. 4-tf j if i/non Mr Pari fine anit-a repreprDtnd : —o— Union I'biladolpbiß. Amrbican do. Ocaroian London. Sen do. Wimtirn Toronto. Uonnicticut Hartford. and olhnrr. —0 LIFE. Tratilirr I.ipr A Acci'n Hartford •ud othiar*. —o — romminion branch o| my bu.iH—or 'it racoiwini apodal altontion. Pro|.rvino j told to K'Jod advanUK"i I hare lacili ; tiaa for duporint; of boom, iandi, ru., on ! ibort notice ana favorahln trrmi 21 Btn B<)Nl> VALRNTTNk J>KNNSYIA'ANIA STATE COLLEGE. Wiklkr Urw BiflM January 4, 1114. TlilklnalttuUiFU is located Ik on uf tha ant hnaa tifnt and L*lthfn! •| AORICULTIIRK; (It Alt'MA I. HISTORY: (c) t'IIKMIMTMY ANI PllYf*Uta4> } CIVIL KV*IN El:KINii. A khort 4FNTIAL lb Atrkolturk. 4. A *hrt HPM'IAL id Chrmimry. 7. \ I'l kßal al ond >• itlfi' t'r (-nratory •' ur FFRCIAL ard and very low. runioii Irrr Youug l*dirk ud ] drt rlu%*if' of i l*>ly f*rltirl|wil For pit* r otbrr In lor •natiiin .vltlr*** GKD W ATIIrKTON, prMinitt, OV4Tr CVLItoC, IMRI Co., P4. I tf 'FiIK CENTRE DI.M'H 1;A1 BOOK ami JOB OFFICK ALLEGHENY STREET, UXLLEPONTK, PA., !♦ vaw OfFhUIIfO (i II K\T INI) re K M Ka\T> T< TlftDtK WlfafllKO Fl I. i'liiiii ur Fuiiuy Printiim * W hnv" unii'iikl ftodiitie* for (.rn.tir.jt ! LAW BOOKS, PAMPIILKTS, CAT A l.oor r.S, PHMiKA M V Kh, Si r* FKMKNTs CIKCI'LA ItS, BILL HKADS, NoTK HKADS, BISINKSS CAKDf INVITATION CAKDS, CAKTBS DK VISITS, CARDS ON SNVKLOPKS AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS oaT" Ur 'lr.r by maii will remiye prompt attention. IW* Printing don- in the bn*tityle,or ' abort notice and at the Inwnkt rate , Itching Pilea —Symptonii audCure The Rjrni.|)toma ore mniature, like per opiration, intense itching. incre*ee| Addreoe, Dr. SWaYNK A SON, Phila delphia, Pa. Sold by Druggi.te. 5 R-ly EXTRAORDINARY IiEnUVTIOX. THE WKLY POST, A llfi . 'ua Afoittmn for fl |**ry*kr.fn clkfpß TH f-kr I**l will tftriiiii* th# ban atirrinr kd lklerktiii te rtroU. ?#ry lUrly. of lh*k*xl in. *ewr || will r,..r thr |r of Oflrk tie kli talH 1U P^mtdknt*making . !.i, |. • ill run Into moL ium, r. llirai)t*M in f-th pwni.w for th# ■ bkink i n . Ik* pro Mmp ..f i ih* grrk- NtM im! t>nrnll .oa %a rw.nitta> < wudi dklra; rvrltlnff I'feidonf at r#nri, t lolloW; thr n Hud It* r-*nlf. whith •# tklbtf Will l~ the ancree. „| (#,. Jlerttof rtlr r, add ot* or njKItBII/r HOUSE, T Unt.MlJ. rIMIIJ linablltlll) ••* f<.4 >htak>7 la wk*l aa7 (aaal sill As 4 *1 tka Taaaasni* Hotaa, alliat'4 w aa.laa aaalkaaat ..f *■<>• she Cltjr. Pa. M If. J J DEI.AN ST. Pro. pASHMOHK HOUSE, 1 ikraar Unal aa4 llraala, PHILIFSRTM, PA. Oood ImU aaalaka4, tukllk* *o<>4 an* prlraa n.iAarala. AT tl. t y AKM AN 8 HOTEL, \JI .lupoxil* U-.nrl lluuaa. BkILLKFONTS, PA TERMS ILIA MEAT A fiMd *tlch4 -11 DUBH HOUSE, I ) HEI.LEFON'TB. PA., Panlllaa aad alapla (aallaaian,aa wall aa !*•*• aral Iraaxlln* jiakllr aad r-uaaman lal ■ ara laallad to thla Ptrat-a taaa llaial wkara Ibaj will Sad hoa coiafnru al raaaaaatda ralaa. Llbaral radaUL.a la Jar>maa aad otkara attaadlag Ooart W E TELLER. Prop'r BUTTS HOUSE. (Cursor Alt|ho*r A Rlakop atraaU,) BKLI.KKONTE. PA., r J. X. Lehman, Propr. Tbli p"pil*r hotel. under Ihe niMfrtiEil of th# prmi l p*ul t*o miln fruiu CVI-nrtt Ptnil'.n. jb the Urlf • org, OnUr *ml hprure Utpl K*ilro*ROUKKRHOFF HOUSE, 1 ) AI I.LOUI-K t ST. iILLLKIuME. PA C G M. Ml 1.1.KN Pri< r o>'<>d hr,t A7.*r. ' Raa. and ff.-r all Tialna A,or ml fkt.r I •• . / tKNTKA L HOTEL, U (II, I. |hr iutl'.xal Mil Hr. MI ID.. II STK P. COCNTT. P> A A K< 'II 1-ltM'K KK, Pr.|.rt^itf, Til KOI oil TIIA VEI Ella 11, - r. ~* A- II (It-- ib'i l!fel tn pt'iMptit | Utp to lunch .p • •Ksrl Mill TH MS* #IM aU • I TIMIU. 4* LMKST NATIONAL HOTEL 1 MtLLIILIM.n ITKBUH NTY. PA S. J r J rain, Proprietor, J: A TK6 II 00 I'Lli It A Hl*n Hl'Nn To IFPfT VI I.l'. TI > o ALL TKAINP 1 A GOOD LIVERY ATTACHED. 7*A. //- f't Ao intehf hern remttieieei tth4 refum%*hrH and th* travel***] puhiw srtll h>*d arrt/mariaiutHß hr*t not* t n every rf*)*rt. f..-r:t 1 imal luij urn Hioo.l, Con*ti| atlon, l>y (x j.aia, M i aria, A |*'( •* *. lu >r,K > Ih It.-arl lll-*''a, Dri'fai. and Rtiauii.ati.n. | Hut Ul thn i|-llltlaS" i"f,Untain tprdli'lnal jifO[rftlna |.0... ... <1 |. no ronind*. fv-nt by n.ail f..r 'J/> i [fnU, but f M) {.ill* ; f> •■•k.-a. f! (i ! ff tnt fpjfftPßU lb' Bhml fnfhUr Mj|p U i th# itMrl t oi r yam 1 ttN t*ry km w * off o k#n#n>tr. a* *U t t Mil p>n to ••*! >'* i H" fern Hi* armrlon# Aftrr Li ting haP n. -I it, ! If II It tt nil • repnf >•. r*lrn tt t> u at oor O t.tuil ymf InlrteHb iihl eoli fat - ,of Mb 4 hf clioilwt t4 tttimmiitla At>!r'ee m i'llAt 1.1 M A V o A , Ko. 17 N Trth , rUtl*<) l|hm Pa mmm • ••For Vimraljrln In \b It . hwL lircaM, tMe, ahctti .. r S E uttvhfrr fN, Uk TBAt n 3 (ramp <■! tlw Pi . • T 2 •3 Pll|oi,n.a, lifarrbn'nt \ a S I'l l" n V ■■■■■■■Erar_' . aa n U "Vi I raif-i|. Aallilr.-a, > I I O Blii'riii.a...l liraaui. uta CrntN*. S a "Foe < tirnriic \il fafarrn. Ufa- a 3 cMtla anil a.,,., Ihtnal lak> I'ahi 11 "I'i rin It tin pnmit, nnxl pri lnpL JJ 3 and r(B.|ant .'uaaili Ilia known Inibui," 1. •J •• I' s.a l tba tnat ai)M. r, inmat 2 § ''"""V" 1 • B •lfvnnri.l t -lal.. It |iai ara ax-lr. r r; K wnrrli.l na-tilalit, taka rant *."■■■ _ lint rrnn rnla r lha moat Inip.flAlit i.f C S all I. that I'l 1:1 Nt will mt rlirmilc b ? • al I 'aUrrh, HrlAhra IMaaaaa. and I "ft b K U-t.-ai.f thn Kl til' ;.."■■■■■■■■■ m 1 a If >E tinta< ril'na llm pro- v pr|. inra, p. 11. Ilartinan A to., tHlora, tl. o For CunatlpatPm and Itlaa, Uka 808 PATENTS •nRTTi A CO., of tha Ertßimrrr AnEHfTAW. eon. tlnnn loam aa P-'iini'.ra fx lainnla, "'.raala, Trtada Pjafka, f.. f tIM I'nlted Htatc*. (Vnada, gnalaod. r-ao'-S Onrtaanr, atn. Hand Bordi ah.nit \ PMaatl iwil fn, Ttrrl r .',rn riof. at -i .rnrn . ' BalanraohAnl.Mit Ihr mA> ML MVa CO. ar. nolat ' tn lha artairr Ino ANaMrA*, U la.l, I—t. and , .NT ®b t (Crutre §tmstni BfLLIfONTb, PA -fk.anEicxTXd'r'craßtwA.Zd. ■fftrt. tactr amd tuoanrrioßE. ™" !■ • a (inatit amui ia ria maur *aaaa an eaaartai*? •* raa raaasa Smmy /• .. , n Aad mmottml aayinom Uneonrd Aomef Aany 0/ aa'tM. Wrvld it and tod it to fA "Aff-imdtural Kditur 0/ fAe Democrat, HtLUfumU, i'tnn'm," tKmt o(Ar tm nurt may Ann \ planting deep, aay five incite*,there i* no necesaity for "hill*." The cullt valor will push up q ,11* enough dirt, lu cultivating and lum ing do not dig all of tbe anil up and < tr the cntre of the row* down to hard pau, bul k<(p the flue aoil deep and loo.e lie tween the lull*. If the mil i* all •craptul away the kule-oil drawn the j heal of the nun, which ilriea out llie moiatjre, even under the hill** anl among the root* If the fine noil i* maintained br-twi-en the liilln, there will lw- a greater ixpniiion of root growth, bvrg* ly occupy nig the surface and drawing plant lood Uierefronu instead of getting all their nourish mint frtim the narrow compass of the hill, arid tl e more plant food the rruila gather the la tter the crop will la*. When the root* have once filled the nutlact- soil they should not be ••r. krii .|f by deip culture, frir they do i.ot posm'sa the same power to put forth liramdi growth that corn due*, •ind it is a doubtful question if lw*n • tlcisl results ari*e from fooling with corn rot*. If posailvle plant fa>ta toes on clover sral land, and do not riant more than two consecutive yeir* upon the same land. I'i.avt Tux Rr*T r animal, to be proflable must In- well, and regularly fed with appropriate ; I 'ood. . I /V ii* Covored Manuro Without giving tbe detail* of the ex|>eriment J. N. Muncy gives tbe readera of the Farmer*' Review the re sulta of a teat noarle by liord Kin nard and reportod in tbe journal of the Royal Agricultural Society. He selected the same kind of cattle, gave th-m the same kind and quantity of feed and bedded them with the same kind and quality of straw. In one caw the manure waecarUd outdoors, to remain exposed to tbe weather. In the other case it remained under until uaed. A field of twenty acre* of uniform land was selected, dmded in two equal parte, aud planted to potatoes. cfcovaat> DUHO. On* wr* prrxlu, !!.,, < lusa Cwt , u Fir*! 1 $ t mmtmr.mrtit 7 IA *. * covaaai> dcnu. <>m arr* aroSui itxa Tmi Cl Ll* rir.t a.uuirafiii . ,il |; fi ll 1-7 aa | From this, then, we *ee an increase of about four tons of poUtoes |wr acre, which would more than com|*-u ! sate for taking care of tbe manu e. The manure could be protected from rains by any cheaply constructed shed. He continued the ex|nrmaiiL by sowing wheal on the same land, at the rslc of three bushel* per acre. 1 In doing this, however heahfel threr cwt. |>er acre of guauoon all the land The r>l to I*- denpisi-d Tin re i* a vari-ty known n* the M rnmotlr bite < *.-*l>- f irnia, wliicli gr..w 10 a large su uinl i* said to lie of excellent fl ivor We have found tbe row colored ("htrn-se rm i-li an a ha* a garden should let another summer pass without preparing a supply for the next winter. Avif.MICAN I'uttK IN I'aki*. -The Fundi Academy of Medicine, in re ply to the question* pro|mumhd by the Minister <>f Commerce,rr Istive to : tbe importation of pork, says: First, that the symp om* of typhoid trichi- 1 nosis are so compared to tfie convenience MM! comfort of having plenty of toe through the hot days of aominer Professor Hudd it of the opinio* that cellar* in which fruit ia aU/red between picking time and the setting in of winter ahould be opened at night, instead of the daytime, as ia usually • lone. The reason assigned ia'l at at uight the air ia cooler, while the warmer air of the daytime baa it* moisture precipitated by the cord temperature of the cellar, which en ganders dcmpnesa. If you are /oing to set a new orch ard i hit spring remember that it Is an excellent way to prepare a plan of the orchard, showing the position of each tiee, its variety, etc. If a trea ties it can lie replaced by one of the • irue sort. Home truit-rai-ers kep a hook in whicli they register the aye and variety of every tree in the r oicliar-l, together with any items iu legard to its grafting, productiveness, trthtrn-nt, etc., which are thougl t < be 'lesirable. The grs|e thrives well on ri , loamy roil, or on the poor, g an liy inl s'des. I.ike other vines, how ever, it does fiest whin well cultivaud anrf care'ully mirngid. A in * fire proofing liquid is a ha--c siltcrW.- of alumina, and it is sa.d Ww Ik.- h.r better h.m tu< g- ale of ►*! fh-ctuse the cy anile n every wcik. A I-' i.n f! >n lately recched a diet h ighin bi'i I|x unda net m d c t Tl niiiif tii,- milk of dOOO cow. it i '• i't S sin ii * nigh, . r i - traded l>y b'Ting hole* into them and liliuig the hole* with a i tpctrc ha*n *t been Inirne out by facta. It doe* w d in a dry season ; but tfie stumpf>ut.j easily, without the aid uf saltpetre, during such periods. The strongest stock* of bee* c< is sutne the least honey djring the win ter, for the reason that in their M-tnv i torpid state tiiey are kept warm wiu very little fine! ; whereas * rek stock require* more food to Weep o| the requisite natural beat. The hand j lecca of driving r n frequently •a-enrat smooth from u-r. causing the hsnds to ahift. In such cases rub tie lima with powdvi*i rosin If you *i-h to drive your Wo*e with an open In idle, have him tnd with one before putting him to \uut top-wagon, otherwise he ma; get a ay wi h you. Keep h-n m>ll supplied wi'.hgr-v -el and you '! prevent then. fr.a having many diseases. Too many 1 farmers thiua that a ben ia g)d u< supply her i-wn system with every, tiling. howl* ne as fond of a change in their d;ct s people arc. Uive ehp -pe*l onion*, with a little red r sprinkled on. a werk A.. *• cas onul feed of sunfl iwir stole will give n MU.M-111, g'ossy plumage. W lan horsca overreach, tengll n • the hiii'i slows; when they hit li.e front f Hie fund feef. hsve the tw • f the f.u:;'. > -de i.artow and c> cat e on tliv inu .. S mie h"r . when trot'.ing in put ting then bind feet to tbe ground. Strike principally on tbe toe. Such bom s should have the heels lowered; and ahould wear short without heels. Skunk cabbage ia said to be goo.! for ct in leist oonful doses, nigfit and morning. Moisten the bay and gr*m. 11.- cam nil with tne dut -! Never wo k a bevvy horse on a full stomach. Steel bii should be kept in a winn place unit they are placed in the horse'a mouth. Any peraon can realise the sensation of placing scold bit in a horse's u. luth by first touch tug it with iiiw own tongue. An iiwllsid n medy for mange is : Oil of turpentim. one pint; tioualy two out of o'l of Titrio!, j stirring the misf ire constantly ; theo aibl right mine, a linseed oil j to be rubbed in with a brush twice n day.