Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 27, 1884, Image 8

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    ®Jie Centre grmocrat.
Thursday Morning, March 27,1884-
Oia*aro*t>a*i'*.c"> , *llilititiui|wirtaii !>•• . "•<
~t tfott, ill) (mil uf llll' C.iuiit). No Ciioiiiiiil*il' II"
sorted uuless ©comi>snl*l b) lbs real uanis of Mi*
Publishers Notice
All letters of business or communication*
concerning this pepr should bo iddri'Mtd
LA the Publishers of THR CENTRE Dr.no
, RAT mill not to any individual member of
the firm. If addressed the latter way they
will not be ineured as receiving prnmp at
I,oral Department.
One* morn a rhslijc t arsalh'f.
W •'*.• srarv* two uwy* Uia*thr
Without .pull of rani i t lull oi .now,oow, .now. ,
fto amblm r* th changes,
Tli wlllul ui.rrury rii*
t'roni tny down •> Mir** or four bwlow, low. low
—lee creatn ia ripe.
—Flitting* are numerous.
onions arc idling at H cent* per
There i quite a revival in checker
—Additional local on let. and sih.
—Have you seen the cherry tabid at 15.
B. Ppangler ft Co'i. T
—Quoit pitching i a favorite atnuse
nient at the Cumming*.
—>Wo ihould like to* hoar from our
Leber* burg correspondent.
—Sunday'i rain prevented many per
son# from attending church.
BeitefoDte should have about one bun
dled more tenement house*.
—The Court House offices are now il
luminated by the electric light.
—Attend tbe Fair and Festival in Humes'
block this and to morrow evenings.
Our roads were drying up very nicely
previous to the heavy rain on Sunday last.
Beezer's Meat Market is fast becoming
the Headquarter* for people to buy their
—Mr. F. C. Hichardscontemplates build
ing a line brick rcsidenco on Linn street
this Spring.
—The ice cream season is here, and you
can find the best at Searfoe* ft Mayer's
bakery and confectionery.
—A very enjoyable bop took place at
Mr. Abe Hamilton's residence near Pleas
ant (lap last Friday evening.
—The funeral of Mr. Kdward McQuil
lan, who was killed near R-novo last Fri
day, took plan* on Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock*. •
—The "mock trial'' at Association Hall
left Thursday evening was well attended,
and considered more comical than a first
class minstrel show.
—We should be pleased to have mintr
teis send us in notices of tbe d<-alhi and
marriages that occur in tbeir respective
charge* in this county.
—The office of tbe Brockerhoff presents
a very neat and attractive appearance, it
having been repainted and pspered. The
work was done by William Brothers of
this place.
—Dr fiebert has moved from Spring
street to the residence vacated by ei-Sher
iff Wood ring on High street, opposite the
Court House. Dr. 8. has been quite sue- I
cesslul while in this place.
—The Annual Kncampment of the N
G. of I'a. will be held at Gettysburg, I'a.,
commencing August 2d. Tbe time for the
encampment of the G. A. R, of this place
has not been definitely fixed.
—We have received quite a number of
letters from parties living in the Wnt
asking for back numbers of the DEMOCRAT
containing the speech of Hon. A. U Cur
tin on Fite-Jobn Porter.
A Williams port gentleman hss re
ceived a contract from Mr. D. G. Bu-h to
build six new house*, also a contract to
build two for Mr Shivery. Tbe work will
begin a* soon a* the weather permits.
—Any one having presidential prefi-r
--ance* will pleaa* write the* upon the mar
gin of aSI hill. We will publish the
name and gladly Cr. tbe s.'> on your sub
scription to our paper. This is to all.
—Mine boat Teller of tbe Bush House is
the only man In Pennsylvania who runs a
second-class hotel on a first-class principle.
And the traveling community really wish
there were more House* run in tbe same
—Mr. A J. Cruse, the popular tobacco
nist, has moved hi* cigar maufhrtry to
the building opposite the Bush House. Hie
room ia being repainted and papered and
will present a vary attractive appear arte*
when finished.
Mr. George W. Ocker, of Rabershurg,
ha* bought the property of Ira Cottle In
Centre Ball and will move to the latter
place about April let. Mr. Ocker is a first
claa* carpenter. He expect* to work with
Thomas Bros.
—Mr. 8. Wilkinson, the Jolly, good-na
tured egent for Jno. Wenameker, can
hoaet of having one of the Intel stores In
the country. He makss a specialty of
crockery ware, and sell* It for less money
then cen be bought any where else
—About the Ist of April Memrt. Hear-
Jam ft Mayer will put upon the road oneof
M> nobbiest and neatest wagons In the
community, nnd will deliver breed, plea
and enkea right to your door without any
extra charge.
—Dr. Swertr. I* now domiciled in his
now residence on Penn street.
Mr. Andy Brockerhoff will depart for
Washington this evening.
Mr. Irs Uramley is now holding forth
at Aaronsburg, instead of llobersburg.
Mr*. Kitty Btror,g and daughter, Miss
Mollie, spent Saturday in Bellefonle.
Mr. and Mr*. Abo Weber, of Howard,
spent Sunday among friends in Milesburg.
Mrs. Petrican, mother of Mia Mollie
Potrican of this plain, ha* boon quito ill of
—Capt. Amos Mullen will occupy the
residence just vacated by Dr. O. M . Bwarts
on Bishop street. /
Miss Pollsgrove, of I'bilipsburg, is the
guest of Misses Kule end Mary Devling
on Howard street.
Mr. B. F. Willowor and William Dec
ker, of llublorsburg, gave tbe DxMOCRT a
•bort call on Tuesday last.
Mr. John McNully, of Canton, Ohio,
has been the guest of Mr. John lluffer on
Logan street for the past week.
Mr. Abratn Valentine will move to
the handsome stone residence opposite the
office of Vanenline ft Co'#, works.
Cspt. Amos Mullen and wife returned
from their visit at Columbia, Pa., on Fri
day evening.
Mi# Emma Gregg, a obarming young
lady of Wilmington, Del., it visiting her
friend, Miss Bruggr, at Ciiionvilla.
Kcv. John Hewitt, of tbo Episcopal
church, has chosen for Ills sermon for next
Sunday evening, "Our Church Views
Pax ton Cowdrick, .-on of Morris 'ow
drick of this place, fell off a wagon load
of hay on Tuesday, injuring himself
very badly.
Mrs. C- P. Wider and children left this
morning fer Bcltofonte, where they bar"
concluded to make their h<>rne. Kenovo
Krtnintj AVir*
Mr. A J Crue has contract'd, we under
stand, for a handsome residence to be built
upon his vacant lot on Linn street, oppo
site Prothonotary Cal. Harper's residence.
Judge lloy took advantage of tha pleas
ant weetbor on Saturday and indulged in a
horseback rid" upon his beautiful bay
charger. Thi- is the Judge's favorite re.
Mr. Law rar.ee C.ony, who was hurl last
Tuesday by a bucket of stone falling upon
him while working in * well at the Steam
il-ating works, is able to be about again
He mad" a very narrow eecape.
Mr S. K. Foust, of Centre Mills
the DEMOCRAT a friendly call on Tuesday
last. He has almost entirely recovered
from hit recent injuries, and says he will
be a candidate for Pberiff this Fall.
Cal. Brackbill has again returned B-lle.
fonte after an absence of several \esrt
and will engage in the furniture burine-s
with his brother William, and no doubt
with this formidable team the furniture
business will boom in llellefnnte
—Gov, Cur io, our distinguished rep
resentative in congre*-, i- entitled to
grateful HI knnwlcdgniriit lor tahntbh
public documents he lias fir indicd u>.
tengill of thi# place, and a pra tlcsl a rker
in the manufacture of iron and steel, k
invented a procesa for removing ph->( hr
ous from iron and iron ores q his prix-et.
has be-n tried in crucible*, giving very
good and satisfactory ri-sul s. It it Mr
Pittcngill # intention to test it in I'ud
dling, in which good and practical results
are confidentially expected It is r •-id.
ered of great value by many of our prom
inent men. A patent will he obtained
Wo extend to Mr. P. our beet wishe*
—As "clubs" seem to be trump of late,
tbo ladies should organize an apron club.
large and beautifully ex" -u'ed picture of
Bsrtholdi's great statue of "Liberty En
lightening tha Wold, has h""?l presented
to us by tbe Travelers Ins. Co., of Hert
ford, C"nn , who heve been among tbe
most liberal contributor* to the Fund The
picture, wbleh I* 2ftsßß Inches in six",
give* an excellent idea of the superb work
of art which I* to adorn the harbor of New
h. - —flPflL
Any one capable of giving lessons on
THE Bicycle MM secure a pupil In the per
son of Mr. C. I.oelen RuftJngton, the
"spribgtly"'clerk at J 11. Alexander's store-
To learn to ride upon a Bicycle has always
been the height of hie ambition . and
ho would buy one at one# if ha were "not
afraid of ill*- " lot there, bis own
language Is ralbav more forcible than ex
preesive. 8o we sffall Just stick a pin right
there, and conclude our article.
NOTICE. —Dr. J. L Seilmrt ha# moved
bia office from Rpring Street to tbat of
Hhoriff Wood ring's residence on High
; Bt., next door to Judge Orvie' law of
fice. Residence in some building. 2t.
—We call special attention to the adver
tisement of K. B. Richardson ft Co., Sen
eca Laka Nurseries, Geneva, N. Y., who
are in want of mors salesmen 18-8"..
Pile* of furniture are constantly coming
and going abunl tha new piece of K B.
Bpangter ft (w
FACTO SMUT Vina-anMa.—Although
wonderful improvements have been made
the ooet hoe been reduced (rota 40 to 60 per
cent. Our illustrated catalogue show* maoy
kinds and gtvoa lowest peine*. Dead for one;
it is free. Graat Western Gun Work*,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
M ADiaoxnußd CHlP*.—The flitting ea- '
•on will soon bn at band.
Mr. John Bailey from Nittany valley
moved to the Daniel Fisher property last
George Miller moved to the Michael
Ifelrly property and J. J. Okcr to his new
buildihg on Main street.
St. Patrick's day passed off very quietly,
but look out fur Raster. Everybody seern*
to be buying matter for red eggs.
Kredy liutterman, one of Woodward's
nlco looking young tnen, was ill town one
evening last week and tbe consequence wa*
that several of our young ladle* were cap
The dear people can prepare for an unus
ual amount of hand-shaking between now
and November
Miss Annie Fiedler I* visiting her broth
er Al. in Williainspori.
Home of the hunter* in this placo report
having chased loxee to a warmer climate.
We have some very absent-minded peo
ple in tbi* place, f'ne of our neighbor*
the other day, wkuii üboul to go to work'
picked up bis wife'* pepper box instead of
hit tobacco, lie didn't find out hi* mistake
until some time during tiia day eheu b„
went to Uke a snake.
yueery—Who will be our next ~o*tm
asler ?
Clarence Moyer has Uken another job
up the valley. Wonder if he will stay a*
long as be did tbe last time.
We wonder why George did not tell the
truth about being at M M t. last .Saturday
Many person* are waiting for the •wal
lows to homeward fly.
I'ul it down in jour dairy that the win
ter of 1* H 4 is considered to have b*eu the
coldest, produced the most *nuw and rain,
and itt c<>n*oquence the biggest and most
destructive*flood* known for years-
Tho enteruinment given by tbe t< a her*
of our public schools in the town nali last
Friday owning wa* very largely attended
the programme consisted of recitations,
declamations, orations, essays, dialogues,
tableaux, and music. The Rebersburg
band rendered some of their choice music.
William Auinan performed on tbe organ.
Kd lie her, Ciarance Moyer and Newton
Fiedler sang the lultan piece. Proceeds
for ben< fit of Lutheran church.
Pr.!! Hxt.f. ITXM* —Pev-wee* and the
robins have made their appearance.
Jonathan Condo, Jr., bad the misfor
tune of cutting an ugly gash In his foot
while engaged in chopping at Coburn for
Mr Harlow The foot was dressed by Dr
Vaovalaab, and Isdoing well under his c ir*
J. B Fisher has placed in Ironl of his
store a verr handsome lamp, which is a
great improvement these dark esemngs.
Calvin Weaver, our old and obliging
clerk, gave our vi lage a short and friendly
• all last week. Always glad U> SCO y,,u,
J. C. Condo went to M;ffiinburg and
Lewisburg on a business trip last week
ri*)S are about over for tbe season. No
• r- the f*t csk<-s
Mrs J'-n*'l.an Condo is not yet able to
l e around Has been bcjfst for thirteen
'••HIT we-k*, and at times suffer* intense
,-ain, ciied by a fli during tb winter.
Mr. Gui'c. ur b> s carfx-nU-r, Is already
*t work. H is at present at w.,rk on a
dwelling t Coburn, which will be ready
•y Ajr 11 lt for an occupant, whith s
i rn is to be S*mu-I Getick, who is to
vor-ee •i e grain business fit I J Gren
The iwo da'ighters of Jonathan Condo,
M- . reti.M.ed home Irom the
. est U> •* their si'k m >ther.
r Fl ck-r if Milton is visiting at the
-• sldenc" of Mr. Wend'-ll of this place
• ur M h0,.1s are about coming to a close
snd all are wll pleased with the progress
•hey have made. Spring Mill* Grammar
•chord C'IO-C on Friday, withan exhibition
in the evening.
A child of John %*igl*r, 1H month* old,
died on Friday last. It took nek on Thurs
day and snff' red but one day
WOOHWAKH ITXM*.--Mr and Mrs. J
M Miller, from Illinois, are in town visit
ing friend* and relation*.—J C. is nursing
a boil —Mr. Jno. Barner* rwreived a visitor
the other night. Hhe is going to stay. Its
a girl.—Flitting season ha* commenced.—
Wm. Vanderbuild moved to the Narrow*
House ; Harry Wise has moved to Wm-
Wlss's fasta; W. Orndorf to the old
Orndorf place ; 8. Burri* toC. W. Uoster
min's (arm; Nhvotidar to Mr. Hostarman's
old homestead ; W. Vonada to the old P,
Vonada's place We expect there wa* lots
of good cake* at theae flitting*.—Solomon
has seed onions on th* brsin now.—Jacob,
tbe apple king, is still busy selling penny
apples. Muckle is sliding logs this week,
Muckle, you will miss the siring band
Bob, tbe counter hopper, Is still bu*y
selling goods cheap at the people's store,
Nltri HOT
STRAW La FROM HAlXC*—What ba be
come of our coal prospectors?— Mr. J. A.
Maine* has once more become a cltiaen of
our township. Welcome to you, Ambrose.
—J.J.Fiedler lost a valuable horse last
week.—Howard Bowertm* Is still nursing
a sore If- —Our schools closed last week.
—You can now see tbe "boys" travel for
their cash —George Krbard and family
started for Kansas on Tuesday the 25th,
Succeas ft you, Nevln. Miss Sadie Wal
ter was the guest of Miss Beck la Young
last week —Mis* F.lmlre Hettinger, of
Spring Mills, Is visiting at J. C. Stover's,
•—Joe claims hia paper don't com# regular,
but atlll be gets it every week.—John D.
is happy since Sallle mad* her appearance,
Chookor Notos.
The recent checker tnalchei in Bellefonte
ha* rather aroused or brought out nearly
ail the old checker players in the county,
and ha* caused them to sharpen up their
wits, One by one they wander around to
ward* the (iaruian House, and if an oppor
tunity preterit* iUelf "try a band" In a
game. Pruf. llenry Keller, who I* an ar
dent admirer of the game, and whom by
the way I* hard to "worrl," although be
had "*worn off" po*ltively. could not help
but take part in a few game* on Malurday
evening. The rc*ult we* not very *ali*~
factory to the Professor, a* the ei-cham*
plon laid him on the shelf.. Jo*. J. Hoy |
of near Jack*onv!lle, of cour*e bad read
•ouie of tbe report* and cause to tuecounty
•eat on a purely business mailer. Now,
Joe I* no uiean piayer, we would have you
know, and many a player wa* made to
"bile the dual" through Joe's ftralegeru
and adroit move*. Puiengill, liar brick
and Lucas had to succumb, but be ralber
"got loll" when be "tackled " tbees-cbam.
plon*. Mr. Abraham Weber, of Howard,
concluded to spend the -Sabbath at Ml let
burg and accordingly took the evening
train fur that place, Out through tome ac
cident caiue on to Beliefuute. II any una
thoroughly eojo • a game it U Abe, and be
i* an opponent "worthy of the *leel."
1 lie result ol the game* between blrntelf
and the Protestor teem* to be rather doubt
ful, but there wa* no doubt in the game*
played with AI. Oar man Iff course Abe
look with him *everal highly "perfumed
cat*," which be exje-ct* to dispose of to
Clarence Cook when be return* to Howard.
Lot Bergttre*r, of Hublertburg, peeped
in on the by* awbtlo on Saturday, bu t
butiuet* engagement* prevented bim Irum
participating in a tei-io. The champion
William Harper, teem* to have had enough
••glory," sad will probably turrender tbe
tbe medal to bis late opponent. Hi* plea
It butlnnt* engagement* Mr. John Oar
brick, the Arte* "ligbt weight" cbauipioD
was completely paralysed by Mr. George
Katon in a double "sit,'' arid Mr. G. is no
lunger a champion. You ee, Katon bat
I seen "appropriating" someof tbe heavy *,i
weight game*, and precipitated them on
Garbrick to suddenly that be was com
pletely da/.x'.ed and bewildered. The latter
wilt*probabiy retire from tbe arena lorthii
season and go through a course ol " Wilies
tnvthods," eU . Mr. D. (i. Bush I* open
at any time fur a match with Mr. Harper, '
snd tbe latter uiusl either play or surrend
er, "Judge" Love has taken no interest
in the match** to far, hut it i* rumored
that torn* one upon entering bit office
ritber unawares, discovered something re
sembling a "board" pass under his de*k
rather suddenly This looks suspicious,
and we suppose he will drop down u|-on
that assembly like a brilliant meteor when
least j<erted, and completely annihilat"
tbe whole band.
Mr. George I'. Bible, of rhiladel
phia, is visiting fuen'l* in tin* vicinity. 1
Ho wa* in town Monday morning but I
took the 10 * tra'n for Kotnola, where
he will give some elocutionary exer
cite* at tin- dosing entertainment of a
school. Mr. Bible is now in the employ,
mrnt of tbe American Galvanic Com
pany with headquarter* in I'hiladelphia
Hi* uncle is the President and prinei
pal manager of the company, lb- ha*
contiued hi* studies in elocution since
his departure from Bellefonte two year*
ago and has given numerous public
reading*. He is also engaged with the
Stai L cture Bureau Philadelphia, and
expect* to have a larger proportion of
his tuuo oocupn-d in giving elocutionary
exercises hereafter that in the past. He
is purlieu arly fortunate in aeciiring the
engagement with the Star Lecture Bu
reau and was rcctfvctl in competition
with many othey applicant* on hi- *u
perior merit*. He will remain in thia
vicinity several days and ha kindly
consented to read for the Boy a' Branah
of Y M. C. A. on Monday evening, the
J1 at.—RtpiMic**.
Bellefonte s fairest daughters whistle
upon tbe street*.
Matlie Vickare, at the Opera House,
April Tib.
Mr. Valentine Smith, who for many
year* has been a clerk in th* florae of Val
entine'* A Co , be* branched out for him
self, haviag purchased the grocery store of
Harry Teat* A Co. He feels a* happy and
contented as a clam in Jane, end will be
glad to see bi* many friend* at bt* new
quarter* on High strwat, opposite tbe Bush
A meeting of the Board of Trustee*
of th* Stele College took place in tbe per.
lor ot tbe Brorkerboff House on Tuesdey
evening, tbe 25th, Inst. Among Ibne*
present wa* Gov. R. K. Patlison, E. Hlg.
bee, Francis Jordan, W. S. Stanger, G.
Heister, of Uarrisburg, Pa., Cyrus Gordon,
of Cierrfleld, 8. M McCormick, of Lock
Haren, end 8. W. Stark weather, of Will,
al Beating of the Stockholder* of th* Bald
Eagle Valley Railroad Company Is called
for Tuesday, April Bth, 1884, at U o'clock,
a. M., at 288 South Fourth Street, Phil*,
del obi a. K lectio* for President and Direc
tors same day and place.
A i.axax II wox, Secretary
—Call at R. B. Spanglar'a by all neat*
fr your supply of furniture.
Mr. MurrU Cowdrick ba* repainted
arid penciled hit brick residence on Linn
street, which lie* added very much to tin*
appearance of It.
Mr. Alex Wbilenmn and J*r:'l
Harper, we understand, contemplate
opening a new grocery store in the
vacant store room in Hutues' block.
Mr. John Funk, of Coburn, and
Mr. Geofge Bruingard, ol Beech Creek,
stepped into the sanctum of the DKMO
CHAT for a few minutes on Wednesday.
Pleasant gentlemen, and hope ihey will
call again.
—Saturday was on* of the most pleasant
day* we bsve enjoyed for a long lime, and
every body seemed to Uke advanlager.f it
Our town presented a busy aspect, and our
merchant* report it one of the best butl
na* day* they have had since the Holiday I
—There will ho a special meeting of
Bellefonte Encampment, No. 72, I. O. O
K., held at their Lodge Room on Monday
evening, March 31t, inst , at which time
husines* of a highly important character
will bo transacted. A fud attendance of
the members l earnestly requested.
—ln 18H2, a nearly complete work on
the Mechanic*' Lien law of Pcnnty!
vania, by Ovid F. Johnson, Esq., of the
Pbiladephia Bar, was destroyed in the
fire in Library street. With charactei
ilic energy Mr. Johnson haa re-written
the work, and it will be issued soon by
the Law Publication House ef lte-s
Welsh A C >. — PkiltuUlpntJi Hrrttrd.
Y. M. C. A. Nora*.—The Literary N
ciety will meet on Thursday evening. Of
ficers for the ensuing quarter well Le
Young Men * Meeting, Friday evening
at "Mo. Coffee and roll* will not he served
Meeting for Young Men on Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock, led by the Genera,
Secretary. .Subject "Tbe Wicked sh*!j
not go Unpunished," 1 King* 2 : 1-6;
All young men are invited to attend
these meetings
F.verybody is talking about the new
style "chevalve" chamber suit at K B
Hpangler A Co'*.
Fit"KMAKEH-KIXO —ln W~tnr4 forctilp
Hurt Uth, I'M. I<) k-. bas.l'l l, ~n Mr
Iwidotl II effukkf And M! Vrr II Klif, Ulh
of W dl&kffi OVtt&t j.
GATKft—O'WIIfcE —>At th* C.B.ci*vrti t,Hf I'uit
Minl'U, Mftrv-h till. t r'ttl.j M
Owff W Wd i4 HIM Nw) J Onh gll f
l*ort MaIJIJ*
At hi* rwt4*Af jrj r rt EIAIiHA W Gr%r t
Matrttti *l*4 Him H.i Jam* IhJhuK. U-tb o1 llubtou
r ♦Air* mtikfy. I*a
Hrrt riorH?rn-oi th* •( iHm za or
g*t- I AM, A'lbs I Q"ti rbtirrb lb fhlli|Ai <if|, I'l. I
Id R* ? L H Ala>l' . JaffiM H R*d ' 1* i k If At b,
A®*! M M An.Ar4* t N-ifdrt**d ol f r fei!i(!'<ijg. Fa
--Largest line fancy grinds—German *
I-ac<- curtain*, in piece or patterns, at
Garman *.
A HKAVV SUlT —That it you can get a 1
heavy suit of clotbos at Fleming's if you ■
wub them, but Npring will soon be bere
and you may want a nice lightsuilsntiead
Mr. Fleming has just received a nice in
voice of this class of gocd*.
Five-cent gingham—German *.
Ruben Spengler has a big boom in his
furniture. Clever fellow, and everybody
likes to deal with bim.
Everybody is invited to Nearfss* A
Mayer's to buy bread, pies, cakes and con- |
Excel lent gingham for five cent* je-r
yard —Garman '*.
We mXe a specialty of white goods
and Rwbr'sideriee—German'*
—Nobby b*U, In tbe latest style*, at
(tar mat. s.
flnf't ron RrxT —Corner High and
P*nn streets. Nine room*. Suitable for
txserdiog h<-u*e or for two families. I* near
tba Court House Rent reasonable, in
quire ol This* Miui-
Penn street.
—Three and five-ply carpet chain, at
Garman '*.
Ready made window shades, ,10 cents,
at German s.
—Celluloid cuff* and collar*, all ei*e,
at l/ewin'a.
—The season after the Holidays 1* gen
erally dull with the Tailors. We era of
fering extra inducements ID tor orieaa. W*
have given large orders, and tba wev
yoorf* are now coming In. I/eave your
order now. MOWTOOMXKT A Co ,"
10.182 TONS
*OU> This artMS* Is esaaaKs tese* eel* hf
THERE WERE 1t,1N9 Tons
TM* I* Ik* Rath r*r ef Hi ■*■■** an. ae* Itogrmt
■eeawateal ASvaatagm ar* Ualvarall* AehaowteS***
hjr awa * ■**■■* Wseemilsa of mmrtr H jnn
neeW tka |w4 hltk at Urn* (Uteeiteu
M *IIII Si cWvalar aw* alt laSiil laSermstSea.
■Ma MaaAasw rf Ike MS Pltoarß ATK.
.m •
—V iU .p, \frFarii.. A ('■ > ell altrn
tinri to ionly mlishl'. il .iv
I'aiiit u> tU imirkol 'lb-* Fi.iinwr I'ru-
I kpH Pi p,.: ,nlv <U[ri f u> at v
I' 1'"!} >! *•-.; I'mni •'•( ■! i' V. fur
whilf l< rf in ji, •iMimi|n!i' it working
atiJ ti j . I.lljly, Thlt jiailit t i."i*r iittfd J
by lli iiuiii:' H i i i„f iiii( i<i rrw ..r jm
w li.if. tbr" i'li.t guarantor. la not il
only g.iod f.,r rf|na< irtg tbf imlfit but It 1
will b [ml on (f |t abould c h or peg!
within th" l 'tmriflfl |i o .11 bo to
v "|,r l.'.t""-" U. < all . I. .n, lie-
Parians A: Co , twfore p.r<-haifig oithor
wIHU) Issft or any olhsr ILadv V|gpJ
Buy your I*l*l rig go. it- of G.rman 'a
\\ iiiii-: atiM'k (nunff t Kjow-ial ♦
brgM*n* at Ifwin'a.
• Vory 1..' • ' at, la: I. . . , al
I,ewm •.
rur rbin't for !#•#. n,. ih*n four
t'nrr\ ti/.fm would cutlet***hen* M fioter •
H if hop
A •{<! 114 iiuar ft -■ My> milt * Wd
• n l (*•<•* plrn t>. MiM*-
f-. V fa>r frta *: h I'll i;tf ,. 4
IWI fwACC Hi fartift. Ovvtv*, Nt
i'Hirr> the 1/iwr.n
nrai.KKa in
PAINT*, Al'.
HIOH 8t bet Bpnn? A Water, Belief of I
** A of infurm ng **+rj\tt4y
' 1> Tl.1 have lli k lit* Uffral ftfttf |rt
kdldtrttoft of H'| pfr (rtjUwh of Pt.tUd'lptiift vf
N'-n T*rk ( n* f* >)'!•, HMitiM
M.'k# flliTa fttft'fcg Bttd t)*kUttlu
! IVrfiarr# in (#rwt Vsrtttf.
% Thmt w !•** jui re-re-iv**) from York
; I'l*! Bftr b I Ik* hof (Villi,* Uftlftf.d W* fftf.
l ftf<l jml tt|> ft* fit.* ft |.<l ftlfcborftl* 14-tUftg !*
rfttion* • it ftp an
*1 Till • IhilU ftj! ft bo liilfftij U> fftll
1 'ftf ho* of (f "Otia t*f r* - • I*rif j 4i*tirr
4ll. w f taftt* 111 bur tu,p\>,y f'ft (U0 |*|*r lafttia
I ranl ptltil*ri. tod ir Uk< jtrln
ftbd FAPCI II A SOI.Hi;,
laftfjf. •ft.ftll. ftt.t) tIH rfk .til
| ftftd )l*|jfttrh.
fr m lb* ftort l>} ft li< :d
• 1 I VltUtlUl BRirTlltß
" / Por.ll Alt, aa "A. rof tb. fir| h... r.,0ri...
(Voir, t.wnl. •• ... .11l ... ..Id ,1 joi 1,, aal- u I .
i (t/Uft U Utea lb oh
SATUP.DAY, April 12th,
Al . ...a r a. AN Kl.t/iA.VT 1W m>TuP. >
PRE*'ltli MRI' K r>*n I.IKO novae, tt. baadac.R
..I aftd fc"W oiaUrn r^<d*t. .la ill. <oaot,. lac. lb*
pr*t olj ..d |. <l. midaa,. „ ny W.rr,..
d d |
7> . • '..1 • *ftft'„||.t.fttof^2a r >
O(H) • Mr nw* in u* Imwoittit f*
i . •. oft tl flfbt pad, Mac * d T.-tif r*"!s, jsa.itr
iP 'ftff rw;.n aft f<wwtfi tft hftllc Aft tftrfft fftVdf.t 4
It bat I •!•} Ilaf t • lut'b * 111. tußUir.
4' ,♦ t..*b I'* ft. ft Him roMtt.* raft tft* tblrt
Tb* ftkl'tlftl 1 Ift It* oerft tractMl I* !>
l<**t, n'nl th g*ftr%] fli.ft-b ftt'd oihtftn.ttU"!
•r*> •• • roil•ft'* b#r Iftffttto*. entxi
lnc. "tul -ft. ft£ J l£kno*, it I* th*
lb r#-ntrfti l'wb' iratuft.
Tctv or SkLß. !'••> rftni. of jor
i m.itj*? ft* fca n • prupftrtt I* kt'*ka*l Ootrti,
uo* thivd oft 4*ft flttftftttftti "i ftift. htlii,'. to tft
urtntiftJ (avatttli, ft itb litt*r*i. *rarftd b
ta.- !i l m<rt!<r*£ < IW fr*vtiftft.
ftftlliig tft J-nr< .**• cat) Pltont* tl* ppftU)
*M ft*.d fftca-t** Vftfftfttd* Itlf rftlftttoo Irf fcp|J>iftf t.
J L •*.*. ♦*. Aitf.fo*} lf Ua*
A. E. WAQSER, Lzrcatriz
Arrrt<.*ie—Th* ond'Tfienad thr
fa't'dl ar.d bvl ia>'wu*n id CVntra! iVon
r)Uania, baring tnor'* than fwvaty year
i t Farm Stock.
Mrrcharidic. 'U-, offarr bh. aarrtcwa to tha
cllisana ot CVntrn ar-d ad ' tottig ccuntio.
a> a Pifl-claM SalaatoDh. rPDaoti
able. Addr.-t JnHdrP I. ?far.
4-Sw. CVatra oouxitj, Pa
Cflaafiiti.ua In U. Owirt nf (<*mm t
riaaa t.f twlr. Ou Il I)
I la 11. Juaart Tflit.
It rati tnn | IM!
■ an Aa iraarm. uarutaw.
TN unArralirtiad. * A a-tit** appotiitad la tb at*.. .
•laiwJ ua U. uaat. d.larmint, aod npait Bpob U •
.t.aytton. fltd It. lb ar. ant f 1 A n.o a.l. ">*<
IIII aaad llawry (>n*kai. laaatß , will *4trad t
tba dntla of b ] fwirtm. rl at hlanft* | n th. 1m
oaab at IMl<4i*it*, Pa .aa Tu*daj. tha ISUi dap cr
At.nl. A t> 1 *M, at )'• orlor* A V.. of aa U Aa.
* baa aad arbara all paatlaa la aai ataaad
Manhti, la*A C. *. BCIWDD,
12 At A adiV*
Ptm.tr Kmta ta tv. cv.ort af (Vanno .
Piaaa <4 Oaatra Oaaat'
Mo. 12] lanwtw Trrw
<iaoa..a W Fai> and IMB
J.aaa A Baaraa. i Acttoa of P. ia.n
TV) Otorpt W. ford tt al. ;
Aad aa,Fabraarp Alb. IDM,oa atsbae afjaa.
ll.or.ta. Attora<9 h PMt*r, tala ta pitta, oa
<K Ford, uaa of aatd bhaduu. ta appa.
aad pi aad l U> aaid art Ana of Maataiaat braagbt (a
iba ror*.art of tbat cartaia trad of aaaaatad laar
.itaata Is tba b.anabtp • Mac a ftoa, ta aaM oosal*
ad (intra, aaraafad la tba Marrsataa aaaa af Jna.| I
Datliag. baatotad aa fcllowa. Baylaatay at a aaot,.
tbaeraenetbetebtfwrrea4eiwa aaat wa baadraa
aod an. porobaa to a ahita oak irnaa af ITM. tbos< .
bp a list of uaa. ataikad la ITS*, sartb Mar aa*
oeabalf degroae. aaat tbNe h tad rod aad tb.il.-aa* .
aad aI a* loatb. parvtwa ta a pnat Ibaaoa bp I.ad la
tba warraalaa aaata ad Jasab E. ka| aortb atbi.-
a*n dagraaa. aaat aaa baodtad aad
parrbaa to atoaaa oa llaa af ITM: tba—a bp aaM llaa
along avr.atfl ir. tba aarraataa aaa..* of Wilhan
nMan aad Wlltlaai Otap, a atb tbraa aa.! oaad-wrtr
d.g'aaa. waat tbna bsadrad and tkirtt-oaa aad au
taatk parrbo. t tba plan* af bagtssiag. ooataMh .
tbraa baadtad area* aad atll-aaana. Tba (ban f.|
tbar ardor tbat If Iba aald P • dtnl r.noot la
faaad la aaM roast p. tba. lb. aald rnla .ha I ha gal
Itabod At alttp b>t Wt" Iba (.Into d ltd*
la oaa a.|"|l4 ml* ..aat* .g tVbtra. to to la
aartad tborrla at laart il.taa nnaa, aad ia . Pin.
sbarata. to gtaa aatfl rttd l>. trndaai trbarrar foaa.
not bo |a brt of Iba aaM aalt. ta Uat I* inaa aad
dedaed K aad epon f.nur* t. .ppoar sa<l fdaad I
aboa oanaa akr jadgwast abtaild aad ha as tars..
ags.fl tkr IMWSI.nI bp d.faaii IswmMa is
■obdaf. ft* 2Mb dap M Apt It. A. D. IFN, Mat Ik.
Ilrat dat of salt tatap. Bp tbaOatatt,
Partißad foots tba larord, Fob. 41k Iftt.
i C. Mapca,
A troa ssd oott-t togpol Malaia tap han'ti
dtMM T.J.brritb
llSt BharHl
I J taatataastarp oa tba aatata of Mr*, ftlaabtdb
M Asia), dor PL. lata af Walkar tuaaiklg. Oaatl>
P . ha.lag braai gmatad ta tba as twatgaod, all
gW'S'.aa ladiddtd tr laid aauta a* wgaatdad to _
aaaka lanoadlsl* gajsnat, aod all ha .lag rials.* *
agslatl tba aais. tn grwtaat ibaoi, dalp .sibaatltala
bp law, Ist aritlrowai. MKAII J. L^MCi.
Ml hMM
IV. Mattos bbartbp gtrso tbat Istlansf obalul.
tratios aa tba abb af Wtalgp A)at*, lata af Hgtf
waaa tetra—dp. Dnifad. ba*a baaa (taabad ta ft.
•PMpsL gtiti m
gat aaat, aad tbaaa banag < buaw will gitaaat tbm J
Silf astbannaitod.ftt aattt—iwit
. _ "•neiigL
—*tbd<Tibg fop Ihb Cz.nTtk Pzimfß IT *1