Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 20, 1884, Image 8

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    iht Centre growtnt.
Thursday Morning, March 20,1884
Co*aK*r\>*t**'"*. '"'""SIIII'IK Inns"!*"! 11.-.,S 11. H
a* from All J part of til* intjf. No ciiinuuili uVn*
•...••.I iiul*** sccomiwDUd t>> th* r*al u*m* ot lb*
PubliahorH Notice.
Alt letter* of business or communications
oottoerning this paper should bo addressed
to the Publishers of Tub Centric Dkmo
••bat iind not to *ny individual member of
the firm. If addressed the latter wny they
will not ho insured a* receiving promp at
Local Department.
—Picking up—business.
—A land agitator—a plow.
-April shower* will soon bo in order.
Largest lino fancy goods—Carman's.
—Tuesday was very much of a Spring
Lace curtains, in piece or patterns, at
—Can you truthfully call a bread bakery
*. loafing place?
—When a man falls his temper general
rise* before he doe*.
—Jno. B Gough wjjHkleclure in Will
ismsport March 20th.
—tjuite a nuiuhor of Millheim's citi/..-ns
were in Bellefonte on Monday.
—Street Commissioner Shaughenty is
busy cleaning gutters and streot-.-r- -sing*.
—-Th* Commissioners of Clinton county
have concluded to put a nw roof upon tho
Court House at Lock Haven.
—Out of eighty-two petitions for license'
Judge Cummin of Lycoming county re
jected nine.
—lt is reported that the Bald Eagle Val
ley Krailroad Co. have paid over $1.21*1
M for cattle killed on their road during the
past year.
—Cbas. Osmail had his two Angers al
most severed from bia left hand by a cir
cular saw at Crider'* mill on last Friday
—No misrepreseUtation at I.ewins'
f'liila. Branch. A good article ia worth
goad money and that's the principle
they go on.
—The sale of Henry J. Walker, of
Hoggs township, will take plate on March
22d instead of 2!st, as advertised. Jot. L
Neff it the auctioneer.
—O, its too tender for anything! We
mean the meat sold at Boeder's on High
afreet. Don't fail to call if in want of it
good boil, roaet,or steak.
—"You need better air," said a doctor
to a Lock Havon girl. "Then, Doctor,
p!a*e send me around tome millionaire, '
she slyly replied.
—Those of our subscribers who conUm
plate changing their residence and j> M
effice address should notify u* at once that
we may make the proper change* and in
form our carrier.
—An exchange atk* : "What will th
bachelor* do to escape the awful girl* ?"
Wall, about the easiest way i* to marry a
handsome one *t once. Tb* awful one*
won't trouble you then.
—Don t forget the Ida Siddon's en
tertainment in tha Opera IL>ue next
Monday evening. Thia is strictly first
clasa entertainment and no objections
bit- features will tie introduced.
—A rile that sboot* 31 time* in 20 sec- 1
onds, without reloading The Evav* I
Btrr.it will do it, and do it well. Bend for
catalogue of this and hundred* of other
flra-armt. Great. Western Gun Works,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
—What is nicer than a well-d>'*eed man 1
and especially when It doe* not Uke a
small fortune to fit a man out. Just call
around to tha Philadelphia Branch and
Mr. Lewin will fit you out for less m<>n*y
than you ever dreamed of.
—During the past week a number of
employe* of the lower shops and black
smith shops of Altoona have been suspend
ed on sutcount of lack of orders for locomo
tive# and car*. More men are expected to
be laid off before the Spring trade opens.
—That wa* quite a title Newt, gave us in
the lYeir* last week. But never mind, my
dear boy. We may not have ao much re
aponsibility upon ourteif aiwaya. We may 1
yet ascend the ladder of fame and become
the local editor of a large dally News
paper before see die.
—A series of eight gaiues of checker*
are being played by each of our checker
player# of Bellefonte to determine who
is justly entitled to the honor of cham
pion. The first aeries waa played at the
Garman House last Thursday evening
between Mr. A1 Garman and Mr. E. J.
Kwavely, in which the latter won by a
•score of 4to 2. Drawn 2.
The second series was played on Tuea.
day evening between Mr. Wm. Harper
and E. J. Swnveley. Honrs 3t02 in
favor of Mr. Harper. Drawn 3. Ref
feree, A. Garman; Scorer, Geo. Eaton ;
"Seconds,"Squire Hmith and Mr Frank
(Angle. Considerable interest waa mani
fested in this game sod a large audience
waa present. Perhaps the next series
wili be played between Mr. John Gar
brick, the Stmt champion, and Mr.
Win. Harper. Tha date has not as yet
been fixed. It is pmbeblo a checker
club will be organised in Bellefonte
within a short tinte
Mr. Wamuol Hruggor, of I'nlonvllle, '
gave u K friendly call on Monday.
Mr. Noah Suavely, of Potior township,
Clinton county, niacin a flying visit V< j
Bellefonte on Saturday Inst.
Mr. U. F. Yearlck, of Walker town
•hip, expert* to mora on a farm near
Spring Mill* about April tirat.
Mr*. Maggie Hoover, of Alloona, U
visiting bor mother, Mr*. Geo. Downing,
on Bishop street
Mra. lloniy Yeager and little daugh
ter Lottie, are the guests of Mr*. J. I).
Sourbeck, Bishop street.
Mr. Ja*. Emeriek, who ha boon visit
ing friend* in Hollefonta for the pat week,
returned to bit home in Altoona lat Sat
urday afternoon.
Mia Annie Ochenbien, an agreeable
young lady of Snow Shoe, visited friend*
in Bellefonte on Saturday, returning again
on the evening train.
Mi* Minnie Strubie, one of the lady
I typo * of thi* office, we regret to say, i
| lying very ill with neuralgia of the hearj
| at her home on Ilowand street.
Wm 11. Clough, Ksq , a former resident
j of Lock Haven, butnowof Detroit, Mi<-h.,
•pent last week in Lock Haven a* n wit
: mai in the Shank-Simpson lawsuit.
h" Mr. Henry Hoffman of thi* place wan
l the recipient ola handsome meerschaum
I pipe on last Thursday. It being a present
I from hi* on Harper who now rerid'w in
Kcv. Henry Keller, of thi* place, oc-
J cupied the pulpit of Pleasant (tap l.ulber
' an chuich Sunday last, n-i-ting the pas
tor, H"V. Geo. S Diven, who preai h<d it,
the evening.
Mr*. L. G I.ingla who, with li r three
children ha been visiting at the residence
of J J J.ingle for the pa*t week, departed
for her home in Phill|*btirg on Tue'dav
Mr Wm Pi arlat.'in, who h* b>*n em
ployed as a clerk at the Bee Hivef.r many
' year*, is now clerking at D German A
' Son's store, at which place he would be
! pleased to see lit* many frienii*.
A iikad or tux it* i Lao ai> Com cant
Messrs. Granni* A Candor who have the
contract for constructing the railraod from
Keating to Kar'.hau* are reported t<> have
• 'struck it rich,'' if we may he allowed the
It appear* that when the lim-f r the
completion of their contract eipired the
construction was not finished as per agree
ment. The Pennsylvania company then
granted them siity day * more lime in which
to complete the work, but, at the expira
tion of that time (the contract not vet he.
ing comp'etedi failed to notify them to
quit work. This in law renewed the con
tract and Messrs. Granni* \ Candor have
ever *inee taken their time wuh the work
anil have been daily hauling coal and |
serges, t>ver the road receiving Ave dollars
for every car of coal which pa**** over it
' We understand they are und r law t-Tfjiit
ted to ho'd on to .t until Mar - f.V i'-i
Or>n< frnt.
—O, g-H.aJne*, Newt., w hat be- bec*>m'
of your early lo#on in geography 1 A D-1
j why do you *peak of the "North-west cor
ner of the Diamond' as the location for
jyowr "new enterprise 1 We considered
your feeling*, and did not correct you be.
fore, and yet we hli> ve you live! on thi
•amo "North-west" corner f,,r some time
Indeed, we fear your mind is wandering
or that you are turned around in soui" way
, But now it is our turn to give a iittl -
friendly advice: "Don't build such castle,
i Hotels, Opera H>>u*-*, Store rooms, etc ,
>n the air," friend Bailey, unless you rail
at least locate th*m correctly. But juat
•top to one side, plea*e, and let u* tell you.
•The property of Dr. Curtin for which
Dr. E. W. Hale i* agent," I* located on th--
Vorth-e/Mf, and not on the "North-west
corner of the Diamond."
—There will be a fair held under the
auspice* of the W. C T U., In the tore
formerly occupied by Valentine'*, on Alle
gheny street, above the post -ffice, on the
afternoons and evening* of the 271b and
28tb of March. Aprons of every descrip
tion, fancy articles, ice cream, cake and
coffee, will be sold ; the proceeds of which
will he used to carry on the temperance
work in our county. Persons donating
article* are requested to send them in by
the 22d of March, if possible, to the resi
dence of Mr*. John P. Harris.
Vu'KKRn Comi *ro. — Manager Sourbeck
ha* endeavored for some time to secure a
date with tha beautiful and vivacious sou
bretle. Mis* Mattie Vickeri, and has at
last succeeded in doing to Hhe i* booked
for the Opera House Monday evening,
April 7th.
MiwwKAroLia, Minn., March Id.-—A
trapeae performer named Lebalma fall dur.
Ing the entertainment last night and broka
hit nack. Thare waa a slight panic among
the audience, but ao ona was hurt. I'hilm
Pre** —W# should lika to know how n fal
low could braak bia nack and not ba hurt
—Winter atock must go. Special
bargain* at Lewin's.
A Hiatt Spit.—That i* you can get a
heavy suit of clotha* at Fleming's If you
with them, but Spring will soon ba bare
and you may want a nice light suit Instead
Mr. Fleming ba* Juat received a nice in
voice of this class of good*.
—An itiaana Rochester girl get* out
of bed at midnight and goes to work
aawing wood. liar father deeply dc
plore* her insanity, but ha aiwaya
leave" the wood-pile bandy for her to get
—The TVtitet, of Williaindport, heb<'*n
dldconlinued. Tho tulwcribc-ri ero htting
i-rvcd with Orit.
A gnnllnmnii In Baltimore .wn a
• t <>o<) cow, who ml Ik yield* 27 |>unil i
<>i butter per week.
—Some benevolent gentlemen, who re
ln e to bve Itie numu known, hue donati u
$. r <(),000 to Yale college for a dormitory.
Hon. L. A. Mackey, of Lock Haven,
went to l'bllkdelpbik lat Satuaday night
on buitu> in connection with the Belle
fonte, Nlttany A Lemonte rallrond.
—The bell ringer et the Cur Work* ut
AI toon* in k muuke or k 111 of abtent
mindednem, rkiig thu bell lor begniingnd
quitting work tun minuted ahead of time
on Wodnekday morning of la#t week,
which caudud many men to go to the (hop*
A brutal priae flghl took plai e on a
barge on Newton creek near New York
city Sunday lat for a pure of s.7>o l>-
twcen Tun Hngan and Jim IJarr. Four
r >und wore lough., in which Burr we# Id
ribly punithed, and when time wad called
for the fifth round the latter'* tecond* re.
fuded to allow their man to light any longer.
The rtake* were awarded hi Ilogan.
Mr. M war a merchant, and a fre.
quenl cutlomer at tbo dtore wa ''Nod,' 1
the Doctor'* colored man, who happened
to enter the tor> while Mina, Mr. M -'*
little daughter of four lummcri, wa< In.
! "Oh, Papa," dhn daid, look at that bI HI k
, nigger." After tht darkey 'a departure her
| papa upbraided ber for thi* and told her
■ -he "iiiuat not av nigger, hut colored
man " A few day* after ' N-d" called
j again. Mina ran to the clerk and ex
' claimed : "I. ><>kat that niggerV "What ,
.that 1 " replied her papa, "whit did I telj
you to day ' ' "(J i, ye l'apa, I forg it
'colored nigger "
j —Buy your Spring goodt of Garinan't.
| —Having recently employ d an addi
; liona! Urt-ilad workman from an eaxter.
an city, 1 atn now prepared to put up a.-
fine monument* and tomb-tone* at a* low
priced a can be bought in the dlateand re.
dpectfully aollcit the patronage of the j üb
lic in generai. S. A STOVEK
Kirdt clkdd good* kl luWUfl prill--
Expressions of Orstltudo
At a meetirg of the U a'd of Directoi*
| of the Young M"n'd('hritlian A*<w iation,
: held Tueadav, March 4th, a report v
1 rendered in reference to the piano which
wa pre*eriUd U the Association by the
I iiellefonte Urcheitra A comnrttee wad
appointed by the President hi cipredd the
thank* of the Hand, in behalf of ih< A#io
elation, whi- h they do in the following
j 7'.. th* tn*mher nf th* /t*llefonU Oreh**-
jtm —Th Young Mn'* Chrltiairi A<iria.
j tion of Belief,,ntc, grah-lully record th-ir
! appreciation of the ofTorU of the IJcllr.
i fonte Orcbwftra put forth in their behalf,
which have rc*uitcd in tecuring for the
i \e<-iatb n one of Sohmer'* Grand Piano#,
! the entire o-t of which, #ave the imi'l
iiilanre remaining unpaid, ha been d> *
frayed hv th" proceed- of the -or let of eon
o-rtl riven f-ir tlial purpoae by the Grebe*.
Tier c ouertd bare not only reulud in
practical go -d to the A**ociwtion but hate
been at the ame time a•• tiree ~f greaj
• iti-fact'on ardd'light to all there who
iave h-d*sl e privilege af attending them
We fi eogni c# the value and Importance
of tho c mtriliulion to the r<**our< e* of the
i",*ii n in aid U> ociai enj.yment
ail tievin nal dervice, rendered all the
m 'l# ca I ii* hi by the kindly thought
which e tr.celvmd, and the generou* im
ii • which carried the whetnw to a tuc
cedful idue.
The members of the B .an) of Direct
or# (teg toeapref# to tha individual mam.
herd of the Orchestra, the kindlieat withe
p>r their happine-# and -urr and ven
ture to e*prei the hope that the organiza
tion of the Orche-tra may long remain in
tact at a mean* of elevated enjoyment to
our community
On hebalf of the Board of Director*,
D. S. Kai.t.ga,
Mwrrr. Bunnell A Aiken- have
very linp -election of aolid gold watchne,
jewelry ami a full line of ailverware,
which they ofler cheaper than any other
-tore in Bollefonte.
Kive-cent gingham— German *.
P!* HAM. IRAWA Rev. Dal.vng, of
Bellefonte, preached a very able and inter
eating aermon on Sunday March 2d, in tha
Town Hall. Subject, "Parable of the
John Hockman nurchaaed out of th*
drove of hor#e at Centre Hall oa* of th*
(inert young boree* on thle *lde, for the
•urn of s2lu.
Cherlre Rttoker ha* been to Muncy to tee
hi* parent* and hi* . lu all right,
Char la*.
Mr. Guide intend- to build a new houe*
at Spring Mill* thi* aummer. Ill* to be
of the lateet derigna.
Prof. K Smith ha* returned bom* from
Ipinol*. Since hi* arrival he baa taken
unto hlmtelf a helpmeet. Prof, we with
yon a happy and proaperoua Ufa-
Mr. Kluier Weaver, from Aaroaeburg,
ha* accepted the cterhdhip at Fuhart atore.
J. W. Bart*#* left lor Reading, Phila
delphia and adjoining citiav, on a huiinaa#
Rev. J. M Kvan# gave our village a
•hort and friendly call on Saturday la*t.
J. B Piahar ha* been differing with a
carbuncle oa the hack of hi* neck. Olad
to bear of hi* getting better.
Mr. WeUs lfvan* and wife have bean b
Lycoming county to attend the funeral of
Mr Hee*. the father of Mr*. Kvan*.
MortTAi* POT.
Rubor ha# gun to Milton to vUilbur parent*
arid many friend*.
K, S. Hbafer wi-nt to Centre llall la>t ,
week to pure tin • a team of horie*, hut
came home without them.
Kre long the cry of had-"-o w ill be heard
In the land.
On Friday we noticed a flag hanging
out on Main atreet with the name* of
Hancock and K.nglidh attached Thi# m
| intended to atari a preai.lenlial booiu lor
the above gentlemon.
M arry on the 2&th of February and you
will only have to celebrate your annlver
j ary every four year#.
A lady In our town remarked afew day#
| dinco that very few men have the #liglitet
idea how to hold a baby, and wo auppor#
| not one in a hundred have the lighle-t de.
| niro to hold one, unlodn it rhould be a female
baby and ha# reached the age of #Wect o*.
' teen.
Michael Roirly, one of Madixmburg .
! old#t citie md, I# lying dangeroulv il|
1 with but little hope of recovery.
I The dpan of bay hor*e# which have been
I purcha-ed from Klli# S. Shafer by a New
i York party were tblpped to a Watiingt<n
parly. It wad the tlnedt -pan of b"f#>#
• that ever writ out of Brnh valley.
Mr George Rober i doing a hrik f- iei
ne## In timber thi# winter He ha-over
ft 10 log- in the yard and k<-ep# th mill
g-dng night arid day
The wheat Heidi along the mountain*
link green and nice and give proinite of
an ahum) *nt barve*l.
AVo are informed that P. P. Voneda
I dold * bull'H-k t" a Lock Haven butcher
that weighed 1 Coo pound-.
Mi** Annie K Feidler !• dtill pre*iding
a', tho organ In the M K church of till#
place. She i- al#-> giving mu>ic ledxindal'
over the county. She ba already ahonl
iiixly pupil*.
L efiiig a'-'iit church door#, • .je-cia'U
whi-n the c-ingr-gallon i being di*miaed
' ahould he br k -n up. No gentleman thould
' be guilty of rurh conduct
I Some tobacco buyer* have bcn around
buying up roivt of the w-<-d that i# rai-<<d
' around berc.
j A letter ju-t received from our friend*
I who have recently gone to Middouri day#
all #eein to like it very well.
A gr-at many [*r*on* united themnelve
-1 wlh lh K*angelical church la*t Sunda?
b? confearion of faith. Mr. Weidineyer,
the paator, i# doing good work, anJ ail
hope it will continue
J.J Kldher and family of tbi> place e*-
pect to leave in a few day# for Abilena.
Dickinon county. Knm. Wa hope Mr
Kidber and family may priwper In thair
new h >rn.
Toe country road* are airnodt impa*abie
at many plm c um tha lale rain.
Mile- Wmker, a prominent young man
'of Pine Grove Millt, i a Democratic
| candidate for dherlfT. Mr Walker id well
known throughout Centre county and i- a
i rompetenl man inaveay nwpecl. Mr Wal
-1 ker i* a gentleman of rather imputing and
| dignified appearancs. He it at preaentvn*
j gag—l in the Comrmt*ioner t officeaa clerk
ana a mora obliging man cannot be found
j We hope that all townibip* may feel like
Milv Gregg and Haine*, andgofor Mi.e#
Jcrrn k
MILK- IN;HI. JOTTISOS.— Of lalewahav*
had two important a iditlont added to our
I r
town. M r Hitigman hat ope>ner] a tin thi p
and *lova room in Carr't *lnre room. Mr.
Bingmao t* a practical mechanic, and i,
ready to fill all order* in bi line. —Mr.
Roland Mkilory ha# tlarted a blark-mith
i thop in the Bermunt tbop where be i* al-
I ready doing a lair buttnat*. He make*
borta-tboeing a ipecialty. —Wa are slj
waiting impatiently for lb* commence
ment of tbe new railroad a num
ber of tha laboring men *xpwct to gy
work. Kverything look* favorable for a
, #peedy beginning. yuile a number of
ltalant are teen on our *traU wary day,
A little patience, boy* ; it will toon Url
There |i one caae of tcarlat fever in our
i town and much aniiely i* manifwtcd for
fear tbi* dreaded dieeaae will *pread
, among our little folk*. —Wm Hall, our e*.
polkeman and lamp lighter ay* he now
enjoy* tha pleadure# of a civilian—the fir*t
time in two year*. Billy I* a (launch Dem
ocrat, and that i why tha Stalwart Coun
cil appointed hi* uccea#or. They still
•tick to their proml*a that no Democrat
•hail have a tmell in th* borough affair* of
Miledburg —lt i* dhameful, lb* condition
the pavement* are in. There i* not twenty
rod* of good pavement intide the borough
limit* The mud I* (hoemoutb deep ia
mist of the (idewalkt. It U almo*t Impo*-
dibtefor woman andcbildreo to get through.
It doe* not (peak wall for the property
owner*. BOOMSRAXO.
—Th* teeaon after the Holiday* It gan
erally dull with lb* Tailor*. We r* of
fering eilra InduceaaenU in low prirtM. We
hev* given large order*, sod th* new
pood* are sow coming in. Leave your
order now. MOXTUOMSRT A Co ,
—Wilton, McFarlana ft Co., call atten
tion to th* only reliable Ready Miaad
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre
pared Faint D not mly auperfer to any
Ready MtieJ Paint aold but rival* pure
white lead in it* tmootbnaat In working
and du'abllHy. Thi* paint U guaranteed
by the manufacturer* not to crack or pool
within throe year*. Tha guarantee I* not
only good for replacing tea paint but it
will be put oa if it thou Id crack or peal
within the time (periled. It will be to
vour lnteret to call and tea Wilson, Mr-
Far lane ft Co., before purchasing either
white Iced or eoy other ReaAy Mixed
Tho Printer's Points.
Alt A rah ram* to tt rltr aide,
lint b would not try ford lb* 114*.
For U l.d Umi u'wd mi •.
Jiotifon (i lobe
So lie Mini|-'l alt by fb rt**r ffld (
A ltd till tli ttd bad • •*•! to awtll '
>r h# knew, ihonld lb* douky front llfr ml<li]*
IJ would av*r find lu f.
—Salem Sunbeam
In lh> iitorulriK bf wuftht t ford tin tld (
HIIPII tlidocky ,j 1 tb wter to
Tb* ridr fi-ll off, Irt ill* olmiik slid*,
'1 bus *n rbDK m it**w|>pr *
Kfttnf Sfrtittiel
| lint ill tbr ••, when (lit U<> ans low.
And the *llll bud wl on tbs v-rotation,
ll* itlrrod u|t U.s muU nd it go,
Nor **• h to|j,*d bir m, },
—/' i t(*hn rr) (' /tn mcrciat-fi ars * If.
H'M#n tlej r'( b*w} tbrlr j<turi')i *nd,
Tb mulo tad frlffkry und r tb# Issb
And wlt I l#i th*- |(ii|i )ookhl brightly oil,
iThff uule and uur ut • ,
—/'Ai/fi. Evening AVtri
I And w)*n th i min got off tb mulr,
llr l-e>k*w| Mi . h-tr ffAl i U {.* UUd gr#L 1
! I-*'l* '! • I|a yrmr privilrg* UKrk,
All'l b>K£rd b;i to •' Vj t b'. f 90 •.
—Monthly I'nioti
II*- thought It M hjfhiliit tbr rulr
F-r a girl to tbr qursflott;
Ik# bo ffunk Ida sjurt into Ui- ruul*
And *|*iickly Irft that \
Tho CouituiiMionera
! Kditur# CANTHR Dr.uoi HAT
A# the time for much hand dhaking.
fawning, treating and finally ticket mak
ing i# la*t approaching, it behove* u# a#
gfKd citieen* t'• #ee that w<- get the be#l
men in the market on our tt< ket aia'go< d,
•trung, local ticket will aid materially in
-treiigthing the National ticket. We
w->uid ili'-rcfure call the attention of the
lav pater# U> the importance of re-nomin
ating the prent efficient Board of Com
j uiiktloner*, pit-are allow mo to give a few
j r-HAon* why arc *b<>uld retain them in uf
fi< e. In the Brat place it it the cuitorn of
! our party to rr-nminate the Prothon*.
; lorv, Kegidter, K"corder, Di<t Attorro-v.
,A to #ervo the oc..nd t'-rm a# they claim
it require* one term of dervice to bee--me
familiar with the dulie# of tho rtvpaclive
office#. then why not for the unc rea#"ii
re-elect the CommiMioneri
But tho greatetl reaivon and tronge>;
eveidence that wo ahould retain them in
offico it their official record, which chal
enge# cendure.
When the preaent Board of Commi#*-
ioner# were tworn into office, Jan. 1. 1(>82,
our county debt amounted to the val dum
of f>l|l'l7 The firtt year of their in
cumbency the Ji-ht wa< reduced to
037 IS and theocond year tloding Jan. 1,
lb 1 *- the deb: i further reduced to |J2,-
H2 2fi and that the ame ratio
of reduction will continue through thi#,
their third yer, they will have reduc-nl
the county d'-bt to about $20,000 thu#
making a reduction of about nrly-ikrtt
, '.h',u*awl d'llara in three yean ; how'*
( that for record 1 It i# to the Interest of r
-i ery taa payer to have our county debt
■q-eodily cancelled tlfii* avoiding the pay
' merit of large inl< r#t which on the orig
. inal d-bt *> alrno*t Atr thoumwi ii"llar l
annually, every burin- M man will
! the payment of lnter#t on account of in
; Jcbtedne## by paving the principle a
; dpee-lily a* pionbie thu# placing hun-cif
on a tolid financial baud, thi# our far-dee.
ing Commi-dicner* daw and acted uf->n the
principle that the county debt wa* Ih*ir
debt, hence the reduction. There mat be
m*ny men in the county who, If elected
t'->mmi*i"t-r# would not dare todo wrong
f-r fear of ceneure, but not many like our
j pre-ent Board wh > dirt todo nikt and de.
; fy Centura. They have been prudent tn the
Hppointmanl vl ta* collector#. Placing
1 their duplii ate* in hand of r<-#pu*ib!e |<ar
; tle when poiihle and *eeirig to it that
each collected give good oltd Bondman
before placing duplicated in their hand#, a
I matter that their predereMor* had very
; much neglected at i* dhown in the Audit
i or* Kport by the many delinquent col
lector#, the prevent Board, however, i*
bringing the collector* to time,compelling
them to pay into the tr*R#urer what they
have collected and when we convider the
many Improvement* in bui'ding iron
bridge* Ac., tbey have made, we wonder
how they bav* accomplttbed o much in
*o *hort a time, we hope the t#i payer* will
contider thee fact* and u#e their influence
to have them re nominated and theirelect
llon i* *ure, the writer i* pervnnally ac
quainted with Mr. Greiil, and of him 1
can ay that an earneet, energetic, zealou*,
buflneaa man and barp financier, he ha*
no auperior and few equal*, and of ccur*
be, with tha other two good men, make a
ftrong team Tbey have proven them
aelve* true to tha truat the people of Cen
tra count? impoaad on them; they have
been tried in lb* balance and found not
wanting. Let u* re-elect them and our
oounly will aoon be out of debt, our ta*a
tion reduced aud wilt be bappy people, but
for the preaent, I atn
For the pesce and quiet of the>
household H wa* rather important that
little throe-year old Maud waa rocksd to
aleep. l*|>oti one of Uieee occseiona
after l>eing rocked • while in her crib,
ahe replied : "You tin do now F.rffin
I'm 'aleep."
Hot-as roa Rrrr.—Corner High and
Penn atreeta. Nine room*. Suitable for
boarding houae or for two fhallie* I- near
the Court Hon**. Rent reasonable. In
quire of Taoa XtTgaa,
Pean atreet.
—Three and five-ply carpet chain, at
Garmaa '*.
—Ready made window ihadea, 00 cent*,
at Gar man'*.
—Colluloid cuffk sad colfsra, all eUea,
at MB'I.
Bales Regi*t> r.
The Mi.'l'rkiiff,.| will •!? at puMitt
ai hi* r" * .IwltMnvll!* ■ r Mrih
Irt., firming utf*iieilr,li*<i kt/u.l;, lt"
, cni—i/iiH frt h I nt -Ih/uiu-buld |
furniture, nr "I many thing. V"> ttumcroM*
Thcrd will b >-ipoMxi • [tublic .l at
l'c f .frii i.f II nry J W!Vr, In Ih/gga
lown.htp. Mitrch 224, IHM h Ii rgo lot of
farming PIU-D.r-l/ and livtt .Urtk.
llewm J VVAJ.KKK
1 hero will l/o iii ftwblU' 'lp in
Walker UrWiinhtp, ond-tiH f ml.n e*l of
Hublerrhurg, at the nKl uo ~f u„ und*r- /
Mr I. 2thb, IKSI, „ . io| farming
! Oil /.•* | livt rim k,
ii-at. wm II i iiHini
The ur dpri|ff|pd will (oil it pnb'ir !•
at IN toilio<, HI,T mint t<•t of Hut*
; OH-K-, In* tt/ck, frn'. ,f nf ul"ii/p'p nlc.
K 0 iJ'.HMAS,
- W- n.hkp u fj.c. ia'ly < f w.v.to gp/oJg
itTid emhroidt ri< • -(lurrr,*.,
j -- Nobby IJJL/. l ii i.p • bKnl -tyl**, at
I Oariuaf .
I Lit of unclaimed letter, run,lining Iri
i lb* frf/it-nffl -p at R*llafr>ntn,C*ntr*county,
| M*r< h 17. IkM :
ArmMror, Mi Mart; Ameman Mii
t Sa.iit ; Armstrong, Mi.. Nannie lireoti,
„ \|p- Mil nm , l a'nptpol, II C Campbell,
Mia.'Amii* M ; Cfain, Weelet ; Dunkl*.
llim-i I).vi. li-nrn- K.H.. Cbarl*.'
K<>tf|oi,i*n, John II ; J.t-kwi. Jovbua;
ri McChntic, Mia. Mipnie; Muter, Mm
1 1 K la; Pases. Mis Luvisn ; Itapp, W H
i !'. i, 'i ! ]'. hi* Mr. ( ara ; Keitu,
* Ii <.b L : Sw.-irf r t .1 C ; Sbo'l. \V II
; Ta'iim Edward— 2 Thmna*, William
• : i lufit, K if
t I'.-fO it tigulfing { r Utter. n.ar.tioind
;n tin* ab' re il.t will pit-ate any tb<*y nr<*
if : nd**rlia 4 Jso T J"ii.*>To.s, 1' M
KID! tM.lt i.S.'O- tt lb. fonts* '■ .(IK. Iid. t
|J i.poiU, ii lt-iik.il,' M..i|, nil,. |M.4 I p It. i it.
• I'M. .Ml A,1t.11l ki'U.': .1 M.w ('!>•
H Cot it- til „t anlrfuri- Centre Co I'M
I ( fft 4 VILLI. - J b Qmn. <* ur C*m t.
f.KjMs | 1i V.• i' b nil. U4.
0 i 'tf t l IT (!sf>
. i He w .4 tjiitk i },
I .1.. 'JOLLI, !"> ;1, in which relation tbey
lived over .VI Y<'iir. T' <-ir tinion wa
BBWOIL WITH 16 children. < IJFHT J>reoel
lED the faliier to THE npiril world. TWI
•on-. Ilcva. F'harlc nd Andrew <iamh*y.
| NR. in t C inin.-trv. Bruther <I. U T
c M-I-terit tri<'liilT of the F,. Aioci.
tifin '■' TIL 41 y-art. I'iaosae, dr <F>.I
I and RNNJMII N THE tunc*. He LEAVE.
| a WIDOW HIIII PHI childr. N and a large
. C.'CU OF Iroi. I- t I MO irn hit loaa. But
, their HE- I. Ii < I<-lIIHI gain. Funeral
MCRRIN BY THE writer. RKMI.T.-D hy the
HE* N. Miller, of t E Hefornied church.
j AiiTl'.fKk —TIL under.igned, the
'••tt and heM l<mtian in Central i*nn
jrylraliia, bavtng more than lumty ye
. eijienetHf in telling Futm., Fartn bu)ck,
M ribr Ii- ' <! rffr-r? Li. <rv!ce to tin
Icitisennot C'r,ire and ad oinifig oiantie*
a* I fl-rlaw Sale/man. Charpet reaicc
ble Adj'i+t JoßS.ru I. Nm,
B land,
Ids Centre county, Pa
o"*u onui j in. I>ott ef 'ivna
Clow i 4 i Vtlo Cob RI P
I So. 11. JalPUß'} Tetßl
Hon br>tu. | leOa.
■ mil m IHIIIV ip,ei>Ki-p.
1 TI,. tit. 1..M GTI'.T. bpi AOIIIT.IF AJL-KIITOIL 1b 111. PMI. *
I caw. to bow. ketenalbe, and re}o#r! bjo n tl>*
.a .fkt'-rt. t.*-1 to U>. aer-ißbt of J A It'ii>k—l. ioaa
| mlllo. ,| MB id llein baiikal. Isnaii . will >11.1.1 1
lb. datlo. of Ilia an.lMmi IP! at hU i.tßr. In lb. H..t
..ogb of tMKf.npt., ra . OR Tuclai. the I' lb daj vt
JAi R I. A f 1H.4. at 10 o'fliok A M. or MM id dai.
vbea and wb.ie all pwtlia In niitoi map wtood
Mwri. i\iM. c.s ikiwim.
1 3-* Atxtlkor,
PRIUR kbl'l I la Ik. Cearl of Uwuaea
I > ICI <a of Ceatra C< act.
ISO. IZI Korea,tor Terw
Jtata A Waaraa t Artioa of EjorUceai
7b Qemrye H", Ford ft at. .
And <•. Veieaarv 4kh, IRM, on aantmo ofJaka
H Orrii. Altora.r OT Plalaat. ml. la (re a tod 0 .
W F..rd. i.e. of aaW dofrndani. to appea
aad plead to lb. ail art lea af i| mr.m |e cn t bi t>,
lb. nr mr of thai cartala Iran of namlnl land
Winai. la Ui toanahip of Kaa* Maa. ia aaid maatr
of (Vnlea atarvaved In Iba "arrante. nan,, af Jnawki
l*.-ba(, tawodad aa fotlowa: Kalva4a at a >.
tb.nr. aoath a4ckit-a*va daerm aaal one boi.dml
' and artf petebea to a while ak onai af 17P4. Ih. are
bt a line of tiaaa marked la ITM. aartb fear aad
one-ball dm nee met Mine hundred and Ikliti ew
! and nkie tetabt perrbm to a pml. lb .are by land fa
j Ike oanraniee name of Jar*.! X Long r...r! ep
' aeven depgram. ami oaa b-indred aad (fkyeeaea
I ferrboa u. ttnnea on line of lTkd. tbanc* I t aald tig.
' along anrvava In the warrantee namee of W lUtao,
. |t.a art and W 11 Item Oray. aanth tbraa aad one b>nMV
d.ff-eea, wmt tbrm hundred and Mdrtf-one nod ntna
\ tenth penrbea u> the plnca of beginning, rontolntnr
three hundred arm and tlmwo The (Van fur
It.er order that It the aald Irefendacl cannot t-a
found in aald county, that Ike aatd rale aball be (ml
Imbed for alaty day# before the retnrn day tbereei
In one newapapet of aald county at Oentre. to tie In
netted therein nt lew! three time*, and la addition
thereto, to gtre unto aald Defendant whereat* fiaiad
nottoe in far I of the aaid aall, la time to attj-eer aad
defend It, and upon failure to .j-l'-ar end plead I.
•bow ran a. why yndgment alien id not be en:erel
acninet the by d.faalt turnatds on
Monday, the '/nth .lay of April, A P. Ik/4, being the
• rat day a I melt term, Hy the Conn
Certified Iron the ■.'ord, feb 4th. inbt.
i. C lltar ra,
A traa and oorretl cepy el Rnla in my hnnd '
AHoat T. J. DT-irl.
11-M. Sherifi.
A DMISICTSATOMS' SOTfC*-SolIce la henk 1
gleen (hat 1,1 It ere at Adm>n mi ration on Ih
eetate of John Lntr. lata of Spring tcanalilp dar'd
hnae bam granted to the entw libera, who regnant all
pern n. having rial ma agalnat aald entot. to pre. eat
th.ru , duly anthenttrgtod, lb* eedtlamant. aad alt In
debt el to Like pat meat eltbeut delay
tin. Administrator*
t'XBCirrOH'S NOTICE—I/etlsrs.
14 teetommtory aa lire eetate at Mr. BUvabedl,
M An lay, drt'i, late ad Walker tewaaklp, tea tr
ee . fa , Iwrtng tmea (ranted to the nndetwgwed, nt!
peeanaa Indebted to antd ektn are tvgneated to
make Immadtato payment, and all beet eg rlalrnt
again.! the aam. to pi 1 aiat '.beta, duly anlheattoated
by law. tor eettlemeat SAHAH t L *IH.
Mt Kucvfina
-4k Settee ta herohy alnna that 1 altera ad afimdkl.
tration aa the ontad* of Wmtty A;era. tab d Walt
■can towaaefp. g> I,id. ban been graatid to toe
awdarvdgwtd, All pet no at ftaowtap themeeirn la
defined to the ertat. are 1 efinmtod to mek . tmmedtat.
(trawl, mad tbnaa aaatag Hal ma wfU pree.nl them
Aaly aalht-atitctod, tor neftirmnt
. , Cavntßißg Ansa,
I ' AtoalaWratoi