Hail Itoatln. 1 > AI it BMJLB v \ 1.1.KV I; K l5 1W fable in effect N.v 19, 'Hit. WESTWARD. Kxp. Mull. f*M rv Leav- L•! K Haven 4 4". 400 Fieiittngmn I 48 4 04 | .Villi 11*11 462 I 07 li.'.th Creek 601 4 21 Reglevlll* 604 •21 Howard 6 13 4 3( Mouul Kagle ft 18 • 46 C'uriin 5 22 4 48 Mili-|)ur< ft 30 4 ft.'. Hl.|lfi>NO< FT 40 ft Oft Milcsburg ft fto . Ift Snow Sh<"< I lit ft ft'l ft 10 W Uliinnville II 02 ft 28 Julian '2 ft 31 & Murlha 0 22 ft 4H Port MI Hilda 0 20 ft ftfi llan Tl all 3 37 )'. 14 Fowler 6 30 i 13 11.1J Eagle 040 i 10 Vail IL ft 3 324 Arrive at Tyrone 7 Oft 6 3ft EASTWARD I'M. AM LEAVE Tvronr 7 30 8 30 Kant Tyrone ... 7 37 8-37 Vail 7 40 H 111 Bald Kau'lv H 4ft 8 4ft Kowler 7 ft 4 8 ft). ll.nnah 7 67 ft!) Port Matilda 3 Oft !L 00 Martha * 13 9 17 •Lilian 8 23 0 2'. I' nionville 8 33 0 37 Mi.i# tihoo lit 8 42 0 47 M lo elMitli * '' I LI 11. tont- H FTFT 10 00 ' M m-burg.,.. 0 oft. 11l 10 Curwii !• Ift In I'-i I M m..t Kajjl. 0 10 20 23 , Howard 9 26 lo 32 1 D Ki.kihvillv 0 36 lo 42 I BEE. I Creek 9 40 LO 46 I . Mill Uall 0 ftj 111 .',B | I Fl. no igton o ftft 11 01 Arrive at Lock Ilaven 10 ID) 11 Oft i ILELLEFONTE A SNovV SHOE It 1 5 II —Time TuM I N>v I' l LEAVES SN.>w Sh..E ILIA N. , arrive-IA ! Belief.. NTA 6:20 a in. Loav.A I!;ile(..nie 0:3IL A IN .arrives at ; Snow Shu** at IL 01 a. in L av. -SI >W Sti. . - 1 "31 • in , ARRIV". at Bellefunte ft- H P p. LUKVI'I li NT 'I.U.LE 8 lo , IN,, URNII') .t | Snow -I ' • Id: 10 f i. HI S Mi. \1 IT '> SNJI'T I K W !•• iCJHi A I v.; IN I it. K.- \ J N • 83. W rw . itu. Mixed, Rvi A\l : I. , ■ 12 Ift ft i*i I TOOK 1 I* l •• 20 Venn'a Furnace 1 Ift > 10 Hustler 1 28 ft fto Marengo 1 3ft ft Aft I#oveville F 1 38 ti I*l W Furnace Koad 1 4ft 6 10 Warrior* M**K 2 00 6 2ft Pennington 2 12 "• 10 A W i-ton Mill f 2 2ft 6 fto L A T. 'lunation 2 31 I> ftft Tyrone 2 3ft )I 58 KASTWAUH M I X ED. I'M AM. . I.env# Tyrone 4 oo :> UO * I, IT. Junction 4 0| U OFT Weston Mill 114 'I 33 | Pennington 4 32 0 I* | Warriors Mark 4 42 !• 68 j Furnace Koad 4 57 10 12 > L .veville - 5 02 10 16 Marengo 507 lo 4 J'J I Hustler ft 17 10 3ft | Penn'a Furnace ft 27 lo 41 Fairbrook. FT 47 11 03 ' Scotia 620 11 30 I I )EN NSV LV A XIA P. AI LUOA I • I i PBILA. A F.rie DtvtilMl - Oil II after Nov. 18, 1883: WESTWARD. * ERIE MAIL Leaves Philadelphia II 2IL p M j Harrisburg 4 jo . in NW Williamsport. . MI in | Jersey Shore 9 00 a M ! Lock Haven 9 40 a M | Renovo 10 ftft a n I Arrive* at Brie 7 3ft P m 1 NIAGARA EXPRESS I Country Produce Constantly on hand and Solicited. , C. 17. HOFFER & CO. I Allegliitny Street, Hellefoiite* Pa. I ( I I I J I I A :•* *• ' >*.••• .. Quay BigKor Thuu Mitchell Wlirn Senator <' .tin rum H III•-I for Iviri'i'f ihe nun ii/Hnnil of itfl'.ii* in il o te*poriiv < , 'mtri<*-iiinHl ili-tricl* ' of the State, including 1". floral |>| >• >irl l incut*, w ,t>'ft ill llic hand* nt local I oil tenant*. Tbe* pere'itt" 100 l either a written or verbal coinriiiioii from the chief to r"pr'Siit him in hi* ihii'iioi i and C iloncl Q ui)' w.a mud- t'Sciicr>il in commend to euporvi.e ihc operation* of the Lieutenant*. The I'reaiUent time knew the wi*ho* of the aheont Senator a well a* though lie were in Washing ton and could |ier*onally t**u the order*. Senator Mitchell'* recommen dation* for a|i|iointni<'iit* have never fieen regarded by the Preihlent, utile** iliey con'oruu-'l with the wi*he of the nub 'MW-0111 njipo ntod hy Senator f'.uii ( eron. K* jierience—not in the one ea*e, hut in many—ha* taught him that he hi* no voice in the making of ap |M.int llient*, utile** hi* view* coincide wiih tlnneof the repr" n'ative* ot the at vent Senator. I'lnla. I'rru. Chief Goronlmo's Throat. Siv FRANI IW. O. March 12.—A upocial di*patcth to the Examinrr from Tomb *ione, Arizona, av ; tieronimo. with j In* Apache* in charge of Lieut, Lritton II .vie re urned 'ram S mora, bringing ■ l'J.'i oil lie and lift hoi ••* Hll<| mtl'e* wi'h Mexie.n hranl. Thev tole thetn la-t Saturday. Mr Howhind the gene ral iii*|>ector of i-uMnnn attempierf to ( ei/.e the tock s -rougglrJ property. Lieut. Davi* refued to recognize the demand, raying the stock w. not iu ' hi* charge. A demand rnu then made I on D ivi* h* a citizen of ill'' I nit. i State*, to i, i.t tr>. officer in niuk ng the ei/.ure. "M'ke the attemjit " he *iid, ' and you'll .i'o in at 1.1 da." •< nninio declared he would die f efore h would give up the *tcck. and that lo would put 'Ji'tnl Apache* on tlie war ' 1 pith in forty-eight hour* 11- v the itiiation i < rioua. and that of lh< demand i inaitte I on it will re lilt ir • lie higgt.t Apache, outbreak . er known. ■ m How ro Ft no * PSIWOM - N*v> I th" per* -n wh a* nam* you w!h t" know, '."11 y u in who h of the upright clumr. th* fir.t !*tt*r of hi* name t found. Ii it t," found in hut on* <rd next, ISH4 ; 01 MI JT LUIM J'thti I'tii!t*, ll-ra. lUrrl, llfnf a lliall, |7f|lof|, ii II Mlllnf, I!ph I It* i riue. I'lilllpati'iri; I. n Ml', k, It. Ileffirtu. J>* ll a 11# V , Cffllene I' U |f tn k**t, llail Mofitl O'lirg** >1 fell*i!•*. I*hlll|wturv I liOlliM* IhHlflllhllbuQllb, flow 41 <1 H HI I'eial. r, (it.-((<. II V VonaiU, Nafluti. W in (Jttodhart. litegK John Hltig, Uuloftvlllw. THA v CltlK JtAOM— littT mitt, Witlkul, I Stllil' •• Jno Ifrl'illey, Uin \onni I J4' knoll TllOr|> f \\eutj 111-* Of, W 111 Welk'-r J j ( VS.*lkT. fnrflii -l M Poakop, Jt , Jno. I* lie- llai* I til .|< II VS f>|iltil<'), 1* W fitliM. f'liili|Hltirg- (u. \'luii.e Jrr dtnbry J P< ik Hnllnf'.r.t.. (' I ff .fT r, Wn. i. ||f. nit I, 'W m M i, | It'll, M k■)l4e K*-*J I* |K. Thn. i'aa- UuT, YAa> aid l itm lottn Jr , Mitnl>uri( O P rrinur, J A Kiafml. f*t!••* ty —J t* Hn ui ic4rliiwr Al'fiK--M rrt* Kmey II llflrte)! Ldty f*o( PtrifH* II tld Jar.,|i |g-4liier In|frl Hch'-ll' k lleib*-*—J 11 If • Mtiaacf, Thad D Hlutflf Villi Hhilli—KalHQ'l Ii Mi|l*ef, Half MW'U —hmlef Ort, Mnrfln f%l# • Mime V* W I eadi, Wu. M Kaflal" p, nn-rir.ll.f j Futlei —Win li/fttMurtl I Ht.-liaM*' f I *•• Mll or i} if, r J Ku'gi|hi/' I'aru# I 11a r |*ai< r Ihi tld hiel-. • , *f r > Pmruuet I tifal , %|,t*-m —M . <||t*rrt \ |j fmv*t I ir.".".-u~ Ka# v.. , v,.,,, |, H K , ~, I | 'A *1 w y Win f 'atnr i ' ' ifirtnin "J J, ttii Ml f**,i|f f. -4." •if." Ilir.ui tnir. J : IWm . . .. 1 ; . tr, |.rlf>C -W tu 1...... tte#be >. m Flio h. i ' •Ii ' t • iti v *| f,-r Oi • 11i 1 ; t.ourt t-"g notrg Mumioy Apii' 71 li, 1e" I: IS/tt.r l.'itl-im. 1.1,t Kiiu ' I'a't t, I ,*t.tlh k r j h< kfl ; It. '> *t * I 11.,. ■ J. > . I . - J, ,11 Moovw J H VawOnew i m* Am t a M**w l! rcw Jal M Wttrf -jr,.£ -all—fiti \ ii*/*; ttrnmrj HoO | fV*Hw*e. RA ur fc .. T. Jt, N. V* ,U . f —Warn V t M f* *at . t *| Aiey • M.l.atorg 1j",41.' Writ I' Hall II - r ||taa|, i> Jtafe I Tb>'in|* b M "iL " j,A! U M r . T}, I K H• if M < 7 f •* h , r fifi \t I'lhif.gsf I41 a f. Ht>o Phew Jv% . 'itlita* FtllUpaUri- f A Hl' n Ilbl-'h l'l4*rW'Matl R>e|) W ,a. |lt,fr..ti;h IfMTth Jh. . Hal \(JKNTS H ANTKt) FOR Picturesque W asliington. I eg* AMI) PENCIL eKRTI'tIK* .1 iu a..,..,,.-, jII r. Trllu-.. I'ut.t,. I *.•! US. at it! rT.,,*U 4*t ||l ~ t it,. <,.|i . r M , . Wkil. -' tti | ' ltl> M.. *t M -it.t %|.|. of WoUUkgl-.r. I •* t"..m. m t*. flkii, uf OooiroM tit J.ir. | Wwrr M '.l To oil rluru (Sw i* , |, V .f iml Wl.li* ll la | *r l.la. tS r.",,., 004 lol.ro.lin* Ills, tr.t. I* } r l., w.ulilul an ri,|f..|n(. I } |a4 in* lauri'.t' ,rtiata .a* a l.*poo 11, boo a*, a look in i I all (.■■*•• * -14 nnl, I , a,,l*, rl, A*.Ota f" a.M a* will, *T'.,l aia.n. A*", ta aintot, caala .., txaala. ia aarf/ o-onakl,. IB fka MUloa fraaiatl at|a*lli., ablla .ia Wralta. n I akanlatalg r0.,,1 ,r--t. a. a *i. taatrwe " tin. raaarJ for a'.aa If arata|ilo,rat. wnu a lor *iaa to A|oa,ta adj..l, k rbll4 au frame an* rrjia* oilb paiaofrwt tier tooth 1 If a.i. aao.| al ..a a at.* at a U.ttla of tfao Wianew* WOOTMIM Starr rr Cwiieara Ttarmaa Itaralao W la.wl ..lai la Ii will rasiara *# K* 1 ' llttlo •ti.i-i unrandi.t.lr pot*.r.il upon ll a.'Ko. thnra la w- mi.l.ka about |L itrairna d)a auitorr and MlarrVwa, ra*alalao th* .ivh and !<. ola, .araa wlodrodtr. a. tuna tha (nma rodurwa in flaan-notl'W.aad gt'-o < • and aar*r to tbaohnla, a, a,.a, Ma* una i foaraiaamtir r> I'ano ' a*a Tarruia.. it pt-.na.t to iba u*ta. and ia tba prrf |a. ri;*i'.n of oar tho - Idoor .nd toot t.ni.i. r|#ra and nurao. . a I nilrot hlatoa.and la for mla by all dru**i.| i . . m . ootid frtro zi roaM a aattla. M lf. I F L E MING, THE TAILOR, : I Now in his New Quarters, !• Cor. Alleghany A High Streets, !' BELUEFONTE, PA. . , _ Terrible Slaughter in Prices for The Next 60 Days. I GOOD SUITS AS LOW AS ORDINARY READY MADE WEAR. I CALL AND EXAMINE PRICES AND MATERIAL ... I STUDIO, 2nd floor Bush Amide, j fli'Miui <||>, Dr. M' llirorß'n |ie nf ml i.ffl* *• > / urn now ready to do oil kind* of PAINTIIMC, s'„"A I'OHTHA ITS in od. I.A SH SCAPES, Mas arts'AMES TAL. EANCY hE ON FIFTH AVKM K. low hole or lot*. A TWOMTURY I'rHK K oti Alleghany Street. , A TWO STOUY HICK < In High Hired. ' A TWO-STOHY nun K 1 ' lii Tliofriae slrcct. A TWO-STORY FRAMK On Willow I'.diik hi reel. A TWOSTOKY I UA.MJ: I <>n Willow |i;tilk Htreet, f 1200 A TWO-hTOIIV J UAMH On Hiah-.p-tr. il. All in the Hornugh of U llefonu-. tei' Tern . Mad- l~i>y. HUM) VAI.KNTINK. 'i •' 'Jni. U< al Ivtate Agent. HAVI\<; UPI.M N V m;\\ cai'ii i: ki'a iu siiop. i)N IJHiANSTUKKT, \\ • would r<-jH i'tfully invite tlx public t i give ii- a call when in want [ • 1 any work in our line. We arc pr< pnr< 1 tr. do A 1.1. kiudn of TItIMMISd, HEPMItI.Mi *-v JiJ.MOHEI.IS<. We also nmko a specialty of I' 1' HOLSTER /XG | IN Alt. II" I'.IIAXI lll>. All w,>rk will rNH, J'hlhttirlji/tut, b'rb. l f I**4. Ta Tanner* of Pennsylvania: j UrnlUmrn Fr over twenty-night : year* w* have manufactured Raw Bone I'h'taphale*, and our brand* hava become j hou*eb ild wf.rd. in B.iarf *r every ct)on of | th* country. In tnany rotnmuniti*. the g.-rnanj for them ba. inereaM-.!, while in other, vi.a tal.-k have declined, on account of th* preference for lower-priced gond. Six year, ago, finding that th* d*rnand for good* of luwer rot bad become almcwt uoivct.al, ar.d having peculiar advantage* of raw material, and manufacturing fac-iU ilie*, w* determ.ned Ui mwt thi demand, and Intrcwluced a 7Vrnfy- F\r* lh,llfir f'h'-t -phatr, mad* hy a new procw exclusively our own. The .piirkne*. with which tbi* rhrwpbat* .prang into ue among intelli gent farmer* will te> *hown bv the follow ing tUU-ment Of the %2h I'hcwphate thcr* were sold During 1*79 1,257 Ton*. •• | HWII .1,1*57 " IW| 5,147 " IHS2 " " IHR3 10,1*2 '• The re|orU of the action of the $1' j Pho*- pbate have luwri .ali.factory in every cae (rein a wide inquiry. We want lo be in formed upon thi. feiint verv plainly, a* it i our inlerot te know if the article con ilnu"* to j-roduce g:>od reult. We will '.bank any farmer, having uwd the fS- Pho.phate with dlaappointing r**ult*, lo let u hear from him with full fart* )m • 'ruly. BAl'tiH A IfOlfS I'Mlartr/phUi Hr'tu■rh. Don't Forget —THE— Philadelphia Hranoh IK A ONE-PRICED STORE. I I I -i frU If MJ \S- I* again to the fore with an exten sive assortment of Fall & Winter Slothing, • and respectfully invites the public t" ! call ami examine our elegant Suit* anil Over Coats, for Men, Youth, Boys, and Children'* wear manufactured for our trade of the best material, and in all atrle* to plea**. Our atock of Mcn'a suit* in Cuta way!, Sack*, Prince Albert*. Double Breasted Coat*, Reversible, Cben chilla and Beaver Overcoat* are Su perior, and Invite Attention. And n<>w ju*t look here, Men and Boy*, are you going to freexe thi* Winter, or not ? Why, of course you're not. You must have Winter Cloth ing. and what you want is the Br*r iu the Market for the Lowwr Price. ou have got your money honestly, and of course you want the most f* r it. WE WANT JUST SI ( H BUSINESS, and therefore in vite your visit to tha PHI LADED PHIA BRANCH. Our butinoM re lation* with tha People of CaaUe County in the paat bare been pleasant and aatiafactory, and in offering our 1 hanks for tha Liberal cuatora hereto tre given us, we renew the pledge upon which we started out —Faia A*l> Jrwr Ditai.iiru TO ALK REMEMBER THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST CtOTttlUG* LS AT TH* PHILADELPHIA BRANCH O* ALLBQBINTSTRBOT LEWIH A (!•, Proprietor. Bellefhrta, IHk