Hail Itoatln. 1 > AI it BMJLB v \ 1.1.KV I; K l5 1W fable in effect N.v 19, 'Hit. WESTWARD. Kxp. Mull. f*M rv Leav- L•! K Haven 4 4". 400 Fieiittngmn I 48 4 04 | .Villi 11*11 462 I 07 li.'.th Creek 601 4 21 Reglevlll* 604 •21 Howard 6 13 4 3( Mouul Kagle ft 18 • 46 C'uriin 5 22 4 48 Mili-|)ur< ft 30 4 ft.'. Hl.|lfi>NO< FT 40 ft Oft Milcsburg ft fto . Ift Snow Sh<"< I lit ft ft'l ft 10 W Uliinnville II 02 ft 28 Julian '2 ft 31 & Murlha 0 22 ft 4H Port MI Hilda 0 20 ft ftfi llan Tl all 3 37 )'. 14 Fowler 6 30 i 13 11.1J Eagle 040 i 10 Vail IL ft 3 324 Arrive at Tyrone 7 Oft 6 3ft EASTWARD I'M. AM LEAVE Tvronr 7 30 8 30 Kant Tyrone ... 7 37 8-37 Vail 7 40 H 111 Bald Kau'lv H 4ft 8 4ft Kowler 7 ft 4 8 ft). ll.nnah 7 67 ft!) Port Matilda 3 Oft !L 00 Martha * 13 9 17 •Lilian 8 23 0 2'. I' nionville 8 33 0 37 Mi.i# tihoo lit 8 42 0 47 M lo elMitli * '' I LI 11. tont- H FTFT 10 00 ' M m-burg.,.. 0 oft. 11l 10 Curwii !• Ift In I'-i I M m..t Kajjl. 0 10 20 23 , Howard 9 26 lo 32 1 D Ki.kihvillv 0 36 lo 42 I BEE. I Creek 9 40 LO 46 I . Mill Uall 0 ftj 111 .',B | I Fl. no igton o ftft 11 01 Arrive at Lock Ilaven 10 ID) 11 Oft i ILELLEFONTE A SNovV SHOE It 1 5 II —Time TuM I N>v I' l LEAVES SN.>w Sh..E ILIA N. , arrive-IA ! Belief.. NTA 6:20 a in. Loav.A I!;ile(..nie 0:3IL A IN .arrives at ; Snow Shu** at IL 01 a. in L av. -SI >W Sti. . - 1 "31 • in , ARRIV". at Bellefunte ft- H P p. LUKVI'I li NT 'I.U.LE 8 lo , IN,, URNII') .t | Snow -I ' • Id: 10 f i. HI S Mi. \1 IT '> SNJI'T I K W !•• iCJHi A I v.; IN I it. K.- \ J N • 83. W rw . itu. Mixed, Rvi A\l : I. , ■ 12 Ift ft i*i I TOOK 1 I* l •• 20 Venn'a Furnace 1 Ift > 10 Hustler 1 28 ft fto Marengo 1 3ft ft Aft I#oveville F 1 38 ti I*l W Furnace Koad 1 4ft 6 10 Warrior* M**K 2 00 6 2ft Pennington 2 12 "• 10 A W i-ton Mill f 2 2ft 6 fto L A T. 'lunation 2 31 I> ftft Tyrone 2 3ft )I 58 KASTWAUH M I X ED. I'M AM. . I.env# Tyrone 4 oo :> UO * I, IT. Junction 4 0| U OFT Weston Mill 114 'I 33 | Pennington 4 32 0 I* | Warriors Mark 4 42 !• 68 j Furnace Koad 4 57 10 12 > L .veville - 5 02 10 16 Marengo 507 lo 4 J'J I Hustler ft 17 10 3ft | Penn'a Furnace ft 27 lo 41 Fairbrook. FT 47 11 03 ' Scotia 620 11 30 I I )EN NSV LV A XIA P. AI LUOA I • I i PBILA. A F.rie DtvtilMl - Oil II after Nov. 18, 1883: WESTWARD. * ERIE MAIL Leaves Philadelphia II 2IL p M j Harrisburg 4 jo . in NW Williamsport. . MI in | Jersey Shore 9 00 a M ! Lock Haven 9 40 a M | Renovo 10 ftft a n I Arrive* at Brie 7 3ft P m 1 NIAGARA EXPRESS I<eavet Philadelphia 7 40 an | Harrisburg 11 Ift a M Arr at Williamsport.... 2 ftft p m Lock Haven 3 66 p RO Renovo ft 10 p M Kane. 9 03 p m I'aaeengers by this train arrive in Bellefonne at ft 06 p M FAST LINK Leaves Philadelphia . .. It 10 in Harrisburg 3 2ft p M Williamsport.... 7 16PM Arr at Lock Haven.... 8 oft p m EASTWARD. LOCK HAVEN EXPRESS Loaves Iock Haven 6 50 a M Williamsport 7 ftft a m arr at Harrisburg.. 11 30 am Philadelphia 3 IFT p m DAY KX PRESS Leave* Kane II 00 a M Renovo 10 06 AM Lock Haven II 16 a in M Williamsport ..... 12 26 a in arr at Harrisburg 3 43 p m Philadelphia 7 2ft P m 4b ERIK MAIL LEAVES grie 1 ftft P ca Reoovo 10 27 pm Lock Havan 11 20 p M Williamsport ... 12 36 a to arr at Harrisburg 4 08 a M Philadelphia 7 50 a re Brie Mail Kset and West connect at Krie with trains on L. 8. A M 8. RK ; at C OTTJ with B. P. A W RB., at Kmporium with B , N. Y * P RB., and at Drift wood with A. V. RB T. GUCKBB, f4en'l Sup't. CANCER CURED. No diseases have so thoroughly baffled TH# skill of tha medical PROFESSION AS ancerous affection* and as they bava al ways bean considered incurable, It has been thought disreputable to adopt their gtreatment as a spaclalty ; and hence physi cians have neglected thalr proper study. 1 But of lata years new and important dis coveries have brought forth a course that BOW prove* successful la any of its form*, with certainty, without the use of the kaife or caustic plasters. We have s treatment that I# comparatively mild. It is not poisonous, doe* not interfers with „ the healthy flash, can be applied to any W part of the body, even the tongue. We take nothing tor our eervlces until the ♦sneer is cured. Address D. J. HULBKRT, Rasrlevllle, Centre Co, Pa. I * <i ' K I c. V. HOFFER A co. r ' i I /■SLY). J'sfublis/ttd IWIO. ANNOUNCEMENT, j lilt oI.UUMT AM) Ml ih r 111 IIA Bill | |!I'A|V!.S BOVBR IN It I I Mil ONI K. si ♦ ♦ 0 t In order to ma!, room ("or our -juiu,; i Stork w. are off'.-iiijj I MM KNSK 11A I{(r A I Ns! IN DRV ROODS Boots and Shoes And Notions, iwlAN' have tut thad'ly or auriion but ami honest good*. We have constantly on ham! a full supply of PURE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, ETC. o J - J (> Country Produce Constantly on hand and Solicited. , C. 17. HOFFER & CO. I Allegliitny Street, Hellefoiite* Pa. I ( I I I J I I A :•* *• ' >*.••• .. Quay BigKor Thuu Mitchell Wlirn Senator <' .tin rum H III•-I for Iviri'i'f ihe nun ii/Hnnil of itfl'.ii* in il o te*poriiv < , 'mtri<*-iiinHl ili-tricl* ' of the State, including 1". floral |>| >• >irl l incut*, w ,t>'ft ill llic hand* nt local I oil tenant*. Tbe* pere'itt" 100 l either a written or verbal coinriiiioii from the chief to r"pr'Siit him in hi* ihii'iioi i and C iloncl Q ui)' w.a mud- t'Sciicr>il in commend to euporvi.e ihc operation* of the Lieutenant*. The I'reaiUent time knew the wi*ho* of the aheont Senator a well a* though lie were in Washing ton and could |ier*onally t**u the order*. Senator Mitchell'* recommen dation* for a|i|iointni<'iit* have never fieen regarded by the Preihlent, utile** iliey con'oruu-'l with the wi*he of the nub 'MW-0111 njipo ntod hy Senator f'.uii ( eron. K* jierience—not in the one ea*e, hut in many—ha* taught him that he hi* no voice in the making of ap |M.int llient*, utile** hi* view* coincide wiih tlnneof the repr" n'ative* ot the at vent Senator. I'lnla. I'rru. Chief Goronlmo's Throat. Siv FRANI IW. O. March 12.—A upocial di*patcth to the Examinrr from Tomb *ione, Arizona, av ; tieronimo. with j In* Apache* in charge of Lieut, Lritton II .vie re urned 'ram S mora, bringing ■ l'J.'i oil lie and lift hoi ••* Hll<| mtl'e* wi'h Mexie.n hranl. Thev tole thetn la-t Saturday. Mr Howhind the gene ral iii*|>ector of i-uMnnn attempierf to ( ei/.e the tock s -rougglrJ property. Lieut. Davi* refued to recognize the demand, raying the stock w. not iu ' hi* charge. A demand rnu then made I on D ivi* h* a citizen of ill'' I nit. i State*, to i, i.t tr>. officer in niuk ng the ei/.ure. "M'ke the attemjit " he *iid, ' and you'll .i'o in at 1.1 da." •< nninio declared he would die f efore h would give up the *tcck. and that lo would put 'Ji'tnl Apache* on tlie war ' 1 pith in forty-eight hour* 11- <ll | t< h ed runner* to ill" re.ert iiion n'auit I midnight, and the Indian* broke camp. | 'aking the k, Lieut. Ihkvi. - >v the itiiation i < rioua. and that of lh< demand i inaitte I on it will re lilt ir • lie higgt.t Apache, outbreak . er known. ■ m How ro Ft no * PSIWOM - N*v> I th" per* -n wh a* nam* you w!h t" know, '."11 y u in who h of the upright clumr. th* fir.t !*tt*r of hi* name t found. Ii it t," found in hut on* <<!umn, ft i* the top letter If It occur* in tie r* than uiei I umn, it in found by adding the cWiafcrbiatf ; nn'niert of the top letter* of the columt* and th* um m ill bo th* letter ■ tight Hy taking on* h-t'er at a tiro* in tbi. way, th" whole nam tan be a<tt*in*d Fr **- ample, take th* word Jan* Ji* found in the two column* commencing with B and II ; wbirh ar* th* *cond and eighth let ter* down the alphabet, th*lr um fa ten and th* tenth letter d<.wn th* alphabet b J, th* letter fought Th* n< it Utter. A appear* is but on* column, wher* it tand at the top. N n t**n tn Ihecolumnt head ed B, D and H . these ar* th* tecond, fourth ami eighth letter* of the alphabet, which added give he fourteenth or N, and aoon. Th* u* of thia table will excite no little curiotlty among tho.* unacquainted with tb* foregoing explanation A li 11 11 Q I' C E I R KFF J S U I) (I k H I J I. L T K K M M 17 MNN N U O <1 O O W ijRTn 8 8 V 7. V i: V V Y 7. w w w Y 1. - ■ ♦ The Iheiion 7Virucn;.t aay Ameri can* have *pent million" of money on the improvement of hor*'flc*h, with brilliant result*. and have alao accom plished nun h in lb* way of raising the ' qualitvof kine. But American heop ' are till far inferior to tho.* of KngUnd France, \u*tralia and "\en fanada. The Maeeachu'ctta Ploughman ay: The earlier in the sea-on land plaster or gvp*um i* *own on clover the morccer tain it i* to produce good result*. Scm* nx|inrien<ed farmer* to* it c-n the l*t • DOtr. and itiit that to do mo*l good it ahould be applied before -pring rain* have pa**-. I. The roo 1 * of any tree are important : never buy a tree with juror root* lie cause it ha* a good top,better buy a tree with good root* and a poor top, than one with th* mo*t Iwauti'til top, with poor root*; for with good root* there ia a chance to make a good top, but with out roota the heat top rmiat die. Thera ia nothing ao much needed about many farm houaee a* good walk* in path* that mull be ti*ed daily. There i hardly an excuse for not bar ing them when either hrie.k, gravel, or timber can be had. The more an acre will produce the larger the profit, and the better you cultivate that acre tha more it will produce. • —■■■ The mean M of royalty and theaervil lity of the Radical Ministry once more •upply food for mahoganl comment. Lome in spirit of bis own incompetence and hi* wife'* temper, i* after all to got the Vice royalty of an India, and thi* overflow* the cup of robbery after the big thing* given to Kdlnbnrg and Connanght. It baa too been discovered that Prince Albert, beelde* hi* income of £90,000. drew £ 1100 yearly a* Gov ernorof Windsor Castle to the day of bia death.—AV# Fd jk*. A Llut of Jurors Tli • billowing list of Gutrid and TIMV j l erne juror* hive tu-eu dinn for Ajirii : coin I, hcgiu'iiiig on the 4tli Motuiny (2Mb dit) j of A|>rd next, ISH4 ; 01 MI JT LUIM J'thti I'tii!t*, ll<i(on K It ll"D'l**r4if|, h I' fhu|.ti II- k/I Jii lUr ia*it k, rUuii. fMllfiinii Wliliiou, Hu*h. I hittfiti**! llfHtepfiiiiri Pll*r. m t* iluitlar, it* Juvltnt I'-.llrr Cullvr. V\,igt,cr, . ft K Dnhlip, Kuli WJ#jr M>-ra. lUrrl, llfnf a lliall, |7f|lof|, ii II Mlllnf, I!<tlii J N Hull Kcriftiaoii JoiM>ph I It* i riue. I'lilllpati'iri; I. n Ml', k, It. Ileffirtu. J>* ll a 11# V , Cffllene I' U |f tn k**t, llail Mofitl O'lirg** >1 fell*i!•*. I*hlll|wturv I liOlliM* IhHlflllhllbuQllb, flow 41 <1 H HI I'eial. r, (it.-((<. II V VonaiU, Nafluti. W in (Jttodhart. litegK John Hltig, Uuloftvlllw. THA v CltlK JtAOM— littT mitt, Witlkul, I Stllil' •• Jno Ifrl'illey, Uin \onni I J4' knoll TllOr|> f \\eutj 111-* Of, W 111 Welk'-r J j ( VS.*lkT. fnrflii -l M Poakop, Jt , Jno. I* lie- llai* I til .|< II VS f>|iltil<'), 1* W fitliM. f'liili|Hltirg- (u. \'luii.e Jrr dtnbry J P< ik Hnllnf'.r.t.. (' I ff .fT r, Wn. i. ||f. nit I, 'W m M i, | It'll, M k■)l4e K*-*J I* |K. Thn. i'aa- UuT, YAa> aid l itm lottn Jr , Mitnl>uri( O P rrinur, J A Kiafml. f*t!••* ty —J t* Hn ui ic4rliiwr Al'fiK--M rrt* Kmey II llflrte)! Ldty f*o( PtrifH* II tld Jar.,|i |g-4liier In|frl Hch'-ll' k lleib*-*—J 11 If • Mtiaacf, Thad D Hlutflf Villi Hhilli—KalHQ'l Ii Mi|l*ef, Half MW'U —hmlef Ort, Mnrfln f%l# • Mime V* W I eadi, Wu. M Kaflal" p, nn-rir.ll.f j Futlei —Win li/fttMurtl I Ht.-liaM*' f I *•• Mll or i} if, r J Ku'gi|hi/' I'aru# I 11a r |*ai< r Ihi tld hiel-. • <ir h a Jal. I'liiu*#, |lfk| Ii nttf' i.J** lli<oe||. * l|t|*|oti Jn< H Lolf( W ..li|* M r ifjw.fi • 1 !'• r. V|| ir.lit. i I (' Klh Ah 'tc| Minor. Jill Ml affiMi till. , "ili ta * Ja U'afa.h .In • I -•*!*-. '4lt U- Jm all H. * let. Hi, lU*-"I j ''tut n \i .It*.** Hwti . 1 in I,villi- t V! ii .i.*M I . V Yhflfll iM I lie ..a ll W M* f e |* \| W. f • , Utlur \S tn M r • '• ' WA " . i.H - * ll nrj \' IUIfM \. le-ltt II 'e ( | Ulf|#r, ll* I PhiU| • f, J* n I . I *' *' *t - ,*HI. lu ,vi | tile y 1 >, *f r > Pmruuet I tifal , %|,t*-m —M . <||t*rrt \ |j fmv*t I ir.".".-u~ Ka# v.. , v,.,,, |, H K , ~, I | 'A *1 w y Win f 'atnr i ' ' ifirtnin "J J, ttii Ml f**,i|f f. -4." •if." Ilir.ui tnir. J : IWm . . .. 1 ; . tr, |.rlf>C -W tu 1...... tte#be >. m Flio h. i ' •Ii ' t • iti v *| f,-r Oi • 11i 1 ; t.ourt t-"g notrg Mumioy Apii' 71 li, 1e" I: IS/tt.r l.'itl-im. 1.1,t Kiiu ' I'a't t, I ,*t.tlh k r j h< kfl ; It. '> *t * I 11.,. ■ J. > . I . - J, ,11 Moovw J H VawOnew i m* Am t a M**w l! rcw Jal M Wttrf -jr,.£ -all—fiti \ ii*/*; ttrnmrj HoO | fV*Hw*e. RA ur fc .. T. Jt, N. V* ,U . f —Warn V t M f* *at . t *| Aiey • M.l.atorg 1j",41.' Writ I' Hall II - r ||taa|, i> Jtafe I Tb>'in|* b M "iL " j,A! U M r . T}, I K H• if M < 7 f •* h , r fifi \t I'lhif.gsf I41 a f.<h. la<M< i Ja.• li l.rii**r t '.rogf VI tn If.,er > Ht>o Phew Jv% . 'itlita* FtllUpaUri- f A Hl' n Ilbl-'h l'l4*rW'Matl R>e|) W ,a. |lt,fr..ti;h IfMTth Jh. . Hal \(JKNTS H ANTKt) FOR Picturesque W asliington. I eg* AMI) PENCIL eKRTI'tIK* .1 iu a..,..,,.-, jII r. Trllu-.. I'ut.t,. I *.•! US. at it! rT.,,*U 4*t ||l ~ t it,. <,.|i . r M , . Wkil. -' tti | ' ltl> M.. *t M -it.t %|.|. of WoUUkgl-.r. I •* t"..m. m t*. flkii, uf OooiroM tit J.ir. | Wwrr M '.l To oil rluru (Sw i* , |, V .f iml Wl.li* ll la | *r l.la. tS r.",,., 004 lol.ro.lin* Ills, tr.t. I* } r l., w.ulilul an ri,|f..|n(. I } |a4 in* lauri'.t' ,rtiata .a* a l.*poo 11, boo a*, a look in i I all (.■■*•• * -14 nnl, I , a,,l*, rl, A*.Ota f" a.M a* will, *T'.,l aia.n. A*", ta aintot, caala .., txaala. ia aarf/ o-onakl,. IB fka MUloa fraaiatl at|a*lli., ablla .ia Wralta. n I akanlatalg r0.,,1 ,r--t. a. a *i. taatrwe " tin. raaarJ for a'.aa If arata|ilo,rat. wnu a lor *iaa to A|oa,ta ad<tirwa tli. rubii.tirra, .1. A. A It. A. KFI D. H-'H. Providenoe, R I ADVICE TO MOTHERS. ATO ton 4ialnrt.o* al at*k< a4 krokaa of j.wr M >j..l, k rbll4 au frame an* rrjia* oilb paiaofrwt tier tooth 1 If a.i. aao.| al ..a a at.* at a U.ttla of tfao Wianew* WOOTMIM Starr rr Cwiieara Ttarmaa Itaralao W la.wl ..lai la Ii will rasiara *# K* 1 ' llttlo •ti.i-i unrandi.t.lr pot*.r.il upon ll a.'Ko. thnra la w- mi.l.ka about |L itrairna d)a auitorr and MlarrVwa, ra*alalao th* .ivh and !<. ola, .araa wlodrodtr. a. tuna tha (nma rodurwa in flaan-notl'W.aad gt'-o < • and aar*r to tbaohnla, a, a,.a, Ma* una i foaraiaamtir r> I'ano ' a*a Tarruia.. it pt-.na.t to iba u*ta. and ia tba prrf |a. ri;*i'.n of oar tho - Idoor .nd toot t.ni.i. r|#ra and nurao. . a I nilrot hlatoa.and la for mla by all dru**i.| i . . m . ootid frtro zi roaM a aattla. M lf. I F L E MING, THE TAILOR, : I Now in his New Quarters, !• Cor. Alleghany A High Streets, !' BELUEFONTE, PA. . , _ Terrible Slaughter in Prices for The Next 60 Days. I GOOD SUITS AS LOW AS ORDINARY READY MADE WEAR. I CALL AND EXAMINE PRICES AND MATERIAL ... I STUDIO, 2nd floor Bush Amide, j fli'Miui <||>, Dr. M' llirorß'n |ie nf ml i.ffl* *• > / urn now ready to do oil kind* of PAINTIIMC, s'„"A I'OHTHA ITS in od. I.A SH SCAPES, Mas arts'AMES TAL. EANCY hE<HHA l!S(l and UIiAIMSU a SPECIALITY. Sttti-fiictimi gunrunt'cd in u'l cake*. | ! would be pIcHM-il to have you call, j .tinf ex it mi fie Mpet'imen* of Work. lo ' nlructioua given in I'niMting. Vi itv Kij-pi t-i Ki i.i v, C. V. HOMES FOR SALE! ( fiiinj aiul Huy. •2! ACUi:> ON FIFTH AVKM K. low hole or lot*. A TWOMTURY I'rHK K oti Alleghany Street. , A TWO STOUY HICK < In High Hired. ' A TWO-STOHY nun K 1 ' lii Tliofriae slrcct. A TWO-STORY FRAMK On Willow I'.diik hi reel. A TWOSTOKY I UA.MJ: I <>n Willow |i;tilk Htreet, f 1200 A TWO-hTOIIV J UAMH On Hiah-.p-tr. il. All in the Hornugh of U llefonu-. tei' Tern . Mad- l~i>y. HUM) VAI.KNTINK. 'i •' 'Jni. U< al Ivtate Agent. HAVI\<; UPI.M N V m;\\ cai'ii i: ki'a iu siiop. i)N IJHiANSTUKKT, \\ • would r<-jH i'tfully invite tlx public t i give ii- a call when in want [ • 1 any work in our line. We arc pr< pnr< 1 tr. do A 1.1. kiudn of TItIMMISd, HEPMItI.Mi *-v JiJ.MOHEI.IS<. We also nmko a specialty of I' 1' HOLSTER /XG | IN Alt. II" I'.IIAXI lll>. All w,>rk will r<cieve prompt atteii. i lion. Our TKKM- are reasonable, and all w irk gnararitee*!. Jlf/prrtfully, Hum ELL A McSri. I , | f-1m HtHi/utile, i'a ' DCI AWARK Kivmi CIICMI'AI WO*KH, j Uit'liH *V S>NH, J'hlhttirlji/tut, b'rb. l f I**4. Ta Tanner* of Pennsylvania: j UrnlUmrn Fr over twenty-night : year* w* have manufactured Raw Bone I'h'taphale*, and our brand* hava become j hou*eb ild wf.rd. in B.iarf *r every ct)on of | th* country. In tnany rotnmuniti*. the g.-rnanj for them ba. inereaM-.!, while in other, vi.a tal.-k have declined, on account of th* preference for lower-priced gond. Six year, ago, finding that th* d*rnand for good* of luwer rot bad become almcwt uoivct.al, ar.d having peculiar advantage* of raw material, and manufacturing fac-iU ilie*, w* determ.ned Ui mwt thi demand, and Intrcwluced a 7Vrnfy- F\r* lh,llfir f'h'-t -phatr, mad* hy a new procw exclusively our own. The .piirkne*. with which tbi* rhrwpbat* .prang into ue among intelli gent farmer* will te> *hown bv the follow ing tUU-ment Of the %2h I'hcwphate thcr* were sold During 1*79 1,257 Ton*. •• | HWII .1,1*57 " IW| 5,147 " IHS2 " " IHR3 10,1*2 '• The re|orU of the action of the $1' j Pho*- pbate have luwri .ali.factory in every cae (rein a wide inquiry. We want lo be in formed upon thi. feiint verv plainly, a* it i our inlerot te know if the article con ilnu"* to j-roduce g:>od reult. We will '.bank any farmer, having uwd the fS- Pho.phate with dlaappointing r**ult*, lo let u hear from him with full fart* )m • 'ruly. BAl'tiH A IfOlfS I'Mlartr/phUi Hr'tu■rh. Don't Forget —THE— Philadelphia Hranoh IK A ONE-PRICED STORE. I I I -i frU If MJ \S- I* again to the fore with an exten sive assortment of Fall & Winter Slothing, • and respectfully invites the public t" ! call ami examine our elegant Suit* anil Over Coats, for Men, Youth, Boys, and Children'* wear manufactured for our trade of the best material, and in all atrle* to plea**. Our atock of Mcn'a suit* in Cuta way!, Sack*, Prince Albert*. Double Breasted Coat*, Reversible, Cben chilla and Beaver Overcoat* are Su perior, and Invite Attention. And n<>w ju*t look here, Men and Boy*, are you going to freexe thi* Winter, or not ? Why, of course you're not. You must have Winter Cloth ing. and what you want is the Br*r iu the Market for the Lowwr Price. ou have got your money honestly, and of course you want the most f* r it. WE WANT JUST SI ( H BUSINESS, and therefore in vite your visit to tha PHI LADED PHIA BRANCH. Our butinoM re lation* with tha People of CaaUe County in the paat bare been pleasant and aatiafactory, and in offering our 1 hanks for tha Liberal cuatora hereto tre given us, we renew the pledge upon which we started out —Faia A*l> Jrwr Ditai.iiru TO ALK REMEMBER THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST CtOTttlUG* LS AT TH* PHILADELPHIA BRANCH O* ALLBQBINTSTRBOT LEWIH A (!•, Proprietor. Bellefhrta, IHk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers