'She tfrnitt gmortat. NIK CBNTKK DEMOCRAT U pub m i *1 "voi-) l'hurtlft> luorulii*, 4t llrllvluitl*,teulr conntjf, P* I€,it it I II 4<lTl%C $1 OO If nvit p*Uil In Wnco a OO 1 IiIVK PATKI-drfuUdtO lh Inturrtt* of lh" *t liuir |mo(.l*. t°yiii*ut mmto within throe month* will l>o con •tUeranJ inmiuiii'n. % i -4i r wml '• (two mi nuni until ireernuetwr* |iit4 ,#*copt %t option oi .• > bllahora i'lyai v julnguul of tho cuttllt) iuuat bo poitl for lit advance Auj poraou procurtuc i lncah aulnicrihorv will .0 a nv 4copy i'r col > h%rK* ilor •vxtouaivo circulation mok*% Ihia popor an uu jr ro.Ublr ami protttabf nieUiuin lorauTrrti-Ing We have the moat-implo Acill'lea for JOH WOHK kill oro |f'pared to print all ttlndft of liouki, Trm t* r (Minting, Ac., In i at<*4l lyle and at the loweat poaalblr rutea All 4 I?ertiaemoutaf r * leaatorni thnntliree month* id cVnta par lino for the tirat throe inaertluna, and '• ajta a line for each addition:*! lna*rtiou Dpoclal aolicea one-half *nTe. Mditonal aoticoo If. conta per lino. LH NoTic■.inlota •■i.lmniia, 10 renta per line A llhoral diacount ia made to peri>no adforllaiog b> ho |u>r tor. hall yeor.oi year, aa follow a: 1 * * ~ • r A'B ofiipritn. l—i—i fciU TUroe inch* a . i!'\* \ if 4-iarter column (or A lchol Il- •*" Half coluna(or lOinch.-- ,£• y • o iin m lluhu> • *.• 100 * iralp %Ivertlaemen< muot e paid for before ill erit<>w, "AOept an * early cotttrart- when ha'l-yearl) ftig no'ta'n oliaiicewi. e required . .rt .% Sonet*. "• eta pm inoertion i■ i. • nierte*l for lot* thanVicenta lei-Mo Von I *i he ..ditonnlcolnmna conta „ *1 v each maertlon Tildcn and the Presidency, nil! *\op. or c.r wr.K' V out or tux ru r i ABSOLUTCI.Y. I touched politic*—incidentally —Rnil j told him of the strong sentiment in the j *ou'h for his renomioation. It *■* si- j most hutnorou* a* he leaned to me and entiling, said : "We are ail against the old ticket'in his house. "But the general veidict of the party no'.v seems to point 'o the certainty of its renomination at Chicago? "Yes, and I appreciate it ; hut I will ' nut allow the use of my name. I know thai I reformed the politics of New j York ten years ago. I was more ui | then than now. It would he a hercti- ! lean ti't to und*Ttike to rcf >rni mat- | tors n-iw of the general government. j Vft•• r twenty yeir* ot misrule and mi* management corruption has h'come fixed, and the most vigorous etl'irt* will h necessary to eradicate it. 1 dont teei thst my condition would allow me .. r I to cope with it. In my letter four year* ■go I .stated why 1 would not allow the j the me of tny name. It was discred ited. Toe same reasons I now urge; they have become stronger, for I am four years older and am more infirm now than then. I would urge that the idea be discontinued, for it is not right that I should undertake to do that 1 which lam physically unable to do "Whom then do you consider the moat available man for the detnoc i.rcy ?" lie slowly shook his head a- re plied : "Well, I don't know ; Hoardly is a good man ; his strength in the western states would add much to hi* chances of success. With tbe'erm*n voir he is very populsr and he would prove generally acoeptab|e„ I'ayne would be strongand could make a spleri i •ie.rgo the exertions which, in case of my election, I should have to make. It , can be done without m. I coul! not ' •■tand the physical effort. I would not <ii**p)>oint my party. Ilia conversation then became general and but one more political topic wn- > .ouched and that in reference to the electoral commission. In reply to some question concerning it lie said : "Yes. I supported it, I wa* in favor of it but its acta was one of great wrong and in justice. I know the people sympathixe with me, but it's too late. It i past, and is a wrong that cannot be righted did race.'" "And Randall? "An admirable man, and one who would serve his party and country faith fully." "Where, In your opinion, will the lepublican nomination be placed ?" "<>n Riain or Arthur. I suppose." "What, tioTernor, do you think will • r should be. the leading isme of the emocracy "Reform," he replied. Reform should the issue. After a misrule of twenty • ars the people will stand by it. The j. trty bas its salvation on its own bands >f it but tskes advantage of it. "And if you are considered to he the •oe to save it, you could not resist ita • all ?" "I should hava to. I have serves! it f idbfully, until I am now nuable to unj t - se ft qua-iderinff the People's Money. The .Star Rout investigation by tha springer rommitee haa refreshed public "CTTiory as to numc out interesting and mporient fact, if it haa not developed •inch that ia new, it haa thrown new I ght <>n things that were known or -uspected. And has made the masses I uniliar with facts lo which the greatest degree of publicity had not previously l*e given. The enormous sum* of money thrown ■ wry in the prosecution of the Star H mt defendants should be paraded be • tore the public g/-* on all titling occa I sinns. Wo assert that the money was thrown away—was not reasonable or judiciously expended—for the reasons : first, convictions of the defendants were not reached or even approximated Second, there was no good reason to ex pect convictions on the charge prefer red ; and third, the amounts paid nut wore vntely in exci ss of what would have been required bud there been afnir chance of success. Most of (be men who do the voting and pay the taxes in this country are poor men, earning less than two dollar* a day. If they can support their fitn ilies ami lay by one or two hundred dollars a year they are regsrded as ox eeptionalty fortunate. More than half of these working-men have all that they can do to make a decent living for them selves and those depending onthem > Thev arc compelled to forego luxuries o( every kind and to live very frugally in order to keep even with the wo. Id. I tut of the scant earnings of such citi /.ens the meansare gathered, by a system of tsxation that is little better than rob bcrv, t" pay such bills a* were presented l.y ami paid to some of the counsel em ployed in the Star Route | rosccutions. And let it be remembered that the gentlemen were s|>ecisl coumel -extra aid* to a department that is supposed to be always fully equipped with legal talent. The wages of the working men of I'hila j delphia average $ 1. 1 fi per day. But a : Philadelphia lawyer, unknown lo funic ; was paid at the rate of f l.'it) a dav for j about eight months: was paid tIO.IMK) . for preparing indictments, one of which w;u found to l>e worthless, and had to replaced bv better work. Men who live by honest toil, and pay (axe* on all that they est, or weir, or | ' in any wy ue or consume, will not en i joy reflecting on the fact that the tot <1 : amount for Mr. service including -alary and personally and expenses, i j #:7,7.:-.M5, an svertge of s unfiling over Jl.'jit a d iv for salary, an I over #1!) a day for personal expenses. Almost one hun Ire I and fifty thou • and dollars were | aid for special coqn 1 sel iii tins city, un-i this is but one item in the costs of those prosecutions. l,i the workingmen of the country content plate the. e tacts and ligures and rellleli) her that tlie money was absolutely wasted—as etlectually wasted as it woul I have b* en had it teen taken into tho street* and handed out in package* to pass dy. Had the liovernai'lit exerted itself to recoverth" million* which it charged that the Star Route defendant* had tolen. there might have been some ex ! eijse for a |>ortion of the tremendous outlaw. But no such efforts was made. The Department of .fustn-e will be investigated by the people during the campaign of l>M,andahe Administrt tion that pays lawyers mor. than sla" a I day, beside* $lO a day for expense*, will have nr- i of able and ingenious defen ' ders W\uKin /tun l'(M. MccVcagh und tho Stnr Route The Star Route inquiry i* er\ing to I outline very distinctly the b tur>- of I the at>orlive undertaking to bring the j criminal# to justice. Mr MacVeagh tells the story, so far as he know* it, in ! a very frank way. He l>elieve he had i 'he aup[>ortof Garfield in h * endravor, : which there is no doubt that hasineerely I made to convict the thieve*. It is very doubtful, however, considering Oar field's we iknes* of character, whether hi* virtue would have lasted to back up j hi* attorney g"nenl t the end. Before ' Garfield's death the thieves strove to ' secure MacVeagh'* di-mi**al, knowing that he would >h< risk in their path in j dealing with Garfield. When Arthur osme in, iboy wanted ! MacVeagh to stay, knowing that they were safe with Arthur, and understand ing that the appearance of a vigorous prosecution would la belter kept if it was left in bis band*, wbich would nevertheless be tied by Arthur, so that they would do no harm. Mr. Mac Veagh felicitously describes Arthur as of the order of practical politicians, while he himself belonged to the sen timental kind. There could not beany harmony of feeling or action between men wholookel upon political methods so differently, and MacVeagh did un doubtedly a very wise thing in getting away from Arthur and the simulated Star Route prosecution, which was hound to end as it did. The result showed that he gauged Arthuroorreetly, The public has been longer in taking the man's measure. He stand* better with it thao he desetves. He is a good deal of a whited sepulchre, and any thing but a resji etaf>!e presidential figurehead. The country is deep in the valley of humilist on ; and MaeYeagh's picture of it ought to suffice to persuade the people lo take advantage of the opportunity presents*! to them this year to start a line of decent presidents, and bring to an end the list of unseasona ble objects who have *o long disgraced the country in its highest office /aseuirr /" tfUitftncfr. I for the Gsntsk Dauoeatv TTationul aid to Froa Schools Ttlß I'I.AN AI'I'HOVKII lIV TIIK SKNATK COM UIITKK ON KIK.CATION A N|l I. WIIIR. The Morrill Education hill, which was reported favorable yesterday by Ren tior Pugh, from the Committee on Edu cation it lid Labor, provides for the ho t ling apart forever of the net proceeds of the sales of |'iiI lie lands, nnd nnnu ally of hmm of money equal to one half of the money* paid into the Treas ury in each year by the Pacific Uinlrond companies umler the Thuriuau act, for the education of the people, the amount thu* et apait to be apportioned to the aeveral State* and Territorio* and the District of Columbia, upon the hani* of tin ir respective population between lin age* of live and twenty year*, a* an ed urntional flit 'l, ami to bei r intereat at the rateof four percent, per annum, the it, teres t alor.e to he paid to the Stales and T--rritori< * and the District ofColumhia for the educat iot.al purpoaea 11 provide* that two third* of the income j arising from this fund shall he annually | appropriated to the tree and impartial ' education, in public schools, of all cbil dr-n between the age*ofsix and sixteen 1 year* and that one third shall be up propriated for t be more complete endow I ment and support of agricultural college* ' until the annual income of audi col* ( lege* shall have reached the sum ol f.'IOCW, when only that autn shall be ap|ortiotied to them. It provides fur the establishment in these colleges of 1 school* for tlie instruction of female* iri such branches of technical or nnius , Inn! education a* are suited to their sex. Ii al>o provide* that a sum nor exceed ing fifty per cent, of the amount up 1 portioned to any Slate or Territory may bt.e applied in the tirst year to the ma n ! tenant- of one or more school* tor the instructions of teacher* ol common school*, und not excieding tn | ercent of th>'amount in c*chyar thereafter may be applied to tin- same j urjaise. It provide* further that to entitle any I Stale, Territory, or the D tricl of Ool i 11ruliia to the la-nefita of tins act it *liall maintain for at le*t three month* in each year until January I, I""?, and thereafter four ni' nth* in •■*cli year, a sysl. tn of free public school* for all the children within its limits between the age* of six and sixteen, and hsil through the prnj>er officer thereof, for ' the year ending the .'tilth day tif June last preceding uch *p|iortiunmcnt, i make full report ro the Commissioner of Kducat'on of the nunrl>er of public free choo!-, the number of teachers em ployed, the number of schooliiou*e j owned, the nunitter of sehoolhouses hire I , total numf-er of children taught during the year, the actual daily attendance, and the actual number of ' months of the year school have been maintained io each ol the several school district* or divisions of *aid State . Territoris or District, and the amour.!* appropriated tetore the legislature or ' i otherwise receivi d fur the purpose ol maintaining a system of tree public schools. A Warning from tho Prentdont. *ni:ai< *s* mot to rsanripsTß i.v eras miti isi mis ar roßWAanixo rxrui-ivr*. A torney General Brewster has sent the following circular to all I'm ted State* attorney* and marsbal*; "By dire, lion of the ('resident I have to in form you it is reported that certain l person* are aiding itr the prnaecution of heinous crime* by shipping to foreign I porta explosives dangerous in the tugboat degree to life and property. N" ] I proof ha* been adduced that this rumor > : i" founded upon fact, and the President cannot bwlicve it* truth The honor of : this nation, however, require* that it I hould not be open to the imputation, j unfounded though it lw>, of theslighlest ' spjw-araoco of tolerating such crime*. , whether to be committed sga-nM our people or those of other countries, i Your attention i therefore railed to j Section* u.'l.V!, .Vi.Vf, U5- r i, 4'J7-*, and 4'7b I of the Revised Statutes of the United | Slate*, which regulate the shipment of i explosive and the puni*hinent of those who infringe their provisions, and yoti are instructed to be diligent in your i efforts to prevent the offense* derri)rd and to detect or pro*cuta those who hate or may commit thrm." The Demoorwtic Pruning-Kntef. The approprietiona committee of the bouse at Washington evidently believe in "administrative reform." Mr Kan < dell. Mr. Hoiman and Mr. Townahend have been interpreting the article* in the news|>aper( in favor of economical admin tat iat ion aa honestly reflect ng i the sentiment of the country. Tuey , have therefore used the pruning knife , very freely in dealing n ith toe estimate* of the several department* of the gov eminent. They have done this e*|>eei. ally ia tte ease of the post office depart ment. The Postmaster General estimate*! a deficiency of s3,ooo,tlUtf for the next fiscal year which he asked congress to provide for. The appropriation* com mittee, however, concluded that the beat thing to do would be to prevent a deficiency. They tbnmfon- overhauled the Pnilm-ist* r OenernVa es'inmtes ui,d knocked a round million off th<- "Star routes." another million from postmua tor*' salaries, and another million from railway transportation of the mails. The committee are convinced that the "fut mail service" which i* tun entirely for the benefit of the Now York und Philadelphia in >pspers is an outrs gov.u* swind'e. The alleged "fast mail" leaves New Yo'k and Philadelphia ut I a. in., at least eight hours after the dose of business in thosecitit s. Ihe milliner in which the sppniprii, lions committee have gone about "turning tbc ra-tuls out" will of course he highly appreciated by those New York and I'hiliidolphia journal* which insist that ''administrative reform" is the only inue ut present, They will I especially admire the policy which cut* ofl the indirect subsidy ot million dol lar* per annum to the New York and Philadelphia newspapers through the |so culled "last mails." They are ecr ! tainly to be congratulate*]. Harris!* ury I I'atnut, AmiToß (ir.xtßsi. ri.ri t Nut* has I informed Ihe following clerk* in that 1 Department of their retention Chief < 'lerk—Thomas M. ''ani#nt. Blair. Cor • porstion <'l*rk Hubert S. Franzier, Allegheny, ''lerks—ll. N. Graffen; Montgomery ; J. Itripgs Myers Venango James It Storey, Butler, and D L linbrie Beaver. It is said that the other seven will com* from Philadelphia, Lycoming Tioga,Si buy Ik ill, Washington and York. The nighl watrbman, it is understood, will be a colored man from I'hilsbelphia- Misckay * Postal telegraph Company has sent an agent lien- to propose to tnae the task of building a postal te.y graph line out of the hands of the gov ernmenl and build a line at it* own pense that th Post < rffi.ee cn use a* freely u* if Senator I Iniund*' plans should be carried out. It agree* to build the trunk line* bctwe n the East and West, North and South, connecting tir.t with all the principal cities and then wilii every town that ha* two thousand inhabitant* and over. It will establish its own offices in all these places slid will place a connection in each place with the Post < iffl.-es, where an instrument and operator will also l-e stationed. The company also'agree* to carry all kinds of messages, whether long or short, at s unifom rateof one half cent a word. All the company ssks of the govern ment is to agrs* to sell the telegraphic •damp* of the nompany ami that the stamp* shall be devised and tnanufoctu red by the government, which is to de duct from ih* sales the cost of making and haadlingthe stamps which are to be u**d upon messages** they sre now on letters. A in essay e of ons hundred words, for instsncs, will require • fifty cent stamp sod the stamping of tb* message will afford the company th* means of estimating correctly its re *ei; without s oomplicated system of hook keeping The Crete) Telegraph Company ask th* government to sell these stamps** a guarantee for their] receiving enough business lowsrrent lb* outlay in extending their present system. Wooley and Conkling '• hurley" Wooley, of Cincinnati, a* lie ia familisrly called, it one of those quiet. potent <orre in polities, of which we have a few notable illustration* in this country, lie dijm into public af- 1 tsira for the life of the |>ort, and is never an apir*iit, although he like* to pro. mote In* friend*. • of,net Wooley ami ex-Scnaloi (onklmg are now interview ing at each other on the subject of the j Presidential frnttd of l*7f>.'77. and the j matt<-r the former giw-s the public Is dccidi illy interesting. He was one of a committee of live to whom Mr. Tilden intrusted the management of the affairs of his headquarter* in Washington dur ing th progress of the electoral count. Smith M. Weed, of New York, the day before the Senate voted on accepting the fraudulent Louisiana rote. Col. Wooley say* : fame into the headquarter* and said that he bad a most peculiar conversation with Mr. < onkling a moment before, which was. as I remember it, to this effect; Mr. Conkling said, "Weed the dicision in this Ixttiisiana case is dam nahte, and should not lie allowed le pas* without protect." Upon Mr. Weed tel ling me that—and I commit no I,reach of confidence in reporting what took plaoa between tie—l said: "New, I think I see daylight before us, provided Mr. Conkling is a statesman. If he is simply a Urge brained New York politi cian we will fail; otherwise we will sue ceed." We went to work then, three of us, and arranged that a Western Senator, known to he Mr. Conkling's most inti mate personal friend, should aee him that night and give him proper aaaur anees that there were some Republican Senators who felt as he did and who would follow his lead, asking simply that he should leed. s This Western Senator taw Mr. Conk ling at midnight, at his hotel, with tbl f rent, according to Wooley • I ie Seijuti-r ill qui slioU < alii'* dow It | ami reported to one of tli persona to i wh'm ) allude, whnwere managing th , ailair, "Conkling i* hotter than * ooe eyed lioness, lie says he *• ill make the fight. I told him would sustain him. Now gel your men n ady." Upon tbi* being common hated to uie, which was done immediately ] arranged that we should go to work at six o'clock in ( 11 <• morning, through our messengers j and friendly Senators, arid ee that ev< ry Senator was in his place— not only Iho Democratic but the Kepubli , can Senators whom Mr. Conkling had ; been assured would sustain him ' Haiiiilton, of Texas, a Hayes Kepubli c in, whs l that time si< k iii New York ; In-nee we Lad one more vo|e than aas necessary to sustain Mr. • onk ling and , to de'eat the decision of the Electoral I ''ommisslon in the Louisiana < .mi-. Ihe morning that the vote was to be ( taken I sw Mr.Conkling fr-,m iny win | ''' |W I-'" 1 into a car running to the , i Capitol. This was at about half past I ' ,,f ' .o clock. It was r- poi |,->1 to rno that aft rr.oon, and in fact, telegiaphed to me from the f .apit*>], over a fictiiious j name, that we were defeated. Conkling . I bad run sway. He left thef'apilol with- ! jin about thirty miriutes of the time , wlir-ri th- v le was to l,e tak< n upon a ; jdceisnii that he said was ib-manable, J ' J and w bi< h was todecj,|,. t >,<• Presidency ' J of this country, arid < stahli*h a prece I : dent whieh he and every good citizen of both parties, I Leleave. now r- A'ti-r getting this from c,,|. Wooley i the IJrrall inter* lew,..| Mr. ' onkling and he tern ly und*h*rplr declared the whole story unfounded, and ' Lallenged the production >•( < vid< nce to L"w he ; had ever promised tr, vote * r>,|. \\,*,|ry declares. Mr. Conkling d -•* ' n >t deny and ha> tie* <r done so, that hi regarded Hayes as a fraudulent u*urper. This will be ihe vi r ict of In torv, and the rn dit have been* are immatenal. 1 oik! tig missed the opportunity of bis life, and is alaiul *- responsible f< r 1 Hi, is as th. I/oui*iana He turn ing J'. >ard. or it ally in ra-. ality, the Republican ' party. Ftitd. '■ Ag Atitlitional Local. —Tic- following apprtntunto f-.r the! U ii.-stni; rt Ii >tn<t were made by tte ('••ntriil I'enns Kvam elicsl C-nf,-ren< e , which ccnver.ed B t MllU-n, I'* , March 0 10. ISS4 W K. Detvrsn. r, I*. K Bellefonte hu fftiiui in tKo tr! ™ \ j M-foll 'awing in the p*rv>n of it Fa bian, n<j h*w of Mr Samuel I>ewin. Per sons who have visited the latter'* lor* from time to time hare *>en innumerable brarkets of all descriptions displayed about lb* store, all the handiwork of Mr. Fabian l.ided'y the finest worki of thia young man is the "Klevat*d Railroad," intended for f ok ra*. and made of black walnut inlaid with Holly. The panels of the door ar- made of silk velvet, on which i work ed the mnngram "8 1.." The eecond is a . cbendilier of white Holly, the centre piece being of Kbony. Sit angels, holding in each hand a torch, form the bracket*, and running crosswise from each of there and to rupport them, ira beautiful hnart-shap ed bracket It ia arranged for either a lamp or jet. Both to be the wedding gifts to M iat Helen Oberndorf of Baltimore, Md. SCLLIVAN MATrHEn.— Preliminary ar i rADgernenta for a match between Jno. L. Sullivan and MervineTbompaon for a puree 1 of f.1,000 and the championship of Amer ica have been made and a deposit put up. The fight ia to be with or without glovea, and will take place some time in June neat. An Enthusiastic Endorsement. OoantM, N. H., duly 14, 1879. Orvts—Whoever you are, I don't ; know; hut 1 thank the Lord and feel grateful to yoti to know that in thia world ot adulterated medicine* there ie one compound that provee and does all it adverti#e* to do, and more. Four yeiu* ago F had a alight ehock of paUy, which unnerved tne to auch an extant that the leant excitement would make me shake like the ague. 1 jut May I war induced to try Hop Hittere. 1 uaed one bottle, hut did not aee any change; another did ao change my nervee that they are now aa steady as they ever were. It uaed to take both hands to write, but now mv good right hand writee this. Sow, if you continue to manufacture ar honeat and good an article as you do, you will accumulate an honeat fortune, and confer the 1 K cutest blcuing on your fellow men at war ever conferred on mankind. I Tia Brum. —The latest craze-war a bra! J, a* Gar ter • 'A J.. (Jmrrrln, I'rorfnionM, <f e. IBROW N, JR < 4 CO., ' I No. 3 and 5 i Bishop St., Bellefonte* t (iItOCEKI KS, PROVISIONS, FLOUR & FEED, PISH, SILT, k. ! ii 4-i- THE CIIK APKST ' I STORE * 7o buy (_iroc'l'UH in this Mf;C -ftC/l Of' the Shit) . I* 4- LOOK At a jVw of OUR PRICES: Lake ILrring, 1 4 bhl. 8 2.00 1 Sack Best Roller Flour . 145 1 ''an Finest California I'cache* 35 , • a • 1 1 Apricots .10 , ' " " F'-an- :;o * 3 Can* String Bean* 3 " Lin.a M . 25 •t .w •i Cxirn 05 3 " Tomaloe* . . 25 3 " Pea* . . o-, 1 " Good Talile P*Bcbea 20 3 Bottle* CaUup J. r , 8 " Pickle* . . 25 1 lb. Baking Powder . . :;© 1 lb. Pure Pepper . 25 Granulated Sugar << 1 gal. Beet Table Syrup* all tugar) 70 1 " Glacoae Syrup - 45 j Sugar Syrup, . . 40 Choice Rice . , yg 3 pounds Sultana Prune* . 25 Lump Starch " . yy Corn Starch, per pound . 08 1 pound beet Coft* . . ]9 Sardinee, 3 boxe* for • . 25 Scaled Herring, per box - 35 Extra boned Codfieh, per box 45 Looar Valentia Raieine - 09 Praocb Prune* 15 Olieui Soap . 08 Bloater Herring, per dot . 20 2 lb* Canned Corned Beef , 27 Tapioca Flake or Pearl 07 EVERYTHING ELSE Sold rr Cheap In Pro portion. —n — We alao have in connection with our store a first-das* Meat Market, And atll CHEAPER than any other Heat Market in town. . E. BROWN, JR., 4 CO. ,*.ll. nm Frnrcrr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers