Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 13, 1884, Image 8

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    ®he Cmtre fjlrmottat.
Thursday Morning, March 13,1884-
contnlulnnlmportant n we,. Hrlt
*l from *u) |Mkrt of th county. No coniinunlcntta oa
unrisl uuIM accompnoiad bj lha raal umu of tfca
Local Depart in out.
—Easter Sunday April 11th.
Bangs are becoming unpopular.
Plant yoar cabbage nd tomato seeds.
—The flitting teaton Is fast approaching.
—Spring Mills is over run with ruil
road uien.
>h, no; you can t borrow our um
brella. It* lent.
—The Mercantile Appraiser will soon
make his ''calls."
—lt tried vory hard to inow on Sunday
hut it was only a scare.
—Bellefonte can now boast of it walk
ing and an oyster club.
Plumber* were in good demand dur
ing the recent cold snap.
—Tho most appropriate saying for
month : "A* we go Marching along."
—The post-office at Longville in Curtin
t iwnhip, this county, has been discon
—The prettiest girl in town spend* her
evenings at home and taki# no stock in
leap year.
—Sourbeck received enough oranges and
lemon* on Monday to supply all of Centre
county for a month..
Mr. M. L. Lcilzell, of Centre Hall,
will take charge ol the Junction llouie at
Lcwiiburg about April Ist.
—Tho application of Miss Lizzie Nutt
for the appointment of postmistress at
tfniootown, l'a., was refused.
—The grand scenery for Hunyan's Pil
grinis Progress cost over $lO,OOO. Opera
House, Monday evening, March 17tb.
—Chicago hotel raloa have already bee n
advanced on account of the meeting of the
Presidential convent.on* at that place.
—\V illiams Bros., the painters, have
moved into the store room formerly occu
pied by Peter Kechline, on High street.
—Through the effort* of Capt. Austin
Curtin, the State Endampment of the G.
A. R. will be held at thi* place next sum
Brackbill, the popular furniture mac,
is erecting two frame buildings on the va
cant lot owned by him next to tbo Centre
County Bank.
—A new postal card is to be i*#ued from
the Post-vfflre Department. It will he
smaller and of better quality. A return
postal would be very acceptable.
R. B. Spangler A Co. have the finest
furniture establishment in this section of
the State. If you don't believe this just '
step around and ee for youraelf.
—Huntingdon county juror* are rather
tardy, and Judge Hoy bat given notice i
that a juror empanelled on a case will love
a day's pay for each five minute* he is iate. ,
—The special trial* for the first week ,
of court in Apr. areas follows: J. Thompson, j
Jr., vs. Samuel Christ, et a)., and the Bird
Coal A Iron Co., vs. B. A S. S. railroad
—Wa call your attention to the new ad
vertisement of W. I. Fleming, the tailor
n the sth page of this paper. He i* offer
ing the higgeet bargain* ever heard of for |
Lha next aixty 4pys.
Manager Sourbeck ha* made arrange
ment* for the appearance in Bellefonte
March 24th, of Miss Ida Siddon's Masto
dons A Burleaque Company. Thirty peo
ple compose this cornpany, and it will be ;
one of the grandest entertainments ever
given in Bellefonte.
—Lyceming county citizen* wbo live
along the West Branch of the Susquehan
na, and who sustaii ed damage* during the
late ice flood, have formed an aasociation
tor tbo purpose of collecting damage* to
their lands and property from the
Williamsport Bo un Company Sev
•••al meetings have already been
held and money subscribed for the pur
pose of prosecution, if a settlement is not
•dfected otherwise.
—Two men who h*d indulged too freely j
in * corn juice" viat'.ed the saloon of Christ !
Ceibring on Friday evening. They dia
agrcd upon a subject and commenced,
arguing th point, le-coming very hoisleri
• iu. They were asked to leave but refus- i
ed, whereupon Dick Morgan was called i
upon to eject tbem. They attacked lha of
ficer hut came out second best. ' juay, one
•>f thu men, was lodged In the lock-up and
afterwards taken to jail. The other, Mc-
Ilvain, escaped.
While driving through Zion last week
we noticed what we thought at first to lie a
wagon fixed with a lot of female jumping
jacks and the most croteaque looking fig
ure* we ever beheld. At one time a tall
•.lender figure wouid spring up toward* the
heaven* like lightning, and drop again as
suddenly. Then a heavy set figure took it*
turn. Then horbaps ten or twelve figure*
would join in the ssm# performance. This,
we confese, was rather startling to us, and
we urged our steed onward, but could not
gain a step upon the apparition. When
we arrived at Zion the mystery waa ex
plained. Mr. Haru'i Decker, it appears,
waa appointed to escort a quilling party
home, hut not having a spring wagon large
enough he used on* without spring*. The
hor*ev took fright f*) at something and did
tfi-ir heat to run away, hut, we helfeve,
were stopped abou' two mile* below Zion,
mud the ladies takrn safely borne.
Minn Kv Mumit 1* visiting friend* *t
Jersey Shoro.
Miss Kffle Mattern succeeded Miss Key
•er at tbo Telephone Exchange.
—II. G. lioyer, hai beun appointed poet
mailer at Wolf VSlore, Centre county, l'a
Mr. Jacob M. Oarbrick, of /.ion, gave
the sanctum of the DXMOIRAT a plea.ant
call on Monday.
Kov. Penepacker will preach bi* fare
well ruion in thu Melhodiat church next
Sabbath evening.
Mr. Thot. Meyer*, of tbia place, i* look
ing up hi* fanning interest* In Clearfield
county tbia week.
Mr*. Oeorgo Hhafer, of Zion, we are
glad to *ay, in fart recovering from her
recent attack of pneumonia.
Mil* Pox, a charming young lady of
Hugboaville, i* viaiting her friend, Mil*
Nannie Twitmeyar, at Zion.
Mr*. Sallie Whitruon, ofClintnndale,
Clinton county, Pa., i* visiting her
niece Mr* K.J. Swavlcy, on Bishop *t.
Mr Jerro Mnavoly, of Wolf* Store, has
moved to Centra Ilall. The aitir.en* of
that place will find him a Hrat-clam fellow
Mr. C. L. Gram ley, accompanied by hi*
brother Clem, of Koberiburg, Pa., took a
peep at friend* in tho County Seat Friday
and Saturday laat.
Mr. S. M. UI rick, of Coburn, wa< in
t"wn Friday last. Tho gait hi* nag took
when leaving town would have left Jay-
Kye-See in the distance.
Mr. Anion Gnrbrick, will discontinue
the dairy business, and engague in
furnishing ice to the citizen* ol (telle
fonte alter the let of April.
Mr. Wm. Kvoy.of !toale*hurg now en
gaged in the 'ewiog machine buainesa,
contemplates moving to Altoona to en
gage in (be I.ife Insurance business
before long.
Mr. Samuel Itrook* hss reonverod from
hi* recent attack of illnn** and is again
around looking up the interest of the
Tries and Wo iupected that
Ruflalo Kun trip would be too much for
Mr*. Jo*ph Furey, who ha* been in
very feeble health for the pait week, took a
linking tpell on Tuesday evening and wa*
in quite a critical condition. We are
pleated to state that at tbia writing ( Wed
nesday noon i the it much better.
Mr. A. C. Nurenburg, of Philadelphia,
wbo for several day* WM* a gue*t at the
Brockerhnff, left for bit home on Monday.
Mr. Nurenburg i* a prominent lawyer, a
bale fellow well met, and bat made quite a
number of warm friendt In Beilelonta.
.—A grand Allegorical entertainment
and scenic exhibition of Bunyan'a Pil
grim'* Progress, for the benefit of the
Presbyterian church of Bellefonte, will
bo given in Reynold'* >pera Hou*e,
Monday evening. March ITtb. Thi* ex
hibition i* one that will intercet both
old and young, i* for a good cautc and
every one should attend. Admission
l.*> and 95 cenl*.
A Detroit paper annouucea in it* ad
vertiaing column*; "To Kent—An
elegantly furnished room to a gentle
man already healed." Among the
artistic advertising notice* are the fob 1
lowing: "Two young women want
waahing," "Wood and coal split."
"Teeth extracted with great pain*." !
—A great knock down tale of rlothing
of alt kindt it going on in the Centre
County Banking Co't. building. You ran
save 63 per cent, oa anything you purrbate.
It i* not an auction tale, but private Kach
piece it marked in plain figures, and you
can't be deceived. Call and see.
have repeatedly been told that a rumor it
being circulated to the effect that in bit j
theological controversy with th Rev. Mr. j
Fiaher, of Centre Hall, the Rev. Mr. I>e
long, of Bellefonte, received assistance
from me. Allow me to tay, that not hav
ing met the latter gentleman, or bad any
communication with bira during the entire
period covered by the said controversy un
til last week, there can be, and there It, no
truth in the rumor.
I make this statement publicly because
Mr. PeLong'a frleno* think it due to him,
and also because I do not with to be under
stood a* indirectly attacking the Lutheran
church, to which, in common with other
Christian bodies, I owe the obedience of
charity and good will. 1 am, dear tirt,
Your* most truly.
Jon it ll* WITT.
Bellefonte, Ta., Mar. 10, 'B4.
—On Thursday evening the young lady
who live* with Mrt. Mary F.by discovered
two men walking toward* the ham, open
ed the door, looked In, and walked off
again. On Friday morning the barn door
and gate were thrown wide open, and on
entering the barn it was discovered one
hor*e, a bridel and borte blanket were
among the mlsalng. Search wa* immedi"
ately Instituted, and the bor* wa* found
roaming around loose about two mile* be
low Zion, minus the bridel and blanket.
The *uppoillon ie that the borse ws stolen,
but for fear of detection wa* turned looee
None* TO Hror MIOMIKE*. —Tb# annual
meeting of the Stockholder# of the
Bald Eagle Valley Railroad company la
called for Tuesday, April 8, 1884, at 11 1
o'clock, A. M . at 2.13 South Fourth j
Street. Philadelphia. Election for Pre*!
dent and Director* *ame dav and place. '
Ai.nrat I In* SON, .xsctutery. 1
Mr. Samuel Decker, of Zion, lost a
very valuable Clydesdale colt Thursday
last, fur which he had refused an offer of
—Some people object to Feck'a "Bad
Boy," hut r.o one objects to a nico suit of
clothes, and the place to gel tbern is at
—Jersey Shore's citizens are doing their
level host to gel the machine shops located
there. It Is mora probable that they will
be located In Beech Creek.
Dr. 0. P. W. Fisher, of Boalsburg,
who was stricken duwn with oaralysis last
week, wo regret to say, is stili In a very
critical condition, and it is hardly proba
ble that ho will recover.
Mr. Samuel Sproll, of llecla, was
made the happy father of a bouncing girl
last week, and George Kocky, of Zion—
well, his dotb.-s does not fit at ail. Its a
—A grand concert will bo given in tho
Lutheran chprrh at Zion on Saturday
evening March 22, 18*1, by Frof. Keller's
singing class, assisted by Prof's. Lowui
and Philip Meyer.
Mr. Henry M. Confer, of Curtin town
hip, and Mr. J. T. Lucas, favored the
sanctum of the Democrat with their
presence for a short while on Tuesday
-Mr. C, P. llilder, the artist, now dir.
plays in front of bis studio one of tho
prettiest and nobbiest signs in the country
Mr. Hiider's reputation as a firt-clas
artist is spreading rapidly, ami is deserv
ing of tho success he is nw meeting with
—Some of theyoung ladies of Bellefonte
intend giving a grand Leap Year Hop and
oyster supper at the Logan Hose House on
Thursday evening March 20th. Its to be
entirely free /or the young man who is for
tunate enough to get an invitation.
—We regret to learn from the Philips
burg Journal that our esteemed friend, Dr.
Llobarl Alll sort, of that place, had bis leg
broken by the kuk ufa vicious hoiso be
was driving. Dr. Allportha* many friends
hero who will sympathise with him very
—Tho lb'v. Dr. K Heber Newton, whose
criticisms of the Bible have produced so
great a commotion in the religious world,
is preparing an elaborate defense of his
position for the April number of the
Sorth A "itriean /Untie.
A dismissed Alloona engineer in walk
ing down lllh avenue met a friend and
•aid: "Hello, Brown, bow are you, any
way "Oh, pretty good. But why do
you call mo Brown, when you know my
name is Green V' "Oh, beg pardon ; but
you know I 'm color blind.''
Mr. Geo. Sheatly, of Jacksonville, was
sworn In as Constable for Walker township
on Monday March 10th. Mr Sbaasly is
also building an addition to his dwelling
house in which he expects to carry on the
sboemaking business. George Is trust
worthy, and all work or businM left In
bis hands will prove satisfactory, we are
—Gen. John Fatten, of Curwensville,
Clearfield county, has just presented the
School Directors of that town the sum of
$lO,OOO cash, to assist in the erection of a
brick school building of sufficient site to
accommodate six schools. The munificence
of Gen. Fatten will enable that town to
provide comfortable accmnidations for
their schools.
-The National Guard* of Bellefon'e 1
contemplates giving •> grand ball on
F-anter Monday. No paios are beng
spared and every effort is being fsut
foith to make tin* the grandest affair
of tbe seaaon. A new idea is advanced
by the committee in charge that of
charging reasonable price of admis
sion, ahd serving hot coffee and lunch
free. This certainly would be an ex
cedent idea and meet with the hearty
approval of all. The cum mi tie is com
posed of the following gentlemen (,'spl.
Amos Mullen, Chairman. Wm S Phil
lips, Frank Kalley, Jacob Showers, Mr.
Murphy, John TrafT-rd.
Y M. C. A. CALENDAR.—I.i er.m So
ciety. Thursday evening at 7:30. Head
ings DecUmn'ion* and Ke-sys.
Young Men's Meeting, Friday even
ing at 7 10. Subject. "Word- nt Warn
ing," Matt. "1. Aft—4fs 2d Peter I. IfVlfi.
Leader. P. A. Kennedv.
Friday evening, * 10, Refreshments
Sunday. I i\ u.. m-eiing f.r young
men. Subject, "l \ our Foundation
Immovable' Ma t. 7:21 27 : I Cor. .vj;
Ps. 62:6-7. Leader, lien. L. Pottr.
—.Strayed away or stolen from the
premise* of li. J. Uothioeh. a red cow
witli white face. Any information in
regard to her whereahouta wilt he thank
fulls received at this office, or tbe office
of \V. C. Heinle.
Sstlofl Register.
The undersigned will sell at public sale
at his residence at Jacksonville on March
21st., farming utensils,live stock, two good
cows—on* fresh last week—household
furniture, and many things too numerous
to mention. Jaoor M< -Cavlrt.
There will be expoecd at public sale at
tFe farm of Henry J. Walker. In Fogg*
township, March 21st. I**4. a large lot of
farming utensels and live stork.
H***r J Walks*.
There will be exposed et piiHHr sale in
Walker township, one-half mile "t of
Hublersburg, at the residence of the under
signed, March SOtb, 1884, a lot of farming
uteusels live stock, etc.
11-21. Wu. 11. YKARtr-K.
The undersigned avlll sell at public aale
at his residence, one mile weL of .Stale
College, live stork, farming utensels, etc.
P. O !Iomaj,
fln Mrvvr*.
Judgo Munion
We respond most hi-arlily in every word
and ('rit"iicu Hi well end so truthfully prv
•onled by our esteemed contnrnporery of
the I'liillpsliurg Journal in tho following
article complimentary hotb of the action
of the Governor end hi* eppoinloo
The appointment of Chester Munion a*
successor to Judge Larimer, deceased, i
undoubtndly one of the molt popular and
eminently lilting act* of Governor Paul
son's administration. No man in the boun
ty ii more worthy of the prominence con
ferred upon biin, none belter qualiliud by
experioncu in the rule* of general business
conduct, well acquainted with the cittjbrui
of the county, and no man ha a purer
record in public and privatelife than Judge
Munion. Kvery citizen of tho county
•hould feel proud of Ibis appointment,
while those who know him ben lead oil in
assuring all, that their endowment can
never be imperiled by any act during hii
official relation to buiinete entrusted to hii
A boat of personal friends regardless of
political or f>arly preferencescougraluialed
him the morning alter hi* appointment.
They were received and responded to in
tbu modest, unassuming, sensible manner
characteristic of the Judge. He has been
a citizen of the county for about forty
yean, always in active business life, and
we repeat that Governor Patiison, kuowing
the responsibility of the office mad'- vacant
in the death of a worthy man, has measur
ed up to this standard in filling tho vacan
cy by selecting oae as successor who has
the re-peel arid confidence of all.
Of course the choice of the Governor
should receive the heartiest endorsement
as the coming candidate for a full term of
office, and as it Is not a political office in a
political sense, and the Kepublirans of the
county with chances so narrow—if not im
possible—to elect a Judge will rally to his
election by hundreds, feeling that they are
justified in placing una they so well and
lavurahly know in this honorable and re
sponsible position.
iialMluiTowvsitlV Itkvih —Has "Flos*
ie ' disappeared *
John J. is jam full of business
Geo. Weaver thinks I'hiiadelj I a is just
W K. Ksen will move to A..F. Kream
er's this week
Mr. M f. Fiedler di#j>o*ed of one of his
excellent black horses, ui J. M Weaver.
Jim. is a man for "Blacks.
John I). Bower has returned home again,
after one years'visit to Michigan Jobs
looks bala and bearty, but thinks as long
as Hsdlie stays in Fa., ha will too.
The pleasant face of Miss Maggie Calfe
erman was seen in our parts last week.
Maggie has many friends through haraand
ait felt sorry that brr stay such
short duration. Hope she may oome soon
We are informed that the lately organ
ized "Hiring Rand" at Woodward are ex
pecting Prof. J. W. Reitmyer, this week
a* their instructor. This is certainly put
ting the right man In the right place and
hope the hoys may succeed. Rkai>*e.
11A mans at no Items—Some of the'
boys, as an excuse lor being out late, say
they were helping lo buU her beef. —Mr.
Clarence Moyer, our experienced barber,
has set up a 'bop at the hotel, and is pre
pared to give satisfaction to all.— What
has becomeof the Madu mburgCily Rand '
Fishermen in our town aic already look
ing up their la<kle preparatory to an on
slaught on the finny tribe Miss Annie
Feidler was the guest of Mrs I- F .Mnyer
Sunday last.—The Literary Society at this
place has been quite a success—Theyoung
men will be glad to learn that the ladins
furnish the ice cream during the coming
summer, as it is one of the requirements of 1
leap year.—Our physicians appear to have
their tune fully occupied now a-days.—
A man flung oranges and lemons at
tracted a good bit of attention on our
streets on Wednesday. It Is to be toped
that the new town ruuncit will endeavor
to have the so-called sidewalks and street
crossing* repaired, so that a parson can
walk on them without endangering bis
life.—A wedding in town next week.—Our
schools will soon close. Milks.
—Nobby styles in hats, at Gasman's,
- Mus'ins at astonishing low prices at
Gar man's.
t — Vcry latc-t style hats an<l cijm at
—Four cabinets lor less money than four
card sizes would cost elsewhere, at Boyor s,
Bis bop street.
—F.vary body is Invited to Baarfos* A
Mayer's to buy br- ad, pics, cakes and eon
—Twenty stylus in laca curtains, at tsar
- Fedora's, and the r.ew shapes in stiff
hats, at Garman's.
—The largest and ti.ost complete lino of
bats, Garman's.
—The roost complete line of Gent's
furnishing goods, at (isrinsn's.
—Twenty-si* styles of hats at Garman's.
—Winter atock must go. Special
bargain* nt Lewin's.
- Celluloid culls and collars, all sizes,
at Lowin's.
—Measr*. Bunnell A Aiken* have a
very fine selection of solid gold watches,
jewelry and a full line of silverware,
which'tliey offer cheaper than any other
store in Bellefonte.
Waktkd,—A position by an expcrl
enced and competent blacksmith. Gen do
anything in the blacksmitbing line. Mab
its regular. Address "UltCkAXie," care
Ckstuk Democrat, Bellefonte, l'a. -4t
—N*w embroideries, Garman's.
'I ho season after tliri Holidays 1* gen
erally (lull with the Tailors. We are of.
lering extra induce menu j n /jr iree. We
have given largo orders, arid the new
| 'ini.Jn are now corning in. I-eave your
order now. Momtuomkkt A Co.,
Wilson, McParlane A Co., call alien
tlon to tbe on ly reliable Ready Mixed
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre
pared Pair', Is riot .nly superier to any
Ready Mixed Pgjril sold but rivals pure
while lead in its smoothness In working
and durability. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to crack or pee)
within three years. The guarantee is not
onlv good for replacing the paint but it
1 will be put on If It should crack or pee)
within the time specified. It will be to
vour interest to call and see Wilson, Mr.
Farlane A Co., before purchasing either
. white llttd or any other Ready MixeJ
. Auctioneer.—Tbe undersigned. the
favteat and b-st salesman in Central Peon
| syivania, having more than fuienfy yearn
i experience in selling Farms, Farm Stock,
Merchandise, etc, ofl'err his services to the
citizens of Centre and ad oining counties
*' a First-class Salesman. Charges reason
able. Address Jostl'll L. Nsrr,
•-3m. Centre county, Pa
Wedding cards and all kinds of print
ing aCthe CENTRE I)EM< HAT office.
MLt tKB AT Ke A( las isii-lsar* of 11.- l>rld-•
i paisuls Kr> b ftlti, IS4, ky R 1 A Mr
| MM. M<-r-is, ,r Ifiiatlniilonr.,n-l Miss Ellis
T Males, of (istssl/ura, Ceotrv < > . l'a.
I KEI'IIAKT llAKT*iff Oaths tlnst at tharaal'
<tn* ol the l.fW* a aiotbar. In t oiobillls, t) to ,
W er.4saai.vfr llarry K.|ban .a-1 M.aa la,lly
l Rarloa
List of Jurors
The following ]it of Grand and Trav
cr-e juror* ham been drawn for April
court, beginning on the -Ith Monday
28th day/ of April next, 1884 :
1 .T hft IfmT^TJ
K H llko4tm*a, Ilurt/so
hi' n (f*
. J C lln.'U*.' k fattxrc
w hllUm. R-iah
' Kgrnwl IhsUKMitkU
W m r HubUf, fipffng
j J slsu hdltf
1>I> 1 W B4UO, I.ifswf t J
i If V. hibtij. fto*h
; litsisj Mtfrt, llkfni.
ftatll. X'nu f,.
| <i If Mlllwf, ilkioti
J X thII ffitii* r,
j ii A4 tr**K. Ptillipffibtrg .
I L f *i~k. ftlifoou.
I J P it*l!#J ,
I f W Borkrf. iUif M(d.
0'• f£' M ftbal*. Plii!i|f*t nff
, TUotCM fh, Uvkafl
V* IV, I'aKl't, 'st #k g
H I \ sO'lm. Mri o,
Wo, fj 4b*rt.
J kU Uiti|, l'DK>DftlU,
THA FUI Jn-'M- riffi*? fill,
Hilkvf, laukfs 81/fitU Jtx M'-Cvl*t \ <
H cs Jtkm u T¥irp, Hnrj Rest* Hn J
f U%Jkr
i arlJa—l H'Coakry, Jr Jar F if
fal-a H W PKlpiry. W fimL*'
-4kwr%, Ai*mi J#rra Aaaky J** Frk
t' Uilff, W QailbraiUi. Wm M CUJ
Imte. koi* K*4diuc. Tb#n. baac btr, (ir
sflse4*mr-4> f Cr— ir. J A IfeAA.
LiUrfy- Jm kwm>dtt
lt>nir - HcsrrU rvf H Uti, is*f
llotgf l JftfXsl IsKßtWf. !,)i
—J Willi • M *••*. Tftad D
Mill h Nqh
Hftlf Wrtoa—W*#l* Gray. MtrtJa
lUrrtt—F W U*rfc. Wk, M' Far lata*
Nd) M .
F' f be* V* m H^dfsrG
|t,mi4-afi M li*ri)ta
Car yg Jm f Ikn)J Jm
ii*t<c—Jot n ix>vtg
Wunk- If S Hpcttft.
t* #ig Eux.tk#l
TmAVtJui jagp———(OO VMI
•fj w jih* Jm vr*tstl. J fin o I'Fl.l*.
rtiut—JmA M'*m, W m Rw*l
rrtin- k4rw 11-.sft
I nHsniii— 9 If* IxnaMi
fb.^j-a—4Je- W Y Bfrg Jm II Cwtlo.
lUrrt-() W Mih*, F' M Waktffif.
TailM-Waa M
RlMmiU- WA Lj -t*, Wm Ivs*, J, F-hrork Hrtfj
F lUrrltt.
L IHMf.i F Lino
I'lii 11 jaol • rg J n F• k.
r tin Hto Dantai JM Fhoffoff.
Htlra—M I <silliiVl, SnAy lom-l
MfifHH Of R"o|f. liMhinl Bts tf, D W Rhtl#.
Wo)kr— Vg Giftif.
-IHr*® Ths-TD|4K>n, W Collfat
l>as tto> f'Uri
hrrgg flirwm Nnf, fWoan,
Mtrioo--Wttan* It^ia
k|.mg Wa I t'Oi
Hnof Ero HtaMk
Trarerse Juror* drawn for the >pecia)
Term of Court Iteginoing Monday April
"th. IAM:
Nff -U*l JMt.rofk. Rlim;
DAffitniA K*k**rl,
J<h A IWoklt, Jdklrn Irwft. Jr, A 0
II ..w J II Van Ofnat. Frank F H IU*h
IfAfftM-Jw M W sftff
Fftirtg~J m| b Jn A IltMkl,Hnrj Roll
olle-fv —4iwsrr. Ra< J
o Jfrr Nfkkh
Ugiker-W* K PktAr.
AffltKt nrg J h Hr F Hilt,
ILvtrarA--AIImtI Sr|*frk
llnaloft Jfo I TV ntftftr
Hogg*- Jik OtH*t Loraa
kfilf* Jo*l H Mfna. Thi mM K H- Jtr
VUlf T*rt Ro r
| (ii A C fytnfrl K Gtr.Mll. I'lrifh
J I'mafT
W m lirfßfU
Frv ■ J W OnHltkt.
Fhiliiwl-nrg— K A FL'Wtro
( nfon Robot rndttworrl
HoiH Wo. Romaghk
lUrflo-JiFi A llnal
BAron A Sorts,
Philadelphia, Feb I, 18*<
To Tanner* of Pennsylvania :
firntlrmrn —For over twenty-eight
rears wc have manufactured Kaw-Rone
Phosphate., *n.f our brand* have become
household word* in u.-arly every section of
t n'ry. In many communities the
'it-lnand for thi-m has tncreased, while in
Other* lh sale* have declined, on aoeount
of ihe pref. r.-nce for lower-priced goods.
S.x eg", tin iiog that th n demand for
g. ,i. (•: 1 -aer . I 1.H.1 become almost
universal, >r,.l f .vit g [Hwuliar advantages
of isw material- and manufacturing facil
ities, we determined to meet this demand,
and introduced a Twtaty-JFu r Dollar I'Kot
v.l.ntr, made by a new process exclusively
our own. The quickness with which this
Phosphate sprang into use among intelll
gint farmers will be shown by the follow
ing statement: Of the $25 Phosphale
there were *o)d
During 1879 1,287 Ton*.
18NO 3.W57 "
•< 1881 5,147 '
• 1882 8,2*8 "
" • 1883 10,182 "
The reports of the action of the $25 Phos
phate have been satisfactory in everv ease
from a wide inquiry. We want to be In
formed upon this point very plainly, na it
is our Interest t know if tho nrticia con
tinues to produce good result*. We will
thank any farmer, having used the $25
Phosphate with disappointing result*, to
* •* b*f fenm F*"* ftM
: * , * * iMI A *^NS
—•Mr. A.ri<ly Lnherg.r nixi Kobert
Iririn, tbn popu Inr hou.e ami ornamental
|.*irilT, ari) malting a |><-<-ialty of paper
banging tbU .prlng Will alao furnUb
paper if d"ir(J. All work promptly ex
• uuxl. left at H. K. Hick.' bard
wan- will f ' prompt attention. 10-Ut J
!;mcq IKKT'Hga Of IU Ko.ry.
V f; h "" , ' ,rt '" r ~>4 •'*! Llfr. with
Witti H,r "" • <•(>. tb.
•Ob VL-r'Tu" 4 V" ""< I-lifttoml..
* ."'V' 1 \""" n ef Wmklog-.-iO,
"** * 1 <
" *'~ x ''•
' " #'*|JUlf , lh('f(A|(b bb>] ItiUrHlKir llllnA
lrnt.4 bjl, bmntiiol o*. L lewJ .
.11 b'.D A#-*.,14 oi.l, b, mto-rltiton.
Ae-nton,. inmtin, with T*r.4
. *f *"*'* tonal. lb .tor. O,ublo
111 111" bbll-d Kutn whll. 4.
• rnbl., t...| .Uolutolj ~.( u lr.4, a. ,„„ ru ,
(too. f lf
for torn, to At-uto a44/an tb. PubJUb.n.
.1.A.& R.A. Klilll,
UJ,jt - Providence, R I.
Come and Buy.
In whole or lot*.
- ~ 00 Allegheny Street
Oo High street.
_... " n Thomia street.
Oo Willow Bank atreiet, 11*00
On Willow Bank Mreet, $ 12(H)
Ou Biahop street,
All in the Borough of Beilefonte.
S*K Trrmt Made Easy.
0 o Jm. Real l>tate Ageut.
2nd floor Bush Arcade.
Aon, <w. I" U/tt,ru.k'. p,.i
1 am nou ready la do all kind of
AW ha, PORTRAITS in oil. RAW
Satisfaction guaranteed in all c&eei-.
I would be pi tared to hare you call,
and examine specimen* of work. In
atruclioo* given in Painting.
C. T. Milder.
HAVING oi-fnel a
We would invite the
public to give u* a < all when in want
of any work ID our line. We are pre
pared to do ALL kind* of
We also make a specialty of
All work will recieve prompt atteu.
lion. Our TERM* are reasonable, mod
all work guarantee,]. Regretfully,
4-Hni. HrHefor.tr. Pa
ru Ktu.it lb lb- Cart o, Comm ..
I Dm. of G-.tr. Omhi,
{ *. 13 Tea
W leu ...t | ICKI
Jahm A. But.. | Art!.* •f K**ctMf
7V> G+nrgt W. Ford el al.
AM 4lh. IkM.w mmximw of John
I H Or*l, Atlofft*]! for PUisli*. ral* )• irsnifd •*
<i*org*W Ford, on* of MMI d*fe*daaL* t* tppei
o*d lo Ih* Mild RTti.ft tf e;rtaft for
tR rwnef of thftt tnU of lu>d
Mlßßi# )r tb* toi*b 1 p oi H., la Mid <
I >4 t>nti*. ur* j -4 ia ihi satrMjUr t.Rtoe f Jooffk
lMv|,R gf a* folloara B*c> *<** *1 a v-r
I lhli" *tb )•** r! tr* bldi*d
•d 4 fifly p*rrdiM to a •Lit* Rh ier*r of ITM tbar *
by a liao of tra* aiark*4 ia KM. nrtL ff>r aad
kilf 4fTM*. tkf* hatidrod and thirt* •
Rtid jr h to a pt,of. tbevxo by land la
tbo •arvmat** •!• of Jarteb t. I-otf "rth r4g%fy-
Mn 4<frn*. a rot <ib buudrod aad IH} aete®
i*Trhh n<H • Hm < km, tb*t,r by Mid Ita*
] alang oarrofo fa tb •arrant** nam** of HlQiaM
I IWvarl aad wiUiarn *>atb tbf*a *d oa* fcmr*
• d*<r*M. ••! tbrro Luadre-d ad tbirty-no* and aiaa
! t-nth porrhM to tb* fdar* of h*£iat laf. roaUIBIML
thr** band rod arro aad allovaar* Th* Omrt far
th*r ord*r that If tb* oM etnl bo
found in aaid nwibty, that tb* aabt ru)* aball to pnb
Habn-i for ai*ty day* b*f<r* b* ffurt) day tb*r*r>l
j In na* t*w*p*|>*r of aaid roaaty of C*i)tW, to h* la*
**rt*l Uk*r*ta at l*a*t iLt** tlm**. and la addition
tb*r*t, to git* ante *•)•> IM*ndaat •!or***r L -uod
' ii'-tu* in f*rl of tb* aaid *ait. in tiai* to aad
,l*f*nd Ik and apoa failura to af|*af aad |viad b
*b"* ratio *hy judB*ot *L>aid not b* MlMbl
arait tb* TMfotdaul by d*Ualt Eataroatda rm
Monday, lb* >lb day of Affil. A D. Id4, b*irg tb*
! ftrat day of r*lt isifi. ij tbaCVmri,
tl'lK UOY.r j.
j t>rtfi*d frr-ai tb* lUfWd, F*b 4fh, IM4,
J. C. Httm,
' A tra* and rr* 1 Mpt of Mas* ia my band-
At'V T J.Pr.sktL,
I 11-St. Fb*tl.
A XOTICF MfdW !• bartby
a\ g**o that Lsttri* A d Rata tat rat ton ou lb*
I <iati til J d.n bnir, lal" of fptiag tosrnabifi. dor'd .
, bar* bar ti gmtiM to tb* rtilm t|l*t*. bo all
j *ra• hftxing rlaima ngairtvt aaid **tat* fo Itrwat
ihota. dolr atitb*n4tr*twi. for *'U*m*at. aad all Hi
ili'Mol b mak* |uitm*at *itb"ot dvlay.
J M tiAltttkßh K.
II 71. Admlnt*U*b*ra
1 J 1-tOm-t.IU! M U>. ml.l. r4 Mn KlltkMh
M CU<. , t. lm. f W.ikn tn.h(|s flmrtrr
... h , Ratine I-wn |ruM to lk an lMie~I nil
in lH t-l to m! 4 nblt M- *'
in.*- e*|i>.mt, *m4 nil h.-In/ rial*.
nnln.l ih- mm. to pn.i.l nnttt-attontoA
1.. 1... tor mtll-mtnl KtMH J L , W,
M 4 IIKfM.
il Motto. I.homer firm thot Mtmaof oAoleto
troUen rm Ik- -.into of W mlojr Aj. Into of Unlf
toooti I. onmtp, AiemmA hnm hmn f'noto4 to Oo
.04.r.n-4. All e*mm * Booing thtonmlto* to
tol-tort to th*-<tot. r r-qomt.4 to noli* InmtoHnto
mwtt, mi 4 lham ho.ing-totou oil! pnnat th*m.
loir .-!>>■-iteot-A. to- .. iil-m-M
I ' • TH*