Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 13, 1884, Image 4

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    ®!i* Crattt fPmoaal.
lib I rtfrjr fbamU) nurolnnifti BelMonl#, C#otr
county, Pa.
TlHUd—OMb iu %aiao<* %\ oO
II not paid in *lncw U OC
A LIVK P A t'KH --dovotrd to th# lut*r*t# of the
wliula pMipln.
I'ufiutiiin mad# wtthtn thro# tuontha will ba con
lldarad in iiltMra,
U pap T wnl • dllOou DUM| uutll or r#*r
pai l .•* apt *1 option ol • • Mlaliara
p tpora Koiun out of tba oouuty uiuat ba paid for In
An) paraon prucutlnc m tfnuaah aubaorlbara will
.0 aaul a copy froa o| char*#.
Our *tanalra circulation ntakaa tbla papar an an
iq K\\y rallablf and proAtal- A u**dlum lor aiiVHrtiaiiig
We hare lit it iuoat arupli* tvcllhlM tor JOB WOltK
m l ara prrpannl to print all hioila of Books,Tracta
printing, Sc., In a
a tit at atyla and at ilia lowaat poaali.la rataa
All advartiaamautafor a I#*# tarnt than thraa nx>nth
*J') canta par Una for the ftrat thraa Inaartlona, and ft
fdnttf a tlnr for aach additional Inaortion. Bpaclal
tolicita ona-haM mora.
ft.lltorlal notii aa lft canta |Hir Una.
L•• • Nutlet*,in litcal column*, lOoantapar llna.
A tlharaldlaconnt ia mad to p#r*on nWrrtUiu# by
ha qaartar.hnll year,or yaar.aa follows;
w oil -
IPACB ao<7rPtS.
On# Inch (or I* liuaa this ty pa) |$A fltt
Ta> tnchaa.. •• l| JJ
Thraa India#.. !' £
COIMIUO (or > Inchaa) I i'^j
Half ctdumn (op lOinchaa) ,*J jV' M
<>.. • i imn or l 'lnrhaa) |3ft|A':Ho
? irattfii a-lrartlaaruan*- must ba paid for hafnr# In
• rlioa,-acapt <n i#nrly contract* wh#n half yoarly
paymauta in * Ivanca wil i.a rainlrad
P .U vie At NottCi*, ft ant# p#t lltt**ch Inaartlon
Nothing inaartad f..r laan than Mi rants.
(I aifvaaw Noriega. in tha ••dltorialcolumna, lft canta
par Una.aach inaartlon
Answor to Rev. J. F. DeLong.
According to the rules of debate, it is
my privilege to close this discussion be
tween Rev. It-Long end myself. To do
this, I shall tako up his last article item
by item.
1. My charge ngainst Rev. Del,nog in
bis use of the Krnalcald Articles was
simply that he did not quote ennu/h 1
from them to properly understand
them. He must not close his eyes to
my language here. I said he used only
"a line or two" from these Articles.
Where is there room, therefore, for li-v.
DeLong's saying that "by reason of the
ommission of that insignificant word
('again') In thetranslation.be tinhlush
ingly, insinuates the charge of 'twist
ing ?' " My point, 1 reiterate, rested
simply on the fact lhat "a line or two'
from the Smalcald Articles could not j
settle the controversy of predestination
as far as those Articles were concerned. 1
This little explanation will justify my
being "captious." And if Rev. DeLong
cannot help chafing under mv setting
him right by quoting the Article in full. I
let him lay it to the charge of the "emo
tional" Luther, who "never.nked about
logical consistency," and vet who is the
author of the incomparable document !
from which that article is quoted.
2. Byway ofstrengthentng his charge
of predestination against the Smalcald
Articles, Rev. DeLong asks: "Will Rv. ;
Fischer please tell us why bis own Svn- 1
od refused so to receive them ?" (the
Smalcald Articles.) Most gladly do I
answer this. Rev. DeLong. you see, is
still sitting at my feet, learning a little
more of Lutheranism. Surely be ought
to be profoudly grateful while he live.,
for the educational influences of tin
discussion. But to my answer. The
General Synod does not repudiate the |
Smalcald Articles. The Augsburg Con
fession being the confession adopted
after the Reformation begun, tne Den
eral Synod believes it still sufficient to (
require of its clergy, subscription to it |
alone. It can not he "legitimately" in :
ferred, indeed it is a not eejuilur, that, j
the General Synod, because it demand. !
subscription to the Augsburg Confession
alone, thereby rejects the Smalcald Arti
cleg.. Futhermore, I distinctly showed
by my quotations (in my last article,)
from the Angshurg Confession and the
•Smalcald Articles, that there is no such
clashing between them on this matter
of predestination. For the reason,
therefore, tbat Rev. DeLong has in
nothing 'shown, that the Lutheran
church iu her symbols teaches predeeti- 1
nation, I am obliged to reiterate the
statement that that doctrine is not only
not taught, but on the contrary, most
positively rejected by us. If Rev. De
Long insists on scenting out this doc
trine, why not quote Catvantsm at once,
and thus settle the question oco* for
3. In reference to Luther aa a [.redes- 1
tinarian I have a final word also. One
thing is very apparent to the reader of
Rev. DeLong's last article, end that is,
that he comes over to my ground. I
never once said Luther did not show
prod est inarian tendencies. From the 1
beginning I maintained thai Rev. De-
Long did not atate how far Luther was a
pred est inarian. Now he admits with
me, tbat Luther was once on thai way.
but did not remain upon it. Still fur- i
titer, I have shown Rev. DeLong that ,
Luther's utterances on thia question
were not his calm, ttudied sentiments as '
a theologian, and this he has not dared <
to gainsay. I alto quoted I.uthardt to ,
prove that Luther was not an "absolute
predestinarian," and I further stated '
that he, (Luther) nowhere has a re '
corded utterance as a doctrinal state- I
tnent to this effect. If all this is an ad j,
mission that Luther was a predestinsri '
an, then Rev. DeLong has discovered '
the Knglish language capable of saying : 1
more than any one else ever knew it to I
be capable ol expressing.
4. Iter. DeLong can make no capital
of the fact that I have dragged no 1
names into prnt to sustain my charge I
against him. Nothing but a gentleman
ly instinct has kept me from doiDg this. 1
I have not forgotten Judge Orris' state
ment and can hack up my charge. My <
veracity ia unquestioned, and I alill give
my friend the privilege of seeing and
hearing tbeee witnesses. What can be
more honerable than this'
5. My being silent on the point of '
Lntber's not "distinguiebing properly
between saving laitb and dootrinal
faith," ia very eeeily explained. In my
very Seat article 1 stated tbat tha key
to ell theology Lather found in en In
oernete God. Be insisted thet this wee
the very heart of divine truth and at
the problems which sprang out of that
ha labored. I regarded tbat a sufficient
answer on tbis point, therefore, my
silence. Rev. DeLong seems to think
tbat I consider him defeated because of
kit silence on tbis ore point. Not at all.
■lt i# much better. It fir* point* up
i[ on which there lins boon such signifi
cant silence,—this, together with the
very "unfortunate remark" nt the tea
party ought to he enough to constitute
a defeat.
0. The chsrge, that Rev. DeLong "in
[ substance stated that fie could not
speak well of all the Reformers nnd
1 do justice to Zwingli," Rev. D-Long hits
attempted to explain. He introduces
so nuny considerations byway of clear
ing this up, that the common render is
slmust ni) stifled concerning the fact it
self, Rev. DeLong hss this to ray : "I
never thought nor even meant to say
sny such thing." < if course this Is node
nial. He bus resliy said nothing to ex
plain it away. This was an "unfortu
nate" tea party remark, and I would he
very glad if nty friend could recall it.
Hut it hss gotie forth, and there is only
too much "bottom" to it. That "unfortu
nate remark" is the "fly that spoils the
ointment," or as Tennyson puts it i
"The lints rtn allhln the lots.
That by and by will iimko th# luualr mm#
The "Lutheran" referred to as having
been present at thst "little tea party"
hss in his pi a-esion a letter written by
Rev. DeLong himself in regsrd to this
matter, which is a full vindication of
that "Lutheran," for the statement M
set forth in uiy two previous articles,
and which was not reported to me by
him, I having first received the infor
tnation indirectly. That Lutheran
further srys that the statement made
at that "little tea party" was in sub
stance the same that he heard him
(Rev. DeLong) nmke on a previous or
casion, when "lime, place uud circum
stances" were not such as to prevent
him from making the explanation he
now makes.
7. Rev. DeLong thinks I have made
a mistake in ducus.mg these matters
! throngh the newspaper. He thinks n
| sermon or two from my own pulpit
i would have corrected the false imeres
| sions made Lv his address at Centre
! Ilall. To ihi- I reply, Ist. My an ! •■-..•
i would not In* lhat i.no gathered In listen to
: the /.wingli Memorial Service. 2nd. The
1 address • of such a chsrsi-ter that its
1 -entiments would not ho confined to the
inpin-diste vicinity of Centra Hall. •)
The newspaper reaches alt mv people, and
many others who might be misinformed on
, the points in dispute and thuss more siu
. factory slid indssd more (termanant irn
i pression coifld be made. Th discussion is
thus before the people in a form that can
.be easily retained 1 have a linger
; ing suspicion lhat It-v. D-lcang is not so
1 much concerned about my own people and
I the l>os<. way to take in setting them right, !
as he is shout himself This newspaper
1 discussion hss exposed a great d'-al And
I would further add right here, that mv '
j "Lutheran advisers of li 'llefonte, ' had
nothing whatever to do with precipitating 1
this discussion. Rev Delgrng is alone r-■
yeinsihle for this whole controversy It
was through his imprudence in his address
j that he threw down the gauntlet and I .
| could nol help but take it Up. As to who j
g,.t the "whipping, / will not say. The
intelligent public is the judge of that 1
matter. Only this word in conclusion. I
| may be permitted to call attention to the
fact that Rev. DeLong has throughout
! this controversy b-s-n painfully consistent
; with himself. Proceeding upon the prin
| eiple that distortion of trutn and fierce
invective are the most effective weapons of
■ defense, he has to the rrtd adhered to this j
line of policy. I. an certainly find nooh- j
j j eclion to his a.eapons. ID- chose them.
doubtless, carefully and intelligently But '
j 1 do regret exceedingly that h could not
I meet my position taken without resorting !
to humiliating diatr.be Far better too, .
had it been for truth and justice, (if he he. j
| listed that he had truth on his sid- , had
i he met my position wtth rtilm. sober, coun
| ter-truth, than to indulge in rattling phil
: tppic again't me. Surely, I'.ev. Ielc>ng
i has not approximated vorv near to his |ead
i or, the "cool headed" /.wingli And I
may yet add, if Rev. De lying has failed to
drag rrw> down to "the miserable low lev
el," fusing his own words,/ upon which he
claims to have stood in this discussion, mv
only apology is that I have sought to vin
dicate tfUlli and could not do it by pursu
ing a course other than I have done For
my ownself, I have no regret* That my
| friend should charge the sin of dragging
, this controversy down to hrn he put it,
on my "boyish" conduct is of course
strange enough But whatever msv have
been the occasion of the sf , /> he admits. I
want him to remember that we are taught
this' "For every man shall hear his own
burden." I now leave the whole qu-stinii
with ohirity towards all ssl malice
against none, *atsffed stiii, as "the roost
ordinary village "preacher" to sub.
vtrihe myself "byway of pre-emineo. e "
Centre Hall, March H, lfwl
I— • ——
Investigation aa A Duty
Congress Las leen three months in
session. I-nng before its organisation
was known, on the testimony of roj ohli
nana who had been participant* in eome
of the ad*, that Indiana had lieen
purchased in IHkO by an mormous cor
ruption fund raised to save the republi
can piavtv after the defeat in Maine;
that I'nited -State judgshipa had Keen
•old in advance for flOOfklO in rash by
the republican candidate for president:
that a cabinet position had L-en pledged
to a New York banker as his reward !
for raising the Indiana corruption fund,
and that the election in New York had 1
been purchases! the same yaar by"a
golden stream from Htephenaon'* bank."
It waa known that the present president
of the United .State*, while vie* preai
dent elect, had boasted at a banquet
given in honor of ex Senator I horsey
that Indiana had lieen carried by
These are tha wont crime* that could
ba committed against a republican gar
eminent. They strike at Iu vefy
existence. They strip thelTaited States
Supreme Court, tha A eel arbiter of tbo
Constitution, of its purity and indepen
dence, and fob the people of the right of
Yet the democrat io majoriity of the
House of Representative# has remnined
f >r three month* Inactive ami nf>]tur>ritly
iniliHernnl an<l ha* ma'ln no attempt to
investigate there infamous crimen and
to bold up their perpetrator* to public
In the courwe of the regular htisincs*
of Congress the committee on expen
diture* in the Department of Justice
have found it nece**ry to investigate
the expenses and method* of the slur
route prosecutions. Incidentally thhy
have stumbled on some startling fact* !
President Garfield's reputdican attor
ney general ha* told them that he left
the cabinet after Garfield's murder be
cause l'residena Arthur and hi* advisers
were in sympathy with the public rob
bers, and no one deeirou* of an bone*l
prosecution could receive any moral sup
port from the administration.
I'rcsidcnt Gat field's postmaster gen
eral has said that Garfield wis probably
murdered because of hi* prosecution of
the Slur route thieves, and that in bi*
belief tne attorney general and postmua
ter general were also marked for
Do not these incidental revelation*
prove the necessity and the duly of
searching congressional investigation*?
Arte York Mo rid.
D- nth of Oonorul J K. Moorhoad.
PiTTSBt ao, Pa, March 6.—General
Jarac* h" Moorhead, aged "8 year*, one
of the most prominent citizen* of Pitts
burg, died to day after a protracted '
! illness, of cancer in the stomach. Af i
the time of hi* death General Moor head ;
was president of thM'bumber of Com
inerce and sl*o of the Monongahela
Navigation Company. He was born in
Halifax, Datipbln couniv, and learned
the trade of a tanner. Almost bifore
be attained hi" majority General Moor
head began a connection with the public
improvement* of thi* State, which has
never been severed. He wa a lifelong
protection!*!. In 1858 ihe Repute
licana of the twenty first district elected
him to Congr-*, and in 1868, after ten
! year*' service, he peremptorily refused
to be a candidate again although hi*
election was assured. During the I**;
three term*of hi* service in ''.ingress be
w* Chairman of the Committee on
M inufueture* and a member of thai
on Way* and Mean* and on Naval Af
fair*. The Moorhead Tariff bill, or
the "l.itlle Tariff bill," a* it was dubbad
by some, amending the than existing
Tariff law# was formulated and reported
by a sub committee, of which ' ieneral
' Moorhead waa Chairman and in it*
: main feature* remained the Tariff law
until the la<l revision.
Railroad Buainona.
Pau.aDti.rata, Feb. 27.—The official
statement of the business of all the
hoe* of the Pentylvania Railroad Com.
pany east of Pittsburg and Krie for Jan.
1884, a* compared with the same
month in ls~B,#howsa decrease in the
gross earning* of $.155,124 a decrease in
the expense" of $50,202 and a decree !
in the net earning of $.104,922. All the
lines wet of PitUhurg and Krie far
January, show* a deficiency in meeting
the liabilities of $106,556, l>cing ade
cresse a* compared with the same
p-riod of IK#3 of $.128,366.
Pit 11. *usu'a iA , Keb 27.—The gross re
oeicts of Die Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Company for the month of
•I*o'a-v were |2 165 8(a) SV. and ex
pen*e including rental* and interest.sl,
436,667.76, leaving a profit for the
month of $759 132 83 ; fi-ung a gain a*
compared with the corresponding
month of laat year of $83,789.98. The
loss of the Coal and Iron Company for
tha month wa $91,666,40. The profit of
both companies for the fiscal year to
January 31 i* 61.416,913 18, being a de
rtcaae of $61.729.89. Thi* statement in
elude* the following figure*representing
the operation* of the Central railroad
of New Jersey and branches for Jan
uary ; Uroa* reipl*. $696,051.38;
working expanse*. $517,893 65 : earn
ing", |l7B, 157.73 ; rental, $470,232,66;
loaa for tha month, $292,074 93.
Libel .Suite by Dukee Jurors.
I'xioxtowx, Pa, March 6.—The Duke*
Nutt tragedy ha* been resurrected j
through two suite for criminal libel, j
which have leen entered against J. K. j
Kwing. Jr. and O. J. Slurgis, propria
Drt of the Hfpvblwan .ViWW, by R. ||.
Acklin and Lawrence Knott*, two of
the juror* who acquitted Dukes. The
information* were made befAre Justice
Holmes, who isntird warrants for the
arrcsU of the defend an U. They allege
that during Marcn last the plaintiff*
were villified and grmisty slandered in
the columns of the paper named. Ap
pended to the information are nttmer
oua clipping* from the editors! and local
oolumna of the fUandard. W. I). Moore,
of Pittsburgh, and P. 8. Morrow, of
tbie place, are counsel for the plan
tifta. •
This legal-tender decision, which de
olorea that the Federal Government
may exercise the power of the sovereign*
of Europe, and may in the exercise of
that absolute power, for it* own eods,
incidentally destroy property right*
and tnaka contract* null and void, is
the erowoing achievement of the Re
Cuhllcan party. It is the Republican
igher law and centralisation heresy,
hearing a* it* fruit the law offepudj*
tion, proclaimed by a packed Court a*
the law of tha land— True Amtriean.
A Conforcnco Urged for European
HAI.TIIIOHE, March s.—The Nun to rn< r
row will publish the following kpenist
from lb.me dated today: "The Get
man, AuHtrian, Spanish, French and
other ambassadors are receiving instruc
tions to confer with Marcini, thelialian
miniater of foreign affairs, regarding
European cooperation with a view to
demanding the Washington government
to initiate legislation against avowed
dynamite enemies. Soms ambassador*
approved the reviving of atriog'-nt pas*
porta for all voyage* from America.
Other* say that the government at
Washington ia best able to adjust the
remedy without European interposition
Signor Marcini recognize* the difficulty
of the authorities at Washington inau
gurating legal surveillance, lie also
point* out Engli*h protection to for
eign emissaries who legally enjoyed im
munity from arresta wlien English in,
tereita were unmolested. Some ambus,
sudors ssy* that while England fostered
revolutionary incendiaries regardless of
disaster to foreign nations, slip now 1
complain* only when she herself is dam. j
aged. Other ambassador* tk the
ground that moral suasion is the only
remedy for socialistic evil*."
Star Routo Investigation
WA*HIM.TOX, March 8. Mr. Springer,
i-hairrnsn <>f the f'-immitti-i on l-'.x
penditure* in the Department of Justice
which begin" this j*. .k an iriv- -tigati' n
of the expense* mcurr- I in the rcn-nt
8t ir Route trial*, received u teb grim
hist evening, just after the adjournment
•f the Hon • , from ex I' wtmu-'er lien
•ml J une*, saving tliut In - >UId not I>•
present on Tuesday, and u-k ng tint In
might In- examined a d.n later. Mr.
springer, with tin- con-ent of the other
meniL-r# of the commit • <-, granted Mr
James lii*requ-t,und tl.e iiinwt gatjon
will not begin until Weilne- lay The
other principal wit tie--cs are expected
to testify each one day later than at
fir*t announ-. I Tin* will plaee the
examination of ex Attorney General
MacVeagh on Thursday, that of D
Senator Spencer on F'riday, and Mr
<iib*on will, probably.be examined on
Mr. Ker i to be one of the next wit
ne**..* before the committee and the
chairman think* h will send for Mr.
Dorsey. probably sometime in April.
Mr Springer said to the fYza/correepou
-lent this evening
I desire to enalih every per-oii who
has been si all cnggcd in tL' -e mat icrs
to have the opportunity of explaining 1
Why it was that Ihe principal l-oefi, ia
rie* of the Siar Route fraud* were nut
prosecuted, and I want to find out the t
whole history of the prosecution* that
were had. I intend to have the extm
j ination continue without any inteirup
' 'ion a* f.tr a* poswibie, until th>- whole
matt<-r i* in*•-•tigated. The only thing
that I think of that will interfere with
the progress of the committee will boon
the 12th instant, whn I am obliged to
be in New York, as upon that night
I had an engagement to lecture in
In anw.-r to a question a* to when he
thought the investigation will be com
pletod, Mr. Springer said .
That, of course, ib pen de up, n i imun
stances, though I hope it will lie over
with by the !*t ,-,r middle of May. Tin
examination of "ine of the witnesses
will take several day*. There are a giest j
many things that aorae of our princqa'
witne*.r* might tell which 1 am afraid
we may have some difficulty in drawing |
out, while a great many facts will
probably never be brought to light at
all. The position 1 bold as chairman of i
the committee is one i Imva not sought
or desired, and I am not responsible for }
the result* of the investigation. lam j
only re*|ion*ible for bringing out ali |
the facts that I can.
Mr. Springer ha* found hi* own com- I
milteeroorn too small for the examine- I
tion. and has obtained from Mr. Eaton,
the chairman, the use of the room
belonging to the Select f'ommittee on
the bew Respecting the Election of
President and Vice President.
Tits Harrishurg correspondent of the
N. \ . Ass understand* the Republican
situation in tbi* State as follow*.-
Ity direction of Mr. Charles Emery
Smith and John Stewart, the Blain pro j
pic in the several oountics were directed j
to poll the committee* and publish the
result, a* an indication of the sentiment j
of people for their candidate. Thi* has j
been done in a dozen counties, with
amazing consequences. In every ca*e '
more than two thirds of the votes are j
for niaioe. It is noticeable, however, |
that the delegates chosen by these same
committees are for somebody else. Tbe |
Blaine men complain, moreover, that
they have been hatrayed by the mana
gem in the manner of electing the
delegates. The new rules provide for
election by convention* rolled for the
purpoee, or by a direct popular vole.
When this question comes up, the
machine, which Iswellorgaoized, points
to the fad that the earley data of the
Convention precludes the potibilitiy of
adopting either of theee/expedienta,
and tlioy up- left to the alternative of
adopting the plan of electing by com
mittee#, which i* palpably diasdvanta.
genu* to the people a* against the ma
chine. A bitter b ding in developing
from thi* fact, and it will be surprising
if there i* not a formidable uprising In
the Convention, if it doe* riot break out
sooner. It -verting to the threatof Quay
regarding the Congressional delegation,
it >* understood that Judge Kelley and
A. I> Mrmcrof the i'lnladi-lphia nn-iii
I ei* will be retired. Kelley ha* given
trouble on Recount of pending Philadel
phia appointment*, and Harrier bos
given him encouragement. James It.
Everhait, of the Sixth d strict, now
serving hi* first term, i to be cut nfl'
Newton Evan*, S. K. I'.arr, t'hirle# A.
lirumin, and O, 11. Miller will go out
be iii*e of the rotation system in their
respective di-trict. W. W. Brown, in
hi* first term, will be sacrificed because
of having HIIOWH too much fond no** for
Senator Mitchell, who live* in hi* di*
trict, and Jaeob M, Campbell, of the
Seventeenth di-iriet, ia to ba slaughter
el to make room for -John Lemon, a
favorite with the Ring, who retire* from
the office of Adjutant General in May
Lewi* E. A'kiffvin i# the only one of
the new Republican member* of the
present Congress who II get hark, and
it i* itoubt'ul if be will be able to CHrrv
tbe district. It i- so clo-e that obvious
Ring interferenci would defeat tha party
aid elect a DemiMj.it. The member
from that di-trict In I ■• n r.-a- in iblv
tr.e table to machine di-ipline, and
will therefore be preinitted to get
thr>>tigll if lie cam. I'.a*, tie will 11>
knocked nut at any hazard, lie ba*
lii-en |iOitively in relx-li>n duritig the
whol of b' tbr- ■ term- < mplet- d. nd
now talk-f> ir|e--lv against tl.aCntni t n
domination tjuuy make* no < "tc •a)
mi nt of hi preference for a Denctcrut
to Ravin-. ge V. Lawrence w.H
be returned because he i old ami ha*
l<e. n * disappointment. Rrainerd, of
th- Erie diet ict. hi* llkewisi proved of
little value to tholsoy*, at 1 he will have
tzi go The program mvea ■-D .. entire
B|at--. and will r> pur. careful wr.rk.
but the plan* are already completed.
An Enthusiastic Endorsement.
GOSH AM, N. 11 . July 14, IHT'.T.
GtN7- -Whoever you are. I don't
know ; but I thank the laird ami feel
gtatdu) to > at to kn >w tout HI tbi*
wnrid of ;>dui<eratei} rued <,i i there i*
one ooui{Kiun<l that prove* and dix all
it advertises t> d >. Mild more E"Ur
years ag'i I hail a slight shot k of palsy,
which unnerved me to sucli an extent
that the lea-t exciteuient would til ike
nio -liskc like the ago. I.sst M<y I
*ii induced totr Hop Bitter*. I u*ed
one iMiiiie. but did not see *iiv change
stioltier <tei sn r-tiange rny nerve* tlial
they are now as steady as they ever
were. It lIMvl to tHke t>Oth hand* to
write, but now mi good right band
writ- - thi*. Now, it you continue to
manufacture hon<-t sn i good an
article as you do, you will uccuriiuiatc
all honest fortune. and confer tin
gr< .t<-"t bic- mg on rour fellow rm-a
that w.oever conferred on mankind.
Tia Hi am.
Tie- *:<•■' cr*ze.wave braid, at Oar
The' Press
We* hly Prtss, - - - XI.OO a t'ssr.
Dally Preae, ... -00.00 a Yeer.
Tbe coming rear wilt be nelabts Can press,
dueled between a liepnbltnui toeaale and a
Democratic Honor, will be bnty frealdenl
niakißX. Tbe IT est haul* of Prelection against
1 res Trad* will actual* lb* CMM and lb*
eoontry The Presidential campaign will he tbe
hardest fought and meet exciting pi M local
stmggls for * Matter of a Centura Pair op*, in
the opinion of the best Informed, trembles on the
ere of * gt> at war.
With such an oetlnok a live newspaper which
print* all the new* and tell* th* whole trnlb sboat
It is mors than ever a aeeeseltT. Koch a news
pap" t* THE Pmi.ABN.RBI A Paws* Telegraph
wire* in tla own office place It la Instantaneous
rntnninMention with a corps of over Xve buodred
news gatherers dlstrlbnted all over the civilised
world. The special dally cable *rrlee whlth It
share* with the New York Hrraiit covers every
phase of activity In European life. No paper
excel* It In all the element* which go to luafc* ap
a brood, full, complete journal.
Besides being a complete newspaper, Tn*
WEEKLY PREM* has several epectal features
which put It st th# top. The AuEirrhrvKAL
pKFARrwEsrr. enriched hy constant contrlbo-
Uona from the foremost writers In vsrton*
branches, give* the prarurel things that people
want to know on the larm and In the garden Th#
llstj-IXU HARD nut WOMKR or Home ivpart
tnrnt, edited by Mr*. Kate t'pon Clark. I* fntl
of Information, hlnuand happy tlinnghu for every
wife, mother and head of a household.
A great feature of the coming ye r will he the
highly valnable letters of *Jf*rrri p. WEEKS on
Wages of Working men. the general condition# of
labor and toe Cost of Living tn Europe a* com
pared nith America. Mr. Weeks, who had charge
of this subject tor thet'eneu* of I**o, Uas made It
a life study, and ha* been ahr*d this year eon
ducting a special investigation. His letter# will
give tbs fart* a* to earning* In all the vartoas
Industrlen. tbe purchasing power of wages, strikes,
levins unionism, arbitration, etc.
The WKKKI.T PKES* IS full of choice h -ma read
ing. wUh puules and other matter for the little
folks.sterlea and pastimes foradulu and children,
fashion notes, recipes, gleaning# from correct
literature, a careful summary of dmaensiii sad
foreign news, and aa earn set rttse—slau ef the
greet qaeeUows ef the 4LJN^
By malt, | uisngs free In the U. h. *#HI Dsnsds
Dally, except Sunday, ■ eta. a mouth; 94 u year
Dally, met udlag Sunday,foet*. a meeth i ITJB a yuar
Una day Prut 12.00 s year
Wsslfly Piun, • • 61.00 a Tsar,
Pm/Ts, inhhsMkil-Clfk# t 4m meg W seal el
w riet end ten Id k mod* papeMr r IV peder tf
THE PRESS CO., United,
tirorrrh-H, I'rorlnioti*, Cr. m
A" CO.,
No. 3 and 5
Bishop St.,
To huy <irocri(.i in thin sec
tion of tin Stat'.
At a f-w of
iO I?f. No. Macker&l $2 f*l
1 >a< k Jt<--1 Ilollcr J- lour . 1 .VI
1f an Kinc-t California Peaches 35 4
Apricots 30
Pea r* .'{<)
• I < un* Bean- 25
•i " Lima " , 25
3 " Corn . . 25
.'{ " Tomato** . . 2-"
" Pea* . . 2o
1 *' Good Table Peaches 20
0 Hot lb* C'al.up . . 25
•J " Pickle# . . 25
1 lb. Baking Powder 30 A
1 lb. Pure Pepper . 25
5 lb*. Granulated Sugar 4* W
1 gal. Beet Table Svrup ( all sugar) 70
1 " Olucoae Sjrup • 45
Choice Bice . . 08
5 pound* Sultana Prune# . 2-5
Lump Starch " . 08
Corn Starch, per pound , 08
1 pound beat Cofee . . 19
Sardine#, 3 boxes for • . 2-5
Scaled Herring, per boa • S5
F.itra honed Codfiab, per bo* 45
IxKiae Valentia Raisins - 00
Scedleat Raisin* - -10
French Prunes 15 I
Olieui Soap . OR .
Bloater Herring, per dot . 2"
2 lhe Canned Corned D< > f , 27
Tapioca Flake or Tiarl . t7
Sold oh Cheap in Pro
We also hare in connection
with otir store a first-Has?
Meal Market, 4
And sHI CHEAPER than
any other Meat Market in
"T BROWN, JR., i CO.