Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 13, 1884, Image 3

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    Tho Qold that Wears.
Wo on* fve thv gnntstt )tts
Wltfit tl ••"* MIQ th lii'ftth< r.
Ami 1 pmaiiMNl my lvv to l><k
Kr the ||IS-UHII fttltiitttt etbt>r
Thut wn I mailt niiuht w!
Whto the IMIVN ere R|
Am! Ilvs and lut Inueilier.
Shs rut me n t## front bar ntit-browu Uuir,
A* 1 WIIMMWI l r li|*n of cltarry.
And gntrv lur a riitjd of lb* olil-tini* g*M,
With a •*oia like iht* mountain harry
An clear and bins
A* I tar syaa wsff trua—
Bwsst •>•, #.• bright and merry !
" The wealth ol my lots It all I h irt
To ftva you," h |.|. In turning .
** The K>*lU that wears Ilk th a raldiaut -t m
In yondar blue- mult burning '
And I took the trust
As a mortal must
Whose soul for lovs Is y warning.
Fats kept ns apart fr many ya*r,
And the blue tea r>llfl hetsern u.
Though I ki*d each day the ntit-hruwn tr*%s,
And made fr*h vow# to Venus—
Till I .tight my bride,
Ann Vats ileftel,
That had failed front lots to wean us.
I found my luvi at the grteu gale
When the dsw was u the hlher
And ws twain wars wed at ths little kirk
la the pl.mser.t autumn weathsr ;
And ths gold that w*Mirs
Now sooth**# my care*.
As we live and love t< gather.
(Translation from Horace Berlin.)
She had come, one summer Sunday, '
to erect her canvas booth under I lie
poplars of tbe village of I.e ('ours, not
very fur from the church. <>n *-i*lter •
side of the enttaiice there win a Airing
painting representing lions of enormous
size, with open jaws and waving manes
—rising upon their hind leg- as though
seeking to devour tbe spectator-. Tbe
peasant-,especially the women, felt cold
chills run down their backs; snl iu
spite of the pressing nppeiiU of the
doorkeeper, no one dared for a l<>ng
time to enter the interior.
At last w!n-n the tux collector—who
was un ex-officer of zouave:—mode up
his niitnl to cross tin- threshold -•!' the '
menagerie, sotue of the villugcrs sum
moned up courage enough to follow
A \x<y moved back u sliding partition '
in the cage, and p<>k< -i a big iron pitch' ,
fork between the bar-. Then a lion wi
-cen to ri-e up painfully—an aged lion,
all broken down and worn out—a blo d i
eyed lion, whose fur was tn-agre and
filthy, an<i whose tail was all raw, ex '
coriated, scabby. M'b<-n be yawned,
only a few stumps of teeth were visible
in bis juws. Madame \ugu-tc dr> w a
curtain aside, and introduced herself to
the public. She hd a thin face arred
with smallpox, and a nose lik •• an eagle's
beak. Her faded velvet bedice and
tight- specktc-l with greasespot-. never
thele-s excited tbe admiralim of the
country people. She entered tbe --age,
brandishing n whip. The lion uttered
a feeble ro.-ir. There was a timid shrink
ing toward the doorway on the pari of
the spectators —and some of the p,-i*
ant women even had one foot on the
street. A little* girl sobbed with t.-rr- r, !
and pulled at her mother's dr--<.
Madame Auguste, however, flogged
the old lion ; and the animal finally re
signed him*--]f to the duty of leaping
over a bar ; but only to lie down again
immediately at tbe further end of his
cage. Then the lion-tamer crouched
down before the animal, and, opening 1
his mouth, thrust her pitted face again
against his jaws. All the spectators
uttered a cry of horror, and the women
rushed out in affright, communicating
their panic to the whole crowd of urchins
gathered at the door. A few of the
men, seeing that the tax-collector mere
ly shrugged his shoulders, held their
ground. Madame Auguste then arose
with a smile, and the performance was
\ they went out the country folks
discussed the wonderful courage of the
lion tamer; and continued to ask one
another whether the bars of the cage
were really strong enough.
The tax-collector was the only one
who had a hard word for tbe lion, when
they talked the thing over among hi*
own circle. "He's lirnp as an old to
bacco quid," said he to the notary and
the druggist; "I've seen a very differ
ent kind of lions in tbe province of
Three o'clock bad just struck. The
men of the village were atnttsing them*
-elves in various ways; some playing
at piquet in the tavern, others at ten
pins on the public road. The women
were hurrying by to disappear within
tbe door* of the church, where ve-pers
were commencing. The peal of bell
from tbe steeple alone broke the silence
of I.e t'ours. which soon appeared com
pletely deserted. Behind the canvas
booths a thin column of smoke was
rising from the roof of the canary
colored wagon, with its shafts in air.
Madame Auguste was cooking in her
The menagerie was tranquil; the old
lion continued to sleep, and tbe menag
trie boy bad gone to the inn to sec
whether Madame Auguste'* horse and
mule had received their peck of oats.
But after a little while, the lion teased
aud harraaned by flies, opened one eye,
moved his tail, and rubbed his head
against the bars. Forthwith the barred
door by which Madame Auguste had
entered tho cage moved upon its binges,
uml stood fljir. It hud not b*-n proper
ly secured, iiml nobody had observed
tho fuel not even the lion, who hud
bun down more contentedly limit usual
lifter the departure of hi* mistress. The
captive |>u*hed lIIN muzzle against tin*
d< or, looked before li in, and after
moment'* hesitation, leaped into the
booth. lie proceeded very slowly, very
cunningly, and poked hi* bead through
the calico curt iin which concealed the
e trance of tho tncnsgciie fioin the
public, he COUTH had all the aspect of
an uninhabited place.
The lion stepped into tho street and
halted again. Then be recommenced
li > promenade, but very timidly, with
an embarrassed air—as though very dc.
trustful and supremely suspicious, ttaie
would have thought that he hud already
regretted having proceeded so tar; uttd
every once iu it while he would turn bis
bead half-round to look at his domicile.
Nevertheless be skirted the church w all,
and finally took up bis position tinder
the porch, without making the slightest
noise. The church doers bad been left
w.de open, because of the heat, and
witlrn u profound silence reigned,
broken only by the outbursts of the
preacher's voice from the pulpit, and
the mad music of the crickets from the
neighboring trees. The | ricst had i nly
just commenced his sermon ; and the
peasnm women in their rows of straw
bottomed chairs, were either li-tening
or yielding to the drow-iiicss of the hot
day. I
It WHI the bendb who first pcrcch - d
the enormous aba low of the lion upon
the wall of tin* port It. lie let his bal
herd fall i-> tin- p v- n--nt. ami cried out
m a voice half clicked by terror
"There's the lion
The whole i oiigreg iti"ii was imme
diately sc/cd u.th unii:teruble tir->r.
• 'hairs and bom In - wore overturned in
all directions. S one rushed toward the
organ-loft, others t > the door ->f the
sacristy,other- (■> the high altar. Whit
a- sheets, and with •.. w.M with !• ir.
the worn* ti -In • k--d helple-ly 01 utior
etl uumele - i ro I'he children ytllo'l,
nn 1 • ilbd U| -n lln-ir mothers t<i -avc
them, ---voral peasant women almost
d.ed "t ir ght, and huddled together in
the ii.- ,a. tu ,21 b-l i;iig tlie.r breath
'rotn t.-rror.
I'cople trampled - i-li other >li the
pulpit stairs to hind tie- altar on either
side of the -am tuury railing. I'rayer
took-, obsp'.c's, bs-nches, stools,candle
-no!.- and oonoi wor-- scattered • n the
do >r. The l-e idle hel batrii eled hilll
self within the confessional ; the chan
ter, whose face was fully lit by a gu-li of
light from the window, was livid, and
his knees were knocking together al
most violently enough t-> break the
lxinc-. A I ttle boy till? b. 1 • juec/e i
himself under a big chair thrust out
from betwixt the run.', a face comically
distorted by tears of terror. Thesacris- t
tan hail run tip the -teeple -tar. and
ws ringing the bell with all hi- might,
as if there was a conflagration to hi- ex.
tinguisbed. The few women who had
succeeded in getting out of the church
with the first rush, were running through
all the streets ~f the village, throwing
up their arm-, and screaming for help.
The priest alone—who. from the
height of hi* pulpit—had seen the wild
beast walk quietly away— tried to re
establish some calm among the faithful.
But his voice waa lost in the tumult of
the panic ; and already, front all the
houses, drinking place*, club rooms,
taverns, etc., men were running to the
soene armed with I<efaur*hetix revolvers,
pitchforks, apits and billiard queue*.
Tbe lion, indeed, had very quietly re
traced bis way to the menagerie, as soon
as he had heard the beadle's halberd
fall on tbe church pavement. Madame
l August" at once rushed at her boarder,
raining lashes upon him with her whip,
and hurried him into the cage, with
many kicks in the hinder portion of bis
emaciated body.
But the whole village had been tor
Headed by the tax collector, wlio had
taken down an old revolver from his
panoply, the peasants poured into the
booth ; and, in spite of the supplica
tions and even tears of the lion-tamer,
who clasped their knees in her vain
despair, they put the muzzle* of their
weapons to the brute's head and blew his
brains out. One peasant even carried
his ferocity so far a* to above a billiard
cue down the lion * throat. The village
folks seemed to have been wrought up
to a pitch of unheard of fury; and
every possible term of abuse, invective,
and insult were lavished upon the
wretched animal's carcass.
''And now,'' shouted tho tax collector
to Mme. Auguate.who had almost faint
ed with grief, "now this will tench yon
that 1 have never been afraid of lions 1"
Madam* Auguste long regained mo
tionlesa with grief and despair. Her
lion represented all her earthly |wsee.
sions, her only resources—besides, he
had grown old in the menagerie, rtnd
his submission, his docility, were extra
ordinary. She would not think of re
maining any longer in the midst of such
people ; and she gate orders to pack up
and leave town thai vaty evening.
lint at the approach of nightfall the
sky clouded up quickly and heavily. A
furious wind cotne whistling through
the trees, tearing away the leaven and
whirling them abroad, and the thunder
began to roar in the distance.
Nevertheless, Madame Auguste'n two
wagons left the vidage hy the highroad
The storm hurst over the country, lie
tween the shafts of the traveling wagon
trotted a great hig mule from whose
Hanks the rain-water poured in stream*.
The old horse who pulled the other
vehicle containing the carcass of the
lion, hung his head sadly under the
furious downpour. The thunder rolled
madly overhead : and, !./ the light of
the lightning, Madame Auguste showed
her tear-streaming face at the little
hark window of her wagon and at in.
tervals thing the epithet, cowards! into
the greit tumult of the tempest.
About Boja.
It buys wish to succeed in life, let
them bear burden when young, and let
not the vanity or misguided affection of
parents or guardians allow them a
life of perfect ea-e and nan restriniit.
Never suffer a boy to shirk his duty
until shirking become* a habit, nor
permit him to take the easiest and ;
lightest part of any employment be. ,
cause it requite* less effort, hut leach
him not that muscles must be devel
oped and strengthened by proper exer- J
Clse, if ho would bo healthy, and not :
toil ennoyblcs th. hoy or man. and it is
as necessary for him to lake bis p irl
as for others.
Never suffer a boy to dodge around
as if seeking for something to do when
reality he is only trying to ki op out of
the way or work or codevormg to kill
time, in order that another may pre
form what he is anxious to shun.
Let him endures cold fatigue, < xpoe'
ure. privation, if you would make him
strong, energetic, self reliant, and un
(Otnpliuniiig. The more luxurious arid
effeminate bis life, the greater will be
lli* needs, ami the more severe and d>
pressing h di* ippointnu nts and trial .
lor the latter must fall to the lot o!
every child of earth, being no exemp
lion law for any.
Teach boys to enlarge their moral
sense and to sharpen, not blunt, their
sensibilities, and let them he slow to re
pedu-have the higher claims and d<
msnd* of an exalted manhood.
Biys should he taught method and
economy, for without these essentia! • b*
success all effirti may prove a failure
in securing a living. I.l them have a
place for evertyhing. and keep u there
so that when wanted no lime may be
lost in a fruitless search : and let every
boy he taught to ecjnotr. XP bis me-.tis
and never permit the outlay to he eipial
to the income, for if this be the cut
be may strive forever, and never lay up
anything for a ra ny day,
Never suffer a boy to say "I don't
care," when be has cntamilted some
misdemeanor or been derelict In ibe
discharge of any duty, for after awhile
he will learn to believe be does noi
care to violate any law, civil, SOMISI or
Let boys pursue, if possible, that
vocation which nature wisely hints she
would have them follow, as tasie ai d
inclination are powerful stimulants vo
excellence in any pursuit, and nature's
plans should not be thwarted.
Scores of first rate vacancies are daily
presented to honest, steady industriou*.
1 tidy, polite, active, intelligent boys, and
: it ia their fault if they do not fill them
lawyers, merchants, ministers, tercher*
and artisans of every craft are daily
dropping away from their places and
eome one must fill them, and it is left
! for the boja and young men of the
present day to say whether they will
i faithfully discharge the duties of (hose
' poets of honor and usefulness, and step
into the front rnnka of life, or sink into
obscurity and jwiventy by neglecting to
cultivate the higher virtues and qusli
tie* that will secure them at lasting
fame, when their names have been cut
in stone upon same perishing epitaph.—
The Muacloa.
The chief function of the muscles ia to
contract, and thus to move a given
part by drawing toward itself the ten
don which connects the two—the part
and the muicle. Some of the muscles
are moved hy a nerve-force sent from
the brain by the well—others act inde
pendently of the will, aa most of the in
ternal -muscles. Still others as the
muscles concerned in breathing are in
the main independent of the will, and
yet oan be controlled by it to some ex
Again, even those whose ordinary
movements are determined by the will,
oen bo operated on independently of it
by what la called "reflex" nervous ac
tlon. In thia case a sensation runs up
toons of the brain oen ters, and then,
without going as high as the region of
intelligence, runs down a nerve of mo
tion to the supposed muscles.
This is so witbtbe convulsive move
menla "f hysteria, eplleapy, etc. Habitual
acta become in time larpely, if not
wholly, reflex, thus relieving the mind
from superintending them. A bird
can fly and a fish can awim without a
braiu through this reflex power.
No oue knowa what the moving force
in whioh ao wanderfully plana between
the brain and the muscle*. It ia uot
electricity, although the muaolea even
of a dead man can he moved by tbia I
latter force. In every department of
science wo soon strike the limits o'
the kuowable.
Sometimes, as in cholera (St Vitus |
dance) there is a wild movement of
the muscles, often fearfully viovent
and utterly uncontrollable. Some- i
thing, at in locomotor ataxia, so called, J
there is an irregular action oftbavolun
tary muscles—the legs, arms, and head
moving grotesquely in walkikg. Some
times, at in a trance, the limbs of a
patient can be placed by another in the
queerest postures, and the former wilj
not have the slightest power to change !
them, although he may have the pos
session of his senses.
The muscles retain noro or less of
their peculiarity for a time after death. '
The heart of some animals will beat for
hours removed from tno body. In
some <-a*e of death from cholera and
yellow fever, a certain convulsive force
may continue for awhile. One man,
several hours after death from cholera,
brought his hands together HI.-I lifted
bis arms into the air, repeating it for I
some time. Youth'* Companion,
Tho Futuro of our Etirlh
If ihc force at the back of all growth
all complexity and all chang- on earth
i* that which the nc has steadily su| •
plied to it through count!.-** ages, and
still supplies, it is plain that when this
force fails as fail it one day must, there
will he a steadily declining develop
merit and a rapidly increasing d- g- ner
ation of things, an undoing by regres
sive decomposition* of what lias been
d. ne by progressive combination
through the succession of the ages
The disintegrating process may be ex
peeled to take effect first upon Ihe high
ist product* of evolution, and to reach
in deepening succession the low , lower
lowest organization and org mtic com
pounds. The nation* that have ri-<-n 1
high in complexity of development will
deteriorate and be broken up, to have
their places taken hy less complex as
•ociatioo* a* inferior individuals; these
n turn will yield place to Ampler and
| feeble unions of still more degraded be
| ings ; specie* after specie* of animal*
and plants will first degenerate and
! then become extinct a* the worsening
i -ondition of life render in itn|>o*aih!e for
'.hen to continue the struggle for ex is
l ten e a tew scattered fam.iie* of degra
led human beings, living perhaps, in
• now hut* n<r the rquatcr very much
• s hUquunsux live now near the pole
will rejn-sint tin lat wave of there
•••di'.g tide of human existence before
its hnitl extinction ; until the last a
roxen earth, incapable of cultivation, is
.eft without energy to produce a living
pa'tic'e of any ort, and so death itself
ia dead."—/Wy an I Wilt,
Tho Belle of New York
There have been many charming girl*
in N*w York society of recent year*
and a number whohave b.-en considered
beauties in their particular set*, but
until recently no one ha* lcen the ac
know lev i*rd queen of unmarried women
through the length and breadth of New
York society. Mis. Mar on is
i now known a* the most heautifal girl
|in New York. She is tall, her figure is
I exquisitely moulded and her eyes are
superb. She i* quite dark and extreme
lv graceful. Whenever Miss l.angdon
consent* to dance with the leader of a
gernian the struggle for invitations i*
breathless and prolonged. Mist Lang
don ha* been en gage-1 several times, tint
in every instance the engagement ha*
la-en broken off quietly and nothing
more heard of it. lavst summer her
engagement to Perry Belmont w> otfi
eially announced, ami the marriage *,v
to have taken place this spring at New
port, hut for tome reason which la*
' never come out the affair was broken
off. Everybody *ey* Belmont didn't do
it and that the rupture wn* entirely due
jto Mi** Lnngdon'* caprice. She cer
tainly dismissed a most de.irahlc suitor,
I for Mr. Belmont is one of the most
| eligible bachelor* in America.
j l'|M>n a recent occasion when .lohn
L Sullivan's sparring exhibition in
San Francisco was stopped by the re
ferees at it* moat interesting point, the
auidence groaned and hissed. The
champion took the demonstration aa •
personal affront, aad, advancing to tha
ropes be said; "Gentleman, this him
ing ia all uncalled for. I am sparring
in a friendly set-to with Mr. Taylor. 1
am not obliged to kill him. If the law
allowed me to knock out somebody 1
would be willing to aooomodate any or
all of you. Them that hisetai is a lot of
loafers. I am a gentleman ; they are
loafers. If any tells me he ha* hissed |
'II giva him a slap in the jaw,"
—AT TilK —
aasrass sisufitajis;
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Bellefonte, Pa.