Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 06, 1884, Image 8

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    ®Jw Cwttc gfwotrai
Thursday Morning, March 6' 1884-
OttiifttPOftDilMCl, containing Important ••w#,cllctl
*4 from *t>Y fiu11 of this countj. No wnniiMloithW
o% rt®4 UUIMI kccompAnUd by tb® rwil oain® of *•
Domocratlc State Convention-
The Democralia Slate Convention of !
Pennsylvania will a##emblo in the Opera
House, Ailentown, at 10 A. M. on Wedne#- I
day April Olh, 1884, to noinenate a Con- I
gre*mau-at-Large, six delegate#al-large to
the National Convention and six Elector# <
at-large to conform and ratify the choice i
•of representative delegate# to the National
Convention, and representative electors by '
the memboi# of the Slate Convention from
tho respective congressional district#, and
to transact #uch other business a# the con
vention may determine.
Chr. Dem. State Com. (
J. B. Llchty, Clerk. ,
Phils., Pa., Feb. 24, 1884.
Lotui Department.
The Bouquet.
At a hotel table sat,
Bridget bride and bridegroom Pat.
While a city dweller on the opposite #et,
Of the celery began to eat
Bridget's eye# with wonder grew ;
"Paddy,'* whispered she, "luk you
At that baste airast the way
Atin up that #wate bookay."
—Why grind stone'
Boo! This is March.
What did the spirit level ?
—The only feminine month—May.
—Kill the calf, the prodigal sun has re
—Our cold weather discourages the
spring poet.
—Coffee and rolls are served free every
Friday evening in the Y. M. C- A. rooms.
—lf you were to compare the way March
came in with a wild beast, wouldn't it be
—The cold weather caused lha weather
prophets to exclaim rather jubilantly :
••Aha! What did I Uil you?"
—Why is it that your nose and chin an
always on the outs? Because words are
continually passing between them.
—Moat of the enterprising journals o 1
country report the banging# as a matter of
noose. — T'sat Sifting* —Upon our word 1
that it wall executed.
Mr. J. C. Harper announces himself
as a candidate for re-election to the office
of Prothonotary. The same bee is "buz
r-iog" in Lew. Scbufer's ear.
—The firm of Doll ft Mingle was dis
solved on Saturday March Ist, 1884, Mr.
Lewis Doll retiring. The business will be
carried on by Mr. A. C. Mingto.
—Mr. C. T. Alexander baa retired from
the firm of Alexander ft Co., derier# in
agricultural implements, etc. The firm
name la now Jaa. R Alexander ft Co
The lime and coal basin ass will be carried
on by Alexander ft Bro.
—Mr. Andy Lonberger and Robert
lrvin, the popular house and ornamental
painters, are making a specialty of paper
hanging this spring. Will also furnish
paper If desired. All work promptly ex
ecuted. Orders left at H K. Hieks' hard
ware will receive prompt attention. 10-81
—Mr John C. Miller apeat several days
up north last week in the interest of the
Bellefonte Nell Co. Ha announces that If
the prices of nails were no higher tkaa
himself he could have taken orders enough
to keep the works running day and nighj
for tha next six months.
—Upon the first page of oar paper we
publish a complete list of the articles
exhibited ia the Gregg, Post rooms
daring the Art Loan F-xbibition. Persons
wishing copies of tha CKNTKK DEXOCXAT
containing this report, can secure then
at this office at five cents per copy.
—During the past two waeka we have
received a number of communications from
the country, but the writers forgot to give
their real name, and in consequence there
of were not published. Communication#
not accompanied by the writer's name In
variably finds its way to our waste basket.
Hee instructions to correspondence la our
iue of February Vlst.
—Commissioner Wolf was rather un
fortunate a few days since. He endeavor
ed to drive a steer over a bridge. Mr.
Hteerrhip d-e'ded nt logo but concluded to
paea over an other bridge—the bridge of
j(r. Wolf's nose, in consequence of which
our worthy Commissioner's note presents
the appearance a boiled strawberry.
—Mr. Dfvid 1. Parson#, who has been
in the employ of Jaa. (Harris ft Co. for
ran* time past, bn* severed his connection
with that firm and accepted a position with
H. K. tlicks, in wbo#e employ ha bad
formerly been. David has probably had
mora experience in the hardware line than
any one in Bellefonte, having served in
that business fir over 2o year#.
—J. H, Johnston, the Gun Man, or bet
ter known a* owner and proprietor of the
;• Greet Western Gun Works, Pittsburgh,
vFa., will mall free a large illustrated cata
logue of rifies, shot guns, revolvers, ete.
* lie will send you a gun by express. You
can examine it at expreaa office, and if not
aotDfactory return It at hie coat. Thia ia
certainly a very fair proposition, and I# a
guarantee of honest dealing.
Itev. Laurie I* not expected home for j
several weeks yet.
Mr. Wm. Lyons, of Howard, Pa., was (
in town on Tuesday. <
Miss Nervin Herman in again clerking .
for The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Mr. Wilard ("row. of the Y. M. C. A.
relumed to BellefonteTueaday morning. |
Mr#. John O. Love ha# gone to Clifton
Spring#, N. Y., to recuperate her health, i
Mr. Jai. Montgomery took hi# departure
for hi# home in Wausau, Wis., Thur#day
Mr#. Adam McEwen, of Hubler#burg,
•pent Monday and Tuesday visitingfriend#
in Bellefonte.
Mi## Bessie Montgomery ha# returned
home after a three week# visit to friend# In
llariiaburg and Milton.
Mr. Geo. Downing #pent Tue#day and
Wednesday in Bellefonte returning to
Altoona on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Frank Adam#,the popular merchant
of Mileaburg, dropped in to ee u# for a
#hort while on Thur#day la#t. He report#
business booming.
Her. J. F. I>elong preached an intereat
ing lermon in the Presbyterian church
laat Sabath morning in the abaenae of
the regular pa#tor Rev. Laurie.
Mi#a Laura Hemphill, of Krle, Pa.,
who came here to attend the funeral of
Mi## Annie Hibler, 1# at present the guest
of Mr#. W. E. Burchflald, at PblUtwburg.
Mr. Henry Yeager formely thie
place and who moved to Youngatown,
Ohio, about two yaar# ago, moved hia
family to Altoooa a ahort time since
where Mr. Yeager, and Geo. W.
Downing are engaged in keeping a
Miss Lizzie Keyser, the young lady who
answered the "call#" at the Telephone
Exchange to acceptably for the past two
years, ha# severed bar connection with
that institution. It i# rumored that she
contemplate# joining another great corpor
ation ere long, over which #be will have
uodiiputed Powtri to command.
OaiTCaar.—Thia morning Mi*a Annie
E. Hibler died at the residence of her
uncle, Col James Hemphill, after a
protracted illness. I deceased bad lived
with her aunt and uncle nine years in
Erie. She was a member of the senior
class at tha High School two yearn ago,
but owing to her delicate health wa#
obliged to forego the pleasure of gradua
ting with her young friend*. Intellec
tually the was the peer of the beet in
her CIIUM ; she WM poaaeaaed of all the
noble trait* of character end graces of
l>*ron that could be desired. She WM
baloved by ell classes for her lovable end
happy disposition. She WM a Sunday
scholar at the Park Church from her
early childhood until a few years ago,
when she became a teacher. There her
beautiful Christian character shone I
brightest. Her death will cause genuine ,
regret and sorrow wherever she WM j
known. The funeral aervicea will IK- i
held to-morrow morning at the reaideoce *
of Col. Hemphill, Rer. Ir. Fullerton
officiating, after whirh the remains will
he taken to Bellefonte, Pa., for Inter
meat.— Erie Herald.
The death of this moat estimable
young lady we briefly alluded to in our
IMt iMue, having l>ecn informed of the
sad event after our paper WM made up
for preM. We knew her M a most in*
teresting little girl, and took great pleas
lire in the knowledge of her tmautiful
character in advancement to woman
hood. We most sincerely sympathise
with her friends in the bereavement-
She WM a member of the Presbyterian
church in Erie, and WM buried from the
church of that denomination in this
place, the Rev. 0. W. Penepacker. of
the M. E. church, officiating in the ale
sence of the pastor.
ANOTHER N sw IvnrsTßT.— A meeting
WM held In the parlor of tbs Rush House
Thursday 2*th, ult., and organised for the
manufacture and sale of Hamilton Seed
Drill Regulator, with the following board
of directors: John llsmllton, Moses
Thompson, Jss. Y. McKee, Wm. Thomp
son, Jr., snd Jscob Jackson. The capital
stock Is *40,000 snd Is divided into 10000
shsres ($/•"> each). The stock hM all been
taken. The charter will be obtained as
soon M possible, and n reasonable number
of Regulators will be manufsclured|forthe
coming season.
—A few of our legal gentlemen were In
Harrisburg last week in the interest of
some one of the numerous candidates for
Associate Judge.
—Mr. James Harris contemplates build
ing a three-story brick building on tbo lot
owned by him corner High and Water
streets. Work will be b"gun as soon as
the weather will permit.
—The teachers of Centre rounty were
requested to meet in the school house in
Bsllefonte on Helurday forenoon for the
purpose of organising n Teachers Associa
tion. A* only nine, besides our own leacb
ers, were preeent, the meeting was only
, partially successful. Prof. D. M Wolf
WM elected President and l'rof. Henry
. Keller Secretary. On account of the lim
ited number of teachers present n motion
' to organise WM not carried. Wednesday
■ A. M. of the Annual meeting of the Teech
I era in-dilute WM appointed for TILE consid
eration of the matter, and Prof, wolf WM
1 Instructed to appoint a committv to pre-
sent tho lubject v fir ths tns'.l;*/. *• (hst
lime. \ J •
MFHIXU MILL* ITEM*.—Since my last
otter tbn population of our little city hat
inc rested one.—[fa It a boy or a girl ?—El>. j
—On the 27th, ult , Amoa Alexander i*
married to Mia Clara Sweotwood, of near
Contra Hill. And thua another of our
young nii'D haa boon addod to the ordor of
Honedicta. Being well acquainted with
Miaa Clara, having auatainad to her tba re
lation of teacher to pupil, I congratulato
Amoa on hla good fortune in having ae
cured ao Ineatimable a young lady for a
wife.—Another bouae haa alao been added i
to our town. Mr. Launty, of George* val- |
ley, baa built a houae on Railroad atreet.— |
The late cold anap partly covered the mill
dam with Id*, and on Saturday the boy*
got out their skates again and had a jolly
old time.—The Preabyterian and Reform
ed congregation* have organised a union
choir under the lead of Frank J. Rarlck,
with Mr*. J a me* Craford, ntf Miaa Mary
Miller, and Prof. Rarlck aa organiat*.—
Mr. Aurand ha* void hla drug atore to two
gentlemen who will remove the a lock to
Ohio. Mr. Aurand return* to Union
county. *
PEN* 11ALL ITEMS.—Cbaa Fiaher la
again able to be around.
The Telephone man baa been to Spring
Mill* looking up place* to put tbelr Intlru
menla. Penn Hall will lake one for aura.
Come and **e ua, Mr. Telephone man.
Hat band aewing la all the go among our
Jonathan Coado waa married la*t Tuea
day to Miaa Ellen Alllaon, from Cedar
Spring*, Clinton county. They are at
prevent viaiting hi* brother, J. P. Condo.
Well, Jona, that waa right, and we with
you a happy and proaperou* life a* the
year* roll by.
Calvin Weaver, we are aorry to aey, la
about leaviog ua. Mr. Weaver I* an ex
cellenl clerk, and miaaed by many.
'He baa aome notion o! making the Weal
hi* home.
Surprla* parlie# and walking matcha*
ar* becoming quite popular for ao early in
the aeeaon.
Mia* Havillie Mill*, from Lock Haven,
la viaiting at J. P. Condo'a.
Cal Fiaher had lb* mlafortun* of alrik
ing bit thumb very bandly with a hammer.
Wm. Maaae moved into hi* new houae
eat week.
The gueeta at the wedding that took
place leal weak war* greatly disappointed,
a* they ri pec led to have a hop end e gen.
eral tear-up, but all In vain. The Rv.
did not leave till the next morning.
MorgTAi* Bo r
Court* Don*.-Blustering March it
tier*.—H. C. King U pulling up * n*
house on Mtin street,— New Elders end
dMD> were elected by lb* Evaagellc*)
church on Wednesday evening.—Mite Li*'
si* Kathernon it the new train signaler,
with C. Ding** for guard.—The spelling
bee was not well attended. Home persons
would rather have their children runabout
the ilr*eu and use profane language.—
Mite Emma Wolf U the new aartstenl
P M -W H Ca*tl*r it delivering the
largest stick* of sewed lumber at lb* sta
tion.—Some persons hav* raised false re.
porta about lb* Postmaster of this place
for tbeavowed purpose of taking the office.
Better beware. There is still a plac* for
such person*. %
Pirn*.—Por some lime pest a set, consist
ing of tlx (Has* Blowers' Pipe*, wer* ex
hibited in the window of J. C. Miller A
Co'*, store, A placard explained that
th* Pipe* wer* to b* contested for by Mr.
Victor C. Mair and .Mr. James Conrov,
two very popular (Haas workers of Belle
fonts. Each gentleman at once went to
work with a will to secure the valuable
prixe. On Saturday evening th* money
collected for thla purpose was turned over
to the relief fund of Gregg Poet. About
on* hundred spectators wer* present. Af
ter the money bad been counted order was
called. Mr. I>. F. Fortaey, on behalf of
Gregg Post, then announced the result,
stating that the amount collected by Vic
tor Malr waa SA4 60, and that Jatnee Con
roy bad collected $lO7 M, and onnsequant
ly.the latter gentleman had won th* pipe*,
and in a neat and appropriateliltleaddrosa,
presented to the victor the handsome im
plements of bit vocation. He gave a brief
history of the manufacture of glass, dating
beck as far a* ROOO year* B. C. In conclu
sion Mr. Fortney stated that Comrade Fee*
of Pittsburgh bad suggested the Idea of
such a contest After Mr. Fortqey had
closed hi* remarks, Mr. Ji,o. G. Love ad
vanced t the front and taking Mr. Mair
by the band remarked : "There Is a* much
credit in a skillful retreat a* in a victory.
The immortal Wasbington gained much of
his miliury glory by the manner in which
he conducted his retreat*," end Mr. Mair
was advised to do likewi-t. 1 Rut that ho
might retire with greater satisfaction from
a contest where only one could win he, on
behall of Gregg Post, would present to
blm a very handsome gold baadad cane."
Msesrt. Mair and Conruy tendered their
thanks, after which they were surrounded
by their friend* who offered congratulation*
and best withes. Mr. .fas H. Rankin an
nounced that th* money thus raised is not
for the ber.oftl of Gregg Post, but for the
benefit of the widows and orphans of dead
comrade*. The money is plscod in bank
and can only be used for the purpose above
named. .
TKAITS or STAT as—The most egotls
i ileal of the United Mates, "Me."— /totfU
CkiurUr The must relglous—'"M*."-
i 7V>* farorite to the ladles—
S '*W *
—The moat complete line of Gent's
furniabing good*, at German'*.
—Wedding card* and all kind* of print
ing at the CENTRIC DEMOCRAT office.
liny tombstone* and monument* at
S. A. Stover'*, High street marble y*ri.
—We are indebted to 'On* Iloovcr for
P. B.—That's a ten cent local— jual the
amount we were indebted for. The post
script is gratia.
—lf your bar nee* is in need of repair*
take them to Mutt* A Powea, Alleghaney
atreet, above the poet office.
—Mr. Jno. C. Miller wishes to purchase j
a small printing pre**. Call at the Nail '
Work* or at the book store of Miller A- 1
Hoover. tf.
—lt la estimated that It will coat over
$lOO,OOO to rebuild the fence* along lb*
wnt branch of the Susquehanna, caused
by the late Ice gorgo
—There will be no service* in the Re- !
formed church next Sabbath <>n account of '
the regular pastor, Rev. J. F. lie Long'a, !
expected absence.
A good two foot rule—keep your feat 1
dry.—AVic* Well, the perpetrator of tbi
pun should be punished, and Lis coal tail
ought to coine in contact with about one*
half of that rule.
If you wish to take a drive or in
want of a carriage or anything in the j
livery line jnst step around to Abe '
1 Ileum* stable, and he can fit you out to
a T.
I>oar a Spear somewhere bo j
tween Water street and the depot on
Monday night. For further particulars
call at the Telephone exchange. P. S.
I'leasae wear a helmet of steel and a coat
of mail.
—The sale of tbe extensive coal laDd*
and Interest of Berwind, White A Co., of
Snow Shoe, Pa., baa been effected, the pur
chasers being tba Lehigh Valley R. R. Co,
This will put renewed life and activity in
Snow Shoe and vicinity.
—The Delaware almshouse at Lima iaao
j(d}amfol that soma of the inmate* ar*
compelled to lie on the floor. This la an
other Inducement for paopl* to come to
| Bellefonle. We scarcely know anything of
an almshouse here.
Hon. L. A. Mackey,of Lock Haven,
who spent several day* in Bellefunie last
week, returned to bis borne Friday even
ing. Hi* mission to Beilefonte wa* u> ar
range in regard to the letting of the R ,
N. A L. mtlroed, Several contractor*
traveled over the route. The contract*
will be awarded in all probability within
the next tan day*
—Tbe largest and most complete line of
hnta, German a.
—A surpriae party, composed of little
i folks, repaired to the residence of Squire ,
| Smith, on Bishop street, on last Friday
. evening to celebrate the 12th birthday of
' Miaa Millie, the 'Squire's second daughter
' After a number of gams* and forfeit* were
| gone through with, refreshment* were
served. The evening wa* spent very
pleasantly and wa* very enjoyable to all.
Millie la a very pleasant little Miaa, and w#
wish bar the return of many happy birth
Fedora's, and lb# new aha pea in stiff
hnta, nl German's.
—ln giving the Election return* for
Huston Township ln*t weak w* in mistake
published the nam* of Mr. A. W. Hurt
, sock (Republican) a* the elected candidate
for Judge of Election. The Democrnta of
Huston put in nomination a first-claa* man
in tb* person of Cbn* Mum; and by bard
, work suocended in hi* election. Since Mr.
, Murray t* only tbe second Democrat!
candidate elected In that Township for $1
year* we gladly oorrect the error, and con
gratulate the Democrat* of Has ton.
—July 4 f Independence Day), end Decern
r ber 26 (Chrislmey Day), together with
> Thanksgiving Day (stually laat Thursday
In Nov.), and Fast day*, when appointed,
' am legal holiday* in all tbe States.
January 1 (New Year's Day), in n)|
• Stale* except Arkanaaw, Delaware, Qeor
• gin, Kentucky, Maine, MaamehuaetU,New
Hampshire, North Carolina,RhodeLdand
r and South Carolina.
I February 22 (Washington's Birthday
' tn all Stales uxoapt Alabama, Arkamaw,
' Florida, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kansas,
f Maine, Miaeouri, North Carolina, OMo t
I Oregon, Teanentee and Texas.
- f General Election Day (geaarnNy on
• Taeaday after flrat Monday in November ),
" In California, Maine Missouri, New Jersey,
New York, Oregon, South Carolina and
f Wisconsin.
> Decoration Day (May 'io),i#in Colorado,
Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, New Uaap-
shire, New Jersey, New York, Tenn^lva.
> nia, Rhode Island and Vermont.
1 Good Friday (March 28), i in FlorUla,
Louisiana, Minnesota and Pennsylvania
' 1 Shrove Tuesday (February ),Inula!ana.
r OUlea of Mobile, Montgomery and ft*tea,
I Alabsmk. '' " *
• Memorial Day (April 24), in InUeotgia.
Anniversary of the Battle of Nvr
t Dan. (January ), lain LonMiaa*.
9 Lincoln's Birthday iFelruary 12), I* in
I La. Firemen's Anniversary (March 4),
< is in Lokialana. v
e Anniversary of Texan Independence
] ; March 2), and Battle at' San Jacinto
. J I April 21), Texas.
' I —New embroideries, German 's.
I —Twenty styles in Ixce curtains, at Oxr
| man's.
fV'iii" fi-ar* having been expruaaed lo dtl* '
fereiil quarter* that the accomodation* io j
Allf-nlown might not |>n adequate to the ,
entertainment ol the large number of per- 1
*ori* attending the convention, I have been
assisted u, the contrary by many responxi
ble and well-informed citizen*. Tba local
committee ol arrangement*, lion. K. Na
kle, Cataeauqua, chairman, givea every a•
suranee that nothing will be left undone to
aecuro ample accommodation* for all visi
tor* , and delegate* and other* detiring to
attend the convention are recommended to
corretpond with S. W. Kilcb, K*q., chair
man Democratic City Executive Commit
tee, Ailentown, for all nec<w*ary informa
tion and arrangements.
County chairinqp, Slate committeemen
and delegate* elect to the convention are
requested to promptly forward their nama* ;
and addre*re* to tbe chairman of the Stale
eommittce, *o that they may be promptly I
informed of all arrangamenu for trantpor.
talion, act.
Peron* conte*tlng the *eat of delegate* j
or whose ~-aU are contested, will jileaae
give no lice of the *ame
Special alUnvion I* called to the fact that
tbe hour for the assembling of the conven
tion i* 10 A. M., and not noon.
In arranging tba eaU delegate* will he
groufx-d by conKre*sional district* to facili
tate tbe *electioff of tbe elector* and na
tional delegate*.
A meeting of the Slate Executive Com
i mitten (of seven) will be held at tbe Amer- I
, ican Hotel, Ailentown, on Tuesday April
Sth, at *' T. M , to Oil tbe vacancy occasion,
ltd by the death of the late Hon. R. E
Packer. W. U. Haaeat.,
R. B. Spangler A Co. have tba finest
furniture etlabliabmenl in tbi* taction of
tbe Stata. If you don't baliava tbi* ju*t
slap around and tea for youraaif.
THB IViimim-At tbe end of the
first year come* the cotton wadding ; sec
ond year, paper ; third year, leather ; fifth
year, wooden ; seventh year, woolen ; tenth
: year, tin ; twelfth year, tllk and fine linen ,
' fiflhteenth year, crystal; twentieth year, I
I china; twenty-fifth year, eilvar; thirtieth
year, pearl ; fortieth year, ruby; DfVieth '
year, golden , seventy-fifth year, diamond.
A R*mivti->'- St SJB'T —Cold weather I
1 —a dead ram— Merchnn I Traveller.
Aren't ewe a little off on that, my son! '
] l'a*iiy Fair.
| That* right; lamb it to him. It wool .
; teach bltn better next time.— Waehxngton
Hate Jut.
Who asked you to tbeep in ? It* (bear
, nonsense, any way.
—Nobby style* in hats, at (tarman's,
Axxst'xcxMUT.—Having moved into
the room* corner Allegheny aad High
street*, my facilitlM are far superior than I
j heretofore, and I would rmpeclluHy an- i
nounce that I am now prepared to do ai !
' kinds of tailoring in the latest and most
fashionable styles with promptness and di
: patch. 1 have on band a fine line of good*,
and you will find It to your interest to call
and examine my stock and learn my price*
when in want of a fine suit of clothe* or a
flrt-cla** overcoat.
j X. K cor. Allegheny and High its n? tf.
Muslin* at astonishing low price* at
Messrs. Bunnell k Aikena have a
very fine selection of solid gold watches,
jewelry and a full line of silverware,
which they offer cheaper than any other
store in Bellefonte.
—Very latest style bat* and caps at
! Lewin's.
—Four cabinet* for less money than four
card *iae* would oo*t elsewhere, at Boytr's,
Bishop street.
—Winter stock must go. Special
bargain* at Lewin'a.
-—Celluloid cuff* aad collar*, all sixes,
at Lewin's.
—Everybody Is invited to Seerfom A
Mayer's to buy breed, plas, cake* aad con
AuCTlonm.—The undersigned, the
fattest and best salesman In Cantral Penn
sylvania, having more than twenty year*
experience In selling Farms, Farm Stock,
Merchandise, etc, offset hi* services to th*
citizens of Centre and adjoining counties
as a Flrrt-clasa Salesman. Charges reason
able. Addrsas JOSEPH L. Nsrr,
4-Bm. Centre county, Pa
WAHTXP.—A position by an sxperi
enced and competent blacksmith. Can do
anything in the btackamithing line. Hab
| Its regular. Address "MncHAkir," ear*
1 CKXTHB DEMOCRAT, Bellefonte, Ta. 8-4t-
S*ow Bnox, Mar. 1, JKn4.
Below is the return of ooal sent over
the B. A 9. 9. Branch of the Tyrone Di-
I iston for week ending Mar. 1, ISM.
W*k. rievlowrty. Te*al
tsai - A • IP.*m mm
. 1W . • vn* a*
* Tweraas* t rfo p.v* %0*
-ifinahav m . t <w
Mhr FVelght . ear*
Tae*. McCsea,
Forth* fiat.l.
Suae Ua* law joar ,SM
Decrease till
Pr-rlee.lr .larln* the year *M*
fiaae Ua* law pat tltjttt
Ihwow M iW
T. ni ia i sat • mjm
hua Ma* hat rear tet,tM
Dc=r*s*a n^ar
eraza ramsat*.
t. timber earn
MlecilkasßQ I * ' I? *
—The •***>,n after the Holiday* it gen
erally dull with Ike Tailor*. We are of
fering extra inducement* in loif price*. We
have given large order*, and the new 9
</'".fl* are now coming in. Leave y>ur
order now. Moxtoomkhy A Co.,
, Tailor*. *
—1 went} -ii ty |e of bat* at German'*.
—Wilton, McKariane A Co., call atten
tion U> the only raliabl# Heady Mixed
l'aint in 'ha market. Tbe Pioneer Fr
i.ared Pair.' i not .nly tuperiar to any
Heady Mixed Paint *old but rival* puro
white lead in it* rtuoothnea* in working
and du'ebility. Tbl. paint i* guaranteed
by the manufacturer* not to crack or |j**l
within three year*. Tb# guarantee it not
onlv good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on if it ibould crack or peel
within tbe time peci Sad. It will be to
your Interest to call and ion Wilton, Mc-
Kariane k Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Heady Mlxei
{ Paint.
Allegheny Street, HelUfonte, Pa.
Are prepared to do all kind* of Fancy
and Heavy Harneaa Making at
It<*a*onable PrlceH and
-I* THE-
MoHtHkillful Manner,
ttepalring dec* with uttßiti aad dixpatcL *
We challenge competition in price*
and workmanabip.
Give ua a trial and be conrineed
All work guaranteed before leering,
tbe abop. I 3m.
Coburo, Centre Co., Pa.
Good Stable Acaimmodattoaa.
Excellent Hunting and Fiabing ground*
quite near tbia Hotel. |
! .10S. KLEPKXEK - Prop'r.
Come and Bay.
In wboie or lota.
on Alleghany Street.
On High street.
Chi Thoma* atreet.
On Willoar Bank atreet, 11800
On Willow Bank atreet, $l2OO
On Biabop atreet,
All in tbe Borough of Bellefonte.
nafTrrmt Made Eaey. C
6 5 3m. Real Relate Agent.
2nd floor Bush Arcade,
fliiai off. Dr. i Dental WBm)
I am note ready to do all kuuU of
Satisfaction guaranteed in all caaes.
I would be pleaaed to bare you call,
and examine apectmene of work. In
atructiooa given in Painting.
Vest Rbm*mtfvi.i.t,
j C. V. ftihter.
Havijsq opened a
We would respectfully invite the
public to give ua n call when in want
of any work in oar line. We are pre
' pared to do ALL kind* of
We also make a specialty of
nt ALL rra niuvf nrv.
AU work will recieve prompt alien,
tion. Our terms are reaeonable, and
all work guaranteed. JieapeetftUly,
*-. , itollcfoxtc.
NOTIt'E—-Lettmi*. A
A l~u.-nurT no lh. (eta* of Mr*. BiaaLrih f
M'Aalajr, *—■ *.. late of Waitw t er.aMp, One.
r, haviaa be** rrwit—i *• a*nwjpnja ,
lWaai aiiki l i at* <*ui or* n quoomf ta
KMX. InmaM*!* tab H koWag Mm .
reSHMP* -ASU rw*
M fataw.
2\ Mwtfc* |h Uol Uttett f itoH#
tntff m> \ho MHIS <f VTo+Wy Aysra. Hi*
All parwoa koovHog tiki mi - mfW {
Muf is a* Lt or. reesema* i make is 4r j
r.ioi-01, •** thorn k.nn*rl; m , ■
taty nantoM, for oHftnarnt
cxnuifbt atwm. . .
*... .. -t- .! . I 5