ltd It Itodila. BAM) RAGLE VALLEY K. it.— Tune rbl in effect Nov. IV, 'Hit. WRBTWAKD Exp. Mail. AM. I'M Leave Lock Haven 4 46 400 Fleniiniflon 4 48 4 04 Mill iUII 4 62 4 07 Beech Creek 501 4 J{l Kaglevill* 504 4 20 Howard 6 18 4 36 Mount Eagle 6 18 4 48 f Curtin 5 22 4 4H Milerburg 6 80 4 66 Bnliefonte... 6 40 6 06 Miletburg.. 6 60 5 16 .Snow Sh.* lot 6 58 5 >!> Unionvill* 02 6 28 Julian S 12 6 88 Martha 22 6 48 Port Mali Ida S 20 660 Hannah B 37 B 1* Fow!r B 39 B IB Hald K*gi 6 40 B 10 Vail B 68 6 24 Arrive at Tyrone 7 06 B 36 EASTWARD PM. AM Leave Tyrone 7 30 8 30 Kut Tyrone 7 87 8 3. Vail 7 40 8 40 Hald Eagle 8 46 8 46 Fowler 7 64 8 6B Hannah 7 67 860 Port Matilda 8 06 000 Martha 8 18 9 17 Julian 8 28 0 2B L*niouville 8 83 0 87 Snow Shoe lot 8 42 0 47 Mil*burg 8 46 0 60 Bellefonte 8 56 10 00 Miletburg 0 06 10 10 Curtin 0 16 10 10 Mount Eagle 0 10 20 28 Howard 0 26 10 32 Kaglevill* 0 8B 10 42 Beetb Creek.. 0 40 10 46 Mill Hall 0 62 10 68 Flemi igton 0 66 11 01 Arrive at Lock Haven 10 00 11 06 BELLKFON l'K A SNOW SHOB K. It.—Tune Table ill effect Nov. 10 Leave* Snow Shoe 4:13 V in., arrives la Bellefonte 6:20 a. m. Leave* Bellefonte 0:80 a. m , arrive* at Snow Shoe at 11:04 a. in. Leave* Snow Shoe 3:60 p. m., arrive* at Bellefonte 6:38 p. m. Leave* Bellefonte 8:10 p. m., arrive* at Snow Shoe 10:40 p. in. S. S BLAIIt. dm. Sup't. JKWISUUttU A TYRONE K. It J Time Table in effect Nov. 19, 83. ' WESTWARD. Mixed. I'M. AM. Leave Scotia —l2 16 600 Fair brook .... 1 00 6 20 Penn'a Furnace 1 16 5 40 Hotiler 1 28 6 60 Marengo 1 36 6 66 Lovrville L~ 1 38 6 00 Furnaoa Road... 1 46 6 10 Waarior* Mark . 2 00 B 26 Pennington 2 12 6 40 Wvurn Mill t 2 If B 60 L. A T. Junation 2 31 666 Tyrone..— - 2 85 858 EASTWARD. Mixed. PM. AM. Leave Tyrone 4 00 9 20 LA T. Junction 4 04 9 26 Weaton Mill 4 14 9 83 Pennington - 4 32 9 48 Warrior* Mark 4 42 9 68 Furnace Road 4 67 10 12 Loverilla 6 02 10 16 Marengo 5 07 10 22 Hoatlcr 6 17 10 36 Penn'a Furnace 6 27 10 44 Feirbrook ...... 6 47 11 03 Scotia • 20 11 30 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD (Pbila. A Erie Divltlon.)—On and After Nov. 18, 1888: WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL Lea yr Philadelphia.—.. 11 20 p m ilarriahurg 4 20 a m Wllliam*port... 8 40 a m Jerey Shore 9 Of) a m Lock Haven 9 40 a in Kenovo 10 56 a rn Arrive* at Erie T 35 p m NIAGARA EXPRESS Leave* Philadelphia..— 7 40 arn Harri*burg - 11 IS a m Arr. atWilliam*port.... 2 66 p m Lock Haven...... 3 66 p m Kenovo 6 111 pm Kane. —... 9 03 p m Paracnger* by ttai* train arrive in Bellefonne at. 6 06 p m FAST LINE Lcavea Philadelphia...- 11 10 a m Harritburg 3 26 p m William*port.... 7 15 p m Arr at Lock Haven.... 806 p m EASTWARD. LOCK HAVEN EXPRESS Leave* Lock Haven 6 60 a m WllHamnport. 7 55 a m arr at Harritburg... 11 30 a in Philadelphia 3 16 pro DAY EXPRESS Laave* Kane 6 00 a m Kenovo 10 05 a m Lock Haven 11 15 a in WlHlan*port 12 36 a m arr at Harritburg 3 43 p m Philadelphia 7 25 p rn ERIE MAIL Leave* Erie 1 55 p nt Renovo 10 27 p m Lock Haven 11 20 p m William*port...~ 12 36 a m arr nt Harri*burg v 4 08 a m Philadelphia 7 SO am Erie Mail Eait and W*t connect at Erie with train* on L. S A M S. Kit, at Corry with B. P. A W.ltK.; at Emporium with-8., N. Y. A P. RR., and at Drift wood with A. V. KK. T. GUCKER, Oen'l Sup't. CANCER CURED. Itodiieaae* bava to thoroughly baffled the (kill of the medical profmtion at cancerou* affection* and at they have *l - bwn oontidered incurable, It haa been thought dtoreputablt to adopt their treatment a* a *pec!alty ; and hence phyti cian* have neglected their proper itudy. Bat of lata year* new end important dto coverio* have brought forth a court* that now prove* laoomtful in any of ita forma, with certainty, without the uae of the knife or caoatio platter* We have a treatment that ia comparatively mild. It ta not poUonout, doe* not InUrfer* with the healthy flech, can he applied to any part ef the body, even the tongue. We take nothing for our lervicea until the eancer to oured. Addree* D. J. HCLBERT. . Eaglet ilie, Centre Co, Pa. { C. IT. llOtTl'.ll At CO. i i / i 1800. Established 18^0. ANNOUNCEMENT. Til K OLDEST AND MOST UEI.IAIII.E a IH'Bl NEBB HOt'SE IN . - BELLEFONTE. o:-:o In order to make room for our Spring Slock we are offering IMMENSE BAKGAINS IX DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes And Notions, ■Mh_We have no thoddy or auction good*, hut fttraight and honeat good*. We have constantly on hand a full supply of PURE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, ETC. oj —1 Country Produce (oDitantly on band and Solicited. C.V. HOFIER & CO. Alleghany Street, Bellefonte, Pa. f The Recent Mine Horror. Unionlown, PH., Feb. 2K.—Coroner Bstten this morning commenced his investigation into the cause of the ox ■ plosion On Wednesdsy mornin at the West Leisenring mine, in which nine, tetsti men were killed. Superintendent Tnnern was present with counsel tore present the company, while If. If. Lindsey, Kq., examined the witnesses in the interest of prospective litigants. Morgan Hiehsrds, the fire boas, said he had not examined the mine for firs damp since Monday morning but had been through it with a naked lanrp on Tuesday. The air shaft had been cov ered up but was not so on Monday. Thomas Jenkins, the mining l>oss -aid he has gone all through the mine on Tuesday with a naked lamp, but bad not looked for fire-damp since the pre viousThursday. He hud not measured the air current for three weeks. He considered the shaft one of the mo* l perfect he had ever seen. The ai r shaft he had been informed by the car. penlera was completed hut he had never notified the miners of the fact- Several miners testified that the fire boss had warned them on the 14th instant not to go through the trajidoor between Nos. 3 and 4, saying he would not do it for all the money in the world. Charles Conner, the mining bos* at the Leith shaft, testified that the ven tilation at leisenring wu* ample, sod that with omc modifications be would consider it a model mine. Contribution* for the benefit of the families of the sufferers sre coming in. Hans ''lendeniiing and several other* testified that the top airshsft was close I at night and that the air of the mine was bud, and that proper precaution* hud not been taken. They were flatly j Contradicted by fjeorge Hansel and J other employe*. Mine Inspector* Steiner and Thorns* 1 Parker and Wilson lto**er, mining ex perts, testified that ga.* bad undoubted j ly accumulated in th* vacant rooms. ! and that if the mine had been inspected on Wednesday morning before the men ! went to work there wj ert< <1 the mine. .Suits will be immeliately insti uied against the company by the relative* of those killed. Another Strike Probably PITTRBI an, February 2k.—-In acior dance with a rule established acme time since all lodge* of the Amalgamated association have reported to headquar tera, in this city, what rate of wages they favor being demanded during the year beginning June f next. It wa* to day learned from ■ reliable sou roe that the report* are uniformity in favor of no change in the present rate of fi4.jO to $5 for puddling when bar iron sell* for two and one-half oenla per pound. The report* recomend that the the con ferenee committee be empowered to accept a reduction of teo per cent, in behalf of the workmen rather than to order a strike. The manufacturer* have not met a* yet, but individuals declare that the manufa* turer* will be content with nothing leas than twenty per rent, reduction. The workmen say that if i this ort a substitute for the Morrison tariff bill. The substitute is identical .with the bill introduced by Mr. Morrison, except that the free list is confined lo mil, ooel and lumber. Other article* on the free list a* prepared by Mr. Morrison will come under a provision providing for a twenty per. cent horisontal reduction. The democratic members of the subati tute will be prmented at an early date. SKKIISAXT JoauEXHtx, of the army, want* to tie n lieutenant. Jorgcnsrn, who had boon an officer in the Herman army, sought an appointment year* ago in the army of the United State*. He appealed at a time when there were no vaeancie* in the ranks of officer*, o he entered the army as a private upon the understanding that he should have a chance in the next competitive ex amination for a lieutenancy. While he waited for In is chance afire broke out at the frontier post in which he was serv ing his adopted country faithfully, if hiitnbly,as a private soldier. By degree* the flumes approached the magazine- The officer in caintnand wanted the magazine cleared. Jorgensen darted in at once, and while the fire approaches! nearer and nearer he wa* carrying out the packages. The flame* caught the build ing before he had finished. Undaunted he completed hi* work, some of the cartridges in hi* arm* bursting as he curried them out. He was made u sergeant for this gallantry, and eompli men ted highly beside*. He felt certain ot bis lieutenancy. But when his cbutu-e came to go up for examination for the lieutenancy he was six weeks beyond the limit of age, and being honest, gave bis uge truly and accurately, although he knew that he thus lost hit chance of promotion. His captain and others of his army friends are trying now to get a bill through Congress excepting Sergeant Jorgenson from the legal re quirements us to the age of the appli cante for lieutenancies. It will probably go through. Jfe is certainly of the stufl from which good officers ure made. His promotion would make a vscsncy in the ranks that would not •oon be filled. Oklahoma Payno in Washington. W AStttMiTox. February 21.—Okla- ' boma Payne is here. He is something 1 more than nix feet high, and look* it* I strong a- an ox. Geduine or not, he is a ( character, and he talk* like the leader ■ of a holy crusade. "My home," "mv uahiiis." "my people," are hi* favorite phrase*. Concerning some Western statesmen he speaks Out frankly. He say*, for io-tance. that Senator I'iumb, of Kansas, is "a——dirty thief, snd j he i* fencing in my cabin* now." I'ayn* says furthermore that I'lumb own* 40.- OOOhead of cattle, which are pastured free of expense in the Indian Territory. It would cost at least $s a nead, or >2tlo,oflo a year, to keep them outside of the Territory. He say* that Plumb is the heae of asyndicate th# members of which control Secretary Teller and the lanes in Ihe Indian Tc-rritorp, and who are making enormous fortum-a out of the privileges which political power gives them. He says that whenever he re*My g-i,. a decision that he is wrong from sny competent tribunal he will desist from his etl'.irt* to rstablish him S-If and li * Jolloweis in the Territory. S -me threat* thst he make* in regard to what tie will do in a certain contin gency *re lurid for publication. La wit eat, EN* In Ark&naaa HER NCI.M.S, Ark., February 2T.— T ie condition of atf'airs here is most deploi •••10. Moron. I'ruitl, landing and Aliison, who w. re committed with out bsll, (or murder on llie strvet on the 'J Ii ins'iint, were taken t the penitcn I tiary at Little !t-rk to day, and were I tendered an ovation by a numlo-r of cifzen* before their departure. The feeling of bitterness and it* in l< isity cannot be described. The Com mittee of Fourteen, some of whom are citizen- and some n"t, virtually control j the town. The law* are practically *u* lcndod, nd the committee have things in their own hands. They are cootrolr ed in a great measure by a man known here us Charles Wat son, but whoa.- res' name i* Charles Fotilk, who is under indictment *t Carlisle, IV. for murder, arson and burglary. Fotilk furnishes to the committee the name of objectionable person*, who in variably ure men who are witnesae* against Itoran and hi* accomplice*. It wa* rumored thia afternoon that M. C. Harris, editor of the HvtuKot, who ho* denounced the murderer* and the action of the committee, would be notified to leave the city in the morning. Mr. Harris expresses contempt for ( the whole parly, and continue* |o pub. < hah the firt* in regard to the *• I -as*mat ion. About twenty additional men were mmpellhd to leave the city to day by ] older of the committee at the point of the Iwsyonet. Everyone forced to leave I was H material witness against Moran and bisaccomplice* in the bloody work of the '.Hk. A Great Editor Oona Thome* Kinsella, editor of the Brooklyn KagU, who died yetlerdav, accomplished what no man in Brook* lyu ever did before. He mode a strong, vigorous nod influential newt* neper in spite of it* proximity to New Vork. He woe able to do tbit because of hia boldness and independence. He understood the value of local uewt in a crowded enmmuuity ami be reverted the rule by dictating to poliliciaot rather than by permitting himself to follow them. lie wu born in Ireland in 18-T2, but came to this country with hie parent* when a mere lad and entered a printing offioe. lie gradu ally worked hi* way uj> until he came to be editor of the hMyle more than twenty year* ago, which place he held until hi* death. He had little ambi tion for public life and never held imporlaut office except to nerve a tin gle term iu emigre** and to act a* post master of Brooklyn for a few month* under I'reeident Johnnon. -I'hila. Time*. Anothor Sea Serpont. There wa* excitement in Kltirigville, Stalen Island, on Friday, nay* ihe New Vork ' crushed to half lengthwise. This, it was declared, was done by the marine I monster whipping iu head around sud' denly and biting the oar, when one of j the party attempted to hit it on the head with that implement. All of them ' sgreed that the crunching of the oer ! lie)ween the teeth of theser|>*ot was l*vsiiively heard by them, and more I positively realized in the effect on their I I nerves. The monster then dropped its ' I head into the water, and, with an un | dulating motion, it speedily vanished. I i They believed it to be al>out twenty : five feet long, and regret very much that the appro*- h of darkness prevented i ihem from capturing it. Messrs, Fisher , snd Poillon, when accused bv their neighbor* of inventing the above atory, went before a loc*l .fustics* of the Peace, it is said, and made sffidsvit to I be facts substantially * given above.—PKtlaiM ' phta litmrd. — • ■ Oatrnciaed by Hia Race. I>eatider Ruifinch, a colored roan, died : in Ktc-bmond, Va.. Friday last under , peculiar circumstances, lie was a coal hand, who incurred the enmity of hi* race by voting the democratic ticket in the last election. At that time the celo red people were much excited over the election, and the more ignorant of them imagined that ibey would be ra-enslaved lif Msbone ass defeated After voting j the democratic t cket Ruifinch'* j neatest relatives refused to have an? thing to do with bitn. and he was shut out from society and cbnrcb fellow ship. He was tsken -ick about a week ; ago and lingered until Friday. Two or i three of hia black friends relented suf ficiently to visit him, but most of hisvisi tort were white men The colored people refused to attend bis funeral, and the i service were conducted by I)r. Hstcher a white minister, and be was buried oy white men. The Ridiculous Logan Campaign It is very mysterious where Oeo. Logan gct the tund* to carry on hi* canvass. It is to his honor that he is poor, but unlike .Sherman Blain and other candidate* he ha* no wealthy friend* to put up money to advance his iuterest. Yet he appears to he pretty well with money and is spending con wdemhle. The story that Ikwaey ha*, within a few day*, given him pecuniar* assistance is generally believed, and it i* understood also that ex -Senator Chef, fee; of Colorado, haa aided him finan cially. The latter gentleman is for Blaih, a* he was four year* and eight yean ago, and it ta understood that through him the Blain people are con tributing to keep the Imogen boom alive until tha proper time come* for the "Plumed Knight'' to step in and cap tura the Preaidential biscuit. The Logan RU and Over Coats, for Men, Youth, Boys, and Children'* wear manufactured for our trade of the lx*t material, ami in all style* to pl<-a*e. Our stock of Men's suits in Cuta ways, Sacks, Prince Alberts, Double Breasted Coats, Reversible, Chen chilla and Beaver Overcoats are Su perior. and Invite Attention. And now just look here. Men and Boys, are you going to freeie this Winter,or not* Why, of course you're not. You most have Winter Cloth ing, and what you want is the Bet in the Market for the Lowtkst Price. You have got your money, honestly, and of course you want tt>e roost for it, WE WANT JUST SUCH BUSINESS, and therefore in vite your visit to the PHILADEL PHIA BRANCH. Our business re lations with the People of Centre County in the past have been pleasant and satisfactory, and in offering pur Thank* for the Liberal custom hereto fore given us, we renew the pledge upon which we started out —FAIR A!* I) J CAT DF.A1.150 TO AtX. REMEMBER THE FINEST AND CIIEAPEST CtOTttlflC, 18 AT THR PUILADKLPHIA BRANCH ON ALLKQHINY BTRERT V ITWI.A 4 CO., Proprietor. BellWbnta, ft .