Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 06, 1884, Image 1

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    *sl)r Centre £& Democrat.
S. T. SHUGERT k E. L. OR VIS, Editor*.
VOL. 6.
®he Centre £) eurocrat
Ttrai t1.60 pr AIIIK 1B ADAO
Thursday Moraine, March 6, 1884.
SENATOR HAMPTON believes that
Senator Bayard, of Delaware, could
carry New York, New Jersey, Con.
necticut, Indiana and California,
which are classed as doubtful states,
and would therefore be the most
available candidate for the Presidency-
SENATOR EDMUNDS writes a letter
in which be expresses extreme thank
fulness for the kind interest and good
wishes of those who desire his nomina
tion for the presidency, but says he
"can say with absolute candor that he
has no desire for the place, or to have
his name used in connection with it.
A STALWART Republican paper
thinks that "the bloody shirt issue
having bad its day should be cast out
among the rubbish." and expresses
surprise "that John Sherman couldn't
appreciate the fact." That is so. The
outrage mill has lost its power and is
no longer available even to excite
THE death of Associate Judge Larir
mer created a vacancy which we pre
sume will be filled at once, as it will
be difficult for the Governor to resist
the importunity of the committees
who hMW gone to enlighten him as to
the merits of their favorites. They
are all good men and valiant Demo
crats and he cannot go astray.
HON. A. U. SMITH, the member of
oongrem who has so long served the
Lancaster district, is like to have a
walk over for renomination. He is
an able and honorable representative,
capable of acting up to his own con
victions of right and justica even
against hie Republican colleagues, as
in the case of Geo. Porter.
* I m
THE Republican papers declare that
Wayne MacVeigh "has gone over to
the Democrats.'' They certainly have
some reason for this declaration, when
Mr. MacVeigh asset ts that "the Pre
sident of the United States should not
only be mm honest man, but he should
be a cause of honesty in others." That
sentiment is quite enough to turn him
out of the Republican ranks I
THE Easton Free Pre**, says the
Philadelphia Record, introduces an
other infant to the favorable consider
ation of a sympathetic country. The
slate men do not thiok tbey have tariff
enough. Their industry is ooly pro
tected 30 per cent. They are not
afraid of foreign competition, but if
they should find it desirable to squeeze
a higher prioe out of consumers than
is now being paid, they would find a
prohibitory tariff a very handy means
of effecting their object.
THE Denver Timet, a Republican
organ, believes that colored suffrage is
a thing that Republicans should no
longer deal with—that it is quite un
reliable, inasmuch as that vote will al
ways go where it will get the most
money. This editor roust be an un
grateful fellow. They always get the
colored vote, and should not grumble
at the cost of gettiog it, when the
patient negro relieves them from the
necessity of sharing the offices.
THE Republicans are inclined, says
the Harrisbnrg Patriot, to make an
issue on the apportionment question
by suggesting for renomination the
senators and members of the legisla
ture who werw responsible for the pro
longation of the special session. The
Democrats will gladly accept this
issue. It is to be hoped that the Re
publicans will preserve the courage of
their convictions and nominate the
conspirators against the constitution.
Pennsylvania will give no uncertain
sound on that question.
By all means give us the issue. Let
the rascals take courage and come to
the front,
TIIE Republicans of Pennsylvania,
Rosa Quay and the controlling ring
excepted, probably, act U|>ou tbe prin
ciple that their most cherished slates
man is a common liar. The more Mr
Rlaine insists that lie is not a candi
date for President, the more earnestly
tbey believe that he is. Tbey have ac
cordingly put him up iu nearly every
county as the uiau—always subject of
course to the approval of the Chief
THE Rev. John Bnyd> r reports a
recent interview with Uoscoe Conkling,
iu which the great sx-Seuator of New
remarked : " The electoral com
mission declared that Rutherford R.
Hayes had received the electoral vote
of Louisianna. After the accession of
Rutherford R. Hayes to the Presi.
dency, he affirmed that Packard, who
had received some three thousand votes
less than Samuel J. Tilden, was gov
ernor of the slate. If Packard was
governor, theu Rutherford held bis
place by tbe most delestible fraud
ever perpetrated.''
A WESTERN Democrat of prominence,
just returned from New York, says a
Washington correspondent, had an in
terview with Mr. Tilden while in that
city, and states the latter was in such
a weak condition that he spoke io a
whisper, which bad the effect to make
the conversation unsatisfactory. Mr.
Tilden intimated that he ought to
have been nominated at Cincinnati
four years ago, and gave the impres
sion that the nomination of 1884
would be acceptable to him, but for
his indisposition to undergo the physi
cal strain. Tbe gentleman also repre
sents the mental faculties of Mr. Til
den as remarkaoly clear and acute.
A NEW tarn, remarks the Pitts
burgh Pott, will shortly be given to
tbe Star-route cases. Ex-Senator
Spencer baa retained Gov. Bootwell,
of Massachusetts, and Col. Geo. B.
Corkhill, ex-United States attorney for
the District of Columbia, in a suit for
$60,000 which be proposes to bring
against Attorney General Rrewster.
TTe suit will be for illegal arrest at
the home of Spencer io the distant
state of Nevada, on a telegraphic
ordei, and bringing him to Washing
ton under guard after the star-route
trials were over, on the charge of con
tempt in not appearing as a witness at
the trial. It will be remembered that
Judge Wylie, before whom the star
route trials took place, discharged
Spencer, nod declared distinctly that
the action of tbe Attorney-Geoeral
was illegal and unauthorized. When
this case comes to trial interesting
proceedings may be anticipated.
THE call for the National Demo
cratic Convention is addressed to "all
Democratic conservative citizens of
the United States, irrespective of past
political associations and differences,
who can unite with us in the effort for
pure, economical and constitutional
Commenting on the above extract
the New York World says: "This is
an honest invitation and means just
what it says. The Democratic party
is conservative in the beat meaning ef
the word. It stands upon the Consti
tution as the basis of the Government.
It maintains every guarantee of that
instrument; a free and uncorrupted
ballot; the supremacy of the will of
the majority of the people; equal
civil and political rights for all, with
out distinction of race or color; tbe
inviolability of contracts; tbe assur
ance by tbe General Government of a
republican form of government to all
the states ; the power of congress to
raskelsw and collect taxes for national
debts; the common defense and gen
eral welfare, and tbe ascrcdaeas of
properly as well as of the lire* and
liberty of all citizen* Tbe Democra
tic party is making an earnest effort
for pure, economical and constita
tional government when it endeavors
to drive from power a party corrupt
and extravagant and holding consti
tutional restrictions and limitations in
Tiik bill for the construction of
•leu! vessels for the navy passed the
senate ou Friday. It authorizes the
President to direel the construction of
seven steel vessels for the navy, con
sisting of one cruiser of 4,500 tons
displacement, one cruiser of .'l,OOO
tons, one dispatch vessel of 1,500 ions,
two heavily armed gunboats of 1,500
tons each, one eight gun gunboat of
750 tons, aud one gunboat not to ex
ceed 900 tons. It also authorizes the
construction of one steal ram, one
cruising torpedo boat and two harbor
torpedo boats. This, if it become* a
law, will get away with some of the
surplus revenue now troubling the
This bill, the paasage of which at
this time is important as a campaign
measure, has yet to run the gauntlet
of the house. The very large appro
priation, ruouing up to many miltiiMis,
to carry out their projected "improve
ments of the navy," will be very con
venient in the bauds of Wm. E.
Chandler and John Itoach,fur furnish
ing the campaign capital of 18M4—a
good substitute for the star-route mail
service of IHBO. I h.s it no new dodge
and we trust the House will not be
caught in the trap by the jiasMge of
the bill. Tli re v bund red and eighty
five million* have been expended
under appropriations of congress by
the Republican administrations since
1860, fur "improvement of the navy,''
and what have they to show lor it?
Just nothing at all. It will not dam
age the country to await the assurance
of more honest management than can
be expected of Wm. E. Chandler, one
of the Presidential thieves, an adviser
of Robison and atrongly suspected as
an interested partner of Roach, "it)
commend the reconstruction of the
A Solid South.
There is an intention on th* part of
the Republican pariy to divide ordisturb
the solidity of that section. It would
weaken the value of that electioneering
cry during a Presidential campaign,
which has already commenced by send
ing South committees to hunt outrages,
to bo used for political fuel in a lew
month*. The N. Y. He raid commenting
upon this topic states ;
The solid fioulh cannot ba broken up
by such investigating committees as that
which is now junkating at publio ex
pense in New ••rlsaos hotels, on the
pretence that it is inquiring into an
election trouble two hundred or more
miles distant in Mississippi. That
scandalous and shameless, trifling, in
which wa regret to see so eminent a
■Senator as Mr. Hoar condescend to join
may la cunningly and unsetupulously
used next summer and tall to stir up
the prejudices and alarm the ignorant
fear* of Northern voters, burtt cannot
gain over Southern voters to the Rep
übliean ranks. How could it do this?
Let a committee of Sentorasil at public
expeose in a luxurious hotel in New
Yord to makes pretended inquiry into
tti election riot in Central Pennsylvania,
and Is It not eertain that the (arty
which authorized end countenanced
such an Abuse would lose vote* and
incur dislike in both States?
Oyer a considerable part of the .South
em State* sentiment favorable to pro
tective tariffs 1# springing up. Will the
party appeal to this In the coming can
vass? Will the managers send their
ablest arstors into the South to canvas*
the voters on this question ? If they
once more refuse to do this plain duty,
but instead of that prefer to inflame
Northern prejdicc* by sham inves
tigations, conducted at a distance and
with the reasonable suspicion of suborn
ed witnesses—in that case they may
find themselves confronted in the
North during thooanvaa*, with the ju*t
indignation of voters tvho will not tole
rate this everlasting and *h*mt-les*
Th# course of this Senatorial com
mit tea, whloh has gone out at the public
dost to make a pretended inquiry at a
great distance from the scene of an
alleged election trouble, is one ot the
most transparent and unworthy elec
tioneering tricks of whjgh even the
Republican party in its decadence has
been guilty. It is not pleasant to think
that tlii* pitiful electioneering job was
"put up" by men like Sen* o Sher
man, Edmund* and Hoar.
r .
O A. R
thk art uaixkey ih-kn ran. Jl.vr
ult., riiou 5 r. m. tim. (si-moat
OAT, JTth rKBHt'ARv.
In order that some record may re
main of the exhibit above mentioned,
we deem it proper to meniiou th<- lead
ing article* exhibited by comrade* ami
friend* of the order with the name of
the exhibitor: Hon. John A. Wood
ward, of Howard, collection of Indian
relics, hatchets of stone, arrow and
spear lii-ad*, horning pounder, a hi rk
of wood from a giant oak show* in it*
heart a hlsze or notch fre*h a* though
cut in but a few <lay* back, but hacked
a* with a dull batched, a lew leel Iroui
the tree the hatchet wa* found.
Mr*. John lI.GrvU, collection of coin*
of all nation*, a silver wedding present
to Judge Jno. ff. Orvi*, velvet and alin
*ofa cushion and fire screen embroidered
by Mi* < ii vi*.
Mi*e* Sarah and l.innie Jtenner, anti
que bronze I eartbeu rreotn jug* over
100 yeai* old, very old Japane,<- tray.
Mr-. Anna Macßr.de, profile like
m-osex of her ancestor*, Mr. and Mr.
Wm. I'ettit.
Mr. ''ha*. A. Glenn,photograph view*
of 'v/d iUtU/uide,'' very imeri-ting to
the progi e**i*t
i'.uur-.de A. V. Miller, of Pleasant
Gap, palm leave* from a tree planted by
Wanhington at Mt. Vtrooo, together
with a risli collection of mineral ores ,
and othi r *i>e<-irdcn from the Rocky
mountain region, arranged in a cabinet, i
probably the be-t exhibit of gold an i
•ilver ores owned iu tin* county.
Mr*. S. T. Shuger , of this exhibit
there cannot be too much said, providi-d
tie- precious o d heir loom* wou'd tell (
all tney knew of tlie distinguished (eo- !
pie, with whom u-cesire generation*
of their C/Wueis were acquaint*d, and of
the occasion* ujAn woich they were
worn iu the gubernatorial man*ion at
Harrisburg; aud in the |>arlor* of high
jm rsonagv in Washington, they include
very fine old waie<, tab e ornamenta,
agate ear |a-n<Unl*. golden necklao-,
ltX) year* old, curiou* hair bnueieta, eld
salt cellar*, very age*l India *h*w|, hand
made, *lk and crape *b*wis ovr HO
yra'r* old. (letrifactiun* in wood and in
•potun- n* of fruit, full length colored
engraving of Louise, mother of
the present German Eui]>eior, role m
Arab Sheikh, tha lait .r the prom rty of
Mr S. T. Sbugert.
Mrs. I>. S. Keller, pur# lines towel
-punand wesson her fanlg note than <
100 jeers ago. superior ware*, cup and
s.ucwr, deep bael* (no duubt lor puncli)
and high!* ornate plate, suitable tube
named a plaque. Col. D. -S. Keller ex
hibiurd the bullet wh<h wouuiled him
at I lianoellotsviile.
Mr*. Julian Curt n. large (date for
meal, other specimen" of ware 100 year*
Mr*. Renj. Bradley, highly ornate
bronzed earthen ware, pitcuet* of vari
ou* size*, brought by her fnta England,
very old, a picture of Gloucester istks
dra'. England.
D. M l.eib, the service sword of the
late Col. Tbeo. Gregg, .if the 4&lh P. V.
Comrade Frank Walteoe, this exhibi
tor ha* preserved Ike most inter est
ing wr relh* of the late war ta*t onv
could find anywhere, a cane taken from
the commandant of IhvSalUbuiy prtoo#
where t'omnsl# Frank wa* long a pri*
oner. note* given huu by fellow pr *on
er* for money loaned in em. for which,
the notes stipulated, they were to pav
when they reached home, pocket book
brought from prison purchased there.
Mr. David H. Par*on, pistol carried
by Hamucl Hunter Wilnon through th#
Revolatfon*ry wr) sl*o a Jii touoit
iwrmit sh*li found on the battlefield of
Gettysburg by himself.
Mr*. Jobu I. C-urtia, *orvk-e word
(iresontrd to Capu John l.furttn by his
ooni|>aiiv in the 45ih P. V., field sword
worn by John 1. < urtin, genersl in com
maml ol a brigade and dtvr*on of the
9th Army Corp*.
D. C. Walter*, of Nittany. havelock*
worn in the army daring the late war.
given to Mr% D M. Glenn, chairman of
the ladic* committee on the art gallery,
original army order* from Headquarter*
hi Brigade ."hi Division Army of the
Mr*. Col. Geo. A. Bayard, in this ex
hibit were Bible* presented to Mrs. Nusan
Bayard in IRJJ over lOU years old. lace
cap* presented to the want# in 1823, od
lection of mineral*, bullets and slug*,
relics of the Mexican and the late war,
projrerty of Col. Geo. A. Bayard. Horse
shoe hung on a tree many year* ago by
Win. Bayard, and cherished as a memen
to, property of Mrs. Klhe ripanglcr.
Mrs. Joseph Feas. German Bible 160
year* old, first praysr uttered in eon
(#••**. printed and framed.
Mis* El lie Glenn, specimen of marra
tna work.
If. H. Renner. pocket "house wife - '
and testament carried by himself
ihrraigh the late war.
dorian Holler, old esrthrn bronzeil
glazeil milk jug in the fort at Munev
during the war of the revolution, speci
men* of melted glass front the Chicago
and Tyrone Area, peiee* from a wrecked
Mi** lad a K linger, curiou- old *ug*r
bowl from Germany, aud molasses jug,
antique venured knife box, very old.
Mw* Kste Jackson, brick front chim
ney In houan where Stonewall Jackson
wa* born.
Hon. A. G. Currin, Japan**# sword
nrescnted to him by ibe late < apt. Evan
Buchanan, onfw the seorefary of hi*
uncle, i 'omniodore McKezn,
Mr*. K. C. Hums.*, statute group of
Lincoln, Grant and Sfrnton in couucil.
•I oil la J. <ui tin, letter written him by
j Col. Then. Gn-gg from ilia Danville
I militaiy prison.
ll<'. Win. I .amir, small volume of the
i P*alni* of David <lO vl' tly leaf of which
I is written. "X bat |, 7 skirmish**, 8
J ball-. carried tiiiough tht" lata war by
I <t soldier.
11. Y. Mtitz-r, m<*ive metal spur
found neat where iii n. Geo. Wa-hing
Uiti too<l <1 .ring lln- battle of Prinre
i ton and engr.ivel with the initial* "G.
w. •
Mr*. J. 0. L. v<-, beautiful *|M'eimeni
of petrified Wie <1 and inoss, r eff rock,
|iebt.)r* anil shell* finru til* Vpllomtfiii*
j region, very richly embroidered fire
j norcoii by Mr*. Fi-k. Mr*. F,ove' mother.
[ J. J. I.uca*. petrified horn of Sea oow
. an<l hu*k* of un ti*h, elk horn, bit of
jan Indian |<ot, *ll found near I'r} ttal
j Hirer. Fla.
<'. 1.. Buffington, belt worn by a con-
I federate adjt. gen "I. k.l'i-d at the battle
, of Ft. Steiirnan and rebel cup ti-ed in
Jiriaon, army regulation*, cap p.creed
>y a bullet and worn at the time by
! Israel Honiiah, .Vith P. V.
Mi* Kate Green, native work from
the African motion, wooden nooon,
native rap*, (l/ogie; bag* (JVhydap),
pijie and atem.
Milea flreen. original draw'ng of the
church camp Griffin, Va., drawn by
Mr*. Bobt. Valentine,old bright wqod
•pinning wheel and unique pa nting of
two baud* htuling in a rope.
Bond Valentine, cane from wood of
the *bip "August*' 1 aunk in the Itela
ware in 1777, and raited in 1877.
Mr* i 'o'. L>are, Lt. Col. I►are'* uniform
coat and veal worn at the time < \>l. Dare
wa fatally wounded.
Mr*. Ja. Sornmen illc, inviting old
bias* tea kettle fiont Scotland, probably
j)00 year* old, slro candle*tick* belong
ing in the SommciriFe family.
W. C, Van Valin, bullet which glanced
and *truck him in the knee in battle,
odd looking tkull cap handed him by
an old colored woman while inarch'ng
thiotigh tha until of Columbia, i.
bare headed a pri* mcr of war, oont
worn by Capt. V. C. Van Valin during
hi* 7 month* of prison life.
C. Dale, Eiq,, |ocket camp fork, car- I
ricd through the Revolution by Henry
Da'e. a well preserved flint look rifle
earned through the war by the *aine.
I'o*t 25 1, (Dr. Geo. L. J'otter, Mi e*-
burg,) mortar and < ai*on made of iob-)
bullet* bv Wm. Bet-ser, the "mailloy"
of the 4Ath P. V.
Mr*. D. I!. Hasting*, very old clock
wb ch needed no repairing, neither
•topped in .10 years.
Mr. E. J. Warn**. Snydertown, a very
remarkable, indeed wonderful, exhibit
of handy penknife work, made by the
exhibitor, who has only one arm. with
a Barlow knife. ronai*ting of n bedatead
of 'JO different kind* of wood, mu*h
(•addle, epoon, meat anw. axe of antique
design. (rocket knife, table fork, clothe*
pin and *har*. lastly a little jumper
"pet" parted in model and eUbonate
in fini*b.
Mr*. A. 8. V a'entine, interesting as
sortment of geological varieties forest
rock, tall, smoky tuts*, chunk* of lead
crystal* carrying silver, salvia carrying
•fiver. Iron pyrites and a bit of the first
Atlantic cable.
H. C. Inrin. • mall collection of < hinese
coin* in copper
_W. R. Teller, newspaper printed in
Vckburg in '63 on wall paper, giving
an account of one of Lee'* gn at vie
tone* in which 60.(1(10 Yankee* are
taken, confederate note* from one dol
lar in MX) dollar*.
Adam Walt, stump of young tree be
hind which the exhibitor laid hi* head
in the battle of Gettysburg, into which
two ball* entered, one striking him in
the bead. George W. Tale who knew
the *pot wheie Wait laid, secure*! the
valuable mump 18 years after while on
a visit to the battle field. In the stump
rests the bullet which entered it there
and the hole of the one passing through.
Mr*. Isaac Mitchell, pretty feather
fan 110 years old, bead necklace 160
year* old, bead bag buckskin lined,
medsllion containing her father'* pic
ture in bk early youth.
Mis* Celis Armor, an old assortment
of Saodwich Island curiositie* seot to
this country 60 years ago, fabrics of
cloth spun out of tree lark by natives,
old voin*, temple idol, Ac.
Mr*. Hen. A alentine, large Ja|>an*ee
hroore stork brought from the .1 Apaneee
exhibitor* st the centennial.
Mrs. Reberca Pugb, table of William
I'enn, solid walnut, symmetrical leg*
terminating in bird's claws clutching
bait, on four of which tha old table
stands, a specimen of earring much
finer than any done at the present day.
Rev. John Hewitt, regalia of the
, Grand Prelate of the order of Knight
by the t'ooatiutre
• ommandery of Bellefoatc to the exhi
t.'apt. W. W. Potter, tha famous Mon
mouth flag captured at the battle of
that name by Oapt. Wm. Wflsoo, of the
continental army, by whom prrwented
to Gen. Fnsitr. thf latter returning
if to the family of the emptor.
Mis* Anna Mann, amature yrork In
oils of groat merit.
Mr*. Foaren Mann, obi •pinning
wheel and distaff.
Mis* Kate Jackson, exhibited a good
niece of work in oils, the "o*r from
life. also marion view*.
Mra. U. C. W saver, painting on slate
or iron) amsteur work in aeooeatiya
Wm Jone*, two large on 1 lection* of
battle field relict. One from York, (be
other from Gettysburg. Exploded shell*
of all kind*, canteens, bayonets. Confed
erate coat*, belli, woolen sock*, oart
t idges, boxes, etc.
Miu Anna i leaser, beautiful wreath in
TEIIMH: $1.60 pr Aninim,in Advance.
I massive Imiue.
Mrs. Joseph Leaders, ujeib wrest j
of flower, and vines in wax.
roars.ma awu Fierier.*.
Samuel 11. Ws|*on, officer in the Iter
olutionary war. Mr*. J no. B. Linn.
I>r. Jrweph Henderson, Captain war
\HI2, Mn. Wm. P. Wilson.
General .lames livm, member of
XXVII and XXVIII CougriGeneral
Jno. I. Curfln.
Tbiuleu. Brew, head of theltrew fam
ily, Mrs. Mary Hamilton.
Iturbide, one of tbe Emperors of
Mexico, Col. Geo. Bayard.
Mr. and Mra. Keuben Valentine, tbe
parent* of Mrs. Mary Ilaie. Marj
Sand wit h, a relative, sent to Elizabeth
Sandwitb 13) year* ago. A picture paint
ed by Elisabeth's sister, representing
j "Viriumus and i'om&na."
Matlock Iteoner, Maj. If. 11. B<sner.
Colonel Dare, Mrs. Dare.
Hor. Gideon Walla, Dr. E. W. Hale.
Gov. A. 0. Ctirlin, at 4!> year, of see,
! Dr. Uairia.
Henry W. Longfellow, C. P. Uilder.
Holand 11) .art Curt ID, A. E. Smith.
Dr. Geo. L. Potter.
The grandmother of Kobert Valen-
I Uoe. Mra. R. Valentine.
Judge Burnaide, Judge of Supreme
! Court of Prnnn . Henry Harris.
! Cant. Wm. Wilson, captor of tbe fam
ous Monmouth now owned by Cap
lain W. W. Potter, Jno. B. Lion.
<"apt. Jno. Armor, aith epaulettes
and commiasion, MiaaCetie Armor.
lion. Jno. Biancbard, member of tbe
iSHb Congress, E. M. Biancbard.
Sbtine of the Virgin, Miss Rate Der
"Schiller e la oour de Weimar," and
other fine engraving*. Bunnel k Aiken.
Franklin's fatuous letter to Straham,
M. P.—"You are new my enemy and I
atn Yours Truly,
B. Franklin."
President James Boebanan and Judge
Craucb, Mra. 8. T. Sbugert.
Hon. Andrew Gregg, Mra. Jno. Lieb.
Jno. Ba\ard. a soldier of tbe Mexioan
war, and of the late war, Mrs. EUie
Tbe death of Admiral Neiaon, et the
tieitle of Fafalgar. a fine woik. remark
able (or its detail of a Frigate deck in
action, Wm. Jones-
Gov. Curtin's pietoros of Russian life.
Mr. and Mrs. lames McManus. Mrs.
W. S. Zeller.
General Ambrose 11 Burn side, and
Col. Tbeo. Gregg. Gen, < urtin.
Itev. Jamea Liuo. for 54 years pastor
of the Presbyterian church of this place,
Mrs. Harris Lion-
Rev. Jno, Toner, a very remarkable
and distinguished ctiixea <>noo of Belle
foote, loaned by bb daughter, Mrs. 11.
I "Tbe Arret," a ilre t scene in Zurich,
i i a work of deepest interest fosneaaing
in many points tbe sign of genius, loan
•id by Mr. Hilder, tbe artist.
Besides tbe valushle projx-,-y enum
erated and specified, we deem it proper
to allude to the many other interesting
I pictures upon the walla of the Post
room, end which might have been large
ly added to had the exhibit heencircum
scribed by merit and interest and value
only, which unfortunately -pace would
not permit, limiting aa it d d the clam
|of pictures exhibited to such as are
most peculiar to the town or county and
to the organisation of the G. A. R.,
j which characterise* the exhibit a* ootn
poaed of such works u have a local
j significance, and such as are national
and historical and antique, and such as
residents have collected and carried
here from Rurope and other j arts of the
j Tbe committee of the G. A. R. on the
j Art Gallery hopes to have gained the
; ipprobetioe of lite mmradea of Gregg
Post, and also of the nß>lic. and desires
, to theak those wb<> hXTe loaned to them
I their treasured keepsakes, their works
•if art and their re!lot of the battle and
the carnage of war. The foUowfclgare
the name* of those who served most
prominently in the work of the Loan
exhibit: lira. D. M. Glenn, Mn. Frank
Wallace, Mrs. lease Stewart, Mrs. Geo,
G. Tate, Mr*. H. A. William*, Dr. Geo,
F. Harris, chairman. R. C. lndn, secre
tary. 11. A. Williams. Geo. Tate. Chan.
A. Glenn. Frank Wallaee u Alex. Dren
cher. Ja*. H° R utin. Geo. A. Bayard,
D. F. Kortncf.
—Tbe Cillttsi Cornet Band of Miles*
burg received asw uniforms, sad era quite
handsome. The boys, 100, of course.
Dxara or Ms*. JRWERK-.— The death
of Mrs. Sarah Jen ken-, aged &f>. oceured
at the residence of Dr. Dorworth oil
Sunday morning after s lingering ill
j ties* of dyspepsia. Services were held
ut the residence of Dr. Dprworth. Rev.
j Fund, officiating after which there
; mains were taken to Milton on the 10 JU
la. train for laterment. Mrs, Dnrwortb,
: tcoompaniad tka remains to Milton.
It*it. Roto.—The charter for the con
' Meet 100 of tha Beach Greek A Buffalo
j Run railroad has at laatbaan obtained
and a Urge member of labors will be
put to work without daisy, aud It is re
ported from reliable authority that tha
nsad will be completed in about elity
dew. The work begun on the road
through Armor's gap we era in fc rated
will only be extended through XitUoy
for shout five miles, or to the Mine Banks
of Vsleoiines A Co. Gillian* Bros, are
tbe contractor*.
Sewtfiisi for tka Ctxrxs Dtaocaxr.'l
NO. 10.