Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 28, 1884, Image 8

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    €?n4tf § meant.
Thursday Morning, February 28,1084.
Coxier io*r,oontlnln|lm|H,rl*tii t,r. > ..llilt
„J (roil, ny i*rt ol the county. So coinmunlcitW n*
tutrix I uuiss* ceoiujnsulsJ bj ttio reel uitmx of tin
Loral Department.
A yimng nun to a maiden went
For a nut walk in the park ;
Thoy carnii aero** a wooden bench.
And sat down for a ipark.
"1 trust you will Ire true to me,"
lie raid, In accent* mellow ;
"Of oourre I will, my dear," said (he,
"Till I got another fellow."
—Lent begins on the 291h inst.
—Rnther a tudden change in the wcalh
or on Saturday afternoon.
—The best place to buy bread, cakps or
pie, at Scarforr A Mayer's.
Mr. John Dawson is now the mixolo
gist at the Butt* House bar.
The smelting works at Sunbury, Pa.,
are to be sold at sheriff's saloon March Ist.
—Jumping rope and playing marbles is
now a favorite pastime among our little
—Although this is leap year our young
gentlemen say the girls are just as back
ward as is our spring
—Mr. E. Brown, Jr., is remeddling bis
houses on Allegheny street, and when com
pleted will bo very desirable.
—The CKSTRK DEMOCRAT one dollar
and fifty cent* in advance to any address.
Now i* your time to subscribe.
—Mr. Emanuel Brown, proprietor of
the Cuminings House, has a kind of .-her
iff'* "bee"' buzzing in his ear.
—A canary bird belonging to n Lo-k
Haven gentleman died a few day since at
the remarkablo ago of 22 years.
—Dr. G. M. .Swartz has moved his den
tal rooms from Bishop to corner Allegheny
and High streets, above Reynolds A Co'*
—A large and beautiful oil [tainting is
displayed in the window of Messrs. Run
nel A Aiken, corner of Allegheny and
Bishop streets.
—Snydertown, Northumberland county,
Pa., ha* tho oil fever. A company has
been formed at that place for the purpose
of boring for oil.
—Miss Mary P,!ake has published a neat
little volume entitled "Twenty-six hours a
day." Whew ' Mary must get up about
two hours before (be goes to bed.
—We beard a robbin pealing forth hi#
plaintive note* * few day* *ince. This i# (
one of tho surest predictions that spring i* '
fast approaching,
—Lock Haven has at last succeeded in 1
her effort* to mako the Penn'a It. R. Co. i
put up guard gates at the railroad crossing
on Clinton avenuo. They arrived last
—The re*idence of Mr. Abram Valer,-
tirae, corner Allegheny and Curtin streets
wa* sold through the agency of Mr. Bond
' Valentine to Mrs. J. V. Thomas about a
week ago
—Now that the roads are heavy it take*
good strong harness, and the |>lace to get
them is at Powers A Bu'.t", above post-of
flee, Allegheny street. Repairing of al'
kinds on short notice,
—Tho exhibition of the Tennoecans on
last Friday night, was one of the finest
-exhibitions given here for along time, and j
we bespeak for Ihern a full bouse every
time tbey appear hero.
Mr. F. X. I,ehman ha just had his
bar room repainted and grained, and it
now present* a "nobby'' and neat ap[>eitr
anee. Tbe work was done by Mr. A. C. j
Loneberger and speak* for iueif.
—Do not forget tbat at S. A. Stover's
High street Marble works you can get all
kinds of monument* and gravestone at the
lowest possible price*. Call and examine
specimens of marble and workmanship.
—A colored girl of Atlanta, Ga , was
knocked over by an engine, but quite un
hurt sb* sprang to her feet, and said to the
engineer: "You has a mighty heap ob
politeness to treat a lady dat way."
—Mr. A. J. Schuyler, tho jolly good
natured landlord of the Fallon House at
Cock Haven, owns a large dog of the mas
tiff breed for which ho refused an offer of
9250 from a gentleman of Carlisle, Pa , a
few days since.
—The Art exhibition given by thejGrrgg
Poet is indeed ore of tbe most Interesting
exhibit* over given in Bellefonte. Many
rare and antique curiosities are displayed
and every one should avail themselves of
this opportunity of seeing tbera,
—The Nittany Valley A Southern
Railrosd Company has commenced work
in Armor's Gap. Whether this means
that tbe U, R. is to be built down Nit
taoy valley or down Bald F.sglo valley,
we are not informed.
People going west and others in want
of fire-arm* should get our illustrated
catalogue of rifles, shot guns, revolver*,
etc. It is mailed free. Please addr**s J.
11. Johnston, Great Western Gun Work*,
1M Smith field street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
—The tramps now have a new dodge to
avoid the Tramp Law. They carry with
them a Tew umbrella*, lead pencils, or
something of this Sort to Mil. We noticed
one of them actiag the role of bo it bla.'k
on our streets Monday.
—Mr. K. A. Beck, the popular tonsoriaf
artist of this place, was the first to offer e
home to Mr. Bond Valentine upon hie ar
rival from New York, and the latter gen
tleman desire* u to return his sincere
thanks for the kind < ffer.
Our senior editor, 8. T. Bhugert, gpent
Sunday in Philipsburg.
Mr. E.T.Cole, ot /ion, l'a, stepped
into tho sanctum of the DKMOCUAT on
Saturday lat.
Mr. Daniel' C. Grovo, of Walker town
ship, paid us a friendly short call on Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. 8. A. Newcomer, Lock Haven's
wide-awake sewing tnachino man, was in
town Thursday.
Rev. W. E. Fisher, of Centre Hall
preached an able sermon in tho Lutheran
church at this place on last Sabbath even
ing in the absence of the regular pastor,
Itcv. Furst.
Mr. A. B. Steele of this place haa ac
cepted a position with the I'billipaburg
,/ourna/ nod we are Mire that excellent
paper will find him a profitable ac
iint wedding occured at tho residence of
D . G. M Swartz on last Thursday evnn.
ing, the contracting parties being theDr's.
elm-it daughter, Miss Lizzie Swartz and
M . .1 11. Van Ormer, of Philadelphia.
, A' the appointed hour a large number of
friend* IN D relative* were assembled in the
ST * in. parlor. The residence wa* hrii'-
TNN . ii iiminaled, and al 7 o'clock, as the
II -IN parly T- U lite parlor, they were
lii■'. b j lbs lli in g> i gl u in, Rsv Ow
P lEJ , pastor of ' * M E church,
| TLIE v. •; * wire RUPI r> I* rod
■| ci >. Tl ■ TIDING reception lasted for
:I . , ,wo I-TIURS, af.er which the bride
' AND I ■ n -onti e H.O-V train for Phi a
' tl- , .LA '1 lie T legn.it oialii is, to wnich
, ,I.- G TIL**V* ITI.U .nvited shortly after the
• euioliy, was 1 by both del
'j y H1.,! ,T LIIMH* X t lli it
j p.I I of the evening W* the social g"d
' IC-M* . and the bride and groom were sent
on their wedding tour amid a shower of
' congraiulatious and g-SAL wishes for liieir
future bspp'lN ss.
I ______
We were shown this rooming a very
i haod*ome cane presented fo ex
Judge Orvis by friend* at a distance.
It i of beautifully polished wood with a
head in imitation of an antelope's foot.
Tho design i* unique and elegant and i*
| beautilully expressive of the ardent
I a imirwlion in which the Judge is held
by numerou* friend*. — Arm.
MR. Bond Valentin® offers for sale
several very desirable properties, among
tbemoneon Linn street. Thlsproj arty n.u-I
be sold by March Ist, IRSI, or withdrawn
from THO market Any one wishing to pur
chase A fine residence should avail them
selves of this opportunity. F<>r further
particulars inquire at Bond Valentine's
Real estate Agency, High street, 21 floor
Uuth's Arcade.
DxATn or 11<>*. J. G. LARIMER.—We
are again called to chronicle the death OF
J an aged and highly respectable citizen O'
j Pleiuant.Gip— tbatof Judge J.G Larimer,
! whose death recurved on Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, after a long and ditresing
illnen. His age was ID years. Thoftinera"
took iiidc* from hi* residence on Tuesday
f 1
j afternoon at 2 o clock,
j —-Mi** Annie Hibler, a daugliuf of
( Dr. Hibler of this place, died at the
I ho lIJO of her uncle, Col. James H-TUJ •
hill, in Erie, on Monday last. She was
about 23 year* of eg*, bighh educated
and much loved by her friends and ac
quaintance*. She ha* lived in Ihe
family of Col. Hemphill *in-e a small
j girl, and wa* brought here f r ,ntr"
inent by the side of her mother and
other member* of her family jreler,lv
Enterprise and push in busims* a',
way* deserves success. Our obliging friend.
R. B. Spangler, of furniture farce, finding
hit buiine- growing too large for bi* old
room, opposite tho Hush H use, has re
moved to the Opera Hone building. n n ar
the 800 Hive. We walked into hi* new
quarter* yeeterday and saw the best ar
ranged and neatest furniture store outside
the cities. Thirty most btndiome and
elegantly finishedchanbcr#uitsornamented
the one side of hi* room, which is 110 feet
in length. A glai partition divide* the
rear of this room, back of which you wilt
find parlor suit* of the finest and be*t fin
ish. Thi* vast room, witbtwoolher rooms,
covering a spaco of a qart*r of an arre,i
chuck full of furniture. No one need to
go further for furniture, for we saw suitsof
every grade, from a Grand Rapid* walnut,
costing $2OO, to plain suits costing $2O.
Reuben, you have our be*t wishes for your
sucvesr. Go in freely, rnd you will win.
Convex Dorr*.—A welcome visitor—
hart it attending court at Pittsburgh.—J.
V. kmlth, of Lewisburg, was here en a
business trip—Mr. and Mr*. W. 11.
Kreamer were visiting friend* at Mifllin
btirg —Our friend Abe looks a* sober as a
Judge tlnce hi* tiip to Mi ffllnburg.—Mis*
Emma Wolf is visiting her iter, Mrs.
Stover —K. Barlow was here paying off
band* iast week.—Our friend JoestilLport*
she brass balk—Seven night* a week wtth
his girl is tbe motto of one of our young
men. Go it, C.— Ureninger Bros, new mill
is in operation.—The tramp, John Bricker,
was hero and duped some of our wejl mean
ing citizens. LEO.
An apple tree on the lot of Mrs. Mary
E. Feuslermscke-, at Sunbury, Pa., has
several full blown blossoms, and several
buds ready to burst.
Rosolutiona on tho Death of Judge
A meeting of the Bellefontn Bur A*
MOciation waa held in the Court llouw
at 11 o'clock on Monday morning at
which there wan a full attendance.
fieri, -linnes A. Heaver wn called to
preside mid Prothonotary J. C. Harper
waa made secretary.
Col. I>. 11. limiting* stated the object
of the meeting to he to take appropriate
, action on tho death of Hon. J. Gibson
I.arimer, one of the AMOciate Judge* of
tho Court, and on hi* motion J. h.
.Spongier and J. H. Rankin, Kaqa,, and
Hon. C. T. Alexander were appointed
a committee to draft resolution* exprea
giro oftheaorrow which tho aad event
cauaed. The reaolutiona were read he
i fore tho member* of the bar aa follow* :
"The member* of the Cent re County
Har, aaaeinhled together, and desiring
to give oxprcaaion to their feeling* of
[ esteem for the character ami acrvice of
Hon, John flihaon Larimer, deceased,
Uteoneofthe Aaaociatc Judgeaofthe
County, and of the deep regret felt for
hia death ;
Resolved, That we unite with hia he
reared family an l frien 'i and the con.
munity. iu morning the loa of the ef
ficient officer of oer courts, an upright
Judge, a worthy an t reapeded citizen,
a kind huaband and an affectionate
Resoled , That the friend# of our la
mented Associate have suffered a gricv
oua losa, for bis gentle ami courteous
bearing, hia sympathetic instinct*, and
hia lasting friendship endeared him to
a wide circle of friend*.
Resolved, That we oiler our condol
ence in this aad hour to the family of
our friend, and that aropjr of there reso
lutions L- presented to the Court with a
request that the same be entered of
Resolved, That these proceeding* be
published in 'he county paper*.
A motion was also passed that the
Har Association attend the funeral in a
body and the following were appointed
pall bearers: I>. 11. Hantiogs, J, L.
Spangler, D. F. Fortney. Clement
i iHde, Aaron Williams, 11. H. Harsh
bergcr, Cal. 1 lower. W, C. Heinle.
- Mr. J. 11. Jswineferd, of Chicago, who
i* now visiting at Kebersburg, gave the
Dr. l -e HAT a friendly short call on Tues
day ls*t. Mr. Swinoford 1* a nephew of
the la e Dr. IfillibUh, of Rebersburg, and
a very pleasant young g, rUnman.
Mr. Frank 8. Mayer, well kn>wn in
Beliefonle an l vicinity a a first-clan bread
and ornaro'-ntal cake baker, has purchased :
: a half Interest In the bakery owned by Mr '
IJ, dearie#* on High street The firm name s
w: ! he Searfoas St Mayer. They will keep ,
constantly on hand a supply of fresh bread j
cakes and pies, a fine coof.c- J
lions, oranges, nuts, etc., Uystors re
• .-ivrd daily ar.d always fresh. You can j
get them sorted in any anden rystylo y.-u
wish, er buy them Vyfbequsrt Weddings
or pAftie- served with cakes or Ire cream [
00 the sh -rtest notice. Don't fnrg*t locall ;
a their place of business on High street'
in Bush Arcade, Belief lite, I'a.
H' Hi.r.anckO, I*a , Feb 21 4 t.
MN. EDITOR : In your issue of the 11th
inet., you publish an arlicie in reference to
'Wallace, the Nittany mail carrier," but
you refer only to those who live in iiellr
fonle. But a common prac'.i cis made of
1 i -n-'inj this poor innocent fellow along
the route, not etcepiing our own town
where w? arc rry to say one or two in
dlrll - tv . ial delight in doing this
We '. it j'd be far more credits
young men, as well as all others,
• > dl* >' 1 H H*sperlfully,
—T' ' " -win ; - •nrertaiiur. look place
in a II oh fall v far n hi use a f-w dav. !
D->->tr—' (> f morning, Mrs |>, how
is your husband this morningV'
Mr*. D— ' iih. 10-'a not much better,
D-*lor—' L that o" 1 Did you use the
leeches I snt Up < e t-rJ*y *"
Mrs- D.—"Ye*. But bo c • i'd only lake
thrraof them raw. I had to fry tho rest,"
MADtsOkßt'ili CtttN.—YVe r.;, -1 ;
state that Mr-. Eisman, who -O'l' w
I ago fell on the Ire, severely ln|>irlng h- --
i self, has not vol recovered from the sh ■ k
1 to her system, and although better, d
n>t loem to recruit as rapid ya* ■ tie I
desired. Mrs Kismrn ' one of th# nit I
ostimabla and excellent idj lady 's in Mud -
son burg and her m vny frie-> l dee;
#ympatie* with her in th - rr -f->rte
Many piosiple regard religion *o*y n.e i
a* tbey regard smallpox, they desire to have
it as light a* poaslblo. and a e s< iy careful j
it doea not mark them
Work on <4 Wolf's naw building WAS J
commenced this week and the c*r;.ent<>r, 1
are making splendid headway with it. No
doubt Mr. Wolf will have one of ihe fin
est buddings in the town.
The auction at Moyer's hotel proved to
be quite a success. The good* were all first
Allow us to congratulate Wtn. C. Noll,
of this place. The sixth girl Is a boy.
Just what we want, a young Democrat,
Let us hope that Is ng may the little fel
low live.
We are sorry to slate that 8. K Faust is
mprovlng very slowly.
On th# 15th inat, the home of Rev. I*. C,
Weidmeyer w*s invaded by a number of
hi* kind friends from Rebersburg who
brongbl them a nice donation from the
Rehersburg and Wolfs congregations, con
sisting of all kind* of edible*, two fine
quilt*, and about $2B in cash. Good for
Rebersburg and Wolf* congregation*. It
appear* tbey are always to the front.
Jill.K*. '
ing tho mime* of thoae elected.
Half Moon.—Justice of the Peace, H W
Bamberger; Judge of Election, W ("o|#j
Inspector*, il Stevens, H W Burke!; Hu
ix-rvisors, Geo S tirny, J-tiur Rye; h Imol
Directors. I H.-.-k, H (• Elder; On r .-er,
WM if Way; H D K.v. ; (.'•>n*ta
ble, Geo W Loner; Auditor, J Way; Town
Clurk, J C Mettern.
Huston—Judge of Election, W A Hart
sock; Impi-ctors, Mesh William*, Mile*
Campbell; Supervisor*, J Hay, I) W
Kline; School Diretors, J C Na#en, G W
Woodrlng; Overseer, J C Henderson; Ac
sector, J Mile*; Constable, D W Kline,
Auditor, K It Williams; Town Clerk; W
A Harlaock.
Liberty —J ol Election, N Kuhn
Inspectors, J A Crotaer, J W Hnr|,ur; Su
pervisors, J H Thompaon, John Kuhns;
School Directors, J Shank, S Glossner;
Overseer, Jos Kuhns; Assessor, C A (.'our.
ter; Constable, J I* Linn; Auditor, J W
Tonner: Town Clerk, II A Snyder.
Marion—Justiceofthe Peace, ft K Wil
son; Judge of Election, John ishler; In
spector/, O M Belts, II McDowell; Super
visors, Jobrvjipade, John Hltner; KR o d
Dire.tors, A Martin, Wm Irvin. Jr; Over
seer, 11 Tlbbens; Assessor, C F YI-arick;
Constable, Geo Sheasly; Auditor, Wrri !r
-win, Jr; Treasurer, \N r rn Orr; Town Clerk,
D K Miller.
Philipaburg Borough.—Constable, W.
Bealt ; High oonatable, W. Hud*on ;
School Driactora, J. l'eightol, (s. W.
Hoover; justice of the Peace, If. J.
Laporte, L. Ilea#; Church Trustee*, W.
Miller, T. Young E. Tyaon .- ' ver*eer,
(J. Wytbo*: Burge**. K 1' McCorrnick;
Assistant Burge*-', H S Stewart; AIMM-S
or. T. Dunk el.
Pott<-r N P — Judge of Election, J J
Arney ; IRI;-I U.rs, J -s A Otto A (in-GU
L'enn— Justice of tho Peace, B F Phil
ips; Judge of Election, J-.hn Myer ; LU
sjeclor*, N J Camiibell, A K Alexander;
Supervisor, Henry Bw*- *, Emanuel NEEW ;
School Dtr-'-nrs, WII iatn Stover, 1>
Karstetter, Ovvrseer, AndrewStuvnr ; A -
sessor, J S Meyer CONSTABLE, SamueI Ard :
Auditor, C Alexander ; .Town Clerk, 11
Worth— Justice of th# Peace, Thomas
Weston; Judge of KIN lion, Joseph Thomp
son ;11 • < to-. A !-V ('!,..-Y AS W I
lams; Supervisors, Klias Turner, Henry
Beritiet; School Directors, It J Kelly, C
BUM Ovar***i, G Watton w
B Gingerich; Cot •(able, J. F'Marks
Auditor, S H MI.M ; Town Clerk, L Jones
Walker — Judge of Election, J A
Sihwarle; lns|X*tor, Wilharn Hh wcrs,
John Z-mrnertran ; !*up#rvi*ors, I) L-B,
II Bartholrnew ; School Directors, J II
Berk, I<"WI Zimmerman ; < iversier, Henry
1 Garbnck : A'E-O r, Jacob alkey ; Con
stable, WM Cron- H e Auditor, I) A Deil
rich ; Town Clerk, Ambrose McMull*n
Putlori Town-hip— Justices of th<- Peace,
D( (re<-n an I David Sellers Judge* - F
Kle<-tion, T S (srav and P M Waddle; In
spectors, D H LEE and Wash W' iland
' > IPERVLEOR*. G W F ILRS- aid Jonas SLIM
|"HH'*D Director, JIF MattelD Overseer.
AG.-w SELLER- . C nstable, J ... 1 1, TR-si-r
at.d William \\A- E A.D OR Wili.nm
! Tate Town Clerk, Crider Mattern.
KUh T--wnsii F> —.1 T e of TT. Peace.
J W ColBn*; Judgt ol Electi- n, South
- f'.alda TI for S P. S, ,tl Fravel for N P
- Inspector*, Jacob C-aar and John Miller
, for N 1", D M Uiiger and D**l fshimt-I f*
P S rs. Johnson '"U!|EN *r ) <I ; R
Vale; SCHOOL Directnra. Wrti lltittori
and F F Smith; Overseer, R I.aw*.
I VSE-SOR, J DumWoton CSMST-.L-!*-, .1
Kennmlv, Auditor*. ! SHIMEL and ('
Hess ; I own E'erk, J B How#.
Bog*'- Township. — Justice of Hie j
Peace, N Bierly : Jttdgea of ELECTION. F '
John on S. p. , L B Malone (N. Pi; J
' lltM>ector, '• Fleck and .1 M Luc..* 1
' ,s /• D Wetxel and (1 Brown N I'
Supervisor*. K Johna- n. WM Shnlley
School Director*. VV P Barnhart arol A
F<?l*er; Over- #r, T A'laina, 2 year* :
Ases S,r. I Hancock; CONSTABLE, to
v ! ; Auditor, F McCoy Town clerk. I
J Walter*.
Cnion Townahtp.— Conaiable, R id '
•ling*; Judge --f Lleciion. tie VOTE
FTl|<rtor, J R Taylor nnd G W P. W
1 MASTER; JuMioe ol the Peace, WM
j Spot;*, Sr.; Supervisors. II Spoil* and
S Calhoun ; "vcrseer, 11 Idding- ; Audi
j tor, II IJ'iing: A..MMR, P II Push, j
1 Town Clerk, Wni P Fisher. Jr.
Hainea Townahip.—Constable, II J -
. i.'rou •* Jo l' of Elect!' n, C Bower. >
( and J(' SRELX ; School Director*, J j
Winklrldaek. and 'F Set,oil ; Justice of j
the Peace, I> 1! Rote; Ward A*s##or, 1
F O Hoaterman ; Suf>erv;or*, .1 Wert ;
and C Smith; Cvereeer, .1 Bower; I
Auditor. .? J t'rndorf Assessor. 11 :
UhitK'b srt, Town Clerk, II A Mingle,
Pitter Township, fi P —Judge of
Election. S Slack : ,Inspector*, G W
Spongier and J It Decker.
Mil## Townahip—ConaUbl#, W W
Hacktnan ; Judge of Election, W
Walker; Impeelors, W Krearocr: O W
llaxel; School Idirector*. M Mill*, 8
Kruiunn#,; Sup-rviaora. J Hhulla and I)
Dohb* Gveraeer, J Shaffer; Auditor,
i f B Kr#*m#r; A*#or, A Ofamle y;
Town C.'lerk. J K Webber.
Taylor Townahip.—Constable, II Blow
"r*; Judge of Election. T Fink ; School
i Dt reetoia, S Hoover : B Weaver ; Jua'ii e
of Peace, A C Galbraith ; Superviacr*.
W Fwing. -f Pnckwith ; Overaeer, K
Iteekwith ; Auditor, O Weaton | Aaaet
*or, II Blower# : Town Clerk, O V Gal
Milihrim Borough,—Oonatable, N.
Shannon, High Constable A Harler;
' Judge of election, F. Knarr; Inspector*
JA. J. Harler, J. Spigelroyre; School'
Director, J. Swarta, w. lienny; Justice ,
of the Teace, J. Eirohulh ; itvereoer.
J. Ilarrer; Auditor, J. C. Smith ; Bur
peas, K. B. H art man ; Awialant Burgrsa
W. Adam*; Assessor, A. C. Muas-or;
Council, J. 11. Mayea, J year*. K. C.
Campbell, 3 year# ; A. Miller, 3 ye#*# .
W, It, Hennv, 2 year*; J. BtoneT. 1
year; F. F. Wetxel, 1 year.
Gregg Townahip, N". P.—Judge of El
ection. J. lUch#u; Inspector#, A. H.
Y'onad* and W. School Director#,
J. Roasman and Daniel Runkel; Jo*' ice
of Ihe Peaoe, M L Ri#heL Supervlaor#,
W. W. Neeae. I). Ik Weaver ; Overeeef,
D.Barger; Auditor, W. 11. Bartholomew
Assessor. W. Peeler; Totjn # Clerk, T.
Gregg Town#lilp, fi P Judge of Klee
tion, J Smith ; Inspector, W Goodhart,
.1 K Bilner.
ttf-wfd Borenth - anfgest, 8 F Ball" Jwtfs of
Blerlioa. W V Hall; Isiys-lsw, 1 Haves Hl* II *
llsr,lo ,af twol llirei TOS*, # t It lies W V lIKSI, II
W rieteW, L H Hmsyl.K 0 Shalt; Ovarwe-i, H 1
I.IH-H: ASMsim. It 0 debar, Cmwatatili, * CEOV, it,
Aeilllnrs.O A Bet. II V #!% b CUrk. HJs
arhsnck; Ooaarll i S Itall, i W SHlth.3' Bultn . W
I n*nAM*a*i Rl|l: CwastaMs, W lllriflf,
inow Sties T'.enstilp -Jd, „f XI. , u„r,, || Wllh
• flts; Ins,meters, J (.'lark •>! TV # llr-.an, Sep-,, ~
"fsj Mingle ee l A C K. tie,. K<l„-.l illrne.i. a
I'wrmaii.J II Iloll.W Tesgef, A K tl. Mullen;
sesr, J Welriw. Asseee-ir. * H- ,el. lu-gletfallen A..
s"~", H llejrer, O/MISM.. H 1( Hew..., Au-111-.r a i;
amor Hhua Twp. (W I' i Ju.lg.. ~f Kl<-' IK.u, J T
I.IICM; lure, Vt K t .*.-r en-l K XUsuflun. IS- ±
l.tlell li Aue,|, V Tlirb. ilg.
Union rill. B r.igti.-J.Jge „f KJeclioU, Kill-/
I'ietl, lua|clor, X I' ttertnn, A.erew.r, Ilirein I'slu-i.
sun; JiMllteof lhel-.ee., .1 M llleir,<li'x.l illmf.r.,
A W Humeri. J Sf lllelr, (VinsUhle, K M Uucae, An
alter. II M Keirlierl; Os.rwer,, y, \ W M Ch*
welerl. i; llnr K eH, W l-elno, *„| Hurg J H Shin
ly (ksuncll.T *'lrlsl. W II vn V.lln.J II llmilL.
w aimer, 0 Morrleutj, J V.liinl ltk, lllglr Conetnble t
M ln. ee.
1h.rn.,1.. T'lnii'hin.—J'.'lgs ..I Kler Uvtr, tt /Jemn
men, lr.ii{,e. lore, X W Ml.lietti, Joint t'r enter. Bit net -
'!", N Velimnrrl. H Herhrlol, W Stcrens; #- hnnl Itl
rt-t tnre, M M. 1,.|.,rf1.r etr.l O Hull; W W hile,
*sse.".A V Hnnglrertv.O'Usuhle, X ihitee. Audit/r,
J H .leHUiU)er.
Mlleel.urgh Hnruugb —BurgeM. J I Morris, Judgs
..I Kite Una, A a Sit,ill,, InstM-rrtrrr, II U-.tner (. ,u |, 11,
i Bradley, J W Hneuie, W H < W il Mllw,
J M<" Th>>tn*M, Is rtiMofi 0# rneep, J K<>dgfr*. Am* *
•' r . v% It (Jtihbii; txiaiUbl* A lifMcktri AcMJitur,
V I* Mntiem, Kcbool Vt*t< Ujf., A T lU'uki.A H Bmllb,
Higli CorwUlile, A l'fu< kr
FlilllMburff. rirat War !-Judg*. tJ f KUttiw®, I A
UftiU, luepM ti.ra, II ( WillUm.. H Kltilid. Aulit
Mlt A*ewr , II | Uoflrf; C'JUftClI, U II WlfbtoD, W
II oMMtford.
He/ iiml Wr<! Judge of £! tU>n, il A')fn; lo-
ma,l i * ' iMtip; AMiiUnt Am+**tr,
•I 1 fM O/tifn M, J H' Joiim, A J Ofkhini. /
Tim# Wet#—Judge of Xt< tlon, L<!- It ,tn lnepM-.
ior.,t| U *.11,11.1, Jr. W li™.., Aeeleteut A e.w,r, OS
rl-rnlrig, '.Vtionl.U R Slmller, ft, I ye.r- W II Itot
'and, J j ton, W mln, 1 >t*t.
Ilartli Township—Judge ( Klmtiun, 0 W' Will,
ients, l it.p,. tr.re, I W.. .trier, X W Sweeney, Supertl..
<>rs, P K -,m. J Cwrj.i-r, Ort-reeer, WII Miller, (ithixil
liter lure, II Sweh, i Bile; Am-wr, tl T W.llenil
t .u.Ul.le, W lliii, AudlU r, V II Mey.r; Town < Urfc,
8 II Mmr,, .
I'-.!lege Judge i.f Kite th'B.J T --1' werl, li.rpe 1.
"TO, T si'lirlil, J Kit|tji. J w Shuweltor,
V ISerker. Scbuul IrirtH lure, J tUltui.tun, Ur T Christ
wr o Hstlere n. rr,eieer, JII Mil. hell, Aee.ee- r M
lilose, i'.,u>Ul.le, J Be;, An 111-.i W Th Uit-w/ii, Jr,
Cnrliß—JeeUreof His I'nrt, A II l.u-ee; Judge J
XI" It-m. y K-,l I I I,,|er int., J Kt.err, J Msun. Super
tle-.r, J Mem,. W 1U.1.1 s. h'>ul line. P.i,, II s It,,
leit-ir Jidiit M.r'.rlne;, Or ereeer, C Singer Aeeee* r,
J W I'wrket Audlhur, A STipu.il t itnsUhle W M
rsrpusnn, X I'.—Justue ol ihe peer., A (I Kwlng i
Judge ,A Klerlh/n IS ti llrell l -,. ( ,<t„t, J H Smith,
It II W -ttef, Si,perrtw/t, J t, Mtteeer. li V Buwerwng;
S. 1.,e.1 litre- Int., J ll.ee, t, || i„r,. Oretseef. J St!
ney, A ee--ee.tr, W r. Me, k CnnsULl*, Il W Pnrt Audi
(,.r, II M Hn;der Twa tleik, W J Mejer
r-rgtie i, Wl' -Jndfe .f u |;j|e n u-rgr t
Ihef.e. t,.rs, M J Watt.t' llerpt.t
OBITUARY. —Died of paralysis at hi*
home ri'-ar Pin# (irovn Mills, thia cuuty,
"ti Haluiday, February I6th. ilr. Jantes
Mider, in ibe *ixly-fl'ih year of hit ige-
Mr. Miller bad b<u>n in delicate heaisb
fur ome lime but able to do light work.
Jusl a few days previous to the allar k be
remarked thai be did not cx|.ecl to live
but a short lime; having lived almost ihe
allotted lima he (eit as though hi* davt
were numbered. Hut alas, how #oon tire
summons came. On Friday evening, whilst
retiring for the night, he was reclining on ,
tho edge of th# lied, when the fatal stroke j
tame, and he feii off on the floor. His wife
sjtoke to hitn but he did not answer. I pon
t-xaminaiion it was found that hi# entire
right side was paralysed. For a time it
was thought thai be might recover. Every
thing was done to prolong hi* life, but
death, which comes to all in due lime,
called his spirit borne.
In bit demit" the wife has lost a devoted
husband, the children a loving parent, the
relatives a lasting friend and the commun
ity one of its oldest and best citizens, at
be was a firm advocate of justice between '
his follow men. He was one of a family of
eleven children, six sons and fivedsugbier' ,
His fath r ws lb# venerable James Miller.
Mr Miller was bleared with good nature
and wn always cheerful and generous. He
had a kindly feeling toward* every one.
which made him mtny warm friends. For
th# last 35 years he was an ardent mrmlxr ;
of the Persbylcrian church, and when
health permuted, look great pleasure to ,
attending il service*.
The funeral look place on Monday the I
I IMb, at 12 o'clock fservicos were held, in ;
! the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. j
W. C. Kahn, assisted by Rrs. Koter and
; Ague. Remark* of the text are found in
Ist Th< saalooian*, Ith chapter and 13lb
' verse The services were largely attended
1 by friends and neighbors and a largo circle
■ <>f mourning relatives. May be rest in
I ' *.
I' s'.l I VII LB. Piof. I. M. Wolf will
hold a !rv a 1 in<titute in F.aglcville,
March T;h aid f. h. ISB4. All teacher#
whi> f imr a | romot on of edura'iona)
inteif'.# uic .nvifrcl to ftend and lake !
!an active part in the exerrpe*. It it
dosire I ti a*. tb'sewho expet t to attend
j will dropn poatal card to the committee
| Tnere will be f.:ur sessions, beginning
jon Friday evening and closing on Satur j
I day evening The following is a list of
tome of the sul jeet* for discussion A
paper on Spelling Reform, by Mr If.
Kvlleti A pa| ■T on School Government,
by Frank McCoy; Best Method* of
Teaching Aritbranlic, by Q. W. Rum'
barger ; Beat Methods of Teaching Hi*
lory ; Best Method* of Teaching Mrrll
ing ; A Ola** Drill in Geography. Prof.
Ranb. of 1/oek Haven, will give talk on
no recesa, tardme## and how to prefent
whiaptering. Prof. Christie, of CMittie'i
Bu*ine#a College, will talk to tlie boy#
on penmnhip. Mr. 8. T. Steven#..n
will give talk* on music in the school
room, rapid progress, bow can we ob
tain it? The question for debate on
Friday evening i, Resoletd, That a com
pubory law of educa'ion should be en ,
acted ly our Mate legi*lature. Affirms
ti*e. \N . J". I owler, T, 8. Da Long, neg., I
Dr. J. K. Tibben#, Capt. J. A. (juigley. j
The question, should teacher# compel '
pupil# to write composition# and com '
mil piece# to memory nnd recite them
And many other question* if tim. will j
peroiit. Im N. MCCUO#K*V,
* A. K. LUCAS,
—Everybody t* Invited to Searfoss A
Mayer'# to buy bread, pie#, cakea and con.
Avrcrteicxxn.—The undersigned, the
fastest and best saleanian in Central renn
sytvanla, having more than tu-rnty years
experience in seiling Farm*, Farm Stock,
Merchandise, eU-, offers hi* service* to the
clUxens ot Centre and adjoining counties
as a First-class Salesman. Charge# reaaon
able. Addres# Joeat'H L. jTarr,
4-3 m Centre county, Pa
A 1 # uarisen tratk at Garmait'#.
—Colored bordered handkerchief* 5
cent* atGartn*o , •.
WAWTEIS.—A position hy an experi
enced and eompalent blacksmith. Can do
anything In the blacksmitbing line. Hab
it# regular. Address "MxcXAtnc," car*
CXKTXX DCMOCBAT, Uellofonte, PA C-ft
A XKocactwcXT.—Having moved into
th room* corner Allegheny and High
Mrti, my facilities *r* far superior than
hereto!ore, and J would rwpecttully an"
nounce that I am now prepared to do a. A
kind# of tailoring In tb latent and moil
(n-tiionaMe with promptnwM and dia* £■
patch. I have on hand a floe line of good*,
and you will find it to your interoat to call .
and examine rny flock and luarn my price*
when in want of a flna auit of clothe* or a
(irit-clao* overcoat.
W. I. Flemixo.
N. K cor and High ft*. NT tf.
—Wllon, McFarlaoe A Ob,, call atten
tion to the only reliable lteady Mixed
rami in the market. The Ptonaar Pre
pared l'aint I* not .nly mperiar to any
Heady Mixed l'aint aotd* hut rivals pure
white lead in it* uiKoib/im in worsting
and du'abilitjr. Tbla paint i> guaranteed
by the manufacturer* not to crack or peel
within three year*. The guarantee is not
only good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on if it tbould crack or r>eei
within the time specified. It wilt be to
your Interest to call and ee Wilaon, M< -
Far lane <k Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Heady Mixej
—Mr-ear*. Bunnell A- Aiken* have a
very fine selection of aolid gold watrhe,
jewelry and a full line of ailverware.
which they ofler cheaper than any otbei
■tore in Bellefonte.
Very late-t *tyle hat* and cup* at
New cmbruideriea at (iatoian a.
Men*' under sbirW Ti cent* at <>ar I
| man 'a.
—The reason after the Holiday* ia gen
' rally dull with the Ta> ri. We are
fi-ring extra inducement* in fear price*. AV<-
have given large order*, and the e
are now coming in. Heave your
order now Moxtoomeey A Co.,
—All winter pood* a! a reduction
: 'tarmac's.
—Four cabinet* for lea* money than four
card sixes would coMeltewhere, at Boyer *
Hitbop ktreet.
—Winter Mock mut go. 8 pec;. I
bargain* at I-a-win'*.
—Celluloid cuff- and collar*, all ri/'-*.
at l.ewin'*.
—N< w line of embroideries to an i■ <*
next week, at ('armaria.
Come and liny.
In whole or lot*,
on Alleghany Street.
On High street
On Tboma* street.
On Willow Bank street, $180f
<>n Willow Rank street. |! 20<
j > On Bishop street,
All in the Borough of Bellefonte.
i Tremt \fndr F.aty.
Real Estate Agent.
sn Dm.
2nd floor Bush Arcade,*
R-x la ,fp. Bf. R..tbr<icA P>aUl <,< )
I am nov ready to do all kinds of
&ch at PORTRAITS in ml LAXI>
Satisfaction guaranteed in all caws.
; i would be pleased to have Ton call,
and examine specimen* of work. In
structions giten in Tainting.
i\ P. Hi liter.
HAVIM; ori.NEt) A
We would respectfully invite the ™
public to give us a call wbcu in want
of any work in our line. We are pre- i
pared to do ALE kind? of
RF,PA imsn <v
Wo also make a specialty of
All work will recieve prompt atteu.
tion. Our TERMS are reasonable, and
all work guaranteed. Hesprrtfmlly,
BMWBLL A MrS (7t, V,
Mrllrfonte, Fa
} f l-t.m-.W.r em th. of Nr.. Kllsafcad.
t.t. *t W.IM 1,... .hip, o*u
' t " rM.Uri W> tfc* vtnllWfSi-d. Ml
patanas iwMM w mtS ok* v* rt-sMrttd v
**> *?•* fjw. .„A *)l laVSTI**
HS?*"' • pwwat them. Salt .nthaatWA
hj la*, tar wttlraont saSAH S l,"MI
*** Ex****
r "MByte taw*! flwa, thai l.l(*-*M a*ahU
tnmn tha *m J W~t, y *>*. hue M Ran
■mw* manyiw AawaaH, hen (Vaatei t th .
•4w*igfw4. Alt pat*,* kfer-Wlttg tlMtclw* In 1
t'>tk*'iUto f IHiuiU X art* laawllih '
paja-at. sad thoaa bavins 'l*w *,u pant Us**,
Saly siuhraWtatad.fer wttluaaat
Cinuni Ana*.
* MataMftUci 4
jj 'r JjTm-Ji