FITZ-JOHN PORTER. SPEECH OF Hon. A. G-. CURTIN, IV Til K HOL'sK or IIEI'HEHENTATIVES, Friday, February lf, 1884. The House having under onnsidera lion the bill (11. K. 1015) for the relief nf Fitz .Tohn I'-rler- Mr. UURTIN anid: Mr. Set tKKR•* I una i|iiile sure tht I • cm ray nothing that is new on this very important question, which in volves the citisenship and the honor ol • n American soldier. et Irom my knowledge of the man, and my connee lion with him, it is proper, with the honor afforded mo of closing this debute, that 1 should be heard. Mr. lIISOOt'K. Is it proper to inquire how long a time is now to bo given to ■a vdvbite? Mr. uURTIN. An hour. Tlo> SPK.VKKH. Under the rule* of jbo House there w one hour lor le- in>f'iB K. And it is then the Int. niton of gentlemen on theothersde to pr*a a vote to-n'glit I The SPKAKKH. Ihe Unair i* not advi-cd liti the intention on "the Mr I'UKTIN. I do not know the ,u!. s'u mean? Do you mem tot-keit front me? Mr. WHITK, of Kentucky. 1 mean tin d srr-pecl to the gentleman from Penn\ vunia Mr. iYRTIX), but the eentl man from New York gave away hi* rig it to that hour in the agreement which wa made about the debt to. ThoSlM'. AKKK. The gentleman from l'ennavlvanii will proceed. Mr. i'TRTIN. I know Fit* John Por ter well, have known him all bis ma ture life. He was apjtointed from Pennsylvania a cadet at Meat Point, •where he was instructed as a soldier. In his birth and his lineage from the Revolution which give this country its liberal and matchless Constitution, the Porters have defended it upon the • water and ujion the land. When the la*e unhappy war commenced and dark clouds cover, d all this great country, and the people of the North werearoui ,-d from their peaeelul pursuits to face the fact that war. cruel, savage war, existed. Fit/ John Porter was the first military officer sent to Pennsylvania to assist in the organization of troops fir the defense of the Government and to meet the necessities of the war forced upon us. Washington, the capitol of the country, was shut out from com munication with the North and West; there were no means of cimmunication between the capital and the country at large. Being at that time the executive of Pennsylvania, from necessity I depended much upon the military judgment sent to asi-t me. Fitz .Fohn Porter was the most enlightened, most -leeplessl / vigilant and ardent advocate of immediate military discipline, of the levying of troop" and the enforcement of obedience to the l*w that came to me through that long struggle. Now, Mr. Speaker and gentlemen on th ; other side oflhn Chamber, it you will turn to the records you will find ,n- M.-nificmt fact not so much for tin living a* in justice to the dead. The iir-t citizens of this < ountrv that ever i-ked a rehearing for this soldier, with . view torflre suing any wrong lie might have suffered, were Horace Greeley ol Y. rk. Henry W ->n of Massachu setts, and myself. (Applause.] Surely t1,.. ti 1.-li'y of the tw-< ] or-on* I ii.,uu-d will not fe doubted, and the I r .-sen tat ion or apHcation thus made to th* Government for the re-lrei-* ~f the \, rot g* .1 rie to tin- ni >n w i made aft r lull consideration of all the fact* and in I ,- |re ence of all the. lights which sub .spi-nt history had shed ii|>on tlie ev. n:'ul p'-r,od thro :gh wi.ich we hsd jjst pas*ecL Gnenl Fit*-John Porter never approached or importuned rn- to Iw bis advocate. Since the pendency of i, i bill, or since the meeting off "on ; r, I have not seen him here. As fo Hi- merits of this bill it is a question on wliiehsnien may have opinions on the side and on the other, depending v ry much upon how you approach the tic s, but 1 was surprised to hear a distinguished member of this House Mr. Kkiierl say over and over again in his sp-ecii thai General Fit* John P. rt-r was a coward. Before God I say 1 never knew a Porter who was fool or a ossrd. | Applause. | That was the opening speech of this i.ct,ate in opposition to the hill, and, mm its character, must fa- regarded a the presentation of the view* of those who are inspired by |olitiral bias in their action on the measure. There mi" much of the dust and moke and -ii phurof bittle in it; there was the Ia! lie of rifle and of muaketry; the detonation of heavy guns, and amidst a 1 the strife which the gentleman drew irom his imagination, above the noise iiud confusion snd roar, the cuimina iion of his rhetoric was the cry that Fez-John Porter was a coward. lf is the first man who bss ever put that statement in print; indeed, he is the Hist who ever had the temerity to say it, and I trust he will never say it again I . ornament his rhetoric or logic. Now, Mr. Speaker. 1 propose for a 1,-w in nut- to turn tin-attention of this I (imo to a portion of t lie history ol t hst it cadfdl war which I would In-glad to torget, with all iU horrors, and do most sinoereiy regret that in this instance we must fight it over snd revive its pain fill recollections, when justice is naked -heer justice loan Am-i lean citizen, and o ,e who his been winged, grievously wronged. I then in nn officiil imsition where 1 wna forces! to watch with painful anxitv the advance o armies, the terrible baltlrz; and the gen tlernen on the other side eve not the only personswho mourn ovrrMbe graves of the slain. I had occasionally the rt'isfclion to rejoice over the success ol . ur armies, but in tie beginning ol the w*r that satisfaction d 4 n h often Wucu the war commenced, and the Government called for troops for a hun dred days' the great State of Pennsyl vania, not believing that the struggle was to end in so short a period, organized an army of 15,800 men; thirteen regi , ntetits of inf.m ry, one regiment of ar tillery, and one of cavalry. The troops , were fully armed and ( quipped, and were one imped in different parts of the State; they were mustered in for "three years or during the war," and their muster provide,! that they should be ■ transferred to the Government of the ' United States when that Government should demand their presence in her armies. Not once, Mr. Speaker, but constantly they were offered to. the service of flsc.Governmentof the United States and refused. They would have been at Bull Bun but the Government officially declined to receive them. You understand what occurred there. I suppose every nun on this floor realizes all tint occurred in that disastrous but tle, and who knows but that the presence of such a body of splendid troops would have turned the tide of battle ? Afout I o'clock on Monday morning I receive 1 a telegram from General Scott saying: W l( nt ton in tiiU, * n i lbrn forw*rn the brow of our colleague. General Rose crans, who succeeded him in command. Applause.) i General McClellati gave to the Army a perfect organization, dl the appli ance necessary to make it efficient or to give as large a hare of comfort to the men a* is possible to give to troops in j the field. He made his plan for the campagn of the coining scasno. I hat 1 j plan has received the approbation of ' the military minds of this and foreign countries. He proposed ,to transjmrt | the larger part ot bts army by water 1 and to approach by the long liner-f the 1 ; triangle to Richmond byway of the p-ninsula. McDowell, with an army ' numbering morettban forty-live thou ■ | sand men, under this plan of the can psign was to spproich Richmond from j Washington or its delensf by the short ■ line of the triangle. Wtien General Mc<'lell*n had Iran ported h i army to the Peninsula and nail commenced his approach, v tone wall .1 irkxon, perhaj • the ni"t ent--r -prising and energetic general of the confederal# army, da-,ed into the Shenandoah Valley, attacked in detail three armies e mtu-tilcd l> improvised generals put there by the Government, defeated them, and after those triumph - ' he returned by rapid marcher, plscetf • his forces again in the army >n ded by General bee and took part in the bittle ,f Gaines's Mill, where General Fit*-, John Porter was in su preme c>mm*nd, the verv gentleinin who is to lie the benefinstv of the legislation now proposed. Unfortu nately for thi* country, unfortunately for the Government at V\ asbington, still more unfortunately for those who ■ ntended against the Government. McDowell's forces were withdrawn into the defenses at Washington, though that officer declared at the time that he -hould proceed toward Richmond, nsall the army down in the Shenandoah Valley and Gerca! Jackson had re turned to the army of General It is quite unnecessary for me to say that Richmond did not fall, and it is an historical fact that up to the time they received the newspapers of the North announcing that McDowell s force was not to march in the direction of Richmond, the confederate govern ment scarcely expected to hold the city and were prepared to leave. When they received the usual notice through the paperaof the North of this unfnrtu nate action of the authorities at Wash ington they felt they were safe. To say the least of it, that wu a grave mis take on the pert of the Government here, to intrust a general with the command of armies, and then, after full knowledge of the plans by which he intended to conduct bi* campaign to witbold his right arm when heirtn ded to strike a blow at the enemy which might be fatal; and yet, sir, no one then charged and no one now charges the living or the dead with in fidelity or disloyalty. Mr .Speaker, domestic war in this country was unexpected ; it was sud den in its opening: it was new to our people and our Government; and I sin not here to charge disloyality upon those who in their ignorance mde gros mistake*. When the Armv re turned from Virgina it was necessary 1 that public reotinient should be settled 1 in some way, so as, If possible, to re v lieve the Government of any charge ' '• incompetency to conduct its affairs to h success, especially as the chief duty of >' those !ntruted to Its administration i- was to conduct a great war; so McCellan e was said to be tardy by some, to be * incompetent, and it wa even said at " the time, and not in whispers, that he 'f was disloyal, and h wo* removed from *' his command of the Army. The gen n erous public accepted the action as proper, and the people of this country r once more ren-wed their fide'ity to the Government and their disposition to •upport the eiti/.er* intrusted with it* i administration. General I'otHi wns then placed in coiiiiuand of the Army: he came from the Weal) hie proclamation* glittered with generalities and rattled with bril liant rhetoric, j Laughter und nj> pUu>c ] I remeinher to lIHVO read them itll at the lime, and have no recollec tion of any other uch production* in tiie hi*tory of peace or war [ Laughter | If not a* logical, they were even more brilliant and beautiful than the rhetoric of the gentlemen whoatand here on thi* floor to defend him and to ncctiro General Porter. (Renewed laughter.) General Pope scorned the comfort* of hotel* or boarding-homes or cabin* or tent', and proclaimed hi* headquarter* fo he in the Middle. (Renewed applause ] At the time all this occured the American people glowed with the ex pectation of seeing a brilliant military | meteor come fj int the West who would j lea I the Army to quick and rapid sue | ccs* and thu* make a contrast to the ' man they railed "Tardy McClellen." | Now. Mr. Speaker, I will not fight the battle of Bull Run over again: that ha* ! been done often enough on this floor, ! and it i* enough for me to say that the I Army Slithered defeat andthatlhe Preni ! dent of the United State in person a*k ' ed McClellen to resume the command | again. I repeat, Mr. Speaker, that j will not fight the battle over Again ! winch terminated so disastrously and | led the President once more to place Generil McClellan in command, and really 1 n:u*t doubt whether the history I of that battlo has been much improved I by gentlemen on the other side, and 1 , am forced to say, without intending any 1 disrespect to my colleague* or gentle I men on thi* floor, that some of the newspaper correspondent* gave at the time quite a* good an account of that battle us ha* been given in thi* discus ion with *o much deliberation and which seems to tie inspired bv distrust anil hatred growing out of polities. Mr. Speaker, human pit**ions arc th , principal agendo" in all political affair*. Chat i the teaching of history in all the pn*t; von caii not < pa rate j>re jjudice, ambition and the hojic of power front the jsnlitics of to-day ; and if that philosophy Is* correct ii i* demonstrated ! in the unseemly and unjust opjewiiirm I to the gentleman who i- to be restored 'to i'iti*eii"liip by tin* bill. I could not ' iniprov on what ha* ben *o well *aid ' in tlic history of thi* battle in niar*hnl ing the fad* by my colleague (Mr. BONK], who was a soldier in the wai ' and urcl> has ft right to b<- li<- i I in tin : defense of II soldier's honor. And who upon thi* floor who listened j impartially to the pres. iit.ition of thi* , • a.c by the gentleman fmm New York ( Mr. HAY . who also va- a *oldi-ir history of tin- ' battle and the r solution of the ordi-r -given to General Porter, and m < • pt the I • j.-. i h of the gentl' inan from New , •B i• Y Mr. PHI 11- , -<> I ni.ukald-- in ; the ci- arm - of it- logic nud tin- t ant , , , of it* dietion, that when the dilitigni*li j e*| gentleman clo-ed General Fit/ John Porter would have la-en % indicated lit m lunation b| ail tin- MOph of lie j • itintn if present. \pplnu-e.| It i- said Fit/ John Porter wa* -low t, nbeY order*. Gem-nil Thoina*tu dot*. ( and the gentleman from Michigan, if 1. | -lid not know it at the time, mu-t • I ; know ICYV that thwi araa a clatnoi ! agnin*t General Thomas heeause or hi tardy movements in Teiine**.-. Sid wart, sturdy, brave Thomas drew hi* enemy to the pi e , win r< in the plan of 1 hi* campaign he intended to idler him battle. The newst a)r ■ datn wwd that' i Tbonia* wo not tit to emnmand tin army. He wa* *uj r*< rled end the com mi*;on wa* on it* wav to the band* of ! another general to take command in hi ; sfeiwl. General Grant liim*. If wasaliou* ' to I IV and take -untnand in |r*oii 'vlien the in w* wa* proclaimed to tin- i country tlint General Thotnaa bad met j hi* enemy and dc-iroyi-d the army in a 1 single terrible battle,and General Thorn , iv went to hi* grave and left a SYVCC! ' memory behind liim a* one of the j bravest and grandest men that ever j serve I in that or any other Ytar. [Ap plause.] If 'ieneml Thomas lind lieen super I *ede>|, or if he had taken the direction ' of the Government and had for *d battle la-forr- lie wa* prepared, he too i would have been condemned. Why, ' gentlemen must not forget that in the very beginning of the war it wa* aid, semi-offieially if not officially, when an other great general demanded two hun dred and fifty thousand men for service ill the West that he wn* era*)', absolute ly crory. The flrt time I ever lu-nrd of General Sherman a* distinguished, the announcement w* aceoni(Ninier- the war wa* over mam true and Hood men wished that that eriuo of Sherman had extend > ed to some other general* wlm com inandcd Imoju. ' Gentlemen on the other side now *ay I Sherman wa* a grand obi man. Well, ' that i* true. He crvod with tuueb di*. tinction nl Vlekshurg, and in long march-•• throngh Mississippi, nnd in hi* ' approach to Atlanta against one of the • most cx|icrieneed and skillej military • mull of thi* or any other country, (Jo*. ' K. Johnson] and with what courage lie Y then swung off and made hi* romantic f march to the sea and then oonooered > the roast by tin- reverse. After all, Mr. • Speaker, if the Government was correct s in saying that General Hliernwn was t cnuy in the beginning of the war. there i Is a consolation in feeling hopeful that > we nmy be supplied hereafter with more • generals afflicted with the .me disease. • j Laughter and applause.) i When Grant assailed Cold Harbor, a • fort ill ed tine ) and hi* itimy loit ten thousand men, and tlic enemy not more than five hundred, and when the army positively declined to make another a* sault, no one accused him of being a traitor. Nooho ever mentioned-such an insinuation or made such a suggestion. It was more ivood to tin- lire, more im-ii to the front, more vigor and more pow r at the North to compel obedience to the IaYV. General Porter could not expect to avo d his share of trouble, mid victims were required there, just hccuuse the failure ot Met '|eHan', campaign, broken up by the c ouncil at Washington, liud to be explained. That YVH* all. < Now, Mr. Speaker, if General Porter violated oi-d. r„, if did what was id leged or charged ugainst him, if he treated yv itli cli*i*e*jeet or contempt General Pope, who was in supreme com lltitnd, h-t tin* say that General Pope ought to bat e known un Y. d that Porter Y*a a traitor to hiui or hi* country, or had discla-ycd i* m<*t remarkable that he . II t: II no to command him and witn - his active struggle* a few din s afterward to arrest the progn -n of the enemy to wud the capital of hi* country. The \rtny that had fallen to piece* under the command of Genera! Pope. ( and the di*. rgmi/at. -n ..1 wh.- ii ternu nate.| hi* military career in the li.i*t. ! yy-v" taken '>> Mcf'|eUn. at tin- r. jue-t of the I'rcsident of tie I'nitcd Stat, and n-->rgani/ed. The \rruy was march '• d uinb-r M> - i-omtn >nd t >-iiit!i Mountain, fought a battle there, and a little later fought the battle of Antic ' lani. an-l siir- ly the gentlemen on the other *id know the historical f.„i tj la t the battle of Vntietam pr*k.Jui-e t-i tin- war.' and di lare I that he did not hold atiV meini/erof the Cabinet r' -|xiiiil.le lie did not ask their opin ion* of the |>liey of the pi* .-'amain n but * d that he would r- eeiv -ugg.- lioi,- ... to the i hangs of word* or >n ten. . an-l Y.-ry f- aif an> niiid.*. • 'no or two suggestion* were made by > - re ir v i ha*'-, who was then S--< rotary of the Ir . tirv. but Mr. Seward >ai I ■•While we . ■ --| t the eoDclu*ion of tlio Ple-ident. 1 would suggest that lie } t . | betW r wait for A military MOMW ." and it P -widenl tu pan e not hesitate, an i afi- r Vntietam, re parding that tattle *- .unlit y-uc<.-, the pr.-clatnalion was i ued. The bat -1 lb- oc -irre-1 on the 17th • f Sspti m-*r, and tin- proclamation w., i**u don thn | 83d. General Porter remained in rom martd w :th G- ti< t*l M> 1 .• Run. and *.. in the • t gage uents to which 1 have ju t referri d. .\fter the battle of Vntietam ' ' M ''leilan w. rem ved from the command of the Army, ami In re moval wa* disapproved la the ina.-i* of 1 ih American people. N • man during ' all tl.<- w. r, i mmm. ling trooj - in the '•.ii ice of the Federal '> .vemroent, had the comfldence of the i tliccr* and mil -I er* that General McClellan had in spired. All who lived at the time or have read honestly know that truth. And so great was the disappointment at hi* removal that there w* even danger of innuliordinntiori The removal of General McClellan disturfied the country seriously, and General P- p> having failc*l to put Gen eral Porter under arrest immediately, the public aen'iment w well known and demonstrative that something had occurred that was improper, and public sentiment had to be relieved once more by tome positive action on the part of the Government, and so General Porter wa* accused. The career of the man who hod failed to put him under arrest, and who was heralded from the West as • gentleman who had large military ex ticrience, who had earned success in battles on the Western fiver*, and from whoe future military service the ooun try oX|>ecled so much, coded in di*ap t-ointment. I have heard much sold her.- of the wonderful military genius of General Pope. Gentlemen who say they krn-w him intimately speak of h'* early promise, of his services in the war with Mexico, and hi* successes in his various commands in the armies during the war of the rebellion } and then the rhetoric of his proclamation w* quite in har mony w:th the declaration ol hi# friends in their opposition to this bill. Forced into the war, Mr. Speaker, and holding an official po*ition where it became my duty to offer nil the moral and physical power* of a great .Stat# to the defense of the Government, surely I desired it to terminate, and with a view to that it is not improper for me to say here at this time that afier the dis asters of Hull Hun and until a few days after the close of Antietam the great State of Pennsylvania contributed to i the service of the Government more than tiilriy thousand men. There was no (iiaaatcr to our armies during the war wh-ch caused greater distress than that at Manaasa* and Hull Hun. Indeed, for a time, strong, faithful, and loyal men hesitated aa to the future, and U rw quired the recall of McClellan and hi* rcktoration to an army ho had so long commanded, organ /.- ( t tie t* tale to sustain thn Government, but the removal of McCb-Hiin caused great disappointment ut the time, as all know who either lived during that war or ever re.d it* history v\ith attention find with n disposition to judge fairly of men and events. fJeneral Burtiside was placed in command when Mcflellan wa# removed. He is dead; but be wa* as kind and good hearted a nun usover lived, und I will say nothing in reproach " ' ITLIF-r tli#* man or I)JI IIP rendi-ri-d to his country during his life. ''illier acting on liis own judg "lent or, niucli more likely, under in "'ructioim from Washington, oat down with hi- army at Falmouth and waited un'il the enemy erected bvtterieson the - other *id<- of the rtver to receive hilil, and then threw his army soroas, not to ju I'.-ittle, but to a slaughter, nnd it is ■ remarkable and may be regarded un one "1 the fortunate events of the war thst lone single man of that army mr n j turner 1. Twenty- three thousand re- I fDHtniHi on Uh* other ►i * I or vfer*- <:r | rie*l bark wounded. General Burn-ide j lu eepterl t lie su nation and 'leclared his unfitrie** to l ouunand ao large un army, ' und I utter no il:-re*p"r t to hi* memory tor he wo* sn excellent soldier anl a loyal, true m.m when I *uy that the country accepte i , juration a# true. <'f course General P-urni'le retired from the command of tha gi- at army, ; and General Halleck, YYIIO wa* In rt at ' tin- eupital, Rj-itirned, in. '.nni-etion wi'h the Secretary War mi-1 the eoun*r-ls surrounding him, to direct the move ment* o( u,e army from the capital. H hnt effect can it have u{>on this ca*e to fejieat *o often the klory of the bat tie of Marengo, as it i* <{on- in very florid language by the gentleman oje posed to this bill? Marengo lias la-en rehashed and served up to this House ! three time*. I pro|MK to turn tin- at tention of this llou*e to the condition I I of atlliir* some tiin<- before the battle of Marengo, and my find better illustra tion ot the r-a*on* of failure here. Frederick the Great had changed the military system of the world once tuore. Armies operated in straight lines or an I gle* and lines of fortifications, snd id a system of warfare thu* to ie conducted on s.-ientifi • principle tle re w.-oi always the presence of the quartermaster and commissary supplies in übun iance : op •-rating, s* ;t w .s term. I, tioin a ba-e. In Austria the Aulic *" .urn .! wa* <- tabluheJ, and that body had charge of the military utlair* of tb<-• mptre and directed nnd controlled the movement* 'of troojis in t!. field. They directed the tiumlx-r of men, and on their mnj (cnfnyfon ne. r t fag*- A Difattf't - COL xraarsiT—There are dsng'-r j# count- rfeiU in circulat-. n j ir; -rlirig t-> I*- "Walnut lysf H:r lb • kt r■ r." The tr- rig-t evidence of its 1 i,-r<-st value is lbs fsct thst parti'-* know ing it* great effi acy try to if. K i h totlle of th<- ce.utiif bs a tnr *imi/e of a wslnvil 1- sf—blown in tti* glsit and a Green on the outside wrap;>er. The "Restorer" t* a harmles* as water, while It j- new-i all the properties n.-t < *ry to rest* re life, growth and color to the hair. Purcha-e .>nly Irotn res/ ;ar. fie*. Ak your druggist f<-s it Bach bot tle is warranted. Jobtist. n, II !1* way A Oo.,'Philadelphia, ar l Ha'.l A Kackii, •Jew York, Wholesale Agent*. fly (juirk Ktilnay Time. IWkOrJ, 111, Jan. 18S0. Tha Li fo rm,t y v. it -* kavr mppomud r- ,nk I'. BUir, *oU a)tnt f r tkt / if. of m,r QIUrA TVjia Walrh t in f'.e i; luU'joou. lb* Kroau W *T n Cnsrisr. BY II'iSMEK P. ill I.I.ANH, Sec. li-*iiiig most thoroughly testi-i the I! ckford Quick Tisin Watches for tin .s*t three yosrs, 2 otb-r to- ui with tiie lulls**! confidence ;• the best made and nio*t reliable time keeper for the tn-iney | that can be obtained. I fully gunranlff r. cev ll'a.vA for two vtart. ' Fit AXK /'. M. AIR, ' So. 2 HTOCL.I hoif Rtnr. AII othrr ,la/Tikn Watckf * at rrdufti price*. Dioarox, Jan. 27, I&S2. The Rock ford watch pnrcha*e *1 ■tnllss la **r *pb#r* MUS V-r nnslas s*NS e lln* a hss. raistoirgh. Fa INtl's H--,##■-*,**, i-uMlsfcsd by ll*iw* # Sr., Rmsd Is nWu*. *o' ps*n TO* lutsrt w-rltaa lb* setears r*MwW. A a.irs for taut*mm!ln**#*. twiMß taa *4 fw"- Gar your Job Work BHor*4T. J thws Ya*api iCo | u% um kfa turn* f.-.hnrt, P, | , t f/Ut j a * NEW STORE. # Largest w fewest # Stock. m Goods. • Kvry thing DRV Youw nt. jPj Notion*. I'ooUaod j <'HKA I'KST jm s# '. . i >*h. WK Wl. ,i v icv , N j roit LA ,„ >K ' ASH , QUANTITIES .1 nW<,r\r> CUKAPKR 11 - that wv. y '•IVE 81'KCIAL I'.A K'iAINS * I or thf* next ' U I " *2# - f I'AY>. • ; COBURN. - PA. i 1 I• >m Mis ■ * /MJhtm ° FcrallS."JV\ I RCMCDt suAt DISEASCSI iTCmR.ITCaSOKCS PIMPUS./ WRING wc ?;> j THE GREAT EC!PI : ITCHING FHM - f \I rwctMi;Um{NlfiU(flf tr Ail f ! .*>4 TOf*. PwaT*'§ ' c: .1 •r•.- '# ' ■ t * a * rt m&rktA. £ i f ! pteA - WX .. * i .illfM :!U. r • %' ■ • . • r t *' * * *••*. •• * • I .*• rII4 t < * * * t. IV •-* -• * ' • ** - • HI- mmr tn . . I n. <• At r -I- •O A A ! * ' ' r " * > • ■* i •••• I/m .4 • ~ ..M .1% . I. . *► • tit* Us*. " •■* ' r■ • . w< *ti • <| jl • . 4 - * ■ •f ~ *~t tl y wi cjv .r;rr * noxco ■■■••• * V< ■ * c • 4 t-r tw ir" •*• t • - '('t*rt , ►' t • <* ft * - to- • V I : it A \ , *•-. a< rw "rtrmrAo." I * •* ' 4 ' *!'.•< r - r*. .1.1. I . mdn.iasiwfui., t a., m. . I ...m fat I CISNER e 1 iIOELSON. I Q >tf r.■ i-frnhl3. Pn.l Ke partT is p:'. it!ci, as: IT.- uct la rt'.igiec 41 THE Tttlt J THE I.A ROE IKIt NLK WKRKI.V M , KELtmocs .K(>rn~iLAn , NEW MMM 182.1 ) No r|*t to 111. ' Mtolrj Uttaw itruiiMlnl I Itu (Mr* or Emtom D ItTaro. t'nm- .t.otti .i t> th. oiftoriot frol.mlty tt. I l,|. t. tt.r. .ml nltiot iota .till ornfc tk. (trnTii Olb(•. <.( tt 1 liwt k hd tk. talilij (< to( t (IM| f..r tbotr trort To* Oo*rro*rai*T. of tb- OooMm on tmfa oil I.n t. ood tb. •. rorWattt ; i i|Mri.J Mtrn ot4 •!•*( im. foroiofctof a ftto of It. not. dit ton of tb* oort oorfc Tbo Nfortooiit of Anotrrt onto. Itrorrtt *rvo.i fcim tuom ood Ecuoior* oao* on ■ ..ixlortod hj oojw.t. obn .Tito rtnrl* ood to lb. |(ot Tbo Oo rnrrt dooo oot Nil It. ralomi trflb k| Mart ood obi orwoi, t
    iout opoo nr. mbiOHitt.tnf tftrol itndf too tuot ta on* net I aroioMt or otrr neo doltor momfaobio' or * m*o U>r 1 too**T t Lrrr***," oo tlogaoU? boood otdotooof dfbt 1 rC**. w. rfpricM. Evonrthing new and frc*h, at Gaman'i.