Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 28, 1884, Image 1

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    £l)c Centre s£k Ocmocrui.
S. T. SHIdKBT k E. L. OItVIS, Editors.
VOL. 0. .
She Centre
Tormsll.ftO par Annom in Advnnoe
Thursday Moraine, Februarv 28, 1884.
WE notice that Mr. Benj. L. Fors
ter, of Harrisburg, has t>een appointed
to a clerkship in the Attorney Gen
eral's office. Mr. Forster is an intelli
gent anil well informed Democrat,
deserving of recognition in a depart
ment supposed to be Democratic.
THK meeting of the Democratic
National Committee which met at
Washington on Friday last, 22d Feb.,
appointed Tuesday, the Bth of July
next, as the time for the meeting of
the convention in the city of Chicago,
to nominate candidates for President
and Vice President of the United
THK ring power in Philadelphia
has again resumed its old sway, and
reform and the Committee of One
Hundred have been broken and
smashed to smithreens. The rings ters
and corruptionist of either party will
now join their forces as formerly, and
restore the city government to its
former methods.
—— ♦- -
THE Harrisburg Independent thinks
Col. Quay put his foot in it, when he
published his letter about selecting
delegates to the National convention.
The rank and file do not follow his
instructions enthusiastically, and the
Indrpmdcnt thinks the boss had better
y get out of sight and stay out for some
time, if he desires to preserve some
thing of his old popularity.
■ i ♦ m
THE Pittsburgh Pott says: The
place of the late lamented Eli/a
Pinkston, in the ejections of John
Sherman, bas been taken by auother
sooty female, one Mrs. Violet Keeling,
whom honest John had before his
Danville Committee. She swore if
ever her husband dares vote the Dem
ocratic ticket she will quit his bed and
board, if she has to work for a quarter
a day and find herself.
- i— ♦
A LETTER has been published pur
porting to have been written by Sena
tor elect H. R. Payne, of Ohio, in
which he is lepr&eated as saying "it
would be sufficient for me to say that
I am not and shall not be a condidate
for the Presidency.'' The only novel
thing in the paragraph is that it comes
from an Ohio man, aud dccliues the j
tffice of i'resideut of the United Slates.
Gov. ABHETT, of New Jersey, in
his inaugural address, intimates to the
legislature that before making appro
priations to increase the expenditure*
of the state, it will be necessary to
provide means in the tren-ury to meet
the appropriation —that he will decline
to approve bills necessitating expendi
tures by the state until proper means
are adopted to raise the necessary
funds for that purpose. This is good
sound sense, proving that New Jersey
has a good sound Governor who means
to place the credit of his state upon a
bases that will not only astonish the
natives, but afford an example of
decent expenditures that others may
imitate with profit.
MR. GEO. H. ELY, who is largely
interested i> the I-ake Superior ore
monopoly, appeared before the Ways
and Means' committee, said that with
a doty of seventy-five cents a ton the
Spanish ores were meeting those from
Lake Superior at Pittsburgh and com
peting with them. He was a believer
in high weg®*- To Mr. Morrison he
said that wages bad not increased since
tithe tariff on iron ore had been doubled;
"but the tariff has only been aix
months in operation," he suggested.
"Oh, well,'' answered Mr. Morrison,
"that's long enough for you to increase
a man's wages." Mr. Ely after he
got increased duties on ore last year
forgot all about the relation between
the tariff and wages. It was the law
of supply and demand that controlled
wages after bis interests were fixed.
That is the case as a rule.
Do Wo Raoolvo Full Value.
The election iu the coming fall will
he one of unusual importance to our
people, and involved grave aud solemn
responsibility, which should be timely
. considered and bravely met by the
voter. Beside the choice of Presiden
tial electors, moulhcrs of congress and
members of the legislature, all the
county officers except District Attor
ney and County Surveyor are to he
elected. In the choice of these the
people of the county have a great
personal interest and it becomes theui
to canvass well the merits of those
who aspire to the position to be filled
I and select none but men thoroughly
competent, absolutely honest and en
tirely fit to represent them in these
several places.
We do not need men, who, inflated
with their own importance, travel the i
county and claim office as the reward
of mere party adherence without rc- |
gard to qualifications for the duty to
he performed intelligently aud effici
ently. But wo do need and the times
require men able and honest, of known
qualifications, who feel it a duty wheu
called upon to serve the public for the ,
public good, rather thau the small
emoluments that many accrue to them
by virtue of the office.
We shall doubtless have scores of
aspirants pressing for preferment, |
traveling the county and detailing
their merits, virtues, services and ex
hibiting cheek enough to make an
ordinary devil blush. We pity the
good people who must endure this
periodical bore. It would lie the right
thing and only administer a proper j
rebuke to these bores for the people
when they assemble in convention to
make a ticket of men entirely compe
tent who have remained at home and
diligently attended to their own busi
There is another view of this matter
and one in which the people are deep! v
interested. It costs just as much to
have able, honest, capable aud intelli-.
gent men in these places, as it does to j
have inferior, incapable tfhd ignorant
men. It is a truth that in nine case*
out of ten, the inferior, ignorant and
incompetent man costs the taxpayer
much more than the honest, faithful,
efficient and capable man. Ignorance
an.l incompetency leads to errors, mis
government, crooked account' and
many other evils of which the people ,
i justly complain.
If a farmer hires a mnu to do work
and agrees to pay him wages, he ex
pects, and justly, too, that the man
will be able to do the kind of work
required upou a farm and that, too, in
a careful, competent manner, and in
such amount as the nere-sities of th<
farm demand. If the hired man dors
not come to these requirements he will
certainly he {discharged and never
again hired by the Mine farmer. The
same reasoning applies to nierchants i
in fact to all branches of business. A
private servant is paid so much to
k°ep our house oi stable clean, or to
do n certain kind of work. We do
not think we have done our duty by ,
simply paying his wages, wc see it he
has properly performed his duties. If
! he is found direlect he immediately
gives place to another. Why is it
then that we confine our carelessness
and inattention solely to public ser
vants aiul allow them to return noth
ing for their wages, when their duties
and responsibilities are so great and of
so very much more importance?
A member of congress receives, we
believe, 15,000 a year and mileage.
We have had several contests in this
district between different men for the
nomination and in each instance Ex*
i Governor Curtin was nominated. It
i take* out of the public treasury ex
actly the same amount to pay Gov.
Curtin it would to have paid the
smallest and most insignificant man in
the district, were he sent to congress.
With this in Curtin's favor, that he is
I at) honor to the district and the people
.I he represents, adds influence and
| power ft/our state, and reflects glory
upon our great country. It would
I coat no more to the taxpayer*) of Centre
county, and take no more money out
of the public treasury to have an
honest, efficient and capable represen
tative like the Hon. C. T. Alexander
in the lower house, than it does to
have one who possesses no such quali
' ticationa. It did not cost near as
much to the people of the state during
the extra session, to have a man of the
capacity, ability and well known in
tegrity of the Hon. Win. A. Wallace
in the state senate from this district,
| as it did to have poor and inefficient
i members from many of the senatorial
and legislative districts. Wallace
only took $043.20 pay for tho time
the senate was iu session. Kight sena
tors and one hundred and twenty-six
representatives to pay in full, includ- i
ing the ten day recess and mileage,
j which in each instance amounted to
more than eighteen hundred dollars.
These arc grave questions to be con
-idorcd by intelligent voters. In your
i owu service you will of course give
the man who can do your work best ,
I the preference. Do this with your '
; public servants. Listen to no man ou j
I account of mere party fealty. Let j
your question IK?, is he able, compe- ,
tout and capable to fill the position
which he asks. If not, stand him j
aside and select men in whom you
have confidence, and whom you know '
to he able and competent to discharge i
the duties of the position to which you |
call them.
Stato Secret* Leaking Out
The Washington correspondent of
i the Harriaburg Patriot of Sunday la-t
has the following: "The revelations
in the New York Sun of yesterday in
regard to the Star route prosecutions
I have produced a genuine sensation in j
ibis city. It has been believed by
those best informed that same of the
uttorneys employed by the govt ri •'
incut to prepare testimony were bribed
by some of the mail contractors who ,
were iu danger of prosecution, but no
; one susjiccted that there was locked up
iu the safe* of the Post-office depart
ment the proof of the treachery ami
corruption of those attorneys. The
part of the Sun'* story wbiib relates
to Mr A. M. Gibson i not new here,
1 though the statement in the oooks of,
tho late <J. M. Hosier show a payment
to Gibson of $2,">00 for services ren- i
dered and to the partner of Colonel ;
W. A. Cook (another of the govern
incut counsel i of $4,000, is a revela
tion. fiibsfin is a Pennsylvania!!, was
one of the founders of Th< Paper, a
daily journal published for a shoit
time at Pittsburgh, afterwards became
the Washington cornspondent of the
New York .Sun, was a very violent
enemy of Senator Wallace and very j
active iu stirring up the feuds which
from 1 H7-" until 1880 disturln-d the ,
Democrats of Pennsylvania. In 188b
be had the entree of Chairman IJar
uum's National Committee headquar
ters at New York, but at the same
time was always welcome at the Re
publican headquarters and on very
intimate tonus with William E,
('handler. He managed to get the
confidence of Governor Tilden and
was trusted with important political ,
-. rets during the electoral trouble in j
l*7tV-7. William A.Cook is also a
| lYnm-ylvaiiiati. lie was at one time
j a preacher and afterward became a
lawyer. He hails from Greenshurg,
Pennsylvania, but has practised in the
! criminal court* of this city for many
i years. He is a Republican in politics.
Chairman Springer says that his com- i
mittcc will get to tho bottom of the
secrets of the Htar route prosecutions
and that no matter whom the investi- 1
gation may strike it will be pursued
with the determination to aid the gov
ernment in bringing the guilty parlies
1 to justice.
BISHOP SIMPSON declines to engage
in a theological discussion with Col.
Inge noil or any other person. He
' thinks such discussions arc productive
| of no practical go.-d.
d 1 Tho Department of Justice.
' Mr. Ralph Ratlin, iu his testimony
hridaylast before the committee in
vestigating exjieiiditureH in the De
partment of Justice, said that there
were more than sixty Deputy Marshals
' iu .South Carolina. He had examined
. the accounts of more than thirty of
them, and fouud that two-thirds of
, these had made false and fraudulent
• statements. He also testified that he
had examined into the official conduct
of United States Marshal Blythe, of
that Btate, and found that he had
ignored the instructions of the de
partment and the laws enacted by
congress for the guidance of Marshals
and disbursing officers ; that he was 1
! personally responsible for reporting '
, only about one-fifth of the amount of
fees and commissions earned in civil i
j cases; that he had frequently trans
mitted to the Treasury department, to
be allowed in bis favor, receipts and ;
I vouchers from witnesses of the United
States and jailors iu charge of prison-,
' or*, without having paid to such credi- ,
'tors of the United States tho full!
| amount specified in such receipts or ,
' vouchers ; and hud made untrue state
ments iu explanation of reasons why ,
he did not pay their claims; thnt he
had applied money entrusted to lnni
for purposes other than those provided
in the act making the appropriation : '
' that he had rendered to the depart- :
' ment weekly itemized report* of dis- '
I bursemcnt* which did not show all the
paymeot* made, and weekly slate-
I ruenl* of public funds, in which he
reported fictitious balances; and that
he had knowingly presented to the
Treasury department for approval ac.
counts for fees and ex [tenses of Deputy
Marshals, false and fraudulent items, ;
and had given as an excuse, that lie i
' did not examine the accounts when he :
1 made oath a* to their correctness. Mr.
' I'allin also testified that twenty-seven
Deputy Marshals, whom he named, 1
' had rendered false, fraudulent and
' fictitious accounts for services rendered '
' by them.
Tili- editor of the tit. D.uis
I .'leAe /'•>•/ in discussing the different j
Republican aspirant* for President,
.li-pos. of two of them, Sherman and 1
Logan, very unceremoniously. "The
Hiio Squalor is not to 1m? considered
in th; connection. He reached his
i political zenith in 1880, a* the leader i
; ! the anti-Grant forces, but the tide
turned and he was wrecked. He is j
not strong now aud never w ill IK- again,
lie is a man absolutely without
roaguclisiii, hit load always control* i
hi* heart.Of Logan the German
philosopher write-, "He amounts to
nothing in the race : he staked every
thing to sustain the unit rule, and
when wre finally carried the day and
hroko down the rule he was a crushed
man. He has never recovered from ,
it." And hi* present hid for the sol
dier element i* overdrawn and hope
less. The Poet believes the chances,
rest between Arthur and Edmunds.
WAYVI: M< Yr.ti.it, in hiMUrticlc in |
the Century \tagarine, discussing the
desirability of electing an honest man
President, thus refers to the crimes of
the Republican party : "They have
1 exhausted almost the entire calendar
of crime while they masqueraded in
the name of the Republican party
and piotested that their crimes were
necessary to its preservation. They
have stuffed bnllof boxes. They have
( forged election returns. And they
have done all this in the name of the
party whose first great historical
achievement was the election of Abra
j ham Lincoln, a name which has be
come a synonym, whcroVfer the Eng
lish language is spoken for plain,
downright honesty."
This is a fearful indictment to bring
against his party, hut the greatest in
famy of all does not appear in the
above paragraph—the tbeft of the
Presidency in 1870—the inauguration
1 of a base villainous fraud in the Pre
sidential office.
—Subscribe for the Cfc.vraa PiMocasf
IUK Clinton Pernor rut reflects ou
y views when it favors the freedom o
|# the mails for newspapers. It says, re
h fcrring to Senator Vorhees speed
B favoring free postage : Whether sucl
9 act should be adopted we are not jusi
j now prepared to say, but publishers ol
( - ncw*paj>ers should be relieved from
I paying the postage. The law, wherc
j by the subscriber wa* made to pay
i the postage, should be restored. It is
' now paid by the publisher, and is a
• 1 tax on him. So far a* we know, this
is all congress has done for newspa
pers. Iu all the scjiemes for protec
tion, the newspaper man is overlooked,
I or forgotten ; at least he is now "pro
j tected." Congress should lie the last
i body in the world to tax newspapers.
Inasmuch as newspapers have made
many congressmen, and some of them
' out of very poor material, it is about
I time they do something for their
creators. Turn about is fair play.
Tilt, thieves of the south, it ap
i [K-ars, are not alone in obtaining in
j famous uotoriety from the investiga"
tions of the Bpringer committee, j
Pennsylvania comes in for its full
I share, even if it Hoes not damage the
reputation of one of its illustrious
senators. Mr. Hume, the District At
torney for the western district, is de
j tected in some reprehensible practices j
detailed before the committee, by j
which the Governor ha* suffered great
loss iu connection wiib the Venango ,
Rank failure. This attorney, Stone.
I who was appointed by Hayes, the
Presidential fraud, on the recommen- :
dation of Senator Mitchell, it apj>enrß
ha.* a deputy named I). Cameron, who
is also Senator Mitchell's brother-in-1
law and law partner, and resides in j
Wellsboro,Tioga county. This deputy, (
it seems, is in receipt of per
annum from the government and reu- J
j dera no service whatever, besides re
siding about 400 miles from the Pitts- I
! burgh office. This case presents a*
bail an appearance a* any that ha*
' eome up from the south, and cast* a '
shadow sufficient discreditable to I'enn- J
•ylvanin to demand explanation.
AT the city election in Philadelphia,
a new trick in political rascality was
developed. Under the had system
| that ha grown up there- and ebewbere
| in the state, the fiolilical committee*
look out the lax receipts for great
i numbers of voters, who have been
i-ducated to the idea their taxes should j
jbe paid from the party fund*. The
. Republican managers on this hint.
| sent out circulars to the Democratic
Chairman IK ing forgw], warning tlicm
their tax receipt* wen? fraudulent, and
if they attempted to vole on them,
they would be prosecuted. Circulars
to the same intimidating purjioscs, in
regard to naturalization papers, were
cnt to foreign born voters. By this
! means a good many Democrats were
intimidated from voting. Several ar
rest* of prominent Republicans politi
cian* have INK- ii made for being con
cerned in the forgery, and they will
ibe prosecuted. John Shermau's com
' mittee. in hunt of outrages on the
freedom of elections, should go to
Philadelphia. — IStUburyh Port.
By all means extend Sherman's
commission. Let him investigate the
civilization of Philadelphia also.
- - - - m - ———
Additional Local.
I.RWOST NKWS. —Our little village Is
•till increasing.—Harry Williams, the
sadler, U getting bis lumber anil founda
tion ready for a new bouse.— It can now
boast of two store*, one doctor, two black
smith shops, one barber shop, one tinner,
one sedlor, one hotel, two churches, two
school houses, the greded end primery.
Mr. iloover teaches the graded and Mr.
Jacob* the primary. They are both ele.
gant gentlemen and understand their boat
nees About one-fourth of e mile west of
I/emont is the cabinet shop of Williams &
Roan. They also are carrying on quite an
extensive business.—Mr. John Kupp, the
miller et Centre Mills, is the boss miller of
these dlggins end tarns out No. I flour.—
Rev. T. M, Morris preerhed bis farewell
sermon la church at this
place on Sunday last.—Jobn, the weather
prophet, is laying low. I guess he will
give It up. Rirx MoI'XTAtK BOY.
TERMS: $1.50 |mt Annum,ln Aiivanrt
jr —The cilizep* of I'ine Grove Mil'* H'~
0 f making strong effort* to Lave the
e . Ran railroad extended to their vi)U r .-
and are holding public meeting* with iht
' object in view. It will be a great convent
ence to them, and we hare no doubt the
't ■ movement will be cheerfully second..! p.
if tho.e having the construction of that rt*.l
n u band. Below we give a couununicaii ,
received too late for publication )a*t week
I Mk Ktnros:—ln pursuance of a prof>.
j .ition made lo the citizen* of Pine(r< ie
*" , to continue the B. A It Kun railroad from
' Johnson'* Ore Mine* to I'ine Grove, th.-,
* in meeting awembled and organized I v
. j calling T F. I'atton to the chair and J V
: Kreb* a* secretary. After a few appr. j .
' ate remarks by K G. Brett and Levi Kr-1.-,
' j upon motion of It V. Brett a commute.,
wa* appointed to solicit and secure the
right of way. The following gentlemen
1 were chosen 11 G. Brett, J. C. tiampb.
j Levi Kreb*, J. 0. He**, and Dr. J. I;
Smith. There ara enlerpruing men an i
i mean business, and the railroad to I'm.
Grove Mill* we believe to be a fixd fa. t
unlet* the parlies making the proposition
j thouid back down or "tool " out. K
Sraisu Mill* Scraps. —HE v. Jem<*
I \Vii*on, I). !>., of New Votk city, and
j lady, are borne on a visit to tbe Hoc lor •
father, Peter Wilton. The occasn n
; their present vUit was tojoir, wubotb.r
friend* in celebrating Mr Wilton'* eight*
fifth birthday.
On larl Sabbath Ilev S. M Under ad -
minitlered tbe rile of confirmation to fie
j young persons, and a'to admitted la
; adult* by certificate. Thu* gradually tb-
little church that tlaried last summer with
la membership of eight it growing u,
strength and stability,
i W A. Brown, C. It. N'eff arid W A.
; Krie, were the only Gregg township
teacher* who attended tbe local institute at
Centre Hall. Where were tbv otbej ten '
Tbe Spring Mill* grammar school l
preparing for an exhibition at Ike close of
{ the term.
The firm of I'eelor A Long Las di*.
j solved partnership, Mr. l'ewior retinng
j The Uepuhlican* met at the miii Salui
I day evening before tbe election and } ul in
i nomination candidate* for justice, c. u.u-
I ble and school director. The nominee f. r
j justice, however, bad 100 much g*d w>n
|to rue against ao popular a man aa Scjuir.
Kishel, aad withdrew from the race. Th*
; others, however, one of whom was a dctu
ocrat, led a forlorn hope to the end
• •
Woods cats Irawa.—Weather cbaogi a
tie. Flection pa eel off quietly, our
village is fast improving. C. W.
liosterruan, the lively busitiea* man.
had the county surveyor and U.S. *tor-
I keeper laying otl a new atreet railed
Mountain Avenue Last week he l-rok.
ground for a new bouse on the avenue
for Mr. \an \ alio. Tbe yctsng men
received there new violin* laet week for
the new siting bind now forming in
town, with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Muokle
at tbe head. They expect to get a
teacher from lewisburg. Mr.Sbrunder
quit driving team and ia now running
Mr. J.C. Mots'* water mill. Mr Ilieij
is again running bis steam saw mill.
Black is on the sick list, but ia beltei
again. Jacob, tbe apple king, is oil
with a lot of applet. Sol. ia in the onion
business at F re*ent. News Rot.
Haines Township Items—Glad t-.
hear from Tick Wick" latl wck
Items are at present very scarce.
Public sale* are all tbe go.
Jacob I tower, Jr , make* tale of bis en
tire Urm it-sk on March Lb. arnl expect*
lorei.re. 11 • ioii Henry takes chmg -ol
the farm i> u spring. Suwot* t> *,.u.
Hen' < U
J" I' th Us We is
large a pim f<r L ro to gei auk> l .ii w.b
. ota ~de. John, <oo* si the jo.u
the nei; l me or .be number <>n t door
Iben you ins* su.se . a i gui p ...
It. G M s i ar u ii> hv>.
returned from their we*tarn trip and M*n,
to be very wi |b I with the;; i i.rnej
Mr H. U. llwlsriMi), from Moccasia,
111 . who has I -en j*tid.- c st* m. t , Ju
1 with hi* sgeit moih.r and tri-i.d* in tht*
I vicinity, intends to leave sen n for ih*
we*; lb • week. H irv. you R, t cua*e
back again, ami b-u gVn ,, : s
Willi* *j -l' George got u into
hit Ik s ) lo run the luail wagon l usell
last week And he dd have one end kicked
in before J. W got I. n cooled down. Wil
li*, you had better put weight* on bun to
keep him down. Beadee.
Pixe Geove T"Nire —Cyrus Got*, on
of Ferguson township * suocassfui farmer*
! naar Pine Grove Mills, ts confined to the
house from tbe eflferts of a badly cat foot
—The principle subject of discussion last
1 week was tbe Spring election, which re
> suited In a mixed affair—Mr. Todd, an
[ employe In J. B. Ard's mill, U moving U>
I'etersburgh. The to ll will be eem<d on
by the senior merols r, Mr Js. C. Miller,
1 who l*ohe of the h•-* mechanics in oei.tr*
i IVnn*.—Mr W, II Kreb*, ton of J. F.
. Kreb*, intend* sUrtiog wrnt in a few days.
Hit destination will b* Stephen sob county.
1 lu , whee p. nd the summer
a *
NO. 11